you brought WCW in 2001 instead of vince


Pre-Show Stalwart
so lets say you brought WCW back in 2001 and you had full control to do what you wanted, you can split nitro and thunder like vince did back in 2002 and TNA didnt happen so its just you and the WWE battling for ratings who would you of kept from the roster in 2001? and who would you have hired before vince did between 2001-2010?

for me i would of split nitro and thunder up like vince has, so i could build up more main event stars because back then you had the like of Vampiro, Billy Kidman, Sean O'haire and Mark jindrak who would of got booked properly could of been big stars.

i would of put Terry Funk,Hulk Hogan,Ric Flair, Randy Savage and Dusty Rhodes on part time Contracts and bring them back for up and coming wrestlers to face legends and get over.

i would of fired Bam Bam Bigalow,Big Vito, Dustin Rhodes,Animal,Norman Smiley,Ernest Miller,Stevie Ray because they wasnt that entertaining to watch.

i would of hired and built these up as stars, Samoa Joe,Bobbly Lashley, Rene Dupree, Mr Kenndey,Tomko

i would bring back the TV title for Thunder and the US title for Nitro, WCW title for Nitro and World title for thunder and the Cruiserweight title for Nitro
First off, you really need to learn how to type proper sentences. It was a painful experience even attempting to read what you had written. Secondly after reading that for the second time I get what your topic is about.

I would do the following things:
- Build up a solid talent pool that would consist of Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, Kid Romeo, 3 Count, Rey Mysterio, Sting, Ric Flair, Team Canada, Goldberg, Ron Killings, AJ Styles and Double J.

- I would have only one weekly show, that would have only four championships. (WCW Championship, Television Championship, Cruiserweight Championship and the Tag Team Championships.

- I would take that show, and make it in a spot that would be non competitive with the WWF/E's shows.

- I would also have 6 pay per views a year, build story lines up and have a solid writing team. That would let me have better viewer ship and Pay Per View buys.

- I would keep women most likely as valets, I would let them wrestle against each other but if I was to introduce a womens title I would most likely want I a young and solid womens division that would prolong for at least 5-10 years.

- Last but not least, I would focus on having my TV main events not against the two men who would be facing one another at the pay per view. Unless it in fact was a match with more opponents added to it.
If I bought WCW... That is a tough question, because if you bought that company, you wouldn't have a TV spot because time-warner wasn't keeping them.

However, what would I do??

Well, first I would say goodbye to that TV spot, because history wasn't going to change because I bought WCW.

But, now back to business...

-Develop a WCW only territory: Get back to the roots of the company. No need for me to travel that giant company around the US.. Just five or six states. Plenty to help my build a clientele

-Hire a trustworthy and intelligent staff: One of WCW's killing points were organization. Without organization, they fell a part.

-Get a new network spot. TNT wasn't the spot anymore for WCW. Back in the day, it was amazing, when they got bought out, it wasn't their home anymore.

-Less Pay-per-views: No need for 12 pay-per-views a years. 6 pay-per-views a year. Set up good mid-cards.

-Don't do Eric Bischoff's main mistake: Find, discovery, and promote new talent on a regular basis. Not just Goldberg and guys from the nWo.

-2001, the year the internet was getting off: Be the first one to make the big jump to the internet. Get internet only events. If a big name like Hogan or Nash had a world title match on the internet, would of had a good draw for the company.

-Limited backstage nonsense on TV: I want to sell the live experience of a great event. I don't want have cheesy acting to push angles. Yes, I know some people might think that's stupid, but in my opinion, a simple interview is all you need. No need to have two wrestlers talking about something irrelevant.

-Franchise the name: Sell certain aspects of the company. What do you mean? Branch out: Have the Power Plant Gym. Try to sell that franchise. Get guys like Flair and Sting, to have their own wrestling schools. Sponsor them! Other veterans too! Start being the jumping board for pro wrestling.

-Last but not least: Change the pay scale. Too many guys in that promotion made a lot of money for not doing much. Everyone gets a cut in the ticket prices, guys get a good cut of merchandise sales. Nothing else. No wild contracts.
This is a really tough question to answer with any honesty because we already know how the future played out, so we have an upper hand in knowing what would and wouldn't work before writing a response.

