You Know, Suicide Could've Worked


Lord And Master
Staff member
I'm not saying it in a joking manner like with The Shockmaster. I'm saying it could've been a solid character with his own personality. By the time he debuted and won the X Division title all of the fuzz surrounding iMPACT! The Videogame was gone. If you recall, the story at the time was MCMG and Lethal Consequences wanting to know who he was. This was the perfect time to execute a major character change. Turning him heel. If you recall, he was a "Dark Saviour". He apparently was from the streets and wanted to clean TNA of evil. As a heel he could've had a gimmick similar to that of the Right To Censor. Interrupting The Beautiful People, attacking Kurt Angle for his personal problems back then. Of course to make him feud with faces. Guys like Samoa Joe. Trying to take him out for his violent lifestyle. Or Abyss for the same reasons. AJ Styles for his dangerous maneuvers. The point is that Suicide could've been a lot more that a pointless ball of fail used to hype a videogame and give Kaz personality. Just picture him now. A small rehash of the Punk/Hardy feud from last year with Suicide bringing the recent legal trouble to light and claiming Jeff's a bad influence to the TNA audience. Or feuding again wit D' Angelo Dinero, calling him a false prophet. Like I said, he could have been a lot more than what he was, and TNA isn't too late to capitalize on it. They said they might bring the character back. Putting it on someone who can work a mic like Eric Young or Jay Lethal can bring the character to sport his better colors.

Any objections?
Sorry but thats a awful idea in every aspect. I agree there are ways that the character could of worked more but that is the opposite and would of been a just fake and terrible idea
I never liked the character at all, so I can't see that it would have worked in any way, shape or form.
I think Suicide was a horrible idea. It was an awful character to go with an awful videogame and both tanked. I will give TNA credit for using their game to promote a "new" wrestler but other than that it was complete garbage.

The costume looked second rate; like the Misfits and Shark Boy had a love-child. The gimmick was just a downright disaster. I mean why have Kaz, who if I recall correctly was starting to get some good crowd responses and a pretty solid push "leave" because he lost a couple of title matches; it just made him look weak. Now if Kaz had just come back with the "CM Punk" kind of gimmick or something along those lines without the hokey costume and name of "Suicide" then maybe there would have been some saving it.
No matter what TNA did to the character, at the end of the day Suicide is still a video game character. Maybe if he wasn't a video game character then it could of worked. Also, maybe it would of worked if the video game didn't fail as bad as the Suicide gimmick. I think they should of turned him heel and have him unmasked to reveal Kaz. Maybe that would of given Kaz the credibility he so desperately needs.

If TNA ever did decide to bring the character back, does anyone care who it is? The only refreshing thing they could do at this point would be to have Daniels come back as Suicide like they originally thought. He could win a bunch of matches and then unmasked to reveal himself. The sad thing is that its too little too late. No matter who you put under the mask, the fans still don't give a damn about Suicide.
I still can't believe TNA actually thought Suicide was going to catch on. I mean really? Full bodied wrestlers may work in Japan, but not so much in American promotions.

The gimmick could've worked as you described, perhaps with a different catalyst. Someone other than the Suicide character. Kaz was riding alot of momentum at the time (I believe coming off a feud with Angle, or at least thats about the last I remember of him), so taking him out for Suicide was just stupid. Bringing in new talent, or repackaging someone who was running stale would've worked well with this idea. Hell, Christopher Daniels could've done this instead of dickin around as curryman for a year. Not so much ridding TNA of evil in the form of Aj's highflying moves, but Joe's violence, and the drug problems throughout the roster would've worked for a while. Know what, fuck it, a wrestling Pringles can would've been a better idea than Suicide. Considering from the little I know about it, the Suicide character in the game was nothing like the character TNA "brought to life", the X Division could've been spared and had MCMG, Lethal Consequences and so many other X Div stars actually doing something other than jobbing to 3D and Suicide. Hmmm, homocidal rant, or intellectual response? My vote's for both.
Nice attempt to try and salvage something but, personally, Suicide was a shit character that wouldn't have worked either way. I still can't believe that TNA were made enough to think "I know, we'll create a super-hero character that the kids can love and wear his merchandise and we'll call him SUICIDE"
I'm thinking people were expecting a bit much from Suicide. People looked at him as a video game character as opposed to a wrestler who made his debut in a game before television. How is that any different from airing vignettes for 3 -6 weeks before someone debuts live on television or PPV? He had a silly look but he wasn't a joke in the ring. He had cool signature taunts, cool sounding moves like the suicide solution, and sounded like the 'mystery' man he was. I think the main problem was that everyone knew who was under the mask, knew it wouldn't last and didn't take him seriously although he was actually playing a character and not just disguising himself.

That being said, I'd like to see them try again with another wrestler in full disguise, but maybe not named Suicide. I think it could work if they just had him debut more traditionally and they could keep who is under the mask a real secret if the wrestlers real ID would interfere with the gimmick. Imagine say.. Shelton Benjamin or Charlie Haas in a role like this. If they could keep it a secret I think the character would get over huge due to their in ring work alone.
I think they should have kept the gimmick going with it being sort of a cult of Suicide thing. He could still keep up the holier-than-thou thing but just as everybody thinks they figure out who is under the mask Suicide wrestles that person. Suicide vs. Kaz one week and then Suicide vs. Daniels the next week. In the end it could be revealed that Daniels, Kaz, and another one or two guys were all behind the mask at some point and were working to together to cleanse TNA.
I think Suicide to a certain extent did work, but it could have been better. Here is how I thought they should have done it. Christopher Daniels was, despite being in the game as himself, "fired" from TNA when the game originally came out. He also did some of the motion capturing for the game. I think they should have done it from a storyline POV that since Daniels was fired while making the game, say somthing like he had heard about the Suicide character, and decided to use it as his way back in, eventually revealling that he was the one under the mask. I think something along those lines would have worked and made it somewhat believable as why this character from a videogame is suddenly wrestling for real.

