XWF Massacre

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The Camera fades in on Massacre. "Diamonds are forever" by Kanye West hits and Johnny Diamond makes his way out happily grinning from ear to ear. The crowd boo him like mad but he continues to smile as if thei boo mean nothing to him he is already dressed to compete and makes his way to ring and gets a mircophone.

JR: Johnny looking very happy for a change

King: it will be interesting to see what he has to say.

Johnny still grinning looks around the arena at the crowd who still boo him he laughs at this a prepares to speak

Johnny: so tonight i team up with Blizzard and Mourge, the greatest talent of today team up together to face a team of three nobodys who no one cares about! but out of that team of nobodys one person sticks out, Jeff Cruiser! my opponent for Bloodbath! i face him for the lightweight title and tonight i'm going to show him exactly what I'm made of! but that's not why I'm out here! you see a champion wrestler needs someone by his side to cheer him and make sure he doesn't lose a match! that' why i've hired a manager!

JR: a manager! why does he need that! he cheats enough!

King: a manager could be a good idea JR! someone there for him whenever he needs it! what a great idea!

Johnny: so ladies and fat lazy slobs! please let me introduce my new manager! Katie Jones!

Diamonds are forever hits again and out of the curtain appears a long legged blonde beauty smiling and waving to the crowd where a suit with a very short mini skirt and high heeled shoes she enters the ring doing the "stacy thing" and enters the ring and kissed Johnny on cheek and lifts his arm

King: JR! see! good idea! she is HOT! puppies!

JR: ok calm down! it will be intersting to see what she brings to the table!

Johnny: and this amazing girl is what i'm going to use to beat you at Bloodbath, Jeff! that's right! prepare to be pinned 1...2...3! and cry your little eys out when i win the XWF Lightweight title!

Johnny and Katie leave linking arms and walk up the ramp both grinning happily once one the stage, Katie raises Johnny's hands and they dissapear backstage.

JR: a another strong message from Johnny Diamond

King: this could be the start of a beautiful fued!

JR: i don't know how "beautiful" it might be! but with Katie Jones by his side it might be interesting!

King: Are you ready JR for a double debut match-up.

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen up next “The Shooting Star” Benji Lenard goes one on one with Ray L.

King: Ray L. is a former GTWF Vanguard champion, but as for Benji we know nothing.

Fat Lip by Sum 41 hits.

The lights shut off completely as the music starts. As soon as the bass and drums hit, white fireworks go off at the top of the ramp and the lights flash on again. Ray is already out on stage, skateboard in hand. Dropping it to the ramp, he steps on and rolls down to the ring, leaping off and through the middle rope while the board is still in motion.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is a double debut match and it is scheduled for one fall…Ray…L.!

Better off by Theory of a Dead man hits as white a blue lights flash in the arena.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Rochester, New York weighing in at 235 pounds… “The Shooting Star” Benji Lenard!

Ray charges driving his knee into the sternum of Lenard. He throws him off the ropes, he jumps over him, Benji comes back again and Ray goes for a quick fat lip. Benji catches his foot but Ray hits an Enzuiguri. Cover 1…2…kick out!

JR: Close two count there king, Benji Lenard though he is a novice claims to be a future XWF Champion.

King: Well that’s what I call a rookie being ****y see when Blizzard is ****y he can back it up!

JR: Your in love with heels aren’t you?

King: Hey JR do your job and pay attention to the match!

Benji stands up and Ray hits a dropkick straight to the jaw sending him back to the mat. Ray smirks at the crowd as they cheer him on. Benji stands up and charges and hits a clothesline on Ray his answer is boos from the fans. Ray chants echo throughout the arena as Benji throws him into the turnbuckle. He charges but Ray sticks his foot up into the face of Lenard stopping him in his tracks. Ray goes to the top rope waiting for Lenard to turn around when he does Ray hits a top rope spinning wheel kick the crowd erupts. Cover 1…2…kick out! Ray smiles and stomps away at Benji, he rolls out of the ring to dodge his punches. Ray charges and flings himself over the top rope front flipping and crushing Benji. Ray gets a huge pop for this just before throwing Benji back into the ring. Ray goes to the top rope, and crashes and burns on the delirium trigger. Benji goes in the corner and stalks Ray taunting him to get up. Ray gets up Benji charges looking for a spear but Ray counters getting his foot up under his chin hitting the fat lip. Ray goes to the top rope and nails the Delirium Trigger. Cover 1…2…3!!

Ray calls for a mic, Tony Chimmel hands him one.

Ray: Blade I have an answer to your open challenge, Your looking at him Ray L. Vs. Blade at Bloodbath Extreme Rules!

Fat Lip hits again as Ray exits the ring.

