Your face of the company

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Its safe to say that John Cena is the face of the wwe right now. Some think he's worthy of it some don't. I for one am in the middle. i wish that Cena would change his moveset cuz im sick of seeing shoulder block shoulder block spinning backdrop Attitude Adjustment STF. But if you could change the past few years, and make someone else the face of the company. Who on the active roster or someone who has been in wwe in the past few years would you have put in Cena's spot? My choice would be Chris Masters. Now hear me out before you start to call me crazy. I kno Cena was already the face of the company at this point, But if wwe would have booked Chris better, made him face, gave him a better gimmick then that gay ass masterlock challenge shit. and actually let him show his talent.... This guy could have been huge! he had the look of a standard main eventer IMO. I think he was just another missed chance by the wwe. Your Thoughts?

this guy was getting over Austin style he could be cold, heartless, and beat the shit out of other people and the fans would still cheer him. Unfortunately WWE decided to make him into another stereotypical wimpy heal who runs away from problems and has others fight for him
i agree with u on orton, orton is my favorite wrestler actually. but i didnt choose him BECAUSE i feel he is already very over, and on the internet and to most adult fans he is actually the face of the company
The face of the company right now is HHH. I wish he wasn't, but when I think of the WWE, I think of Raw. When I think of Raw, I think of HHH.

John Cena is the company's #1 man, and I whole-heartedly agree with that. In 2-3 years, I want to see CM Punk and Jack Swagger become as big as Stone Cold and The Rock. Raw needs to focus on building up Swagger to be an unstoppable monster. CM Punk needs to be put over as the major heel who is capable of beating anyone cleanly, ala Kurt Angle.

That is why I consider Kurt Angle the greatest heel of all time. He could work the sticks like only Stone Cold and The Rock could, and he was unbeatable without needing to be a little pussy heel like we see the WWE making Edge and Orton. BUILD UP PUNK LIKE ANGLE! They can actually be quite similar, as Kurt Angle was straight-edged when he debuted, with his 3 I's and his "I'm gonna drink a big glass of milk!" persona. Build up Swagger by having him just molest everyone in the ring and giving him a lot of forced mic time. Eventually turn Swagger face and you have two young stars in Punk and Swagger to build your future on, while having Orton, Cena, Batista, Michaels, Undertaker, and HHH carry the role of torch passers to guys like Morrison Ziggler Miz Kingston MVP...ect. super sidetracked there.

In my eyes: HHH
Super close 2nd: Cena
Future: Swagger/Punk
i wish that Cena would change his moveset cuz im sick of seeing shoulder block shoulder block spinning backdrop Attitude Adjustment STF.
Every single wrestler has a moveset that they generally stay with. Anyone, you name it. To be fair, Cena has added a few moves to his arsenal over the years; The flying leg drop, STF, and the face buster.

I'd put Batista in the main event. Honestly, I would. He is a draw, can put on good matches, and is the prototypical WWE superstar. He has the same appeal as Cena, and would do similar to him in regards to ratings, and the like.

Chris Masters is a horrible idea for a mian eventer. He is a good power house wrestler, but there'd be much more i'd put in front of him. The WWE would drastically decrease in ratings, HS attendance, PPV buys, etc. if he was the top guy.
y'know who i would have had been the face of the main event scene...wait for it.....KENNEDY... now i know what ur thinking, Kennedy get hurt too much to be the main player. but thats not necessarily a bad thing i mean i personally love it when cena and Batista are injured and it gives fans a chance to not there main event always featuring the top star it would give other people a fair shot at the main event scene

plus Kennedy's blessing in disguise could've is just one reason, he's also very talented wrestler (unlike cena and batista) and can carry a good match (i honestly can c cena carrying a good match but nowadays Batista can't do it) his charisma is great, and his promo skills are IMO the best promo skills in WWE history. in 2007 he reminded me of the rock u wanted to love him but he was a heel and hwen he returned as a face he would get these amazing pops. i was at the show where he dethroned William regal and i screamed my head off when he hit the mic check. along with everyone around me. if that doesn't say main event star when he can get people interested in a sir william regal match. i don't know what does

mr. Kennedy the man who should be champ
To me there is no 'face' of WWE atm. When I think of face I mean something that is totally identifiable withe the WWE, think Austin, and Hogan (As the face of wrestling). You think of them you think of WWE and Wrestling respectively. At the moment none has the universal appeal that both possesed, and I don't necessarily think of this as a bad thing. Think of a band you can name the band after the lead singer (eg Phil Collins) or you can have the band identified as a whole (Metallica, Coldplay, U2, Guns & Roses).
Even though I am not a big Cena fan, I feel like he is the one to fill the hole. I don't think of changing him even if I did have the power to. Not even in a fantasy thread which I love to post my ideas on. It is always best to pit the guy who gets the best reactions in this role. They must be able to work very well, have a set moveset that adapts slowly over time & can hold the role of being a face for a long time. They need to be somewhere in the middle of their career, experienced enough but with a long way to go before any retirement if alls well that ends well. They also need to have the look that could be attributed to a good face or heel stance.

Idk, but none at the time of the passing of Stone Cold or The Rock really had that type of description. Chris Masters is an ohkay choice but his push to the moon would of have to of been even more planned than Cena's. Although he doesnt fit the description, Triple H would of been my pick if I had to of chose someone other than Cena. He maybe getting over the hill put Paul is very well known & could have easily pulled it off. At least who could be more legitimate in fueding with & defeating the likes of The Big Show & Khali. Though unrealistic still.

