Your Card - Kingdom Come IV: Chaos Rises


doesn't know REAL wrestling...
With Lethal Lottery in the books, we are on the road to the fourth edition of the biggest show of the year - Kingdom Come IV. However, given that there is still plenty of time before Chaos Rises and the Lethal Lottery has sparked the interest of everyone as to where things are going. Some are obvious but others have yet to be revealed.

So what do you think will be or would like to the final card for Kingdom Come IV?

Assuming that there is going to be a similar sized card to last year, that gives a total of 9 matches; although something tells me that there may be another match and a rather large edition of Aftershock due to the vast size of the roster.

WZCW World Heavyweight Title
Professor Steven Kurtsey (c) vs Ty Burna vs Barbosa

Reasons: Obviously, Kurtsey is in the match as the World Champion and Ty won the Lethal Lottery, plus WZCW has a traditionalist tendency to stick with a 1 on 1 contest for the main event but, right now, given the events prior to and during the Lethal Lottery, Barbosa fits so easily into this situation. Ty could very easily be distressed by his failure to control Barbosa and given that he steamrollered the Apostles and even had Ty showing fear, Barbosa could easily be placed in the match by a vengeful Bateman. The only problem I have with this is that going this way could leave the Champion a thrid wheel in the main event. Mind you, then I would have him retain and go off to defend the title elsewhere post-KC while Ty and Barbosa tear the ever-loving shit out of each other for the next two PPVs.

WZCW World Tag Team Titles
RRR (c) vs Sons of Destiny

Reasons: The Tag Team division is not in the best of shape right now, leaving a rematch from LL being the only real option at the moment. However, there is some potential for more to appear - a team from the Apostles could arise (S.H.I.T. and Alhazred perhaps) as challengers should KC really take on a Chaos Rising theme with the Apostles challenging for everything while Action Saboteur could easily end up here too.

WZCW EurAsian Title
Black Dragon (c) vs Celeste Crimson vs Chris KO

Reasons: Mainly, that it did not happen at LL. There may be some trouble for KO for not following Ty's orders and taking the title from Dragon but with the possibility of all the title making their way to the AoC, I think the Harbinger of Chaos will be looking for his protege to get one more chance.

Last Man Standing Match for the WZCW Elite X Title
Steven Holmes (c) vs Big Dave

Reasons: This one rather speaks for itself. Holmes has taken some giant strides in the past few months and with Dave setting his sights on him and given the bloody way their feud opened up, I can see this being a brutal affair. The only change I might make here is the Elite X title not being on the line.

King For A Day Elimination Chamber
Showtime vs Gordito vs Matt Tastic vs Constantine vs Baller vs Drake Callihan

Reasons: Wow, it was difficult to get this match down to just six competitors as there are so many in the fed right now who are floating about that upper-mid card status. The likes of Toyota, Barbosa and Blade could easily have ended up in this match but I went with a combination of returnees from last year's match (Gordito and Tastic), some old hands (Showtime and Drake) and a couple who I think deserve a chance (Baller and Constantine).

WZCW Mayhem Title
Ace Stevens (c) vs Justin Cooper

Reasons: This is probably the match I have the least faith in. The Mayhem title is essentially WZCW's TV title and Stevens could easily drop it or Cooper could get his rematch before KC. There are also a vast number of guys just starting out in the fed and I doubt whether they should just be thrown in to an appearance on the biggest show. I could see Bowen added though should he reappear for a longer stint.

Street Fight
Blade vs Rush

Reasons: There needs to be something personal happening outside of the title matches for KC and I think this could be it. With all his talk of Destiny, Blade could easily see Rush as having denied him it at LL and in retaliation, Blade could thwart Rush's attempts to qualify for the KFAD. I could also see Drake in Rush's place here with Rush joining Action Saboteur against the Apostles.

Titus vs Everest

Reasons: It's tradition, isn't it? But in all seriousness, I am not sure where Titus goes from here. He has fallen off a cliff since winning the title at AoN and Everest is becoming less and less of a factor but I still think that there is room for a tiebreaker

Apostles of Chaos vs Action Saboteur

Reasons: There have been troubles between the Apostles and the Dudes with Attitudes already so I think that some form of this will take place. It could be made a six-man match should a third Dude be found or these teams could also be added to the Tag Titles match.

