You just won 20 million dollars, Do you still Work?


Master of the Aussie kiss
Enough to make you live extremely comfortable for the rest of your life no matter how old you are. you never have to work another day in your life. my question is would you?

I know i would. I would go mental. I know with that much money you could do something different every single day. but I would go crazy not doing anything important. What i would do is buy or build a hotel/bar/Night club. or one of all three. That way Im not obligated to work but When ever i felt bored cos i wasnt doing anything contributing to society or interacting with people i could work.

I could choose my own hours wouldnt get fired but i would also be living my dream, of owning a place like that. if i didnt buy one of them places i would get a job somewhere even if it was even what i am doing now. I would donate my pay to a charity a different one every six months so the money was benifiting other people becouse i sure as hell wont need it. You need interaction with people and if your a multimillionare you wouldnt be getting that much unless you paid for it.

What would you do would you work? or find another way of entertaining yourself. please post reasons.
I probably would work, its incredibly boring if you just have nothing important to do all the time and you're just having fun all the time.

I would probably be able to get into a job I like because even if I didn't have the qualifications, I might be able to buy my way into the job. The only reason I wouldn't work is if I could only get boring jobs, and hated going to it.
I'd definately work. I couldn't adjust to staying home and doing nothing useful for the rest of my life. I would also invest in property by owning a few hotels and apartments etc. I would still manage and own some type of company as it would keep me busy. It would be cool to only work the hours that you only wanted to work.

Money isn't everything. Happiness is way more important than any amount of money in my opinion. Sure, winning $20 million would be great, but I would still want to work as I can't justify staying home and lazing around on the computer all day. I would love to run and own a popular company of any sort as I would also be earning money, but it would be great to give to profits to charities and people that really needed the money.

But buying a mansion and a awesome car would be the first things on my list before I do anything else. I'd also give some money to my family as I'm sure most of my family members would do the same for me. So my answer is yes I would definately work still despite having an enormous amount of cash.
Either invest it or live off the interest and I would spend a good 2-3 years just travelling around the world just ticking off the things I want to do before I kick the bucket. Would definately travel to NZ and do a Canada/Alaska cruise.

I dont think I would ever go back to work for someone else rather set up a business and work for myself. I just dont think I would have the desire working somewhere just to help someone else get rich, I would rather do it for myself so I can help my family/friends/causes special to me so I can see the people around me happy as well.
I would quit my corporate office job thats for sure. My commute alone is a pain. I live in NJ and commute to Mahattan. Up at 5am and 4 trains a day (have to transfer to get into NY Penn).
I would take a few months off and then become a personal trainer. I would love it and as my buddy IC25 knows, I live in the gym anyway. It would be sweet!
I would work despite the fact I had money. I get ridiculously bored in the house by myself, so I'd need to work purely to keep my sanity.

Ok, I'd probably chose to set up my own business, and choose what days I wanted to work, but definately I'd prefer to work. I'd also choose to go travelling wherever I wanted in the world.

After that, a nice house, a car, maybe pay off a few mortgages and give some away
I'd just manage my money. I would put my finance degree to good use and manage investments. I'd probably buy a bar and be my own bartender, at least a couple of nights a week. All the time I've spent keeping bar, I'd imagine it would infinitely more satisfying doing it for myself.

I'd travel and blow some on travel, cars, and "fun."

They say money can't buy happiness, well look at the smile on my fucking face. -Boiler Room
No, but that's because I'm working at Superstore for about $10/hour and am in University. I'd get a job after University, but I figure while I'm in it and won 20 million I can quit working and focus on school. Then after I get my degree I'd go and find a job that I want and like. I wouldn't settle for a boring job I don't like because I'll have the money to fall back on. I'm not very materialistic and so I should be able to maintain the money for a long while.
First and foremost. 20 Million Dollars wouldn't last a life time for me. I'm 26 years old, and could easily find the world's quickest way(s) to blow it all on everything useless. Although this is the ideal theory regarding my views on what the thread is asking.

1.) I already work out of my home, so it's not like winning all that money would really change how I could do things. I don't find what I do stressful, or extremely hard. So even if 20 million could "support me nicely" I'd still likely continue what I do, because I like doing it.

2.) I'd rather take the 20 million, put it in the bank, possibly buy some stock, and allow it to grow to an even bigger amount. All while I continue to work at least a little bit. If I feel the need to "retire" then I'd gladly do so before 30, and spend my remaining days bored off my rocker.

All in all, as I said.. I work out of my house, so whether I suddenly don't do what I do anymore or not.. I'd still be at home. Therefore, not a lot would really change except I'd have a crap-load of money, and I'd have slightly more time on my hands, without having to log away the hours I do.

Personally, I'd go a bit crazy. I'd buy a nice big house. (not too big, but large enough) I'd own at least 4 cars, not too wild or anything stupid, but good enough. The Wife & I currently own 2, and they both seem to breakdown at the same time.. so I'd say having two more on the side would be a nice addition. I'd definately splurge in a gaming room that I'd stock up with useless arcade games from my time, and a pool table.

In the end, I'd truly love to save most of it back for my Daughter though, so she could have a great life. Seeing her smile, seeing her happy is the best thing ever. And knowing I could finally be fully able to give her everything, AND spend endless amounts of time with her is by far the best feeling in the world.

Finally, my Wife wouldn't have to work where she does. And she could be a "stay-at-home" Mother. I'd also demand my Parents quit working. My Mother works in a Factory, and does overtime almost every week it seems. The health isn't getting any better. So the realistic factor is 20 million would be gone very quickly, very easily.
It all depends on what I would do with the money. I would firstly go to the bank, and pay off all my parents bills, as well as my partners parents house and bills. I would thne take my partner house shopping, and buy one of those nice houses here. Then I would probably get married to her, pay off my school, but continue to go and finish my degrees. After that, I am guessing I would be down to 15 million, so I would make sure I lived life comfortably. Put at least 5 million in trust funds for any future kids. Hybrid cars, energy efficeint house, and all that, so I would save money. I would probably do someting similar to what I plan on doing anyways, just because I am looking forward to my career. Then Id buy WrestleZone and fire Mark Madden. That is probably it.
If I was to win 20 million dollars, I would work, but it would be in a business that I would open.

I know that if I didn't work and have lots of human interaction I would get bored and unsocial after a while so I would definatley need to have contact with other people and by making my own business, I would be doing that and also possibly further increasing my 20 million dollars.

At school we were talking about selling used cars and the possibilities to make a big profit on them, so I suppose with 20 million dollars, one would be able to buy a couple used car places, but I wouldn't stop there aswell, I would also purchase a petrol station and maybe a video games arcade, like Galaxy World or Time Zone and employ my friends who also do business studies and economics.

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