Your Fave Five


It's goin' down forreal!
Hey guys. Lately, we've been hearing about Booker T's Fave Five over at Smackdown which includes: Sheamus, Sin Cara, Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett, & Ezekiel Jackson. I don't know about Drew, but the rest seems to be alright as picks. Here is my Fave Five and why:

1. Booker T: The Book Man! He started out really bad in his commentating role but as time progressed he has turned out to be pretty entertaining. He's hilarious!

2. The Miz: Who doesn't love this guy? He works hard, which is proven by where he is now. Former reality dude - WWE Champion. He's AWESOMEEEE!

3. Sheamus: This guy is just impressive in the ring. He is an absolute beast in there. He's a great talker, great in the ring, and hell, he entertains me. Seeing this guy as top dog on Smackdown is awesome.

4. Sin Cara: Sin Cara has really risen in the ranks. He is getting a pretty big pop from what I'm hearing in Smackdown! The kids already love him, and the adults are alright with him. Hope he gets a manager or something so we can hear him voice his thoughts or whatever. Damn it Book! Him and his "The Flying Wallendas" comment on Cara, that was hilarious!

5. Christian: I've always been a Peep! With Christian's heel turn, it has made me an even bigger fan of him. His days as a face were numbered on Smackdown as soon as he lost his title to Orton. Give him the championship!

So, who's your Fave Five and why?
Yeah Booker has a good list on his fav five, plus these guys should be really grateful and motivated, when a legend says you're one of his favorite five on the roster, you know you're that damn good.

So here's mine :

1 - CM Punk - I'm just a total mark for this guy, like everyone else on the IWC, I really like his current character, he really stands out, his character is like The Joker on my sig, the Heath Ledger Dark Knight version, he's the one that does what he wants, says what he wants, adds some realistic epic humor to it, and is totally loved by everybody, I have yet to see any wrestling fan who actually reached puberty hate Punk, he's awesome, not only the best in ring worker, but also has the best personality, and is also the best mic worker.

2 - Dolph Ziggler - Not the best mic worker, not the best personality, but in my honest opinion, a fantastic in ring talent, and a funny guy when he has the chance to show off what hes got, he's already one of the best IC champs in my opinion, and I'm happy he's getting pushed on Raw, he's been saying that the U.S title title picture is the thing to watch on Raw, the fact that he puts over the title every single week is great, plus his mic work is improving, so I hope he gets a good world title reign one day.

3 - Daniel Bryan - My favorite babyface in the WWE currently, he's a cruiserweight, but still a total badass, and the best in ring worker behind Punk, I only watch his matches on Smackdown cause the main event is always repetitive and predictable(except for the one where Sheamus beat Orton), he's a Chris Benoit without mic skills and good personality, I hope he reaches the top one day.

4 - Sheamus - My second favorite guy on the blue brand, his first match on Smackdown with Daniel Bryan was great, his brogue kick is always perfectly delivered, he can go at it with some of the best in the business, he made a believer out of me with his match against Triple H at Wrestlemania, the guy is a decent mic worker, and has a unique look, what's not to like about him?

5 - Jack Swagger - Criminally underrated, the most talented big man on the roster today, he has a great moveset, just like Sheamus he made a believer out of me when he faced one of the greatest names in WWE history and looked very good, the match I'm talking about is of course his match on Raw a year ago against The Undertaker, they made him look so good, dominating most of the match, back then he was world champion, but unfortunately he got depushed, I'm rooting for him to win the Raw Money in the Bank match this sunday, he has the talent, the mic skills, the look, the charisma, I hope he gets pushed to the top again and the WWE better not drop the ball with him he's an amazing talent.
Christian - A DVD of his matches in 2011 alone would be worth watching. I still think his current run should be the very apex of his career, no way should he be a permanent headliner, but WWE could do a whole lot worse.

Randy Orton - Not a huge Orton fan, never have been. But while I thought his feud with Punk was slightly disappointing, his matches on Smackdown and subsequent PPV's have been darn fine.