Realistically though:
-Hire better writers, for anyone watching WCW in 2001 I don't think this needs much explanation. Their shows were all over the place, coherent story lines keep people interested, that's a no brainer.

-I probably would've fired all the lower expendable type guys Ernest Miller, Norman Smiley, Vito, etc.

-I would begin a massive rebranding, by hiring a design firm to create a new logo, and color scheme for the shows, to make them more identifiable (I don't know if you guys remember this but WCW had three different logos the last few years of the company)

-I would definitely restructure all veteran contracts to better resemble WWE Legends contracts, with a pay per appearance bonus, in addition to their merchandising money for games, toys, etc. If the guys didn't like it, then they could go beg to Vince, good riddance to all the blow hards that were running the company in to the ground.

-I would try to create a show which was both family friendly, but also didn't insult the intelligence of adults. EX: if it's completely impossible like the Cena firing angle, then it would have no place on my show.

-PPVs...only 6 a year, big build ups, and even bigger payoffs. As far as I'm concerned nothing is offlimits on PPV, within reason. Violence, language, and sexuality are all good on PPV. I'm not saying it has to be like X rated or anything, but just a believe payoff to a storyline, if you've been watching two guys have a slow build for several months, I want it to culminate in a believable way, where they can say things like "I'm gonna kick your ass" or shed a little blood, or threaten their family or whatever. They do it in PG13 movies, so I don't see why they can't in wrestling.

-Lastly, I would have made a really serious attempt at creating fan interaction especially when bringing up new stars. Sort of like a WCW facebook, where you could ask the guys questions and get responses, lots more meet and greet events, etc. I firmly believe a big way to win over a fanbase is to let them feel a part of the action. Some of my favorite guys over the years have been ones that I've met that have been nice to me, that's far more important (especially to kids and parents) than how good someone actually is in the ring.

I'm sure I could think of more, if I was actually in the position, but these were some major points that I think could've helped WCW quickly.
This is sort of hard question. Considering you have a lot wrestlers in one roster at least almost hundreds of them. First you want to only keep the ones that will help you make money and not lose your investment. Theirs ton of talent that I want to keep around but you got to wonder if you will benefit enough for them to stay.

Having no tv time you got to think what you are going to do to get back on tv or do something with the internet and your PPV's as well. Half the roster has a contract clause which I would do a way with some no wrestler has any type of control over anyone but me. They can have input and suggestions on what they would like to do but that's all the control they have. If they don't like then they can leave.

Also by this time their was a tons of wrestlers coming into as well. Not only you have a full roster but also new comers from around the world you can choose from. Possible talents getting fired or leaving the WWE at the same time as well.

The best thing would keep a few veterans but really bring in all new faces and youth into the new organization.

I gave it a try and this what I came up with wresters side of things.

Not having any of these guys at all kind of sucks in away. (Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn, The Giant/Big Show, and The Boss/Bossman)

Short Term/Special Appearance/Veterans
Bret Hart*, Hulk Hogan*, Kevin Nash, Lex Lugar, Masahiro Chono, Randy Savage*, Ric Flair*, Rick Steiner*, Roddy Pipper, Scott Hall*, Sid Vicious, Sting, Terry Funk, Ultimate Warrior, and Vader

Jobbers/Comedy Act/Fillers
Air Paris, Alex Wright, Crowbar, Cyclope/Halloween, Damien/Damian 666, Dave Finlay, David Taylor, El Dandy, Evan Karagias, Glacier, Kid Kash, Kid Romeo, Lash Laroux, Lenny Lane, Lizmark, Jr., Lodi, Meng*, Prince Iaukea, Reno, Scotty Riggs, Shark Boy, Sick Boy, Silver King, Super Calo, The Wall/Malice, Van Hammer

Short Term/Special Appearance/Veterans/Jobbers/Comedy Act/Fillers Tag Teams
Crowbar and David Flair, Dancing Fools/Boogie Knights (Disco Inferno and Alex Wright), Ernest Miller and Glacier, Evan Karagias and Jamie Knoble, Lenny and Lodi, Matrix (Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo), Mexico's Most Wanted (Halloween and Damien 666), Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags), Outsiders (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall), Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge), Steiner Brothers (Scott and Rick Steiner), Sting and Lex Lugar

Actual Roster and Focus Point

WCW World Heavyweight Division/Title 8

Bill Goldberg, Booker T, Curt Hennig, Diamond Dallas Page, Great Muta, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, and Shane Douglas

WCW United States Division/Title 8

Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Kanyon, Ernest Miller, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, and Vampiro

The World and US Division/Title will be moving guys around back and forth just to keep things fresh until midcarders and lowercards wrestlers move up. If the main guys slowly quit/fired/leave the place.