One alternative could be another way to build the Ty takeover and his need to be World Champion by having Barbosa vs Wasabi Toyota square off for a place in the World Title match later in the evening
World Title Match: Ty vs Kurtesy

One successfully retained at The Lottery, the other won The Lottery. I guess there is no more to say.

Barbosa vs Toyota

I wouldnt be surprised to see Barbossa matched up with and most likely defeating K.O, Alhazred and S.H.I.T in the lead up to this until Ty eventually has to throw the Behemoth at him in an effort to slow him down and gain revenge for the KFAD defeat a while ago.

Eurasion Title Match: Black Dragon vs Chris K.O vs Celeste Crimson

No show at the Lottery and all that.

Last Man Standing: Blade vs Rush

It just makes sense doesnt it?

King For A Day Elimination Chamber Showtime vs Gordito vs Matt Tastic vs Constantine vs Baller vs Drake Callihan

Same reasons you gave to be honest.

Elite X Title: Stephen Holmes vs Big Dave

Well, yeah obviously, it certainly looks like it.

Action Saxton vs Saboteur

Oh yes, I went there. A possible falling out at the Lottery, ego's too large, could happen.

3 or 4 Corners Tag Team Title Match: Runn Reynolds Runn vs Apostles Of Chaos vs Sons Of Destiny vs *possible other team*

A chance for RRR to prove they are better than all their possible challengers I guess.

Mayhem Title Challenge: Possibly anyone vs Champ

A bit vague I know, but I guess this is another chance for people not guaranteed a spot on the card to get there, like the tag team match and so on.

There are a few more options though, guys like Pheonix who could get a spot in the KFAD or in another match, more that I've no doubt forgotten about. Stacked roster, really hard to pick. Will probably post here again.
Barbosa's Alternative Card

WZCW World Heavyweight Title
Professor Steven Kurtsey (c) vs Ty Burna vs Barbosa vs Wasabi Toyota

WZCW World Tag Team Titles
RRR (c) vs Sons of Destiny vs Apostles of Chaos

WZCW EurAsian Title
Special Guest Referee: Celeste Crimson
Black Dragon (c) vs Chris KO

Last Man Standing Match for the WZCW Elite X Title
Steven Holmes (c) vs Big Dave vs Constantine

King For A Day Elimination Chamber
Blade vs Rush vs Matt Tastic vs Brad Bomb vs Baller vs Drake Callihan

WZCW Mayhem Title Scramble
Ace Stevens (c) vs Justin Cooper vs Alex Bowen vs Armando Paradyse vs Johnny Scum vs Alexander Stark

Showtime vs Gordito
WZCW World Heavyweight Title
Professor Steven Kurtsey (c) vs Ty Burna

Reason: this match was set in stone at Lethal Lottery. Ty's plans for WZCW are starting to all come into plan. And at Kingdom Come, Kurtsey will have his work cut out for him if he wants to retain.

WZCW World Tag Team Titles
Runn Reynolds Runn (c) vs Sons of Destiny vs Mystery Team TLC match.

Reasons: Runn Reynolds Runn are heading into Kingdom Come as the Champions. And they plan on stealing the show. After beating the Sons at Lethal Lottery, giving the stipulation choice to the champs seems like a safe bet. And to use it in their advantage in a TLC match will be the safest bet. But perhaps a mystery team will take part in a triple threat to challenge Triple R and the Sons at Kingdom Come.

WZCW EurAsian Title

Black Dragon (c) vs Chris K.O vs Celeste Crimson

Reasons: After being unable to fight for the title at Lethal Lottery, Celeste will be more than fired up to take another shot at Dragons title. But don't think Ty Burna will not give his Apostle, Chris K.O another shot at the title. So naturally a Triple Threat seems like the most logical choice here.

WZCW Elite X Title
Steven Holmes (c) vs Big Dave vs Constantine Triple Threat elimination match

Reasons: Ever since returning back to the scene, Big Dave has been a pain in Holmes's ass. Having the two face off at Kingdom Come only makes sense. Constantine as the third wheel seems like he will be Holmes's insurance policy but don't be surprised if Constantine makes some strides to get the Elite title.

King For A Day Elimination Chamber
Blade vs Rush vs Matt Tastic vs Mr.Baller vs Brad Bomb vs Drake Callihan vs Barbosa

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