You Have run of the Tape Library


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Imagine for a moment if you were given access to a copy of every single match in wrestling history. Everything from indy feds to the NWA's glory years to last night's ECW, including foreign companies. You're allowed to make a theme DVD consisting of 7-10 matches. It can be any theme you'd like, ranging from tag wrestling to cage matches to the Best of Squash Matches. Anything you'd like as long as it has a common theme is legal. So what would you make? Make sure to try to include the dates of the matches and why you would choose them. Be creative with the name, host, etc. if you'd like to.

A final thing: these would be the matches that YOU would want. They may not be the best of their kind, they may not be well known, but maybe they're matches you've always liked. Just try to give your reasoning, even if it's something fairly simple.

Excuse Me, Do You Have a Chair I Could Borrow?

In wrestling history, there have been matches where it looks as if one of the wrestlers might be taken out of the arena on a stretcher because they have absolutely had the hell beaten out of them. Sometimes they bleed, but other times it seems that they've had every bone in their bodies broken. These matches are often the most emotional to watch as the brutality in them is often off the charts. This collection is, if you haven't already guessed it, the most brutal wrestling matches of all time.

May 4, 1981-Alley Fight, Madison Square Garden, Sgt. Slaughter vs. Pat Patterson

I know most of us remember Pat Patterson as the stooge along with Gerald Brisco, but back in the 70s and early 80s, this guy was the shit. These two had feuded since Slaughter signed with the company, and this match blew the whole thing off. It was what we would now call a hardcore match with no rules and weapons use encouraged. They beat the living hell out of each other and the crowd heat is off the charts. This was WAY ahead of its time.

November 24, 1983-Dog Collar Match, Greensboro Coliseum, Roddy Piper vs. Greg Valentine

Holy shit. I just saw this match on the Starrcade DVD and they nearly kill each other. Roddy Piper's ear is still injured because of this match and it's clear why. Valentine beats the hell out of his ear with blood flowing everywhere out of it. You really believed that these two hated each other and it showed really well. They made an agreement before the match to hold nothing back and damn if they didn't live up to it.

November 28, 1985-I Quit Steel Cage, Greensboro Coliseum, Magnum T.A. vs. Tully Blanchard

Now I know all of us have seen Bret vs. Austin, but this is where they completely stole the idea from. We have Redneck Rage himself Magnum TA vs. the "Wrestler's Wrestler" Tully Blanchard. These two go at it for months before they absolutely can't stand each other anymore, so they say that one has to quit to end this. What follows was one of the most bloody, violent, intense matches that I have ever seen and without a doubt the greatest Starrcade match of all time.

November 15, 1989-I Quit Match, Houston Field House, Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair

This isn't the most famous match between the two, but it's by far the better one to me. Flair and Funk tore the fucking house down at the Great American Bash as Flair was almost at the peak of his powers but everyone thought Funk might just be a crazy enough son of a bitch to take the title from him. It was Flair's ultimate test of his figure four, and it showed a side of his that we rarely saw, but I'd like to have seen more often.

April 17, 1993-Atlanta, Vader vs. Cactus Jack

When did I become IC?

You can have the Texas Death Match, you can have the ear match, give me this one. These two nearly killed each other and it looked amazing. If you've never believed what Vader was capable of, watch this match. If you can find the uncensored match which is on Foley's DVD, you can hear his nose get shattered by a Vader right hand. 27 stitches and buckets of blood later, this may be the most brutal beating ever shown on free tv.

June 16, 1996-Falls Count Anywhere, Baltimore Arena, Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan

I talked earlier about two guys that seemed like they hated each other. These two actually did hate each other. This is one of the most brutal hardcore matches I have ever seen and many, including me, believe this was a total shoot with a finish at the end. These two absolutely beat the living hell out of each other and I was lucky enough to find the VHS at a flea market a few weeks ago. Amazing stuff all around.

March 23, 1997-I Quit Match, Rosemont Horizon, Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin

This match solidified Austin as the big deal in wrestling and it holds up amazingly well today. The images in this match are legendary and the crowd is on fire the whole time. THis match defines not only Austin's career, but the entire era, as the old dog is trying to beat the young stallion into submission but no matter what it just doesn't work. The best match in the history of Wrestlemania and perhaps the best match of all time.

