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Yoshi Tatsu: Unchecked potential or flavor-of-the-month?

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
Many have Yoshi pegged as a future ECW Champion and even think it might be possible for him to be sent to Raw or Smackdown and assume the role of under-dog face who gets higher on the card than one might expected. His match with Christian really raised his stock in some people's eyes, he's got a major win over Jack Swagger who HAD TO be considered a bigger favorite in the Homecoming than Yoshi, and he's even pinned top contender William Regal multiple times.

Is Yoshi's hype for real or is it something that will fizzle out? Remember, Evan Bournce received similar hype at this time last year and I would have to say that Bourne is exponentially more talented than Yoshi is. Swagger, a former ECW Champ with a HUGE buzz around him, has failed to find his footing outside of ECW. Yoshi has nowhere near the buzz or total-package potential that Swagger does/did.

Can Yoshi succeed in ECW or has he already peaked?

Can Yoshi succeed on Raw or SmackDown?

How does Yoshi compare to other ECW stars like Bourne and Swagger? Does Yoshi have something that will lead him to success where those two are failing?

Please discuss the future of ECW's Yoshi Tatsu.
Yoshi, IMO, is awesome. Japan, represent!

But Yoshi needs A LOT of development! I think his ring work is a lot better than most of the mid-card on RAW and Smackdown. Hell his in-ring work is even better than WWE Champion Sheamus. But until he can speak English he is screwed. I honestly don't know how Yoshi got this far without cutting a decent promo. But give him some more development time on ECW, have him work the mic, and TRULY get over with the crowd, like Christian has. And put the belt on him. Than have him be booked as a strong champion who takes pride in being the ECW champion (much like Christian). If all those steps are followed I think he could be a future main eventer on Smackdown, and probably top mid-carder on RAW. But than again if Sheamus is a world champ and main eventer on RAW why not Yoshi? :shrug:
Is Yoshi's hype for real or is it something that will fizzle out? / Can Yoshi succeed on Raw or SmackDown?

Well let me first say that I love Evan Bourne and I think he could have made it if they hadn't all of a sudden turned him into a jobber for about anyone. I loved him teaming with Rey and I loved him going against Rey.
Consequently that means: If they use Yoshi Tatsu correctly, everyone could profit of it.
If they don't, it's highly possible that his hype will fizzle out, too.

Probably he would be better off in Smackdown than in Raw because the focus lies on the wrestling and he wouldn't have to do a lot of mic work.

But (and this somehow plays into the last question) he is Japanese (hi there Captain Obvious).
The fact that he is Japanese could:

a) be against him.
Yup, cutting promos would obviously be difficult. But not everyone has to be good on the mic and Yoshi could always improve.

b) be used to his favour.
Even I could think of storylines. Misunderstandings, being made fun of, what the fuck ever, they already used some of them.

There's a huge catch though (at least for me).
The use of stereotypes. Seriously. I can't even express how annoyed I am by that.
"Oh, he's Asian so let's put him in a Karate/KungFu suit and make him a comedy character. He can be like Jackie Chan!11"
If they do that, I'd be so pissed. Maybe the major audience would love it though but I don't like when a stereotype is overused. Also, he would not be taken seriously and could also fade away very quickly (Kung Fu Naki, anyone?)
To me, he even has the looks to be taken perfectly serious so there would be no need to make him the stereotype Japanese.
I think Yoshi Tatsu could be successful and I don't think it would be a difficult task at all.

In some ways, Yoshi Tatsu reminds me of Kofi Kingston. He's energetic, has something of a "sunny disposition", has a high energy type of offense and he's got the crowds on ECW caring about what he does. Being Japanese could work in Tatsu's favor depending upon what the WWE decides to do.

In the ring, the guy is talented. He's had some great matches while he's been part of ECW and I think he does have some potential. I'm wondering whether or not he really does have poor English skills. If he does, then the WWE should do something to help him out. If he speaks English well, then the whole "poor grasp of English Japanese guy" aspect needs to stop. It's a pretty ridiculous stereotype that doesn't need to get a good hold with Yoshi Tatsu because it can really kill the guy's momentum before he even has a chance. It's also just plain not funny or entertaining. Now, if this were still 1985, such a negative view of the "funny sounding Jap" that can barely speak English would have not only been accepted but encouraged by wrestling fans. But, it won't work today.
He's good in the ring but he will never be a major player in the WWE. At best he will hold a mid card title on RAW or Smackdown. I don't think I've ever heard him on the mic for more then a few seconds and history has shown that you need to have at least some mic skills to really be a success.

I hate to say it but I see Tatsu eventually just becoming a comedy mid carder similar to Tajiri when he was in the WWE. In ring skills only take you so far and because of that I don't see Tatsu ever becoming a major player.
...or very confusing decision by the WWE. Sasori likes him, that should say a lot.

