Your Favorite Rumble Moment

The Brain

King Of The Ring
This question pertains only to the rumble match itself. That means no Triple H vs. Cactus Jack or Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit, etc. For over 20 years the rumble match has been a staple of WWE and has never grown stale at all. We always know we’re going to see something significant take place. Sometimes it’s a surprise return. Other times it’s the kickoff of a new exciting feud. Almost always the result gives us a good idea of te WrestleMania main event. Being so long we often see multiple storylines start or advance. The Rumble has always been known as the beginning of the road to WrestleMania, but that does not just apply to the main event. For example the Goldberg vs. Lesnar and Angle vs. HBK feuds began in the 2004 and 2005 respectively. Which was your favorite Rumble moment? It can be from anything as insignificant to Drew Carey making an appearance to something big like Ric Flair winning the title.

My favorite moment is probably not a popular choice. As it turned out it was pretty insignificant, but at the time I loved it. I’m talking about 1996 and the debut of Vader. I had waited for years for Vader to come to the WWF. I imagined what it would be like for him to feud with The Undertaker and Bret Hart. Now he was finally here. I was so excited when he came out and it quickly became clear that his first feud would be with Yokozuna. I thought I was watching a new super villain who was going to make the main event scene very interesting over the next couple years. Sadly it did not turn out that way as Vader’s WWF run was pretty much a bust. Despite the eventual outcome I’ll always remember the excitement I felt when Vader finally debuted.

I know out of all the great moments Vader’s debut is a lame choice, but that’s what I’m going with. I have some honorable mentions, but I will wait for some responses to come in before I list them. What’s your favorite moment?
As a Rob Van Dam fan, my moments are going to be pretty Rob Van Dam centric.

5) RVD returns in 2006 - Huge pop, new attire, as botchtastic as ever, I was very excited. Having not seen Van Dam since Carlito's attack on him back at the end of June, and not in action since the previous January, having my favorite wrestler back in action was a welcome treat.

4) RVD enters the 2003 Rumble - Nobody would remember this but me. Chris Jericho was the only man left in the ring almost half way through the Rumble and when the clock hit zero, JR made a huge deal about how a specific number of people in 15,000s had just come to their feet for Rob Van Dam. It was swell to see my favorite wrestler get a huge call from JR and a Rumble entrance in a one on one situation.

3) RVD returns in 2009 - The pop was massive, the fans were electric, the surprise was genuine. I could not have been more thrilled with the five to ten minues of Van Dam related fun I got on this night. A treat in every sense of the word.

2) It's Clobberin' Time w/CM Punk - He finally got to say it into a WWE microphone. After holding the Rumble hostage no less. Classic in every sense of the word. From taking out a woman, to promising to make the Great Khali greater, to the massive CM Punk chants he eventually elicited and the intensity in his eyes when it was Time To Play The Game. What a moment for Punker.

1) John Cena returns in 2008 - An absolute shock, way ahead of when we expected him, and something which got the hostile New York crowd on his side of a brief moment. It was electric and Cena Supermanning it to victory was a sight for sore eyes after the ultra-boring Randy Orton title reign I was being forced to endure.

Honorable mentions:
-Mysterio wins the 2006 Rumble
-Bret and Lugar tie in the 1994 Rumble
-Benoit wins the 2004 Rumble
-Triple H destroys Stone Cold on his way to the ring in 2001
Difficult as there have been a lot of excellent Rumble moments to choose from, but I think I'll go ahead and say the pull apart brawl that Mick Foley & Randy Orton had in the middle of the 2004 Royal Rumble. Orton had held his own for something bordering on 30 minutes, he and Benoit had been slugging it out for most of that time and the Rumble was slowly entering it's latter stages, then came the infamous buzzer and Test was scheduled to join proceedings, but for some reason he didn't show. A cameraman conveniently discovered Test, knocked out of the floor. Meanwhile Steve Austin was barking at someone to fill Test's spot (we couldn't see them due to a wall).