C.M. Punk - Punk has been consistently great without doing anything, bar a few promos, different than usual. He has his usual standard, which is better than most, and he never dips below it.

Sheamus - Slowly turning into one of those guys who looks like he can have a good match with anybody. He should be huge when he turns face.

Alberto Del Rio - Good performer, good talker. Shipping him to Raw was a mistake, and a Big Show feud didn't help, but he generally performs well and for a new-ish guys he's fairly over and doesn't wrestle exactly the same as everybody else, for example The Miz, Riley & Ziggler.

Edge & Morrison would've made the list if, y'know, they were currently active.
5. David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty – Yes they are not doing anything with the Titles right now, but they have them. Until another team can dethrone them, they are in the 5th spot.

4. Dolph Ziggler – With Vickie's “help”, Dolph went from cheerleader to perfection in 5 years. In the next 5 years, I see him as a multiple time WWE / World Champion.

3. Ezekiel Jackson – He is the ECW Champion and current Intercontinental Champion. He has come a long way from being led by an Englishmen, first Regal, and then Barrett. At the pace he’s going, he’ll be WWE / World Champion in the next few years.

2. Randy Orton – # 2 Show. # 2 WWE World Title. # 2 Superstar.

1. John Cena – # 1 Show. # 1 WWE World Title. # 1 Superstar.

Superstars listed are subject to change.
1. Randy Orton has had my attention since he defeated RVD for the IC title in 2003. Since then he's had a legendary career and the best part is that it's barely halfway over - we still have much more to see from the 3rd generation star.

2. CM Punk never really stood out to me until he turned heel in 2009 and had one of the greatest feuds of the decade with Jeff Hardy. Now, he's the only reason why I watch RAW, he's the most must-see star in the entire industry

3. Sheamus is the most underrated talent on the roster today, everyone puts him in the category of Swagger and Diesel, aka people who got the title too early for no reason but I disagree - Sheamus was perfect in his run, they just randomly turned him into a gutless coward when he should've been the ruthless celtic warrior

4. Christian should be World Heavyweight Champion right now, and hopefully he wins the belt this Sunday at Money in the Bank. I know I just called Sheamus the most underrated talent but Christian is definitely a close second - I'm the only person in the world who thinks he's more talented than Edge but I do and I want to see him with the title.

5. John Cena is on this list but he wouldn't be if WWE had any other stars. Who else would I put here? Miz!? Del Rio!? Mysterio!? None of these people are true main event stars so I might as well put Cena, who is actually good on the mic (he was MONEY last night on RAW) and decent in the ring
My Fav five is....

1) CM Punk. Do I really need to say why?

2) Cody Rhodes. The man has been perfecting his character recently and has been great both in the ring and on the mic. A lot of potential to be had.

3) Sheamus. He's part of that little love triangle that has made Smackdown so great recently. He's possibly on the best run of his career at the moment, putting on great matches consistently since going to Smackdown.

4) Christian. Christian has done very well playing his heel role in the WWE. I do think that this is as high as it gets for Christian though. Once this feud with Orton is over, fuck knows what will happen to him. Still consistently giving us great matches, his match with Orton at Money in the Bank should be thrilling although I have no doubt it will be overshadowed by the outcome of the CM Punk/Cena match.

5) Randy Orton. I prefer him to Cena. I prefer his character to Cena's. I prefer his in-ring work to Cena's. Don't understand most of the shit this man gets, he doesn't actually do anything wrong, people always criticize him for maintaining his vicious, psychotic character during his mic work.
1. Most definetly CM Punk (The greatest wrestler in the world today, Need i say more...)
2. Drew Mcintyre (Hes scottish im scottish, Oh and when he headbutted the pod in the elimination chamber it was priceless)
3. Alex Riley (This guy has been excellent as of late)
4. R-Truth (Incredibly entertaining, Lil Jimmy)
5. Chris Masters (Somehow always been a "fave" he just needs a small push)

And you may overlook this if you wish but if i had a number 6/7 it would be The Usos, They've had a few good matches recently.