April 1, 2001-TLC 2, Houston Astrodome, Hardys vs. Dudleys vs. Edge and Christian

You've seen ladder matches, you've seen TLC matches, you've seen brutaility, and then there's this. These six men plus three other people absolute attempt to kill each other for the right to be called Tag Team Champions. Edge was launched into the stratosphere on this night with one move: a spear from a twenty foot ladder. These guys were destined for greatness and while it took 3 years off the back end of their lives, sweet damn it was fun to watch.

June 24, 2001-Street Fight, Continental Airlines Arena, Shane McMahon vs. Kurt Angle

To anyone that says Shane can't go with anyone, watch this match. he and Kurt Angle, perhaps the best wrestler in the world, nearly murder each other in this match and it's one of the funnest things I've ever seen. The brutality in this match is off the charts and it's as fun as hell all over. They go all over and throw each other into and off of everything in sight. great long match and worth every second of it.

April 18, 2004-Hardcore Match, Rexall Place, Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley

I debated on either this, Foley vs. Edge or Vader vs. Hansen, but this match is just so much fun. It got Orton over as the in ring star that he was destined to be and further cemented his status as the Legend Killer. FOley showed the true Cactus Jack in this match as he nearly kills Orton's cocky ass. While Edge and Foley may be better for the time it had, this was almost twice as long and just as brutal. Great fight and a great way to close us out.

think i missed something? What would you add/change/subrtact? Also, would you buy this DVD?
Sorry I don’t have time to list them all right now, but I would like to see a compilation of all the Title vs. Title Unification matches ever. I will get to this list before the end of the week. Help is more than welcome.
A good reference for this would be Bloodsport: ECW's Most Violent Matches.

On there, the two matches that stand out for me was between Sabu and Terry Funk where the ropes were replaced with barbed wire, and Rey Mysterio vs Psichosis in a Mexican Death Match.

But that DVD is kinda what you're looking for, just it's only ECW matches
Best of Shawn Michaels

I realise we have Heartbreak and Triumph, but as a big Shawn fan I think that was much more about the documentary and his life, which I loved. And yes, I realise there have been other DVDs on his matches, but these are my favourites and you should all go out and buy this when I own Shawn Michaels and therefore release this.

Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair Wrestlemania 24​
One of my favourite matches in the history of wrestling. Every time I watch it I take a step back and think how great it was. For those critics, yes I know it isn’t a technically amazing match, but what do you expect from Ric Flair when he’s been out of his prime for years? This match was all about the emotion; it was about a final goodbye to Flair and attempting to put everything he’d done for the business into one match. I think this match did that perfectly, I doubt anyone could have done better than Shawn and Flair did here.

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle Wrestlemania 21​
One of my favourite matches the WWE have ever shown. The 2 work together brilliantly; both have good technical wrestling ability as well as the ability to work a crowd. Both have their own huge fans, and the different styles work together well. This match in particular had everything you want in a wrestling match and the crowd were completely into it. Probably the best match in either mans career.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker Wrestlemania 25​
To go with the above - this is my other all time favourite match. I’ve never really wanted anyone to end the streak so badly, and I’ve never really thought anyone was in with a chance. But then all the work leading up to this and how well both men fought had me on the edge of my seating practically praying for Shawn to pick up a win. This one was definitely a classic.

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 12​
This one has to be in there, doesn’t it? This is the day Shawn’s boyhood dream came true; and what a match for it to happen in. This match gets a lot of criticism, but I loved every minute of it, with the ending obviously being great for Shawn fans. Both men went over an hour and were lively throughout. Highly entertaining.

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H Summerslam 2002​
This Unsanctioned match just proved that Shawn is completely versatile; being able to work different environments and still have a great match. The storyline leading up to this with Shawn’s widely anticipated return to the ring, and his best friend turning on him was great. I can’t think of a better way for him to have returned. I never expected him to be as good but he came back and proved to us all that he was just as good, arguably better, than he ever was.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho Wrestlemania XIX​
I believe this was the longest match on the card that year, and rightly so. This is probably the best Jericho/Shawn match we’ve seen which is quite a feat when you think about how great their recent feud was. This match is full of life and energy, it really got me pumped up for the Main Events that year.

