XWF Massacre 09/13/06

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Getting Noticed By Management

Pyro goes off and Massacre is coming to you live.

JR: Hello fans and welcome to XWF Massacre! This past week was Bloodbath and tonight, all three new champions are in action!

King: That’s right, and we have a lot of controversy surrounding Blizzard’s win over Enigma! With no less than FOUR superstars getting involved in that match JR, amazing.

JR: That’s correct King, and tonight, Blizzard has promised us a shocking announcement. Also, in action tonight, Morgue puts his Xtremist title on the line against the new number one contender, Night Crawler in an Extreme rules match! But let’s start this show off the right way!

“Down Under” by Men at Work hits as a very angry looking Aussie Battler comes out.

Tony Chimmel: Making his way to the ring, from Down Under, weighing in at 225 pounds…The Aussie….BATTLER!

Aussie Battler gets in the ring and just paces back and forth, waiting for his opponent.

“The Best” by Tina Turner hits, and Danny Diamond and Marissa Audrey make their way out.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, being accompanied by Marissa Audrey, he is “Simply the Best”…Danny Diamond!

Danny and Marissa walk down the ramp and get in the ring. Marissa takes Danny’s robe off and he climbs the turnbuckle. The fans boo him as he pounds his chest, and The Aussie Battler attacks him from behind and this match is underway.

JR: Aussie Battler getting a quick hit in to start the match. He sure does seem angry.

Aussie has Danny down on the ground and is delivering some stomps to the chest. He mounts Danny and starts laying some punches to the forehead. Aussie climbs the turnbuckle and pounds his chest screaming! Aussie gets back down and picks Danny up. Danny counters with a swift forearm to the midsection, then bounces of the ropes and comes back with a clothesline. Danny in control now. Danny delivers a nice DDT and covers for a count of two. He picks Aussie up and slings him into the ropes. Aussie comes back and ducks and rebounds of the opposite ropes, comes back and nails a running sidewalk slam. Aussie goes for the cover 1…2…kick out after the two. Aussie drags Danny to the turnbuckle and climbs. He is setting up for a moonsault. As soon as he gets to the top rope, Danny is up and comes underneath and sets up for a powerbomb. He leaves the turnbuckle, spins around and CONNECTS WITH SIMPLY THE BEST!! He covers Aussie 1…2……Aussie gets his shoulder up just before the count of three!! Danny can’t believe it and gets up arguing with the ref. He turns around to go back on the attack, but Aussie kicks him in the gut, picks him up and CONNECTS WITH THE BLUE THUNDER DRIVER!! 1…2…..3!!!

Tony Chimmel: You’re winner, The Aussie BATTLER!

The crowd goes crazy as Aussie Battler picks up the win!

JR: What a great opening match King. We will be right back after this!

(cut back from commercial)

Benji Lenard is shown pacing back and forth backstage….

Benji: Man, I had that match won at Bloodbath! I need to start winning some matches, or I’m not getting anyone's respect! But how can I win? My opponents always have my number, maybe I’m too predictable. Maybe singles competition is for me. I know! Ill challenge for the XWF World Tag Titles! But I need to find a partner. Who would want to partner up with me? I think I know who would.....

Lenard walks out of sight with a grin on his face…

JR: What the hell was that about King? Doesn’t Benji have a partner…scratch that…TWO partners tonight?

King: Yes he does, two VERY component partners in Jeff Cruiser and The Enigma! Woohoo…I can’t wait for that match!

JR: Me neither King. And I’ll tell you something else too. This next match coming up should be a great one!

“Sexy Back” By Justin Timberlake starts to play and Beasthoss Potterjones is shown holding two bottle rockets at in the entranceway! The go off, and fireworks erupt around him! The crowd cheers as he makes his way down the ramp.

Tony Chimmel: Making his way into the arena, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is from Hossville, Missouri….Beasthoss…PotterJONES!

The crowd is going crazy for this guy as he gets in the ring and more fireworks go off!