1. CM Punk: By far the hottest commodity in the business today. He's an A+ wrestler in the ring and is the best in the world with a microphone in his hand. The WWE would be foolish not to re-sign him as quickly as possible.

2. Alex Riley: Alex Riley? Yes, Alex Riley. I'm not crazy over him personally, but you can't deny the impact he's had since breaking away from The Miz. Booking has established him as a legitimate singles competitor on Raw in a very short time. The sky is the limit at this rate.

3. Sheamus: The Celtic Warrior is the odds on favorite heading into SmackDown's Money in the Bank ladder match. Sheamus continues to be impressive in the ring and adds spice to Friday night's main event picture.

4. Sin Cara: Sin Cara boasts a nearly perfect record since debuting in the WWE and is arguably the top dark horse to become Mr. Money in the Bank. He's mysterious, exciting and has Trips in his corner. Don't count him out.

5. Christian: Since returning from pectoral surgery in late 2010, Christian has done nothing but put on spectacular matches - win or lose. He will also be competing in a World Heavyweight Championship match for the fourth PPV in a row. Over the past couple of months, Christian has defeated nearly every competitor laid in front of him with the exception of the World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. This Sunday, he has the opportunity to change that.
1. The Miz- In today's age, he has some of, ( being conservative here) the best mic skills on the roster. As well as decent in the ring and he plays his part well.
2. Zack Ryder- I am serious. He goes the extra miles to try and get himself over on the internet, and in ECW showed to me great mic skills and wrestling.
3.CM Punk- especially recently has been magnificent on the mic, and he know he's great in the ring
4. Dolph Ziggler- He hasn't proved to be able to get heat on his own. but he can wrestle especially in today's age. In smackdown 2009 he had some great matches with Rey Mysterio and John Morrison.
5. Sin Cara- To me you don't always need a personality to impress. His high flying is awesome and should make MITB legendary.
In no particular order:

1. CM Punk
2. Sin Cara.
3. Evan Bourne.
4. Daniel Bryan.
5. Alberto Del Rio.

Why these 5? WRESTLING. Plain & simple. They came from WRESTLING companies. They know how to WRESTLE. They have WRESTLING matches. I don't care who's good on the mic, because I am a WRESTLING fan, the fact that some of them are, & they're entertaining outside the ring is lovely, but 1st & foremost, they are good in the ring, & they offer something different than the usual WWE product. One bajillion points if you can guess what it is?


Any objections, please refer to the name of this website & why we are hear. Because, We. Love.... WRESTLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think CM Punk may have mentioned something about it recently, which made all you WWE marks decide it was cool to like WRESTLING again too!
John Morrison- The guy has been my favorite behind Ege since his Johnny Nitro days. His style and character i connected with and his evolution from that to Morrison was cool to watch and though some may not like or care for him thats fine but im a MoFo and i believe he is slowly but surely getting to the main event status he deserves hopefully when he returns.

CM Punk- A wrestling god to me,very consistent and great all around.

The Miz- Hard worker and deserves everything he has gotten so far. I've watched the dude grow up from where he started to now and has been AWESOME!

Randy Orton- I've always liked him since Evolution, I prefer him as a heel or tweener rather than the super face is is becoming but still a have..he's the man.

Sheamus- Like someone else noted he is becoming one of the guys that can have a good match with anyone..really enjoying him on Smackdown and hope he gets a World Heavyweight championship run eventually.

Thats my fave five..i know i put JoMo whos out with an injury but i didnt know if its current or the whole roster injury or not if so Christian would be on here...always a peep.
1. The Miz - He's paid his dues, he's went from Interviewer...Jobber...Midcard...Tag Team Wrester, WWE the Main Event of Wrestlemania. He got kicked out of the locker room, had to change into his gear in the public bathrooms, Now Vince has him pegged as the future face of WWE, like Cena is today, He is phenominal on the mic, hard working and deserves all the success he is getting.

