Your 2012 Game of the Year Issss

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
As we get closer to chalking 2012 off of the calender and as we are weeks from only the new year, I suppose it isn't any better time then now to nominate your favorite game of this year. Late 2011-2012 did not stop providing any shortage of fantastic games for us gaming nerds to play. Gamer's this year have slayed dragons and traveled upon horses that break the laws of physics, sports fans got the chance to relive their fantasies of having Charles Barkley, and Dennis Rodman on the same team in NBA 2K13, and the FPS junkies got to repel the evil (insert generic foreign country with a bone to pick with America) from destroying the world because they're evil and stuff.

Simple thread is simple, nominate your favorite game of the year, and to please the mods, explain why. So to get my nomination out of the way, My 2012 game of the year is without a doubt Borderlands 2.

Borderlands 2 isn't your average First Person Shooter, it wasn't Halo 4, or a Call of Duty game, then again it never tried to be those games. At Gearbox, after raping and pissing on the grave that was the Duke Nukem game, Gearbox sat around and took what was good with the first Borderlands, and they built off of that, improved it, and did so much more to make the games better. The game has it's own unique flavor, it's own style, and it's own brand of humor that leaves any one with a loose understanding of Internet meme's on the floor in tears laughing.

So peeps, what is your game of the year, and why?
WWE 13, why? Cos it has the best gaemplay, the best graphics (On Xbox 360) and Attitude Era mode rules (even if it is annoyingly hard).

Followed closely by Fire Pro Wrestling on Xbox Live Arcade.
It's been a pretty bad gaming year. Sure, Mass Effect 3 came out to universal critical acclaim, but I'm at a loss as to how the series' convoluted storylines and sub-par game lengths have garnered rave reviews. On the other hand, Resident Evil 6 was a major disappointment since Capcom traded off campaign length for quality and Dishonored turned out to be just as mediocre as Rage, the major, non-RPG title Bethesda released last year.

I've yet to play Borderlands 2, so maybe the year is salvageable. That being said, I'm already looking forward to next year with Bioshock: Infinite and Dead Space 3.
I've only played two games that came out this year and they are Madden '13 and WWE '13 so I'm going with Madden.

It has smooth game play.
The players actually play at the attribute level they are set at.
It's the most realistic football game I have played. (Though it still can be arcade like sometimes.)
It has great graphics.
I play "career" mode so it offers replay value.
Like Slash, I haven't bought many games. I got RE 6, Future Soldier, NCAA and Madden 13, WWE 13, Assassin's Creed 3, and Max Payne 3. I don't know why I haven't been so "up" on my games this year, but I would have to guess that I just got tired of let down game after let down game. I haven't even played AC3 because I've developed a fear of being let down.

That said, one game that managed to contain my enjoyment well into the calender year, is and always will be NCAA. NCAA and WWE games are the only ones I seem to purchase year after year. Each year, it comes down to a wire for game of the year, but this year it was no question.

Here's the thing that EA Sports does the best, that a lot of Franchise games fail to do. And that, to me, is tweak the flaws before pushing on new features. Road to Glory has been, by far, the best feature in the game since it debuted and I couldn't be more happier with it. Some say that it took a back seat to Heisman Challenge, and I'll concede to that. It's kind of disappointing not getting the video updates like we did in NCAA 11 and 12, but still the counter offer is much better. You get to live (or relive) your own high school senior year to the t. Seriously, I was able to relive the senior year I was robbed of.

Really, in the end, it's such a great game and like always, the online feature is the best of its kind. A lot of games have lag problems, but not NCAA games. They're absolutely great. Also, Online Dynasty rules.
Hmm tough to say, this year hasn't been as good in gaming for me. I only bought 4 games this year, WWE 13, AC3, Black-ops 2 and Borderlands 2.

WWE13 is probably the best modern wrestling game, but Universe Mode is buggy as hell for me so thats a no. Borderlands 2 whilst fun, just has something missing that I can't put my finger on. That leaves AC3 and Black Ops 2. AC3 is very different to the other Assassins game in relation to how the game flows. It has a much slower start to the story and is more for larger landscapes, which isn't a bad thing as in my opinion the Assassin's Creed series was getting repetitive with the way it was played. I found the story really intense and awesome with Connor's quest for revenge and the journey he took to become an Assassin, plus it was in 'Murica (F*CK YEAH!). Black Ops 2 was different to all the other CoD games in that it actually tries to branch out. The zombies is really cool but confusing, the multiplayer is as good as ever and the Campaign is thoroughly enjoyable with the choices you get to make and how much effort was put into the storyline of it.

So its tough to decide between AC3 and BOPS2, but I have to go with AC3. BOPS2 Whilst being innovative and my personal favourite CoD, is still a fairly basic game. AC3 branches out alot more than Bops2 did and had a far more intriguing story. So AC3 for Game of the Year 2012, even though it doesn't hold a candle to Skyward Sword or Skyrim from 2011, but oh well.

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