WZCW Unscripted 2015

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An old library filled with books covered with dust and vines. An old librarian climbs up the wooden ladder and pulls out a story to read. The librarian opens the book and it comes to life.

"There are many ways a story can be told..."

elegANT, Noah Ryder & Bruce Irwin winning their matches.

"... and there are many ways each story can end."

Shots of James Howard destroying wrestlers.

"We may not be in control over everything that happens in these stories..."

Eve Taylor & Kagura Ohzora losing their titles.

"... but the crossroads that appear force us to choose a path to take."

Theron Daggershield & Chris K.O. staring each other down.

"Sometimes, the path we choose may affect the lives of others..."

Mikey Stormrage celebrating in victory.

"... and they have no choice but to follow the path we lead."

Quick shot of all the Open Challenge participants

"Tonight, at Unscripted: it is up to us to choose their path."

Multiple shots of different crowds from around the world.

"Shall you choose morally?"

Matt Tastic holding up his World title.

"Or shall you choose selfishly? What say you?"

Dorian Slaughter winning the Gold Rush tournament.



* PYRO *
* PYRO *
* PYRO *
* PYRO *
* PYRO *

The camera pans across the Beijing National Stadium in China to see an array of fans from over the entire world in attendance. Many have brought signs to the event (with some in different languages) but they all excited to be here as they make a huge amount of noise for the start of the show. We pan over the last of the crowd members in the front row before going straight over to the commentator's table with all three commentators ready to go.

Copeland: Welcome everyone here tonight to a sold-out event in Beijing, China. My name is Sebastian Copeland and I'm joined by my broadcast partners Jack Cohen and Catherine Connor for the eighth Unscripted event in history.

Cohen: The first-ever event that has occurred eight times in our nearly 10 year dynasty as a company, Seabass. It feels great to be here for this momentous occasion! Especially broadcasting for the first-time ever in China. This WZCW World Tour has been crazy!

Connor: Not as crazy as it will get tonight as the fans are in control of what happens tonight. Every match featured tonight will have the fans voting in what they feel is most appropriate for each match amongst the options available. Even the theme song tonight was selected by the fans!

Copeland: But before we get into tonight's proceedings, we'll be switching over to Meltdown General Manager Vance Bateman who is taking care of Unscripted tonight for an early announcement concerning the World Heavyweight title bout later on tonight.

We see Vance Bateman standing in the ring with full suit and a smile on his face. He waves out to the mass of people before raising his microphone to speak to the people.

Bateman: Welcome everyone to Unscripted in China!

The crowd cheers as Bateman nods.

Bateman: As the General Manager in charge of Unscripted tonight, I have made the executive decision to reveal to the stipulations for the World Championship match that you, the WZCW Universe, have selected... right now!

Another cheer from the crowd.

Bateman: So, without further ado, let's get both men who will be competing for the World title tonight!


The crowd cheers loudly as the World champion walks out onto the entrance ramp. He shows off his title to the fans before talking into the camera with a smile on his face. He claps the hands of the fans as he makes his way down.

Copeland: Matt seems to be an extremely happy mood.

Cohen: I don't know why he would be considering he's got to face the dominating Dorian Slaughter.

Matt enters the ring with a microphone and stands next to Bateman, putting an arm around his shoulder. Bateman shrugs it off, not looking pleased at Matt's tactics.

Tastic: Hey Vance, how's things?

Matt turns to the crowd.

Tastic: Como estas, Beijing?

The crowd erupts in a huge cheer as Matt smiles.

Tastic: Well, before Borian Launders his way out of the back, I'd like to take the chance to say it feels good walking into China as your World Heavyweight Champion and receiving the same applause I hear from anywhere I go around the globe. You've made me feel very special tonight and I thank you!

The crowd applauds and cheers. Tastic goes to speak once more before being cut off by Dorian's music.


Cohen: About time someone shut him up.

Dorian walks his way out and down to the ring, keeping a cold hard stare on the Matt and his World title. He doesn't take his eyes off the prize as he enters the ring, standing his ground. Tastic waves to Dorian but he isn't in the mood for fun and games.

Bateman: If you're quite done Mr. Tastic, let's get on with it shall we? WZCW Universe: we asked you whether you wanted to side with Dorian and pick a Street Fight or side with Matt and pick Lucha Libre rules. The votes are in so let's see which stipulation you preferred the most!

Bateman points to the titantron.

Matt Tastic vs. Dorian Slaughter

1) Street Fight - 31%
2) Lucha Libre Rules - 69%

The crowd cheers as does Matt Tastic who raises his arm in the air Freddie Mercury style at the result. Dorian isn't fazed and Bateman doesn't seem too impressed.

Cohen: Seems like we've got a boring crowd in China. Who doesn't love a good ol' fashioned street fight?

Copeland: I think the Lucha Libre rules is more ancient than a Street Fight, Jack.

Vance shrugs.

Bateman: Well, it's official. The World title bout will be contested under Lucha Libre rules... which means calling the two of you out to the ring isn't for naught. The two of you will need to select your seconds for this match and I hope you already know who they are-

Tastic: Of course, I do. I asked my second to be my second before I decided to reveal my stipulation choice to the public. My second is a man who has been with me the entire step of the way as World champion and he's the guy I consider to be my best friend. You all know who I'm talking about: my second is Mikey Stormrage!

The crowd cheers at the announcement. Vance stares blankly at Matt.

Bateman: I'm shocked.

Vance turns to Dorian who has yet to speak a word.

Bateman: Dorian, who do you pick?

He puts the microphone to Dorian.

Slaughter: The traditions of this match mean nothing to me. I do not care nor do I need a second to ascend to Ragnarok and attain what is mine. However, I wish for the man who has put me on this path, Ty Burna, to watch me reach the promised land.

Bateman: Alright, it is set-

Dorian grabs the microphone off Bateman.

Slaughter: You're a wise man to pick the man you ally with who is capable of fighting back as your second. If you should've chosen the only other man you are emotionally attached to... your grandfather...

Matt who drops the fun act, looking seriously at him

Slaughter: ... he would've been the first to fall on my ascent.

Matt meets Dorian nose-to-nose, swearing threats at him as they both drop their microphones. This intense stare-down lasts a few seconds until Vance gets in-between them and separates them. Matt tries to go after Dorian but Vance pushes Matt back, telling him to wait. Dorian lets out a very small smirk before exiting the ring. Matt is fired up and ready to go but Vance manages to calm him down.

Cohen: Some final last words for Dorian as he looks to get into the head of Matt before their encounter.

Connor: Maybe famous last words for Dorian period. There was no need to target Matt's grandfather. He's not apart of this.

Copeland: Well, if Matt wasn't taking this match seriously before, he certainly is now. It's going to be a tough battle between these two under Lucha Rules. Pinning your opponent once is enough to expend all your energy but having to pin them twice? This is going to be a true test of endurance and strength for both men.

The shot ends with Matt in the ring showing his title to Dorian who stands on the ramp, looking at what he seeks.

Tale Of The Tape:

elegANT captured his first championship in WZCW and looks to defend his title with pride
Bruce Irwin won a Triple Threat match & Noah Ryder won a Fatal Four way match to earn their spots
James Howard injured many wrestlers to force management's hand to allow him to compete in this match

Anderson: The following contest if for the Elite X championship, and will be contested under the following rules…

elegANT vs. Noah Ryder vs. Bruce Irwin vs. James Howard

1) Elimination Rules (9) 56%
2) Gauntlet match (2) 13%
3) Championship Scramble (5) 31%

: Looks like it’ll be a game of survival to start us off tonight.

: If elegANT wants to retain his title tonight he’ll have to be the last man standing against his three competitors.

Anderson: Competitors in the match must be eliminated via pinfall or submission, the last competitor remaining will be declared the Elite X champion!


Bruce comes out through the curtain and soaks in the crowd. He wears his shirt down to the ring. He slowly walks down with high fives to the crowd. He climbs in to the ring and takes his shirt off. He throws this to the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first from Erinsborough, Australia, weighing 250 pounds, CROCOOOOOOODILE Bruce Irwin!

Connor: Bruce Irwin has shown the WZCW universe a new side of himself earning this title match with impressiveness we haven’t seen of him in quite some time.

Cohen: The real question is whether he can keep that momentum and finally be able to gain a championship here in WZCW.

: He’s got the skills and the tools, let’s see if he can capitalize tonight.


Howard walks to the ring with his hoodie open and hood up. As he walks onto the ramp he turns with his back to the crowd with arms outstretched. He shadowboxes down the remainder of the ramp before climbing the stairs and onto the turnbuckle, arm raised before hopping over and into the ring.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Leeds, England, weighing 223 pounds, James Howard!

Copeland: A WZCW veteran with a chip on his shoulder James Howard is looking for his second piece of singles gold tonight.

Cohen: Former two time tag champ, Eurasian champ, and he very well might have the trifecta tonight.


Noah walks out arms pounding his chest. He cups his hands over his mouth and calls out the 2 opening lines to the course before eagerly hoping his way down to the ring, clapping the hands of many of the fans he sees along the way. He slides into the ring and runs to the nearest corner, 2 stepping his way to the top rope where he raises both arms up.

Anderson: from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing 222 lbs, "The Unforgettable" Noah Ryder!

Connor: This rookie has accomplished quite a bit in such a short period of time. Taking the World champion Matt Tastic to the limit, multiple wins, and now on his first PPV ever could become the Elite X champion.

Cohen: I like the kid’s style, shame he’s from Minnesota.


elegANT appears on stage holding his championship high in the air. As he comes down the ramp, he shakes every single person’s hand, and does the same for everyone around the ring including all the WZCW ringside people. He climbs into the ring, shakes the referee and ring announcer’s hands, and waves to the crowd on all four turnbuckles while posing with his championship.

Anderson: from the lap of luxury, weighing 179 pounds, the gentlemanly insect and friend to all, the WZCW Elite X champion…… elegANT!

Copeland: The friendly champ has a huge task ahead of him tonight as he must out last all three of his talented opponents to retain his championship.

Connor: If anyone can do it though it’s the resilient gentleman known as elegANT. He’s proved how tough and talented he is since entering WZCW and has only gotten better since winning the Elite X title at Gold Rush.

Cohen: I don’t know guys, insects have less places to hide when there are more boots trying to squash them.

elegANT hands the referee the championship and he raises it for the crowd to see. He then rings the bell as the match gets underway. All four men begin feeling each other out as they wait to see who will make the first move. After a brief few second of eye contact Ryder, Howard, and elegANT all decide to team up on the bigger man in Irwin and begin stomping away on him in the corner. This doesn’t last for long as Irwin uses his strength to push away all three men and hit a big boot on Howard. He then bounces off the ropes to hit a spin kick on elegANT, and then the Australian hits a scoop slam on Ryder. He hypes up the fans as he begins to look to them for support.

: Irwin off to a dominating start in this match up.

Irwin gets outside on the apron lining elgANT up for a slingshot clothesline but when he flips over the ropes the champion ducks and Irwin runs straight into a Muay-Thai knee strike from Howard, followed by a jumping knee lift from elegANT that knocks Irwin back into the corner, and then finally a helluva kick from Noah that knocks Irwin out on the mat! Ryder hooks the leg! 1...2…3!

Anderson: Bruce Irwin has been eliminated!

Cohen: I would not want to be his jaw in the morning…

Connor: Quite a vicious combination there to take down the big main Irwin.

: It’ll be interesting to see if any more alliances form to eliminate another man fairly easily.

As Irwin is being escorted to the back Howard quickly plans a boot straight into elegANT’s stomach and begins pounding away on Ryder.

Copeland: Well looks like that won’t be happening….

Howard backs Ryder into a corner where he begins stomping away on him. After a few seconds of solid shots he sets his sights back on the champion and charges toward him looking to hit a clothesline only for the insect to duck and hit a collar elbow suplex on James. As elegANT looks to get back up Ryder recovers and hits a rising knee to the champ followed by a clothesline taking him down. He looks the leg for the pin 1…2…elgANT kicks out! Noah picks the champ back up looking to inflict more damage but Howard cuts him off and begins throwing shots at both men. Both men respond accordingly with their own shots and all three men are in the middle of the ring punching each other with the crowd getting into every shot!

Cohen: This is brilliant, which one if going to be knocked out first?!

