You make the trade from TNA to WWE


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So if you ran the world, who would you trade for from WWE and who would you send from TNA. I think there are a few people who just don't quite fit in both but would be really great in the other.

My first trade would be Ken Anderson to WWE for Chris Jericho. I think Anderson just seems kind of out of place in TNA. I was a big fan of his in WWE, but haven't liked him as much since coming to TNA. Either I am bored of his ANDERSON chant or something. I would love to see Jericho in TNA. I know him and EzE don't quite get along, but I think his in ring work is really solid and he could be a huge fish in a growing pond. I think Jericho/Angle or Jericho/Styles would be great to watch.

My second trade would be to send either Team 3D or the Nasty Boys to WWE for the Hart Dynasty. I think Kidd and Smith are being completely wasted in WWE's non existent tag-team division.

So what's yours?
I would trade Evan Bourne to TNA for Brian Kendrick because i think Evan Bourne would be amazing in TNA and they would use him better then wwe and i think Kendrick is better for the WWE.
I would definitely trade Evan Bourne, Carlito, Charlie Haas, Mike Knox and Matt Hardy to TNA, as I think they'd all have tons to contribute in many different ways.

As for TNA trades to WWE, it's a bit harder, just because we all see how WWE treats its non-homegrown talent. It would be mostly heavyweights, since smaller guys rarely stand a chance, and I imagine it'd be Jesse Neal, Beer Money, Inc., Matt Morgan & Rhino.

Reasons: Rhino never should've left, and would've been great all this time in ECW, all the way up to the end, where he'd make a great foil against guys like Kane & The Undertaker on Smackdown!. Beer Money strikes me as the Brain Busters of the modern era, and I think they'd revitalize tag team wrestling on their own, along with being of the right size to work in the WWE singles environment, Jesse Neal because I think he has a decent look that could be fine-tuned with the WWE marketing machine behind it, and Matt Morgan would be fantastic now that he's come into his own more, become a more seasoned wrestler, and has the size to look really formidable against guys like HHH, Taker, Sheamus, Cena and the rest.

My picks are basically done because of how each company seems to work and what attributes they seem to push. Somehow, I see TNA being able to make a Charlie Haas/Desmond Wolfe feud get over. Similarly, I think that Jesse Neal (with a name change) could be a quality midcarder...and in TNA, Mike Knox would be the Abyss-killer. They could really build around him being a psychotic giant. I think that, of all the trades that could hypothetically be made, he'd really be the best. Evan Bourne might have some cool X-Division matches, but Mike Knox would have the biggest upside, IMO.

Oh, and having both Hardys in TNA would kick ass.
I will trade Matt Hardy for both member of the MCMG.Because MattHardy aint doing crap on the WWE right now,So send him to TNA to team with Jeff,And TNA sends MCMG to WWE.Its a both way Win TNA gets the Hardy's to give some prestige to the TNA Tag Titles,And the E gets MCMG make them the Unified Tag Champs and they will also bring Prestige to the Unified Titles.
Here who a would trade

To WWE: Awesome Kong, Hamada, Brutus Magnus,Daniels,Hernandez,James Storm,Robert Roode,Samoa Joe, Sarita and Taylor Wilde

To TNA: Chris MAsters, Mark Henry, The Bella twins, Charlie Haas, Jimmy Wang Yang, Curt HAwking, Zack Ryder, Rosa Mendes and Layla.

Here the reason why i choose these wrestlers in particular.

The Bella Twins, Rosa MEndes and LAyla for Awesome Kong, Hamada, Taylor Wilde and Sarita: The reson is simple, WWE is starting to put some effort into their woman's division and trying to make it more competitive and less T&A will TNA is going to other way so why not send the best Talent TNA has in their Knockout division and send some of the worst part of the WWE woman's division to TNA.

Brutus MAgnus: Simple to guy seem to be the lost one in the British Invasion and having him in WWE could mean that he could team up with William Regal. Brutus magnus is still a very good wrestler and a change of scenery would do him good

Hernandez: Good Big man but doesn't have the charisma that other big guys have. So let's trade him to WWE and let vince Mcmahon try to do something decent with him.

Beer Money, Daniels and Samoa Joe: These for guys have been the foundation of TNA for years now and right are all getting push aside for the new arrivals in TNA. These guys deserve better then that and him sure their is a place on the WWE roster for these guys to shine.

Chris MAsters, MArk Henry: To Big guys that Hogan would probably push to the moon if he ever got a hold of them. The fact is, they aren'T doing anything right now and probably if they get to a smaller company, they would get a bigger role.

Charlie Haas: The only think left for him to do in WWE would be to reteam for the million time with Shelton Benjamin and this guys is better then that. It'S time for him to step out of the shadow of Shelton and the only way is going to be able to do that is to go to TNA.

