You own WWE now. What will you do with it?

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Dark Match Jobber
Ok, everyone is saying that the WWE is going down hill, or how Hollywood has said, they have "Jumped the Shark." Vince McMahon suddenly has a heart-attack and dies. Linda, Stephanie, Shane, and HHH suddenly have no desire whatsoever to take control because they are all distrought over Vince's death. They want to hand it over and see it succeed again so they create a Reality show contest to see "Who will own WWE now?" and you win because of your creativity and spark and how you see WWE moving foward. Now you own WWE. What would you change and how would you go about doing it? This is your are now Vince McMahon.

I will tell you how I would later, but I want to see responses first :)
thats easy id make melina my new billion dollar princess lol

i would bring back more major top level factions. i think thats whats missing since attitude era and thas why it may have slipped.

i would have my top 3 stars as edge, triple h and cena

nitro would recieve massive push
as would kennedy, victoria,carlito, and benjamin.

no more split shows

commish would be jbl

id bring back chyna, lesner(but never really use him) and the dudleys

aj styles would be poached from tna as woulds samoa joe.
-fire creative and bring in Heyman and Raven to lead my new creative team

-release Khali, Miz, and and all the other worthless wrestlers

-drop ECW, and split the roster between Raw and SD!

-rebuild the crusierweight division aswell as the womens division

-bring back the KOTR PPV and have it as an interpromotional PPV

-take the belts off Cena and Batista and put a stipulation in place that states that if a superstar loses his rematch then he doesn't get another title shot till either the current champion loses the title or until one eight months after their last title shot

-allow the fans to vote on who they think should be the GMs of each show, this would happen each year after WM

-no more than 12 PPVs in one year

I'm sure their would be many other things I could do but that's all I can think of at the moment
Make WWECW ECW and thats about it o ya get rid of khali(gtfo) and umaga(send him to jobber or tag team dont fire)
well, you say the McMahons and HHH arent involved

ok...first of all, there is 5 hours a week of WWE on television. i see where the Brand extension has its benefits, but really, there is no difference between RAW and SD, it is all WWE and we have a lot of wrestlers on tv that seem to not really be quite ready for the big stage, so, with the notion that this company is established name and will make money regardless as long as people like what they see, i would do away with the brand split, and eliminate ECW for good
Raw would be the only show, but Smackdown would air every month as a weekend special, thus eliminating overkill, and making Raw seem like a cant miss show
i would change a couple of the wrestlers gimmicks slightly, like have Cena ditch the marine gimmick, and make him more of an everyday kind of guy that is more relatable, Carlito would ditch the fro and the neon colored tights for a more sinister, ruthless Tony Montana type character, complete with his own posse of thugs, he would be a top level guy, i would make Shelton Benjamin more of an arrogant, big money contract type jock prick badass, and push him to the moon, and have Lashley his bodyguard, and Teddy Long as his agent
as for Kane, i would make him out ot be more like his look in his movie, ditch the red unitard,
Edge would be champ
i think that i would get rid of Batista, Khali, send HBK into retirement, but bring him in for occasional guest spots, i would retire Booker, Randy Orton would be setting up the ring, Undertaker would only make rare appearances, so that they meant something

my announcers would be JR and William Regal
i would make the tag titles mean something again
i would take care of the cruisers
i would remove the ban on moves
i would pay attention to what the fans want, not do things out of spite agianst them
i would draw back the house shows, so my guys got enough time to rest and be with family, that way they are ready to work when its time to do so,
i would enlist older guys for their knowledge of wrestling story telling, like Rhodes and Steamboat and Flair and Funk and Jake Roberts, as well as younger guys that have a clue about today's game for my booking team
i wouldnt rely on stupid shit that has nothing to do with wrestling to make a show interesting
i would start a March Madness Tournament featuring wrestlers form all over the world 64 of them, wich culminates at WrestleMania...winner gets a title shot @ Summerslam, regardless of who the champ is at the time, maybe do the same for Tag wrestling leading into Survivor Series...oh yeah scale back all the ppvs...who can afford that shit?