Noah and elegANT soon decide to focus their shots more on Howard than each other and the former champion cannot out punch both. They back Howard into the ropes and Irish whip him to the otherside followed by a back body drop. Before Noah can make another move however elegANT rolls him up with a school boy looking to steal a pin! 1….2….Noah barely kicks out! As Ryder pops back up to retaliate elegANT stops his momentum with a stinger splash into the corner. He then props Noah on the top rope looking to hit a hurricanrana but as he goes for Noah catches him! Before he can capitalize however Howard hits a step up shining wizard right to Noah’s face! He then brings down Noah for the bulldog flattening him and elegANT from the top rope!

Connor: What innovation!

Copeland: Howard could have both men out right here!

Howard flips Noah over for the cover 1…2….Ryder kicks out! An exhausted Howard then goes over to elegANT and hooks the leg 1…2…the champ kicks out! A frustrated Howard argues with the ref for a second before deciding it’s time to end it and signals for the Chaos Theory. He gets to the rope and waits for elegANT to get up and when he does he looks to hit the dive but elegANT moves back not allowing Howard to jump over him and counters the move into a sit out power bomb! Howard’s shoulders are down 1…2….he barely kicks out! elegANT gets right back up to shake the hand of the man he just power bombed and hits the Nicest Elbow You’ve Ever Seen! The crowd is getting pumped as the champ begins to get his momentum. He sees Noah getting up and hits a running senton backsplash! Noah crumples in the corner and elegANT gets another running start and slingshot splashes himself into Noah! The champ then pulls Noah to the middle of the ring and ascends the top rope looking to hit the Good Day, Sir! He leaps off the rope and as he tries to hit the frog splash Noah gets his knees up! Ryder quickly maneuvers the injured elegANT into a headlock driver! Howard gets up however and chucks Noah outside the ring and hooks the leg on elegANT! 1…2…3!

Anderson: elegANT is eliminated!

Connor: elegANT is eliminated; we’re guaranteed a new champion!

Ryder is frustrated at what just transpired but he quickly gets back in the ring to deal with his final opponent. He charges at Howard but the former champion meets with a boot that sends Noah bouncing between the second and third rope only to rebound with a pendulum clothesline taking Howard down! Ryder Irish whips Howard into the turnbuckle and signals for the Hellluva kick! He runs at him but Howard drops and as Noah gets his leg up for the kick Howard low blows him!

Copeland: What a shameful counter by Howard!

Cohen: Hey No DQ in a fatal four way!

A stunned and injured Noah makes his way back to the center of the ring and Howard gets to the rope rope and hits the Chaos Theory! He hooks the leg! 1….2….

Thr-NO! Noah kicks out! Howard freaks out before deciding to lock in the Tenzan choke! Noah screams in pain but he’s in the center of the ring and after a few seconds of agonizing torture he taps out and the ref calls for the bell.

Anderson: Noah Ryder is eliminated! And your winner and NEEWW WZCW Elite X Champion…James Howard!

Cohen: He did it! Howard was the last man standing!

: Through very shameful tactics James Howard is now our new Elite X Champion.

Connor: You have to give it up to Noah though; his performance was something to keep your eye on.

Cohen: Who cares, new champion!

Howard grabs the championship and quickly begins to celebrate up the ramp as the ref checks on Noah.


Stacey Madison is standing with a microphone in hand and a big smile on her face. She has an arm on the shoulders of none other than Steven Holmes, who is dressed in formal attire and his signature smirk on his face.

Madison: I have a very special guest standing next to me right and I'm a little surprised to see him here today at Unscripted. He is the former World champion Steven Holmes! What brings you to China?

Holmes: I'm here to keep a personal eye on the current competition of WZCW from the most strategic seat in the building. You see Stacey, I've been around once or twice but not enough to get a grasp on what these wrestlers bring to the table so I wanted to witness their skills at an event where every wrestler will be showcasing their very best.

Madison: Why the sudden interest in the competition?

Holmes: Well Stacey, that'd be spoiling something very big for the Roulette Rounds in the United Kingdom...

Holmes smirks and walks off, leaving Madison with a sly grin as she has a pretty good idea at what Steven is alluding.

Tale Of The Tape:

They are the first and second female singles champions in WZCW history.
They both lost their gold at Gold Rush.
Destiny has brought them face to face in order to once again fight for gold.

Lets see what stipulation will dictate the next match.

Eve Taylor vs Kagura Ohzora

1) If Kagura wins, she receives her Elite X title re-match 6%
2) If Eve wins, she receives her Eurasian title re-match 6%
3) The winner of the match receives their opponents' respective title match 88%
Connor: By a landslide!

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! The winner of this match will receive a rematch for the championship their fallen foe lost at Gold Rush!


Anderson: Introducing first. From Ise, Mie, Japan... She is the former Elite X Champion, Kagura Ohzora!

As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, representing the petals of many cherry blossoms falling through the air. A fine mist appears on the stage. She ascends the stairs and enters between the middle ropes. Afterwards she bows to the audience on each side of the ropes and places the wand aside and awaits her opponent, Eve.

Copeland: At Gold Rush, Kagura lost the Elite X Championship to elegAnt. However as the voting dictates if she wins tonight, she receives a shot at the title Eve Taylor lost at that event. The Eurasian Championship.

Connor: An interesting twist created here by the voting. Both guys looking to get back on the title hunt. For what title? That's what will be settled here.

Cohen: Lets stop for a second to just how amazing this organization is. The female announcer and 2 female competitors both looking to win titles each other have held by defeating men.


Taylor walks out and treats the stage as a fashion runway, posing unenthusiastically at the top of the stage before marching towards the ring. She leers at the fans through the corner of her eyes, no expression on her face. She slides into the ring, staying on all fours for a few seconds before slowing getting to her feet and posing nonchalantly once more. She turns to Kagura and looks at her dead serious as referee Keith Morse gets set to start things off.

Cohen: Um... I'm a big fan of Eve Taylor. The way she just presents herself. ...The attitude of course.

Connor: Clearly. It's her assets. I won't deny she's extremely skilled though.

Copeland: The first and second female singles champions about to go at it right here to get back in the title chase. I'm amped up.

* Ding Ding Ding *

The bell rings and the two foes circle each other. Looking to see who's the first one to make a move. Both look on steadily for a moment to capitalize and it's Eve making the first move by reaching out for Kagura's leg. Kagura manages to step away and attempts to make her own move, but Eve takes a step back and quickly stands her own ground. The two circle the ring some more and this time it's Kagura who makes a go for Eve's leg. But Eve quickly takes advantage and rolls Kagura over for a cover!!



But Kagura gets the shoulder up! Eve quickly grabs Kagura's head though and holds her down to the mat for a Headlock. She presses her arms together as Kagura tries to scramble for some ground. But Eve's grip is too tight forcing Kagura to instead try to find the ropes. She stretches her arm out, but Eve maneuvers away. On that moment, Kagura takes her chance and uses Eve's movement to get herself momentum and get to her knees. Kagura starts to get leverage but before she can get up, Eve kicks her in the gut. She hits 2 Knife Edge Chops and then whips Kagura across the ring. Eve raises her leg, but Kagura ducks and bounces off again. She then comes in and hits a knee shot to Eve's gut. Using the opening, Kagura grounds Eve with a Keylock Armbar on the mat.

Connor: Both girls have Judo backgrounds and its showing here. Though I do think Kagura may have the advantage. What with her being Japanese and all that.

Cohen: Cat! That's racist!

Copeland: I think what Cat's trying to say is that Kagura is from where it originates and therefor has the opportunity to learn it at it's purest. Not to mention, Eve was a model first and foremost.

Eve screams and flails to get out of the submission maneuver realizing the trouble she is in. Referee Keith Morse asks her if she submits, but Eve screams no as she tries to escape the hold. She calms herself down eventually and uses her long legs to stretch out and grab Kagura by her neck. She herself cranks and manages to pulls Kagura off. Little by little, she struggles but pulls Kagura off successfully. She Headscissors Kagura off and knocks her down with a Big Heel to the face as the head of Cerberus grabs her arm. She begins to stomp viciously on Kagura. She runs the ropes and hits the Stileto Stomp and gets on Kagura for a cover. She clenches her arm as she covers meaning no leg is hooked.

1...-But Eve doesn't even get a 2 count out of it. She quickly kicks Kagura right on the ribs to stop her from getting back on the attack. She pulls Kagura down by a leg and then proceeds to stomp on it several times. She switches the assault to knee drops. Dropping one after the other in quick succession. She focuses her vicious assault on the left leg as Kagura is unable to protect herself. Using the one good arm, the left arm, Eve hooks a Half Boston Crab on the left leg of Kagura. She cranks on the hold as Kagura struggles for the ropes. She tries to reach out as Keith Morse repeatedly checks on her. She yells in disapproval of submitting but she can't stretch enough to reach the ropes. She starts to twist herself around as Eve begins to lose her footing. But the vicious Model begins to push her knee down on Kagura. Kagura screams still trying to get out of the hold as Eve yells at her to tap. Kagura manages to turn onto her back and in a moments notice as Eve looks at her.... Red Mist!!

Connor: Whoa! What a counter!

Cohen: That can't be legal! Seabass, how is that legal?!

Copeland: It's not a foreign object, Jack. It's not grounds for a disqualification.

Eve lets go instantly and takes several steps back. She even gets out of the ring in a panic as Kagura lays on the mat in pain. Referee Keith Morse checks on her leg as she holds it in pain. Eve however races around the ring screaming in terror. But she shows she's clearly not blinded by the mist. She yells out "My face! My face!" in horror looking to get it off. Kagura is still out out. Conscious but not moving much. She slowly tries to pull herself to the ropes for leverage as Eve argues for people to clean her face. She grabs a bottle and pours it over her face. She then grabs the nearby Truman Harrys, the other ring announcer, and wipes her face across his shirt. Getting the mist out of her. She shoves Truman aside as Kagura gets back up to her feet. Eve turns over with a furious look in her eyes.

Connor: Looks like Truman is gonna have to explain some things to his wife tonight.

Cohen: Lucky dog.

Copeland: The referee has been paying way too much attention to Kagura. Eve has been out of the ring for a good while now worried about her face and how it looks.

Eve gets in the ring and charges at Kagura. But the Shrine Maiden uses her good leg for a good Sidekick while holding onto the ropes. A Judo Armdrag sends Eve around and Kagura follows it up with a Wrist Clutch Exploder. Turning the match around, barely. Kagura once again uses the ropes to get back on her feet as Eve is down from the Suplex. Kagura can't run, but as Eve starts to stagger, Kagura feels the adrenaline. She sees her spot and hits the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto. She struggles to make the cover as Eve is even face down to make it harder for her. She rolls Eve over and hooks the leg.



But does not get the 3!

Eve may have kicked out, but the blow sent her for a loop. She has a zoned out look in her face as Kagura struggles to get back to her feet. She then tries to pull Eve up. She follows the offense up with several knee strikes to the mid section. She then turns over and locks the Fourth Dance of Toyouke Omikami. She has Eve on the mat as referee Keith Morse checks to see if she's out. He checks the hand once to no response. A second time yields no response yet. The crowd gets tense for the third. The arm is about to give way. But Eve grabs the ropes! Barely putting her fingers on them. Kagura lets the hold go at Keith Morse's orders as the match is still going.

Cohen: What resilience by the beautiful Eve Taylor.

Connor: What resilience by both women. This means so much for them with an opportunity at new gold on the line.

Both girls struggle to their feet. Eve shoots a chop with her good arm. And Kagura retaliates with a kick to the ribs. Eve goes back to the chop and Kagura with a kick. They trade blow back and forth. Kagura seems to be getting the advantage. But Eve suddenly lunges and rakes Kagura's eyes. She then pulls Kagura's hair and slams her down. Eve recomposes herself. She sees her spot as Kagura struggles to her feet. Eve preys on her to turn and as Kagura turns, Eve shoots with the High Heel Kick! But Kagura manages to roll under it! The momentum helps her reach the ropes and get back up. She uses the instant to hit the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami. But Eve dodges that. Kagura turns, but Eve kicks her in the bad leg and hits the Fashion Statement. She then collapses on Kagura.




Anderson: The winner of this match and new #1 Contender to the Elite X Championship, Eve Taylor!!

Keith raises Eve's hand. But she screams out as it was the bad arm. Barely conscious from the battle as she still lays atop of Kagura. Keith is quick to ask for help and assistants come in with ice packs for the bruised females.

Connor: What a performance. These girls were out to mangle each other tonight. Holds with an aim to break bones.

Cohen: Eve Taylor is now en route to collect even more gold for the Cerberus banner. If she wins it, it will be an amazing record. 3 of our 4 championships.

Copeland: Don't get ahead of yourself, Jack. She had a hard fought battle to earn that shot. She still needs to face the Champion.