JR: Beasthoss is probably the most unlikely superstar here in the XWF, but the fans seem to love him!

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent…

“Broken Latch” by Tenstrike hits the PA system, as The Nick makes his way onto the stage. His fireworks go off, and he continues down the ramp.

Tony Chimmel: Weighing in at 300 pounds, this is The Nick!!

The crowd goes crazy yet again as The Nick gets on the turnbuckle and poses!

The bell rings and this match is underway. Beasthoss stares down the Nick. He runs at him, ducks a clothesline, goes behind and attempts a German suplex. He tries, but is unable to pick up The Nick. The Nick goes to back him into the turnbuckle, but Beasthoss moves out of the way and The Nick hits the turnbuckle. Beasthoss in front delivers a dropkick. The Nick walks away from the turnbuckle, and Beasthoss gets a dropkick to the knee. Beasthoss is back up, and gets another dropkick to the knee. The Nick finally goes down. Beasthoss goes for the cover, he’s got the legs up 1…2…Beasthoss with his feet on the top rope….3!!! Beasthoss wins yet again!!

Tony Chimmel: Your winner of the match…Beasthoss…PotterJONES!

JR: My god King! That is the second time Beasthoss has gotten the better of the Nick!

King: He fights smart, and that’s what wins matches!

Beasthoss is celebrating his win while the crowd cheers, and The Nick gets up, looking angry. He walks over to Beasthoss, and gets a cheap shot! He picks him up, and throws him out of the ring and onto the announce table! Beasthoss is out as The Nick walks up the ramp.

JR: My god King! The Nick, obviously upset over continually being outdone by Beasthoss, just threw him onto our table, and he is sprawled out right here in front of us!

King: Thank god he didn’t go through it though! I need a place to set my coffee!

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, we will be back after these messages…my god…

(cut back from commercial)

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Massacre. We have already had a lot happen tonight, and even more promised. Again, tonight, Blizzard will make an announcement.

King: I’m excited about that JR. I’m excited about a lot of things tonight, actually!!

JR: No kidding King. But folks…oh what the hell is this about?

“Diamonds are Forever” by Kayne West hits and Johnny Diamond makes his way out the lightweight title worn proudly on his shoulder with Katie Jones by his side.

Jr: and here comes the first XWF Lightweight champion, Johnny Diamond! He won at Bloodbath with a little help from Gothic Animal, but he won anyway!

King: And Katie Jones was right by his side! Woohoo!

Johnny enters the ring and calls for a microphone while Katie grins and applauds him. Johnny grinning also looks around at the crowd before speaking

Johnny: I did it! Yeah, that's right, I became the first ever XWF Lightweight Champion! At Bloodbath I did what I said I would do. I beat Jeff Cruiser and won this title! And words cannot describe the way I feel! I feel great! But now that Jeff is out of the way, it's time to celebrate! But, I am issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back to come out here and challenge me for this title at the next PPV, 2xtreme! That’s right anyone! It could be Blizzard or maybe I could beat that ****** the Enigma again!

JR: Wow, an open challenge for the title next week!

King: And if he loses I would love to see the look on his face ha-ha!

JR: Johnny is definitely showing confidence with that!

Johnny: So anyone who wants to face me for this title come on out next week and prove that you can beat me! And tonight Blizzard, The Animal and I will be victorious once again! So I’ll see you later tonight you bunch of fat, unfit pieces of crap! Ha-ha!

Johnny and Katie laugh as they exit the ring walk up the ramp. Johnny then turns around and lifts the title up in the air and walks to back.

Jr: Well still to come tonight, that eight man tag team match, which is going to be one hell of a slobber knocker!

King: if these fat, unfit people can handle it!

Jr: you are unbelievable sometimes!

(cut back from commercial)

Maria: Hi everybody! If you don't already know, Jeff Cruiser lost in the XWF Lightweight Championship match to "The Irresistible" Johnny Diamond, last Sunday at Blood Bath, due to the interference of The Gothic Animal. I'm with Jeff right now, to hear his thoughts on the situation. Jeff, how are you going to get revenge on The Gothic Animal?