Shawn Michaels vs. Shelton Benjamin Raw; 2nd May 2005​
I always forget about this match, and then KB brought it up a few months ago and after re-watching it, it’s one of my favourite matches. This is by far the best match of Benjamin’s career and it’s full of technical ability; with Shawn showing that he can go with the best of them in this field. And one of the best moments I’ve seen with Shawn’s Sweet Chin Music.
Best of Shawn Michaels

I realise we have Heartbreak and Triumph, but as a big Shawn fan I think that was much more about the documentary and his life, which I loved. And yes, I realise there have been other DVDs on his matches, but these are my favourites and you should all go out and buy this when I own Shawn Michaels and therefore release this.

Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair Wrestlemania 24​
One of my favourite matches in the history of wrestling. Every time I watch it I take a step back and think how great it was. For those critics, yes I know it isn’t a technically amazing match, but what do you expect from Ric Flair when he’s been out of his prime for years? This match was all about the emotion; it was about a final goodbye to Flair and attempting to put everything he’d done for the business into one match. I think this match did that perfectly, I doubt anyone could have done better than Shawn and Flair did here.

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle Wrestlemania 21​
One of my favourite matches the WWE have ever shown. The 2 work together brilliantly; both have good technical wrestling ability as well as the ability to work a crowd. Both have their own huge fans, and the different styles work together well. This match in particular had everything you want in a wrestling match and the crowd were completely into it. Probably the best match in either mans career.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker Wrestlemania 25​
To go with the above - this is my other all time favourite match. I’ve never really wanted anyone to end the streak so badly, and I’ve never really thought anyone was in with a chance. But then all the work leading up to this and how well both men fought had me on the edge of my seating practically praying for Shawn to pick up a win. This one was definitely a classic.

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 12​
This one has to be in there, doesn’t it? This is the day Shawn’s boyhood dream came true; and what a match for it to happen in. This match gets a lot of criticism, but I loved every minute of it, with the ending obviously being great for Shawn fans. Both men went over an hour and were lively throughout. Highly entertaining.

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H Summerslam 2002​
This Unsanctioned match just proved that Shawn is completely versatile; being able to work different environments and still have a great match. The storyline leading up to this with Shawn’s widely anticipated return to the ring, and his best friend turning on him was great. I can’t think of a better way for him to have returned. I never expected him to be as good but he came back and proved to us all that he was just as good, arguably better, than he ever was.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho Wrestlemania XIX​
I believe this was the longest match on the card that year, and rightly so. This is probably the best Jericho/Shawn match we’ve seen which is quite a feat when you think about how great their recent feud was. This match is full of life and energy, it really got me pumped up for the Main Events that year.

Shawn Michaels vs. Shelton Benjamin Raw; 2nd May 2005​
I always forget about this match, and then KB brought it up a few months ago and after re-watching it, it’s one of my favourite matches. This is by far the best match of Benjamin’s career and it’s full of technical ability; with Shawn showing that he can go with the best of them in this field. And one of the best moments I’ve seen with Shawn’s Sweet Chin Music.

These WM HBK matches were PWI match of the year for their respective years. They have to be included in your DVD. I see some already are.

• WrestleMania X – WWF Intercontinental Championship – Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (Ladder match)
• WrestleMania XI – WWF Championship – Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels
• WrestleMania XII – WWF Championship – Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (Iron Man match)
• WrestleMania XX – World Heavyweight Championship – Triple H vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels (Triple Threat Match)
• WrestleMania 21 - Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
• WrestleMania 22 - Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon (No Holds Barred Match)
• WrestleMania XXIV - Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels (Career Threatening Match)

Here are two more HBK matches, that were not at Mania, but were Match of the Year.

• Monday Night Raw, May 17, 1993 - WWF Intercontinental Championship - Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty
• Raw, April 23, 2007 - John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels
These WM HBK matches were PWI match of the year for their respective years. They have to be included in your DVD. I see some already are.