i am rambling and these ideas suck
just a few more ideas

-make Cena and Batista heela again both were far more interesting when they were heels

-take Vickie Geurrero off TV(I'd still pay her the same and would have doing something behind the scenes, maybe something that would allow her to be home with her kids more often), and end all the Eddie Guerruro storylines

-I'd do everthing in my power to bring back Bret Hart, even if it was just for a short term kind of thing, I'd like to bring him in for a special Ref situation at a big PPV, maybe as the Ref in a title match between HBK and Beniot, then he can screw HBK and get some measure of revenge,

-take VKM up on their million doller challenge, then donate the money to various charities in WWEs name, that way WWE comes out on top no matter what( we would end up calling them out and they would have no choice but to put up or shut up)

-no celebarties wrestling

-have a group of superstars invade TNA, and invite TNA to a Raw or SD! tapeing then put them on camera
1.split ecw off and sale/give it to Paul Heyman. more limits/bans on moves more 'brand extension'
4.Give Eugene a better gimmick and a title run
5.Take the belt off Cena and have him dropped in crate much like the spirit squad and have someone slap a "OVW' sticker on it then a fed ex guy pick it up
6.Fire Khali,Umaga,Batista and every other "giant' that mcmahon likes to favor.
7.make a wcw flashback(aired as originally new commentary/lead ins) show on basic cable
8.make a strong tag team division.

thats all i can think of what i would do for now.
I would get rid of all the stupid "hollywood" aspects of Raw and do a crosspromotional show with TNA.

Slow down on all the house shows and allow wrestlers from around the world to go for the WWE Championship much like how the NWA Championship used to be run.
Oh man this would make my day.

First I'd immediately fire Khali, Batista, Cena, Test, Lashley and Umaga. I'd set up a tournament to crown a new WWE and World champion. Like others have said guys from all over the world could compete. In the end I think I'd have either Kane, Undertaker, HBK or someone from Japan (Masato Tanaka maybe) win one of the tournaments. I would also give WWECW back to Paul Heyman, no strings attached and let him make ECW his own seperate promotion again, although the possibility of angles and such could still be there if we both saw any potential there.

I would fire the entire creative team and hire all new guys. I'd put Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Arn Arnderson and a few young guys on the creative team. I'd also try extremely hard to convince Bret Hart to come back to take part in creative or an angle where he gets revenge on HBK. Puts him in the sharpshooter and then gives a farewell speech on live tv.

I would also make the tag team division something spectacular again as well as the crusierweight division. I'd make these two the most popular in the company, especially the CW. I'd do much like Heyman did back in the day and showcase all kinds of different styles. I'd have luchadors come in and work their craft and also I'd have plenty of hardcore. I'd remove the "move ban" and set the rules to no dq in everything. This way you can't have any bogus finishes. I would also do away with some of the ppvs and have only the 4 major ones (Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble) plus I'd add KOTR to the list of the major ppvs. I'd have these 5 plus a few minor ones here and there. I would do away with all the pointless "entertainment" that is given to us and put back in the wrestling. I'd have interesting storylines and angles that aren't predictable or boring.

There's a lot more which I'd do but it would take forever to list it all. This is just the basics of what I'd change.
lol to all that would fire so many of the most popular, simply i would sell WWE to TNA with a clause tat Paul Hayman is the new ceo or something. i can imagine the look on Vince's face right now....
Oh man this would make my day.

First I'd immediately fire Khali, Batista, Cena, Test, Lashley and Umaga. I'd set up a tournament to crown a new WWE and World champion. Like others have said guys from all over the world could compete. In the end I think I'd have either Kane, Undertaker, HBK or someone from Japan (Masato Tanaka maybe) win one of the tournaments. I would also give WWECW back to Paul Heyman, no strings attached and let him make ECW his own seperate promotion again, although the possibility of angles and such could still be there if we both saw any potential there.

I would fire the entire creative team and hire all new guys. I'd put Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Arn Arnderson and a few young guys on the creative team. I'd also try extremely hard to convince Bret Hart to come back to take part in creative or an angle where he gets revenge on HBK. Puts him in the sharpshooter and then gives a farewell speech on live tv.

