XWF PPV: Bloodbath!

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Getting Noticed By Management
It took me a bit to finish this. College got in the way. Not sure when or what the next show is. Hope you enjoy!

Pyros shoot off as JR and King welcome us to Bloodbath.

JR: What a night we have in store! So many great matches lets get it started Ray L. Vs. Blade!

King: This is gonna be great but you have to wonder will Morgue have anything to do with this match tonight.

JR: Let’s hope not because this could be a slobber knocker on its own.


As Ray begins to make his way to the ring Blade charges down the ramp and smacks Ray in the back with a Kendo Stick knocking him off of his skateboard. Blade throws Ray into the ring and picks up the skateboard. He brings it into the ring and swings at Ray, he ducks and drop kicks the board back into the face of Blade. Cover 1…2…kick out! Ray charges at Blade with the skate board but he drop toe holds him dropping him to the mat making him smack his face on the skateboard. Blade slides out of the ring and brings out a table setting it up on the outside. He throws a garbage can full of things into the ring and slides back in. Blade pulls a length of barbed wire and spreads it out across the ring. He brings Ray to his feet and hoists him up for a powerbomb, Ray hits lefts and rights trying to stop Blade from connecting with the powerbomb, so instead he goes backwards and powerbombs Ray into the turnbuckle. Ray is down just as Blade goes for the cover Morgue comes to the ring with a metal baseball bat. He blasts Blade over the head with it he then sets up for the rose cottage onto the Barbed Wire, but Ray gets up and hits the fat lip on Morgue sending him over the top rope and through the table.

JR: Oh no! This could hurt Morgue’s chances tonight critically.

King: Why did you do that Ray!? He was trying to help!

Ray goes to the outside and slides a ladder into the ring. He is setting it up, but Blade gets up and drop kicks it on top of him. Blade brings Ray to his feet and HITS THE SCIMITAR ONTO THE LADDER! Cover 1…2…NO! Ray kicks out, though the damage is done as Blade throws Ray into the corner. He hoists him up onto the turnbuckle going for a superplex. Ray counters with two knees. Blade falls back down and turns back around and jumps forward catching himself on Blade’s shoulders hitting a top rope hurricanrana flinging Blade right onto the Barbed Wire. Blade’s screams can be heard throughout the arena. Ray slides his skateboard under Blade and sets up the ladder and goes to the top. Ray nods to the crowd, HE NAILS THE DELIRIUM TRIGGER ALL THE WAY DOWN THROUGH THE SKATEBOARD AND ONTO BARBED WIRE! Cover 1…2…3!! Winner: Ray L.

JR: By Gawd he could’ve killed him there! But Ray did it in his pay-per-view debut he won!

King: Someone get the EMTS!

Tony Chimmel: Here is your winner Ray…L.!

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, that was a hellacious battle! And I knew from last night that this battle between Morgue and Blade was not over.

King: JR, I don’t think these two guys will stop until one of them is DEAD!

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a huge match coming up next! It is for the number one contendership which the winner wins a shot against whoever wins tonight between Morgue and Viper!

King: That’s right! A five person elimination style matchup! Let’s start this match! WOOHOO!

Tony Chimmel: The following match is a 5-way elimination matchup! It is for the number one contendership for the XWF Xtremist championship! Introducing first…

Blue and white strobe lights start going off as Benji Lenard makes his way into the arena! He has a bandage on his forehead from the attack on him, Johnny Diamond, and The Aussie Battler by Moruge at Eruption.

Tony Chimmel: From Rochester, NH…weighing in at 235 pounds…”The Shooting Star”….Benji…LENARD!

The crowd cheers for Benji as he gets into the ring.

“The Best” by Tina Turner hits as Danny Diamond makes his way into the arena.

Tony Chimmel: And weighing in at 265 pounds, and being accompanied to the ring by Marissa Audrey…he is “Simply the Best”….Danny Diamond!

Danny and Marissa enter the ring, and as he disrobes, Benji stares him down.