The assistants and Keith Morse help out with Eve and Kagura. Assistants and Gozaburo appear to help Kagura up as Ramparte and Flex Mussel help Eve up. She has a faint grin in her face celebrating her win. Kagura looks on now realizing what's happened. The scene fades as Eve is helped out and Kagura looks at an appreciative crowd.


In a dimly-lit corridor, we see Dorian Slaughter & Ty Burna together. Ty has his head down and eyes closed whilst Dorian looks directly at him.

Slaughter: Ragnarök draws near. Are you ready to bear witness the end?

Ty lifts his head and looks directly at Dorian. His eyes turn into a dark shade of glowing red for a second.

Burna: I shall meet you at the battlefield.

Slaughter nods once and turns, walking away from Ty and leaving him. Ty gently lets his head down and closes his eyes until suddenly...

The lights go out!

The glowing redness of Ty's eyes are the only thing visible in this situation. His eyes dart around erratically, trying to figure out what happened. A few more seconds tick by until.

The lights come back on.

A burlap sack has been placed over the head of Ty who immediately rips it off his head. Ty looks around him and sees many burlap sacks spread across the walls and floor all with one simple message:

"Expect me..."

Ty becomes consumed by rage and throws the burlap sack in his hand across the corridor and storms off in the opposite direction.


We are backstage interviewing area where Leon Kensworth is standing with a microphone in his hand.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, your new Elite X champion; James Howard.

Howard appears on screen with the title draped across his shoulder, still in his ring gear but with a sweat towel resting behind his neck.

Kensworth: Congratulations on your victory tonight and capturing a championship in a match you weren't originally scheduled to appear in. How does it feel to-

Howard cuts him off, looking at him annoyed.

Howard: What you just said is what is wrong this company. I wasn't even scheduled to appear for Unscripted at all until I did something about it. I had to destroy multiple people to even be considered for a title match and only then did the company put me into the match to save face with the fans and the media. So I went out there and showcased exactly why I should be treated with a little bit more respect. Hopefully, with this title on my shoulders, I'll get what I deserve.

Howard turns around to leave but he runs into Eve Taylor, fresh from her match and holding her arm in an ice pack still feeling pain. Howard looks down at Eve but Eve looks directly at the championship, ignoring James.

Taylor: Looks good on you, James... but it'd look so much better on me.

Eve smiles and walks off, holding her arm. Howard watches her walk, scouting out his next challenger.
The crowd roars in anticipation as a familiar tune amps up on the PA system within the arena.

Mikey Stormrage runs out of the gorilla position to the green strobe lights that flash in rhythm with his entrance music. He has a microphone in one hand as he uses the other to give high fives down the entrance ramp.

Copeland: We haven’t seen the former EurAsian and two-time Tag Team champion compete since Gold Rush for the World Heavyweight Title. However, during the cycle, he issued an open challenge for tonight.

Connor: An open challenge that had you, the WZCW Universe, vote on who will answer that challenge. Mikey seems as pumped as ever and will surely take on any challenge that the people choose for him.

Cohen: You’d think in his downtime, that he might have done something better with his time, like lose some weight. But here he is, scraping the barrel for an opponent. However, there is one viable opponent that I would love to see. Scumm or bust, people. Scumm or bust!

The music dies down as Mikey paces the ring with a smile. The crowd hasn’t quieted down since his music first started. Mikey starts to speak, but the crowd keeps cheering. Finally, he has to just smirk and work through it.

Mikey: Alright, alright. I’m happy to be back in this ring just like I think you are happy to see me back in it tonight.

The crowd pops.

Mikey: I wanted to come back with a purpose. Gold Rush opened my eyes to a lot of things. It was my first shot at the world title, and make no mistake, it won’t be my last.

The crowd pops again.

Mikey: But I got a shot. And that’s what I want to give out tonight. I want to give a shot to an individual. I’m not out here to say I’m the end-all be-all opponent, but if my opponent can beat me, they’ve earned my respect. Hopefully, they will have earned respect from all of you great people, too.

Pops. Pops everywhere.

Mikey: Enough chatter, though. I came out here ready to fight. Let’s see who all of you want me to take on tonight. I’m ready to give you your money’s worth. So, pardon me Harrys, but I would like to announce this one.

Mikey switches the tone of his voice.

Mikey: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, it is time for the Awesomely Spectacular Mikey Stormrage Super Open Challenge of Doom!


Mikey drops his mic and pulls off his shirt as he prepares for battle. It takes a few seconds, but some music finally chimes in.

The crowd cheers as Garth Black comes out. He has a water bottle in his hand as he smiles out at the crowd.

Connor: Garth Black is the viewer’s choice! I cant wai-

Copeland: Look out!

Black feels himself being clubbed from behind as Johnny Scumm appears out of nowhere. The crowd boos as Scumm starts yelling at Black for taking his opportunity. Scumm picks Black up and flings him off the entrance stage to the concrete down below.

Connor: Oh my god!

Cohen: Scumm or bust!

The camera shows Mikey starting to get out of the ring to help Black, but he stops when security rushes out from the gorilla position. They grab Scumm and start pushing him back as medical personnel checks on Black down below. Vance Bateman comes out to survey the scene. He has a microphone in hand. Bateman looks down at the medics, and they give him a negative head shake.

Bateman: It looks as though Garth Black will not be able to compete tonight, but don’t worry. We are still having an open challenge.

The crowd cheers the tail-end of Bateman’s statement.

Bateman: This man actually tied Black in votes, but we gave the tie-breaker to Garth due to his tenure in the fed. Let's reveal who else got the tie!

Mikey Stormrage Open Challenge

1) Cassanova 13%
2) The Eternal Question 13%
3) Garth Black 25%
4) Johnny Scumm 18%
5) Logan McAllistor 25%
6) Vee A.D.Z 6%

Bateman: Mikey, allow me to introduce your opponent. Making his way to the ring, the debuting Logan McAllister!

The lights go out and then back on with a red hue. The lights flash as Logan comes out with his son, Hayden. Logan kneels down and talks to Hayden. Hayden hypes up Logan before they share a high five. Logan kisses his son’s forehead and tells him to run along to the back. He won’t want to see what is about to happen.

Copeland: We thought it was going to be Garth Black to answer the challenge, but an assault by Scumm has brought us here. The debuting Logan McAllister will take on Mikey Stormrage in the open challenge.

Connor: I have some intimidating measurements right here on Logan. 6’5 and 275 pounds.

Cohen: He’s basically like a fit Mikey Stormrage. I like him! Also, who doesn’t like a man that fights for his son!

Copeland: We know very little about Logan, but I bet we will find out a whole lot by the end of this match.

Connor: Oh, and look. Here comes the lumberjacks. Cassanova, The Eternal Question, Vee A.D.Z., and - wait, what are the others coming out here for?

Copeland: With two lumberjacks now being out of commission, I'm getting word that Vance sent out Backstage Bob, Jim from accounting, and legendary jobber, Doug Crashin, to flesh out the lumberjack group.

Cohen: This should be interesting.

Logan slides into the ring and immediately gets into Mikey’s face. Mikey shows no fear and stares right back. After a few seconds, Mikey extends a hand for a shake. Logan looks down at it and then spits in Mikey’s face. The crowd boos as Mikey slowly wipes it off in anger. Mikey turns back to confront Logan, but he gets a barrage of punches thrown at him. The referee calls for the bell and the match begins with an impromptu start.

Connor: Your debut match and you come out here and spit on one of WZCW's most-beloved superstars in the face? What is he thinking?

Cohen: I can tell you exactly what he is thinking, CC. He is thinking, “I am better than Mikey Stormrage.” And you know what, I think he might just be right.

Copeland: We’ll find out who is the better man by the end of this match!

Logan punches Mikey all the way back and up against some ropes. He pushes Mikey back and grabs his arm as he pulls him off the ropes and whips him to the other side of the ring. Mikey runs to them and his momentum sends him bouncing off and returning to Logan. Logan prepares to catch Mikey, but the former EurAsian champion leaps and connects with a running crossbody! Mikey falls on Logan and makes a pin attempt,


Logan quickly pushes Mikey off. Both men get to their feet. Logan goes for a clothesline, but Mikey ducks and grabs the midsection of Logan. He picks him up and drops im with a huge sidewalk slam! Logan grabs at his back as he rolls away from Stormrage and out of the ring. Logan curses under his breath as Backstage Bob tries to tell him to get back in the ring. Logan acts like he is going to attack Bob, which makes hims flinch. The crowd boos as Logan takes his time. The lumberjacks hover around him, but Logan slides back in before they can do anything.

Mikey is ready to catch Logan as he returns inside. Mikey grabs Logan as he climbs to his feet, but Logan reverses the roles by flipping Mikey’s feet out from underneath him. Mikey instantly tries to get up, but Logan climbs on top of him and immediately delivers a series of ground and pound strikes. Each blow is stiffer than the one before. Logan does a few more before driving his thumb into the eye of Stormrage. Mikey groans in pain until the referee forces him to stop. Logan stands up from his downed opponent. The crowd boos as Logan swipes his nose.

However, the debuting rookie waste no more time as he reaches down and pulls Mikey up by his hair. He turns Mikey so that he can grab him belly-to-back. Logan grips the waist of Stormrage and pulls back for a release german suplex! It connects and Mikey lands on his head and shoulders. He instantly grabs his head in pain after eating the move.

Logan climbs back up to his feet. He contemplates going for the pin, but decides to pick Mikey back up instead. Logan drags Mikey to his feet and then kicks him in the gut. Mikey bends over in pain as Logan grapples his head to set up what appears to be a DDT. However, Mikey reverses by sending a couple elbows in to the side of Logan. Mikey stands up out of the bent-over position, and Logan responds by going for a short-arm clothesline, but Mikey ducks it! After ducking, Mikey grabs the arm of baffled Logan and stiffly whips him to a nearby turnbuckle. Logan turns and absorbs the blow with his back. However, Mikey follows right behind with a running shoulder thrust into the chest of Logan.

Mikey grabs the arm of Logan as he delivers a few more shoulder thrusts in the corner. After half a dozen, Mikey leaves Logan in a daze. He runs backwards to the opposite turnbuckle. From there, he runs at maximum speed and leaps to nail a-

Connor: Jump Man Splash!

Mikey nails the move! ON THE TURNBUCKLE! Logan got out of the way at the last second. Mikey grabs in chest in pain as he slowly turns around in the corner. However, Logan is right there to deliver some quick offence.Logan executes a few punches before grabbing one arm of Mikey's and then hitting a short-arm clothesline that sends Mikey toppling over the turnbuckle and to the outside.

Cohen: Down goes Stormrage! In a prime spot too!

Cohen’s words are referring to the fact that Cassanova, The Eternal Question , and Doug Crashin are right near where Mikey dropped down. They instantly start beating on the back of the wounded former tag champion. Logan laughs as he backs up in to a turnbuckle and takes a breather. The crowd boos as Cassanova, TEQ, and Crashin continue their assault.

Copeland: Come on, now! The lumberjack’s job is to get the opponent back in the ring. Not beat him senseless.

Cohen: They will, Seabass. Just in their own timing. Heh.

Connor: Where is the help from the other lumberjacks?

Just as CC says that, the crowd suddenly begins to pop as A.D.Z. runs past the heels assaulting Mikey. He jumps on the barricade wall where it curves in the corner. He springboards off of it and nails a moonsault on them. The save allows Bob and Jim and to start helping Mikey to his feet. However, their good deed does not go unpunished. Logan exits the ring and grabs Bob. Logan roughly flings him into the barricade. Jim tries to flee, but Logan grabs him and lifts him up on his shoulders. He hits his finisher, The Provider, as he drops Jim down in a tornado-like fashion. Jim grabs his ribs in pain. Logan pops back up as the crowd vehemently boos him. Logan grabs the recovering A.D.Z. and throws him over the barricade and into the crowd. Logan then takes Mikey and rolls him back into the ring.

Logan follows behind him and instantly grabs the hair of Stormrage. He picks him up and grips his head. Logan grabs the tights as he lifts Mikey up for a sup- NO, A BRAINBUSTAH!

Mikey lands right on his head as Logan makes the cover,


The crowd buzzes as Logan can’t believe his failed pin attempt. He grabs his own hair in anger and disbelief.

Connor: Logan hoped to end it with that deadly brainbuster, but it wasn’t enough to put Mikey down!

Logan climbs to his feet and pulls Mikey up with him. Logan hoists his heavy opponent up on to his shoulders.

Cohen: That may have not been enough, but this will be! He is going for The Provider! You saw what happened to poor Jimmy!

