Your Dream Match


I <3 Wrestling and Soccer
Finally!! Finally!! Any idea to give our minds a break from the "When will Cena turn heel" and "Why is the IWC after Orton" threads. :icon_neutral: Now, in this thread, I want you post your dream match. It could be any match. 1 vs 1, Tag Team, Triple threat, Fatal-4-Way, 5/6 pack challenge, Elimination Chamber and any other Extreme match (also, it could be a Divas match). But, one think to keep in mind is that the superstars or divas should be active. No Hall of Famers or former stars. Injured is okay. And pls call the winner.

So my dream match would be:
Undertaker vs Triple H vs John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio for the WWE title Five of the biggest superstars colliding for the most coveted prize in the history. This match would be an epic. The build-up has to be good and the match, awesome. Taker would win this thing because giving it to anyone else, even Cena wouldn't make sense when Taker's there.

So there you have it. What's your dream match??:)
That would sadly not have good build very rarely is there a good storyline for a 3+ superstar main event. But im sure the actual match its selft would be great.

Dream Match is a easy one but will never hapen

2001 Kurt Angle Vs 1997 Hitman
That would have been just amazing 2 of the best in the world in there prime

But as it will have to be active wrestlers thats another story i dont think WWE have any real Dream Match Material left Maybe Cena Vs Taker

So il Say Cena Vs Taker @ WM
Everyone would be worried that cena could break the streak as he is Vinnie Macs Golden Boy a amazing finish would be cena cheating to win and ending the streak which would be worse then the hogan turn. But Of Course il have to go with take winning with a tombstone Or 2 for the 123

Il add a secound which we got a hint of on raw and could be a future dream match

Daniel Bryan Vs CM Punk
To see to superstars with there skillset at it is sure set to be a wrestling clinic so its defo one to watch
I think I am going to have to go for a triple threat ladder match.

1997 Shawn Michaels vs 2004 AJ Styles vs 1999 Rob Van Dam

3 of the most athletic, exciting superstars of all time going at it in one of the iconic matches in wresting.... a ladder match!

Shawn Michaels is the pioneer of this type of match, and from his matches with Razor Ramon we all know he could hold his own against the unique, high flying offense of AJ and RVD. While Michaels is not as spectacular at the other two, he would use his intelligence to come out on top here. Styles would take a huge bump off the top of the ladder in the ring and fall through the commentators table, and we would see the HBK elbow drop and RVD's 5 Star Frog Splash from the top of the ladder during this one. It would be a showstopper!!
This one is easy for me, and I'm going to keep it simple...

Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock.

That's it, a prime Michaels, a prime Rock, have it at a Wrestlemania and not even for a title. Just have Michaels steal the show AGAIN at Wrestlemania with The Rock being apart of it. Michaels ends up winning after a 25 minute match or so. Dream match. Dream scenario.

It's easy to say an Elimination Chamber with the stacked stars

Another one would be when the whole Invasion angle came about, I would've wished it would have been like this:

Team WWF (Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker) vs. The Alliance (Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Ric Flair, and maybe a guy like Leg Luger, or have Rob Van Dam representing the lone ECW Star)
For me, I would have said Shawn Michaels vs The Rock but I'm going to go with something different, hopefully by the time I've posted this someone hasn't said it :)

The Rock vs John Cena - WrestleMania

Could you imagine it? One of wrestlings biggest icons in The Rock meets a current icon in John Cena. The crowd would be so into it. They have both talked about each other in the media, The Rock even threw a 'friendly' shot at Cena at the WM24 Hall of Fame about The Marine. It wouldn't be the greatest technical match but I think it would definately be considered a dream match among a lot of WWE and wrestling fans.

The build up would be great, John Cena coming out and running down Rock for leaving and Rock using his catchphrases against Cena. I think that would be epic. If The Rock comes back for one match which I don't think he will then it absolutely has to be against John Cena.
HBK (2008) vs Eddie.

The match wouldve been freaking fantastic

HBK 2008 vs Bryan

this match would be a technical mind fuck. could you imagine the reversals, and the chain wrestling here????