Tony Chimmel: The rules of the match are as follows. Two opponents start off. At a rate of every two minutes a new superstar enters the ring. No one can be eliminated until all five superstars are in the competition. This is a no disqualification matchup, and eliminations will be by pinfall or submission. At the sound of the bell, there will be two minutes before the next contestant comes out.

JR: This should be a hell of a matchup.

The bell sounds as Benji and Danny tie up in the middle of the ring. Danny delivers a knee to the chest, then runs back into the ropes and delivers a clothesline. Danny has control, as he picks up Benji and connects with a body slam. Danny immediately latches on an armbar as the clock hits the two minute mark and the next opponent hits the ring!

Night Crawler’s music hits as he runs down to the ring. Danny has released the armbar and both he and Benji are up and a brawl breaks out between all three members. Night Crawler takes control of them, as he delivers a vicious uppercut to Benji and connects with a flying lariat over the top rope on Danny Diamond as both men fall to the mats outside the ring. Benji rolls out of the ring on the other side and gets a chair from under the ring. He gets another and throws it in the ring. He makes his way around the ring and connects a chair shot right onto the skull of Night Crawler. He goes to hit Danny with it, but Diamond connects with a standing side kick right into the chair, bouncing it into Benji’s face.

The clock ticks away another two minutes, as The Aussie Battler makes his way into the arena, and down to the ring. He meets Night Crawler, who is just getting up from the chair shot by Benji, and just starts pummeling him. This has turned into a giant brawl outside the ring. Night Crawler goes for a wild haymaker on Aussie Battler, but he ducks it and hits a german suplex! He picks Night Crawler up and rolls him in the ring.

On the outside, Benji and Danny are still going at it, and Danny connects with a DDT right onto the steel chair. Aussie Battler picks Night Crawler up and goes to throw him into the turnbuckle, but Night Crawler counters and sends Aussie Battler into the turnbuckle face first, then connects from behind with a big boot to the back of the head, squishing Aussie Battler’s face into the turnbuckle. Aussie Battler falls down as the clock ticks down and the last opponent is ready to come out, and pinfalls and submissions can now eliminate opponents.

The Gothic Animal makes his way hurriedly down the ramp as Night Crawler sets up the Venom Bite on Aussie Battler. Outside the ring, Danny Diamond is finally back up and he rolls Benji Lenard into the ring. Gothic Animal immediately gets a chair, and gets into the ring as soon as Aussie Battler taps out!

Tony Chimmel: The Aussie Battler has been eliminated!

Danny Diamond goes for a cover on Benji 1….2…Kick out before the three. The Gothic Animal connects with a chairshot onto Night Crawler. He hits him with the chair three times on the ground as the crowd is just gasping. Danny Diamond calls for his finishing move, and sets Benji Lenard up for Simply The Best! As he picks up Benji, Gothic Animal is heading to the top rope with a chair! Danny has Benji up similar to a powerbomb, but Benji is laying in some right hands…as Gothic Animal comes off with a top rope moonsault, driving the chair into Night Crawler. Diamond looses his footing as Benji comes crashing down on top of him. Benji covers Diamond as Gothic Animal covers Night Crawler. 1…2….3!

Tony Chimmel: Danny Diamond has been eliminated!

JR: What about Night Crawler?!

Gothic Animal looks over at the ref and asks why he didn’t count for both. As he does so, Benji Lenard comes up behind him and rolls him up for the count…1….2…Animal kicks out! Benji runs over to Night Crawler and pins him…1…2….Night Crawler kicks out. Gothic Animal is up in one corner as Benji gets up and falls into the opposite corner. Night Crawler gets up as well and is in the far corner. The three stare at each other and Benji Lenard runs right at the Gothic Animal and starts wailing on him with lefts and rights. He climbs the turnbuckle behind Gothic Animal and goes for a DDT, but Gothic Animal punches him in the midsection and climbs up with him. He stands up onto the top rope, and connects with the 3G to the outside!


Both men are down and Night Crawler gets out of the ring and rolls Benji back in. Covers him 1….2….3!

Tony Chimmel: Benji Lenard has been eliminated!

