You people and your intolerance make me sick!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
In my time on internet wrestling websites, there has been one great constant. Something that is said frequently by a great majority of us. Something that most people will claim until there is snow on the ground, that snow melts, and it snows again. A lot of us shout from the rooftops that we just don't like Michael Cole's announcing skills. People have called him on radio shows and tried to chew him out. People get on him for not being a fat, over-the-hill yeehaw from Oklahoma. People don't recognize him as the voice of today's youth in the way that his role demands he be recognized. However, I've recently discovered that this is all just a lie created by those too timid or too proud to admit why they really don't like Michael Cole.

The truth: Michael Cole gets more pussy in a week than 95% of you have had in the last five years.

Yeah, I said it. And now I'll have to put up the stammering and excuses from those who don't want to admit that the sexual prowess of Michael Cole outweights that of their own. Don't be shy. Most of us are in the same boat.

I don't think it makes us lesser men when all those babies are born nine months after Michael Cole goes through your town. It just makes Michael Cole a better man. And it's been that way from over a decade. Let's face the facts, people. We'll soon (sooner rather than later) have to make the choice between living a life of seclusion or dealing with the fact that in a few short years the product of Michael Cole's years of sexual exploits will be everywhere, doing almost everything for us. Bagging our groceries. Writing awful screenplays. Loving our wives.

My plea to all of you is this: Let's deal with the reality of the situation while we still have time to greet our future with open, tolerant arms and drop this farce about us hating him because his announcing. Who's with me?
So basically, the conclusion I've drawn from your post... Is that it's all the pussy that makes him such a crap commentator.

Coco has a man crush on Cole...

Isn't Cole married? I imagine he doesn't get much pussy either way. WWE commentators aren't very high on the totem pole of people women want to sleep with.
Good thing I don't have a vagina. Otherwise, Cole would deposit his seed in me.


Umm, I'm I the only one confused?

I don't hate Michael Cole and as a matter of fact I enjoy him more than Jim Ross.

As far as him getting more pussy, yeah...because we all know it's every girls dream to give their pussy to a WWE announcer.
After years of loyalty to the wrestling industry, you don't think there are women out there who fetishize Good Ol' JR and want to wear his hat while licking BBQ sauce off his well fed hide?

You don't think there are support groups set up for all the women Jerry Lawler has fucked while on the road as an announcer?

What world do you guys live in?
I hope Michael Cole gets more pussy than I do. Or else he must be a sad, sad man.
After years of loyalty to the wrestling industry, you don't think there are women out there who fetishize Good Ol' JR and want to wear his hat while licking BBQ sauce off his well fed hide?

You don't think there are support groups set up for all the women Jerry Lawler has fucked while on the road as an announcer?

What world do you guys live in?
Earth. But I can see you are joking around so its all good. Could use a bit more yo mamma jokes.
My mom has, she called it Teeny Weeny. Seriously, Cole has the dick of 3 year old. She nearly died of laughter.
Okay. But they still did the deed, right?

Even if they didn't, Cole has them lined up around the block. She was no loss, I'm sure.
Okay. But they still did the deed, right?

Even if they didn't, Cole has them lined up around the block. She was no loss, I'm sure.
Oh Please. She felt sorry for him, he was crying like a little bitch because he got rejected by a hooker. More like around the block demanding a refund! :lmao:
Why would Todd make her say this line....Who make JR his little bitch? MICHAEL COLE! Seems kinda odd.
That proves nothing. I frequently get my partners to entice me with talk of how much better John Cena is than Randy Orton.

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