"You steal from me, I'll steal from you."

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
"You steal from me, I steal from you. I'm gonna defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania."

That put a little tingle & smile in me when CM Punk said it.

Thoughts? What other wrestling quotes make you react when you hear them?
I liked it when he walked down the ramp interrupting Mae Young's birthday singalong and said 'Whaddya gona do about it lady" to a crowd member.
"By the way the Rock will never, EVER forget." SLAM!


I love the Austin/Rock singoff, it always puts a smile on my face. My other favourite quote from the segment is, "Wastin' away again in Margaritaville". My favourite RAW segment of all time.

This and this.

It might not be my favorite quote of all time, but that was my favorite segment of all time.

Another quote that I thought was funny was when the Rock said that the WWE Championship Belt shouldn’t look like a toy, and then proceeds to unveil a new Belt…immediately available on Shop.WWE.com yours for just $449.99.
After breaking into Bearer's home !

" What you think I forgot where you live ??" - The Undertaker :worship:

R.I.P Paul Bearer !

After him and Kane jump the Big Show for barging in their locker room ! :

"Next time Knock !" - The Undertaker
I could easily pick one from the Attitude Era, but I'll go outside the box.

"A victim of your own greed. Wallowing in the muck of avarice."

- Jake "The Snake" Roberts.
"Weapons are not only welcome... they're allowed." - Batista.

Gives me chills every time. /sarcasm.
"Give me my holds!"

Jericho yelling at the referee to give him his list of holds after not naming his 1,004 holds.
I Am The Best In The World…At What I Do!!

That is my favorite quote of all time. I mean, think about it. Wouldn’t that apply to everyone and anyone who says that?? How can someone do what you do better than you??
"You broke my heart, WWE Universe. I ain't gonna stop till I break yours."

- Brodus Clay. Genuinely.

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