Y2J Discusses Current WWE Talent

MizFit Brocko

'Dashing Brisbane Brocko'
Just come across this video uploaded a day or 2 ago of a a phone interview done with Chris Jericho where he discusses his work with Fozzy, his 2 books, and the current state of the WWE, talent in the WWE etc etc. The interview was done on the 27th of January just before the Rumble, but i haven't seen it mentioned or anything until just now.


Do you agree with Jericho on his comments about the current and future stars?

I think he has it pretty spot on, and i definitely agree with JoMo needing to react with the crowd more. I also agree with his comments about Barrett.

Any other thoughts about the interview?

Start the clip at around 18:15. He mentions Barrett, Sheamus, Morrison, Miz, Swagger and Del Rio.

I agree with all of his comments. I don't see Morrison ever becoming a mega-star unless he connects with the crowd.
Wade Barrett: I agree with virtually everything he said. If he can get the psychology and match work down right, he's limitless as a heel especially. Great voice, good mic presence, especially for so early on at the top. Good look and has a "real" feel.

Sheamus: Virtually the same with Barrett. Just needs to keep getting over and making sure his matches improve. Not AS good on the mic as Barrett to me, but solid.

The Miz: I'd agree with his assessment of Miz. Charismatic and able enough in the ring. If he keeps working at that and still getting the reaction he's getting, he's a top guy for years to come.

John Morrison: Decent enough worker, obviously. If he can clean it up a bit and get the psychology down, he'll be able to get that crowd involved the way he should. However, he's got plenty of time ahead of him.

Jack Swagger: I've felt this way about him for a while. He's a really good professional-style wrestler. I think his mic work is coming along as well. Good size and he's easy to hate. Can't ask for much more.

Kofi Kingston: Not the biggest fan of Kingston. Doesn't do much for me on the mic and is a bit too loose in the ring for me, with how he delivers his moves. Still, he's young enough to maybe get me along with the in-ring stuff in the right matches and develop on the mic, as well.

Alberto del Rio: Pretty much hit the nail on the head as a guy that seems humble in real life, but gets it done with his character. He's also pretty damn good in the ring and will only get better with the better names to work with.
Sorry guys, that would have been a good idea, here's a brief of what he had to say: And if you start the clip at just after 18 mins, you will get all of this.

* Wade Barrett - Jericho said that Barrett is going to be a star for "many, many years" but just needs to work on his match quality. Knew he would be a star due to his size, voice and presence.

* Sheamus - Same deal as Barrett. Says the same thing about Size and presence. Loves his viscous-ness in the ring.

* The Miz - Knew he was going to be a star through working with him, and even though he 'busted Miz's ball's'.

* John Morrison - He said he feels like Morrison needs to do a better job connecting with the fans, loves the energy he brings to a match, and feels he is in the process of gaining the fans trust.

* Jack Swagger - Jericho said he felt like WWE is missing the boat with Swagger but he'll have his time.

* Kofi Kingston - He said has a natural fire and needs someone to guide him through match-wise and he needs more promo time.

* Alberto Del Rio - Jericho accurately predicted him as the winner of the Royal Rumble and said he has a bright future in the company.

* Nexus, said he liked when they first started and the direction they were taking, started talking about the New Nexus and the Corre and said that it was always going to get stale, and that further Stable's may not be able to gain as much heat, which he doesn't really think the Corre is going for anyways.

* CM Punk - Said he loved the guys work and what he is capable of with Nexus.
Pretty much spot on from Y2J; he is dead right about Barrett, he has the look and the mic work but he is still pretty green in the ring. Not sure about him saying Sheamus needs work in the ring, he has had plenty of good matches in my eyes, especially the series with JoMo. Definitely agree about Morrison, he is great in the ring and all but he lacks that connection with the fans that will push him to the next level.
I can't really argue against any of his points regarding "new" talent. I think he was right on with all of them.

I just like how straight up he is. He doesn't pull any punches or kiss anyone's ass. He states his exact opinion and that is more than most people would do. Especially when it comes to other talent or names in the business. That is just one reason why I always have and always WILL be a Jerichoholic.
Jericho is spot on with truth. Even to a fault. I'm already a quarter of the way through his new book, and his time spent in the WWE and what he's been through, he is able to probably look at someone and reckon on whether or not they can do it after 5 minutes with them. Look, he knows that to make it in the WWE you can't sugar coat anything. He didn't get a sugar coated path, and neither should anyone else. Its a matter of the kind of guidance he probably wished he'd had all along. Not saying that he didn't have it, but I'm sure he wished it didn't take 1,372 matches to get his World Championship. But hey, better late than never right?

All I'm saying is that he's probably going to be more positive with the critiques than some others may be. Hell, I'm sure there would be more who'd probably rather fire some people than just give them advice on how to make it better for their next rounds in the ring. Granted, its truly up to each one of those he discussed on what to do with that piece of wisdom he doles out. I mean, he wasn't the undisputed champion for nothing, was he? That would be something for those fellows to consider.

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