You Know What This Forum Needs?


Post some if you don't think it's a big deal. Do it, I dare you.
I'm not gonna break the rules of the forum cause the admins could see.

But with the law it be different if the FBI or what ever the fuck can't see it no one gets caught.
Most of you are hating cause of this part of the forum.

I know Scotty gets along with me outside of here and Doc well is Doc he's just fucking with me. Me and him went back to 1955 last week.
ACtually, I'm not messing with you anymore. You've gotten even more fucking ******ed with this stupid obsession with posting tits you can just Google. Just SHUT UP!!
tbh I've been fucking with you all.

I just wanted to get something that wasn't about race going. I thought I'd have at least one person agree with me.
No, you're not fucking with us. We have all seen your photo's and your a creepy motherfucker, thus rendering your argument useless.
No, you're not fucking with us. We have all seen your photo's and your a creepy motherfucker, thus rendering your argument useless.

Only people who talk about me are people on forums.

The girls I know around here think I'm cute. Some like me as a friend only some more. So to care what someone on a forum thinks about my looks would be quite stupid.
Yes, the "girls" in "your life" think that you're "quite cute."

I also have a "vagina" and "breasts" because I am a "woman."
You think the FBI wouldn't find a way to see what's going on here if they wanted to?

Let me ask you a question. It might be a little personal but I'll ask it anyway. How did you survive the abortion?

SavageTaker has improved tremendously since whenever he left. Needs to show up here more often.

Also, I'm going to call the FBI right now, just to alert them of the potential shenanigins that will be going on in here.
Uh...there was some guy on here awhile back who would literally post, "POST!" That's all this thread was supposed to be about, nothing more, nothing less.

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