Logan starts executing the spinning maneuver, but Mikey reverses out of it. He lands behind Logan, who turns around in a panic. Mikey kicks his gut and grapples him to lift for a suplex! No wait, Mikey seems to be struggling with completing it as Logan remains vertical in the air. NO, WAIT. It is all part of the plan as Mikey drops Logan with a delayed gourdbuster! Logan grabs his stomach in pain as Mikey stays on one knee after executing the move.

Mikey catches his breath before climbing up to two feet. He grabs Logan’s head and lifts him to a dazed standing position. Mikey whips him to some nearby ropes. Upon returning, Mikey lifts Logan up and hits a


Logan eats it and staggers around on his feet in a complete daze.

Connor: Logan has no idea where he is after that Falcon Punch!

Mikey grabs Logan and lifts him in a horizontal fashion.

Copeland: This is it! This is-

GAME OVER! Mikey hits the move on Logan and falls on top of him for the pin,


The crowd cheers wildly as Mikey rises to his feet. The referee raises his hand.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match by pinfall, Mikey Stormrage!

Mikey works a turnbuckle as the crowd loves on him.

Copeland: Logan McAllister showed a lot of grit tonight, but Mikey is a veteran of the fed and multiple-time champion in WZCW.

Connor: I agree, nothing to be ashamed of from Logan, other than his attitude.

Cohen: I like his attitude. I like a rookie that wants to come in to this business and have the balls to say that they are the best and spit at one of the top guys in the face. We need more Logan McAllisters in WZCW.

Mikey is now shaking hands with fans at ringside as his music blares in the arena. Logan is recovering in the ring as he looks highly disappointed and wronged by the outcome. The referee tries to help him, but Logan pushes him away. The camera returns to Mikey as he makes his way up the ramp. He waves at the crowd with a big smile on his face. The scene fades out.


We cut backstage to see a very familiar sight; Freddie Fortune standing above his two Russian brutes as they do their final preparations for their upcoming match. Fortune looks quite pensive as he paces back and forth, drawing a horrible look of frustration from Victor.

Fortune: This is it, guys. This is the big time. No pressure or anything, obviously...

Freddie looks down at the sighing features of Victor. Getting the hint, he turns around to see Leon Kensworth in the doorframe, a microphone in hand and a cameraman behind him. With a smile on his face, Leon strides into the room and towards Freddie.

Kensworth: Thanks for finding some time for us, guys. I know that you're all really busy heading into your match, especially given the opponents.

Fortune: Excuse me? Given what about the opponent? Given that they have held onto those Tag Championships longer than most whilst being the most undeserving people on the entire roster. Given that they have come up short against these Russian behemoths on every and all occasions? Or given that they are bound to lose the Tag Championships once and for all tonight when Team Russia finally get their hands on them?

Leon looks shocked by the off-the-handle reaction from a normally calm Freddie Fortune. The look from Leon is enough to pull Freddie back into line as he fixes his old suit and recompiled himself.

Fortune: Listen, Leon...

Freddie approaches Leon and puts his arm around him gently, moving him inside the room further until he stands beside Victor and Oleg. Leon looks rather uncomfortable in his position but remains calm and composed.

Fortune: Look at these two men. Have you seen anyone with the physique or the mental toughness of these two? These two men have seen everything in this world and have come through the toughest of times. And where some people would throw in the towel, these two men have found something else inside of them that has given the fortitude to, not only get through it, but to become more than anyone ever expected.

Leon looks left and right at the imposing men beside him.

Fortune: It's that same fortitude that will signal the end for that mutt Cerberus. The full pedigree of the team that stands beside you will prevail once again. It's only a matter of time. Lets get out of here, boys...
???: Hey, man!

We see Theron standing behind the curtain backstage as an unnamed person approaches him from behind. Theron quickly turns around; the EurAsian Championship nesting perfectly around his waist. He smiles as he sees the person and greets him warmly.

Theron: Greetings, Clovis!

Chris KO slowly wanders into frame as both men give each other a warm welcome.

KO: Well, this is it, I guess. Hey, I just wanted to say that regardless of the result, I have had a blast the last few weeks. You're a great Champion and a nice guy too. Good luck tonight, Champ!

Theron gives Chris a smile.

Theron: And to you too, Clovis. You are a fierce warrior. Let's show everyone what kind of match two warriors with respect can have. Good luck!



Tale Of The Tape:

Theron Daggershield is on an undefeated streak, winning the Eurasian title in the process
Chris KO won an intense Steel Cage match against rival James Howard to earn a title shot
Both men want to compete with honour and respect

Copeland: Well, folks, this match ought to be something special. Both of these competitors have bucked the trend of being outlandishly terrible to each other and have, instead, decided to see who the bigger man is with this match.

Cohen: No spines, that's what I call it, Seabass. Neither of these guys have proven to me that they want this Championship enough. Let's just wait and see how much they show they want it tonight...

After a moment or two, Chris KO finally appears on the stage, smiling widely. The crowd go wild for the man who has worked so hard to get to this point as looks out; deep into the crowd. After a few seconds of happily accepting the ovation of the crowd, KO begins his descent down the lengthy ramp towards the ring.

Connor: I don't think there is going to be any doubt about this match, Jack. Both men want to be EurAsian Champion, there is no doubt about it.

Copeland: Agreed! And it looks as though Chris is going t5o wrestle this match in the spirit that both men have illustrated for the past few weeks. He looks more relaxed than I have ever seen him in WZCW and that could be potentially bad news for the incumbent Champion.

Harrys: Introdicing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 232 pounds... CHRIS KO!!

Finally, Chris makes it to the ring; taking his time to slap as many hands as her can on the way there. Once up the steps, Chris gets into the ring and raises his hands high up into the air. He then mounts the turnbuckle and waits as the lights go off once more.

Multiple lights begin to shoot around the arena as the EurAsian Champion makes his way out onto the stage. With his beloved Championship around his waist, Theron looks oddly focussed on what stands before him and the size of the task. Eventually though, he emerges from the trance-like state he seemed to be and begins his joyful march down the ramp towards the ring.

Copeland: I don't think there is any doubt that Theron knows that this is going to be a massive challenge for him. Chris KO has been with WZCW for a long time now and he has picked up a lot of experience and skill in that time.

Connor: But Theron is no slouch either, Seabass. This match comes at a time when both guys need to prove themselves on the highest level. This is going to be a terrific test for both men, no matter the stipulation.

Harrys: And now introdcuing his opponent. He is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, weighing in at 190 pounds... THERON DAGGERSHIELD!!

As Theron eventually reaches the ring, he mounts the steps and enters the battlefield. Theron and Chris exchange a nod as Theron walks past his challenger. Theron mounts the turnbuckle this time before unstrapping his EurAsian Championship and hoisting it high into the air. The fans keep the ovation going for the Champ as he climbs down and hands the Championship off to the referee.

Copeland: Well, it's time to find out what kind of match that we are going to be seeing here tonight. We've see all manner of dangerous stipulations already here tonight. But these stipulations mark an altogether different test for the two men.

Harrys: This match will be contested under the following rules...

Theron Daggershield vs. Chris K.O.

1) No Finishers allowed - 19%
2) Must use opponents finisher to win - 50%
3) Code of Honor match - 31%​

Harrys: Both Chris KO and Theron Daggershield must use their opponent's finishing move. Moreover, both competitors are not allowed to use their own finishing move. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a loss!

Connor: Well, there it is, folks. Chris KO and Theron Daggershield must use their opponent's finishing move before pinning the other man. This is going to be very interesting to say the least.


Theron and Chris look at each other, secretly happy with the decision. The referee checks on both men before signalling for the bell.


The crowd go wild as both men start to circle the ring and this match is ready to begin. Without too much hesitation, both men tie up for the first time in the match. There is not to much to set the two apart from the outset as both men try to impose their will against the other. But with neither man outdoing the other, a clean break ensues, drawing a roar of approval from the amassed Chinese citizens who pack out the arena. Both men give the other a smile before beginning to circle the ring once again. Once more, they come together with mighty velocity and try their test of strength once again. This time, however, it is not so much of a stalemate as Chris KO drops to a knee and shoots around the back of his opponent. Theron struggles to regain control but it is too late and finds himself on the wrong side of a glorious German Suplex so early on in the match. Chris shoots back to his feet and gives Theron a determined look as Theron stares back at him from the canvas. There is a sense of good humour around the first advantage of the match but Theron seems equally determined to show that it is a one off seemingly. He shoots back to his feet and, for the third time, the two competitors tie up in the middle of the ring. This time, it's the turn of Theron to go behind his opponent, taking the opportunity to land a marvellous Bulldog that takes his challenger for the EurAsian Championship to the canvas for the first time. This time, Theron shoots back to his feet and stares down his opponent and drawing a smile from both men.

Copeland: This match has, at the very least, been wrestled in the right spirit. It isn't too often that you see two wrestlers showing respect for the other and not having to rely on dirty tricks to get the better of the other.

Cohen: Respect, Seabass, is for the weak minded. You really think people like Ty Burna had such a legendary reign as World Champion because he treated people with respect? Give me a break! These guys won't keep this up forever... Trust me on that one.

Connor: Nevertheless, each man has showed that they can teach the other a thing or two already. Both guys are going to have to wrestle this match with supreme focus.

Chris gets back to his feet finally, drawing a large applause from the Beijing crowd. Both men take in the building atmosphere before my view no towards one another, reaching out their hands for a connection. As Theron finally touches the fingertips of his opponent, KO lands a startling European Uppercut that sends Theron staggering backwards towards the ropes. It seems as though the niceties that started this match are now a thing of the past as Chris KO, at least, finally gets into the right frame of mind to start a challenge for the Championship. With Theron staggering backwards, Chris knows that this is his opportunity to make a great start and follows up with a nicely executed Scoop Slam that takes Theron to the canvas with a lot of velocity. Chris gets on top of his opponent for the first quick cover of the match but the referee barely gets a count of one in before Theron throws up a shoulder and breaks it. The action seems a little more frenetic now as both men suddenly get back to their feet but it is Theron who is looking to reclaim the initiative here. He runs at KO, looking to swing the match back in his favour. But the wily veteran has Theron well scouted and manages to hit him with a nifty arm drag that takes Theron back to the canvas. KO lets the move sink in deep as he keeps Theron grounded and takes control of the match from the outset; keeping hold of Theron's arm and driving a knee into his back.

Connor: This is really impressive from Chris so far, using the momentum of his opponent against him is making sure that he doesn't burn out later on in this match. It's a really experienced ploy to say the least.

Cohen: More importantly, I told you that the goody two shoes nature of these guys wouldn't last. Whether they admit it or not, they both want to win the Gold here tonight; that's what it's all about. It only took the one Uppercut and this match is going to descend into what it should have been from the get go.

Copeland: Theron can forget later in the match if he doesn't get out of this manoeuvre. Pain inflicted to the upper back and the shoulder of the Champions really takes away the effectiveness of the finishing move that he is now forced to use. Great strategy from KO.

Theron struggles against the move but Chris has it locked in deep. The pain on Theron's face tells a story of agony as Chris continues to lever the arm of his opponent backwards, whilst simultaneously driving his kneecap into the lower back. Theron pounds the canvas with his leg as he urges the fans at ringside and beyond to get behind him. Again and again, he bangs his leg until, finally, a rhythmic clap begins to circulate around the arena; driving Theron up and eventually back to his feet. Chris, however, still has a hold of Theron's arm and as Theron gets back to his feet, Chris looks to reclaim the advantage, going for a tremendous clothesline that would shake Theron to the very core. But the speedy Daggershield has built up some momentum now and just manages to avoid contact at the last moment; ducking under the arm of his opponent and following up with an Atomic Drop! Chris staggers backwards as the impact of the move is fully felt. Theron realises that this is his opportunity to really take the with to Chris and follows up the Atomic Drop with a diving shoulder that sends Chris flying backwards and out of the ring; via through the ropes. Chris crashes to the mats outside as Theron slowly gets back to his feet, nursing his already injured back. Theron studies the scene as Chris begins to get back to his feet on the outside. Theron makes it back to his feet first and immediately runs across the ring. As he returns, he launches himself through the ropes and connects with a diving elbow smash to the face of Chris KO. With both men on the outside of the ring, the referee begins his 10 count.

Connor: The back of Theron is obviously in some pain, you can see him holding it whenever he gets the opportunity.

Copeland: That was a smart move from the experienced KO. With a damaged back, it becomes very difficult to lever back and really get the most from The Burning Crusade. And without being able to really use that finished effectively, can Theron really win this match?