WrestleMania X – WWF Intercontinental Championship – Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (Ladder match)

WrestleMania XI – WWF Championship – Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels

WrestleMania XII – WWF Championship – Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (Iron Man match)

WrestleMania XX – World Heavyweight Championship – Triple H vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels (Triple Threat Match)

WrestleMania 21 - Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

WrestleMania 22 - Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon (No Holds Barred Match)

WrestleMania XXIV - Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels (Career Threatening Match)

I know what the MOTY's for Shawn are, thanks. But why do I 'have' to put them on my DVD of my favourite matches? For a start, the McMahon one. I'm probably the biggest HBK fan you will ever speak to, but even I will tell you that was not MOTY; there were better matches that night. NO ONE is going to have a MOTY with Mr. McMahon, that much is for definate and I don't want to put it on a DVD of Shawn's best when it's really not.

I originally had the ladder match on there, except my next DVD will be Shawn's gimmick matches so I thought I'd put it on that one instead.
If I had run of this tape library the first thing I would do is steal every notable Chris Benoit moment and match. You know WWE will NEVER do anything with those so someone might as well have them.

Also would love to see a 3 disc set up Abdullah the Butcher with documentary and matches. The same could be said with the best of Mexican Luchdors with documentary and matches of El Santo, Blue Demon, Mil Mascaras and company.
I know what the MOTY's for Shawn are, thanks. But why do I 'have' to put them on my DVD of my favourite matches? For a start, the McMahon one. I'm probably the biggest HBK fan you will ever speak to, but even I will tell you that was not MOTY; there were better matches that night. NO ONE is going to have a MOTY with Mr. McMahon, that much is for definate and I don't want to put it on a DVD of Shawn's best when it's really not.

I originally had the ladder match on there, except my next DVD will be Shawn's gimmick matches so I thought I'd put it on that one instead.

The HBK – VKM feud was a great feud and the match they had at Mania was pretty good compared to the rest of the year or that Mania itself. Vince stepped up to the plate for that one and the spots were tremendously exciting. Between the buildup, the match and the aftermath, I think this was the best match of WM 22. The WWE Title Match was okay. The World Title match was okay. The Undertaker’s match could have been better. All the other undercard matches can’t even be nominated for Match of the Year for 2006, let alone Match of the Night for Mania (Money in the Bank comes close, I guess, maybe Edge vs. Foley too).

I guess HBK WM 22 match could be better used in a McMahon DVD than an HBK DVD.
Were there talks of a Y2J DVD at one point? My disc (sorry no dates)...

Lionheart: The Chris Jericho Collection

Besides the pre-requisite ECW match on the disc I'd have.

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio (Rey Rey was the only one who took the old Liontamer well. Jericho would kneel on his neck!)

vs. Juventud Guerrera (for his mask)

didn't he de-mask Psychosis also? If yes I'd have that one.

vs. Dean Malenko
vs. Goldberg

Some Ralphus segments. The night he went ape on Nitro and 'quit'

His WWE debut.

Triple Threat Euro-Continental title match at Mania vs. Angle and Benoit.

His near win vs HHH for the title.

Undipusted/Unification matches vs. Rock/Stone Cold.

and more that my brain can't process now.
I know what the MOTY's for Shawn are, thanks. But why do I 'have' to put them on my DVD of my favourite matches? For a start, the McMahon one. I'm probably the biggest HBK fan you will ever speak to, but even I will tell you that was not MOTY; there were better matches that night. NO ONE is going to have a MOTY with Mr. McMahon, that much is for definate and I don't want to put it on a DVD of Shawn's best when it's really not.

I originally had the ladder match on there, except my next DVD will be Shawn's gimmick matches so I thought I'd put it on that one instead.

You can't be the biggest HBK fan ever if you didn't even include any of his matches from before he got injured in 1998. What about his match with Mick Foley at Mind Games 1996? His Hell In The Cell match with Undertaker at Bad Blood 97? His Iron Man with Bret Hart? The Ladder match with Razor. Or even WrestleMania 14 vs Steve Austin just for pure emotion alone and the fact it was the official beginning of something very special (The Attitude Era). Or are you too young to be aware of any of that?
A Kurt Angle DVD of his best matches in WWE would be amazing.

1) Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho, Wrestlemania 2000, European and Intercontinental Championships
This is a classic match and one of the best matches of 2000. "The Eurocontinental Champion", had both his titles on the line. All three men are excellent wrestlers and put on an incredible and technical match.
2) Kurt Angle vs. The Rock, No Mercy 2000, WWE Championship
Great bout from two of the greatest wrestlers at the time. Very memorable match for young Kurt.
3) Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold vs. Rikishi vs. Triple H vs. The Undertaker, Armageddon 2000, WWE Championship, Hell in a Cell
Not a great technical match but so memorable and intense. Some action and brawling occurred in, out, and on top of the cell. Rikishi and Undertaker have a huge spot and the ending may surprise some.
4) Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon, King of the Ring 2001
Brutal match between these two men and a personal favorite of mine. Classic moments include the Super Angle Slam and the suplex through glass.
5) Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold, Summerslam 2001, WWE Championship
Excellent title match by two of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Summerslam 2001 was a really good ppv and this match nearly exceeded my high expectations.
6) Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit, Royal Rumble 2003, WWE Championship
Now this is an excellent technical match for WWE Title. This was an intense match that carried on for a while before a satisfying ending. These men had excellent chemistry together.
7) Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar, Wrestlemania XIX, WWE Championship
This is the best match between the two, with their Summerslam rematch at a close second. Nobody that has seen this match will forget Brock Lesnar's attempt at the shooting star press. That moment only added to this match.
8) Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero, Wrestlemania XX, WWE Championship
Great championship match however, not the best that night. Guerrero and Angle work solidly together.
9) Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 21
One of the greatest Wrestlemania matches of all time. These two also had a great rematch at Vengeance.
10) Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker, No Way Out 2006, World Heavyweight Championship
Angle and Taker put on an excellent well-paced match in Kurt Angle's best match of his WHT run (if only the Triple Threat Match was given more time at Wrestlemania *sigh*).
I would be releasing material of alot of WWE's under dog talent, the guys that the fasn have been pushing but havent yet have the trigger pulled yet, it owuld be something amazing to see.

I would also release material on WWe wrestlers who have fell out with Vince Mcmahon, i wouldnt discriminate, money is money and it would give the fans a huge bit of nostalga
Man... This is quite the topic for me... I think when it all comes together, I have to go with this idea:

The WWE's Most Heartfelt Moments

We've all had moments that have sent shivers up our spines. The moments that make you realize that being a wrestling fan is a great thing. These heart pounding, gut wrenching, adrenaline rushes make us the fans that we are today. These are the matches, and the stories, that will live in our hearts forever.

Match 1: Macho Man Randy Savage V.S. The Ultimate Warrior, Wrestlemania 7

This match told a story that left you enthralled, and was one of the greatest matches of all time. Definitely the Warrior's best, and one of the top five for Savage. But what helps to make it so emotional were the events after the match. The reunion of Elizabeth and Randy was one that will live in the hearts of fans for the rest of their lives. It was truly heartfelt moment, and one that left the fans standing.

Bonus Feature: build up, The Macho Man-Elizabeth proposal, and wedding at Summerslam 1991.

Match 2: Ric Flair V.S. Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 24

I hate to do two "retirement" matches between one another, but this has to be one of the first ones I could come up with. I would have the vignettes as build up to the match, noting Vince's first promo stating the lose or retire gimmick, Ric's challenge to Shawn, and especially the Old Yeller promo. Truly one of the most captivating moments in wrestling. If you did not cry after this match, I somewhat question your appreciation for the sport. Truly a great moment. Shawn's "I'm sorry. I love you", while corny, was absolutely incredible. This match as Ric's last, hopefully. It should be honored for what it did.

Bonus Features: build-up to the match, Old Yeller promo, Ric's retirement on Raw.

Match 3: The Outsiders V.S. Sting, Lex Luger, and Macho Man Randy Savage, Bash at the Beach 1996

Do I really need to talk about the emotions involved in this match? This match had it all. Fear, uncertainty, hope, doubt, curiousity, belief. But ultimately, this match has betrayal, and perhaps the biggest case of betrayal in the world of professional wrestling. Hulk Hogan told the fans to "stick it". He turned heel, and nothing would ever be the same. This was probably the single biggest case of hatred ever in professional wrestling, and the biggest swerve you'll find. Even now, I get goosebumps thinking about it. Hulk Hogan turned his back on the fans, and launched a new style of heel that would revolutionize the world of pro wrestling.