HBK vs The Rock.
The fact that this match will never happen bothers the hell out of me.

An interesting tag match
The Rock and Cena vs Austin and Orton.

Elimination Chamber

Chris Jericho VS Chris Beniot VS Punk vs Bryan vs Steamboat Vs Flair (all in primes obvi)

hell... Beniot Punk.... Ill never forgive him for not having that match...

Cena vs Goldberg

i fell like this match would be really funny to watch because neither of them do ANY moves....

honorable mention:

Hornswoggle vs the unemployment line,

The Great Khali Vs Jay Leno.
Punk vs JoMo vs Daniel Bryan vs Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin vs Aj Styles
Seven?! Man TLC Falls Count Anywhere Match.

Epic amounts of wrestling, tonnes of stupidly crazy spots & a winner that cannot be determined until it happens.
Hulk Hogan VS Ric Flair VS Steve Austin VS Bret Hart VS Shawn Michaels VS The Undertaker in an Elimination Chamber match

The in my opinion six greatest wrestlers of all time clashing to determing the ultimate Number One. From a real stand point it would be best suited for 1998, although some of them didn't have the legacy at the time.
edge & jeff hardy vs. christian & matt hardy in a TLC match. the underrated "brother"/and the underappreciated brother vs. the successful ones. very easy to build, and something alot of people would get into, especially if jeff and edge were champs at the time, and christian and matt would get title shots if they won
matches i would like to see would be...motorcity machine guns vs rey mysterio and evan bourne in a tlc tag team match or even just a tag team ladder match....(motorcity machine guns would win that match based on thier experience as a tag team).....also either sting vs john cena or sting vs the undertaker or john cena vs aj styles would be great matches also..but to break the matches down to pick the winners..sting vs john cena (i believe cenas youth and strength will allow him to win over sting)...sting vs the undertaker (i believe undertaker will get the win in this match)...aj styles vs john cena (i believe cena will get the win over aj)
That's easy for me, HBK vs The Rock. This match never happened which I was really shocked about, but mark my words if it did happen. We would have one heck of a match. You have 2 people who are legends in the WWE squaring off. I reckon they may even have pulled off a better match than Taker vs HBK did. But yeah that's my dream match.
Some great matches have already been mentioned so I'll just say what has not been mentioned: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk. The beer drinking redneck versus the straight edge messiah. I'd love to see this feud once. This could actually main event a Wrestlemania if done right. The promos will be off the chart. Can you imagine something like:

CM Punk: Steve I'm here to save you. You must ....

*Crowd chants WHAT!*

Austin: Yeah just let me finish this beer and then I'll get back to you.

Another match is Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan. I'd really like to see if Austin gets booed like the Rock did at Wrestlemania. My guess is he won't.
My Dream match would most definitely be Edge vs. Christian vs. Jericho in a TLC match for the Unified WWE Championship. Edge could be WHC, Jericho could be WWE Champ, and Christian could win the Royal Rumble.

All of these wrestlers are amazing.. and to see Former friends wrestle it out, and we all know that all 3 of these guys are great wrestlers. With the excitement of TLC, I think it would be a 5 star match.

I would like to see maybe Jericho do the code breaker off the ladder to edge or christian, through a table. Would be Epic IMO.
One for the divas, Laycool vs The beautiful people, would just be really cool tbh, two best things about mainstream womens wrestling today.

Kurt angle about five years ago vs jack swagger in a couple of years. If you let these two guys go at it, would be off the shizzle. Ironman match

MCMG vs Evan bourne and JOMO, spots galore. Ladder match

Mankind vs Abyss vs kane vs undertaker, dont care what anyone says, abyss is good in my eyes. HIAC

AJ vs shawn michaels, although people would score it for HBK, it almost certainly would be one of the best matches ever with michaels dubbed the best wrestler or recent times and AJ the best wrestler going right now. Last man standing match

But honestly I'd still say sting vs taker about say 14 years ago, taker was on top, sting became dark, that was when both guys were top of their respective companie, I dont think it will ever happen, but I still think it woukld be good if it did, seen as everybody scores HBK and taker matches so highly despite the fact that taker has trouble moving these days, and sting looks incredible for his age, I would have seen worse, but the hype would make the match unfathomable, better than rock v hogan in 2002 becuase these guys are both the MOST respected individuals in the wrestling world.
I thought of mine the second I read the thread title.

