Young Bucks/Generation Me becoming or is the NEW Hardy Boyz!!!


Pre-Show Stalwart
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Theirs been talk about Young Bucks/Generation Me being the NEW Hardy Boys. I don't think thats the only group that reminds me about this team. The other team I've thinking of are the Rockers. The attire isn't as flashy as their was back then but still its getting close as well. Of course you got the Hardy Boyz. When they first arrive it was all black and little bit of pink to the outfit. Another team that reminded me about that was the Naturals. Now all these teams wrestling and has come up with different wrestling style but all their attire and color outfits all kinda of mesh into one. Looking at all four of these teams, Generation Me are new young and fresh no doubt. My first taste of these guys were the same way I felt about Robbie E, I know little off topic but they are doing something what we like to say. I'm no huge fan of them yet but the way they are going I could be. Just like I was for the Rockers, Hardy Boyz, and Naturals. Sooner or later I can get behind them. I still think they have a lot of work to do especially on the attire. Hopefully, TNA won't screw them up by giving them the Tag Titles before 2011. I believe somewhere in 2011 I would think it would be ok. For now just let them continue the good fight and go after the title.

I mention the team of the Naturals which some still don't even like these guys. When the arrived in TNA they went after AMW the team to beat. Same thing Generation Me is doing going after MCMG. The bad thing is that Naturals won the title sooner then they should have. Like I said I am a fan of their work because the were good team at the time TNA needed that. Look at their matches with AMW and if you still can't believe they were a good team then your mistaken. As a fan can see that those were good matches.

Again back on topic is Generation Me becoming the NEW Hardyz? I would say yes but the attire needs to be change though. I mean look at the flash with the Rockers and Hardyz first came up. Mostly they were face tag team but Hardyz did go heel for a short stint in the brood era. That was and is the only time I can recall seeing the team go heel. I think if Generation Me went for not a identical look but more I dunno fitting for a heel team. The flashy color to me doesn't go well. If they were a face why not it looks good no doubt. Its time for them to take another step in my mind. If they went kind dark black type color or even go back to the black pants and little pink whatever they were wearing when they first arrive. I think that would be more suitable.

Another IDEA that could happen beginning of 2011 have Jeff Hardy if he is still champ and with the company let him take them under his wings like the Undertaker did during the Ministry days. The way I see it a few months of this if Beer Money hasn't reclaim the titles yet then this would help Generation Me another step winning the titles. After Hardy keep on saying that he was the one that got them here and blah blah crap. Sooner or later they will turn on the boss/mentor. Few reasons for this to happen.

1) Hardy heel turn is not doing so well and after the betrayl of Generation Me he loses the title turn face. This can setup an appearance for Matt Hardy to finally come into TNA siding with his brother Jeff. Hardy Boyz [old/veteran team] Face vs NEW Hardy Boyz (Generation Me) Heel [new/young team] This would be cool matches that TNA can provide.
2) Generation Me is just trying to get away from Hardy this can setup a revenge still being Heel find someone to do his dirty work or get him a partner do the job him self. Of course keeping Generation Me a heel as well.
3) This would be away for Matt Hardy to finally come into place as Generation Me next mentor saying that it was him to tell the boys to turn on his brother. Would set up of course Jeff turning face and maybe have him team up with MCMG or another young team.

So many choices but all of this should or take place no early then March 2011 and maybe no later them some time in June 2011. Depending on if Jeff Heel turn is going well or not. No telling what Hogan and Eric got plans for the new year so who knows.

Just some thoughts that could help Generation Me becoming the NEW young team that us wrestling fans want to see and have in this company. On side not bring in Paul London, Shane Helms, Matt Hardy if he's not their yet and possible the Naturals.

Having a tag team division with these teams can be huge and I'm sure it can help bring in more fans.