JR: Well king our newest addition to Bloodbath will be Ray Vs. Blade in an Extreme Rules match!

King: Shut up I’m eating my cheese fries!

JR: Can I have some?!

King: Go get your own you no good free loader!

JR: Oo!


Cuts back from Commercial.

Krystal : Ok guys im standing here with a man who in 6 days will be squaring off against blizzard for world title, Yep thats right im standing here with Enigma.

"Thats right, and tonight, i will take my first steps towards the XWF title, but i will not be getting my hands dirty just yet, you see krystal i have a plan. Blizzard thinks he is going to be putting his hands on me tonight hahah well he can think again, Ive been brought up on the streets and i have aqquired much knowledge, Tonight blizzard you will see me, you will breathe the air i breathe but you will not set your hands on me. I am smarter then you, better then you and SOON TO BE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.
Im bringing the belt back to the dark side, And not even the angels of heaven will be able to stop me from doing so.

Krystal: Well there ya go guys, seems like things are starting to heat up tonight on Massacre, what else is going to happen.

J.R - Well there you go king some very heated words from Enigma.
King - I cant wait till this Sunday.

Broken Latch by Tenstrike hits.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is qualifying for the Money in the Bank ladder match at Bloodbath. Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 300 pounds…The Nick.

While the Nick if on the apron Shawn Michaels type pyros go off on the stage. He slides into the ring and gets on a turnbuckle and embraces the crowd he gets down and waits for his opponent.

Never gonna stop me by Rob Zombie hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Albany, New York weighing in at 225 pounds…Jade!

Pyros goes off on the stage as Jade makes his entrance sparks rain down from the titantron as he slides into the ring.

Jade and the Nick trade punches, Nick eventually hits a head butt knocking Jade to the ground. Jade rolls and gets up and charges an tries to hits a clothesline, but the Nick doesn’t even budge he goes off the ropes again and goes for a body press but the Nick catches him into a high-impact power slam. Cover 1…2…kick out just barely by Jade. The Nick tries to whip Jade into the corner but Jade reverses it throwing the Nick into the corner. He charges hitting a dropkick. The Nick stumbles out of the corner and Jade hits another dropkick straight between the eyes knocking the Nick to the ground. Jade goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault on the Nick. Jade crawls into the cover leg hooked 1…2…kick out! Nick gets up holding his stomach, Jade kicks him in the stomach. Looking for a belly to belly suplex but he can’t lift him off his feet The Nick flings Jade into the corner. He charges hitting a splash crushing Jade into the corner. Jade stumbles out, The Nick charges and nearly takes his head off with a clothesline. The Nick brings him up and goes for a back drop but as the Nick is about to slam his back down Jade shifts his wait countering into a bulldog. Cover 1…2…The Nick flings Jade off of him. Jade charges and goes for a clothesline but The Nick ducks Jade turns around into a kick to gut, Nick brings him up for The Nick Bomb but Jade hits right and lefts to his head trying to stop the move, Jade goes for a hurricanrana but The Nick brings him up and slams him back down with the Nick Bomb. Cover 1…2…3!!!


Generic XWF Music hits as a company executive comes out onto the stage.

Executive: Due to Urban C’s firing, his match with Kyle “The Tormentor” Senton has been cancelled, Kyle automatically qualifies for the Money in the Bank Ladder match at Bloodbath. Have a good evening everyone. Now get set for Beasthoss Potterjones Vs. Night Crawler!

King: Wow what news JR! Urban C fired?!

JR: I let you eat your cheese fries in peace now let me eat mine!

Sexy back by Justin Timberlake hits

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Hossland Missouri, weighing in at 220 pounds Beast….Hoss…Potter…Jones!

Beast walks down to the ring with Bottle Rockets in hand they shoot off into the rafters as he slides into the ring Blue and white pyros blast off from the turnbuckles.

The Brood’s Music hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 255 pounds…Night…Crawler.

As Night Crawler walks to the ring the light flash on and off consistently. He slides in, the lights flick on and the bell rings.

Beast charges forward smacking his elbow into Crawler’s face. Crawler drops to the mat and Beast stomps away at the face and neck of Crawler. He grabs Beast’s foot tripping him up. Crawler gets to his feet and charges hitting a body press. Cover 1…2…kick out! Beast gets to his feet and hits a straight right hand, Crawler answers with a knife edged chop. Beast hits a chop of his own but Crawler counters pulling Beast into a clothesline. Beast snaps to his feet and deals out rights and lefts. Crawler goes off the ropes and tries for another body press but Beast brings his fists down into Crawler’s ribs. He brings Crawler up and laughs “Agagagaga!” He charges hits a dropkick. He then lifts Crawler into an electric chair position and drops him to the outside. He slides out and throws him back in for the cover 1…2…3!!!Winner: Beasthoss Potterjones.

