You Might Not Like It But Reigns Just Made WWE Interesting Again

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Bemoan him winning all you like, but you saw Bryan's story last year. With fans being that anti-Reigns it'll be fascinating to see where they go with it. They gave fans what they wanted last year, make WWE will do what they want this year at Mania. Will they be forced to do a double turn? If they don't how will that match be received? If Reigns wins and Rollins cashes in immediately after does Rollins become WWE's new babyface sensation?

There are just so many possibilities.
It's madness. They can keep Reigns face, he beats Lesnar & then Rollins cashes in. It won't work, Rollins would be cheered so... turn Reigns heel & Lesnar face.
Have Rollins cash in after heel Reigns wins, turn him face, there's your new champion.

Does Reigns even make it to 'mania with his shot? Will Lesnar even be the champ?

It's essentially like Batista 2014 all over again. But man not even the Rock could truly cheer the crowd up, they were intent on booing the fuck out of that outcome.

If they do indeed go with Reigns vs Lesnar, I think they'll have no choice but to do the double turn - if that want the crowd to cheer the right guy that is.
Double turn.

Gotta wonder if that was already the plan. Lesner's been booked more as a face the last couple of weeks, and coming off the stretcher to retain the title was a pure babyface move on his part. Then that Rock/Reigns thing backstage where the Rock was nervous about Lesner and telling people they'd get fired, with Reigns going along with it? They were heeling.

It's a better move. Only issue there that I see is getting Lesner resigned, because you don't want to go into Mania with a lame duck babyface champ in your main event.
It's a question of people never being satisfied. People on here whine and moan and bitch about the same people winning all the time. Same old crap for Cena. Oh no, not Randy Orton again! Sick and tired of the authority guys front and center every single week. And there's validity to all of that.

So they go out on a limb somewhat and give the Rumble victory to a relatively new guy. Now there will be some new blood in the main event of the grandest stage of them all. Trying to search for the elusive face and future face of the company which would allow the focus to come off Cena, which pretty much everyone seems to want. And people actually boo Reigns, suggest he isn't ready, and still whine and complain.

Look, there's lots of stuff I absolutely hated about the Royal Rumble last night. Lots of stuff. Overall, an extreme disappointment for me overall. But the choice of Roman Reigns to win, I've got no problem with that at all. It's all a question of where they go from here. Which frankly worries me based upon the last few months. But Reigns was a great choice to win the rumble last night despite what the naysayers may suggest.
The most interesting thing about it, for me anyway, is we might get Hollywood Rock back again, unfortunately for Reigns to carry an interesting story, he has to be vaguely interesting himself.
It's a question of people never being satisfied. People on here whine and moan and bitch about the same people winning all the time. Same old crap for Cena. Oh no, not Randy Orton again! Sick and tired of the authority guys front and center every single week. And there's validity to all of that.

So they go out on a limb somewhat and give the Rumble victory to a relatively new guy. Now there will be some new blood in the main event of the grandest stage of them all. Trying to search for the elusive face and future face of the company which would allow the focus to come off Cena, which pretty much everyone seems to want. And people actually boo Reigns, suggest he isn't ready, and still whine and complain.

Look, there's lots of stuff I absolutely hated about the Royal Rumble last night. Lots of stuff. Overall, an extreme disappointment for me overall. But the choice of Roman Reigns to win, I've got no problem with that at all. It's all a question of where they go from here. Which frankly worries me based upon the last few months. But Reigns was a great choice to win the rumble last night despite what the naysayers may suggest.

Reigns was the one guy that no one in the wells fargo center wanted to win......he was the number 1 heel at the begining of the show. If any other upper mid card face would have won then they wouldnt have flipped shit.
It's a question of people never being satisfied. People on here whine and moan and bitch about the same people winning all the time. Same old crap for Cena. Oh no, not Randy Orton again! Sick and tired of the authority guys front and center every single week. And there's validity to all of that.

So they go out on a limb somewhat and give the Rumble victory to a relatively new guy. Now there will be some new blood in the main event of the grandest stage of them all. Trying to search for the elusive face and future face of the company which would allow the focus to come off Cena, which pretty much everyone seems to want. And people actually boo Reigns, suggest he isn't ready, and still whine and complain.

Look, there's lots of stuff I absolutely hated about the Royal Rumble last night. Lots of stuff. Overall, an extreme disappointment for me overall. But the choice of Roman Reigns to win, I've got no problem with that at all. It's all a question of where they go from here. Which frankly worries me based upon the last few months. But Reigns was a great choice to win the rumble last night despite what the naysayers may suggest.

Why was he such a great choice? Seriously, the guy is not over. The crowd literally wanted Reigns to win the least out of every single competitor in that Rumble match.

I'm all for new blood and changing of the guard so to speak, but the WWE already has guys better than Reigns. Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose just to name a few. I'm sure I speak for many others when I say that either of those 5 would have been a preferred choice than Reigns.
It's a question of people never being satisfied. People on here whine and moan and bitch about the same people winning all the time. Same old crap for Cena. Oh no, not Randy Orton again! Sick and tired of the authority guys front and center every single week. And there's validity to all of that.

So they go out on a limb somewhat and give the Rumble victory to a relatively new guy. Now there will be some new blood in the main event of the grandest stage of them all. Trying to search for the elusive face and future face of the company which would allow the focus to come off Cena, which pretty much everyone seems to want. And people actually boo Reigns, suggest he isn't ready, and still whine and complain.

