Yoshi Tatsu-Hope or Non

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Ok hi everyone. This will be the first of a series of threads called Hope or Non. I will name a rising star and I will also name pros and cons about that star. I want to see your views.

Pros: Yoshi is very quick and agile. Which makes him get over with the crowds and will possibly cause him to win titles

Cons: He is much like Taka Michinoku and funaki. Both have the same Pros as Yoshi does. Bad. Neither Taka or Funaki made it far.

What are your views on Yoshi Tatsu's WWE future? Hope or Non?
Taka was just poorly used in WWE. There's not a whole lot of denying that. He was good in ECW, and was amazing in Japan, which is expected.

That being said, Yoshi should have a fairly better career in WWE. He's already had a shot at a main title, and put up a fairly big fight. When did Funki or Taka ever get that shot? I'd like to think that Yoshi will eventually win the ECW belt, but I doubt it will be from Christian, and I doubt it would be before WrestleMania.
look past the fact he is asian and what charecter does he have? nothing. he is good in the ring and can be flashy but without any depth to who he is he will go the same way as evan bourne. he was the next big thing from the new ecw and look what he has achieved since moving on? without some depth of charecter these new talents coming up wil just be flashes in the pan.
yay for racism. Yoshi Tatsu has a huge upside to him, wow he doesn't have a character according to wiKid hoRse, I say he has a gimmick, that of a plucky young wrestler that is trying to make a name for himself in the WWE. Right now that is all he needs. How long ago was it that Kofi Kingston came in? He had no depth of character, now he is developing it. Character within a gimmick is something that is developed over time and generally speaking is not there from the get-go. He is lower to mid-card right now. Does this mean that he won't move up? Hell no. It just means that he is a new guy, I watched that match he had with Christian and I was entertained. Right now that is all he has to do, to make him bigger now is a waste of a talent, a manager wouldn't be a bad thing but managers don't seem to be in high demand right now. That is all he needs right now as I am guessing there is still a language barrier in place between Yoshi Tatsu and speaking to the audience. He has the wrestling pedigree since he was trained by the New Japan dojo, as well as Yuji Nagata. I personally hope that it is a matter of time that he gets a place high on the card.
how on earth is that racist? i am saying look past his race ffs. the persona of plucky young wrestler that is trying to make a name for himself in the WWE is every damn wrestler on ecw. yoshi tatsu right now has no depth of charecter and unless that changes he will not last long on tv.
Explain to me the concept of creating a character for fans to get behind when there is only an hour to get the title angle and one or two other angles over? fine he may be have generic gimmick but so did Kofi Kingston. he got over just fine by wrestling and then speaking. Yoshi Tatsu can go the same way.
Yoshi is a bit of a throwback...Bear with me.

He doesn't need a character, as long as he can have amazing matches in the ring. What he does say tends to be funny, and his matches are always the highlights of Tuesday nights. He's worked with a few different types, and they all work well. His match with Christian this past Tuesday was his best, and he's also worked with Ryder, Regal, Shelton, and so on...
i was never singling out the Japanese race. I was just putting out there what kind of carreer New Japan Pro wrestlers get. Basically, where he gets in the WWE.
Yoshi has one that a lot of other's don't. A natural charisma. When packaged with some overly ridiculous gimmicks, Taka and Funaki were able to get over, but in their generic phase they got mild pops at best and no reaction at worst. I remember the first time Yoshi came out on ECW his energy was infectious and i was instantly a fan. Pairing him with Christian and letting Captain Charisma do the mic work is genius, as Yoshi looks gold and develops character just from working with Christian. The whole point is, however, Yoshi Tatsu is just all around more interesting to me even than evan bourne or Kofi Kingston. His smile and excitement on the way to the ring seem genuine and his performances in matches coincide with that personality. In an era where there really aren't many character driven wrestlers anymore, yoshi sticks out to me as someone who could have a future.
Not sure yet. It's a bit too early to solidify anything. He's shown the ability to work all kinds of different styles so far. It's just hard to take him seriously in my opinion. Just like Kofi when he first debuted, he was so jumpy and happy, which don't get me wrong, isn't a bad thing, it's just hard to take someone seriously who smiles when they kick someone in the face. Yoshi's pretty cool, he does remind me a little bit of TAKA who may be one of the most underrated wrestlers to ever hit WWE. He's got that hint of Funaki too, what with the happiness and whatever. I don't think he'll ever be a world champion, or even in the main event really. Unforunately for Yoshi I see him being a MidCarder 4 Life. Just me though.
As far as ring skill goes, he's got it all. He's done a good job so far and he's going up the ladder. The guy does need some depth and personality in order to stay up at the top of ECW. THey guy had a great match on ECW this past week against Christian. He will def win the ECW Championship someday, but I too think it won't be from Christian. It will be from someone else. Hopefully he won't get the Funaki treatment. The guy has a ton of skill.
Funaki wasn't as skilled as Yoshi Tatsu is. It's rare to have a foreigner, especially someone from Japan, to have great success in the WWE. Not many Japanese wrestlers trek to the WWE to wrestle. Tatsu is pretty good and if used right, would make a great ECW Title holder. It's just a matter of developing him into a character with some personality and a serious one at that. The deathblow for Tajiri was his comical banter with Regal and him being associated with Torrie Wilson. Nothing wrong with Torrie at all, but a Japanese Buzzsaw can't be taken seriously if he's smitten by a buxom blonde.