TNA Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin)
TNA Young Bucks/Generation Me (Matt Jackson/Max Buck and Nick Jackson/Jeremy Buck)
TNA Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode and James Storm)
TNA Fortune/Fourtune (A.J. Styles, James Storm, Kazarian and Robert Roode)
TNA Immortal (Abyss, Jeff Hardy, and Jeff Jarrett)
TNA/Japan Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi
TNA Latin American Exchange/X-Change/Xchange/LAX (Homicide and Hernandez)
TNA Paparazzi Productions (Alex Shelley, Johnny Devine, and Austin Aries)
TNA A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels
TNA A.J. Styles and Jerry Lynn
TNA Shazarian (Michael Shane/Matt Bentley and Kazarian)
TNA Red Devils (Amazing Red and Jerry Lynn)
TNA America's Most Wanted/AMW (Chris Harris and James Storm)*
TNA Triple X (Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, and Low Ki/Senshi/Kaval)
TNA Disciples of the New Church/New Church Disciples/New Church (Brian Lee and Slash or Slash and Sinn)
TNA Team Britain
TNA Team Canada
TNA Team International
TNA Team Japan
TNA Team Mexico
WWE/F Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy)
WWE/F Mexicools (Super Crazy, Psicosis and Juventud)
WWE/F Kai En Tai (Dick Togo, Mens Teioh, Sho Funaki, and Taka Michinoku)
WWE/F Team of Honor/LonDrick (Paul London and Brian Kendrick)
WWE/F World's Greatest Tag Team/Team Angle/Best Damn Tag Team Period (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin)
WWE/F Too Cool/Much (Scott Taylor/Scotty 2 Hotty and Brian Christopher/Grandmaster Sexay)
ROH Generation Next (Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Jack Evans)
ROH Amazing Phenomen (Amazing Red and AJ Styles)
ROH/TNA The S.A.T./Los Maximos/Spanish Announce Team (Jose Maximo, Joel Maximo, and Amazing Red)
ROH Briscoe Brothers (Jack Brisco and Gerald Brisco)
Indy Bad Street Boys (Joey Matthews and Christian York)
Indy Mexico's Most Wanted/MMW (Halloween, and Damien 666)
Indy/XPW La Familia (Konnan, Psicosis, Juventud Guerrera, Halloween, and Damien 666)
Indy Super Crazy and Tajiri
WCW 3 Count (Shane Helms, Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias*)
WCW Evan Karagias and Jamie Noble
WCW Matrix (Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo)
WCW Perfect Event (Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo)
WCW Natural Born Thrillers (Mike Sanders, Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Shawn Stasiak, and Chuck Palumbo)
WCW Latino World Order/lWo/LWO (Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis, La Parka, Damien 666, and Ciclope/Halloween)
WCW Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi, Jimmy Yang, and Jamie-San/Jamie Noble)
Great Muta, Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Liger, and Tajiri
ROH Special K (Whoever you want that would help TNA Tag Team Division)

Lets face it not every team I listed here that TNA can go after but most of them they can. Then I'm gonna be told that TNA doesn't have roster space. If you really like it the roster divide them in the right division. You can tell they have room but its not the roster space its more like no AIR time. Well, I say get rid of ReAction replace it with Xplosion but on a different night. Then bam you got air time and space for everyone but maybe let some stars that we don't need to make room or let the stars work on PPV appearance contract type.

This will help all division in general. Some of star power, can work in single division and the others are just tag teams expert. So why not use it instead of big guys over 45 or so that can't wrestle. TNA is the youth and thats what we need. I may have forgot teams or wrestlers that I haven't seen but you can always add them in thread if I miss anyone. Lets face everytime I listed above can easily work wonders with each other to have great matches.

Few more points and back on track the rest of the post.