I would also make the tag team division something spectacular again as well as the crusierweight division. I'd make these two the most popular in the company, especially the CW. I'd do much like Heyman did back in the day and showcase all kinds of different styles. I'd have luchadors come in and work their craft and also I'd have plenty of hardcore. I'd remove the "move ban" and set the rules to no dq in everything. This way you can't have any bogus finishes. I would also do away with some of the ppvs and have only the 4 major ones (Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble) plus I'd add KOTR to the list of the major ppvs. I'd have these 5 plus a few minor ones here and there. I would do away with all the pointless "entertainment" that is given to us and put back in the wrestling. I'd have interesting storylines and angles that aren't predictable or boring.

There's a lot more which I'd do but it would take forever to list it all. This is just the basics of what I'd change.

sweet so you would fire some of the people who bring in a good amount of the money for the company thats good to would remove the "move ban" even better...have your superstars at a higher risk of being injured just to show SPECTACULAR moves..i do not think that would set good with the wrestlers...least not all of them...i dont think your way of the wwe would last long...sounds like you would start losing fans..ratings..and sells right away..
To the idea of using what ive got when I take control this is what i would do. This is a short term thing and it would change and develop after at least a year to use wrestlers properly and other such things.

Id start by changing it up and starting the night after Wrestlemania. Have a Draft on RAW, divy up the talent between all of the brands. Id also rename ECW, because it is not ECW but a WWE product so make it one completly by renaming the product.

The next thing i would do would be to change the day that Smackdown is taped to the Wednesday and increase ECW to a two hour show that travels seperately. I would have Paul Heyman in the back working with the Bookers to come up with good stories for ECW.

Id also slowly depush some of the superstars like Batista, Lashley, Umaga and Khali. I would open up some of the moves that are allowed by testing the Superstars that do those sort of moves in training, This would be to determine who can do what moves. I would also have Cena increase his moveset.
First thing I would do is eliminate Smackdown. (There only only about 10 guys I would keep from that roster.) Then I would write Paul Heyman a blank check so he can run ECW his way. Problems solved....
I'd keep it pretty simple I would make all WWE show's wrestling show's. No stupid comedy gimmick's, no big green machine's. I would have wrestler's. There would be feud's but wrestling would come first. In a two hour show for example there would be at least foer 15 plus minute match's. Promo's would string the story along but would become the basis of the feud. Everything would be settled in the ring. Also size would'nt be an issue. If you cant work you're out of Jake's WWE.
First thing I would do is eliminate Smackdown. (There only only about 10 guys I would keep from that roster.) Then I would write Paul Heyman a blank check so he can run ECW his way. Problems solved....

i agree 100% but i would also fire Khali and strip Cena of the title so he can earn it not get it handed to him and allow some of the moves that were banned (like 450 splash for example) and book the cruisers more serious
A lot of folks are canceling PPV's and giving assets away. What happened to the share-holders during this heart attack situation?
The responses to this question show how clueless most of the IWC are when it comes to what's made wrestling succesful in the past. So you'd fire Cena and Batista, the two most over superstars to emerge since Stone Cold and The Rock (with the possible exception of Brock)? Stuuuupid.

I'd kill ECW, it's turned into a joke now anyway and doesn't have much life left in it. Actually, I'd cancel the brand extension altogether and move back to 12 ppvs a year, I think it really would be what's needed to make RAW must-see TV again.

Basically the top guys would be Cena, Batista, DX, Edge, Randy Orton, The Undertaker and maybe Rob Van Dam and Mr. Kennedy.

Then I'd have an upper-midcard/midcard IC Title division of guys like Benoit, Finlay, Lashley, Booker T, Umaga, Kane, Ric Flair, CM Punk, Carlito, MVP, Hardcore Holly and Test.

Tag division would basically be all the tag teams in WWE right now, the Hardy Boyz, MNM, World's Greatest Tag Team, Cryme Tyme, Kendrick/London and Regal/Taylor being the most prominent.

