Yoshi Tatsu - Best or worst pro wrestling gig ever?


Championship Contender
I've bee noticing this for a while.

Personally, I like Yoshi Tatsu. Maybe one of the few who do. But I saw him in a great feud with Tyson Kidd on NXT/Superstars last year and HE CAN WRESTLE! He's got a good move-set, he's got kicks, flips and high flying moves. His attire is cool and he is the only real oriental Superstar the WWE has.

Despite all that he has been used as a complete jobber for a good year ... maybe more. No signs of any storyline involving him on TV ... he's at least given something to do as of late if you watch Santino's YouTube show.

But look at this guys gig. He's only used maybe once or twice on WWE TV. If he is used it's for a squash match that'll last no more than 5 minutes. Look at WWE Main Event this week... he took the first shot at Khali and got tossed over the ropes. But he gets to go to the back and collect his paycheck! The guy is still employed yet he hardly has to work and when he does it's pretty basic stuff.

So on one hand this guy has the best gig in Pro Wrestling since he has the least chance of getting worn down and injured from virtually any other Superstar on the roster and still gets, what I will assume, is a pretty decent paycheck.

Of course, if this goes on much longer he'll clearly have to be cut but many would be surprised he hasn't already been cut.

In my opinion, I'd love to see him used again, for real. Give him some wins on Superstars and then let him get in a feud with maybe Tensai (who has all this Japanese background) and have Tensai win the first few and insult Tatsu saying he is more Japanese than Tatsu and Tatsu should just go home and never return. Have Tatsu go over Tensai on the 3rd try. That should get Tatsu going and then I'd put him in the hunt for a US or IC title... either in a qualifying match or a triple threat or fatal-4-way type match so he gets some PPV exposure.

Anyway... those are just my thoughts but my main question is ...

The current workload (or lack there of) Yoshi Tatsu has as an well-paid Pro Wrestler ... is it the best gig or the worst gig ever?
Now you right, Yoshi Tatsu is a good wrestler. But he's one of the most foolish in WWE History. The reason I say that is this past Wednesday WWE Main Event. Gonna try to attack the Great Khali, and 2 seconds later, finds him self over the top rope. I'm a firm beleiver if given the opportunity, Yoshi can go. I beleive he's like some of the other wrestlers like Kidd, and Gabriel; they can go, but they need the opportunity. And Regal is the same way even in his 40's.. But I think the WWE can be more interesting if they let go of the reputation, and just let them wrestle. Hey Why not? Some of the midcarders like Kingston, Del Rio, The Miz, and Daniel Bryan can already out wrestle some of the top names like Shaemus and Cena anyway.
Your question is dependent upon Tatsu's aspirations as a pro wrestler. Does he want to be some huge star? Or is he happy being a jobber making the minimum (which is still probably pretty good)? The only person who can answer this question is Yoshi Tatsu himself. :shrug:

And in the WWE, he's never going to be a big star. As far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong here) he doesn't speak a whole lot of English. And when he does say a sentence or two it's in very poor English if I remember correctly. You said you watch him on Santino's show. Does he say much? People like John Morrison were downgraded because of their poor mic skills. But if he can't speak good English period, well that's going to severely limit anyone.
I'd like to see a small storyline where Tajiri returns to mentor (Not wrestle or form a tag team) with Tatsu. Maybe let Tajiri turn Tatsu into a serious gimmick.

But to answer your question, I think it's rather silly. Makes Funaki look like a serious gimmick.
Every time I see this clown on TV I have the same reaction: "Yoshi Tatsu is still on the WWE roster?"

Whatever happened to roster cuts to clear out some of this worthless garbage. If I run talent relations I axe Yoshi, Swoggle, Khali, Tensai, Ezekiel Jackson, Ted Dibiase, Epico, Primo and stiffs like that immediately.

And please let's not waste Rumble spots on any of the above...though we know Khali will be wasting one for sure.
If I run talent relations I axe Yoshi, Swoggle, Khali, Tensai, Ezekiel Jackson, Ted Dibiase, Epico, Primo and stiffs like that immediately.

The problem with that is every match can't be an epic encounter between two top superstars......they need to have people to lose to the elite guys, especially with six hours per week of original programming to fill.....not to mention house shows. Things are still better than they were in the 80's when the guys who served as jobbers never won....and I mean never. Usually, they weren't even allowed to mount an offense when facing one of the stars. At least now, almost all of the guys you mentioned have won a few matches, leading to the possibility they could turn the trick again. Who knows?....the next 1-2-3 Kid might be lurking among the jobbers.

The exception to all this is Yoshi....and that's really the point of this topic. It would be nice to see him given something besides a sure loss. He's one of those poor Trent Barretta types who sit backstage and hope for the writers to throw something their way. Then again, maybe their role has been explained to them and they're happy to draw a paycheck for working only once in a while.

In either case, I wouldn't sack all the jobbers. They serve a legitimate purpose.
I tried posting this on the comment section of one of WWE's Youtube videos, but of course, if it's anything negative/critical of their product, they won't approve it. I think Yoshi Tatsu should take a page out of Funaki's playbook and be the new "Smackdown #1 announcer!" I was never a big Funaki fan, but I'll admit he was pretty over with that. Could Yoshi pull it off? WWE could at least try that or something (ANYTHING!) with him or at least let him cut a promo here and there. (Even if his English isn't very good.) Because most fans don't give a **** about Yoshi and WWE doesn't give them a reason to. Whenever I see Yoshi on TV, I automatically think, "I wonder who he's jobbing to this week?"