Gothic Animal is back up and back into the ring. Night Crawler picks up a chair and throws it at him, but Gothic Animal catches it and slams it right into Night Crawler’s skull! He signals for the sharpshooter on Night Crawler, and has it locked in!

JR: Gothic Animal is just SECONDS from winning this matchup and chance at the Xtremi….WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!

Gothic Animal has Night Crawler in the sharpshooter when Jeff Cruiser slides into the ring with a chair and dropkicks it straight into the back of Gothic Animals head! He pulls Night Crawler on top of Gothic Animal…1…2….3!!

Tony Chimmel: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the match and NEW number one contender for the Xtremist Title….NIGHT CRAWLER!!

Jeff Cruiser makes his way up the entrance ramp smiling, as Gothic Animal starts to get up, looking livid.

King: That Jeff Cruiser needs to watch his back now. I think he just made the wrong guy angry!

JR: That’s for damn sure King! What a match!

Tony Chimmel: The next match is a Money in the Bank Ladder match, and it is for a contract for a match against the XWF Heavyweight Champion at any time over the next year!

"Broken Latch" by Tenstrike starts playing as The Nick makes his way into the arena.

Tony Chimmel: Weighing in at 300 pounds, and hailing from Chicago, IL....this is The Nick.

The Nick enters the ring and stands on the turnbuckle while the crowd cheers.

The lights in the arena go out as “Voices” by Disturbed starts growing louder in the background. Kyle “The Tormentor” Senton makes his way out and down the ramps.

Ring Announcer: And, from Brisbane, Austrailia, Kyle “The Tormentor” SENTON!

The crowd is booing incredibly as he takes his jacket off in the middle of the ring and mocks them.

“Sexy Back” by Justin Timberlake starts playing as Beasthoss Potterjones makes his way out to the ring to an incredible response from the crowd.

Ring Announcer: And finally, hailing from Hossville, Missouri, this is Beasthoss….POTTERJONES!!!

The crowd goes insane as Potterjones gets into the ring.

The bell sounds as the three of them look up at the breifcase suspended above the ring. They all know that this is what its all about! The Nick and Kyle lock up as Beasthoss rolls out of the ring and grabs a ladder!

JR: Beasthoss looking to finish this match early as well!

King: Wouldn't suprise me any. He won that three way dance match in a record setting 45 seconds!!

Beasthoss slides the ladder into the ring as The Nick and Kyle look at him. He gets in and both of them run at him and clothesline him. They pick him and hit a double suplex onto the ladder. Beasthoss is in extreme pain and rolls out of the ring as Nick and Kyle start to go at it, delivering chest chops back and forth. Kyle goes for a chest chop, but it's blocked by The Nick, who then picks him up and hits the triple back breaker! He throws Kyle to the mat and sets up the ladder! He starts to climb, but Beasthoss is back in the ring! Beasthoss connects with a single arm powerbomb onto The Nick off of the ladder. Now Beasthoss is trying to climb up the ladder. He is favoring his back and going rather slowly. Kyle is on the apron, springboards of the top rope into a cross body onto Beasthoss' back! They both fall to the ground and the ladder falls over onto the ropes. All three men are back up, and The Nick goes after Beasthoss. He has him down and is pummeling him. He throws him over the top rope. He powerbombs Kyle and heads out of the ring. He picks Beasthoss up and tosses him over the barrier and into the crowd.

JR: The Nick has a demented look in his eyes. He doesn't seem to even care about the match, he just wants to hurt Beasthoss it seems!

