Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
We've got a live update on all the WZCW happenings and boy, have we got big news for y-


"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a message...from The Revolution."

(The music continues to play over the following)

Pitch black in a room, a creak sound can be heard before a door slams. In the corner, one flickering light turns out and a basic figure can be made out in the centre.

"Ladies and gentlemen. For too long I've been ignored. People have looked past me, onto things that they assume are above me. But stupid they were to even consider it as now... it's time for a change."

Moving into the line of the light, Thrash can be seen. His hair shorter, almost to the point of having none. His signature jacket tatty & his jeans torn, something has changed.

"Kingdom Come weekend was nothing but a farce, that pathetic Scramble match? I didn't even want to be in it! I take a trip down in the last seconds, just for a paycheck. So I lost, who cares? I've got a new focus, that focus is taking down every single person that exists in WZCW. I don't care who you are, whether you're Grizzly Bob, Krypto, Saboteur, Drake Callahan or Grand Mystique. You are all in my sights and you are all about to experience a new version of this thing that you all call "pain"."

Sliding his hand into his pocket, he pulls out a small knife. He throws it over into the corner, taking out the single light in the room, leaving it in pure blackness.

"You see, this is going to be your problem. Just like you can't right now, you can't see me. You aren't going to have this slightest idea when I'll be approaching, until you feel it. Until you feel the shooting pains down your body, the crippling fear when you wonder how close I might be or the distress when you watch your best friend get taken down... just before you do. You see, it's time for Thrash to take over WZCW, one person at a time."

Footsteps can be heard, as the door creaks once more, opening.

"It's time for the revolution. Pay attention."

The door slams shut.

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