As Randy Orton continued to deal with an opponent in the ring, the car crashing sound came and the crowd erupted as Mick Foley came into the Rumble with one single goal; eliminate Randy Orton! And he did just that, eliminating himself in the process. Both Foley & Orton then engaged in a violent braw with several vicious chair shots, low blows and even the Mandible Claw to Nunzio for good measure. All while this was happening, Jim Ross was going insane at ring side screaming about how Mick Foley wasn't a coward and had come to take down Randy Orton. Fantastic moment.
John Cena returning to the Royal Rumble in 2008 was fucking electric even though most knew what was going to happen. Another would have to be 2005 with Eddie Guererro dominating the whole match until he was eliminated. The crowd was so behind him and he was probably the most over guy in the Rumble that year. I remember pulling for him. That was a great moment, Eddie's last Rumble appearance. Another honorable mention would go to Kane eliminating 11 wrestlers in a row. He was really fired up and it was fun to watch a big man get that much momentum.

The best moment in my honest opinion would be Royal Rumble 2007 when Undertaker and Shawn Michaels were the two final Superstars in the Royal Rumble. They worked together against Edge and Randy Orton to take them out and now we finally get to see this dream match. It was ten years in the making since their feud on 1997 when Undertaker injured Shawn. The crowd was really into it. When the Royal Rumble ends its usually get special then elimination type of finish. That's not the case with these two. The WWE gave them time to put on a proper end to the Rumble. The feeling in the air was simply magic. This mini match gave us a taste of what was to come 2 years later with Wrestlemania 25. I would also say Royal Rumble 2008 when Undertaker and Shawn, this time, started off the Rumble. It had the same feeling to it. Two icons going at it. An amazing moment.
Here are a list of my FAVE Rumble moments. Most of them are within the last couple of years…

2008…John Cena’s miraculous comeback as the mystery #30 entrant and takes it all at the ’08 Royal Rumble. What better place to have the Rumble, than New York, and in The Garden? You couldn’t ask for a livelier crowd. Everyone is into it. We are in the midst of the frenzy and the clock was ticking down. All but 1 of the participants had made their entrances. Then 5..4..3..2..1…. “The Time is Now” plays and the doors swing open to reveal Cena standing there and the Garden goes WILD!!!! I don’t think anyone expected to see him back after the nasty powerbomb from the top rope he took from Batista during the previous Summerslam. That was a nasty bump. But sure enough, he was back and better than ever. Even as a Cena skeptic, I had to admit, that was a pretty amazing thing to see.

2009..Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan. It was down the entrant number 29. It was a great buildup. We had seen it all so far, Matt turn on his brother Jeff helping Edge to win the World belt. We saw Melina conquer Beth Phoenix. But the Rumble was the main thing everyone wanted. It nearing the end. The clock ticked down and it was time for #29 to come in. The buzzer rang, and all of a sudden… “One of a Kind “ booms through the arena…and out pops RVD!! No one ever expected this!! This was amazing to see!! He had been gone from the company for a while. He did eliminate Chris Jericho. I think we all were hoping this would be a permanent return, but alas, it was a one night only thing.

2010..Phillips Arena, Atlanta GA. There were quite a few amazing moments in this one for me. I’d have to say CM Punk was awesome in the Rumble trying to preach while he was eliminating each person. That really made me chuckle. He kept on doing that creepy preacher thing so well. I was almost sad to see him eliminated. Beth Phoenix in the Rumble made me stand up and take notice, I was always amazed at how strong she was and glad to see her compete with the big boys, then to see her eliminate the Great Khali was also very good too. But of course, we all were deafened when the #29 was buzzed in….”You think you know me….” The look on Jericho’s face said it all….the crowd was so insane…as were the people in the bar where I go to watch this. Even though it had been widely speculated for a while, its much different when he’s there and you see him spear the crap out of his former tag team partner. I think 2010 was the most intense RR for me to date. I can only imagine was 2011 will bring. I got my fingers crossed folks!!
My favorite Royal Rumble match moment was when Cena returned. The roof exploded with cheers from the crowd, and wrestlers like Triple H had the surprised look on their face (nice acting btw). Other moments that i liked were when Rob Van Dam came back in 2009. The other moment i liked was when the underdog Rey Mysterio won in 2006 :worship:
I have to agree with most of the people on here, and say that John Cena returning in 2008 was EPIC!

What a huge pop he got, nobodoy was expecting him to be there.

As soon as I saw him, I'm like "Oh, he's gonna win."
Going to echo the sentiments of 2010 RR with CM Punk preaching his gospel inbetween eliminations, that was just awesome!

Also loved the John Cena return, it was completely something I did not expect and was so pleasantly surprised!

Going back a few years I loved when Big Daddy Cool Diesel at the 94 RR eliminated 7 other wrestlers in under 18 minutes, that was pretty awesome.