2. Christian - 2011, By far the greatest year of his WWE career. A brief Edge & Christian reunion, standing by Edge's side for his last match at Wrrestlemania, winning the World Heavyweight Championship, been in World Title matches for 3 consecutive PPVs, The top heel on SmackDown and feuding with the top face on SmackDown. Longoverdue his main event run but at least he is getting one, and he thoughrully deserves it. Peep 4 Life.

3. Cody Rhodes - I find him the most entertaining character on SmackDown, his promos, his new look, his new entrance music have all made Cody Rhodes a top player, I'm hoping for a Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton World Title match at Summerslam.

4. Zack Ryder - He has gotten himself over. He has made himself relevant and popular. With his short appearance on Raw last week, his continuously loud pops from the crowd and his victory on Santino Marella on Superstars, I'm confident the WWE are planning to use Long Island Iced Z on Raw more often.

5. Ted DiBiase - I love this guy. His is one of the best wrestlers in WWE today, in a way he reminds me of Christian, he is good on the mic and in the ringbut WWE just doesn't seem to utilize those skills to their advantage. I see big things from him in the future, he got the pinfall over IC Champion Ezekiel Jackson last week on SmackDown, he will most likely turn face and feud with Cody and who knows maybe sometime later this yar he will be a main event babyface, SmackDown has so few at the moment.

CM Punk would have been on the list were it not for his likely imminent departure from WWE.
1.CM PUNK he is the reason why raw has been so great these few weeks, like he said when he holds that mic, he turns it too a pipe bomb, his promos are the best, and he can wrestle

2.Rey mysterio hes very entertaining, people acsuse him of doing the same moves, but thats because he is injured, and people say sin cara is better, if rey was in his prime, he would out shine cara. and also rey has put a ton of people over, just ask cody rhodes

3.Rob Van Dam i dont like him right now, hes old but when he was in wwf/e he was awsome, he would do stuff no one has seen before, and also people say hes a spot monkey, but no hes not he does spots but that dosent mean he cant wrestle, his chain wrestling is awsome, and he is the only original ECW wrestler to hold a wwe title.

4. AJ Styles do i even have to explain my self.

5. R-TRUTH why is he not my #1 i smell a conspiracy
#5: Zach Ryder - how many stars can create a fan following without even appearing on television? because that is what Zach has done. a phenom on the mic, and not bad in the ring judging from his superstars matches, he could be a breakout star withing the year, given the chance.

#4: Daniel Bryan - great matches night in and night out, promos (while few and far between) are half-decent with room for potential. will be a top midcarder for a long time

#3: Alex Riley - your next U.S. champion, mark my words. he's a blue chipper and the total package of talent, looks, and charisma. and he still has tons of room to improve. a U.S. champ before Survivor Series, and a World Champ in 3 years or less.

#2: Miz - he is a genius on the mic, and really can get the fans into the show. while he's not the most technically sound wrestler, he can still tell a good story in the ring and is a belivable world title threat.

#1: C.M. Punk - do i really need to explain? simply captivating on the mic, great in the ring, and the hottest commodity in wrestling today. even if he isn't resigned with the E, he will take all the momentum to any company he chooses and enhance it 10-fold. there is only 1 C.M. Punk, and whoever has him under contract has an edge going forward.

Honorable Mentions: Wade Barret, Sin Cara, Cody Rhodes, R-Truth, Alberto Del Rio
1. CM Punk - I've loved him ever since ECW, and now just proved why he's so good, to EVERYONE.
2. The Miz - I've missed him being Champ, he's excellent at promos.
3. Christian - 2011 is his best year. I love him, he's very underused in WWE.
4. Sheamus - If he won Money in the Bank, this could make him so much better. He's the monster heel that isn't fat.
5. John Cena - The 'Real People's Champ', he is good all round. He'd be top if he wasn't champion.
1. CM Punk - The best all round performer in the business. As he proved last night once again he is the king of promos in the WWE maybe even in the entire industry. His in ring ability is top notch as well. CM Punk in my opinion might just be better then Jericho on the mic.