Jeff Cruiser: Well, Maria. I'm not going to get revenge. I'm not even going to retaliate. If Gothic Animal wants to interfere with my matches, then so be it. I just want him to know, that whatever goes around, comes back around to bite you in the ass.

Maria: Wow Jeff. Those are some very strong words. But, I still don't understand why you aren't mad about your loss of the XWF Lightweight Championship. Are you going to go for it again?

Jeff: Johnny wants to throw out an open challenge. He has to be an idiot not to recognize that I would take him up on his offer. It's going to be me and Johnny Diamond for the XWF Lightweight Championship...IN A TABLE DEATHMATCH!!!

The crowd cheers extremely loudly.

Maria looks completely dumbfounded at this word.

Maria: Well, Jeff. What exactly is a table death match?

Jeff: You'll just have to wait and see Maria. The only thing I can tell you is that it's going to be extremely graphic, and gory, and may end one of our careers.

Maria's eyes go wide and she smiles. The crowd laughs.

Maria: Wow... What a man...

The crowd laughs again as Maria starts stroking Jeff's arm. Jeff slowly slides her hand off and raises his eyebrow.

Jeff: Are you OK Maria?

Maria shakes her head and comes back to reality.

Maria: Oh! Yeah, I'm OK! Well, back to you JR and King!

JR: Wow! A table deathmatch King! Unbelievable! You think that Johnny Diamond will accept those terms?

King: We’ll have to wait and see! But for now, let’s get back to some wrestling!!

“Never Enough” by Eminem sounds as Viper makes his way out! He is covered in bandages from his match against Morgue at Bloodbath.

Tony Chimmel: This next match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the arena, weighing in at 280 pounds…this is VIPER!

The crowd starts cheering

JR: Viper is one of the biggest guys in this company, but tonight, we have the debut of the largest man on our roster. He just signed with the XWF a few days ago actually!

“Right Now” by Korn starts playing as Syn walks out!

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent, standing at 7 feet, two inches, and weighing in at 385 pounds, this is SYN!

The crowd is in awe as Syn slowly walks down the ramp, his eyes focused on Viper.

JR: Wow. This is my first chance seeing this guy, and he is huge. Folks, don’t adjust your sets, he really is that big!

Syn climbs in the ring, and Viper looks on, not scared. As soon as Syn gets in, Viper is on the attack. The bell sounds and the match starts. Viper is laying in chest chops and punches, most of which seem to not phase Syn at all. Syn lays Viper out with a short-arm lariat, and then connects with a quick leg drop. Syn wraps Viper up in a triangle choke hold. Viper gets his leg on the rope, and Syn is forced to break the hold. Syn in control as he picks Viper up and connects with a few more punches. He connects with a chokeslam and signals for the turnbuckle!

JR: No way the big man can do it!!

Syn climbs the turnbuckle, but Viper rolls out of the ring. Syn jumps to the outside with a flying lariat, but Viper moves and Syn goes face first into the barrier. Viper gets a steal chair and goes to hit Syn with it, but Syn moves. Syn rolls back into the ring. Viper follows, and goes to hit Syn with the chair, but Syn hits a big boot, knocking the chair into Viper’s face! The ref calls for the DQ.

Tony Chimmel: Your winner, at the result of a disqualification, VIPER!

Syn doesn’t seem to be done though as he pulls Viper to the turnbuckle again, climbs to the top, and connects with a huge moonsault!

JR: Oh my god King! The near 400 pounder just connects with a moonsault from the top turnbuckle!!

King: I know JR! I’m in disbelief right now!!

Syn climbs out of the ring as Viper is still laid out in the middle of the ring.

JR: We will be back folks in just a few minutes!

(cut back from commercial)

JR: My god King. Folks, during the commercial break, Viper decided to head backstage and exact a little revenge of his own. Play the clip.

A video shows of Viper coming up behind Syn in the backstage area with a two by four. He cracks Syn right in the back of the head with it. Syn hits the ground and Viper wails on him with the two by four.