Tatsu is vanilla, small, and just not good in any way shape or form. yea, the video game music and smiling ignorant asian gimmick was cute for a bit, but honestly...look at this guy and tell me you legitimately see him drawing money? That motherfucker couldnt draw money at a fucking bank. Nothing about his look stands out, he has non existant mic skills, and is only slightly above average in the ring. Another case of silly, whimsical, wasted evelopment time.

Who was the last guy that looked like this dude that had any manner of serious impact? Jim Wang Yang? taka michinoku? OH or how about Funaki!!!

What the fuck are you DOING WWE? The novelty and cuteness will wear thin eventually, and then it will just be more wasted time in retrospect.
I like Yoshi, and I think he has potential. But to answer your questions.

Do I think he can exceed on ECW? Yes, very much so. He's honestly the most over guy on ECW besides Chrisitian, and he got over much quicker than I expected, which is impressive. With a few months of build-up and some much-needed character development, I could see Yoshi holding the ECW title late this year (if he doesn't get drafted)

Do I feel he can succeed on Raw/Smackdown? Smackdown, yes. Newer stars have always fared better on SD than Raw, and SD is the more wrestling oriented show; which is all Yoshi can do at the moment. Send him to Smackdown, get him more over, try to give him a character/gimmick other than just being asian and he could be a solid midcarder in the IC title picture.

Raw is a whole different story. Raw is much more story/entertainment driven, and Yoshi isn't exactly gold on the mic. Raw is also known for having much shorter matches, so Yoshi wouldn't get to do much. In fact, he'd probably spend most of his time in backstage segments with guest hosts doing his "Thank You!" routine for lame laughs. What's scary is that I feel he may be sent to Raw in this year's draft after the little test run they gave him a couple months ago. He's probably fare about as well as Evan Bourne has.

Compared to Bourne, Yoshi is pretty much the same. Good in the ring, not so much on the mic. They're both high fliers with little-to-no personality, though Yoshi has more charisma than Bourne IMO. Him and Swagger have totally different in-ring styles, but they're pretty much on the same level there. Swagger's got more going than him charisma wise though plus Yoshi lacks that "big star" presence that Swagger has.

So the way I see it, Yoshi will continue to flourish on ECW, he may even get in the MITB match at WM. If he doesn't get drafted, he may win the ECW title. If he does, it'll probably be on Raw where he'll probably flounder into obscurity.

P.S. he needs to ditch that goofy music. It's hard to take him seriously coming out to what sounds like someone playing Sega Genesis over the speaker.
I'm not sure if Yoshi's hype will be enough for him to become a big star in the future. He is doing well on ECW, but not everyone who does a good job on ECW goes on to become a big star on Raw or Smackdown. I think that Yoshi will end up in an underdog role, similar to Evan Bourne, once he comes to one of the two bigger shows.

On ECW however.... Yoshi has not peaked yet. He would be an interesting candidate for ECW Champion, but not until after Christian has been moved off the brand. I just don't see him defeating Christian. It wouldn't be very believable, but then again it might happen.

If he does end up on Raw/Smackdown then I think he will quickly end up in an underdog role because he doesn't seem to have any qualities that could make him into a big star in my opinion. He's like Bourne, but not as good. That is the way I see it. Maybe those two could form a tag team or something.
How does Yoshi compare to other ECW stars like Bourne and Swagger? Does Yoshi have something that will lead him to success where those two are failing?

I think Yoshi has a lot of potential that he continues to expand on everytime he steps into the ring. For one thing Swagger has had some decent, but also some very boring matches. Bourne is also really just in the slump until there is more for him to work with as everyone believes him to be the next Mysterio.

The only thing that holds him Yoshi back is his asian stereotype gimmick which we've all seen before in the form of Taijiri and countless other asian wrestlers. Although Yoshi's appearance is something that really deviates from the others we've seen. Once he gets more exposure I think it would be time he breaks away from it ala Kofi Kingston, but i'm not entirely sure if he'll ever go beyond midcarder or the IC title. Technically we can't really judge his mic skills since his low comprehension skills could just be something he's playing off his gimmick with.
He's neither to be honest with you. Tatsu is what he is. A decent worker that's quite fun. He's over with the crowd and is a comedy segment writer's dream, but he's never going to be anything more. Keep him in the low card, having feuds and doing segments with guys like Hurricane, Washington and Goldust, and you'll probably get a couple of years out of him. Move him off ECW and you'll kill him. The guy can't do promos, not in real terms anyway, so keep him on ECW until the joke gets old, and then move him on. I like him, but I'm never going to get excited by a Yoshi Tatsu feud, even if his entrance music is my girlfriend's ringtone.
It's guys like Yoshi that make me wish that the Cruiserweight Title was still around. He'd be perfect in that category. But I definitely don't see Yoshi getting a World Championship or even the US or IC title. If he goes on SD! he might find some success there for a bit but just might get the Dolph Ziggler treatment and get put in meaningless feuds not worthy of our time. If he goes to RAW, Yoshi will get jobbed out like Evan Bourne. He's hit his peak.
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