Xcitement Wrestling Federation- Bringing Indy to the Mainstream


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm happy to finally be back online full time with a new promotion...the XWF. I'm starting slowly with backstory and actually building up to the first show.

July 13, 2010
|PWInsider- New York Based Promotion said to Launch with Major Finacial Backing, Paul Heyman involved.

A new wrestling promotion is starting up in New York City. The promotion, known as the Xcitement Wrestling Federation has put together a business plan and is said to have a major financial backer. The XWF is ready to sign wrestlers up, along with full contract, they'll be signing confidentiality agreements and recieve full health care and 401.Ks...as well as the chance to buy stock in the parent company.

The XWF is planning on launching full shows out of NYC in late August. While there is no information at this time of TV deals or TV Tapings it is being said some of the shows will be produced for On Demand PPV with certain cable companies.

Businessman Peter Karoftis is said to be the main backer for the promotion. Karotfis previously worked with Sterling Equities, which is a New York-based investment firm that owns the New York Mets organization, the SNY cable network and several real estate and investment companies. Karoftis is a life long wrestling fan and has sought out a man every wrestling promotion has been trying to sign to help him run the company.

That man, Paul Heyman is best known for building a small wrestling promotion ECW to a national force that is still chanted in arenas across the country. Karoftis is said to be giving Heyman complete control of the book and letting Heyman focus on angles, workers and building the product while Karoftis and crew worry about the business side of things.

A new wrestling promotion is starting up out of Florida. The promotion, which has quietly been putting together a business plan, is said to have major financial backing. The new promotion is already signing wrestlers up, and along with the contracts, are having them sign confidentiality agreements.

There is no name known for the promotion at this time, but it is known that they will not actively do anything until the fall. A full promotional launch is expected at the beginning of 2011, As of this time, there is no information of TV deals or TV tapings.

As of this time no wrestlers have been confirmed to sign with the company. Many wrestler who we've asked about the company either has said they haven't been contacted or declined to comment, due to the confidentiality of the contract.

More on this story as it develops.

July 16, 2010
PWInsider- Location of first event revealed, Old ECW stomping ground, talent rumors...

The XWF's launch date hasn't been confirmed yet but word coming out of NYC is the location will be the Grand Ballroom at the Manhattan Center in the heart of New York City. Early word is Ring of Honor which has run shows there in the past is very upset with the decision of Paul Heyman and Peter Karoftis to run in the same place.

It is rumored that ROH will try to block some of its workers from taking bookings with the XWF but as we have learnt so many times in the past, ROH contracts are maybe the least iron clad contracts on the planet earth.

Some rumored talent has arrised including Sean Waltman, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Christopher Daniels, Kid Kash, 2 Cold Scorpio, The Sandman, Bryan Danielson and more...

As of this time no names are confirmed but early indications seem to be that Paul Heyman wants to use unknown to Indy Level talent that he can help create new stars as opposed to hiring former WWE and TNA guys that have either been established by another promotion or left a bad taste in peoples mouths.

More on this as it develops...
July 27, 2010

PWInsider- Date Announced for First Show, More Rumored Talent In Talks; ECW

Paul Heyman has been working around the clock on pulling his frst XWF show that will take place August 14, 2010. Word coming in is that he plans to start off with a bang and has plenty of suprises planned for the first show.

That being said it will take place just six days after TNA's tribute to ECW...Hardcore Justice 2010. With talents working Hardcore Justice word is coming from our sources at TNA that the one night contract talent signs for Hardcore Justice will prevent them from working anywhere else at least two weeks after. This will exclude a lot of guys that work TNA's ECW show from taking part in Paul Heyman's XWF debut.

ROH is still black balling talent from working XWF, but Heyman's former friend and Dragongate USA/Evolve booker Gabe Splosky has been in contact with Heyman about a possible working relationship between the three promotions. With Evolve and Dragongate USA feeding talent to the XWF.

Some talent now rumored to be at the first XWF show are Jon Moxley & Sami Callihan AKA the Switchblade Conspiracy, Bobby Fish, Bryan Danielson, Dragon Kid, Areoform and Arik Cannon. As well as some former ECW names confirmed not be at TNA Hardcore Justice like Shane Douglas and Lance Storm.

Again most of these are just rumors and a tight lip hush is on those contracted by XWF not to speak about it.

July 29, 2000
PWInsider- Former WWE World Champion invovled in XWF?

Rumors are flying about Paul Heyman flying to Los Angeles to speak to a former WWE World Champion about coming into the XWF to help make an impact on their first night. Many are saying Dave Batista was in Hollywood this past week auditioning for film roles.