1997 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk at the height of his run as the cult leader of the Straight Edge Society.

This, for me, is about the build up just as much as the match. First of all, you have Stone Cold at the top of his game, promo wise. When he first started becoming a prominent talker in the WWF in '96, he was certainly good, but still a bit choppy. After he became champion, he was so comfortable that it seemed a bit too slick at times with too many catchphrases and pandering to the crowd(Keep in mind I still found him great in both of these scenarios.) The "What?!" era was just total BS that ruined most every promo anyone had to spit out for six year following it. But '97 Steve Austin was tremendous. The promo he cut about Owen on his ranch in Texas(where he talked about how much he drank when he was out with his neck injury, hint hint) was one of the great shoot/work interviews Jim Ross did at that time. Him throwing Rock's IC title in a river was one of my favorite things I've ever seen on Monday Night Raw. And him running crazy over the WWF (breaking people's legs with steel chairs and driving pick up trucks into the arena) was the kind of edge that made the Monday Night Wars so legendary. To say the least, this was the best time in his career. Not to mention it was around this time that he had his greatest match, that being the submission match against Bret at WM 13.

Now on to CM Punk. Before the WWE decided to bury The Straight Edge Society under the girth of Big Show's untalented fist, Punk was cutting legendary promos. He was building incredible heat without needing the crutches (cursing, sexual implications, etc) that the Attitude Era allowed. And he was creepy, too. Much more creepy than a lot of the cartoonish things Undertaker has done in his career. That is, because Punk felt real when he was doing them. Only he could take singing happy birthday to Rey's daughter and make it engaging and antagonistic rather than leave the viewer rolling their eyes. He was like a pro wrestling version of Charles Manson. Hell, Punk was the only good thing about the 900th episode of Raw where he was, surprise surprise, cutting a promo about Steve Austin.

Not to mention how the story writes itself. Notorious beer drinker who has been arrested for beating his wife while intoxicated vs. a life long follower of a belief that drinking, drugs, etc is wrong. Imagine how personal the build up could become. Imagine the heat Punk would get for mentioning how adversely alcohol has affected Stone Cold's career. Imagine how much more heat Punk would get for trying to convince Stone Cold how easy it would be for him to surrender his pride and just embrace the Straight Edge Society (he is, in fact, already bald.) It would make much more sense than Punk trying to acquire Rey's name recognition for the greater good, running away from a delusional Kane or, worst of all, jobbing to Big Show for almost no reason at all.

That, or have the long awaited Duke the Dumpster Droese vs. Zack Rider match I've always dreamed of.
john morrison vs aj styles would also be a dream match that i believe would be hard to call a winner for..i mean can u imagine the moves these 2 guys would pull off in a match together and to make the match more interesting i would make it a cage or ladder match but even just a standard 1 on 1 match between these 2 would be awesome
Big Van Vader vs Brock Lesnar

What can I say? For my money, the high spot festivals like the Money in the Bank ladder match and TLC have run their course. I'm an old-schooler. The monster heel vs the big strong hero will always be a clash I am in favor of, and it's given us some of the greatest moments in wrestling.

Hogan vs Andre is known as the match that really made pro wrestling click. It was an epic encounter. When Hogan slammed Andre, the world stood still.

Vader vs Brock wouldn't be like that, but in this match, you have EASILY the two most agile big men in wrestling history in the same match. You'll get top- and 2nd-rope spots with insane power moves. Power bombs. Power slams. A 450-lb mastadon drop kicking a 275-lb freight train.