Look at the bio/stats between the Hardy Boyz and Generation Me

Young Bucks/Generation Me/Los Gallineros/Jackson Brothers......Hardy Boyz/Team Xtreme/2 Xtreme/The Hardys/New Brood
Debut: August 2004............................................1993
Finishing Move: More Bang for Your Buck........................Omega Event/Falling Fate/Twist of Fate & Swanton Bomb
Favorite Moves: Stereo Dropkicks/Corkscrew neckbreaker.........Poetry in Motion/Side Russian Leg Sweep
Managers:......................................................Gangrel/Michael Hayes/Lita/Trish Stratus/Terri

Matt Jackson/Max Buck..........................................Matt Hardy
Wt: 5 ft 10 in.................................................6 ft 2 in
Ht: 178 lb.....................................................236 lb
DOB: March 13, 1985 (age 25)...................................September 23, 1974 (age 36)
Debut:.........................................................October 1992
Favorite Moves: Worst Case Scenario............................Scar/Twist of Fate/Moonsault/Side Effect
Nicknames: Mr. Instant Replay..................................Version 1 (V1)/Sensei of Mattitude

Nick Jackson/Jeremy Buck.......................................Jeff Hardy
Wt: 5 ft 10 in.................................................6 ft 1 in
Ht: 172 lb.....................................................215 lb
DOB: July 28, 1989 (age 21)....................................August 31, 1977 (age 33)
Debut:.........................................................October 1993
Favorite Moves: 450° splash.................................Reverse of Fate/Swanton Bomb/450° splash/Whisper in the Wind
Nicknames: Slick Nick..........................................Charismatic Enigma/Rainbow–Haired Warrior/Anti-Christ

The stats are in I got to say that Hardyz got the experience and wisdom on their side. Generation Me has the youth and ready do anything to win. Of course it wouldn't matter what type of match it be considering that Hardyz have done it all as a team and single. Their a few match types that TNA has creater that either two have been in so the youth could win if it was in a Ultimate X Match. It would be interesting for this to happen before Matt hits 40 because after that it wouldn't be as a good.!

Please give thoughts. TNA does NEED to bring in other talents around the world time to time to spice things up. Yeah, WWE can because they have money but they wouldn't know how or what do with them. TNA can and we have seen it in the past now it just TNA to make the jump and revive TNA before it falls.

Thanks enjoy.!!
I dunno what the hell all this is, but I wouldnt say they are the next Hardys because I cant see either one of them becoming their own because they look soft and tender...I wouldnt take them seriously against a Kurt Angle or a even a John Cena
I'm with darbare. I don't know what you just said, but I've never seen Generation Me do anything half as awesome as some of the big bumps that Jeff and Matt took like in their TLC matches. The reason that the Hardy Boyz were so endearing to the crowd was because of the fact that they would take the big bumps and they would put their bodies in jeopardy, and most of us appreciated and respected them for doing that in the name of our entertainment. I'll be the first to admit that I'm no expert on TNA as I haven't followed it regularly at any point in my life, but I've never seen or heard anybody ever talk about Generation Me doing anything as memorable as the Hardyz. Granted, they're still young and they have a similar look, I just can't see them ever being on a big enough stage to climb into the same stratosphere as the Hardyz. Basically, the Hardyz were legends because they took big bumps on the big stages. I just don't see that ever happening for Generation Me.
Yeah generation ME are young and are carving up a name for themselves the way hardyz did using spots and bumps to get out there. Unfortunately I think the problem is there are TOO much like hardy boys ie great tag team but no future sustainance because the team basically IS bumps, you ask these guys to cut promos and lets face it they are pretty poor. Mind you guns aren't great promoists either so that doesn't mean that mcuh. All it means is I really see there guys as a hardy boys and I don't just mean their costumes, because I think they look really similar to the hardyz when they first debuted, I mean career path. I see them lasting as long as people realise they are a one trick pony and unlike the hardyz they will have no singles careers, especially jeremy, he looks like more of a stoner than RVD. I see them trailing off in a few years unless they put SERIOUS work into the talking game. Best bet is for them to stay a tag team and wing it as long as they can.
I'm not sure what the point of listing 900 different tag teams was, but Gen Me needs to stay from Jeff Hardy. Sure, they kind of remind me of the Hardys, but it stops there. Jeff does not need to give up the TOP spot in a company to mentor a tag team just because he used to wear neon pants 12 years ago. If Matt comes to TNA, I hope he stays away from Jeff too. I know on TV, he will be up his brothers ass, but theres nothing I can do about it. Jeff is in a role that I love, and coming from me, that says a lot. The Hardys are the hometown guys for me, I've even ran into Matt and Shannon Moore at Wal-Mart before at like 3 in the morning, but I wont cheer for them. I've always despised the Hardys, but I LOVE Jeff's work so far as a heel. He doesnt have to do the typical "you fans are fat and your basketball team sucks" approach. Its fresh and entertaining.