Cohen: Let me tell you something, Seabass. I've been on both sides of that move in my time and I can tell you categorically, that without being able to properly lever back on that hold, it takes away a lot of the damage that is inflicted. Not that it matters, both are going to get counted out here anyway...


Finally, both men start to stir on the outside of the ring. Theron attempts to use the ring apron to steady his balance as Chris crawls across the mats and reaches for the security barrier.


Finally, both men are back to their feet and moving towards the ring. As the referee reaches a count of 7, Theron rolls back under the bottom rope and is soon joined by the challenger. But Theron knows that he must follow up on his momentum and looks to do so with a damaging elbow drop that lands to this shoulder of his opponent. Chris lets out a scream of pain as Theron gets back to his feet and drives the elbow back into the shoulder of his opponent. Theron recognises that this is his opportunity to really put the screws to his opponent and looks to capitalise. He hoists KO to his feet and quickly thrusts him onto his right shoulder; rapidly bringing him down again as KO's shoulder takes massive impact against the knee of Theron. The crowd wince in pain as KO sprawls onto the canvas, the only exception being his injured arm being pulled into his body to protect it. Theron wastes little time as he continues the onslaught against the challenger. Without any hesitation at all, Theron grabs the injured arm of his opponent and lays it out flat before stomping it with destructive ferocity. Again, the crowd wince in pain as Chris rolls around the canvas in agony. Once again, Theron grabs his arm and repeats the devastating stomp from only seconds ago. Not content with that, however, Theron pulls Chris back to his feet and puts his arm behind his own back. He hoists Chris up into the air and brings him down onto the trapped arm as Chris lets out another yell of pain, With that, Theron crawls on top of his opponent and goes for the pinfall. The referee gets in position and counts the fall. 1... 2... Kick out with no time to spare!

Cohen: That's what I like to see! Finally, Theron has got it into his head that their can be no friends in this game. Like it or not, when you're a champion you have a target on your back and everyone wants to take it from you.

Copeland: This match really has taken a turn for the worse for Chris KO as Theron takes a page out of his book, working on a piece of the body and not allowing any respite. Kudos to the Champion.

Connor: And you have to think that, just like Theron might find out, that injury will mean that using the opponent's finisher might be a lot harder than they initially thought. The shoulder is an integral piece of delivering that Critical Hit and without it, Chris KO's chances of putting away the Champion are definitely diminished.

Theron gets to his knees almost immediately, showing a good level of experience by not allowing Chris to find any rest. He looks down at his opponent, who is still nursing his injured shoulder. But the indication of Chris that he is in pain is like a target to the Champion, who immediately pulls the arm away from Chris and locks in a devastating Armbar! The crowd cannot believe what they are seeing as some of them turn away with a grimace of sympathetic pain. Theron works the move, trying to sink it into the injured arm of his opponent. If he gets it locked in, this could be the end of the match right here. Finally, Theron gets himself into position and pulls back on the injured arm of his opponent! Chris fights against the move but it really is locked in tight and his options are very limited. With Theron's leg draped over the face of Chris, he struggles to find a way out of the move. In the corner of his eye, however, he spies a lifeline. The ring ropes are a long way away but it marks the only way to break the move seemingly. Theron levers back on the move as Chris begins to shimmy his body across the canvas, inching closer to the ropes but in a great deal of pain. The ropes seem like an eternity away for the challenger but he continues to move, spurred on by the chorus of support that is now emanating from the Chinese audience...

LET'S - GO – K.O!
LET'S - GO – K.O!
LET'S - GO – K.O!

The expression upon the face of the Champion suggests that he knows that this could make or break the match for his chances as Chris KO inches closer to the ropes with every movement. Theron continues to lever back on the arm as Chris lets out one more scream of pain as he thrusts himself towards the ropes. With a massive sigh of relief and a following cheer, Chris wraps his fingers around the bottom rope and the referee calls for the rope break. Theron immediately releases the hold and springs to his feet, looking down at the valiant challenger that lies before him. Theron allows a smile to cross his features as thinks about the events that have gone before and a way to finish out this match.

Connor: Devastating move from the Champion, who has quite rightly realised that to beat someone like Chris KO, you are really going to have to pull out all of the stops.

Cohen: Let me tell you something, Cat, that move is not for the feint-hearted. I have seen broken bones and broken spirits come from that submission. As much as I don't like the spirit of the match, I have to admire the balls of the challenger.

Copeland: I think a lot of thanks has to go to the massive support here in Beijing for rescuing Chris KO right there. The noise in here was deafening and a massive sigh of relief went around the arena as he finally made it to the ropes.

Theron walks across the ring away from the challenger as Chris crawls into the corner of the ring, looking for any way to break the onslaught from the EurAsian Champion. Theron stands in the opposite corner and gives Chris his signature taunt as Chris struggles back to his feet with the help of the turnbuckles. Theron looks as though he has something big planned and, as Chris turns around in the corner, Theron runs at him at a vast rate of speed. He is looking for the COCONUT STRIKE! Theron launches himself at the seemingly unwitting challenger but, with absolutely no time to spare, Chris moves out of the way causing Theron to make a sickening impact to the turnbuckles. With no time to lose, Chris goes around the back of the Champion and launches him halfway across the ring with a German Suplex! As Theron comes down onto the canvas, his head slams against the unforgiving mat as his lights go out. In the corner of the ring, Chris slowly gets to one knee whilst grimacing in sheer agony as he pulls his arm close to his body. Slowly, Chris pulls himself across the ring towards the Champion who lies motionless on the canvas, Chris falls across the chest of the Champion as the referee gets into position. 1.. 2... Kick out from the Champion!

Copeland: I thought he had him!

Connor: Less than a second away from having a new EurAsian Champion but this doesn't look to be anywhere near over as this thoroughly absorbing match rolls on.

Cohen: Daggershield's head made a sickening impact with that mat, no doubt. But his back, more importantly, crumpled into a heap. Who knows what damage that has done to the Champion. Take it from me though, it's important that KO takes full advantage of this opening.

A disappointed challenger rolls off of Theron and onto his back as he considers his next move. Slowly but surely, Chris starts to get back to his feet, never taking his eyes off of the Champion to his side. Theron rolls over onto his stomach as he finally reclaims his senses. But that turns out to be a mistake as KO immediately pounces on him, laying into his back with startling precision and with both his injured and uninjured arms. Theron struggles against the sudden attack but it helpless as Chris continues the assault. With his opponent beat down and toiling, Chris slowly gets back to his feet and looks to continue his momentum. With that, Chris grabs the legs of his opponent and hoists them back into a Boston Crab! And now it is the turn of the Champion to feel the pain as the submission gets locked in. Theron struggles against the move and much like KO was only a few moments ago, he searches for the nearest ring ropes. However, as Chris arches his back as best he can, Theron looks as though he is a long way away from his ultimate salvation. However, with the injured arm of the challenger, he is unable to keep the double leg aspect of the Boston Crab and has no choice but to let one of his opponent's legs go. But with that, the strength of the lock is almost doubled as Chris levers his back backwards and applies more pressure to the injured back of the Champion. Theron reaches out trying in vain to find the bottom rope but he is still too far away. Theron begins to shimmy his way towards the bottom rope in familiar fashion but just as he is about to reach the ropes, KO pulls him back into the mi8ddle of the ring and tries to reapply the move. But the Champion is very quick to take advantage of the skirmish and manages to kick KO off of him. Theron and KO both quickly try to get back to their feet and as they do, KO nails Theron with Titl-a-Whirl slam that inflicts more damage to the back. KO rolls on top of the Champion and this could be it! The referee gets into position! 1... 2... Kick out! Unbelievable!

Copeland: So close! I think the whole arena held their breath in that second as Chris KO almost won the EurAsian Championship.

Connor: This match has been utterly gruelling for both parties involved. This sort of punishment to the injured body parts will take years off of your career. And as much as this match was wrestled in the best of spirits, it is pretty clear that neither man wants to lose this.

Cohen: I told you that at the start of the match, CC.

Chris can't believe that Theron would kick out of that! He sits up for a moment before running his hands through his scruffy hair and beard; thinking about what he will have to do to beat the incumbent EurAsian Champion. Chris scans the ring for inspiration before finding it in the form of the corners of the ring. With Theron still lying flat on his back in the middle of the ring, Chris climbs back to his feet and sluggishly moves over to the corner of the ring. Chris turns back towards Theron; who still has not moved. Chris ducks through the ropes and gives the crowd a taunt as he fires himself up to make the rather intimating climb to the top of the ropes. With his injured arm doing very little work in getting to the top rope, Chris focusses on keeping his balance long enough to make it all the way to the top. With every step towards the top, the crowd become more rabid and more excited; hoping that this will signal that Chris is going to finish this match, perhaps looking for THE LIMIT BREAK! As he finally makes the final step onto the top rope, he finally looks up. But Theron is not in the placer where he once was... Instead, he runs at the nearby top rope and throws himself at them; knocking Chris KO from the top and causing him to land on the injured shoulder. Theron slowly trudges towards the injured KO and drops on top of him for the fall! 1... 2...

Copeland: My god! This is it!

Kick out by the challenger! Theron can barely believe what he is seeing as KO manages to get his uninjured shoulder up for less than a second. Theron rolls off of his opponent but his face tells a story of frustration and fatigue. Theron uses the ropes to get back to his feet and looks down at the challenger; who has shown more heart than every before. But the look on Theron's face suggests that he is ready for this match to end and he will accept nothing less. He staggers towards KO and pulls his lifeless body into the middle of the ring. He gives the fans at ringside his familiar X taunt before trying to lock in the BURNING CRUSADE! But Chris has the move scouted, managing to get one of his hands between the grip of the Champion and his face. However, Theron does have the injured shoulder of KO trapped between his legs and it looks as though KO has nowhere to go!

Connor: He's got it locked in and Chris KO has nowhere to go! This could be the end of a hard-fought match for both of these great competitors. I don't see how Chris can get out of this one!

Cohen: That hand in the grip of the Champion is the only way out of this move. Chris needs to try and roll onto the injured arm and put some pressure onto the back of the Champion. If he manages to do that, he might be able to undo the grip of the Champ.

Copeland: You have to wonder what Chris has left in the tank. This match has been utterly gruelling to say the least...

Chris fights against the move; his mouth opened under the hands of Theron as he yells out in pain. But Theron needs to put this match away and he knows it. But the injured back of the Champion is playing a role in the move with Theron unable to really crank backwards and lock in that move with everything he has left. Chris continues to struggle as the fans wait with baited breath; they don't want this match to end between two favourites. Theron lets out a huge roar as he attempts to lever backwards. But Chris has his own move well-scouted and manages to use Theron's own momentum to roll backwards; hooking a leg in the process and converting the situation into a pinfall. The referee shoots into position as the shock pin is held! 1... 2... Kick out!


Connor: Where the Hell did that come from? That is completely inspired by Chris KO.

Cohen: With the stipulation being that you have to use your opponent's finishing move, a smart man will figure out how to get out of his own move. Chris KO has showed veteran instincts here. But it goes without saying that Theron is well in control of this match now.

With the pinfall over, both men lie motionless on the canvas, utterly spent from their endeavours during this match. Chris KO seems absolutely done as Theron drags himself towards the ropes now. Hoisting himself to a vertical base, Theron gives his opponent a shake of the head in utter disbelief. Theron takes a deep breath as he moves towards the corner of the ring. Could it be that he is going for the COCONUT STRIKE once more? There is a sense of tension in the air as Theron steadies himself but KO is in no way moving; he lies motionless on his back only a few feet from where Theron now stands. Theron scans the ring again and steps through the ropes, looking to go to the top and inflict some more punishment onto the beaten body of his challenger. The crowd begin to cheer loudly again as Theron slowly makes his way to the top. The danger of Chris exacting some revenge is all but eradicated as KO lies in the middle of the ring. It looks as though Theron knows that with great risk comes great reward as he steadies himself on the top rope. He takes a deep breath before throwing himself off of the top rope...


Theron Daggershield hits the canvas with a sickening thud as Chris KO shoots to his feet and nails him with the CRITICAL HIT on the way down!!

Copeland: OH MY GOD! Chris KO nailed Theron with the Critical Hit as he tried to attack from the top rope!

Cohen: I have never seen anything like that in my time in WZCW!

KO slowly pulls himself towards the prone EurAsian Champion and pulls him onto his back with everything he has left in him. He flops onto the Champion; not even having the strength to hook a leg. The referee gets into position! 1... 2... 3! It's over!

Harrys: Here is your winner and NEW WZCW EurAsian Champion.... CHRIS KO!