RR 1990 the face off between Hogan and Warrior was pretty intense as well and led to Warrior winning the belt from Hogan at Wrestlemania later that year.
2009..Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan. It was down the entrant number 29. It was a great buildup. We had seen it all so far, Matt turn on his brother Jeff helping Edge to win the World belt. We saw Melina conquer Beth Phoenix. But the Rumble was the main thing everyone wanted. It nearing the end. The clock ticked down and it was time for #29 to come in. The buzzer rang, and all of a sudden… “One of a Kind “ booms through the arena…and out pops RVD!! No one ever expected this!! This was amazing to see!! He had been gone from the company for a while. He did eliminate Chris Jericho. I think we all were hoping this would be a permanent return, but alas, it was a one night only thing.

This was cool, except it was number 25 and plenty of people expected it (at least online, since it had been reported at least over the weekend if not before hand that he'd be making an appearance).
I Can't see why no-one has said this yet, But RR 2000, Grand master Sexay is number two, a few more superstars enter, then Rikishi Enters and dominates...Leaving him and GMS...The Buzzer Goes (and an annoying Airhorn that someone used) in comes Scotty 2 Hotty...Now as a Too Cool Nut, It was Unbelievable to see all Three Dancing in the middle of the Royal Rumble...The Pop they got was what Cena gets now...I'm Just Sayin...
My favorite has to be the popular choice of Cena returning in 08. It suprised me and every other pro wrestling fan. I am 99.9% sure you are lieing if you say you knew he was going to return at number 30 and win. Everyone thought Cena was going to be out longer than he was. That is the most unexpected thing WWE has done in a very long time. Vince and the WWE did a good job with keeping it on the down low.

My second favorite Rumble moment is from this years, when CM Punk talked the whole time he was in there about being straight edge. Now that was golden.
I love the Royal Rumble and I absolutely hate when the match itself sucks(2010). My favorite moment came in 1997.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was dominating the Rumble after entering at number 5. He eliminated everyone and was alone. Then the ring filled up again and yet again Austin cleared it. Somebody entered and were thrown out, then somebody else entered and was eliminated. Then, with Austin sitting in the corner, head down, breathing heavy when all of a sudden, here comes the Hitman!!!

As soon as the buzzer sounded and the guitar rift started, the look on Austin's face is fantastic. He throws his hands on his head knowing he's in trouble and the Alamo Dome is going nuts. It was awesome to see and my favorite Rumble moment to date.

Honorable mention goes to 1998 when the entire ring was waiting for Austin and he came from behind to attack them, it was hillarious.
Royal Rumble 1998 when Mick Foley came to the ring under all three of his personas. It was such a great Rumble for me personally and this was the icing on the cake. When he came in last as Dude Love I was in stitches, it started off such a great year, plus I'm a mark for Mick Foley.
When Chris Benoit won the rumble, being the no. 1 entrant... that was my first time to see a non-maineventer get a huge push like was simply awesome
my favorite was when hbk lasted past 29 other guys to win. Even I didn't expect it as i thought that he was eliminated. My second favorite was last year when punk just eliminated someone and then talked, and talked and talked.
suprisingly i found my favourite rumble moment was when edge speared rey mysterio off the ropes at the 2005 rumble if that doesnt count then edge winning the 2010 rumble even though it was obvious he was gonna win it.
There's so many to choose from but an obvious one that hasn't been mentioned yet was the double elimination to end the 1994 Rumble. Both Bret Hart and Lex Luger were eliminated simultaneously. Two officials kept going back and forth over who won, and the decision was reversed multiple times. Finally Jack Tunney came out and announced it as a tie.

One of the best parts to me was the fact that the replay really was inconclusive. They actually had some good replays from a few different angles and it really was a tie. Definitely a memorable moment in Rumble history.

EDIT: My personal favorite would probably be HBK starting at number 1 and winning the 1995 Rumble. He was my favorite wrestler at the time and for him to accomplish a feat like that especially with the way it ended was remarkable. I was on the edge of my seat for that as a kid.
5) - Shawn Michaels winning the Rumble in 1995 as No.1. He wasn't even a favorite in that match but lasted all the way and Vince Mcmahon calling it at the end : "Pamela Anderson will lead Shawn Michaels into the ring at WrestleMania".

4) - 1994 Royal Rumble being co-won by Bret Hart, i remember i was very happy at the end of that night.

