You Make the Top Ten (Or Top Five): Stupidest Weapons


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Hey all,

As we see HHH (at least for the time being) taking a step back from the on-screen part of the business, we are reminded of the many characteristics of The Game. This included his favorite weapon, the sledgehammer.

As far as I am concerned, the sledgehammer was one of the worst weapons in all of pro-wrestling. It was rarely if ever used the way any normal person would have used it. I mean seriously: if you had a sledgehammer, would you cover the mallet with your hand and only drive it into the gut of your opponent, which very obviously softens the blow???

With that lamentation in mind, I would love to hear what top ten or top five worst foreign objects or weapons you believe have ever existed in pro-wrestling. My parameter for bad weapons involves their application more than anything else.

Here are ones I would put on the list:

The sledgehammer: for the reasons aforementioned. No one would use a sledgehammer in real life like HHH and others use on screen. My thinking is its because there's no good way to fake being hit by one.

"Janice": TNA's Abyss and his brutal-looking block of wood with scores of nails. It looked scary, but honestly it was a very impractical weapon. It was never used on-screen on anyone because from what I could tell it couldn't be used. Heck, I remember one segment where Abyss used it on a piece of meat and the thing broke! Fail.

Chainsaw Charlie's Chainsaw: One of those things I remember from the Attitude Era. People popped for Terry Funk's chainsaw, but honestly it could never be used properly as a weapon. Sure, he could damage equipment and stuff but what good was the thing otherwise? You sure as hell can't use the blade...not even CM Punk would want that near his head. And as for hitting people with it, the weapon is far more awkward than a chair or kendo stick, so it lose in that fight.

Thumb tacks: A big characteristic of old school hard core matches. To my knowledge, that was one of those painfully real things they would do. Yet take a step would thumb tacs actually hurt a person enough to put them down for a count? If anything, the many little shots of pain would keep a person conscious enough to kick out every time.

So with my suggestions made, you make the list! Personally, I consider he Funk chainsaw the worst but that is only my opinion. Feel free to disagree!
I can't come up with five but the worst weapon to me is when a wrestler finds(or has) a small purse full of thumbtacks or glass and carefully spreads it in the ring. It makes the wrestler look more like a gardener than a fighter.
Top 5:
Ricardo Rodriguez's Shoe
Sensational Sherri's Purse
R Truth's water bottle
Rick Martel's Arrogance Perfume
A Crutch. it just breaks too easily.
Top 5:
Ricardo Rodriguez's Shoe
Sensational Sherri's Purse
R Truth's water bottle
Rick Martel's Arrogance Perfume
A Crutch. it just breaks too easily.

Your first one was a good one and makes a very good point I would like to expand upon:

I would say shoes in general as weapons are stupid. Unless you're dealing with the Saturday morning kids show, people get hit with boots to the head all the time. Are we supposed to believe that an empty shoe is somehow more powerful in knocking someone out than the typical kick to head that someone like CM Punk, Kane, or Daniel Bryan would deliver?
I hate that people actually discredit weapons over stuff so small. It's not like they are trying to kill each other, even if they make contact with other weapons. I get the logic reasoning asking why cover the sledgehammer, but really it couldnt hurt. It adds to the fist really like holding a metal object in your hand and punching someone, wearing metal covered gloves or brass knuckles.

This thing with the water bottle .It can hurt and not just frozen in the bottle. Hit yourself a hard as you can with water bottle then let someone else do it.

Also, shoes hurt too. Depending on how you're hit, it can hurt, and where you're hit. They stomp each other with boots which adds more than their bare foot, so why is a shoe unreasonable, so? So what if something doesnt do A LOT of damage it does some no matter how much which adds overall to the damage that the opponent has

Some of these ridiculous answers would be like saying Salt or Mist is a bad weapon choice because the wrestlers arent really being blinded. Why not have it be what would hurt less realistically? Because realistically the turkey used during the Thanksgiving food fight hurts like hell, and I think Matt was the wrestler who got hit with it once and said so himself. Anything can be a weapon.

The Cast (the weapon is effective, but I would say its the worst because you're gaining no added advantage when you are gaining something by losing something meaning the use of your limbs, whichever one, especially the arm Usually it's the arm. And that hand is covered.

This is the closest thing I can think of and even this isnt all bad as I can argue against myself as we've had one legged wrestlers and guys who have wrestled with one armed tied behind their back, so I'm gonna say NO weapon is stupid because anything can be used to inflict pain or be deadly if used the right way.

(Athough I may have to take that statement back and argue snowballs as they were used in matches before and in the early Smackdown! 1 or 2 as a weapon after you get off the subway at WWE New York)
I was in primary school, so I don't remember who or when, but a wrestler used his mask (while wearing the it, mind you) as a weapon. I didn't buy (at the tender age of ten) that it would hurt the other guy more that it would you.

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