And everybody else would be wrestling on HeAT, occassionally surfacing on RAW to do the j-o-b.
Lets see.... First up is ECW.... I'd give creative control back to Heyman try and get them a two hour time slot and bring back the TV title.. I'd put the world title on RVD and TV title on CM Punk. I'd give ECW a "commish" and that would be Tazz. I'd make ECW Orginals more visible in storylines. I'd grab Rhyno, Raven, and Jerry Lynn from TNA and bring them back to ECW and I'd move Benoit from Smackdown to ECW and have him and RVD feud over the world title.

Now On Smackdown.. I'd make the crusierweight division more attention. I'd grab Sabin, Dutt, Lethal, and Petey Williams from TNA and put them in the crusier division. I would also bring in a guy named M-Dogg 20 from CZW he is one of the best smaller guys I have ever seen. I would elimnate the tag division on SD too... I will explain that later. I would drop Michael Cole from being a commentator and bring in Tony Schvonie from WCW and pair him with JBL... As for the US Title since Benoit is now on ECW I'd put it on Matt Hardy since he draws and has some wrestling skill.. Then for the World title I'd bring Orton over from Raw and have him feud with Batista over while giving Undertaker one more title run in there somewhere.

Now on Raw... I will start with the tag divison... The reason why I ended it on SD! is so I can create a unfied tag division. That would include Kendrick/London, Crime Tyme, The Highlanders, Cade and Murdoch, Regal/Talyor, Burke/Terkay, MnM, The Hardyz and I would sign the tag team of Chris Hero and Claudio Casnaglio... By doing this these guys will also be on either Raw or SD! But since they are a tag team they can compete on either show.. But if they wrestle as a singles wrestler they can only wreslte on there repective brand. Now for the IC title... I would have Hardy drop it to Nitro and continue that feud until at a Pay-Per-View I had a scramble cage match for it and the match would consist of Dykstra, Hardy, Nitro, Shelton, Carlito, Teddy Hart and Chris Hero... I would out the belt on Dykstra to push him further in the business... The I would bring back Bret Hart and have him manage The New Hart Foundation which would include TJ Wilson, Nattie Neidhart, Harry Smith, and Teddy Hart. I would puch Wilson and Smith as a tag team. They have tagged since they have been in the business, and Teddy Hart would be a great assest to the IC title. I would break up DX and have HHH go back to the Cerberal Assassin gimmick and he would win the title off Cena and then I'd have HHH and HBK feud again... With it ending in a loser retires match... I'd have HBK lose just to bring him back as commish of RAW. Then as HHH holds the title I'd have him feud with Cena. I'd have Cena job to HHH a few times then out of desperation Cena creates an alliance with Edge. Then enter Jericho.. Have HHH and Jericho feud with Edge and Cena... Eventually having Edge win the title off HHH then Jericho winning it of Edge.

Now here is who I'd fire.

Big Show
Boogie Man
Matt Striker

Thats all I can think of for the moment..
hmm if this all happened..wat i'd do.. have one week of chaos to kinda emphasize the fact that vince is gone.. then the next week i would come out the ring introduce myself and lay down some laws.. i would cuz some of the losers of the company that no one wants to see or jsut send them to the ecw branch since ecw needs more people and eventualy expand ecw to 2 hours and maybe create 2 subbranches of ecw ( even tho ecw is a branch of wwe ) and introduce a few more titles to both wwe and ecw such as light heavy, super heavy weight if those dont work out nicely then i'd cut those . get rid of the corny childish story lines and have a lil more action.. there would still be story lines but c'mon its getting outta hand..i would then have a few of the older wcw superstars band togeter and have wcw one night stand then recreate wcw.. focus most of the attention on the new wcw branch. i would try my best to have wwe, ecw and wcw as differnt as possible so they dont seem like branches altho they are. then once wcw has become successful i would have them battle for the wwe world title because it was the wcw title in the first place. and go from there... eventually i would sign mroe women upnot as divas but as real women wrestlers.. no cat fight garbage... have a womens heavy weight or somehting cool like that.. im talking about strong women here... eventually my empire would expand to every day of the week mwuahahahahah:shit:
Ok, here is what I would do. The WWE is now mine and I would first, do what I can and with my power to make WWE a very fan-based company. I would want what the fans want, granted, they can't have it all because that could ruin the big suprises.

