Your all-time perfect wrestler


Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
Everyone has aspects of certain wrestlers they like. Basically, this thread is a way for you to heap praise on wrestlers you think are the most gifted in certain areas and 'create' your own superwrestler

Charisma - For this area I have to give the credit to The Rock. The man oozed charisma and it showed everytime he set foot into the ring, or had a mic in his hand. It enabled him to make it in Hollywood. His ability to cut promos made him outstanding on the mic

Technical ability - I'm giving this one to Kurt Angle. Kurt is probably the best technical wrestler around, and unlike other gifted grapplers, he made it to the top because he was capable of other things as well as merely submission.

Performance ability - I'm going to give this to 'less gifted' wrestlers. The likes of Randy Savage. Hulk Hogan and John Cena are all slated as poor wrestlers, yet despite that they have managed to make it to the top of the mountain and viewed as legends. Insult them all you want, but I'm going to give this one to Randy Savage, purely because he's underrated.

Aerial ability - Overall aerial ability doesn't sell much for me. It's not a major part of my criteria for greatness. For ability I've seen so far, I would have to give this to Matt Sydal. The man makes the variety of moves he pulls off look so simple.

Passion - A lot of the men I've named lack passion for the industry. It would be hard for me to name all the people with passion for the industry. Mainstays like Val Venis have all shown a love of the business they're involved in despite never rising to great heights. I'm giving this to Kane surprisingly. He's done nothing but put big names over in recent years, yet has still been at the top of the business for a long time compared to others.

Striking - A more unusual one to include, but there because it's merely another aspect of wrestling. A lot of guys have been reknowned for their 'educated feet'. Van Dam, X-Pac and others. But I feel like giving this to Kenta Kobashi, just because of how vicious his kicks sounded.

Most of my choices have come from the main I admit I'm not big into ROH. But it's all good. All promotions
K, so I go ahead and decide to add my all-time perfect superstar idea to the general section, without realizing that the great Polly had come up with the same idea too. So we decided to go ahead a combine both our ideas up a bit, a Polly/Showtime experience as I'd like to call it. I will be adding some of Polly's good ideas to mine, and likewise he'll be adding some of mine. I encourage all readers to make posts on both mine and Polly's template.

Body: Randy Orton. Orton Is how a champion should look like. He's not too bulky, not to skinny. The right height, perfect shape and form.

Attire: Bret Hart. Fan of purple and black, what can I say. Love the leather jacket and shades. My wrestler has to have pants and it works well for him.

Entrance: The Ultimate Warrior. Simple, yet powerful. Run in, Shake the ropes, work yourself and the crowd into a frenzy.

Charisma: The Rock. Nobody has better charisma than The Rock. The man is entertaining when he's a heel, when he's a face, anytime, everytime, in the ring, on the mic, the man just explodes with it

Mic Work: Chris Jericho. The man has a way with the mic. He just draws the audience in so well. He can be sarcastic and funny, but as he's shown lately, he can be very serious and engaging. Glad to have him back.

Wrestling Style: Shawn Micheals. The man has proven his range through the years. He can wrestle anystyle, and usually is able to get the best out of almost any opponent.

Move Set: Kurt Angle. Unbelievable wrestler, all his moves look impressive, mostly because they are.

Punching/Striking: Undertaker. He punches well, uses a variety of different striking moves and most of them look like they hurt.

Passion: Mick Foley. The man has a huge passion for the business and not his body or his injuries or his retirements can every make him stop. He's stated several times that he's done wrestling or will be done by whenever so many times and he still always comes back. And he's always willing to out over talents and have amazing matches with them, like Edge and Orton.

Finisher 1: Stone Cold Stunner/Stone Cold Steve Austin. Quick, explosive, and always comes with a loud pop from the crowd.

And my wrestlers name, well look up, what do you think... his name is...
David Showtime Cougar
I'm gonna use some of polleys and some of davids to make my perfect wrestler.I'm also gonna try to not use the same guys they did.

Charisma- Since the Rock is taken and hes obviously the man who oozed the most charisma during his tenure with the WWE. I'm gonna have to go with Captain Charisma himself The Instant Classic Christian Cage. This man makes a great heel or face and his charisma shines through either way. He can tear you apart on the mic and make you laugh all at the same time. The most charismatic individual in wrestling today IMO.

Technical Ability- Angle and Micheals were great choices but I'm gonna go with the man I saw the last match of this year the Nature Boy himself Ric Flair.WOOOO. If you've seen some of his matches with Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat you'll see why I chose Slick Ric.

Performance Ability- Whether you love him or hate him John Cena can work a match. His matches tell a story. Sure he defies the odds sure he's not the most technical wrestler but he can work a crowd and he'll be around for along time IWC.

Passion- Polley had a great point in mentioning that guys like Val Venis and Kane have been around forever and still stay even though they are treated unfairly. That's passion. But the man I'm gonna use here is HBK. The Heartbreak kid Shawn Micheals. Let's face it his body is spent. He's done so much in his career there is no reason for him to stay around. But he does because he wants to entertain the fans. I can't define passion any better than that.

Entrance- I'm gonna go with the Texas Rattlesnake Stonecold Steve Austin here. The moment that glass shatters you know buisiness is about to pick up. He walks down the ramp with a purpose and the crowd marks out for it. He gets in the ring and gives us the single finger salute.After the match he gives us a beer bash and celebrates with us as he downs a couple of steveweisers. One More Match Steve!

Finisher- Sweet Chin Music. Not just a simple kick. Whether he pumps up the crowd by tuning up the band first, or if it hits out of nowhere. It's the best finisher ever IMO. I prefer when it comes out of nowhere though.
well for my superstar he will be diffrent from others

entrance:kane old masked music his entrance just gives you the dam chills. creppy and fits my character really low. that music his is just awsome

charisma:steve austin rock was already used so i picked the next best austin is just as charasmatic to me.

mic mic foley he can put people over in the ring and on the mic dam he was good and never a crediable tittle run thats crap to me.

passion john cena he is loyal to this buissness and what they wanted him to do. you just can not pick anyone else. he puts people ovr and is the top in this industrey no matter what you say.

technical i will go mr perfect here. he truly was great at mat wrestling. and a true athlete. should have been wwe champ once.

aerial jeff hardy someone who just flys around the ring with no remorse for his body what so ever

striking this is a hard one but i will go hhh that taped fist is deadly as can be and packs a hell of a punch

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