Again these are all just rumors but interesting ones at that.

July 31, 2010
PWInsider - Wrestlers Confirmed for XWF's Debut Show on August 14

We can confirm that Jon Moxley, Sami Callihan, Arik Cannon, AAA star Alex Koslov, CZW star B-Boy and former WWE NXT Star Bryan Danielson will be working the upcoming XWF debut show.

Another name confirmed by his twitter today was Jimmy Jacobs. Gabe Splosky has confirmed that XWF and Evolve are working in conjuction with one another.

Rumored main event being talked about is a 3 Way Dance between Jimmy Jacobs, Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley. But as of this time nothing has been confirmed.

Debut Show August 14, 2010
@The Manhattan Center
The Grand Ballroom

Confirmed Talent
Jon Moxley
Sami Callihan
Arik Cannon
Alex Koslov
Bryan Danielson
Jimmy Jacobs

More TBA This Week!!!​
August 2, 2010

|PWI Insider - Main Event Announced for XWF "Origin" on August 14, more talent confirmed

The main event is set for Paul Heyman's new promotion XWF's debut show, now called Origin. It what is being billed as a match ten years in the making..."The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson will go one on one with "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.

These two with out a doubt are considered to be the top Indy Stars on the scene today and now they have signed for one epic match with XWF. Word is due to his 90 Day No Compete Clause, Danielson will be wrestling on a date by date basis. Christopher Daniels however has signed an open contract that give XWF first dibs on his dates.

Already confirmed for this event are Jon Moxley and Sami Callihan (AKA the Switchblade Conspiracy), Arik Cannon, Alex Koslov, B-Boy and Jimmy Jacobs.

We have now learnt that Paul London will be on this show as well. Other names being reported to be taking part in the "Origin" show include...Joey Ryan, Kal Anderson, Flip Kendrick, Jack Evans and more...

August 4, 2010
|PWInsider- XWF's Website Announces Slew of Matches and Talent; Former WWE World Champion at Origin; DragonGate USA match added to card.

Lots of updates about XWF's Origin Show taking place in two weeks at the Manhattan Center in NYC. The DVD taping will be packed with Indy Talent...but rumor has it that a former WWE World Champion will be at the show. It is unkown at this time who will be making an appearance at the show. Early word of Dave Batista and Paul Heyman meeting have been denied by both Heyman and Batista. UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar could be making an appearnce...but it is doubtful.

Today on their website XWF posted a slew of videos featuring talent of the upcoming Origin show including a few that set up angles and matches leading into the big event on the 14th...click here to see. (SEE BELOW)

Dragongate USA has announced that they will be taking part in XWF's debut event...with BxB Hulk, the current Open the Freedom Gate Champion teaming up with Dragon Kid to take on the team of YAMATO and Shingo.

August 4, 2010

Video- Jimmy Jacobs on His match at Origins

(We fade in to Jimmy Jacobs smoking a cigerette sitting back in a chari in a dim lit room. He puts out the cigerette and looks into the camera.)

Jimmy Jacobs: Wow, you know here we are and a new promotion is launching and who do they call...Jimmy Jacobs. Thats not new, every new promotion and Indy fed on the planet calls Jimmy Jacobs. But the XWF is suposed to be this new and impressive thing. Well let me ask you a simple question...if this new promotion is so impressive...why am I not in the main event? Why is it two guys who lets face it can't carry my bag. And more importantly why am I, Jimmy "Fucking" Jacobs stuck on the mid-card working a never was like Sonjay Dutt? Hmmmm? Look, I'll come in. Collect my pay check, beat Sonjay Dutt...get that really nice health care they got...but you know something. XWF? Your in for a very rude awakening when I get there cause all hell will break loose...

(Jacobs slaps the camera as he stands and exits.)


Video - Paul London Issues a Challenge

(Paul London exits his car on a sunny day. He is all smiles).

Paul London: So I get a call from Paul E, and he says Paul...we have this awesome thing going down on August 14th in New York...XWF. But the problem is as much as they want me to be on the show, there just isn't an opponent for me for that night. Being the smart guy that I am, I said Paul...don't worry about it. Because as of right this second...I've issued an open challenge to the world. Anyone from around the globe. Show up at Origin on August 14...cheap plug...New York City...cheap plug...and face me. Cause it really doesn't matter who shows up...they'll just be another 1..2..3 for me.

(Paul continues about his way as we fade out.)


Video- You Know whats Cool?

(Black Frame, we hear the biting and chomping sounds of someone eating. Fade in and Carlito Colon is eating an apple leaning against a wall.)

