WZCW Supershow II: Rush vs. Tastic (Non-Title)

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Matt Tastic was insulted and assaulted at the hands of the Eurasian Champion but Rush then lost to the debutant, El Califa Dragon in a shock result. Both men have massive points to prove and will be desperate to get back to winning ways.

Deadline is: 11:59pm Central, Sunday 11th November, extensions as per thread.



Chaos ensues under a dark screen. Voices yell out loud. An undistinguished thing growls and even explosions can be heard. What goes on here is unknown. For now......


The view is great out here. Seattle just looks beautiful from up here.

I know. Nice stop we made here. I hope the food is great.

The scene opens with Matt Tastic and Alisha sitting on a table in a restaurant. Given how high they are and saying they are in Seattle, they most likely find themselves at the Seattle Space Needle.
The food arrives.

FOOD!! *Om nomnomnom*

HEY! Take it easy, Matty.

Oh my gosh! You're Matt Tastic!

The waitress notices who she's serving and fawns over Matt.

Ohmygosh ohmygosh Ohmygosh ohmygosh!

See. I told you people would learn who I am if I spoke in a 3rd person. Sure worked fast.

I'm sooooooo rooting for you against Rush at the Supershow.

Thanks. Thanks a lot for the support. I will do better than last time.

You can do it. I know you can. You're awesome.

I'm curious Matty. Why the sudden infatuation with Rush?

Easy. He's a tough fight. Matt Tastic lives to fight strong opponents and beat them.


Oh, she's good. She should be my spokesperson. That's exactly it, Alisha. Rush is tough game for me. I've never beaten him. And he seems downright unstoppable at times. The thought of facing him again makes me tingle.

And if you lose again?

Matt can never lose. He'll just get back up and try again!

.....yeah.... That. Now, lets eat.

As Matt begins to dig in and stuff himself, Alisha looks on in slight disgust and the waitress looks on still awestruck a particular thing happens. A glass filled with water on the table suddenly trembles. After a bit, a loud footstep can be heard and Matt stops eating to see the glass.


What the....



Matt and Alisha bounce up from their chairs and the waitress looks on as they all turn their attention to the producer of this ruckus. An explosion is heard and a building on the backdrop sight that is the city of Seattle falls in a heap of smoke. The producer of this is difficult to describe. A giant monster now stands by the city assaulting it with a sea of fire emerging from its mouth:


The people in the restaurant panic as Matt, Alisha and the waitress look on in total disbelief.

What the hell is that thing!?

I don't know, but I'd hate to wait here to find out.

Lets get out of here!

The trio marches out of the restaurant. The people scatter away from the monster as they try their best to find shelter. Matt looks on to the beast as it roars and destroys everything in sight. Slowly approaching them. However something catches Matt's eyes. In the distance, a laughter can be heard.

Kakakakaka!!! No one can escape. All shall fall to the might of the Rushen. Kneel human scum!

Matt approaches the producer of the voice. A small manlike creature with pinkish skin and antenna-like whiskers:


Kakakaka! Nothing you do can stop the path of rage Rushen produces.

Who the hell are you!?

Dear boy, I am Samoura Smithen. Lord of mysticism and herald of Rushen's terror.

Why the hell are you doing this? Call him off! You're hurting innocent lives.

Dear boy, there is nothing innocent about the people of this world. War, murder, infidelity. I am here to cleanse the world of it all. BY PURGING IT INTO THE DARK!!

The beast stands by it's herald and aims it's devastating flames at Matt. The burst blows Matt away against a fallen building. Burying him under the rubble.


Your boyfriend is history. As will be the rest of this city. Then the entire world!

Alisha and the waitress head off to face Samoura.

There is nothing in this world that can stop us. Not the military, not anyone.

WRONG!! Matt Tastic can stop you. He's a great fighter. He can beat anyone!How can a mere person beat that colossal thing?

As long as we have and he can breathe, he'll learn and find a way to stop you two!He'll stop that stupid Rush-thing and he'll stop you. Nothing you do could ever beat that man down. I've seen him fight-- SILENCE, IGNORANT GIRL! Burn her too, Rushen!

Rushen moves toward Alisha and the waitress. However in the process he overshadows Samoura with his feet.

Wait. WAIT! Rushen I am you loy-- AHHHHGG!!

Samoura dies under the feet of the atrocity that plagues the city.

Oh my gosh! How do we stop it now?

Matt will save us.

Listen, I'm glad you like him so much, but he's just one guy. Putting our faith in him won't save us. That thing is huge and look at the destruction it's leaving behind
We need to have faith.

Faith alone can't stop that thing, girl. I'm sorry.

I don't know about you, but that won't stop me.

Matt's voice fills the air. A burst of energy blows the rubble that surrounded him earlier as he emerges with minor cuts and bruises ready for another go.

It doesn't matter how big your problems are, you can't run away from them. You must face them head on. I won't let this thing keep wrecking the city. Whether it costs me my life or not, I have to at least try. I never backed down from a fight and I won't start now. Time to Deliver Kickassery to that Rushen bastard. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Matt charges ahead towards the behemoth ready to fight
. As he closes in, he leaps into the air.


As he's about to deal a blow to the creature though, the scene fades to white......


Matt. MATT! Wake up!

Matt gets up. Sleeping on a stack of pallets in his ring gear with a bag of Doritos by him. Waking him up was Johnny Klamor.

Bonehead. What the hell are you doing sleeping on backstage equipment?

Why not? I felt like resting. A strong fighter always meditates and clears his mind as often as possible.

Right. Well speaking of strong fighters, it seems a really strong one has found some interest in you. Rush. He can squash you like a bug you know.

Funny you say that Klam-head. I consider myself more like a gnat than a bug.