2. Alberto Del Rio - This guy is awesome, sorry Miz. He is a top heel in the WWE and his mic skills are great along with his in ring work. Since he arrived in the WWE hes had some great fueds and done some great things. He has had great feuds with Rey Mysterio, Christian, Edge, and Big Show. Del Rio also won the Royal Rumble and main evented his first Wrestle Mania. He is a top contender to win MITB.

3. Cody Rhodes - He has been great as of late. His promo skills have been good and he has been winning matches consistently. He has a follower in DiBiase Jr which may lead to a new stable. Rhodes has also been drawing alot of heat as of late with his paper bag thing which is what you want from your heels. He is my pick to win Smack Downs MITB match.

4. Mark Henry - He has been doing some great promos as of late. Very convincing in my opinion. He has been on a winning streak as of late as well. Personally i would love to see him as world champion. He has won me over as of late.

5. Dolph Ziggler - He is the current United States Champion and hes been great lately. He's had a great series of matches with Kofi. His only drawback is that he is not quite there with his promos. Thats what Vickie is for though. She draws him plenty of heat. She draws insane heat, X-pac and Jeff Jarrett type heat. He's going to be a top contender for the WWE Championship in the future.

Honorable mentions Zack Ryder, Daniel Bryan, Alex Riley, The Miz, Jinder Mahal, Evan Bourne, Randy Orton, and Sin Cara.
My Fave Five current WWE superstars...

1) CM Punk - simply the most complete package in the business right now, this current angle is quickly elevating him to a status amongst the all-time greats of the company

2) Daniel Bryan - the best in-ring competitor in professional wrestling today anywhere in the world.

3) Christian - criminally underappreciated, he is every bit Edge's equal in every way (except look, but he still has a marketable look)

4) Ron Killings - finally this guy is being allowed to entertain legitimately, prior to this Punk angle he was the main reason to tune into WWE programming for a few weeks

5) Miz/Rhodes - it varies who is better from week-to-week between these two, but both guys are quality heels who usually deliver. Miz is a little bit stronger on the mic, yet Cody's work over the last few months has been great; while Cody is a little stronger in the ring, yet Miz has turned himself into a pretty respectable in-ring performer who, at times, still gets unfairly hated on for that aspect of his game.

If I were going to extend the list further the next candidates would be guys like Sheamus and Ziggler. It's pretty obvious that it is the heels, and the heels only, that are keeping this company watchable. Every top face in the company is either stale or over-hyped or typically both, with no exceptions.
R-Truth- I think his heal character is one of the best we've seen in a long time, like i've said before he comes off as a crazed ass hole as apposed to a winey bitch like most of the other heels we've seen recently. I hope he wins money in the bank so his heel run once again takes center stage.

Christian- Although CM Punk has one me over with his under appreciated angle, Christians been living this role long before CM Punk laced up his boots. I hope he wins WHC sunday, however don't see it happening. I think the viper wins again setting up for a dashing feud. However if vince's worked apology to the wwe universe last night means anything then maybe christian does get a win and a reign.

Cody Rhodes- As I mentioned above although Christian deserves the win I predict that Randy keeps the belt. Cody goes on to when MITB and we have a great feud for the WHC between two players who have a ton of history. The mentee taking on the mentor. Rhodes could have Debaise in his corner (cause lets face it, Teds shown us nothing besides being decent corner man). Randy and Cody have worked together extensively in the past and he would be the perfect opponent for Rhodes first main event push.

The Usos- Best tag team going. Otunga and Perfect Jr. are great on their own but but not as a unit. These guys have put on great matches as of late and could heat up the tag division with a feud between slater and gabriel.