The crowd is going crazy as The Nick just lays some right hands into Beasthoss. In the ring, Kyle is back up and runs up the ladder like a diving board and does a Swanton dive into the crowd off of the ladder! The crowd starts a "Holy Shit!" chant. All the three men are in the crowd and laid out. The Nick is the first one up, and climbs over the barrier back into the ring. He sets the ladder up again and starts to climb. Kyle and Beasthoss both are climbing over the barrier. The Nick is nursing his leg as he slowly climbs the ladder. Kyle hits the ring first and gets over to The Nick and delivers a low blow! The Nick hangs on as Beasthoss throws Kyle over the top rope. Kyle hangs on and Beasthoss starts to climb the ladder! Beasthoss and The Nick meet at the top and start trading punches. Both look to be wearing down...and Kyle springboards off the top rope and lands on the side of the ladder, hanging on to the side! He scrambles to hang on! Both The Nick and Beasthoss are trying to push him off, and the ladder is looking unstable! It starts to fall to the side and The Nick and Beasthoss both fall off the ladder to the outside of the ring! Kyle Senton lands on the top rope with his feet, ladder still in his hands! He springboards off again with the ladder towards the center. He balances the ladder in the middle, jumps up to the breifcase...and HE'S GOT IT!!

Tony Chimmel: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match....KYLE "THE TORMENTOR" SENTON!!!

JR: My god King! Kyle Senton just got himself a Title shot at any time during the next year! Wow!

King: Ladies and Gentlemen, you just witnessed what was an amazing match. Now, if only there were some nice ladies here to look at as well...I'd be in business!

JR: King, really. Doesn't an amazing match make up for the lack of women here in the XWF?

King: No, not really...

Tony Chimmel: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is the first of the three title matches. This match will determine the first ever XWF Light-Heavyweight champion!

"Diamonds are Forver" by Kane West hits the PA system and Johnny Diamond comes out, accompanied by Katie Jones!

Tony Chimmel: Introducing first, being accompanied by Katie Jones..."The Irresistible" Johnny Diamond!

Johnny gets into the ring and blows a kiss to Katie Jones.

Pyro explodes from the ramp as "Bawitda" by Kid Rock hits, and out comes Jeff Cruiser! The crowd goes insane!!!

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada...Jeff CRUISER!!!

Jeff gets in the ring and drops to his knees as pyro rains down from the ceiling. Johnny Diamond jumps him from behind, and the match is underway. Johnny has Jeff on the ground and is punching him in the back of the head. He then connects with a standing moonsault to Jeff's back. Goes for the quick cover 1...Jeff kicks out before a two count. Johnny lifts Jeff off the ground and looks outside and blows another kiss to Katie. Jeff takes advantage and connects with a couple quick punches to the midsection. He drops back to the ropes and connects with the flying headscissors, hanging Johnny up on the second rope. Jeff bounces off the ropes again and connects with a sick elbow drop to the middle of Johnny's back. Jeff is in control now. Body slam on Johnny and a quick leg drop, and goes for the cover. 1...2...Johnny kicks out. Jeff sets Johnny up for the Submission X, but Johnny kicks Jeff into the turnbuckle. Johnny runs up behind him and lands a front dropkick into the back of Jeff's head and sends him headfirst into the top turnbuckle. Johnny goes for a roll up...1..2....ALMOST 3! Jeff kicks out at the last minute! Johnny gets into it with the ref and Jeff gets up and goes to throw Johnny into the ropes. Johnny counters and sends Jeff into the ropes. Jeff comes back and goes for a spinning wheel kick! Johnny ducks and the kick connects with the ref! The ref is down and Johnny goes to punch Jeff. Jeff blocks it and picks him up and hits the Cruiser Bomb! He then locks in the Submission X! Johnny is tapping, but the ref is out!

JR: The damn ref is out! Jeff has this thing won!

King: Well, he was the one who knocked the ref out!

JR: Oh god, not this!

The Gothic Animal hits the ring and nails a hellacious DDT on Jeff. He ducks out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp as the ref is stirring! Johnny covers Jeff 1........2................3!!

Tony Chimmel: Your winner, and First XWF Light-Heavyweight Champion...."The Irresistible" Johnny....DIAMOND!

Johnny grabs the belt and holds it high in the air as him and Katie celebrate!

JR: Jeff shouldn't have messed with Gothic Animal earlier in the night. It came back and bit him in the ass!

King: On the plus side, Katie is jumping up and down in celebration!

JR: Knock it off King. Ladies and gentlemen at home, we have a hell of a match coming up next. This next match will determine who the first ever XWF Xtremist Champion is going to be.

