You (The WWE) need visual change


They say "change", "new era", "next generation". They bring up new faces yet Raw and Smackdown look the same that they have for 15 years now. When ratings hit an all time low in early 96 small week by week changes ecstatically were made and by late 97 the visual Monday Night wrestling looked like a completely different product. When you do give us change yet I turn on Raw and the look, camera angles, ring setup and colors, Titan Tron and on and on haven't changed the whole package feels exactly the same and that "change" is hard to see or feel. I suggest you take two steps back to take one step forward. Trash the Tron and stage. Pack the arena and have the entertainers enter on ground level through the crowds. When Hogans era did this they felt special. Hogan, Andre, Taker surrounded by security guards as they made their way to the ring. The arena audience, the home audience and your tv cameras all clammering to find the entering superstar. My era watchers hear about this change, new era, starting with this payback ppv they tune into Raw Monday night and they see a completely different looking presentation. Then they start asking questions. "How long has it looked like this?"It reminds me of when I watched as a kid. "Hmmm this is interesting". It's a small change, step one, but something instead of just words. Yes they do this arena layout every once in a while but I'm talking Raw not a ppv or house show.
This is just my opinion, but this sounds little more than complaining just for the sake of complaining. When I think of a "new era" or "change" or what have you, I don't consider the how the WWE set is set up course because how WWE's set looks or what camera angles they use whenever someone makes an entrance ranks extremely low on my list of what's important. I don't watch wrestling to see what colors the ring aprons are, what the logos for Raw and SmackDown look like or any of that superficial nonsense. One reason why the Titan Tron is there is so that many people who aren't in the front row can actually see what's happening inside the ring and at ringside.
I have to agree with the original post. A different look adds a completely different feel and that makes huge difference in the product. When WWE wen't to the tron and ramp back in the day it felt so fresh and it was exciting to watch. The look has changed very little since then and I think switching things up again is long overdue.
I'm not complaining at all try reading what I wrote one more time. I'm saying you can only say "change" "new era" "next generation" so many times yet the product feels and looks the same as it always has, so another area where actual change can help is the look of the show. One doesn't look for it or tune in because of it but they do notice and a different look plus new faces plus better stories completes the "change" that's being talked about. The Titan Tron is crap in 2016. Every basketball and hockey arena has a foursided big screen multimedia whatchamajig in the center ceiling of their arena. You need to show a backstage interview or stars arriving use it. The Titan Tron was used correctly in the late 90's early 00's when a heel would call out the face who was in the ring or in a match. The face would take off backstage due to the heels words be attacked before he could get to the heel. Then vice versa. Now it's just a giant eye soar for overdone entrances in my opinion. Then when they got lazy in the mid 00's and taped Raw and Smackdown together they simply pushed a button from color red to color blue and lost the individual look and characteristics of each show.
I don't think that there is much that can be done that ain't been done before. In the end, you can only reinvent yourself but so many times.

The idea of ditching the titantron and ramp was usually done at the Garden every few years or so. Last I remember, Sheamus brogue kicked Lawler's head off.

I'm not a fan of that ring-tron that was introduced in 2015. I don't know why it was introduced to begin with.

But these things helped change the dynamics, some good; others not so.

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