Bonus Features: Great American Bash promo (Eric goes through a table), Sting's response the next night

Match 4: Steve Austin V.S. Vince McMahon, Steel Cage Match, St. Valentine's Day Massacre

This match is a perfect example of hatred. Vince and Steve, at least kayfabe wise, just did not like each other. And it showed in this match. Vince's middle fingers to Steve as he was leaving the cage was priceless. It personified this entire feud in two short stubby fingers. Was it the greatest of matches? Absolutely not. But it captured the hatred of the best rivalry of the best era in pro wrestling. That earns you a nod in my books.

Bonus Features: build up to the match, Vince and Steve's "easy way or hard way" promo after Wrestlemania 14

Match 5: Lex Luger V.S. Yokozuna, Summerslam 1993

Yes, say what you will about the match, but this was the loudest pop I think I'd ever heard for a wrestler not named Austin, Hogan, or Rocky. This match is all about patriotism, and whether or nor Lex could budge this threat of a mammoth man. Yes, the count out victory spoiled it a bit, but this match, and the anticipation surrounding it, can't be topped.

Bonus Features: Lex's slamming of Yoko on the S.S. Intrepid, The Lex Express tour.

Match 6: Undertaker V.S. Mankind, Boiler Room Brawl, Summerslam 1996

Ah, yes, the match in which Paul Bearer finally turned on the Undertaker. It was shocking. For some fans, it was revolting. Never in the WWE universe had such a betrayal taken place. The man that guided the Undertaker for so long turned on him in favor of Mankind. This match made Mankind in the WWE, and was perhaps Taker and Mick's best match (yes, that is including their Hell in a Cell match in 1998). It was considered a death blow for the Undertaker. Indeed, it had left him weaker than we had ever seen him.

Bonus Features: Early Mankind promo, Paul Bearer's explanation the next night.

Match 7: Bret Hart V.S. Chris Benoit, Monday Nitro, September 13th, 1999

The Owen Hart tribute match. I don't think I need to say any more. A beautiful display by two of the greatest ever. Yes, this match would never get included because of Benoit's actions, but it was still a beautiful moment that will live in fan's hearts.

Bonus Feature: Raw is Owen promos, memories of Owen.

Match 8: Goldberg V.S. Hollywood Hogan, WCW Nitro, July 6th, 1998

As much as I'd love to include Hogan and Sting at Starrcade, I have to admit that this match got such a big reaction. The pomp and circumstance. The pop when Goldberg won. You had to be there to experience how loud it really was. This was Goldberg's homecoming. I was there, and I promise you, I never heard a fan reaction so loud to a win.

Bonus Feature: Hall V.S. Goldberg, Hogan promo at the beginning of the show

Match 9: Bret Hart V.S. Shawn Michaels, Survivor Series 1997

I believe the video evidence says it all....



Bonus Features: "Bret Screwed Promo", segment from the Hitman DVD about the Screwjob

Match 10: Vader V.S. Ric Flair, Starrcade, 1993

Before Ric and Shawn, there was Ric and Vader. All of the emotion. All of the pageantry of Ric Flair's career. Ric's career was on the line in this one as well. This time, though, we're treated to one of the happiest ending's in pro wrestling. This is my favorite match. It was as heartfelt as it gets. It deserves to close off this DVD in a beauiful fashion

Bonus Features: Following Flair before Starrcade, post match interview with Sting.
You can't be the biggest HBK fan ever if you didn't even include any of his matches from before he got injured in 1998. What about his match with Mick Foley at Mind Games 1996? His Hell In The Cell match with Undertaker at Bad Blood 97? His Iron Man with Bret Hart? The Ladder match with Razor. Or even WrestleMania 14 vs Steve Austin just for pure emotion alone and the fact it was the official beginning of something very special (The Attitude Era). Or are you too young to be aware of any of that?

Don't even attempt telling me I'm too young to know some of Shawn's matches - that doesn't bode well for you. I've been watching wrestling longer than most people on that board, great considering I'm 17, right? Did you just consider that maybe half of the matches you put in are overrated that all the general fans like because it sounds good?

His match with Mich Foley is overrated, I don't see the appeal to it at all. It's good, but I believe all the matches I put on my DVD are better. Hs HIAC is a horrible match for Shawn where's he's being beaten to the point of blood for 90% of the match, and only wins because of Kane - I don't want that on a DVD of MY favourite matches. I absolutely love his Austin match because of what it means to fans like me - fans who see a good match and appreciate it even more because we know how great it was. But I already put the Flair match in based one motion and I wanted some variety.

