XWF Eruption *Show*

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The screen fades in with Benji Lenard standing in the ring.

The names Benji Lenard. I am one of the fastest rising star in pro wrestling, but Im not bragging. Im here in XWF to compete with my peers, and prove myself to all of you awsome fans. Win or loose, at the end of the night I will drive away in my Corvette and be happy cause I showed you all my capabilites, and that I will be on top soon. Cause I am Benji Lenard, "The Shooting Star".

Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake hits.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Hossland, Missouri weighing in at 220 pounds, Beast…Hoss…Potter…Jones!

Bawitaba by Kid Rockk hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Toronto, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 220 pounds…Jeff Cruiser!

The bell rings and Cruiser circles the ring keeping his eyes on Jones. They clash in the middle locking up, Jeff shoves Jones back against the rope when he comes back Jeff hit’s a spinning wheel kick straight to the jaw. A look a pain spreads across Beast’s face. Cruiser continues his assault with stomps to the ribs. As Jones tries to roll out of the way Cruiser connects with a standing leg drop to his ribs. Cruiser brings Jones to his feet and delivers a hard kick to the ribs and a punt like boot to the face. Jones stumbles and battles back with a chop and a right hand he sends Jeff off the ropes. When Jeff comes back he hit’s a back body drop but as Jeff comes down he catches Beast with a sunset flip, but he rolls right through and snaps up dropkicking Jeff in the face. He lifts him to his feet and gets him into a DDT position he brings Jeff over to the corner and gets up on the second rope. He spins around once doing a 360 and crashes down to the mat hitting a tornado DDT. Cover 1...2...kick out! Beast taunts Jeff to get up when he does Beast charges for a dropkick to the chest but there is nobody home. Beast gets up again and goes for a clothesline Cruiser ducks and when Beast turns around again Jeff puts both of his hands on Beast’s throat hoists him up and slams him back down to the mat for the Cruiser Bomb. Cover 1...2...3!!!! Winner: Jeff Cruiser

Tony Chimmel: Here is your winner by pin fall Jeff Cruiser!
Victim by Eighteen Visions hits.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is under extreme rules! Introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 256 pounds…Blade.

Battle Ready by Otep hits

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from parts unknown weighing at 245 pounds…Morgue!

Morgue slides in the ring with a chair in hand. He swings but Blade ducks he keeps swinging keeping blade away from him and finally finds his mark right in the temple. Blade drops to the mat, but Morgue lifts him to his feet and tosses him over the top rope. Blade is down on the outside Morgue climbs to the top rope waiting for Blade to get up when he does Morgue jumps off toppling Blade with a Shooting Star Press. Both men are down. Morgue hooks a near leg for a cover. The ref slides out of the ring and the count comes. 1…2…kick out! Morgue gets up and searches under the ring for a weapon he pulls out a piece of lumber but when he turns around he gets decked by Blade with a huge right hand. Morgue goes down hard and is sprawled out. Blade slides something off of his fingers and throws it into the stands. Blade brings Morgue to his feet and throws him into the steel steps. Blade lifts him to his feet once again only to German Suplex him back onto the steps. Blade sets him up on the steps before climbing to the top rope. He goes for a shooting star press but Morgue rolls out of the way sending Blade crashing into the steps. Morgue drags Blade off the steps and brings him onto the entrance ramp. He sets up for the rose cottage but Blade wiggles free and follows with a kick to the stomach. Blade sets up for the Scimitar, but Morgue reverses it back body dropping him onto the ramp. Morgue lifts him back up and sets up for the Rose Cottage once again, he connects cover 1…2…3!!! Winner: Morgue via pin fall.

Tony Chimmel: And here is your winner by pin fall…Morgue!

Down Under by the Men at Work hits.

Tony Chimmel: The follwing contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Adelaide, Australia weighing in at 225 pounds…The…Aussie…Battler!

Diamonds are forever by Kanye West hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from New York City, New York weighing in at 240 pounds…. The Irresistible….Johnny…Diamond!

Diamond charges knocking Battler down with a shoulder block, Battler snaps up and hits a shoulder block of his own but hes the one who goes down. He gets up once again and goes for another shoulder block but this time Diamond counters with a violent clothesline. Making the Battler nearly do a back-flip. Cover 1…2…kick out! Battle gets to his feet and deals out lefts and right and finally a chop he drives Johnny back into the corner. And charges again, Diamond jumps up but Battler stops. Diamond extends his legs out and scissors them around Battler’s head he twirls around looking for a hurricanrana but the battler counters into a modified Styles Clash type maneuver Cover 1…2…kick out! Diamond gets up slowly and Battler goes off the ropes, Diamond flings him forwards sending him face first into the turnbuckle. He stumbles back and Diamond hits an enzuiguri sending Battler over the top rope. Battler gets up and when hes just about to get up Diamond springboards and nails him with a missile dropkick. Both men are down, but Battler is the first one to get up at the count of five as hes about to slide in the ring, Diamond spins him around he hits a kick to the gut and nails the Diamond Cutter. Johnny slides into the ring and taunts on the turnbuckle as the ref counts to ten. Winner: Johnny Diamond Via Count Out.