Tony Chimmel: This next match is a Flaming Tables match, in which the winner must put his opponent through a flaming table, and will crown the first ever XWF Xtremist Champion. Introducing first...

Smoke starts to fill the arena as a green light comes from underneat the stage. "Never Enough" by Eminem hits and Viper comes out! The crowd is behind him strong!

Tony Chimmel: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 280 pounds...this is VIPER!

Viper slides into the ring and gets on the turnbuckle and the crowd goes nuts.

Red lights fill the arena as sirens are heard, and "Battle Ready" by Otep starts to play, and Morgue comes out into the arena. Flames ignite on the stage and Morgue starts to walk down the ramp.

Tony Chimmel: And now making his way down, weighing in at 245 pounds...he hails from parts unknown....this is MORGUE!

The crowd again goes wild as Morgue gets in the ring and jumps up on the turnbuckle and fireworks erupt behind him.

JR: That man is sick, crazy, but entertaining as hell!

King: I don't know JR, he kind of scares me.

The bell sounds and this match is underway. The two men stare each other down. Viper stands up on the turnbuckle and poses to the crowd and they cheer loudly! Morgue does the same and gets the same response. Viper goes up one more time and the crowd cheers louder than before. Morgue takes exception and runs towards Viper throwing him off the turnbuckle and outside to the barrier. Morgue jumps up onto the turnbuckle and does a shooting star press onto the floor and lands directly on Viper. Both men are already down in the opening minutes! The crowd has started a "Holy Shit" chant as Viper struggles to get to his feet. Both men are now up and are trading right hands outside the ring. Morgue connects with a knee to the chest and goes for a chair. Viper is up and Morgue tosses the chair to him, connects with a dropkick, sending the chair into his face. Viper is down again and Morgue is clearly in control. He searches under the ring for something and pulls out a table. He sets it up on the outside and searches again under the ring and pulls out lighter fluid and a lighter!

JR: He's going for it already! Right here in front of us!!

Morgue turns around in time to see Viper, who gets him with a spinebuster through the table! Viper gets up and screams to the crowd. Now Viper is looking under the ring, and pulls out a plywood board covered in barbed-wire! He slides it into the ring and sets it up in the corner. He goes outside and goes under the ring again! He pulls out a baseball bat covered in barbed wire! Before he gets a chance to turn around, Morgue slams him into the side of the ring chest first, and Viper drops the bat. Morgue rolls him into the ring and pulls a 20 foot ladder from under the ring. He slides it into the ring, picks up the bat, and rolls into the ring. He picks Viper up and hits him in the chest with the bat. Viper is busted open on his chest, and Morgue rubs the bat into his forehead. Viper's screams are heard throught the arena. Morgue puts Viper onto the ladder and lays the bat on his chest. Morgue climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault! Viper rolls out of the way and leaves the bat on the ladder! Morgue hits the ladder and the bat chest first! Now Morgue is bleeding from the chest! Viper picks Morgue up and points at the barbed wire in the corner. He goes to throw Morgue into it, but Morgue counters it and sends Viper towards the barbed wire. Viper stops short and Morgue is coming from behind. He goes for a splash, but Viper moves and Morgue rams right into the barbed wire. He falls down and the barbed wire falls right on top of him. Viper stares in disbelief. He drops outside and gets another table and slides it into the ring. He picks up the lighter fluid and lighter. He slides into the ring and Morgue pushes the barbed wire board off of him. He is covered in blood. Viper starts to set up the table, when Morgue comes up from behind him, spins him around, and lays him out with a clothesline. Morgue drops to his knees and looks at himself, covered in blood, and screams. He stands Viper up and hits the Phenomenon on him! Morgue starts to set up the table, and Blade hits the ring!

JR: My god King! Blade is out here! I knew it wasn't over between him and Morgue!