Here would be my top rules for superstars/employees:
1. Anything talked about backstage would stay backstage and only the top people would know about it. The superstars will only know what is going down in THEIR own storylines, just to keep everything under-wraps and less predictive.
2. Creative would be gone. Not all of it, but most of it. There would be an executive team that would oversee the 2 brands (Smackdown and Raw, ECW is gone) and then there would be 2 sub-teams, one for Raw and one for Smackdown. Paul Heyman, if he wanted the job, would control creative and most likely be the head of the executive creative team and watch over both brands. Superstars will get their input and the creative teams will look into them heavily. Of course, I would know how everything was going and most of the things will be checked by me. The storylines will be thought out, HEAVILY. I would have a meeting once a week where all creative will meet to discuss storylines and plan. All storylines will be planned at least 4 months in advanced, 1. to know where we are going, and 2. to make sure we have no backstage catastrophes. The creative teams will make sure that NOTHING gets to the fans. The more they know, the less they watch. I think that's about it concerning creative.
3. Superstars- the superstars would only know what they need to know, nothing else. They will follow the rules, for example- the drug testing will be more fluent and will be more effective because people will not work under circumstances like that, the WWE is a family oriented business and I will not tolerate it. The backstage politics will die down. Not completely be gone, but most of it will. Again, I will not tolerate it.

That's it for the employees of the WWE. Now, on to the shows.

WWE - The WWE will consist of 2 major brands, Raw and Smackdown. The WWE's design team will create a new WWE logo, it's gonna be a new era and we need a new look. The website will be changed, there will be absolutely no silliness whatsoever. No ass cartoons, no storylines like a referee committing suicide or a midget suing the website. It will be a little bit more professional and up-to-date. The 2 WWE brands will remain seperate and there will be no interpromotional matches or people going to the other brands without any sort of viable and realistic explanation.

Raw - Raw will feature the best and brightest of the WWE. It will be the edgier of the 2 brands and will include more of the heavyweights. The championships will continue to be the same: WWE Championship, IC Championship, Tag Team, and Women's. The championship sections will be different. Each person will have to earn their shot at any belt. WWE Championship - That title is the biggest and most important, so it will be treated that way. When I take over, all belts will be stripped so that we can form better divisions and so that they are clearer. The WWE championship will have a long-lasting tournament, that will last at least for 2 months. The winner will then face the person who won at Royal Rumble at Wrestlemania and have a fued with them until then. The day after Wrestlemania, EACH YEAR, will be the annual draft. EVERYONE on BOTH rosters will be in attendance and EVERYONE on BOTH rosters could be changed to either side. Whomever the champion is at the time will be stripped if he has to move. If someone loses their WWE title, then they will not get a rematch for it until 4 months later, with exception to the Money in the Bank match that will be held each year at Wrestlemania. IC Title - the IC title is simple. This title can only be changed internationally, therefor giving the person who wants it, a good enough fight for it. This will include heavyweights. Tag Team - simply enough, it will remain the same it has been for years. Women's championship - the women's division will change slightly. Women will be split evenly among both brands. Christee Hemmy will get her job back. The women's division will be changed back into it once was and not a joke. Any models/backstage announcers/etc. will be clearly seperate than the WWE divas. This is how Raw will remain. There will be no talk-show type segments or celebrity fueds. There will be celebrity involvement, but not like the WWE today is doing it. Raw will have a new look, new music, new logo, new entrance, new everything. Same announcers and there will be a General Manager for each. There contract as GM will expire each year after Wrestlemania, and the fans will decide by voting online if that GM has done a significant job or did lame. Depending on what the fans decide, it will be bye-bye GM or they will continue to a successful job.

