XWE show #2

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Shawn Sousa

Occasional Pre-Show

January 8, 2007
Cow Palace
San Francisco, California
10,000 in attendance

The pyro explodes as the show as “Bodies” by Drowning Pool plays. The camera pans around the arena, showing all the hyped up fans.

JR: Hello and Welcome to another edition of XWE Meltdown!
King: We have 3 title matches tonight and Abyss is going to talk about last week.
JR: Lets kick things off right away with Abyss’ message.

Abyss is in a dark room with James Mitchell.

Abyss: Kane, you call me a rip off. You say I used you Mankind. Well, why don’t you prove yourself to me, Mankind. I know your past your prime, but how about one for old time’s sake? Your more than past your prime, your too old for your own good. But you are Hardcore, and I like that. That’s why I say you take the place of your buddy Kane in our match tonight. I want to beat you with tables, ladders, anything I can get my hands on. So accept this title match. I want you to be just another victim.

The camera moves back as Mankind walks in and the crowd exclaims.

Mankind: Well if the big man says so, I guess ill accept. I haven’t been in a match since that old turd McMahon fired me from the WWE, but I accept your challenge. Now, have a nice day!

The crowd goes wild as Mankind waves goodbye and walks away. Abyss is fuming.
Mitchell: Calm down, Abyss. I’ll ask Bichoff to make the change. Just wait until the match; we all know you’ll win. But wait until they find out what we have in store for them. Hahhahahaha.

Then we hear JR’s voice.

JR: Jimmy Wang Yang vs Rey Mysterio, next.

Commercial Break

JR: Welcome back to XWE Meltdown, and here we go with our first match.
King: It is awesome. It’s the two losers of last week’s triple threat match for the Show stopper title: Wang Yang and Mysterio.
JR: And here comes our first competitor!

Wang Yang’s music hits as he comes out to a pretty huge pop.

Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. First, from the South, weighing 205 pounds, he is everybody’s favorite redneck, Jimmy Wang Yang!

Then “Booyaka 619” hits and Rey comes to the ring.

Chimel: And from San Diego, California, weighing 170 pounds, Rey Mysterio!

Match One: Jimmy Wang Yang vs Rey Mysterio

The bell rings as the match starts. Yang hits a dropkick on Rey. Then Rey gets up and hits a hurricanrana on Yang. Yang answers with a bulldog. He goes to the top, and hits a corkscrew splash on Rey. Pin

Yang connects with a flip legdrop. Rey slides out of the ring, and Jimmy goes to the top, and hits the corkscrew splash again, this time to the outside. Both men are down, and the ref starts to count.
They both start to get up.
They both get back in the ring.

Yang starts to kick Rey. He then connects with a springboard flip DDT.

JR: What a move!
King: Yeah, that was awesome!


Then Rey gets up, points to the sky, and locks in the Gory Special. Jimmy is about to tap, But he reverses eth hold into a pin

Rey then hits a huge springboard dropkick. Yang, dazed, falls onto the second rope. Rey bounces off the ropes, and hits his patented 619.

JR: This match is over!
King: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

Then Rey hits a West Coast Pop. Pin
JR: He going to do it early!

JR: No!
King: I told you not to count eggs!

Rey cant believe it, and neither can the crowd. Jimmy gets up and hits a Pele kick. It knock down Rey, who knocks down the referee. Petey Williams comes in.

JR: What’s he doing here?

William shits a Canadian Destroyer on Yang. He turns aroundto wake the ref up, but the ref was already up. He saw it all. He calls for the bell as the match ends a no contest.

JR: That’s unbelievable!

“I’m Back” plays as Bichoff comes out to boos.

Bichoff: Here we go. Were in the same position we were in last week. Petey, you have to stop this. Now, you have a match next, but I am now going to make an announcement about another match you are going to have! Naww, I’ll save that for later. But if you interfere in another match, you wont be able to compete in the match I have scheduled for you.
JR: Oh yeah!
King: I wonder what the match is?
JR: I don’t know but Petey Williams is in action next as he faces Shark Boy for the Showstopper title! That match is after these messages.

Commercial Break

JR: And here we go with our title match!
King: I cant wait!
Chimel: Our following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Showstopper title! In the ring, he is from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, he weighs 180 pounds, and he is the Showstopper Champion, Petey Williams!

Shark Boy’s music hits.

Chimel: And from the deep blue sea, weighing 180 pounds, Shark Boy!
JR: Here we go!

Match Two: Showstopper title – Petey Williams © vs Shark Boy

The bell rings as Shark Boy charges at Petey and they start to brawl. He then whips Petey into the ropes, Petey swings, Shark Boy traps his arms and hits a neckbreaker. Pin

He whips Petey again, this time into a corner. Shark Boy grapples him, But Petey flips around and they reverse their roles. Petey puts Shark Boy upside down in the turnbuckle. He steps on the groin of Shark Boy and starts to sing.