Connor: I cannot believe what I have just seen! What a finish to a brutal match between two of the best superstars in the world right now. Theron threw caution to the wind but Chris KO showed tonight why he has been just so successful in WZCW!

Copeland: Right! No shame in losing for either man here tonight. That was sublime.

Cohen: I gave these two guys a hard time before the match but I have to admit that this was a fine display from both men. Quite frankly, if we don't see another match between these two then everyone has lost out; that was special.

The referee retrieves the EurAsian Championship from the side of the ring and hands it to Chris KO, who still cannot get to his feet. With both men on the canvas, KO grips the Championship to his chest; a look of pure jubilation on his features as the crowd show their support for what has been a great contest from start to finish between two genuinely gifted superstars. KO slowly gets to his feet and uses the ropes to stabilise himself as he hoists the Championship high into the air. Behind him, Theron uses the ropes to get to his feet as he nurses his injured back. Theron lurches towards the new EurAsian Champ and slowly extends his hand. Chris nods his head in appreciation for the gesture and shakes it. Both men turn to the audience and hold their hands high into the air to a massive applause from the Chinese crowd.

Copeland: What a show of respect from the former Champion. Both men have been class acts from the first bell to the last. Utterly amazing!
In the Cerberus locker room, Flex Mussel & Ramparte are lacing up the final boot and taping up their hands. They are focused and ready as Johnny Klamor enters the room with a microphone ready. They glimpse at Klamor before going back to preparing themselves.

Klamor: Flex, Ramparte... tonight, this is your arguably your most toughest Tag Team title match to date, counting both as champions and challengers. What's the game plan heading into this match?

Flex continues taping his hand whilst Ramparte turns to Klamor.

Ramparte: We cannot lose tonight. It's as simple as that. There is no championship advantage. There is no place to run. We MUST win. If we lose, we may never get another chance at proving to the world we are the greatest tag team in WZCW History.

Klamor: I don't mean to sound like a mood killer but the two of you haven't exactly treated the division with a lot of respect. Hell, those two brute challengers have shown more respect than Cerberus has in the past. How are you going to become the best tag team with that on your shoulders?

Flex walks over, looking to answer the question.

Flex: Team Russia has given us the wake-up call we so desperately needed and tonight, when we walk out there, we're going out as proud champions looking to defend these titles with honour. We've hurt many teams in the past and we aren't exactly proud of it but it's better late than never, Johnny. We earned some respect and appreciation through our wars with Hard Metal Penetration and tonight, we will take out those two Russian soldiers who did the exact same thing we did and claim they are the ones who fight for the people...

Ramparte: ... and prove we are the best tag team around.

Both: Hail Cerberus!

Ramparte & Flex grab their tag team title belts and head off, directly towards the gorilla position.



Tale Of The Tape:

Cerberus have been the prominent Tag Team since Lethal Lottery 2014
Team Russia want to destroy Cerberus for their underhanded tactics
Cerberus want to turn a new leaf and break the all-time record for Tag Team champions

Harrys: The following tag team match will be contested under no disqualification and tornado rules, and it is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championship! Introducing first, the special guest referee…

Copeland: We now know that Cerberus will be able to get a title rematch should they lose, but who will be the ref?

Cerberus vs. Team Russia

1) Everest is the special guest referee 56%
2) Freddie Fortune is the special guest referee 6%
3) If Flex & Ramparte lose, they cannot challenge for the titles again 38%


Harrys: From Los Angeles, California, WZCW Hall of Famer, Everest!

Everest makes his way to the ring wearing an official's shirt and slapping hands with as many fans as he can.

Oleg Rasputin and Victor Makarov come onto the stage, each with a Russian flag, clearly upset with the voting results.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challengers, at a combined weight of 618 pounds, Oleg Rasputin and Victor Makarov, Team Russia!

Copeland: They might be upset with the voting but at least we've got the fairest option out of the three.

Cohen: What do you mean? Everest has been backing Cerberus the entire way. No wonder Oleg & Victor are upset!

Connor: You know as well as I do that Everest will be calling this down the middle. Oleg & Victor are just going to have to play by the rules... well, whatever rules are left in a No Disqualification match, anyway.

The Russians climb into the ring, looking with disgust at Everest.

Flex Mussél and Ramparte make their way onto the stage with the WZCW Tag Team Titles on their shoulders and a look of determination on their faces.

Connor: It's put up or shut up time for Cerberus. No advantages for them tonight. It's just them and the Russians in an all-out brawl.

Cohen: And if they lose tonight, they can kiss breaking the all-time record goodbye!

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 410 pounds, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Cerberus!

Before Everest can call for the bell, the champions throw the belts at the challengers and charge in with boots and fists. The Russians try to cover up, but only manage to stop the onslaught by rolling to the floor. This doesn’t stop Cerberus for long, however, as they follow the Russians to the floor. Flex grabs Oleg on one side of the ring and Ramparte grabs Victor on the other, and they both ram their member of the challenging team into the ring post. Flex begins to untie the ring apron while Ramparte rolls into the ring. Before Mussél can finish whatever he has in mind, Oleg grabs him by the trunks and pulls Flex face first into the now exposed metal ring frame. He seems to be out cold as both Everest and Ramparte slide to the outside to check on him. Ramparte doesn’t get that chance, however, as Rasputin cuts him off with a right hand before whipping the champion hard into the barricade. Oleg yells in Russian, causing Makarov to get back into the ring. Everest, seemingly okay with allowing Flex to remain in the match, also climbs back into the ring. Finally, Oleg rolls Ramparte and then himself back into the ring.

Connor: I’m not sure what Flex Mussél had in mind, but it seems as though he was too clever for his own good.

Cohen: This was excellent by Oleg Rasputin. Cerberus have the numbers advantage with this biased referee, and now it is closer to even.

Copeland: Everest has never shown any reason to believe that he will be anything other than impartial, Jack.

Ramparte slowly gets back to his feet, and is immediately whipped hard into a corner by Victor. Oleg whips Makarov in after Ramparte, who is crushed by a running splash. Victor throws Ramparte back toward Rasputin, who connects flush with a big boot to the jaw. He covers the Catalyst, 1…2, Ramparte kicks out. Flex has started to climb to the apron, but is booted back to the ground by Victor. Oleg has pulled Ramparte back up, and the champion begins swinging with rights and lefts to try and fight off the much bigger Russian. Makarov puts an end to the flurry with a clubbing blow to Ramparte’s back, dropping him to his knees. Victor shoves him to the mat, runs the ropes, and drops a leg across the throat of the champion with Oleg following closely behind with a splash. He grabs a leg for the pin, 1…2.., Ramparte sneaks a shoulder out. Both Russians glare at Everest, clearly unhappy with the cadence of the count. Meanwhile, Ramparte rolls toward the corner closest to Mussél and tries to pull himself up with the ropes. Victor charges at the Catalyst, but Ramparte ducks out of the way and the Russian goes headfirst into a chair the now standing Flex holds between the top and middle ropes. Makarov’s body hangs limply over the second rope while Mussél tosses the chair in to his partner.

Copeland: Flex Mussél seems to be back in this match, and just in time!

Connor: Yes, but how badly was he hurt by that shot to the exposed ring frame?

Flex pulls another chain out from under the ring and slides in, standing next to his partner. Rasputin looks at his two opponents and starts to yell in Russian, seemingly firing himself up, but chooses to roll to the floor. The crowd boos mercilessly, but Oleg seems not to mind, as he stands on the floor with a sly smile on his face. Flex and Ramparte stand in the ring discussing strategy for a moment. The each head for an opposite side of the ring. Ramparte slides to the floor with his chair, but before Mussél can do the same, he is dropped by a clubbing blow to the back of the head from Victor. The Russian grabs the chair and sets it atop Flex’s body and begins to stomp away, driving the chair into the champion’s back. Ramparte hears the commotion and tries to slide back into the ring, but Oleg grabs his foot and pulls him to the floor. Ramparte swings at Rasputin’s head, but the Russian avoids it and, when the champion turns around, Oleg drives the chair into the Catalyst’s head with a savate kick. The chair makes a sickening thud and Ramparte may be completely unconscious.

Connor: Team Russia seems to have a knack for at least temporarily removing one member of Cerberus, leaving them in a two on one situation.

Cohen: It takes a smart team to win a match like this, and clearly the Russians are the smarter team.

Rasputin grabs the chair from Ramparte’s prone body and climbs into the ring with it. Victor picks Flex up and puts him in the corner, back facing out. He slides to the apron and holds Mussél’s arms, leaving him completely helpless and exposed to chair shots from Oleg. The bigger of the two Russians begins to swing away with the chair over and over. After ten, Makarov lets go of Flex’s arms and the fitness guru crumbles into a heap on the mat. Victor checks under the ring before he gets back in and finds a table. He slides it into the ring and the crowd begins to buzz. The Russians speak to each other in their native tongue as they set up the table. Oleg pulls Mussél out of the corner and grabs him in a wheelbarrow position with the table behind them. Victor starts swinging his arm and starts a twisting clothesline as Rasputin lifts Flex up, but Oleg drops him when he gets hit in the back of the head by a chair thrown by Ramparte from the apron. Makarov can’t stop his momentum and accidentally drills his partner with the clothesline. Oleg drops to the mat, but avoids the table somehow. Victor shakes his head but charges Ramparte, who dodges the Russian, sending him to the floor. Ramparte climbs into the ring and grabs the chair he threw at Oleg. Markarov gets back on the apron, but Ramparte wraps the chair around his head, knocking the Russian out cold and sending him collapsing to the floor. Flex summons enough strength to put Rasputin up on the table and covers him with chairs. Ramparte charges, leapfrogs over Mussél, and drives Oleg through the table with a double foot stomp! Both members of Cerberus climb on top of the bigger of the two Russians and Everest makes the count, 1…2


Harrys: The winners, and still WZCW Tag Team Champions, Cerberus!

Copeland: They did it! Cerberus successfully defended their titles against the Russians.

Cohen: Yeah, yeah... great effort, I suppose.

The champions embrace in the center of the ring as Everest gets their title belts from the timekeeper. As Everest goes to raise their hands, Victor slowly crawls back into the ring, screaming in Russian. He gets in the face of Everest, who takes off his referee shirt, and then plants Makarov onto his partner with a beautiful Rock Slide! The crowd goes crazy and the champions and the Hall of Famer celebrate over the carnage.

Cohen: Hey! Look at that! What the hell was that for?

Connor: The match was over Jack and Everest was not going to take that lying down. Plus, I believe Everest just hit his first ever Rock Slide in China! Look at the crowd celebrating!

Cerberus get their hand risen by Everest as the champions walk to the back. Everest applauds them as the Russians gather themselves in the ring, visibly upset at the loss the match.


Ty Burna is backstage searching the corridors, still angered from the earlier incident. All personnel actively avoid getting in Ty's path as he marches through the corridor, checking every corner and flipping/pushing over anything one may hide behind. He spots a backstage worker on his phone (oblivious to the situation) and heads towards him. He grabs him and spins him around, holding him up by the shirt. The worker is scared as Ty threatens him.

Ty: Where is he?! WHERE IS CONSTANTINE!?!

The backstage worker is too scared to speak or move, quivering in Ty's hands... until suddenly...

The lights go out again.

Ty lets out a scream of frustration. A couple of seconds later...

The lights re-appear.

Ty looks around before turning back to the backstage worker who is now unconscious and wearing a burlap sack. Ty's rage continues rising as the phone begins playing its ringtone, signalling it has a message. It pops open and it reads:

"... I'm coming for you."

Ty tosses the worker aside and storms off.
We take a quick pan of the audience before looking directly at the commentating team, ready to announce the upcoming match.

Copeland: What a night it has been ladies and gentlemen but it seems our evening is coming to a close as the next match will be our main event for the WZCW World Championship.

Connor: Matt Tastic will defend his championship against the 2014 Rookie of the Year and 2015 Gold Rush Tournament winner Dorian Slaughter in a Lucha Libre Rules match as voted by the WZCW Universe.

Cohen: I'm still a little annoyed we won't get to see a Street Fight but having these two guys beat each other up to-


We cut directly to a backstage feed with a cameraman running towards the office of Vance Bateman where a lot of crashing noises can be heard. The cameraman stays outside of the door, looking inside to see an enraged Ty Burna propping Vance Bateman up against the wall almost ready to strike. Bateman's desk and office is completely trashed.


Bateman puts up his arms and shakes his head.

Bateman: I don't know where he is, Ty!

Ty: Well you listen closely! I'm going to go out to the ring and call him out myself! If you send out anyone to stop me, I will annihilate them!