Carlito: Oh hello boys and girls. Its Carlito. I know you missed me...but don't worry cause on August 14th in New York City...Carlito is back...in the X...W...F. And you know what...Thats...well you know.

(Carlito continues about his way as we fade to black)


Video- The Naturals reunite

(Andy Douglas with video crew knock on the door of Chase Steven's home. Chase answers. We cut them in the kitchen and Chase shaking his head while Andy states his case)

Andy: Look bro, you need to do this for me. They got a great deal set up there. We could make another run...the Naturals back together.

Chase Stevens: Look I'm happy where I'm at Andy. I don't want to go do that you know. The past is the past.

Andy Douglas: Look i hate to put you on the spot with the cameras and everything but I really need your help with this. They got us facing some kids called the Switchblade Conspiracy...how hard could it be. One match, it will get my foot in the door. You don't want to stick around after that fine...but I need you on this man.

Chase Stevens: Andy...man...fine. One match.

Andy Douglas: Yes!

(Andy turns to the camera while Chase is in the background not looking to thrilled about this.)

Andy Douglas: Sam...Jon...take a long hard look cause on August 14th, you've got the Naturals and nothing can help you now.

(Douglas turns and high fives Chase who cracks a smile as we fade to black)


August 14, 2010
@The Manhatten Center
New York, NY

Announced Matches

Main Event
Nearly Ten Years in the Making

"the Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson

Open Challenge
???? vs. Paul London

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Sonjay Dutt

Jon Moxley & Sami Callihan vs. The Naturals

Plus Confirmed for Action
Arik Cannon
Alex Koslov
Jack Evans
Joey Ryan & Kal Anderson w/New Manager
August 7, 2010


With the debut XWF Show "Origin" only a week away, the roster page has finally been added. Bellow is members of our core roster. Now that means those are the wrestlers who have made it into the XWF, but more wrestlers will compete at events in hopes to impress and get a contract.

|PWInsider- Other Possible Backers involved in XWF?; More on the Identity of the WWE World Champion scheduled to be at Origins.

There is a report that along with Peter Karoftis and Paul Heyman there are one to two more investers in the XWF company. These two who are said to have a rich history with the Wrestling Business have chosen to be silent partners and have very little to do with the day to day opperations of the company.


No More has been learnt of the Identity of the former WWE World Champion who met with Paul Heyman in Hollywood weeks ago and scheduled to appear at Origins. Early Rumors of Dave Batista and Brock Lesnar proved to be false. We figure that this will be a big suprise and thats why it is so tight lipped.

Core XWF Roster

Al Katrazz
1/2 the Tag Team Convicted with Luke Hawx. Al Katrazz has turned a horrible time in his life into a possitive. The powerhouse of the duo, Al Katrazz is best known for his time in WSX with Hawx and wrestling for UPW.

Alex Koslov
The "Cold War Kid" has made a big name for himself south of the boarder in AAA. Now he plans on taking the US by storm in XWF. But he is bringing his feud with Jack Evans to XWF as well

1/2 The Naturals, Andy Douglas
Andy Douglas is a man with something to prove going as far as to drag his former partner Chase Stevens out of retirement for one more Naturals reunion. Can the Naturals achieve what they could not in the past and carve out their legacy in wrestling?

The Anarchist Arik Cannon
Cannon's star on the Indies has been on the rise. He has the viciousness to carry a hardcore contest and the skill to wrestle a mat based game. In XWF, he'll need both if he wants to capture the XWF World Title.

"the Ultraviolent Punisher" finally gets a shot at the big times when he debuts with XWF on August 14th. B-Boy has been called this generations New Jack by some...but B-Boy brings more than street toughness and violence...he can hang with the best in a wrestling ring.

American Dragon Bryan Danielson
Neck ties aside, not to many things have ever beaten the World Greatest Wrestler Bryan Danielson. A student of the legendary Shawn Michaels, Danielson is primed to prove to the world what the WWE missed out on in XWF.

Carlito Colon
Thats very cool...Carlito is a verteran of the game coming into the XWF with his sights planted firmly on a nice pay check and the XWF World Title. However many are claiming he is taking for granted the hungry up and comers on the roster and relying too much on his WWE days.

Chase Stevens
He says Origin will be a one night stand for him but can a wrestler with as much talent as Stevens has really stay retired? Andy Douglas seems to think the Naturals are in it for the long haul, but what about Chase?

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels
The veteran of the game has done it all, except win a World Title. Daniels says he doesn't have much longer on an active schedule and now is his time. Can he ascend to the World Title? Or will he live up to his moniker and fall from the heavens?