I really hate how the suicide character at this point has been pretty much dropped without any real conclusion on who he was. Since Kaz is back as himself it looks like they have decided to just quietly drop him, but you never know, they may decide at some point in the future to reveal Kaz was Suicide.
don't mean to get off the subject here but can anyone tell me why TNA's video game was so poorly made ? i mean they have no referees, no championship belts, poor controls, etc. did they actually think money was gonna be made off this shit ? now i understand that they're making a new version for the PSP and DS consoles with no new current wrestlers ? no fuckin way !

anyways, the name Suicide alone bothers me because i got my two boys asking me about the name and why TNA chose to name him that. i agree with most of u guys saying that the gimmick sucked.

p.s. i hope they bring back Daniels
Well, I have to say that what you've put out with the possibilities in Suicide's character could have worked. The main problem is that it would have taken far too much time and effort in making it work. I don't think that TNA's creative team felt that the Suicide character deserved that much attention, especially if they were going to bring back Kaz, anyway. Besides that, I think that TNA was still smarting from the failure of Daniels as Curry Man. Suicide was a better attempt, but only just.

Suicide's main problem was that he didn't have a voice, or much of one. This might have worked for a monster heel, because you don't expect much intelligence from these characters, just a lot of property damage. Suicide had that X-Division style and you expect a bit more going on between the ears with such a character. The silent avenger works for a little while but you need some solid promos eventually and Suicide the character couldn't deliver there. He might have managed in the way detailed in the beginning of this thread, but by this time he'd have had to have developed a lot as a character. Just wasn't going anywhere, but if creative had really wanted to invest in this character, they might have gotten somewhere.

'Course, what do I know? I personally thought that Cody Deaner was salvageable as a sick and psychotic redneck larger version of Spike Dudley.
Oh, I'm sure it could have worked in respect to having the character come full circle with the whole unmasking bit... sort of, but the fact it was based off a failed video game story line was proof enough alone that in the overall, the concept of Suicide was still a failure IMO. Hard to consider such a monumental failure in the overall a success simply because management found a way to rid themselves of a mistake.

Suicide was much like a bad contract in pro-sports. Just because you manage to trade said contract, or remove it from your books in some facet doesn't change the fact you offered it in the first place.
Not sure why everyone is hating on what happened with suicide. Was it a perfect run? Absolutely not, but the gimmick was over in the beginning. It was a good fit for someone like Kaz who is good in the ring but not much else. I also thought it was an interesting way to promote the game. The problems there were that Kaz was hurt so the timing ended up defeated the purpose and that the game ended up a shell of what they had hoped mostly due to midway being in financial peril (although I would guess TNA gambled on one of the cheaper options). In spite of all that the character had some momentum but like many x-division guys in that time period once the title was gone they were not sure what to do with him and it went downhill fast. This is the only mistake I think TNA is to blame for. It did not help that Kaz was unhappy with the company towards the end either and that they had to give the character a little safer style for various reasons. I do not think the character was ever going to be a staple and many of the problems surrounding the character seemed to be out of TNAs control. Eventually they decided it was best just to move on because of many of these factors which was probably a smart move. To me it was not as much a failure as a victim of circumstances.
I think TNA drooped the ball with Suicide. After being stuck in the X division for a while he started to loose steam. I think he would have made it bigger in TNA if they had him go after the MEM.

He was a big hit when he first debuted. I remember so many people wearing his t shirts and masks. But Im not sure if TNA weir giving them I kind of thought he was going to be the next Sting kind of charter. The kind of charter that dos not talk, and stalks his enemies. I actually hope they do bring the charter back.

I think if they bring Suicide back, they need to ditch the full body suite. Maybe make it a sleeveless suite like Sting wore back in the day.
I think they should have kept the gimmick going with it being sort of a cult of Suicide thing. He could still keep up the holier-than-thou thing but just as everybody thinks they figure out who is under the mask Suicide wrestles that person. Suicide vs. Kaz one week and then Suicide vs. Daniels the next week. In the end it could be revealed that Daniels, Kaz, and another one or two guys were all behind the mask at some point and were working to together to cleanse TNA.

i like this Idea. It would have worked. After everyone finds out that they all are in it together they could have called their faction The Suicide Pact. Awesome idea man.
I'm not sure that there's anything that could've been done to make the character work. At the end of the day, Suicide is still a character from a video game and that automatically gave the character a tainted quality that simply wasn't going to go away.

Kratos, the protagonist of the God of War franchise, is a great video game character but it would be downright idiotic for a wrestler to adopt his persona to use as his own. If TNA were to do that, the character just simply would not be accepted no matter how much they may have wanted it to. If the TNA video game had actually been worth a shit, there's at least some possibility that the character's reception maybe have been a bit warmer. Still, I don't really think it would've worked.

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