Viper: You a big man huh? You wanna fight for real? Huh? We’ll keep this up all night bitch!

JR: King, what do you think Viper meant by that?

King: I don’t know, but he seemed to be very upset that he didn’t win against the debuting Syn. Well, I mean, he did win, but he didn’t do much in the way of fighting against him.

JR: This is true King. Tonight folks, you will see the brand new XWF Xtremist champion Morgue defending his title against the new number one contender, Night Crawler.

King: You know, I heard that Blade was upset that he wasn’t even considered to be a part of the elimination match to crown a number one contender for that title.

JR: No doubt King. But do you think he really cares about the title? Or is it that unfinished business between him and Morgue? And speaking of Blade, he lost his match against Ray L. this past Sunday, and now has a rematch tonight against him! But, its not an extreme rules match, so it may not play in the favor of either superstar!

King: Well, we will find out, but now, I believe it is time for that championship match.

Tony Chimmel: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is scheduled for one fall, and will be contested under extreme rules. It is for the XWF Xtremist championship. Introducing first…

Night Crawler’s music hits as the arena goes black and the strobe lights start. Night Crawler makes his way out.

Tony Chimmel: Making his way to the ring, he comes from Detroit, MI. Weighing in at 255 pounds, this is NIGHT CRAWLER!!!

The crowd cheers as Night Crawler gets into the ring. The arena goes red and the sirens are heard. “Battle Ready” by Otep hits and the crowd goes nuts. Morgue steps out onto the stage with the belt held high in the air for all to see. The fire erupts around him and he starts to make his way down to the ring.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent, he is the FIRST XWF Xtremist Champion. He hails from parts unknown, and weighs in at 245 pounds…this is MORGUE!!!

Morgue gets in the ring and stands on the turnbuckle as his pyro goes off behind him. He takes his trench coat off and throws it outside the ring, as him and Night Crawler stare each other down. Both men walk to the middle of the ring and Night Crawler has the height advantage over Morgue. The two men get face to face and stare at each other. Night Crawler shoves Morgue, and Morgue shoves back. Night Crawler does it again, and Morgue goes crazy. He lays into Night Crawler with vicious right hands. He has Night Crawler on the ground and is stomping him. Morgue rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He gets back in the ring in time to see Night Crawler roll out the other side. He also gets a chair, and gets up in time to see Morgue going for a suicide dive over the top rope! Morgue dives head first outside the ring, but Night Crawler hits him with the steel chair right on top of the head on his way down! Morgue is out! Night Crawler gets him with a couple chair shots to the back, then puts the chair on Morgue’s head. Night Crawler climbs onto the apron and connects with a leg drop off the apron onto the chair. Night Crawler is down as well. The first up is Night Crawler, who is favoring his leg. He picks Morgue up and rolls him into the ring. He goes for the cover 1…2….Morgue kicks out.

JR: Folks, we have to take a quick commercial break, and we will be back!

(cut back from commercial)

JR: Folks, the course of this match changed during the commercial break…take a look.

During the commercial, Night Crawler was outside and gets a table out from under the ring. Morgue is up inside the ring, and this time connects with the suicide dive over the top rope.

Back to the match, Morgue is up and is hammering Night Crawler with right hands. Morgue slides the table into the ring and picks up Night Crawler. He rolls Night Crawler into the ring. He sets up the table in the middle of the ring and rolls Night Crawler onto it. He signals to the turnbuckle. He climbs the turnbuckle, but Night Crawler slides off the table. Night Crawler gets to Morgue and delivers a forearm to the midsection. Night Crawler pulls the table closer to the turnbuckle, and climbs up with Morgue. Night Crawler sets up for a top rope suplex. Morgue fights it and pushes Night Crawler off the turnbuckle. Night Crawler falls past the table. Morgue again goes to stand up on the turnbuckle, but BLADE COMES FROM BEHIND WITH A CHAIR!