Tony Chimmel: And your winner Beast…Hoss…Potter…Jones.


The camera fades in to (Massacre interviewer) who is standing with a mic in front of a Massacre banner.

Interviewer: I am standing here with Jeff Cruiser, who is involved in the six-man tag team matchup later tonight. Last Week, on the debut edition of Massacre, Jeff was attacked by an unknown man. Jeff, your thoughts on the match and the attack that happened last week.

The camera shows Jeff Cruiser, sporting a black eye and a bandage on his cheek.

Jeff Cruiser: Well, (interviewer), regarding the attack, I have no idea who performed that heinous act last week. But, I'm not too worried about that right now. Now, I am focused on my match tonight. I'm confident that my team will do well, and I am also confident that we will win.

Interviewer: Thank you Jeff.

Cruiser: No, thank you (interviewer).

Interviewer: Now, back to you (Massacre commentators).
[hr /]

Tony Chimmel: The following 6 man tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and it is tonight’s main event.

Down With the Sickness By Disturbed hits as Blizzard, Johnny Diamond, and Morgue make there way to the ring.

Tony Chimmel: Introducing first the team of Blizzard, Johnny Diamond, and Morgue.

Falling Away From me by Korn hits as The Enigma, Jeff Cruiser, and Viper make their way to the ring.

Tony Chimmel: And there opponents The Enigma, Jeff Cruiser, and Viper! Before the bell rings Blizzard winks at someone standing near the curtain he disappears before anyone can get a good look.

JR: This should be a slobber knocker of a match but, what has Blizzard got planned?

King: Why would he tell me?

Blizzard starts in the ring with Viper. The two lock up Viper locks in an arm wrench. Blizzard uses both Viper’s arm and the ref’s shoulder to backflip pulling Viper through with an arm drag. Viper slides to his corner and makes a quick tag to the Enigma. Blizzard smirks challenging the Enigma, he charges and the two start to brawl. Trading lefts and right Blizzard twists the Enigma’s arm and pulls him into a dropkick. The Enigma gets up hitting rapid punches Blizzard tries to block the blows but they are coming to fast. The Enigma throws Blizzard into the corner. He charges forward clotheslining Blizzard back into the turnbuckle he brings him over and makes the tag to Jeff Cruiser. The Enigma brings Blizzard back a little bit and holds Cruiser spring hitting a double axe handle right across Blizzard’s chest. Cover 1…2…Johnny Diamond breaks the count the ref shoves Diamond back, but Diamond obeys and leaves the ring. Cruiser brings Blizzard to his feet he tries to slam Blizzard’s head into the top turnbuckle but Blizzard puts his hand out slamming Cruiser’s head. Cruiser stumbles back ward and Blizzard spring boards on the second turnbuckle and moonsaulting and catching Cruiser into a reverse DDT on his way down. Blizzard drags himself to his corner and makes a tag to Morgue. Morgue gets into the ring and quickly covers Cruiser 1…2…kick out! Cruiser gets to his feet and yells at Morgue to tag Johnny Diamond. Morgue does so and Diamond storms the ring knocking Cruiser down with a right hand Enigma comes in and gets back body dropped over the top rope. Viper comes forward and he gets flung out onto The Enigma. Diamond turns around into the Cruiser Bomb. Blizzard tries to come in the ring but the ref won’t let him. He keeps the ref distracted as The Gothic Animal comes into the ring from the crowd beheading Cruiser with a chair. He drags Diamond onto Cruiser for a cover. The Gothic Animal slides out of the ring and he ducks down. Blizzard turns the ref’s attention to the match. 1…2…3!!! Winners: Blizzard, Johnny Diamond, and Morgue.

JR: Hey did you see that?

King: Oh, what Gothic Animal hitting Jeff Cruiser with a chair? Yes its all standard procedure.

JR: Standard procedure? That damn Gothic Animal just screwed Jeff Cruiser, Viper, and the Enigma out of that match!

King: Oh whatever that’s why you couldn’t have an of my cheese fries because you always look at things negatively! Goodnight folks!

Just as JR is about to speak the camera fades out with Johnny Diamond, Blizzard, and Morgue taunt on the turnbuckles.
That is much better man, Awesome show 8/10 and hopefully it keeps improving im very impressed, This fed is really starting to pick up :)
i lost too, damn it! Why is it that my guy is being put over as a heel when Im a face? and im from rochester, NEW HAMPSHIRE, not new york
Lashley-NextBigThing said:
i lost too, damn it! Why is it that my guy is being put over as a heel when Im a face? and im from rochester, NEW HAMPSHIRE, not new york

Because Ray is a giant fan favorite.
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