It's not the same thing?

No. A bug is like a roach or a mantis. A gnat is like a fly or a mosquito. Hard to kill and annoying.

Same difference. Regardless, he'll beat you at the Supershow.

I'm certainly not gonna go down without making him crap his pants a few times. He's still the guy who Bombed me at the Chamber and he's still the guy who beat me to win the EurAsian title. He may have gotten the better of me then, but this Super Saiyan surely does not forget. Nor does he forgive. Rush has run out of control doing whatever the hell he wants because he feels entitled to it. I must admit, it makes for one very interesting fight. But I don't take too kindly to selfishness. He's not hogging the action to himself when we share the same ring. The people want to see a fight. And I'm give them a damn good one. For those affected in Seattle and---

Seattle? Don't you mean New York and New Jersey

Oh, right. That was a dream. New York and Jersey got hit by a hurricane, Seattle got burned by a mythical monster that had a name similar to Rush. My point is Rush is a challenge. His a big fight. So I want to try again. He owes me. So I owe him. This Man-Beast Machine is revved up for a big fight at the Supershow. I just hope the excitement doesn't stop Rush's corrupted black heart. Again.

Idiot. He tore through Black Dragon and--

And that's about it, really. Yeah, I'm not scared, Klammy. Rush is a big, strong guy who's angry. We see guys like him all the time. He may look like some uncontrollable dragon but he isn't unbeatable. I will find my way around him and I will win. I'm not going to lose hope just because he's beat me before and because he goes batshit crazy on occasion. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my meditation.

Matt goes back laying down on the pallets as a bewildered Johnny Klamor looks on.

Well, you heard it here first. Matt Tastic has a death wish. Tune in on Sunday to watch.

Matt's dreams make Rush seem like a gargantuan monster. But regardless, the self-professed Super Saiyan is willing to march into the lion's den with no fear in his heart. Can Matt overcome Rush? Or will this behemoth best our hero yet again?
Professional wrestling is fake.

It is nothing more than an athletic endeavour with a predetermined outcome preformed by men with larger than life characters.

The winner of a match is determined by a group of failed sitcom writers with absolutely no previous experience in the wrestling world. They write weekly shows and matches not for the wrestlers or the fans, but as in the case with WZCW, they write to encourage and fulfill the jollies of WZCW management.

It is the unelected management of WZCW who decide which wrestlers are worthy of a push or a demotion on the card. There is no logic or equation that assists them in their decision making, and they decisions are often based off of what they would like to see, just as much as it could be based off of a flip of coin. Important decisions are made with no regard to the wrestlers who must risk their bodies and livelihoods by performing the “spots” that WZCW management and the writers have declared to be vital to the storytelling of the match.

In this business, your spot on the card is never safe. If you are unable to attend an event due to personal reasons or illness, step on the wrong toes, refuse to intentionally carve open your skin with a razor that you’ve never seen before but was slipped to you in the middle of your match, or even just because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, there are many guys in the back that are more than willing to sell out to appease the boss and will gladly walk over your body to do so.

For every man who earns his spot on the roster by hard work, originality and talent, there are fifty spineless yes-men fighting each other so they can securely attach their lips to the open area on the ass of WZCW management.

Matt Tastic is one of those men.

Matt Tastic is the laughing stock behind WZCW doors, both in the locker room, as well as in the eyes of management. Both sides equally interest in where his moral limit lies. How much humiliation will he endure before he has enough? How oblivious is he to the fact that week after week, with each ridiculous request and gimmick change from management that he so eagerly accepts, he losses more and more respect from his peers. How much of a man is he is the eyes of his old lady at home when all he does is roll over at work?

As long as management continues to provide Tastic with cookie crumbs, he’ll continue to ****e himself out and jump through their hoops because he knows that if everything that he has, hadn’t been given to him, he wouldn’t have been able to earn it himself.

A perfect example of the relationship between Tastic and WZCW management can be seen with the upcoming Battle Royal that is taking place on the upcoming Supercard. As soon as the match was announced, Matt began putting on the lipstick. When it was established that the winner of the match would be the final competitor in the Fatal Fourway match at Unscripted for the WZCW Championship, he grabbed his knee pads and proceeded under management’s desk.

This Battle Royal is designed, not to name another competitor for the title, but for management to conduct inventory of its puppets.

Men who have fought for everything that we have received, like Sam Smith and myself, refuse to perform tricks for the men who no longer possess any power of influence over us. We no longer dance to the WZCW beat and it has earned us the Elite X and EurAsian Championships while the rest of the roster fight for scraps and promises of being the biggest fake superstar in this fake sport.

As fake as this industry is, you career isn’t always dictated by who has more fake, predetermined wins. Sometimes, just by being in the ring with someone who is better than you can help you climb the ranks by association.

If you’re a talentless sack, with very little of offer and limited potential, much like Matt Tastic, who has most likely reached the peak of his career, sometimes your opponent can make you appear better than you really are by carrying you through the match. If enough of your opponents carry you through enough of three, four or five star matches, sometimes you can fool someone into thinking that you are more of a star than you deserve to be.

Luckily for Matt Tastic, I am better than him in every way and I am capable for carrying him throughout our match. Even in his defeat, I can make him look like a million dollars. Matt Tastic can benefit just by being my opponent.

I, however, have nothing to gain by beating him again.

Since my return to WZCW, I have competed against and defeated Matt Tastic on a repeated basis. I become the EurAsian Champion by laying waste to Matt Tastic. Another imaginary checkmark in the imaginary win column in an imaginary record book does nothing to further my career.

The only perk that I will have in beating Matt Tastic again, is that I once again get to destroy the man who still believes in, and fights for the thing that I no longer have any use for and seek to destroy:

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