Drake Youngers
Untapped talent. The Psycho Shooter made a name in hardcore, but many have said he is pound for pound one of the best ring techincians in the business today...can XWF showcase both sides?

Flip Kendrick
Young and fast, 1/2 the tag team tandum known as Areoform. Many are saying the first XWF Tag Team Champions will be Areoform...can they live up to the hype.

Jack Evans
Not many wrestlers can move or pull off the moves that Jack Evans can. the former ROH, WSX and AAA star is looking for one big shot at stardom in the states...this is his chance.

Jimmy Jacobs
Loud mouthed and controversial. Jimmy Jacobs is in XWF because he basically feels he is XWF. Jacobs has been very vocal about not being in the main event of the first show, and continues to bad mouth Paul Heyman in blogs around the net...could Jacobs time with XWF be short lived.

Joey Ryan
110% Manliness...Joey Ryan is 1/2 the tag team Men of America with Kal Anderson. They arrive in XWF with a new manager that is said to have ties to old ECW...can this renewed energy translate into Tag Team Gold?

Jon Moxley
Young...Violent...Dangerous...Angry. the Switchblade Conspiracy. Jon Moxley is the Indy Golden Boy at the moments but his rise from poverity and a broken home to a multi-time champion on the Indy Scene is one littered with broken bodies and shattered dreams. Moxley brings his unique brand of "The Truth" to the XWF

Machine Gun Kal Anderson
The Powerhouse of Men of America, Kal has made a name in Japan for himself and seeks to back up his BFF, Joey Ryan as they sweet talk the ladies and win the titles in XWF.

Louis Lyndon
The Kung-Fu Kid. Louis Lyndon alongside Flip Kendrick represent Areoform. A high flying tag team that seems destine to break out in XWF.

Luke Hawx
Alterboy turned Convict...1/2 The Convicted with Al Katrazz, the goal is simple Luke wants the money and the glory. The speed of the team Luke and Al plan to take the titles by force if need be.

The Metal Master
Japans newest sensation a technical master and a complete mystery. The Metal Master is the dark horse of the XWF roster....who knows what he can do when given the chance.

Paul London
Whats a smile, worth...to Paul London it was worth his job. Now London is ready to prove like so many others what Vince McMahon missed the boat on.

The Ripper
While not scheduled for Origins we can confirm that Paul Burchill has signed an exclusive contract with XWF. The English Bad Boy is another one of those stars with a lot to prove. When he arrives in the X, he'll get his chance.

Sami Callihan
The New Horror and Disciple of Jon Moxley's preaching...Callihan is every bit as deranged and violent as his partner.

Sonjay Dutt
The former Guru is seeking to distance himself from that gimmick as much as possible and will have the chance to do so as a member of the core roster.

[/CENTER]Plus, countless of Foriegn and Indy Stars...and maybe a big name or two may show up at anytime...but this is the core roster XWF is built on.
August 12, 2010
|PWInsider - Possible TV Deal, Specials on SNY and More Show Annoucned...

Paul Heyman is working hard on putting together a TV deal for XWF and is seeking a major cable network to run. As of now there are plans to run edited versions of the upcoming DVD tapings as specials on the SNY cable network but the feeling is to reach a wider audiance they need to land a weekly series on a bigger network.

XWF has announced two more shows for the month of August a double shot weekend on the 27th they'll be in the house that Heyman built...the Arena (Formally the ECW Arena) for a huge event then on the 28th they'll return to the Manhattan Center.

No word on talent for these events but it is expected a few ECW alumni will attend the Arena show.

Volume 1: Origin

Confirmed Matches

Nearly 10 Years in the Making
Bryan Danielson vs. Chirstopher Daniels

Dragongate Showcase
Shingo & YAMATO vs. Dragon Kid & BxB Hulk

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Sonjay Dutt

The Naturals vs. Switchblade Conspiracy

Arik Cannon
Carlito Colon
Joey Ryan & Kal Anderson with their new manager
Jack Evans
Alex Koslov
The Convicted
and more!!!​
This is a wonderfully built backstory and a great looking promotion. I can't wait to read the first show, this has a lot of potential. Good luck writing, and I'll be back to find more news updates.
OOC: Sorry for the delay I had planned on posting the full show tonight...but I had also planned on using Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch for a spot...

Obviously I felt bad about using Lance Cade so I'm doing some rewritting since the show debuts on the 14th tomorrow night, I have some extra time to plan it all.

Lance will get a tribute on the show though.
good backstory and insiders its a good promotion with lots of good talent.i am looking forward to reading the first show so expect me to comment=)

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