WCW World Tag Team Division/Titles [Stables]

3 Count (Shane Helms and Shannon Moore)
Dare Devils (Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman)
Faces of Fear (Barbarian and Meng)
Filthy Animals (Konnan, Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Juventud Guerrera, Torrie Wilson (valet), and Tygress (valet))
Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)
Harris Brothers (Don and Ron Harris)
Jersey Triad (Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Kanyon, and Bam Bam Bigelow)
Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang)
KroniK (Brian Adams and Bryan Clark)
Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny the Bull)
Misfits In Action (M.I.A.) (Hugh Morrus, Lash LeRoux, The Wall, Chavo Guerrero Jr., and Van Hammer)
Natural Born Thrillers (Mike Sanders, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire, Shawn Stasiak, Mark Jindrak, and Reno)
Necro Ward/Dead Pool/Dark Carnival (Vampiro and Great Muta)
Perfect Event (Chuck Palumbo and Shawn Stasiak)
Psychosis and La Parka
Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)
Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, and Elix Skipper)
West Texas Rednecks (Curt Hennig, Barry Windham, Kendall Windham, and Bobby Duncum, Jr)
Whole F'n Show (Rob Van Dam and Sabu)

WCW Television Division/Title 11

2 Cold Scorpio, Big Vito*, Buff Bagwell*, Chris Candido*, Chris Kanyon, Disco Inferno, Hardcore Hak/Sandman, Johnny The Bull, La Parka, Mike Sanders, and Norman Smiley*

WCW Cruiserweight Division/Title 17

A.J. Styles, Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Jamie Knoble, Jimmy Yang, Jushin Liger, Juventud Guerrera, Mr. JL/Jerry Lynn, Psychosis, Rey Mysterio Jr, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, and Ultimo Dragon

The Television and Cruiserweight Division/Title will be for the new comers and smaller wrestlers that are trying to establish them selves. While they are working on their craft a few will be used for the tag teams division as well. As they get better they will slowly move up to the World or US title/division over the years.

WCW Hardcore Division/Title

I would find away to drop this title as soon as possible in 2001

WCW World Cruiserweight Tag Team Division/Title

I would find away to drop this title as soon as possible in 2001

In a month or so OR maybe three to six months will be evaluations on the whole roster and say may get left go or start hiring new talents that haven't moved to the WWE yet.

One note is that no backstage politcs will happen if so their will be a warning before let go.


Hiring the right staff and occasionally let some of the veterans come in time to time on the writing staff. The ones that actually knows whats going and their input to continue moving forward.

We will probably go back to the old days like bring back Clash of the Champions with a few other PPV until we get the TV deals that we need.

Keeping the same old announcing and interview teams. Spice things up with them to keep things currently.
I know it's about what *I* would do, but frankly I wouldn't have bought it. That company was pretty much dead in the water and having Vince buy it was probably the best thing that could have happened to it, even today.

I think we can all agree the Invasion angle was at worst a massive failure and at best a disappointment. Still, it got a lot of the WCW guys who maybe didn't get a chance to shine a bit more exposure. A lot of them may not have been used much, but when you only have one company to choose from instead of two, well, you're going to be seen a bit more. So there's that.

On top of that, it put the video library in one place. It think it's pretty nice to know that the tapes from WCW, ECW and AWA are with one company - a company that seems pretty willing to make those tapes somewhat available.
agree with above poster. it was dead. no TV deal. you weren't going to get a TV deal because at the time, alot of networks didn't want a wrestling program on. the top stars, Flair, Sting, Hogan, Nash etc etc were all under multi million dollar deals exclusive to Time Warner and were not going to take the pay cut to wrestle when all they had to do was sit home and get a fat check every month. so your left with a bunch of mid carders and unprovens who you don't know if they can draw or not. its basically an independent promotion at that point.

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