Tony Chimmel: And here is your winner by count out “The Irresistible” Johnny…Diamond!

Falling Away From Me by Korn hits.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Melbourne, Australia weighing in at 215 pounds…The…Enigma!

Waiting for Warfare by Bizzy Bone hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Cleveland, Ohio weighing in at 240 pounds…Urban…C!

Urban C charges, Enigma flings him over the top rope but he skins the cat. C gets back on the apron spring boarding in and hitting a spring board bulldog. Cover 1...2...kick out! C gets up to taunt the crowd but when he does The Enigma gets him with a school boy roll-up. 1...2...3!!! The Enigma smirks wickedly as the Urban C looks at him in shock before attacking him brutally. The Enigma fight back but C kicks him hard where it counts and nails the Spinning Pile Driver. He then drags the Enigma near the corner, The Enigma dodges the 450 splash. He brings C up and hit’s the Complex Enigma before exiting backstage. Winner: The Enigma

The screen fades in with Benji Lenard standing in the ring.

The names Benji Lenard. I am one of the fastest rising star in pro wrestling, but Im not bragging. Im here in XWF to compete with my peers, and prove myself to all of you awsome fans. Win or loose, at the end of the night I will drive away in my Corvette and be happy cause I showed you all my capabilites, and that I will be on top soon. Cause I am Benji Lenard, "The Shooting Star".

Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake hits.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Hossland, Missouri weighing in at 220 pounds, Beast…Hoss…Potter…Jones!

Bawitaba by Kid Rockk hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Toronto, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 220 pounds…Jeff Cruiser!

The bell rings and Cruiser circles the ring keeping his eyes on Jones. They clash in the middle locking up, Jeff shoves Jones back against the rope when he comes back Jeff hit’s a spinning wheel kick straight to the jaw. A look a pain spreads across Beast’s face. Cruiser continues his assault with stomps to the ribs. As Jones tries to roll out of the way Cruiser connects with a standing leg drop to his ribs. Cruiser brings Jones to his feet and delivers a hard kick to the ribs and a punt like boot to the face. Jones stumbles and battles back with a chop and a right hand he sends Jeff off the ropes. When Jeff comes back he hit’s a back body drop but as Jeff comes down he catches Beast with a sunset flip, but he rolls right through and snaps up dropkicking Jeff in the face. He lifts him to his feet and gets him into a DDT position he brings Jeff over to the corner and gets up on the second rope. He spins around once doing a 360 and crashes down to the mat hitting a tornado DDT. Cover 1...2...kick out! Beast taunts Jeff to get up when he does Beast charges for a dropkick to the chest but there is nobody home. Beast gets up again and goes for a clothesline Cruiser ducks and when Beast turns around again Jeff puts both of his hands on Beast’s throat hoists him up and slams him back down to the mat for the Cruiser Bomb. Cover 1...2...3!!!! Winner: Jeff Cruiser

Tony Chimmel: Here is your winner by pin fall Jeff Cruiser!

Victim by Eighteen Visions hits.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is under extreme rules! Introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 256 pounds…Blade.

Battle Ready by Otep hits

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from parts unknown weighing at 245 pounds…Morgue!

Morgue slides in the ring with a chair in hand. He swings but Blade ducks he keeps swinging keeping blade away from him and finally finds his mark right in the temple. Blade drops to the mat, but Morgue lifts him to his feet and tosses him over the top rope. Blade is down on the outside Morgue climbs to the top rope waiting for Blade to get up when he does Morgue jumps off toppling Blade with a Shooting Star Press. Both men are down. Morgue hooks a near leg for a cover. The ref slides out of the ring and the count comes. 1…2…kick out! Morgue gets up and searches under the ring for a weapon he pulls out a piece of lumber but when he turns around he gets decked by Blade with a huge right hand. Morgue goes down hard and is sprawled out. Blade slides something off of his fingers and throws it into the stands. Blade brings Morgue to his feet and throws him into the steel steps. Blade lifts him to his feet once again only to German Suplex him back onto the steps. Blade sets him up on the steps before climbing to the top rope. He goes for a shooting star press but Morgue rolls out of the way sending Blade crashing into the steps. Morgue drags Blade off the steps and brings him onto the entrance ramp. He sets up for the rose cottage but Blade wiggles free and follows with a kick to the stomach. Blade sets up for the Scimitar, but Morgue reverses it back body dropping him onto the ramp. Morgue lifts him back up and sets up for the Rose Cottage once again, he connects cover 1…2…3!!! Winner: Morgue via pin fall.

Tony Chimmel: And here is your winner by pin fall…Morgue!

Down Under by the Men at Work hits.