He pushes Bateman against the wall, letting him go. He turns around and exits the room, shouldering the cameraman down. The camera view gets knocked to the ground, watching Ty march directly towards the gorilla position before the feed cuts.


Cohen: He just attacked WZCW personnel! What the hell is Ty thinking?

Connor: I don't think Ty cares all that much, Jack. Constantine has gotten under Ty's skin playing mind games over the past few weeks and Ty has hit his boiling point.

Cohen: Snapped is the better word, CC!


Ty marches out through the entranceway, knocking over a couple of security guards who stand in his way. He has a microphone in hand and his eyes glowing red as he continues down the ramp.

Ty: Constantine! CONSTANTINE!

Ty slides into the ring, looking around the arena erratically for any sign of Constantine.

Ty: I know you're here, Constantine! Get out here RIGHT NOW so I can end you once and for all!

Ty paces the ring impatiently, waiting for Constantine to come out but nothing happens. Ty is visibly growing angrier and angrier by the second.

Ty: I am the Master of Chaos and Desecration, Constantine! You cannot beat me at my own game because I am better than you! You are NOTHING without me Constantine!

Still no response from Constantine. Ty is seething, grinding his teeth together.


The yell of Ty causes the lights in the arena to flicker.

Cohen: Don't make him even worse, Constantine.

Copeland: I don't think it was Ty who made the lights flicker this time, Jack.

As confused and unsettled as the crowd is for the lights flickering, Ty darts his eyes around the arena, looking for any resemblance of Constantine but he cannot see anything. Again, the lights flicker and Ty frantically looks around, jumping out of the ring. He checks out fans in the front row before looking under the ring. He slides back into the ring when the lights go out once more.

Cohen: Please be a technical issue...


Ty is fixated on the titantron showing these creepy images, watching them with intent. He drops the microphone as he stares at them. Ty continues watching until the lights come back on and the crowd erupts at the sight of what is in the ring.

Connor: Is... is that him?

Copeland: Yes it is! That's him under the burlap mask!

Cohen: Turn around Ty!

Constantine stands behind Ty, slowly taking off his burlap mask as he waits for Ty to turn around. Ty's eyes glow red as he turns around and sees Constantine charging at him full speed, tackling him down to the ground and delivering punch after punch.

Copeland: And it's on! Constantine is coming for revenge after Ty cost him his World title at Gold Rush!

Ty pushes Constantine off and tries to get to his feet but Constantine jumps him again, pummelling him with another series of punches! Ty does his best to create some distance by rolling out of the ring but Constantine is close behind. Ty turns around and tries attacking Constantine but he counters by driving Ty back first into the barricade. Constantine grabs Ty and tosses him into the ring post before tossing him into the barricade. Constantine punches Ty again and again before throwing him into the apron and then towards the barricade near the timekeeper. Ty is dazed and hurt from the onslaught but Constantine doesn't stop, charging directly into Ty and spear tackles the two of them through the barricade, destroying it completely! Ty & Constantine lay in a heap as they recover from the damage.

Connor: Constantine has gone on a complete rampage! He is throwing Ty & himself around like a ragdoll to inflict as much punishment as possible on Ty.

Cohen: As long as they don't come over here, let them get it out of their systems!

Constantine is up to his feet and stands over the fallen Ty but is still moving. He shakes his head and grabs Ty, lifting him up and tossing him out into the crowd who move out of the way quickly. Ty lands on a bunch of chairs as Constantine climbs over, grabbing one of the vacated chairs and begins pummelling Ty with several shots from the chair before discarding it. He picks up Ty and lifts him up, delivering a Fallaway slam into the pile of vacated chairs! Ty lets out a scream of pain as he crashes into the steel. A smile emerges on Constantine's face as he witnesses Ty feel the pain and hears his screams. He slowly walks over to Ty and grabs him, looking to throw him over the barricade and back into the ringside area.

Ty counters and pushes Constantine into the barricade. Ty has enough time to grab a nearby chair and throw it directly into Constantine's face. Ty drops to a knee as he tries to recover whilst Constantine covers his face. Constantine goes to grab Ty again but Ty smacks Constantine across the face again with another chair, causing Constantine to fall back into the ringside area. Ty takes a moment to breath before slowly climbing over the barricade, holding his back. His eyes glow red and he goes underneath the ring in search of a weapon. Constantine clutches his face as he crawls away from the scene. Ty pulls out a barbed wire baseball bat and holds it in the air.

Copeland: This is going to get really ugly.

Ty stumbles his way towards where Constantine was but he seems to have disappeared. Ty looks around the ring and behind the crowd barricade. Frustrated, he smacks the apron with the baseball bat and continues looking. As he passes the commentators booth, Constantine props himself on the table and charges at Ty as he turns around. Constantine spear tackles Ty & himself into the steel steps near ringside, causing a sickening collision between the two. Ty is knocked unconscious from the blow as Constantine slowly recovers. He gets to a knee and grabs the barbed wire bat out of Ty's hands and plans to use it. However, he sees Ty is knocked out and goes over to the announcer's desk, grabbing a bottle of water. He throws the water in Ty's face, waking him up before pummelling him with more punches whilst Ty is in shock. Constantine props Ty to a standing position, swinging at him with the barbed wire bat to the stomach.

Connor: Constantine could've left Ty beaten and unconscious but he doesn't want Ty to survive this ordeal.

Cohen: I'm not sure they're going to stop until the other has been completely decimated.

Ty lets out a scream in agony as Constantine hits him again... and again... and again with the bat. Some blood trickles out of Ty's stomach area as Constantine rolls Ty into the ring. Ty tries to get up but Constantine continues whacking Ty with the barbed wire bat. As soon as Ty makes a move to get back up, Constantine smacks him down.


Ty's back starts to trickle out blood as well as Constantine discards the bat. He looks down at Ty and shakes his head, looking to pick him up. Constantine lifts Ty and HITS HIM WITH THE CABIN IN THE WOODS (TWISTING SPINEBUSTER)! Constantine stays on his knees for a moment, watching Ty before grabbing him again and lifting him up. Constantine hits another CABIN IN THE WOODS, driving him into the canvas again. Ty is almost limp but Constantine picks him up, hitting him for a third CABIN IN THE WOODS!

Copeland: He's going to break Ty's back if he continues with this!

Constantine goes to lift up Ty once again but EMT's begin rushing down to ringside with a stretcher, looking to calm down Constantine. He drops Constantine to the canvas and grabs the leg of Ty, dragging him to the apron. The EMT's flee from the stretcher as Constantine grabs the limp body of Ty and slams him into the stretcher. He straps him into the stretcher and grabs the burlap mask as well as the barbed wire bat. Slowly, Constantine pushes Ty on a stretcher all the way to the top of the ramp and sets him up near the edge of the ramp. Ty slowly begins to recover and notices where he is, struggling to get out of the stretcher. Constantine forces the burlap mask over the face of Ty before hitting a couple more times with the barbed wire bat. He discards the bat again and pulls the stretcher back, looking to push Ty off the edge.

Cohen: Is he thinking of doing what I think he's going to do?

Connor: He's going to send Ty off the stage!

With that Constantine pushes Ty and the stretcher directly off the stage, landing into a series of tables that all break and collapse. Ty is buried in his stretcher under a bunch of broken tables, lying unconscious once again.

* HO-LY-S##T * - * HO-LY-S##T * - * HO-LY-S##T *

Copeland: Constantine just sent Ty off the stage and into a pile of tables! That's got to be it! How much more punishment can Constantine inflict on Ty after this?

Connor: This is what Ty wanted, Sebastian. He beckoned for Constantine to fight him and this is what happened. He got his revenge after Ty took Constantine out prior to his World title defense at Gold Rush and I doubt we'll be seeing Ty back any time soon.

Cohen: Especially as Dorian's second for the World title contest that was supposed to start already. Looks like Constantine has sent a message to Dorian as well by taking Ty out right before the match.

Copeland: Well, Constantine is back and he has sent a message to the entire locker room that he's a force to be reckoned with.

Constantine has disappeared from the scene as EMT's continue looking over Ty and trying to get him out of the rubble. They have a difficult time as other ringside attendants look to repair the damage caused by the fight between the two competitors.


We cut backstage to see dueling vertical panel shots of WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Matt Tastic and upcoming challenger, Dorian Slaughter. Tastic is walking in a rather lit hallway as Dorian treks through the dark. Mikey walks confidently behind Tastic, who wears a look of determination. Dorian walks alone. Suddenly, the screen begins to cut in and out with static. Tastic's panel slowly takes up the whole screen. Static blinks again. Like shards of glass, static burns holes in the panel shot of Tastic and Mikey. The blood-shot eyes of Slaughter blink wildly through the wholes. Finally, static consumes the whole screen. A figure of a face can be made out in the center of the screen. It belongs to Slaughter. Where the eyes are on the static face, blood begins to trickle down.


Tale Of The Tape:

Matt Tastic has dominated the World Title scene since Lethal Lottery 2014
Slaughter joined Tastic's rivals The Elite and won the Gold Rush Tournament
Tastic sets to defend his title against the Elite's protege under Lucha Libre rules

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you back to our main event. Earlier in the show we revealed the fan voted stipulation, Lucha Libre Rules, heavily in favor of the champion Matt Tastic. Cat, Jack, what do you have to say before we kick things off?

Cohen: Well Seabass I think this fan vote is a travesty. Slaughter has been an absolute buzzsaw since he got to WZCW, and he deserves to fight for the World Title in a fair fight. Regardless, I'm going with Slaughter to end Tastic here tonight.

Connor: I'm going with Tastic. Ever since he won the title in the historic two thousand fourteen Lethal Lottery, he has been on a roll, only dropping the title for two weeks to John Constantine before winning it back in the brutal Hell in a Cell at Gold Rush. You know the fans will be behind the Super Saiyan of Pro Wrestling here tonight, and I think that will push him over the top.

Copeland: For those unfamiliar with the rules for our main event, they are as follows. The match will be two out of three falls. You win a fall by pinfall or submission, or if your opponent is disqualified or counted out. Instead of the traditional ten count, the competitors will have until the count of twenty outside the ring. Each man may also choose to have a second man in his corner. As we saw earlier in the show, Matt opted for his best friend Mikey Stormrage, who eagerly accepted. Dorian went for his mentor, Ty Burna, but after the events just moments ago, I doubt Ty will be able to make it after being assaulted by Constantine.

Cohen: Which is also a travesty. Not only will Dorian have to overcome these ridiculous rules, but he essentially has to beat two men tonight.

Referee Jurou Akiyama oversees the action for the main event, and walks to the ring to some cheers as he awaits the competitors.


To heavy boos, the arena goes dark and Dorian makes his way onto the stage. The lights come back on and Dorian is standing with his back to the ring and his arms spread wide, as the boos continue. He takes his time making his way down the ramp, before he climbs the steps into the ring.

Copeland: Slaughter has certainly made his mark here in WZCW. In less than a year, he is already challenging for the WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

Cohen: And if it wasn't for Constantine, his mentor Ty Burna would be right behind him.


The crowd erupts as Matt Tastic's music hits, but instead of Matt, his best friend Mikey Stormrage makes his way onto the stage.

Stormrage: Damas y caballeros, introduciendo el Campeón Mundial Peso Pesado WZCW, "El Invencible" Matt Tastic!

With that, Matt storms from behind the curtain to a thunderous applause. His World Heavyweight Title is slung across his shoulder. He pats his title and then holds it high above his head to show to the entire building. He then throws the title back across his shoulder and fist bumps Mikey before the two head to the ring, with Mikey taking his place in Matt's corner.

Connor: A very nice introduction for the champ by his best friend. Matt, who has been champion almost uninterrupted since Lethal Lottery, will likely have an advantage as he is right at home with Lucha rules.

Cohen: Tell me Cat, does Mikey also fetch Matt's laundry? Regardless, Tastic has faced some stern tests during his reign, but Slaughter is a different beast.

The camera cuts to the men inside the ring, where Akiyama and Harrys are standing center stage.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the main event of the evening contested under Lucha Libre Rules, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, to my left, the challenger. He weighed in at two hundred and ninety five pounds, Dorian "The Angel of Death" Slaughter!

Heavy boos rain down on Slaughter as he raises an arm in the air.

Copeland: Maybe the hottest rookie in WZCW history looks ready to go.

Harrys: And standing to my right, he weighed in at two hundred and thirty eight pounds. Ladies and gentlemen, he is the reigning, defending, WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Matt "The Invincible" Tastic!

The crowd cheers as Tastic climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms.