Tatsu has great potential and hopefully, he'll get the ball and is able to run with it.
Right now, it is too early to tell how big of a thing Yoshi will become. Sure he has a lot of talent, but he's already saddled with that characteristic most Japanese wrestlers get in WWE: he's so darn adorable when he mispronounces words in English....aaawwww! Gosh that annoys me, because they get typecast in that role whether creative plans on it or not. He will win some titles I'm sure, but he is no sure bet for the main event just yet.

And will somebody please change his theme music? It's annoying, and it sounds like it's straight out of one of those Japanese cartoons with the bright colors.
Reallly to early to tell if he will be big, he has alot of talent and has shown he can work well with other types out there in ECW.

i believe he will be big he has had some good matches and his match against Christian was really good, they could change his entrance music that gets annoying after a while. We will see how he progresses i am sure he will win titles along the way
I don`t think so.He is just a Tajiri/Taka Minchoku wannabe.I` would rather put him in the tag team division,perhaps pair him up with Kofi.I would keep him away from the ECW championship as long as Christian has the title and there are plenty(Kozlov,Jackson,Ryder,Sheamus...)of contenders
I see Yoshi's current slot as being a lot like Evan Bourne was before he got his ankle injury, but they seem to be booking him as at least a little stronger. Yoshi has the ability to be a tremendous high flyer and while he's developing his persona and "backstory" that's really all he needs. I also like the sort of "respectful" thing they're giving to his gimmick. That's extremely rare among all the cocky blowhards, and I think that could set him apart at least for a little while. I could see other faces taking him under their charge as a kind of "special project" to build him up, and that could be how they handle his push.

Bourne was an extremely impressive figure in ECW before his injury and I think that was the one thing that destroyed his momentum and turned him into a Raw-grade jobber. I hate to say this as he does have an extraordinary amount of talent still, but I see Bourne as being on the same level as Jamie Noble before long. As for Yoshi, I think if he can avoid injury long enough to keep his momentum going, long enough to maybe grab a championship run, he may find himself advancing as a possible contender for the Intercontinental Championship, but I'd put a hold on it right there. It's exceedingly unlikely that he'll have a WWE Championship or WHC run. Those championships, with extremely few exceptions, rarely go to guys his size. Just the way Vince runs things.
Hmm, maybe I have the blinders on but I thought Tajiri had a pretty good WWE career, like even when he was with Regal or Torrie I always thought he had a chance to win a lot of his matches and for a short while he even got to have his own stable. I can't really think of any times where he was REALLY buried with a horrible gimmick or extended non storyline losing streak. I think if he had had decent mic skills the WWE would've pushed him further than they did.

As for Yoshi, he's solid in the ring so thats a start, but he's pretty small so thats a negative, he's asian and judging by history thats a negative, haven't seen him cut a promo and judging by this thread he either has limited mic skills or can't really speak english, if its the first they can work on it, but if he's trying to learn English then I'd say its a deal breaker. He may have a few IC/US runs in him, but realistically if the mic is always going to be a problem for him then he'll probably be midcard for life, with an ECW Title possibly thrown in there.
Yoshi Tatsu is quite good, but I think the language barrier will stop him getting much futher than where he is now. Probably the best idea is to put him in a tag team with a talker, so he can do the in ring stuff and the other guy can do the mic stuff. He can put on a decent match, but with him being unlikely to make a PPV on the bigger brands, he might as well stay on ECW for the foreseeable future. He's never going to be a main eventer, so I think having him as a high level wrestler on ECW is the best place for him, unless they put him in a team. Tyler Reks is probably the most likely candidate, and I thought they worked well together the other week.
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