Blade hits a low blow on Morgue and throws him out of the ring. Blade pours the lighter fluid on the table and sets it on fire! He gets out of the ring and rolls Morgue back in. He gets back in the ring and stands Viper up to show him the table and Morgue on the mat. Viper heads towards Morgue as Blade sets up the ladder and climbs it and starts to celebrate Morgue's defeat. Viper goes to set Morgue up for a powerbomb, but Morgue blocks it and gets a low blow on Viper! Blade is still celebrating, and Morgue climbs the ladder! Blade realizes Morgue is climbing and starts to punch him. The are both near the top and trading right hands. Morgue delivers a hell of an uppercut and sends Blade to the ground STRAIGHT ONTO THE BARBED WIRE!! Another "Holy Shit" chant starts. Morgue is on the ladder, looking at the table beside him on fire, as Viper starts to climb up as well! Both men are near the top of the ladder, and Viper is pummeling Morgue at the top. He bashes Morgues head into the top of the ladder, and goes to hip toss Morgue off the ladder and through the table. Morgue blocks it, delivers a few punches to the face of Viper, and sets him up for the Rose Cottage on top of the ladder! He hits it, and they both fall to the ground, but Viper goes through the flaming table. MORGUE WINS!!!

Tony Chimmel: Your winner, and first ever XWF Xtremist Champion....MORGUE!!

The ref hands the belt to Morgue, who looks dazed. He stands up and holds the belt in the air as some EMS come out to get Blade off of the barbed wire. Morgue poses on each turnbuckle with the belt as Viper is helped to his feet. Morgue and Viper meet again in the middle of the ring. Viper extends his bloody hand. Morgue reaches out and shakes his hand.

JR: A true show of sportsmanship King. These two just nearly killed each other. They both look like car crash survivors. Covered in blood, but they are, shaking hands in the middle of the ring.

King: I am speechless right now. Those two went through hell.

They stop shaking hands, and Viper points at the belt and says "Congratulations." He turns around, but Morgue comes from behind him, and body slams him on the barbed wire!

JR: MY GOD! We were thinking everything was okay between these two stars. But apparently not!

The crowd seems shocked, but is cheering Morgue anyway as he walks up the ring with his new title! EMS now tries to help Viper off of the barbed wire.

JR: As the crew here tries to clean up after that massacre we just witnessed, let's talk a bit about our last match of the night. The main event to crown the first ever XWF Heavyweight Champion. Blizzard against The Enigma!

King: These two guys hate each other JR. The Enigma has been going crazy, his mind focused on Blizzard that he can't even concentrate on his matches!

JR: Blizzard is more concerned with the belt than his opponnent. Every time the two have met each other, in a match or not, Blizzard is left standing while Enigma is on the mat! What do these two have planned for tonight. We will find out, right now!

Tony Chimmel: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is tonights Main Event! It is scheduled for one fall, and will crown the first ever XWF Heavyweight Champion!

"Down With the Sickness" hits and Blizzard makes his way out to the ring! He stops halfway down the ramp and yells at a couple fans. The crowd is booing him. He gets into the ring and poses on a turnbuckle.

The lights go out and the first notes of "Falling Away From Me" are heard. Smoke is filling out of the entrance way and as the music hits, The Enigma makes his way out, and the crowd goes insane! He makes his way down to the ring, slides in, and looks at the ref holding the XWF Heavyweight Championship.

Both men stand in opposite corners.

Tony Chimmel: Ladies and gentlemen, standing to my left, weighing in at 205 pounds, he is from Windsor, Ontario, Canada....this is......BLIZZARD!

He stands on the turnbuckle and poses as the crowd boos.

Tony Chimmel: And to my right...weighing in at 215 pounds...he is from Melbourne, Australia...this is THE ENIGMA!

The crowd goes insane as the bell rings and this match is underway.

JR: This is probably the most anticipated match of the night.

King: Expect lots of intensity in this match! These guys hate each other!