Tony Chimmel: The follwing contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Adelaide, Australia weighing in at 225 pounds…The…Aussie…Battler!

Diamonds are forever by Kanye West hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from New York City, New York weighing in at 240 pounds…. The Irresistible….Johnny…Diamond!

Diamond charges knocking Battler down with a shoulder block, Battler snaps up and hits a shoulder block of his own but hes the one who goes down. He gets up once again and goes for another shoulder block but this time Diamond counters with a violent clothesline. Making the Battler nearly do a back-flip. Cover 1…2…kick out! Battle gets to his feet and deals out lefts and right and finally a chop he drives Johnny back into the corner. And charges again, Diamond jumps up but Battler stops. Diamond extends his legs out and scissors them around Battler’s head he twirls around looking for a hurricanrana but the battler counters into a modified Styles Clash type maneuver Cover 1…2…kick out! Diamond gets up slowly and Battler goes off the ropes, Diamond flings him forwards sending him face first into the turnbuckle. He stumbles back and Diamond hits an enzuiguri sending Battler over the top rope. Battler gets up and when hes just about to get up Diamond springboards and nails him with a missile dropkick. Both men are down, but Battler is the first one to get up at the count of five as hes about to slide in the ring, Diamond spins him around he hits a kick to the gut and nails the Diamond Cutter. Johnny slides into the ring and taunts on the turnbuckle as the ref counts to ten. Winner: Johnny Diamond Via Count Out.

Tony Chimmel: And here is your winner by count out “The Irresistible” Johnny…Diamond!


Falling Away From Me by Korn hits.

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Melbourne, Australia weighing in at 215 pounds…The…Enigma!

Waiting for Warfare by Bizzy Bone hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Cleveland, Ohio weighing in at 240 pounds…Urban…C!

Urban C charges, Enigma flings him over the top rope but he skins the cat. C gets back on the apron spring boarding in and hitting a spring board bulldog. Cover 1...2...kick out! C gets up to taunt the crowd but when he does The Enigma gets him with a school boy roll-up. 1...2...3!!! The Enigma smirks wickedly as the Urban C looks at him in shock before attacking him brutally. The Enigma fight back but C kicks him hard where it counts and nails the Spinning Pile Driver. He then drags the Enigma near the corner, The Enigma dodges the 450 splash. He brings C up and hit’s the Complex Enigma before exiting backstage. Winner: The Enigma


Down with the Sickness by Disturbed hits

Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is tonight’s main event. Introducing first from Windsor, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 205 pounds…”The Natural Disaster” Blizzard!

The Best (Edit) by Tina Turner hits.

Tony Chimmel: And his opponent from Long Island, New York weighing in at 265 pounds… “Simply the Best” Danny Diamond!

Diamond charges for a clothesline, but Blizzard bends backwards dodging it he flips his legs back over catching Diamond by the throat spinning around and turning it into a Russian leg sweep. Cover 1...2...kick out! Diamond is slow to get up but Blizzard jumps all over him with stomps and punches Diamond slides out of the ring, Blizzard goes out to the apron looking for a springboard moonsault, but Diamond dodge stepping up onto the apron, but Blizzard catches him self on his feet and pulls Diamond down making him smack his face on the apron. Blizzard goes for the moonsault again this time hitting it. Blizzard slides Diamond in and follows shortly after. Cover 1...2...kick out! Diamond gets up angrily dealing out lefts and rights to Blizzard be fore sending him off the ropes and nailing a spine buster. Cover 1...2...Blizzard gets the shoulder up. Diamond brings him up for the Simply the Best, but Blizzard hits rights and lefts until Diamond lets him down. Diamond turns around and shakes off the blows, Blizzard stalks him, when he turns around Blizzard is there with the Blizzard cutter. Blizzard drags Diamond to the corner and he climbs it, he hit’s the Frozen Solid! Cover 1...2...3!!! Winner: Blizzard via pinfall.

Tony Chimmel: And here is your winner by pin fall…Blizzard.
Umm This is the eruption card...u beat Jade on Massacre.

Lightheavyweight Title Torunament Matches(next two down)

Beasthoss Potterjones Vs. Jeff Cruiser

The Aussie Battler Vs. Johnny Diamond

Extremist's Title Tourney Match

Blade Vs. Morgue

XWF Title Tourney Matches(Next 2 down)

The Enigma Vs. Urban C

Blizzard Vs. "Simply the best" Danny Diamond
Hey guys please start cutting promos and trying to start feuds for the show so we can get more matches for the PPV and if u want top be in the tag title match at Bloodbath please PM with a partner.

To request a feud: Tell me who you want to feud with and send me a promo through PM that would start this feud. Yes it can be with more than one person.

To Cut a promo: Pm the promo and I will put it int the show.

Please help Bloodbath be the best it can be!!!
wtf we are on two shows...and I thought deadman was running the other one we need to get a forum before it really starts running but w/e my bad
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