You Haven't Seen Every Mania???

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I realize that I’m older than most of the members here, but it always surprises me when I read someone has seen only the past few WrestleManias. Those of you who have not seen every mania should go back and watch them all at least once. Take a look how mania has changed and evolved over the years. Some are certainly better than others but you’ll find at least some enjoyment in each of them. There’s an anthology dvd set. I’m sure you can find it on ebay. You can even get it through Netflix. I know I sound like the old timer preaching to the younger generation, but every true wrestling fan should see every WrestleMania at least once.
I never get tired of watching Wrestlemania 17. Austin VS Rock in the no holds barred match might be my favorite Mania event ever. Although, I still haven't purchased the anthology yet. I'm working my way through the Summerslam anthology right now, and I'm still on 1990, so I've got a long way to go. But the Wrestlemania anthology is definitely next up on my list.
Note for all wrestling watchers: every show I've reviewed is available online for free. I haven't paid a single penny for wrestling that I've reviewed since I started. Money is no object on watching it.
I haven't watched all 26 of the Wrestlemanias, and I really have no burning desire to go back and do so. My first Wrestlemania experience was WM9 (I think, the one with Bret Hart, Yokozuna, and Hulk Hogan). I haven't missed one since, and I've enjoyed pretty much all of them, some more than others of course. Anything of significance which happened in the first 8 is old news now and I've likely seen highlights of them somewhere along the way (like Hogan and Andre for example). But I don't see myself missing any wrestlemanias for the forseeable future (unless they decide to move forward with the WCW theme for WM27, I might actually have to take a pass on that one).
There aren't many WWE PPVs I haven't seen, though there are a few that I can think of quickly like Tuesday in Texas, which I just never got around to watching for some reason. Oh and 99% of the PPVs between the years 2003-2006 because I completely stopped watching wrestling during that time. I'm currently working on watching and rating every single WWE, WCW, ECW, TNA and ROH PPV/event ever though so give me another few years and I'll have 'em all under my belt.

I've actually still not seen a large chunk of Wrestlemania 24 though, aside from the Edge/Taker and MITB matches. That was another period of time where I just lost interest in the WWE. I've said every other Mania though and when I was a kid I LOVED going to Blockbuster to rent the beat up old VHS copies they had of every Mania up until 13. I remember 13 was never ever ever there, and then one day it was and I practically 'gasmed then and there. I loved renting the old shows though, particularly Wrestlemania's 6-9, as for some reason I just really dug that era when I was like ten years old, Gorilla Monsoon's voice was like a fuckin' siren call or something, luring me into watching old Manias.
I've seen every one of them, I've also seen every episode of "Golden Girls". One of those statements isn't true...
I would throw 12 in there just for the Iron Man match. Fuck anyone who hates on that match.
Every one of them has atleast one or two matches worth seeing.
The only two I haven't seen are 9 and 11. X, you really need to watch 24, mainly because I was there. But I also thought it was a really good show outside of the Batista and Divas matches.
The only two I haven't seen are 9 and 11. X, you really need to watch 24, mainly because I was there. But I also thought it was a really good show outside of the Batista and Divas matches.

You can probably skip 9, though HBK has a pretty good opener with Tatanka. 11 is worth checking out for the main event, which is rather good. It's been YEARS since I've seen 11 though so I can't say I remember much of anything else of that card at all, though I remember liking the Bret Hart-Bob Backlund I Quit match when I was a kid. I liked alot of bad matches when I was a kid though, so it could be shit. I really should watch that again.
Note for all wrestling watchers: every show I've reviewed is available online for free. I haven't paid a single penny for wrestling that I've reviewed since I started. Money is no object on watching it.

Is there somewhere you can find them other than youtube or daily motion?
My first wrestling memory I can remember loving was watching Mania 11 two years after it aired. Made me fall in love with the WWF because of Diesel who was already in WCW by then. Man was I confused.
I have seen all from 16 onwards as well as 14 and 10, I plan on watching the rest eventually but there some I may not bother with (9 and 11). I feel like I should watch 1 because of the historical signifigance but the card looks just awful, kinda torn on that one.
I'll admit that I've never seen 9. The slating it gets just puts me off it. I've seen the HBK vs. Tatanka match though. It's a nice opener.

I'd definitely say you should watch: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 26
I have seen them all and as with those already mentioned, I was a big fan of Wrestlemania V when I was younger. The Mega Powers exploding was great and I loved seeing Rude and Heenan beat the Warrior. Hearing Jesse commentate on anything involving Puke/Lust Hogan was great along with his mandatory "I think I'll come out of retirement and beat this guy." He also did a great job with Rude/Warrior. Of course, Gorilla was always a joy.
I still say they’re all worth seeing once. If for nothing else just to have a better appreciation for the history of mania. I’m sure there are plenty of nights where you sit and channel surf for three hours while on line. Put on an old mania instead. As a wrestling fan you’ll get some enjoyment out of it. It's probably easy for me to say since I was a fan for almost all of them and watched them all (except the first 2) as they happened.
If we're talking about the entire event itself, then I haven't seen 1-9. I've watched matches from them, but not the whole events.
I've watched pretty much most of the Wrestlemanias. I can identify with X going to the local video store being excited about renting old and new VHS tapes of wrestling. I would be surprised if any video store today in business actually carried wrestling DVDs, especially the older ones. I haven't seen Wrestlemania 16 aka 2000. Wasn't the main event Big Show vs. The Rock. vs. Mick Foley vs. Triple H with a McMahon in every corner? Is that one any good?

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