Morgue is still on the turnbuckle, and Blade gets up with him. Blade sets him up for the Scimitar and HITS IT THROUGH THE TABLE!! Night Crawler is up, goes for the pin on Morgue…1….2….3!!!

Tony Chimmel: Your winner, and NEW XWF Xtremist Champion…..NIGHT CRAWLER!!!

JR: OH MY GOD KING!! Blade just cost Morgue the match, and his title!!

Blade makes his way up the ramp, laughing and smiling. Night Crawler is posing on the turnbuckle as Morgue slowly makes his way out of the ring. He looks up at Night Crawler and goes insane. He takes off after Blade up the ramp.

(cut back from commercial)

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, Blade took off just a few moments ago running from Morgue after he cost him the title. But now, Blade has a matchup against Ray L, who is already in the ring.

Ray L. is standing in the ring waiting for Blade to come out. A few seconds go by and nothing. Ray looks upset. On the Tron it shows Morgue and Blade fighting backstage.

JR: My god King! That would explain why Blade isn’t out here!

Morgue and Blade are trading shots back and forth as they crash through a door and into the parking lot. The fight is getting brutal. Morgue delivers a low blow to Blade, then gets him with the Rose Cottage.

In the ring, Ray L is just watching.

Morgue drags Blade to a nearby limo and throws Blade inside the trunk. The limo takes off and Morgue stands watching.

In the ring, the ref calls for the bell, and Ray L. is winner by default!

Tony Chimmel: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by forfeit, Ray L.

The ref goes to raise Ray’s hand, but Ray just shrugs him off and gets out of the ring, looking very angry.

JR: Wow. Folks, don’t go anywhere, we still have a six man tag match in our main event, and plus Blizzard has a huge announcement. We’ll be right back…

(cut back from commercial)

We are in the back with Kyle “The Tormentor” Senton!

Maria: Kyle, and Bloodbath, you won the Money in the Bank ladder match, and now have a shot at the Heavyweight Championship at any time over the course of the next year. Do you have any idea when you will use it?

Kyle: Maria, now that I have this, I can do it whenever I feel like. If I wanted to challenge Blizzard right now I could. But, I like having an element of surprise. To answer your question, I will use this Money in the Bank when it is the right time for me to use it. And that is all you need to know.

Maria: Ok then! JR, King…back to you!

JR: Wow. Kyle “The Tormentor” Senton. He’s a hell of an athlete, and I can’t wait for him to cash that in.

King: Me neither King. However, right now, we have a six man tag match to get ready for!

Tony Chimmel: The following match is a Six Man tag team match, and it is scheduled for one fall. Making their way to the ring first…

“Falling Away From Me” by Korn hits and the team of Enigma, Benji Lenard, and Jeff Cruiser make their way to the ring.

Tony Chimmel: Weighing in at a combined 670 pounds. The team of Benji Lenard, Jeff Cruiser, and THE ENIGMA!!!

The crowd goes crazy as the three men enter the ring.

“Down With the Sickness” by Disturbed hits the PA system and Blizzard, Johnny Diamond, and The Gothic Animal make their way down.

Tony Chimmel: And, their opponents, weighing in at a combined total of 731 pound, the team of The Gothic Animal, XWF Light-heavyweight Champion Johnny Diamond, and XWF World Heavyweight Champion…BLIZZARD!

The crowd boos as the three men enter the ring.

JR: Folks, we are going to take our last commercial break, and we will be right back!

(cut back from commercial)

Benji Lenard and Johnny Diamond are in the ring. Benji has Johnny in a headlock and the crowd is behind him. Benji drags Johnny over to his corner and tags in Jeff Cruiser. Jeff jumps in and immediately starts laying waste to Johnny Diamond. He is hitting him with lefts and rights. Gothic Animal gets in and breaks it up, and sends Jeff to the mat with a chokeslam. Johnny covers Jeff…1…2…kick out at two. Johnny goes over and tags Gothic Animal. Animal is in and connects with another chokeslam. He gets right in Jeff’s face and starts screaming at him. He picks Jeff up and goes for a backbreaker. He connects, and holds him there. Johnny springboards off the ropes and hits a legdrop onto Jeff. Gothic Animal covers, but Enigma breaks it up! All six men now get in and start to brawl.