Petey: Oh Canada, Our home and native land!
Petey steps down and kicks Shark Boy, in the gut. He then hits a cross body from the top to Shark Boy. Pin

Petey prepares for the Canadian Destroyer. Shark Boy reverses it by making Petey over-spin, and Petey lands on his back. Shark Boy goes to the top, and as Petey sits up, he hits a flip neckbreaker. He then kicks Petey down, but Petey grabs his leg, and trips him up. Petey connects with lionsault. Pin

Petey cant believe it. He argues with the ref and Shark Boy goes for the school boy pin

Shark Boy whips Petey into the corner, and sets up for the Deep Sea Drop. It connects! Pin!
JR: New champion!

King: Shark Boy wins!
Chimel: The winner of this match, and new Showstopper Champion, Shark Boy!
King: The crowd is going wild!

What King said is completely true. The fans are going wild, until “I’m Back” hits, and Bichoff walks out, that is.

Bichoff: Now, now, I’m not going to do any bad. I’m just here to congratulate our new Showstopper champion, Shark Boy, on winning his title. But you know what brings in the ratings? Title defenses. At PPVs. So, at New Years Bash, it will be a rematch between Shark Boy and Petey Williams. But this rematch has a twist. If Petey wins, we will have a tournament to decide who will face him at our February PPV, St. Valentine’s Massacre. But if Shark Boy retains, we will still have a tournament, but Petey Williams will not be able to participate in it! Now that wasn’t so bad.
JR: No it wasn’t! It was great!
King: It sure was, just like our next match!
JR: But first, Universal Champion Samoa Joe has something to say to Kurt Angle. Well find out what he has to say next.

Commercial Break

Back from the break, we see Samoa Joe in the ring, microphone in hand, title on his shoulder.

Chimel: Please welcome from Los Angeles, California, weighing 290 pounds, he is the Universal Champion, Samoa Joe!
Samoa Joe: Now I have something to tell you, Angle. I think that you can be a real challenge to me. I really believe so. So, I want to give you a shot. Tonight, in out match, when I win, and I will win, if you challenge me enough, I will give you another shot at the Bash. It will be you vs me in a Six Sides of Steel First Blood match, If you give me a challenge.

Angle’s music hits as he comes out to a huge pop. In the ring, the two stare each other down, then Angle gives Joe the Angle Slam! He picks up the mic.

Angle: Challenge accepted!

His music plays again as he leaves.

JR: What an amazing development.
King: Yes but next, our GM will have some words about the Clash at the Bash. We’ll find out what he was to say after this.

Commercial Break

We come back and GM Eric Bichoff is in the ring holding a microphone.

Bichoff: I hope everyone is having a good time, because I sure am. But let’s get down to business. This year, at the New Year’s Bash, like always, we will have our annual 15 man Battle Royal, the Clash at the Bash. But this year, it’s going to be a little different. Now, we normally have a title or a contract on the line at the Clash, but this year, what is on the line is a title shot at XWE’s premier PPV, Night of Xtreme!
JR: What an announcement! That is awesome!
Bichoff: I am still deciding on eth competitors, but I promise you: New Year’s Bash will be a night you will never forget. Now, on with our next match, and it will be for the Hardcore title! It is Abyss vs Mankind, next.

Commercial Break

Mankind’s music hits as he comes out to a huge pop.

Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the hardcore title. Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Mr. Socko, the challenger, from the boiler room, weighing 287 pounds, Mankind!

Then Abyss’ music plays as he comes out with James Mitchell.

Chimel: And being accompanied to the ring by James Mitchell, from parts unknown, weighing 350 pounds, he is the hardcore champion, “the Monster”, Abyss!

Match Three: Hardcore Championship – Abyss © w/ James Mitchell vs Mankind

The bell rings as they start the match by locking up in the center of the ring. Mankind gets in a headlock. Abyss whips Mankind against the ropes. He hits a clotheline, Mankind gets up, he hits another one, Mankind gets up again, 3rd clothesline. Abyss screams and crosses his arms. Abyss puts Mankind up for the press slam, and then drops Mankind on his face. Pin.

Mithell hands Abyss the chains and he chokes Mankind with them. Then Mitchell hands Abyss a chair. And Abyss batters Mankind with it. Then he hits a vertical suplex on the chair. Pin

Mankind gets up, blocks a punch, and gets in a punch of his own. He whips Abyss into a corner, and goes for the 10 punches, but Abyss reverses, and hits a Chokeslam from the top onto the shair. Pin,
JR: this one is over early!

