You know what's really depressing?

Pepe Silvia

Occasional Pre-Show
When you see a "Big chick" and by looking at her face, you can tell she'd be really attractive if she lost a lot of weight.
Is your belt...TWO belts?

That has nothing to do with a pretty faced fat chick. I saw a rather galactic women at a party once and I'm pretty sure the belt she was wearing was really two connected belts.
I tell 'em to lose a few pounds, then talk to me. Sounds mean, but it's kicked a few broads into shape, they lost the weight, and they were fucking HOT!

Like Will said, honesty is the best policy. Plus, you come off as a douche, and apparently the ladies here in the states love a douche.
I tell 'em to lose a few pounds, then talk to me. Sounds mean, but it's kicked a few broads into shape, they lost the weight, and they were fucking HOT!

Sure, but the same comment might drive her to jump off a bridge. No one should live or die (literally) based on the words of another. Sometimes, though, they do. I'm sure you wouldn't want that on your conscience.
Yea, just had this situation. A girl who was absurdly pretty, and had massiiiivvvee boobies was talkin to me. She was kinna like a fat Eva Mendes, with huge boobs.

I had no idea how to go about saying "if you lost 20 pounds I would pretty much marry you"

I was advised to just be honest and say that. I informed said advisor "what your saying is completely preposterous, fucking ridiculous, right? Like delusional?"

His response

"well, in reality, yea..."

Also depressing, and far more dangerous....

the absolutely gorgeous girl who is built like a stick figure on the fron of my CM Punk shirt. dangerous becuase its sooooooo tempting to talk to them, becuase hello, this is like, one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. But you KNOW, you KNOW that likely within that same DAY you will see some girl, even with a fuckered face, and say "DAMN, look at them titties!!!" and then you will look over at your super pretty girl with the curves of a 9 year old boy, and have a saaaaad sad face.

Go ahead and try having sex with that over the long term.

Worst part? That shit isnt changing. Fat girls can loose weight. No curves is genetic.
I change my evalutation.

Pretty + 9 year old body = depressing

pretty + boobies + fat = FRUSTRATING

becuase its totally within their control. If they wanted to loose weight, they could. You could look soooooo damn good if you lost 20. All ya gotta do is put away the beer, pepsi, and fucking cake and ice cream for a month, jog a little, and you would be good to go. Nope. :disappointed:
If I see a pretty girl with some weight on her,I'd still talk to her.There's a very distinct line when it comes to this situation,she still has to be able to move.She still has to LOOK human,because if she looks like a human-hutt hybrid then...RUN!
Try honesty. Works wonders, even if it hurts feelings.

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I change my evalutation.

Pretty + 9 year old body = depressing

pretty + boobies + fat = FRUSTRATING

becuase its totally within their control. If they wanted to loose weight, they could. You could look soooooo damn good if you lost 20. All ya gotta do is put away the beer, pepsi, and fucking cake and ice cream for a month, jog a little, and you would be good to go. Nope. :disappointed:

Exactly my fucking point. But if you say this, they'll use some horrid sounding euphemism.

Husky (This is the only one I like because they're insinuating they're a dog, which is 100% correct)
Full bodied
Curvy (Which is an insult to chicks who actually are curvy)
Horizontally Superior

Seriously, you're fat, your words don't need to be as well

And ALL THE FUCKING FAT CHICKS WHO GO "0 is not a size" oh my fucking god I want to beat them with a fish that's been rotting in the sun, then their face will smell like their vagina

So. Short chicks are hot. Agreed?
I wish I could find a fat chick with a pretty face. I always get stuck with the fat ones who are also ugly. I takes what I can gets. I did used to fuck a halfway decent lookin chick who was 4'6. Somewhat chubby Mexican but he had the most amazing poop chute ever.

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