Jimmy Wang Yang: Simple, the WWE doesn'T have a cruiserweight division but TNA does so Yang would fit right in with all the other guys of the x-division.

Curt HAwking and Zack Ryder: Again both are great young Talents, one has had a bit of a rebirth on ECW while the other one got stock in FCW. These guys both as a team and in single have a lot to offer and would probably benefit TNA in the long run.
To WWE: AJ Styles. He's a haus, and he'd do swimmingly on Smackdown. He's really rather good, and the WWE won't shit on someone who obviously has the power to go places. And before anyone says anything, no. Christian does not obviously have the power to go places. He never proved his drawing power in the WWE, and TNA didn't exactly see a sharp raise in views when he was champion. Plus, it'd be hilarious for the WWE to manage such a get.

To TNA: Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, and MVP.

Well, AJ Styles is that damn good. He needs 2 shitty wrestlers and a wrestler who just needs that one good feud to be very, very good to replace him.

Bourne is shit who can't say a word without me falling asleep, but he can jump really high. Give him the X Division championship. Those guys don't have to talk much, right? And Bourne can just do the Shooting Star Jump Twirly Shit the entire time, right?

Benjamin is like Bourne, except he only jumps high once a year. And that's after climbing the height of the jump on a ladder. Oh, and I think he has slightly better mic skills. Give Benjamin to the X Division, let him cultivate marginally better mic skills, and send him to get eaten by Rhino, then the Pac. Then release his useless ass.

MVP would do wonders wherever he is, as long as he gets that right feud. A feud between him and Ric Flair/The Pac would be perfect. Have MVP side with Angle, Jarrett, and whoever else you wanna pick and have him face off against Nash/X-Pac/Flair/Hogan and whomever younger talent they may reluctantly allow to wrestle for them. MVP can't stay in his shell when he has fucking Hogan to bounce off of.
my trades would be simple and pay good feedback for both sides
1.matt hardy and mvp for kevin nash and pac
reason this would make sense is wit shawn on his last few years and hhh havin done all he can do havein some sort of a kliq reunion would not only spark intrest from the 90's fan but i think the guys workin together would make for great tv as a stable. as for hardy and mvp its as simple as not usein a guy to the best of his ability and tna has shown with guys like christian and the pope to be able to get more outta supposed lesser guys
Beer Money = they could be huge as a team in wwe and rhoode reminds me alot of triple h in the ring.

Matt Morgan - he is the kind of guy vince loves big. however he is fit.

to tna
Dolph Ziggler - Would be perfect in tna. plus he would be perfect to be the new nature boy.
To TNA: Carlito

To WWE: Daniels

TNA gains a very credible and well established young veteran heel in Carlito who could immediately vault to the top of the X-Division as the top heel in the company in his tier – something the company could really use right now, IMO, seeing as Doug Williams isnt' really cutting it there.

WWE gains a veteran ring technician and phenomenal PPV performer in Daniels who can immediately step in as heel or face to give both more character (Fallen Angel/goth) as well as technical value to a mid-card title like the IC or US belt.


As for all of you considering these ridiculous trades for the big-time performers, dream on. You're no better than the fans of sports who want to trade all their teams garbage for another teams superstar.

AJ Styles – the biggest draw in the company, for Shelton Benjamin, MVP and Evan Bourne!? What a shit trade. Where's the long-term value in any of that? Who would TNA be getting back who could even remotely make up for the loss of Styles? Too lopsided in WWE's favor.

Beer Money, Inc. & Matt Morgan – two of the most over tag team partners in the company and one of TNA's most blossoming young stars for Dolph Ziggler? Again, what does TNA get back to not only replace the huge loss to their tag division, but also to replace the untapped potential and talent in Matt Morgan? Too lopsided in WWE's favor.

Matt Hardy for the MCMG? Yeah, because MCMG have been shafted for a year, let's trade the youngest and most talented tag team on the roster for what would equate to about a months worth of nostalgic relevance in Matt Hardy to appease the Jeff acquisition. That's intelligent. Too lopsided in WWE's favor.

Pretty easy to see what program most of you watch more here...

The only trade I've seen here that makes any sense is Kendrick for Bourne, so kudos to you Frozentrash75 for understanding that trades need to be balanced in order to even be considered.
I will gladly trade Christopher Daniels to WWE in exchange for Evan Bourne and Jimmy Wang Yang.

Outside of Mysterio, a guy Bourne's size isn't getting over in the WWE any time soon. Daniels isn't a big guy, but he's a worker and a solid in-ring performer. He could see a solid mid-card feud with guys like MVP, Miz, Ziggler, etc.

Yang and Bourne may both potentially fit in with the X Division.
Is this thread supposed to be a "who would you trade, and WWE would let anyone go and take anyone back" thread, where basically you're just bringing in guys you want? Or is this supposed to be a "realistic" style trade, like the NFL or NBA? I'm a little confused, because while some of the trades here are great, some don't make any Anderson for Jericho. Why would WWE trade their current champion and one of the greatest workers today for Anderson, a guy they fired?