As far as Gen Me goes, they need to do what they do best and do it on their own. I dont want them to be the new Hardys, I want them to just be who they are.
I'd rather Gen Me become the first Gen Me. Yeah there are similarities (there always are) but I think it's always better for someone to be themselves and not try and emulate someone else to much.
As Harvey Keitel would say: Lets not start sucking each others dicks just yet boys...Gen Me is awesome but they have a ways to go. I've seen them many times in the Indy's and they always impress just as they do in TNA but they have so much room for improvement and growth. I'm hoping TNA will really push that and then maybe one day we can compare them to the Hardy's. Right now MCMG's are THE tag team to watch and to beat...Not Gen Me.
I hope not because if they do become the next hardt boyz then they will never get out of the hardyz shadow, EVER. Also it will only demean the legacy created by the hardys what almost 15yrs ago,plus they'll never be seen as serious competion just some posers trying to fill in the shoes of one of the greatest tag teams in wwe/f history, and that's just not right plus tna won't gain anything from it.
Why must people insist that a wrestler or wrestlers are becoming the new someone else? Let them do their own thing. The Hardy Boyz are done and there will never be another. Let's build new characters instead of associating them with older ones.
I think comparing Gen Me to the next hardy boyz is a bit over the top becuz Gen Me aint really suicidal as the hardyz were when they were together especially in ladder matches and tlc matches, but im jus surprised Gen Me are still heels!
Outside of the pants, I don't see much of a connection between the two... I mean the Bucks are far more entertaining to me than the Hardyz were, and keep in mind, I was a kid when the Hardyz were popular. Right now, Gen Me is the heel tag team wrestling right now for both TNA and WWE... I don't count Nexus cause that's a stable :p...

Like seriously, if anything, I would compare them to The Rockers because that's what they seem to pattern more. They aren't two guys who do a bunch of spots, they're two guys who can give you a high impact match while keeping the ring psychology in place.

Plus, I don't see either one of them eating grapes.
The whole point of this just to see what people thought of the similarities to the Hardyz. Some ways for maybe the Generation Me to get out of the shadows of the Hardyz. Like feuding with them and I listed some other Tag Teams that TNA may suggest to come back to face Generation Me. Also maybe they need a NEW look as well so some people don't make comments about them dressing like the Hardyz.

See what you guys think about them in GENERAL. I'm not a fan like I stated in the long post but if they are willing to work hard its possible I make like them. They are better then some teams that WWE has come up with.
Gen Me will not become the next Hardy's as they have about as much charisma as the ring bell. Their in ring ability is ok, it sometimes bores me, but they have zero mic skills and faces I would never tire of punching. Granted there is room for ring ability to improve, but I can never imagine them being over with the fans as the Hardy's were.

The thing with the Hardy Boys was, fan or not, they were likable and had some extraordinary matches. I just can't see Gen Me pulling off an epic match, no matter what the format.
I consider Gen Me more of a throw-away tag team then an actual "The Next Hardy's". If they were released from TNA within a few weeks I wouldn't consider it a big loss. If The Hardy Boyz were released after a few months in the WWE there would have been an outrage. High-flying tag teams weren't the norm in Matt and Jeff's days. They are getting that way now. So Gen Me has nothing really special going on for them at the moment; maybe a gimmick change would improve my standings with them.

But at the moment, Ink Inc. is more watchable to me. Gen Me just doesn't have the personality to make it big in TNA right now. So comparing them to the most over-tag team in the last decade is a bit too much. Especially when better teams are running amock on iMpact.

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