Now, have we understood that maybe their are real reasons I didn't put those matches in, as opposed to the fact I'm 'not old enough'?

This is the best thread ever. My God. The matches I could come up with. KB listed most of mine. But the 'Lariat Match of the Ages' DVD will be solid as well... here we go.

Stan Hansen v/s Hulk Hogan

There's going to be a few Lariat matches on here, so deal with it. This match was epic because Hansen was the biggest non Japanese wrestler at the time going against THE most popular wrestler anywhere. Hogan lost his title to the Warrior and was out to take out some frustrations on 'The Bad Man from Borger'. Hansen wanted to show the world that Hogan ain't so bad. Instead, the Lariat ATE his own finisher and took the pinfall. Despite that, Hansen still kicked Hogan around a little bit and they were entertaining.

Starrcade '87 Ric Flair v/s Ronnie Garvin
This match was awesome. Rugged Ronnie Garvin beat the living shit out of Flair for 45 minutes. Flair said after those chops, he nearly had a Staph Infection from rubbing so much Ben Gay on his chest. Flair wins with a great spot off the cage from Garvin. Classic battle that had me hooked at a very young age.

Bret Hart v/s British Bulldog Summerslam 92
Not the hugest fan of Hart, but he and Bulldog had a classic. One of those matches that you can watch over and over and never get tired of it. Great back and forth and putting Davey Boy over was priceless. The reaction from that crowd sent goosebumps up and down my body.

Hansen v/s Vader
This was when Hansen was in WCW at the time and the WCW and NJPW had dual shows on their card. Vader was brutalized in this match, and Vader gave it right back. Only Vader had his EYE bulge out of his socket. These men entertained the Japanese like no other and can simply beat the hell out of each other.

Great American Bash 90 Sting v/s Flair
I was a huge, HUGE Sting fan when I was a kid. Rat tail and all. Sting wore the Red, White and Blue and Flair wore Carolina Blue, my favorite outfit of Flair's. This was an awesome match and sent Sting into the hemisphere of super stardom. Sting won, and Flair once again, makes a star.

Shawn Michaels v/s Stone Cold Wrestlemania 14
HBK was still Mr. Wrestlemania despite being in the worst pain. This match was a turning point in the WWE as HBK passed the torch to Steve Austin in a classic battle. It was the beginning of a long run of Stone Cold dominance and the last match for Shawn for 4 years.

The Rock v/s Triple H Backlash
This match was epic in so many ways. I was a huge fan of The Rock and hated HHH with a damn passion. I was a mark, sue me. Anyway, this was one of the best run-in's in history with Stone Cold taking out everyone in sight with a steel chair, then having Linda come out and send that ref in the ring had me jumping up and down like Kentucky had won a National Championship. Seriously. Huge mark.

And of course, every Ric Flair promo from the NWA on TBS
They're gold. If you want to learn how to do a promo in the wrestling business, watch Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and The Rock. But Flair was the standard bearer for the promo. Unscripited poetry about how he likes fancy things and chicks. Wooooooo.

So there you go. Enjoy.
Were there talks of a Y2J DVD at one point? My disc (sorry no dates)...

Lionheart: The Chris Jericho Collection

Besides the pre-requisite ECW match on the disc I'd have.

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio (Rey Rey was the only one who took the old Liontamer well. Jericho would kneel on his neck!)

vs. Juventud Guerrera (for his mask)

didn't he de-mask Psychosis also? If yes I'd have that one.

vs. Dean Malenko
vs. Goldberg

Some Ralphus segments. The night he went ape on Nitro and 'quit'

His WWE debut.

Triple Threat Euro-Continental title match at Mania vs. Angle and Benoit.

His near win vs HHH for the title.

Undipusted/Unification matches vs. Rock/Stone Cold.

and more that my brain can't process now.
If you're gonna do a match list for my hero, at least do it right...