Copeland: And maybe the hottest champion since Slaughter's mentor, Ty Burna, Tastic looks focused.

Harrys: Our referee in charge of tonight's contest is WZCW senior official, Juruo Akiyama.

Copeland: And there is no one better to try to control the action tonight than the man in the red shoes.


Tastic talks some last minute strategy with Stormrage as Akiyama calls for the bell.


The two men exit their respective corners and approach each other tentatively. They circle, neither man looking to make a move, content to just feel each other out. Tastic balls his fist, but makes no attack. Slaughter paws at his opponent, but he doesn't engage. They circle for another five or so seconds before Tastic tries to tie up with Slaughter. Slaughter counters with a quick jab to the face, then ducks under and secures a rear waist lock. He uses his size advantage to maneuver Tastic around, eventually working to a side headlock. Tastic is able to force out the back by pushing Slaughter away. The challenger runs and hits the ropes, but Tastic side steps him off the rebound and using his momentum against him, tosses him over the top rope. Slaughter tires to take a breather, but Stormrage cuts him off and he rolls back into the ring. Back in and Tastic works a collar and elbow tie up into a hammerlock. He wrenches on the hold, until Slaughter reaches back with his free hand and hits a one armed snapmare. He then follows up with a chinlock to the seated Tastic, who reaches out with his foot and gets it on the rope, forcing a break. Slaughter obeys the ref, and breaks the hold. Tastic stands, but Slaughter is quick to his feet and before Tastic can get his wits about him, Slaughter clotheslines Tastic over the top rope. Tastic lands on his feet, but he slams his hands on the mat in frustration and being caught off guard. He takes a few steps over to his corner man and the two have an audible conversation as the ref starts his twenty count.
Stormrage: Get in there and kick his ass!

Tastic: Alright. Kick assery all the way!
The two bump fists before Tastic rolls back into the ring, well ahead of the twenty count. Back inside and the two men again circle, but this time they waste little time before engaging. Slaughter tries to connect with a kick, but Tastic catches it and drops and elbow down hard on the knee area. He follows it up with a quick dropkick and makes the early cover.
But one is all he gets as Slaughter kicks out with no trouble. Back on their feet and Tastic works Slaughter over with a few punches before he grabs an arm and Irish whips him into the ropes. Off the rebound Tastic puts Slaughter down with a spinning wheel kick. The champ claps to get the crowd behind him before he drops an elbow to his opponent. Again he goes for a cover.
And again one is all that Tastic gets as Slaughter kicks out with little issue.

Copeland: Who do you think the quicker pace favors?

Cohen: Obviously a quick pace favors Tastic, who will need to try to put Slaughter away quickly.

Connor: It has been all Tastic so far, but all it takes is one big power move from the stronger Slaughter and the tables could turn.

Tastic tries to stomp his opponent, but Slaughter is able to grab his foot and shove him away and scramble to his feet. Tastic looks for a clothesline, but Slaughter ducks. As the champ turns around, Slaughter connects with a sharp kick to the midsection, doubling over the champ. Slaughter follows up with a knee lift, dazing the champ, before he connects with a heart punch that causes Tastic to stumble back into the corner. Once there Slaughter uses his boot to choke his foe. The ref steps in. One! Two! Three! Four! Slaughter relents just before the count of five and a disqualification. Tastic grabs his throat, but has no time to recover before Slaughter whips him across the ring to the far turnbuckle. He charges and gains speed, before he connects with an avalanche in the corner. Tastic falls to a seated position and Slaughter gets in a few stomps before the referee warns him to break. On the outside Stormrage is pounding the apron, trying to rally his friend, as Slaughter lifts him by the hair to his feet. He lifts him over his shoulder and rams him into the turnbuckle. Powerful shoulder thrusts draw the ire of the ref, but Akiyama is letting Slaughter have his way for now. The challenger keeps up the power display, ramming his ample shoulders into the midsection of Tastic. He then wraps his hands hands around the throat of of the champ and drags him to the center of the ring, lifting him in the air. Tastic fires off some right hands and kicks to the shins, causing Slaughter to release him. Tastic tries to mount offense with some knees to the midsection, and manages to back Slaughter up. He then measures and tries for a leaping back kick, but Slaughter catches his leg and slams Tastic down with a big belly to back suplex. Slaughter lifts Tastic to his feet and this time he connects with a scoop slam. He drops a big leg before he attempts his first cover of the match.
Tastic is able to kick out, however Slaughter doesn't seem surprised. He gets to his feet and drags Tastic, who is still down despite the kick out, to the corner. Once there he lifts him onto the top turnbuckle and connects with a couple of Kesagiri chops, really working the neck of his opponent. He makes sure Tastic is in place, before he climbs the turnbuckle himself, looking to superplex the champ. Tastic fights it however, blocking the first attempt. He then begins to throw punches to the side of the head, and follows up with a headbutt that knocks Slaughter away. Tastic then leaps and connects with a missile dropkick and both men are down.

Connor: So a big dropkick and the momentum may be swinging back to Tastic.

Copeland: Whoever can get to their feet first will have a marked advantage.

Both men begin to stir and both are on their feet at roughly the same time. They begin to trade blows back and forth. Each time the champ connects, the crowd lets out an audible Si! Each time the challenger connects they let out an audible No!

Si! No! Si! No! Si! No! Si! Si! Si! Si!

As the crowd gives away, Tastic begins to hammer home big rights in a row. He then begins to alternate punches and chops, the crowd and Tastic's corner coming alive. Slaughter is backed up to the ropes, when Matt charges and connects with a clothesline that sends both men tumbling over the top rope, but Slaughter lands on Tastic in the chaos, and is on his feet first. Stormrage begins to approach the action, but the referee warns him of a potential disqualification, so he stays a few steps back, remaining an observer. The referee then begins his twenty count.
Slaughter stares down Stormrage, who barks insults at him. The distraction pays off, as Tastic is able to get to his feet and connect with a big double axe handle smash across the back. Tastic then tries to Irish whip the challenger into the barricade near the timekeeper's area, but he reverses and sends Tastic into the barricade instead. The Angel of Death charges, but Tastic is able to backdrop him over the barricade into the timekeeper's area.
With plenty of time, Tastic grabs a soda from the Spanish announce table, and takes a drink as the corwd cheers. As he turns to roll Dorian back into the ring, he is leveled by a vicious chair shot to the head.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the first fall, by disqualification, Matt Tastic!

Copeland: What a chair shot!

Connor: More like what an idiot. Slaughter just cost himself a fall.

Cohen: He may have given away a fall, but there is no way Tastic is going to be one hundred percent after that skull rattling shot. Both of Slaughter's finishing maneuvers focus on the head and neck area, and the champ just took a heavy blow to that area.

Slaughter smiles an evil smile as he drops the chair and calmly walks back to the ring. The referee who had halted his count at ten, begins to count again. Stormrage rushes to the scene and does his best to revive Tastic, who appears out cold. Thinking quickly, Mikey grabs a bottle of water from under the ring and pours it on Matt, trying to wake him. It startles the champ, who still appears on queer street. He stands but wobbles around, falling into Mikey's arms. With the ref nearing twenty, Stormrage carries Tastic to the ring, and rolls him back in at the count of nineteen. Akiyama looks displeased, but allows it, though he gives Stormrage a warning. Slaughter continues to laugh as he covers Tastic.
Matt Tastic gets a shoulder up and Slaughter can't believe it!

Cohen: How in the hell did he kick out?!?

Slaughter slams his fists into the mat, but quickly calls for the end. He lifts Tastic to his feet and connects with his signature single underhook DDT, Death Becomes You!
Three! Tastic is unable to kick out this time.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the second fall, Dorian Slaughter!

Copeland: So we are back even at one fall apiece.

Cohen: And look who is in the driver's seat.

"Ragnarok is upon us!"

Dorian shouts out before he begins to lift Tastic to his feet. Just as he tries, Stormrage jumps on the apron and does his best to distract Slaughter. It works as Slaughter ignores Tastic and advances on Mikey and swings. The Guru of Gaming jumps off the apron just in time to avoid being hit. Slaughter barks out something inaudible at him before he turns his attention back to Tastic. He goes to lift him to his feet but the champ rolls him up!
Kick out at two and a half, and everyone was on their feet thinking it was over.

Slaughter looks pissed as he returns to his feet and immediately begins to take the fight to Tastic, who looks to have little left. Huge right hands connect to the champ, backing him into the corner. Slaughter drags him out, only to secure a front facelock, before connecting with an STO. He then balls his fist and connects with some shots to the downed champ, before the ref warms him of closed fist shots. Again using the champ's hair, Slaughter pulls him to his feet. He isn't there long though as a swift kick to the gut doubles over Tastic, before he is planted with a DDT. Again Slaughter pulls Matt to his feet, this time locking in a cobra clutch. Matt fights back, trying to break the hold, so Dorian simply slams him down with a cobra clutch driver, The Black Plague. Tastic hits the mat and his leg twitches a bit, but he is otherwise motionless.

Copeland: Just pin him already.

Cohen: No, make him suffer. Show him why you aren't to be trifled with Dorian.

On the outside Mikey Stormrage has his hands in his hair, looking as if he knows its over. He begins to slam his hands on the apron, he then throws his arms in the air, doing anything he can to rally the crowd and his friend. He begins to chant, and soon the crowd joins in with him.

Live Mas! Live Mas! Live Mas!

Dorian tries to get the crowd to quiet, but they only grow louder. Tastic begins to stir, and eventually he gets to a knee. Dorian advances on him, but Tastic throws right hands and manages to block the punches coming down. He gets to his feet, the crowd rallying behind him. He begins to throw bombs, Slaughter unable to counter. Matt follows up a vicious right hand with a big atomic elbow to the head, and then calls for Headache Driver. He lifts Dorian onto his shoulder, then slams him down, it connects! Tastic hooks the leg!

NO! Dorian Slaughter kicks out and the energy is sucked out of the arena. Neither Matt, nor Mikey on the outside can believe it. Matt asks Akiyama if he is sure it was not three, and he assures him it was only two. Matt looks out at the crowd and then to his friend for advice.

Stormrage: Do it again!

Matt drags Dorian to his feet, and sets him up for a second Headache Driver...

... but Dorian wraps his arm around the neck. He eventually transitions into Tomb of the Mutilated, a full on guillotine choke. Matt tries to fight it, but he is fading fast. He uses the rest of his strength to lift Slaughter and slam him to the mat, but it doesn't break the hold. Matt reaches out with his hand, looking for the rope. Mikey reaches his arms into the ring, trying to guide Matt to the ropes for the break. Akiyama keeps a close eye on the action, the champ is inches from the ropes, but the choke is locked in tight. Matt reaches out, stretching his arm as far as it can go. Just as Matt's limp hand falls into Mikey's, Akiyama calls for the bell.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and the NEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Dorian Slaughter!

Mikey immediately rolls into the ring to check on his friend, who is passed out cold. Mikey and Dorian catch eyes as Akiyama hands Slaughter his title. Mikey rolls out of the ring and drags Matt with him, before throwing him over his shoulder and carrying him out of the ringside area.

Copeland: I can't believe it. Dorian Slaughter is the new World Heavyweight Champion.

Cohen: Haha, I told you Seabass. He overcame the BS rules and the rotund idiot at ringside. Finally we have a champion this company can be proud of.

Connor: From the looks of it, Matt Tastic is still out cold from the submission hold. He was only inches away from the ropes, but the lack of oxygen was too much and his body gave out.

Copeland: Well we hope you enjoyed yourself tonight folks. For Jack Cohen and Cat Connor, I'm Sebastian Copeland, wishing you and yours a good night.

The image of Dorian Slaughter standing alone in the ring with his newly won title belt is all that remains as the copyright information flashes on screen.

DAVE - Theron Daggershield vs. Chris KO + segments
DYNAMITE - Elite X Fatal Four Way
FALK - Opening & Ty vs. Constantine + segments
KERMIT - Open Challenge + segments
KILLJOY - Eve vs. Kagura + graphics
THRILLER - Cerberus vs. Team Russia
YAZ - Matt Tastic vs. Dorian Slaughter

Rep all of these beautiful people for getting Unscripted completed and thank you to everyone who voted as well as make this event great. Seriously guys, some great RP's all-round here. Congratulations to all that won their respective matches and I hope you enjoy the PPV.

Don't forget: if you have any matches or segments you feel deserve to be nominated for the End of the Year awards, please post them in WZCW.com section.

The Roulette Round boards will be up within the next few hours. Details on the Roulette Rounds will be explained in a WZCW.com article or something similar.
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