Yoshi Tatsu Gimmick Change


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't think I've seen anyone discuss this

Well I'm watching NXT for the first time in a long time on Sky Sports and just seen Tatsu walk out in Black and Red trunks whilst wearing a mask. He takes it off revealing a half painted face a symbol also mainting the Black and Red theme & has a more intense look about him... his music hasn't changed though..... I'd imagine that'll get changed soon/if the gimmick is successful.

All I can say is.... thank f*ck, this is a gimmick that can go somewhere and bring out the most of Tatsu and they are also starting to refer to him as Hokouri (sp).

What are your thoughts?


Few more images here: http://www.wwe.com/shows/wwenxt/2011-09-06/yoshi-tatsu-tyson-kidd
I was randomly watching NXT today & was happy to see the change as well, even though mostly anything could've been better than his Dragonball Z Eternal Dragon Tights. But with this new character takes away the best traits of his former character, which was his youthful exuberence. He looked like a happy cartoon character(Goku? Still on Dragonball. I feel racist right now...), but maybe now they can make him a more serious cartoon character.

Either way, with no ability to talk he's gonna need a lot more polishing in the ring. He doesn't have any moves that are dazzling or eye catching & his Spinning Heel Kick off the top rope finisher is gonna make him a contestant on NXT. TIME TO ELEVATE YOSHI!
I watched the last couple minutes of his match on wwe.com last night. I've always liked Tatsu, but I also always thought his gimmick or character or whatever he had going for him would hold him back. I'm more than happy he has changed his appearance, now all we need is a new theme song and a Heel turn. I think he could very well be WWE's Tajiri 2.0.

What would make this even more awesome is if they tried reviving the Cruiserweight Division. Maybe bring in a new Cruiserweight Championship Title, move most of the Cruiserweights to Smackdown, and bam. Got yourself a pretty solid Cruiserweight Division with Yoshi Tatsu hopefully leading the way.
A bit of face paint isn't going to suddenly change the fact that Tatsu is an easily disposable member of the roster. This gimmick change should be something you do after he'd been pushed on TV for a while.

I don't see him working as a heel. Instead of looking like somebody who's intimidating, he looks like somebody who is trying to be intimidating. A haircut might help, maybe a beard even.

On the plus side, his cult appeal has just doubled.
The new facepaint does look nice, but he's going to need a lot more to evolve his character. A new theme song is much needed and one that spells heel because the clean cut babyface didn't get him anywhere. Maybe, a heel turn could be a blessing in disguise.
I like this sort of superhero/ninja gimmick Yoshi has changed to, he was more intense in the ring on NXT on Thursday than he ever has been and I enjoyed his in-ring work much more than usual.

Let's face it, his happy-go-lucky persona was never gonna get him far in the WWE and this gimmick MIGHT surprisingly. With WWE opening up headquarters in Hong Kong and perhaps looking to expand into Oriental Asia more, Yoshi's superhero character could be the driving force needed. Ala Khali circa 2007 or so. A feud between him and one of the ''villians'' in the WWE, like a heel Kane or Cody Rhodes would work wonders. A feud with the heel Sin Cara would be interesting too. That's if they're willing to actually push Yoshi.
Wow. I liked the old Yoshi but this new one is.... wow.... :blush: (yes, I just went fangirl on the forum- hehe)

This is going to be great for Yoshi's character because now people are going to take him seriously and he will probably get title shots and better matches. Hell, this backs up his feud against Tyson Kidd! The face paint makes him look a little dark and mysterious but you know, the music kills the idea flat out. As someone said before he needs to change it. Maybe that music that was playing every time those Japanese symbols came on the Tron during Kidd matches? That would be perfect for him!
A lot of people seem to like this new gimmick and to me it certainly looks like an improvement.If the wwe are looking to expand into Oriental Asia then he might get some where with it.

However i can't realistically see him fitting into any title picture any time soon. There are just to many young superstars at the moment waiting for a push who are miles above him in appearance, charisma and mic work. His best chance of becoming relevant would be a cruiser weight division and even then i struggle to see him ever getting far above where he is at the moment
IMO, I think their either going to have him as a tweener or heel, with the latter being the most likely. But, as alot of the above posters said, change his music! Maybe a modern version of Tajiri's?
Looking at the picture alone, you can tell this gimmick will be good for Yoshi. His character he had up until does nothing but jump up and down while coming out to anime style music or doing terrible promos in broken english. This character will allow him a chance to get over and it could be either as a face or a heel. It doesn't matter to me which he does because he looks extremely cool this way and he has a much better chance of getting over now. He needs new entrance music to go along with it, that will help.
From the picture he looks pretty cool and it looks like he's getting a gimmick change. The next thing to happen to Yoshi must be a change in music, his current music is crap and makes him look a joke like his old trunks and if you give him some typical rock music as his theme maybe it'll help him get over with his new character. He was plain boring as the happy go lucky guy who cut cheesy promos whereas now he hopefully will portray a kind of itimidating character whether that be in a face or heel role and hopefully that makes him enjoyable to watch and gets him more over with the fans.
Yoshi has always had a goofy gimmick, he was pretty much one of those more talented, but less popular characters. I think with this new "gimmick" people will take him more seriously, I can actually see him become a heel just by looking at the photo. But of course they should change that anime style theme music he has going along and more of a dark and deep theme, they really should make him a heel. Then people will not think of him as that easily disposed, high-flying mid-carder like he has always been known by.

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