Vader vs Cena would also work for me, because it would harken back to the Vader / Sting feuds from the early- and mid-90's. Some of my favorite matches of all time. You think Cena's been super for 5 years? Vader would test him beyond belief.
My dream match has always been HBK vs. Brock Lesnar. I remember this got teased when HBK was still fresh from his 02 comback was supposed to be The Rock vs. Lesnar and HBK vs. HHH at SummerSlam that year and on the last Raw before the PPV these 4 somehow all ended up in the ring together and HBK superkicked Lesnar out of the ring. At that time nobody knew wheteher or not HBK still had it, but after a few matches there was no doubt...what bothers me about this is that Lesnar and HBK were both on the roster at the same time and this match had every possibility of happening but it didn't. The match itself would have been 5 star quality and HBK had no problem putting over the new talent at this would have been a nice rub for Brock to go over HBK as long as the match was good, which we all know by now would have been because HBK turns anything into a classic. Plus the mic work between Heyman and HBK would have made the match more intriguing...
i dont see any mention of Randy Savage in here..some guy mentioned a dream match between old WWE stars and Alliance stars (even older WWE stars) and Savage wasnt
included in the 6 best wrestlers ever list. As amazing as Hogan, Flair, Hart, Stone Cold, Michaels and Undertaker are, Savage cannot be left out of this list. I would prefer to see Savage in most dream matches because Michaels, Hogan, Flair, and Taker are essentially still around and have had dream matches with the very few true up and coming superstars left. Like Bret Hart, Savage has been gone 10 years but not come back. Imagine how amazing it would be for Hitman (in his prime) to step in the ring again with anyone and deliver a real match. Like with Taker, Michaels, Orton, Cena, Angle, AJ, Jeff Hardy, Triple H. It would be just as amazing to see Savage sqaure off with these guys. Imagine Savage in his prime vs Michaels in his prime. Savage vs Taker at Wrestlemania. Savage vs Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock. Savage vs Triple H for Stephanie. Savage and Cena or Savage and Angle. There are so many dream matches for Randy Savage, the biggest and best wrestler to not be around for a decade.

I for one wouldnt want to use the label dream match when it comes to CM Punk. That would be like me saying id like to see a dream match between Michaels and Norman Smiley

Right now, I would love to see Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho. I know Jericho is technically gone, but he's still on the WWE payroll, and I don't think he'll be gone forever or anything. They are probably the best two technical wrestlers in the WWE right now, and I personally think their match could be one of Jericho's personal best if it was done properly. Maybe set up Jericho to return in 2011 while Bryan has been slowly rising to the top, and have Jericho say that until he beats the best, he hasn't done anything yet. If you want to make it even more epic, make it an Ultimate Submission match at Wrestlemania. I'm not sure who I would rather have win the feud. Probably Bryan just because he's got a whole career ahead of him and the rub from Jericho would be just what he needs. Unless they're going to continue it out.
I would've given anything to see Eddy and Dean go at it one more time!!

Damn near EVERY match they had was a classic!!
I agree with 99% of you, i dont really like HBK all that much but talking about a dream match without him is like a christmas w/o presents, holloween w/o candy, or wrestling w/o.....well wrestling..quite simply hbk is the most exciting wrestler to ever perform. period. but seein as the post specifically says only current wrestlers, im going with Aj Styles vs Randy Orton. dont know how it would happen and i dont care just give them 25-30min. and watch as people become electrified by the quick reversals, athleticism, and the shocking finish these two would come up with!
Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk
An all out, legnthy match between these two greatest independent stars of the last decade, would be huge match for me. Championship or no championship, this match would be worth dishing out 50 bucks to see on a PPV. This needs to happen. The WWE needs to give them a 40 minute time slot at a PPV, tell who wil win the match, send them out there, and let them take care of everything else. No restirictions. This match is Wrestlemania worthy. A feud between two of my favorite superstars right now would be awesome.
Shawn Michaels vs. AJ Styles
Won't ever happen but this match between the world's greatest entertainers would be huge. I can see it now, Sweet Chin Music all over the place with a little 450 splashes and Elbows from the top. There would be numerous near falls with Style coming out on top. This match would be an instant classic and would draw HUGE for any PPV or wrestling company its for.
im gonna go with jack swagger vs cm punk, we havent seen this match and i think it would be great, worth of a mania opener, i would turn swagger face for this one, and i would have him get the win in an epic 35 minute match

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