You can SUE a mistress...

Mighty NorCal

So anyway, I just recently Became aware of a law that exists in some states were you can sue your husbands mistress for fucking up your life and marriage (and vice versa if the wife is cheating of course).

This, in my opinion, is completely insane. For the most part, people who are the non cheating party in these scenario's dont even KNOW the person they are fucking is married!!! But the person who is cheating damn sure knows they are married. Seems like it takes a ton of the blame off of the married person cheating. Maybe they shouldnt cheat eh??

Give your opinion on how absurd this is, or if you somehow have the strange logic found in your sould to agree with it...
This is completely stupid. If the guy/girl is married they do not sleep with someone else. Okay, so it's not great to sleep with a married guy when you know they're married, and you should't really do it, but compared to the person who is married they've done nothing wrong.

As NorCal said, most people don't even know they're married, as most people wouldn't stand simply to be a 'mistress'. This is completely stupid. He's messing about 2 women(Or her 2 men) and yet one of them could be punished for it. It's just taking away the responsibility from the cheater. This is probably only done by those stupid women who believe their husband can do no wrong and that it was all the other womans fault.

Furthermore, if he was going to cheat in the first place, it means your marriage is already fucked up. Most people don't seek someone else for no reason. There's problem in your marriage that have nothing to do with the other woman, so stop blaming someone else and sort it out yourself!
The responsibility rests with the guy who is married much more than the chick he's cheating with. SHE made no promise. He promised, before God, if you believe that matters, or before a court, that he would "love, honor, cherish and BE FAITHFUL TO" his wife.

The mistress never promised she wouldn't try to snag a married guy.

Totally absurd. We turn everything into money and sueing someone. We take all the emotion and humanity out of everything and make it about dollars and cents. A convict killed your mom? Well, the least you can do is make some bread!

How can there be true love if all a scorned married woman is worried about is money, rather than betrayel and heartbreak.

Now, a law allowing a woman to carve up her husband's genitals like a Thanksgiving turkey for cheating, I'd be fine with.

And, ladies, left breast removement if you're the one cheating.

Just kidding. But, I still think the cheater is FAR more guilty.

Just something else scumbag lawyers can profit off of. If you search my posts, you'll notice I never type the word (scumbag) lawyer without that word before it. Never.
This is absolutely absurd. Either way it is wrong, but as stated before usually the person that is involved with the married person does not even know that the person they are with is married. So for the other spouse to sue the unknowing party is incredibly wrong.

Truth be told the man or women in the marriage could have multiple partners. So it would be incredibly irrelevent to sue every single person they were involved with. This law is incredibly stupid. The scum that are commiting the crimes should be the ones in trouble not their partners. Even if they are a part of it.
Of course you shouldn't be able to do this. Both of the people, (the cheater and the mistress) are adults, and it's free choice. Apparently something that the first wife/girlfriend was doing wasn't working, so how can you blame the other girl? Not to mention, how is it fair if the other girl doesn't know the guy's married or taken already? I really don't think a guy would cheat on his wife and make sure it's clear he's taken, but it could happen I suppose. The only person at fault is the cheating husband, for breaking the vows he took when he got married in the first place. He/she should be the one being punished. Take his ass to court and get a ton of him in divorce settlements. Nutty law.
yall came up with some great points. it sucks for the mistress cuz sometimes she doesn't know that her man is married, but karma's a bleep when the mistress knows her man is married and still continues to sleep with someone else's husband. then, the wife is gonna see her in court. the lesson: when your marriage doesn't work, seek help. having an affair only makes things worse.
How bull is that, I mean it's only like 20% the "Mistress's" fault. It's 80% the Person that is in the realiationship. I have never understood cheating. If you are not happy in the realationship end it dont cheat. THe one in the Realationship souldnt be doing it. in most case's the Mistress doesnt even know. i was in a situation once where the girl another boyfriend as well as me. Turn's out she started going out with both of us on the same day, The thing that puzzle's me is if that happen's who can rightfully Sue who. ? becouse they dont know about each other. The only person who deserve's to be punished is the one low enough to do that to the person they apparently love so much.

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