JR: We knew it wouldn’t take long for all hell to break loose.

Jeff Cruiser and Johnny Diamond brawl into the crowd. Gothic Animal climbs over the barricade to go after Cruiser, but Benji Lenard jumps from the turnbuckle to the crowd, knocking down Gothic Animal. Blizzard and Enigma are in the ring. Enigma is getting the better of Blizzard. He is connecting with lefts and rights. He then nails a sick looking DDT. Blizzard is slow getting to his feet, and Enigma signals for the Complex Enigma. He goes for it, but Blizzard fights it off, then hits the Blizzard Cutter. 1…2…3!!

Tony Chimmel: Your winners of the match…the team of The Gothic Animal, Johnny Diamond, and BLIZZARD!

JR: I have to say, Blizzard won cleanly. I wonder if now he will make his announcement.

King: I’m still wondering where Jeff Cruiser and Johnny Diamond ended up…

Blizzard kicks Enigma out of the ring and grabs a microphone.

JR: Let’s hear what he has to say…

Blizzard: One month ago, I said I would be the first champion. I said I would lead this company. And guess what? My ass is here, title in hand, and no one worthy to face for it. Enigma, I beat you three times now.

JR: Granted, two of those times he was in a tag match.

Blizzard: Enigma, you don’t deserve a shot at my title. Not after tonight. So now, onto my big announcement. I know everyone has been sitting here, wondering what exactly it is going to be. Basically, it goes like this. There was only one man worthy to face me for this title. I beat him at Bloodbath, and I beat him here tonight. Everyone else in the back needs has no business in the Main Event. Now, I know Kyle Senton has this Money in the Bank thing. Who cares? Kyle Senton isn’t good enough to scrub my ass. He’s nothing to me. Now, since all that lies in the back are low card rejects, I lay out this challenge, and yes, this is the big announcement.

King: Oh boy JR, here it is!

JR: I can’t wait for him to say it so he can shut up…the bastard.

Blizzard: If anyone, and I mean ANYONE in the back thinks they have what it takes to take me on and take this title from my hands, all you have to do is come out here right now. Anyone? Tell you what, to sweeten the deal, whoever wants this title, come on out, and we can have any type of match you desire. Anything.

JR: Is anyone going to take him up on his offer?

King: I’m hoping Kyle Senton does. It would make sense! He does have the ability!

JR: Too true King.

Blizzard: Well, it seems that no one likes that either. Tell you what, I’ll even add one other stipulation. If I lose this match….I will quit the XWF. I will put my job on the line as well. No takers?

JR: Come on! Kyle Senton, get out here…somebody….someone please!

Blizzard: Just as I thought. I am so confident that no one can beat me, that I put my career on the line, and just as I expected, everyone in the back knows they are nothing compared to me. So, one last call, anyone in the back. Anybody, any type of match, I lose, I quit the XWF. What’s it going to be?

King: I guess he is right, no one is going to take him up on his offer.

JR: There has got to be someone…somewhere….HOLD ON A MINUTE!!

Sirens are heard and the crowd goes crazy!! Blizzard stares at the entrance as “Battle Ready” plays and Morgue comes out, holding a ladder!!


King: I know JR! These two have unsettled business as it is!!

Blizzard drops to his knees and has a look of shock on his face as Morgue sets the ladder up on the stage and climbs to the top. He points to Blizzard and does the cutthroat signal as Massacre goes off the air.
Great show man, but I've lost 3 times in a row! w/e. Also, when are you going to need a 2Xtreme PPV Poster? I'm the official poster maker, (as stated by the banned Blizzard). Just PM me with the info, and I'll send it to you when I'm done.
Ya, it kept me logged in for the past two weeks so I couldn't get around to getting my new name but now I'm back and still undefeated thanks to a flip of the coin.
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