As for his gig, like someone else said, only Yoshi could answer that question.
I think Yoshi would do pretty well if the WWE were to bring back a hardcore division. This would give the low card jobbers a chance to be in matches that people will automatically care about just due to the stipulation. I think Tatsu can really excel with that belt.
Did Yoshi not rack up a couple wellness violations when that 'legal' marijuana hit the roster?
that could explain WWE's lack of interest in pushing a wrestler with skills to match D Bryan imo
i have a great idea for yoshi. Bring undertaker out one night on raw then brin out yoshi in undertaker gear then have yoshi say he is the son of taker from a affair back in the day when taker was in japan. After weeks of taker saying it aint true, they do a dna test and it proves to be true. taker and yoshi team for month as taker tryes to teach his son how to be the best. after a few months yoshi grows tired of his dads help and turns on him, which results in a wrestlemainia match witch yoshi wins and makes his father the undertaker retire for good and yoshi gos on tho be the greatest wrestler in wwe history starting his own wrestlemania streak and a long wwe title rain and muitable reings with the either wwe or whc titles. this could make yoshi the greateset ever, whats everyone think about my great idea
i have a great idea for yoshi. Bring undertaker out one night on raw then brin out yoshi in undertaker gear then have yoshi say he is the son of taker from a affair back in the day when taker was in japan. After weeks of taker saying it aint true, they do a dna test and it proves to be true. taker and yoshi team for month as taker tryes to teach his son how to be the best. after a few months yoshi grows tired of his dads help and turns on him, which results in a wrestlemainia match witch yoshi wins and makes his father the undertaker retire for good and yoshi gos on tho be the greatest wrestler in wwe history starting his own wrestlemania streak and a long wwe title rain and muitable reings with the either wwe or whc titles. this could make yoshi the greateset ever, whats everyone think about my great idea

Aw, little buddy trying so hard to get a reaction!

Personally I think Yoshi is set with what he has going on in WWE right now. Let's face it, WWE is not going to fire him anytime soon, because of his link with Japan and Asia as a whole. I'm not sure if much other people notice this but every time WWE goes to Japan Yoshi is featured prominently, To appease to the crowd. So Yoshi is set in WWE, suck all year round whilst maintaining a very sizable paycheck then become important for 2 weeks when they tour to Japan, easy.
And in the WWE, he's never going to be a big star. As far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong here) he doesn't speak a whole lot of English. And when he does say a sentence or two it's in very poor English if I remember correctly. You said you watch him on Santino's show. Does he say much? People like John Morrison were downgraded because of their poor mic skills. But if he can't speak good English period, well that's going to severely limit anyone.

No, he doesn't speak very much English, that's part of the fun with him on Satino's show. Santino pretends he can't speak English well but he really can and so he sets up Tatsu to do interviews and the end up being kind of funny.

Thing is, if they gave Yoshi a bit of a push he wouldn't need to speak a lot necessarily. Look at Sin Cara, basically never speaks but his action in the ring speaks for itself. Plus Tatsu, like Sin Cara, could be paired/allied with a Superstar who can speak better and thus be able to get over better.

The thing is, Mustang Sally and aza are right. No real sense in letting go Tatsu, any pro wrestling company needs jobbers on payroll otherwise you would create more problems since there is SO MUCH programming that has to be filled each week you can't have Barrett face Kofi or Miz or Sheamus every week. One, because it will get stale and two, because it creates more difficulty in keeping the top Superstars looking good.
Yoshi isn't worthless garbage... Problem is WWE doesn't use him correctly. I'd either restart the Cruiserweight Division or Put Tatsu in a Tag team with Tensai or Sakamoto
I've been shocked a bit that he hasn't asked for his release and go to New Japan or NOAH where I think he would be bigger much like Hakushi, Kaz Hayashi and others have cashed in on their United States exposure.
I'd put Yoshi Tatsu with Sin Cara as a heel tag team & call them the silent duo. That to me is the only thing that will work as long as the Cruiserweight Division is out of the picture. The WWE needs to do something different (Or just what works) You would think the Cruiserweight would relate to kids... 5 year olds could relate a lot more to faster / high flyers because well we've all been kids with a lot of energy.
Yoshi Tatsu is someone that's a perfect example of one of the few genuinely simple and rock solid truths of pro wrestling. That truth is that everybody simply can't be a star. That's simply how it is. In some cases, the powers that be simply don't see any real money in the guy and decide to put focus on others instead. Also, there's just simply not enough room at the top. It seems that there's a thread on some forum declaring that certain wrestlers should get a push or should be main eventers or World Champion. A lot of times there's no reasoning behind it, it just happens to be wrestlers the person that created the thread likes.

While it's true that Yoshi Tatsu is the only Asian on the WWE roster, so what? Doesn't mean he's entitled to a damn thing. There's no affirmative action in pro wrestling. Tatsu is a guy that does have good ability in the ring. That's all well and good but there's a whole roster full of wrestlers in WWE that are as good or better than Yoshi in the ring.

Besides, for all we know, Yoshi Tatsu might be pleased as punch about his spot in WWE. I don't know how much money he makes, though I'm assuming that it's a pretty damn good sum by most people's perspective. He has a job traveling the world working for the biggest wrestling company in the world. Maybe that's enough for him. If it is, more power to him. If not, maybe he knows it's his best shot at earning a good living. He was in New Japan Pro Wrestling for 5 years before coming to WWE and didn't accomplish jack. So if you're going to have a mediocre career, might as well make the most money out of it you can.

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