The two men stare each other down as the crowd is chanting The Enigma's name. Blizzard just smiles wryly. The finally tie up in the middle of the ring. Blizzard gets the advantage and locks in a headlock. Enigma pushes him back to the ropes and sends him into the other ropes. Blizzard rebounds and Enigma takes him down and lays into him with some right hands! He stands up and beats his chest, screaming! He sets up the triangle headlock. Blizzard is screaming in pain, and tries to punch Enigma in the midsection. Enigma is forced to break the hold, and Blizzard is to his feet. Enigma comes at him, but Blizzard connects with a standing enziguri. Blizzard in control now. He picks Enigma up and sends him to the turnbuckle. He charges Enigma and connects with a high knee to the chest. He backs up and goes for it again, but Enigma counters with a powerslam, sending Blizzard back first into the turnbuckle! The crowd is clearly behind Enigma as both men are down. The ref reaches a count of four as Enigma gets to his feet. He goes for a cover on Blizzard 1...2...kick out after two. Enigma is looking to end this already, and hits the T-Bone Enigmaplex! Goes for the cover again...1...2...kick out again. Enigma picks up Blizzard and sends him to the ropes. He drops too soon and Blizzard hits a sunset flip. Enigma rolls through and delivers a dropkick straight to Blizzard's face! Both men get to their feet, and Enigma again slings Blizzard to the ropes. Goes for a clothesline but Blizzard ducks it, jumps onto the second rope, and hits a springboard moonsault into a reverse ddt on Enigma. Blizzard now goes for the cover..1...2....Enigma kicks out right before the count of three. Blizzard gets up, and is waiting for Enigma to rise. Enigma stands up, turns around...BLIZZARD CUTTER! Blizzard goes for the pin...1....2....Enigma kicks out again! Blizzard can't believe it. He points to the entranceway and signals for someone to come out.

JR: Oh what is Blizzard doing?! I knew he had something up his sleeve!

King: You knew he was going to do something.

JR: OH MY GOD KING! It's Blade!!

Blade comes out covered in bandages and makes his way down to the ring. Blizzard ducks out of the ring and grabs the title off the table and slides back into the ring. Blade jumps up on the apron and distracts the ref. Blizzard is waiting for Enigma to get up. Enigma gets to his feet, and Blizzard goes to hit him with the belt. Enigma ducks it, turns around, and hits the Complex Enigma. He goes for the cover, but the ref is still distracted by Blade on the apron. Enigma gets up to get the ref.


Morgue is running, covered in bandages as well, chair in hand. Enigma gets the ref's attention as Morgue hits Blade in the back with the chair! Enigma covers and the crowd chants along...1......2......BLIZZARD KICKS OUT! The crowd boos. Outside the ring, Morgue and Blade are fighting. Blade now has the chair, and decks Morgue with it. Enigma stands up and signals again for the Complex Enigma. Blade gets in the ring with the chair and Morgue is right behind him. The ref is trying to seperate Blade and Morgue when Ray L hits the ring and starts helping Morgue fight off Blade. Blizzard is rising to his feet, and grabs the belt. Enigma goes for Blizzard, but blizzard decks him with the belt! The ref never saw it! Nightcrawler now hits the ring to help Blade fight against Morgue and Ray L. It's getting chaotic! The brawl spills to the outside as Blizzard heads to the top rope! He hits Enigma with Frozen Solid and gets the cover. 1....2.....3!!! Blizzard wins!

Tony Chimmel: Your Winner, and FIRST XWF Heavyweight Champion of the world......BLIZZARD!

JR: My god King! That bastard Blizzard just stole the damn title!

Blizzard gets the belt and and starts to celebrate, but Morgue is back in the ring, and hits Blizzard with the Rose Cottage. Blade, Ray L, and Night Crawler all get back in the ring, and now Enigma and Blizzard have joined in on the brawl!

King: This is insane JR!


The brawl is continuing in the ring as the show goes off the air.
Holy shit great job writing this ppv. This was awesome....... aww damn my guy keeps losing and getting beat up lol
Too bad that its not for the Xtremist title....Morgue vs Kyle Senton...great matchup right there....haha...

But, Morgue vs Night Crawler should be interesting as well!
Geee what a shame i lost..........Couldnt have seen that coming.

Yeah seeing Blizzard win the title actually seeing Blizzard win again is not much of a surprise really... would help if I got the time to role play 2
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