3) - 1992 Royal Rumble - Heading into the event Jake The Snake Roberts and Macho Man were in the midst of their feud with Jake being in the ring already, somewhere around the middle mark, fans counting down 3...2...1... "Oh its the Macho Man!!! Look out Jake The Snake". I loved it, perhaps my favorite Rumble match to date.

2) - 2009 Royal Rumble - Although predictable, I marked out when Randy Orton won it.

1) - 1992 Royal Rumble - Ric Flair left alone in the ring, trying to get back to his feet and recuperate from a tremendous beating he got basically from every guy in the match. Suddenly, to the shock to Flair and Bobby Heenan who was at commentary, out next came Rowdy Piper and went nuts! on Flair, the two had a short but bitter rivalry.

Shame WWE doesnt do this anymore in their Rumbles you know, having couple feuds go on through the match itself like back in the day. It certainly added more excitement to the match. Anyway, those are some of my favorite Rumble moments :)
I think my favorite moment was when Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty fought each other in the rumble and everyone in the ring just stopped and looked on... i think it was one of the first times they had come face to face after shawn turned on him and you can just feel the hatred when the other guys stopped to watch as well... for the life of me i can't remember what rumble that was, which sucks because i would love to see it again. Another good moment was Hassan getting thrown out by everyone in the ring... and lastly I liked when bret came out after we all thought he wouldn't make it after owen kicked his leg. When a number didn't show up vince said that must've been bret and how sad it was and then a little later bret's number comes up and he ends up in that draw with luger (which sucked bc i wanted bret to win).

shit just read someone else's choice... was it macho jake that happened to??? i could have sworn shawn and marty had a moment like that too??? Damn someone please let me know if i'm wrong
I have to go with Royal Rumble 2008 when John Cena returned. It was my first year fully watching WWE, and John Cena was the only one I knew. Shortly after he got injured. I remember at Tribute to the Troops when Cena came in with the Santa suit, I shit bricks, and totally marked out. Can't remember if I predicted it or not, but when he came out I predicted him to win.

I'm going with this because of how big a pop he got. The crowd cheered the roof off when Cena came in, and when he won, they cheered louder. Of course this was around the time Super Cena started busting thru walls and such. It would have been bigger if the WWE hadn't wasted it with the title shot at No Way Out. Cena vs Orton at Wrestlemania would have gotten a bigger pop, since that was the feud before Cena went out.
I liked the fact that in 1995, not only did Shawn Michaels win from the #1 position, the last guy eliminated was The British Bulldog, who was #2.

Another personal favorite of mine was 1999, when Vince McMahon won it, and similarly to the 1995 Royal Rumble, the first 2 guys were the last 2 guys in the match, and was the first time a woman appeared in the Royal Rumble in Chyna.

Also, in 2001 when Drew Carey was involved in the Royal Rumble was pretty funny, even though we knew he wouldn't last in it. Also the dominance of Kane that year, setting the record for eliminations in a single Rumble match.
I have 3 royal Rumble memories that stick out.

Number 1: Mick Foley coming out in all of his persona's, this made a greatly entertaining Rumble event.

Number 2: Chris Benoit winning the royal Rumble at entrant #1. Did I think he was going to win it, I thought this would be a case of close but no cigar.

Number 3: Daniel Puder getting slaughtered in the ring led by Chris Benoit chest slapping him into a near coma. This one is mainly for the laughs.
The Rumble has always made many moments that you can look back on and be amazed. I my self don't really care for the late surprise returns, I think both cena and edge have came back late and won, I guess I just never found it fare. Um you can always say flare michaels and mysterio for going the distance all three truely are amazing. Nash and kane for the high numbers of eliminations both amazing. But I think the moment that most sticks out in my mind I forget what year it was but it came down to savage and yokozuna and savage did his flying elbow and he pinned him and yoko threw him over the top rope. I know it wasn't a special moment but it just sticks out in my mind for being completely dumb lol. DOes anyone remember that? If so please comment lol
My favorite would be in 2001, when Maven made his RR debut. and he dropkicked undertaker and eliminated him lol, the pop was phenomenal, and jr's patented "Oh my god!' was timed very very good lol, and the look on taker's face was priceless lol. Everytime i watch it i have to rewind it at least 3 times lol.
Royal Rumble 2007 When Undertaker and Shawn Michaels were the last 2 and it was the first time since 1998 they had any contact in a match. It was also a preview of things to come 2 years after that.

Plenty of more awesome moments too.

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