If I had to make one trade...and this is assuming WWE will NOT trade HBK/HHH/Undertaker/Cena/Orton...I'd try to get CM Punk. I'd probably try to trade Sting for Punk straight up, but would be willing to package a bunch of guys. I MIGHT even be willing to trade Angle for Punk. Punk wasn't a superstar in his first run with TNA, but he is now. If Punk came in and attacked Jeff Hardy, talking about how Hardy ran away to get away from Punk etc could be a HUGE angle.

Like I said, there are guys that WWE simply would NOT trade, but if trades were real, Punk could be had for the right amount.
I would make a blockbuster trade. HERE IT IS

To TNA: Jericho, Shelton, MVP, Bourne, Christian, Matt Hardy, all guest hosts and Michael Cole

To WWE: Bischoff, Rob Terry, Morgan, Anderson, MSMG, Hernandez, Earl Hebner and Mike Tenay

So i have a reason for all of them. Hear me out.


Jericho: he could be old Jericho again, and the matches between him and angle would be amazing. Their promos would probably be hilarious and he belongs in a place where his mic skillz are respected.

Shelton: he could dominate either WWE or TNA but Vince wont let him so let him dominate TNA

MVP: because TNA is straight up BALLIN' and since MVP has that as a move he belongs there

bourne: he would be X-Division champ for over a year

Christian: He was BOMB in TNA and wont ever be like that in WWE

Matt: HARDY BOYZ and Vince will never bring back Jeff and jeff will never come back.

Guest hosts: dont care for them let tna have them

Cole: Him and Taz will work well together.........again........


Bischoff: BEST thing to happen to WWE in a long time, genius and he is controversy and controversy creates cash

Terry: well i think Vince loves him, HHH's new boytoy

Morgan: He is a beast and he would be an awesome champ

Kennedy: name change necessary, and he doesnt fit in TNA and belongs in WWE, especially as IC champ vs. Morrison=AMAZING

MSMG: would rule the tag division and have a good feud with hart dynasty

Hernandez: see Morgan

Hebner: KMON EARL YOU BELONG IN WWE. Best ref. in WWE history

Tenay: we need to replace Cole and it would be weird to hear Tenay and Lawler, i would like to hear them go at it
This is kind of a catch 22 kind of thing. On one hand, most of TNA's superstars are WWE Rejects. On the other hand, TNA would be completely foolish to trade any of their home grown superstars to the WWE. So basically TNA would never be able to trade anybody to the WWE. They would either want to keep them in TNA (Hernandez, Styles, Daniels, etc) or the WWE wouldn't want them back (Angle, Morgan, Sting, etc) and just nothing would work.

I guess throwing that logic aside, I would want to see Matt Morgan in the WWE (they'd beef him up, for a 7' tall guy he's very frail looking) and Jack Swagger in TNA. WWE isn't doing ANYTHING with Swagger and he'd have some GREAT matches with some of the TNA superstars, including Kurt Angle, AJ, Joe, and even Anderson. Plus Morgan is a perfect fit for the WWE - a huge guy with the frame to be an absolute physical freak who is articulate and not a bad in ring worker. Like I said though, Morgan had been in WWE before and he isn't anymore for a reason. He'd need to beef up and get stronger but once he did that he'd be an instant main eventer imo.
A lot of people are starting to talk about the WWE draft that will be coming up after WrestleMania.
I know it can't happen, but, imagine a trade between WWE and TNA. If you could send one of WWE's top stars to TNA in exchange for one of TNA's top stars, who would you choose to send in each direction?
Personally, I would send either Rey Mysterio or Batista. I think a lot of people will disagree with me on these two, but I don't think that they really bring anything different to WWE that we can't see from anyone else.
My choices from TNA are Samoa Joe or Desmond Wolfe. Joe is a technically sound, submission based wrestler, something that WWE is lacking at the minute. Wolfe cuts very good promos, and backs it up with his ability in the ring. And neither of these guys have had a WWE run before, so all fueds that they have would be new and interesting.
They would be my picks, btu who would you pick, and why?
AJ Styles and Angle for Batista and Legacy.

AJ Styles and Angle would be phenomenal for WWE, and that could bring nothing but good things for us. Angle has always been one of my favorites, and it was a bit disappointing to learn that he jumped ship a few years ago. I saw AJ Styles in that match between Angle the day the "War" started, and it was fucking awesome. Those guys would dominate in the WWE.

Batista is about set to retire, so he would fit right in at TNA, and Legacy, because their careers would flourish, and they would have a few notches under their belt before becoming bigger. Let's face it, all the heat they're getting is single-handedly gathered by Orton. If Legacy and Orton separated, they'd be nothing, aside for the aftermath-feud.

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