Y does every1 h8 him?....

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i dont want no heat for this but y is it that cena is disliked... i jus dont get it, his entertainment value and charisma r gr8, and pls dont say he cant wrestle, ill admit his moves can get boring...(the moveset consisting of about 7 grapples) but his tlc match was fantastic and proves he can really fight. so y does every1 h8 his guts?
everyone does not hate him but the people who do are white people who do not like rap or there from europe
no ppl h8 cena cause he acts as though he can wrestle but he caint i dont not like the person cena but i h8 him as a wrestler
no ppl h8 cena cause he acts as though he can wrestle but he caint i dont not like the person cena but i h8 him as a wrestler
First off, I like rap, junior, and I even bought Cena's CD, which was actually pretty good. The reason people hate Cena is, aside from his wreslting inability and staleness, a lot of people, myself included, have seen what a pompous asshole he can really be. The only time Cena will sign an autograph or take a picture is if it is going to benefit him in some way. He is a ****, arrogant, self serving bastard..THAT'S why people don't like him.
It's true, I read an interview with him and he just came across as someone that believes their own hype and has grown too big for their boots. Even the "arrogance machine" Randy Orton tries to stay fairly modest in interviews.
I Love John Cena and Randy Orton.
John Cena is no way like Randy, Orton is ****y in interviews... Cena isn't.
People do not like John Cena because they think he is stale, boring, same old shit... What I say to them is they are talking the same old shit. how many f**king threads are there on John Cena and they say they hate him so much... So why make a thread about him... I don't get it.
I Love John Cena but at the moment I don't see him gimmick going anywhere... It is boring I have to admit and I LOVE Cena! He needs a new one seriously. But I love his way in wrestling and his kool. I also think guys are jealous of him, no matter what anyone says!
I don't know what interviews you are talking about. But, I've read where The shows Cena guests on like and enjoy his visit.And I've also read from other fans that Cena was nice and gracious at autograph signings.And I've only seen one interview with Orton where he wasn't arrogant,and that was an article in Smack Down magazine! I don;t think Cena is stale,and few can match his intensity in the ring!
LenanJosh said:
I don't know what interviews you are talking about. But, I've read where The shows Cena guests on like and enjoy his visit.And I've also read from other fans that Cena was nice and gracious at autograph signings.And I've only seen one interview with Orton where he wasn't arrogant,and that was an article in Smack Down magazine! I don;t think Cena is stale,and few can match his intensity in the ring!
Cena is a bad wrestler. The reason why ppl think he did good on the tlc match is Edge. Just like HHH made Batista look better than he is in the hell in a cell last year, Edge made Cena look better than he is on unforgiven. Another example for that was Undertaker making Cena look better on the season premiere of raw.
Did you just call yourself "S**t"? I can think of tons of people that easily match if not vastly surpass Cena's intenstity. HBK, HHH, Booker T, Lashley, Shelton Benjamin, Sabu, RVD, The Boogeyman, Sharmell....the list goes on. Just because somebody can go "AHHHHH!" and wildly flail their arms it doesn't make them intense.
I think if cena lost the belt before he did, the heat might never have started.
He did hold the belt to long in my view
s3xyb3ast123 said:
i dont want no heat for this but y is it that cena is disliked... i jus dont get it, his entertainment value and charisma r gr8, and pls dont say he cant wrestle, ill admit his moves can get boring...(the moveset consisting of about 7 grapples) but his tlc match was fantastic and proves he can really fight. so y does every1 h8 his guts?
No, but you're going to get heat for making threads that have been made over and over again. There's plenty of threads pertaining to John Cena on why people either like him or dislike him. Use the "search" option more often before you create threads that have been made numberous times already.
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