Y2 Jake. Im calling YOU out!

Mark-Ass Bitch

New Member
In order to get some respect around here, I have to go after the "most popular" poster here: Y2 Jake.

Its time to put you on blast Jake.

I have decided that you are without question, the lamest douchebag the internet has ever seen.

Outside of Wrestlezone Forums, you have no friends.
All you do is watch TV and try acting better than everyone over the keyboard.
Dont you have a life?
Your 24 years old, and your greatest acheivement is what?
Being a jerk to people on a forum. WOW. Congrats.

Y2 Jake?
Ha. More like Y2 Joke.

Nobody likes you.
Your "Forum Buddies" dont even like you. They just ride your dick because they dont want to get banned.

Most of your threads are pointless, with lame ass statements that only you think are funny.
And whats your obsession with gay people and rape?
Is there something you want to share with your "internet friends?"

Whats your next post gonna be?
"The Y2 Jake Story: Out of the Closet, into the Forums":lmao:

Youre a LOSER. Deal with it.

Jake! I wanna hear what YOU have to say.

No NorCal, no IrishCanadian, no Klunder, no tripleh12, no RealLionheart, no Specialist Shock, or any other dick riders. I want YOU JAKE.

In order to get some respect around here, I have to go after the "most popular" poster here: Y2 Jake.

Its time to put you on blast Jake.

I have decided that you are without question, the lamest douchebag the internet has ever seen.

Outside of Wrestlezone Forums, you have no friends.
All you do is watch TV and try acting better than everyone over the keyboard.
Dont you have a life?
Your 24 years old, and your greatest acheivement is what?
Being a jerk to people on a forum. WOW. Congrats.

Y2 Jake?
Ha. More like Y2 Joke.

Nobody likes you.
Your "Forum Buddies" dont even like you. They just ride your dick because they dont want to get banned.

Most of your threads are pointless, with lame ass statements that only you think are funny.
And whats your obsession with gay people and rape?
Is there something you want to share with your "internet friends?"

Whats your next post gonna be?
"The Y2 Jake Story: Out of the Closet, into the Forums":lmao:

Youre a LOSER. Deal with it.

Jake! I wanna hear what YOU have to say.

No NorCal, no IrishCanadian, no Klunder, no tripleh12, no RealLionheart, no Specialist Shock, or any other dick riders. I want YOU JAKE.


yes NorCal :)
In order to get some respect around here, I have to go after the "most popular" poster here: Y2 Jake.

Its time to put you on blast Jake.

I have decided that you are without question, the lamest douchebag the internet has ever seen.

Outside of Wrestlezone Forums, you have no friends.
All you do is watch TV and try acting better than everyone over the keyboard.
Dont you have a life?
Your 24 years old, and your greatest acheivement is what?
Being a jerk to people on a forum. WOW. Congrats.

Y2 Jake?
Ha. More like Y2 Joke.

Nobody likes you.
Your "Forum Buddies" dont even like you. They just ride your dick because they dont want to get banned.

Most of your threads are pointless, with lame ass statements that only you think are funny.
And whats your obsession with gay people and rape?
Is there something you want to share with your "internet friends?"

Whats your next post gonna be?
"The Y2 Jake Story: Out of the Closet, into the Forums":lmao:

Youre a LOSER. Deal with it.

Jake! I wanna hear what YOU have to say.

No NorCal, no IrishCanadian, no Klunder, no tripleh12, no RealLionheart, no Specialist Shock, or any other dick riders. I want YOU JAKE.



Why do you keep posting stuff like this?
Ever since you started, youve been made an ass of yourself every single time.
From losing your penis on a trampoline, to being a "Mark-Ass Bitch," to getting completely owned in rap battles.

Bottom line :schild13:
Wheres Jake?
I really wanna see him PWN this guy "Mark-Ass Bitch"
He's been talkin shit about Y2 Jake ever since he joined this forum...
I really wanna see "Mark-Ass Bitch" get put in his place. Again.
Let me get this straight. Y 2 Jake is the lamest douchebag on the face of the internet while you have just gone out of your way to attack someone else the internet? You are getting angry and acting like a dick because of what has happened to you on one wrestling forum. This is not the end of your life. Leave if this is what you have come to.

This is what Im talking about. 'Jake Dick Riding'

Let him fight his own battles, I want to have a one on one debate with Jake.
But I cant, because all of you hoes are defending him. Im quite sure Jake is capable of defending himself. So let him.

NorCal, Klunder, RealLionheart, NO ONE was talking to you so mind your own fucking business.

And Major Murfish? More like Major MurBITCH.
And your tag line is "Lowering Your Expectations"...you must be referring to your sex life.

Anyways back on topic. I want to debate Y 2 Jake, not you ****
I dont need to mind my own buissness you idiot. free speech.

how is it dick riding. I have said nothing sbout Jake. Merely pointed out how much a fucking moron you are. Which I couldve accertained without anything regarding Jake
backsass. infraction


Who the fuck pushed you for mod?

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