The Thrillseekers (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm) vs. The Heavenly Bodies (Dr. Tom Pritchard and Jimmy Del Ray) 8/5/94, SMW - Not an amazing match, but Jericho was working it with a cast on his arm AND did the most gruesome blade job of his you get Lance Storm with a rat tail! Pair the infamous cake in Cornette's face promo with it.

Chris Jericho vs. Ultimo Dragon for the NWA Middleweight Championship 11/8/94, EMLL - Two amazing lightweight workers going at it in Japan for a US championship in a Mexican promotion...wha? Still, awesome match, even if Jericho loses the belt...I believe Ultimo also was defending one of his eventually 9 cruiserweight championships, just don't remember which one.

Chris Jericho vs. Ultimo Dragon; Chris Jericho vs. Gedo 03/26/95, WAR - This was the WAR International Juniors tournament, which Jericho had two great matches with two of Japans best at the time...a must see for Jericho's best use of the luchapuro style he honed in Mexico and Japan.

Chris Jericho vs. Lord Voldemort 12/13/95, NJPW - This is the infamous Super J Cup match with Lord Voldemort, which included Jericho doing a shitty diving headbutt, the awesome "C'MON, MOTHER FUCKER" arm drag, and taking a top rope tombstone. The match, sans Jericho NEVER needing to do the diving headbutt again, was awesome and got both guys their American deals.

Chris Jericho vs. Pitbull #2 vs. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Shane Douglas for the ECW TV Title 07/13/96, ECW - Probably one of the best four corners matches of all time, this went the distance, going almost 25 minutes before the first elimination...which happens to be Jericho, losing the belt in the process.

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam sometime in 1996, ECW - Don't have a date for this one and can't find it ATM, but this was a fan cam I picked up a few years ago featuring a somewhat green (not that kind) heel RVD vs. Jericho.

Chris Jericho vs. Lord Voldemort, Fall Brawl '96, WCW - Jericho and Voldemort's first PPV match, and it was awesome...this was shortly after Jericho signed with WCW and was a plucky young babyface...Voldemort was still all kinds of awesome.

Chris Jericho vs. Ultimo Dragon, WCW Bash at the Beach '97, WCW - Fantastic cruiserweight match between two men who knew each other well from their great matches in Mexico and Japan.

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. for the WCW Cruiserweight Title, WCW Souled Out '98 - This is where Jericho finally snaps and goes full heel, attacking and injuring Rey's knee post-match. Epic match.

Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko saga, 1998, WCW - They had several matches, but the entire angle needs to be covered...from Jericho doing the "Man of 1004 holds" speech all the way through his going to the Library of Congress to look for the NWA rule book, Jericho was in top form and made the crybaby heel extremely entertaining...probably the most over he's ever been in WCW. This was also when he started collecting "trophies" from his opponents, such as Juvi's mask, Prince Iaukea's grass skirt, Disco Inferno's headband...

Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg saga, 1998, WCW - There was never an official match, but the angle got Jericho even more over than it did Goldberg. Using Ralphus as his security, calling him "Greenberg," the fake entrance, everything he did to entice Goldberg into a match, just to have it all blown off with a spear on the ramp and no match. Apparently the match was scheduled for PPV, but Bischoff and Goldberg put the kibosh on it.

I could go on for hours, but you get the picture...either way, WWE needs to get on this STAT and get over Voldemort being in a good 50% of Jericho's memorable matches, especially in WWE (Royal Rumble ladder match comes to mind).
David vs Goliath These would be matches between a small guy beating a big
guy. I think this would be cool dvd because I have always like it when they but a rey mysterio over a big guy.

1.Ric fliar vs Vader starcade 1993, this was an amazing match where ric was the underdog.
2.Rey Mysterio vs Kevin nash Monday night Nitro, This was one of the most shocking finish to a match I have ever seen.
3.Bob holly and 123 kid vs Bam bam Bigelwo & Tatanka, I never though holl and 123 kid where going to win.
4.Shawn micheals vs Diesel no hold bared in your house good friends better enemies , This was kevin last match as Diesel and a lot people thought Diesel was going to win.
5. Shawn micheals vs Vader summerslam 1996 this was an amazing match people thought vader for sure was going and it didn't happen that way.
6. Taz vs Bam bam bigelwo heatwave 1998 this was interesting because bam bam was the underdog.
7. Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar no way out 2004. one of favorite match of all time.

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