Smackdown - Smackdown will be different than Raw. It will have a new look, logo, set, everything. The announcers will be Michael Cole and Tazz. JBL will be part of the executive creative team. If he doesn't like it, he is gone. The GM policy from Raw will be the same for Smackdown. Smackdown will include heavyweights, but there will be more emphasis on the crusierweights. World Heavyweight Champ - there will be a smaller division for this than Raw's, but it will balance out. For this title, it can only be defended at PPV's and Internationally, but it can be defended at "special" Smackdown's as long as there is a viable or realistic reason for it, ie. it's in a contract. The rematch clause will also be set for the Smackdown brand too. Tag Team titles - the Tag titles will be a big deal on SD, and will include most of WWE's tag teams. It will have the same rules. Crusierweight - it is what it is. There will be no heavyweights allowed and this will be for all crusierweights and also high-flyers. Women's - there will be an exculsive Smackdown Women's Championship belt and the women on smackdown will compete for it. Same rules as Raw's will apply.

That is pretty much how I would start off by shaping this fresh-new WWE. I will not be on TV at all, unless it's for special purposes. Again, there will be distinct Season's of WWE. From the day after Wrestlemania, which will be the Draft, until Wrestlemania, will be a full season. The fueds and stuff like that will last one year and Wrestlemania will end it all, beginning it all as well. For example, The day after WM, John Cena wants his belt back that Edge won at WM in a triple-threat match...he and John will fued in many different ways through-out the year and will end it all at WM. Others will come in and out in the storyline and Edge might lose his belt at a PPV by someone who earned it and John will still want his revenge on Edge. There will be different ways to do this, but it will work.

This would be my dream WWE. There would be more, but that's the basics!

Thanks ;)
Ok, where to start.......

First of all, the rosters would come together, and the respective titles would be unified.

The belts would be as follows:

WWE Title
Intercontinental Title
ECW Title (basically a more prestigious version of the Hardcore Title)
Tag Team Titles
Cruiserweight Title
Women's Title

I would make Smackdown live, and put it on the USA network, back on a Thursday night as well, and I would extend both Raw and Smackdown to 2 1/2 hours.

Heat and Velocity would be an hour long each of just wrestling, Crusierweights, Women's, Tag Titles and perhaps even an Intercontinental Title match.

The PPV's would be as follows:

January: Royal Rumble
February: No Way Out
March: WrestleMania
April: Backlash
May: Judgement Day
June: King Of The Ring
July: Vengeance
August: Summerslam
September: Unforgiven
October: Badd Blood
November: Survivor Series
December: Armageddon

Each PPV would be in a 4 hour time slot, with WrestleMania in a 5 hour slot.

I would have JBL as Commisioner, perhaps keep his job as commentator on Smackdown, and have JR, King and Cole do commentary at the PPV's.

I would also have Saturday Night Main event on the day before the big PPV's (RR, WM, KOTR, SS and SS), perhaps before the other ones as well.

John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton, Triple H, Undertaker and RVD would be the main stars.

Mr Kennedy would have a long run with the IC title, perhaps be head of a faction like the Nation was and play the role of The Rock, and fued with another faction headed by someone like Carlito (playing Triple H's DX role, as the DX/Nation fued is still my favourite feud ever).

Perhaps would also change the Smackdown set, it's well tacky, get rid of the Silver and go back to black.

All the Women would need to train properly on how to wrestle, but would also have the Diva's more sexier and edgy (sex sells at the end of the day).

Benoit, Taker, HBK, Kane & possibly Flair would have one more title run (Kane especially, Flairs could be done for novelity, win the belt in Charlotte, then lose it on Smackdown the same week or something).

I would examine what made the WWF so good in the old days and use that, edgy storylines, great charaters (Rock and Austin, the two best ever, Cena and Orton are in that mould now, they are the future of the company along with Edge).

I would also try to bring Kurt Angle back, the man is a frickin machine.

first i would hire jack evans to slap john cena right in the face and tell him to hit the bricks.

then id have a real cruiserweight divison with wrestlers from ROH and TNA

I would give rey the raw title

and samoa joe the smackdown title

and put on some WRESTLING MATCHES
Barely anyone is thinking of this from an economic sense. It is not smart to make a large number of big name cuts in one fell swoop. Im almost certain that both Batista and Cena can be fairly decent wrestlers, but I would have them drop the belts and have them increase their moveset, then they could potentially get back into the title picture.
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