Look, there's lots of stuff I absolutely hated about the Royal Rumble last night. Lots of stuff. Overall, an extreme disappointment for me overall. But the choice of Roman Reigns to win, I've got no problem with that at all. It's all a question of where they go from here. Which frankly worries me based upon the last few months. But Reigns was a great choice to win the rumble last night despite what the naysayers may suggest.

He can't talk (Sufferin suckatash)
He's decent at best at wrestling (Name one amazing match he's had?)
He's in no way proven as a draw (Ambrose at least sold a lot of hoddies at one point)

Why is he the best choice? Because he's got family?

Reigns could be an amazing face of the company with time. It's not that fucking time yet though. He's just gonna flounder and the fans are already sick of him and he's only a month returned from injury.
Sup guys?

Tuned in again for the first time in months, finding all the fan reactions and the butthurt really amusing to be honest.

I get why people are upset about Reigns but at least it's someone new in the Mania main event right?

Bad way to bring back Bryan though, 4/10.
The other thing about Reigns winning... is that he himself was booked poorly. On his way to winning the Rumble, did he really do anything interesting that stood out?

Honestly, Reigns was booked better in a losing effort LAST year.

They wouldn't have had a problem if they had last years Roman Reigns win. The cool, silent bad ass. Not the sufferin' suckatash, donkey dung, Cena version 2.0 guy they turned him into.
Benoit didn't do anything to stand out during his Rumble victory. Nobody cared.

Come to think of it, Rumble victors rarely stand out until they win.
After last night I have faith Lesnar can bring Reigns to a good match at Wrestlemania, it doesn't mean Reigns is anywhere near ready because he's not but the fans aren't changing shit this year, Reigns is winning, end of story. At this point it's useless to bitch about it so might as well sit back and watch the train wreck that will be Reigns ascension to the top of the mountain. I'd like to believe WWE can fix this but they can't, they just don't have that magic in them at the present time, all they can do is damage control at this point, good luck with that WWE.

So what else is on Mondays these days?
They should have just kept Bryan on the injured list and brought him in after the Rumble. Thats the best way to get people to remotely not choose him over Reigns.
Now there will be some new blood in the main event of the grandest stage of them all. Trying to search for the elusive face and future face of the company which would allow the focus to come off Cena, which pretty much everyone seems to want. And people actually boo Reigns, suggest he isn't ready, and still whine and complain.
What's so elusive?

This is his face:

The WWE just needs to embrace it. It's what "pretty much everyone seems to want."

They should have just kept Bryan on the injured list and brought him in after the Rumble.
That makes sense, and there can only be one logical reason why the WWE didn't go that route:

Because Bryan's presence in the Rumble could help sell Network subscriptions and PPV buys. They know he's a draw.

Yet they booked him in a way that destroyed the live crowd and cost them network subscriptions. :gasp: :huh: :flamed:
Where does reigns go after lesnar? the only option is rollins cashing in night of or night after otherwise reigns is defending against big show and kane which will go over like a lead balloon.
People are already assuming that Roman Reigns will be shit in the feud against Brock Lesnar. Damn, if I had to evaluate Cena or CM Punk for his feuds with Kane or Big Show, I wouldn't want to see them either.

I hope Roman Reigns just gets real, as in, "I know you all don't like me and think I don't deserve the title shot, but I'll give my absolute best to prove you I do." Simple. Yet effective I guess. Make him fight Bryan or whatever for the shot and actually make him win it. I don't know. Throwing it out there. He needs to step up and the time for it, is now.

I completely agree with OP. WWE has been complete shit, and now I am actually looking forward to Raw, whenever that might be.
They should have just kept Bryan on the injured list and brought him in after the Rumble. Thats the best way to get people to remotely not choose him over Reigns.

I love how people keep trying to justify a bad decision. Roman Reigns is a good performer who might become the top guy for the 'E in a couple of years. As is, they've given him little and less to go on and their decision to push him in Philly will cost him. The fans were justifiably upset, and any excuses made for this are laughable.
I'd quickly turn Reigns heel and have him lose his shot to Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane.

That would suck, I know. Then again, so will hardcore fans destroying the main event of WrestleMania because their guy isn't in it. I still can't believe they thought anyone but Daniel Bryan would be accepted.

I don't see a way out of this. I'd dump the idea of Reigns being the next big thing... at least for a while. Give it to Bryan and see what happens. I still have no idea why management seems to hate him so much.
I'd quickly turn Reigns heel and have him lose his shot to Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane.

That would suck, I know. Then again, so will hardcore fans destroying the main event of WrestleMania because their guy isn't in it. I still can't believe they thought anyone but Daniel Bryan would be accepted.

I don't see a way out of this. I'd dump the idea of Reigns being the next big thing... at least for a while. Give it to Bryan and see what happens. I still have no idea why management seems to hate him so much.

I think they would've accepted Ziggler or Ambrose just fine. I've seen many people say it's not as much as wanting Bryan as not wanting Reigns.
I think they would've accepted Ziggler or Ambrose just fine. I've seen many people say it's not as much as wanting Bryan as not wanting Reigns.

Maybe, but why? I don't get it. Because he can't talk? Bryan isn't exactly CM Punk, Ambrose just screams and Ziggler can't talk, either.

I just don't get how fans can hate Reigns out of nowhere. At this time last year, he was getting monster pops. I think it's more about Daniel Bryan, especially after Rocky got booed out of the building.

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