In conclusion: John Cena, closely followed by Triple H. Honourable & generous mention to Ken Kennedy. If he was like a Shelton Benjamin in the backstage, being seen as a role model & very reliable... then maybe.
i dont feel there is really 1 face of the company, i think its more of a 3 headed dog, with Triple H being in the middle and Cena and Orton being the outer heads (so to speak)...Triple H has the tenure and has the backstage power with the writers. And Cena/Orton are the 2 young guys who will carry it once Triple H retires as a wrestler.
John Cena is the face of the WWE now due to the PG era, simply put. I personally dont understand why everyone is so anti-Cena. Everyone loved him when he was the heel rapper and so just because he turned face he cant wrestle etc. He wrestles a damn sight better than Hogan and works the crowd almost just as well in today's society.

This is regarding the 'Cena moveset' comment made earlier:

If you think about it, all of the 'greats' or big names had/have the same moveset (or actions) that they used/use continually. Below are some examples:

Hulk Hogan - power lock up push, punches, hulk up, big boot, leg drop

Triple H - High knee, face crusher, spinebuster, pedigree

Shawn Michaels - diving forearm, reverse atomic drop, slam, elbow, nip up, Sweet Chin Music

Bret Hart - side russian leg sweep, forarm from 2nd rope, back breaker, sharpshooter

Ric Flair - the top rope bump, the begging on his knees, thumb to the eye, chop (x a million), figure 4

The Rock - lay the smackdown, round the top DDT, sharpshooter, spine buster, peoples elbow, rock bottom

Steve Austin - stomp in corner, Lou Thez press, flip off, stunner

I'd say all of these above encorporated these into 99% of their matches I would guess and they are not the only ones. Lets face it, everyone have movesets, thats what makes them different to anyone else. So what if John Cena has a moveset that focuses around a few manouvers, he has more in his arsenal than many 'big guys' ever had - Batista is a perfect example yet no one bitches about him!
y'know who i would have had been the face of the main event scene...wait for it.....KENNEDY... now i know what ur thinking, Kennedy get hurt too much to be the main player. but thats not necessarily a bad thing i mean i personally love it when cena and Batista are injured and it gives fans a chance to not there main event always featuring the top star it would give other people a fair shot at the main event scene
You want a man who is extremely injury prone, unexperienced, and somewhat sloppy to be the top guy for the largest wrestling promotion?

plus Kennedy's blessing in disguise could've is just one reason, he's also very talented wrestler (unlike cena and batista) and can carry a good match (i honestly can c cena carrying a good match but nowadays Batista can't do it)
:lmao: Cena and Batista are leaps and bounds, head and shoulders better than Kennedy in every facet of professional wrestling. If you fully understood pro-wrestling, you'd know. Cena and Batista have great drawing power, consistently put on great matches, have good mic skills, are chrismatic, and can tell a story. Kennedy had potential, but it's asinine to say he was better than two of the biggest current faces.

Everyone else misunderstood the thread. The thread was about who you would like as the main eventer instead of Cena. It could've been someone retired, or someone that quit.
my face of the company would have to be one man and one man only and for a good reason that man is non other then the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION CM PUNK and the reason is simple because he has a good message in this day and age sports and athletes are "dirty" with the drugs and HGH and drinking and PUNK is the Straight Edge superstar could actully make a difference in the sports wolrd but even more important could make a difference in the WORLD ! WWE should capitalize on CM PUNK and his straight edge lifestyle and on the wrestling side of it the kid can ACTULLY WORK unlike Triple Hollywood who only got ahead by bangin the boss's daughter and had a couple of kids with her . oh and let's not forget John Cenanuff who does the same move set in every match should block , shoulder block FU (or whatever pg name they cave it) fallowed by the STF . BORING , with PUNK you never know what he'll pull out of his bag of tricks so the face of the WWE (not just Smackdown) should be CM PUNK :)
Brock Lesnar would be a great choice, if he'd have stayed on with the WWE. Lots of talent. While I think Cena is better for the position than Lesnar would have been, I don't think he'd have done a bad job. His phsique alone would have made him seem suitable.

Another option is Randy Orton. I can see him in roughly the same position as Cena is in now. He always gets a crowd reaction, and is in no way boring.
I know the thread is asking who we think should have been the face of the company instead of Cena but honestly I can't think of anyone. After guys like Austin, Rock, Goldberg, Lesner, Hogan all left and they got everything they could out of HHH at the time, Cena was the right choice. The company realized that the attitude era was over and wanted to go a new direction and a fresh face like Cena was the correct choice. This guy works hard, has loads of class and integrity, has a lot of charisma knows how to keep a crowd in the match whether he is getting cheered or booed and most importantly he is marketable which means he will draw big and he does. The only other guy I could think of if he had stuck around would have been the Rock.
For the life of me I'll never understand why the IWC loves Kennedy so much. Is it because he yells his name in a annoying tone or how about his sloppiness and unprofessionalism in the ring countless workers have complained about this guy and thats not even bringing up his vast injury history.

As for the top face of the company honestly It has to be Cena right now in the PG era we are in he sells to the women and children the main demographic that vince is targeting.

Now if this was the attitude era or even post attitude era it would be Randy Orton because we all have seen him cross that line at times.

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