Tyler Reks I know he hasn't done anything since his first and only push of returning and imediatley qualifying for team smackdown, but he's got very unique look and he's powerful. I think as of late all the new big guys they've brought in have been bland, Reks is different and if used corectley could turn some heads

Injured fave five
alot of the guys I wanted to include are currently inactive but i want to give them an honorable mention anyways.
1. Goldust- I hope they give him one last run with a shot at the WHC, even if he doesn't win, Dustin Runnels and his gimmic (which is the 2nd longest running next to Taker) deserve a shot at the belt on a PPV.
2. John Morrison- I know people have said year after year he'll be champ, but this time I truly believe he'll hold it before 2012 ends, before 2011 if they give his return a proper push.
3.Brodus Clay-Dont think we've seen him since his concusion, but very entertaining.
4.Skip Shefield- Nexus really lost steam when they lost roster depth, he was their biggest loss
5.Kharma- I predict Kharma Vs. Phoenix for divas belt at next wrestlemania
R-TRUTH: Take that, Lil' Jimmy!
USO'S: Impressed me ever since day 1, they deserve this push
CM PUNK: Does this one need an explanation?
KOFI KINGSTON: With the right storyline, he could once again dabble in the main event scene
CODY RHODES/MARK HENRY (TIE): Both have been on fire recently, especially Henry

Honorable Mentions: Christian, Kharma (when she returns), Big Zeke, McIntyre, Del Rio, Miz, Riley, and Sheamus
In no order:

CM Punk: yes I'll admit it, I hated the guy. Not because he was a heel, i just never liked him. EVER! But then, when he came on the mic two weeks ago, he did something a wrestler hadn't done in years. Broke kayfabe, broke the forth wall so to speak! It was the first time I marked out since The Rock came back. Then this week, he went even further! So I'm definitely going to have my eyes glued to MITB this Sunday!

Alberto Del Rio: Yeah, everyone's saying he's a mix of Eddie Guerrero and JBL. While I can see what they mean, I love this guy! 6'5, 270 and he's one of the best in the ring.For a guy his size, he's pretty agile. He already has a little catch phrase, and he knows how to attract heat from a crowd! Not to mention, his ladder match with Christian was one of the best matches in recent memory IMO! I hope he wins MITB for Raw.

R-Truth: Once again, i never really cared for the guy. But when he turned heel by attacking JoMo over a month ago, I marked out. Dude lit up a ciggy on t.v! Plus, he makes me laugh tremendously with the Little Jimmy, conspiracy, and "getting got" segments. Just love him, he's my # 2 pic for MITB!

Mark Henry: Yeah, just think, a couple a months ago, he was in a stable with Santino called APPLE. Now he's throwing people through cages, off stages, and through announce tables!! This is the Mark Henry i love, the silver back! He hasn't been this way since his feud with Batista back in January '06. I can't wait to see what's in store for Mark, who knows maybe a decent title run before he retires as a "thank you".

Sheamus: size, agility, passion, heat, the guy has it all! He's the Smackdown, Irish version of Del Rio for me!

P.S, did you all notice everyone on my list is a heel? The only face that I really care about in WWE is Sin Cara.
This is really tough for me, seeing as how I just got back into wrestling.

1. R-Truth-He's taken this angle and nailed it. From what I've gathered, a lot of people didn't think he could handle the pressure of this anti-Cena heel role, but I think he's done a great job with it. Not sure why they let up on the angle after the PPV to be honest.

2. The Miz- Seems like this guy has what it takes to be a top heel competing for the title. Although, the current angle he is in with Alex Riley is ok, but they need to add something to it fast. The "really?, really?, really?" thing is pretty good too.

3. Rey Mysterio Jr.- Legend....Enough said

4. CM Punk-The last few weeks, he's proven he can work a mic just as good as anyone in the locker room. I'm not sure what the WWE is trying to do with him though. He's in this angle with Cena, who is the face of the WWE, but yet, he's in another angle with Vince who is supposed to be a heel(I think this is changing though as time goes on, the fans are considering Vince a legend, which he is, so the heel angle for Vince isn't going to be like it was when he was going against Stone Cold) They need to make up their minds.