And Abyss and James Mitchell can’t believe it. Abyss whips Mankind against the ropes, goes for a Black Hole Slam, it is reversed into a Russian Leg Sweep by Mankind. Pin

Mankind goes to the outside, sets up a table, and Abyss comes out of nowhere, and hits a suicide dive over the ropes. He gets up and goes over to where the announcer tables are. Mankind charges at him, but Abyss hits a Black Hole Slam on Mankind through the announcers table!

JR: Oh my GAWD!

Then all of a sudden Kane comes running out and hits Mankind with a chair, as he tries to get up.

King: Kane just went against his friend!

Then Abyss hooks the leg.
JR: This is horrible!
King: Not like this!

Eric Bichoff comes in to boos, because the fans don’t want to see anymore of him. They’ve had enough.

Bichoff: Stop it! I will not have this on my show! And I’m sure Mankind will want his revenge on you Kane, and you Abyss, so I’m entering him in the Hardcore Championship Monster’s Ball match at New Year’s Bash!
JR: That is awesome!
King: I can’t wait for this PPV!
JR: Neither can I, but let’s get through this show first, and next up, it is our featured contest. It is Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe in a 15 minute Ultimate Submission match for the Universal title!
King: And it is next.

Commercial Break

JR: We’re back and here we go with our main event!

Kurt Angle’s TNA music hits.
Chimel: The following contest is a 15 minute Ultimate Submission match for the WXE Universal Title. Points will be awarded for submissions, and the person with the most points at the end of 15 minutes will be the champion. Introducing first, the challenger, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 250 pounds, The Wrestling Machine, Kurt Angle!

Everyone goes wild. And then Samoa Joe’ music hits.

Chimel: And from Los Angeles, California, weighing 290 pounds, he is the XWE Universal Champion, The Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe!

Match Four: Universal Championship – Samoa Joe © vs Kurt Angle

The bell rings as they both stare each other down. Then they start to brawl and then Angle connects with a spinebuster. He locks in a single leg crab, and then turns it into a STF. Joe manages to reach the ropes. He then reverses the STF into a Kokina Klutch.

JR: He goes for his finisher early. But will Angle tap?

Angle reaches the ropes easily. They both get up and start brawling again. Angle connects with a belly to belly suplex. He stalks Joe, and whips him into a corner, and Joe hits the turnbuckle chest first. He takes a step back, and Angle wraps his arms around Joe’s back, and he hits 3 consecutive German Suplexes. Angle locks in a short arm scissors. Joe holds on, and uses his power to pick Angle up and hit a big back body drop, ala Super Crazy in his One Night Stand match. Joe bounces off the ropes, jumps into the air over Angle, and falls on Angle’s stomach. Joe locks in a chinlock, but Angle gets out of it, hits another belly to belly. He locks in an armlock, but Joe whips Angle against the ropes and hits a huge powerslam.

JR: What a monumental powerslam.
King: That might’ve broken Angle’s back.

Joe locks in a camel clutch. Angle reverses it into a bearhug, but Joe fights out of it. He connects with a enziguri and locks in the Kokina Klutch right in the center of the ring.

JR: Angle’s going to tap!
King: You’ll never know.

Angle holds out his hand to tap out, but Angle elbows Joe 3 times. Angle gets up and then trips up Joe and goes for the Ankle lock, but Joe wont let him lock it in. Then Angle starts kicking Joe down. Angle connects with the triple germans again, but on the third, Joe flips out of it and lands on his feet, and locks in the Kokina Klutch, but Angle reverses it into an ankle lock. As Joe is about to tap, Eric Bichoff comes running in and hits Angle with a chair, stopping the match.

JR: This is horrible!
Chimel: The winner of this match as a result of disqualification, Kurt Angle. And still Universal champion, Samoa Joe!
King: This is unfair; I hope Angle gets his title shot At the Bash.
JR: We’ll find out on next weeks Meltdown. We’ll see you then. Goodnight.

A video play showing all that happened as “Adrenaline Rush” plays.


RVD vs Mr. Kennedy
15 man Battle Royal
Abyss vs Kane vs Mankind in a Monster’s Ball
Petey Williams vs Shark Boy for the Showstopper Championship
Great show. Its pretty awesome. I like you PPV Title. New years bash. Its really catchy. My favorite match was Samoa Joe Vs KUrt pretty well put together. Overal 9/10. Just work on the realism.l Great job tho.
show was incredible. 10/10. Cant wait for New Years Bash.
I'm not sure I like the Shark boy push and Samoa Joe getting punked by Angle but overall it was a pretty good show my favorite match was Angle vs Joe but I really wish their would have been a clear winner because most of your matches on the card ended with interference or DQ finishes, I also can't figure out if Bichoff is a heel GM or a face GM he fliped and did alot of weird things to be a heel GM but it was still good and I will read your next show.
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