5. Randy Orton- It's a shame the WWE won't combine the rosters, would love to see an angle with The Miz and Orton, or CM Punk and Orton. The reason he is in my top 5 is because he is the best overall "wrestling" talent in the business.
5.Randy Orton - A really good wrestler to watch
4.Christan- im a peep :D
3.John Cena- i dont care what people sat one of the most entertaning guys out there
2.Cm Punk - two letters B A
1.HBK - i cant put it into words
My Fave Five would be this...

1.) CM Punk - There is no doubt about it. He is the hottest commodity in the wrestling industry today. If WWE doesn't re-sign Punk, it'll be a huge mistake on their part. Pure gold on the mic and one of the best in the ring. He really is the only reason I have been watching WWE since HBK retired.

2.) The Miz - He has become one of the best that WWE currently has to offer. He has consistently been entertaining and his feud with A-Ry has been pretty enjoyable so far.

3.) Cody Rhodes - He is doing some great stuff over on Smackdown. His character is great, he is good on the mic, and good in the ring.

4.) Christian - I've always been a peep. Enough said.

5.) John Cena - It's very rare for John Cena to break into my "Fave Five" As much as Cena has been shoved down our throats and as limited his move set is, it doesn't change the fact that his feud with CM Punk right now has made WWE "Must See Television" once again. It's mostly because of CM Punk, but Cena has been good as well.
Randy Orton - The best in the world. That's how I see it. I don't see anyone who has the look, the ring skills, the character on the level of Randy Orton. He works his matches beautifully, utilizing in-ring psychology better than any other guy out there (yes, even more so than Punk). He doesn't rely on big spots, or poop jokes for 10 year olds. Great, great wrestler, my personal favorite.

CM Punk - Punk is a close, close second to Orton. I think he's the most natural mic worker in the business today, and always puts on a great match. Technically, I don't think he's as sound in the ring as others believe, but he's a worker. Knows how to make himself, a smaller guy, look credible against bigger, stronger men. His character is second to none, and I hope he continues to grow in the eyes of the fans.

Trent Barreta - Outside of Orton and Punk, there's no one I'd rather watch work a match. That's right, in all of pro wrestling. This guy has it, in the ring. Can he build a character? Can he talk? Will he be given an opportunity? I don't know. But, I'm hopeful. Could be a big, big deal in the wrestling business.

Cody Rhodes - He's on his way to becoming an absolute star. Great ring worker, never has a bad match. He can work just about any style you want, and with any size guy you choose. Very, very versatile. I think he's a bit overrated on the mic (too monotone), but he has a character built. Seems very scripted as of late, and I don't like that.

Christian - Does nothing but put on good matches. Always has, and will probably continue to do so until he retires. His heel turn started out well, but the creative team on Smackdown hasn't done him any favors by being lazy and... uncreative. I hope he gets an opportunity to become a major heel within the WWE, maybe even moving over to Raw sooner rather than later. A feud this fall with Cena would be quite entertaining.
1. Kane
I miss his mask but everything else stayed. He's still a giant, he's still scary (not to me.. but you get what I'm saying), and despite his bum knees he still stays loyal to the company and competes all the damn time because he understands that it's for the fans.

2. (Used to be Edge) John Morrison
Morrison has arguably the second best look, second to Orton of course and maybe Cena. When you combine that with his crazy athletic ability then you have a superstar who could really take off. I really enjoy his work and hope he gets healthy soon.

3. John Cena
Everyone hates on him but the fact is he is the best in the business. Works his ass off and gets results. Great on the mic, brings in the $$$, workable in the ring, great as champion or chasing the championship. He does whatever it is the company needs him to do. Stay out of the title race and feud with a bunch of rookies (Nexus)? Sure why not. As a fan I understand how much I should appreciate John for everything he does.

4. Cody Rhodes
I can't wait for this guy to get a world title push. Entertaining in the ring and great on the mic. His new gimmick is taking off. I just wish he'd get some knee pads already.. lol

5. Alex Riley
This 5th spot is really subject to change but lately he's been dynamite. So much so that I thought how could I not put him here?

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