WZCW Presents: Unscripted

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Unscripted opens with Blade, Phoenix, and Chris Beckford standing in the middle of the ring. All three men have microphones.

Blade: Tonight you are all about to witness destiny in the making. You are all about to witness Blade beating Austin Reynolds in thirty minutes in what will be one of the greatest matches ever in WZCW.

Blade plays up to the crowd but they boo him loudly.

Phoenix: Well that sounds pretty reasonable there Blade, except for the fact that you must be day dreaming if you think the fans want to see that snore fest. The fans want to see me leave Reynolds lieing in a pool of his own blood and that’s exactly what The Eternal One is going to do to him.

The crowd boo’s as Phoenix maintains his serious demeaner.

Beckford: I think your both wrong. You both have pretty amazing matches there, but pardon the phrase in this case, I don’t think either of your matches holds a candle to what my match is. I think, I know these people want to see WZCW’s first Inferno match and I know the fans who have long supported me want to see Chris Beckford finally put one over on Austin Reynolds.

All three men begin to jaw at each other. “Falling On” by Finger Eleven plays and Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman walk out onto the stage.

Bateman: Welcome to WZCW’s first interactive PPV, welcome to Unscripted.

Myles: As you can see we have all three of our potential Elite X contenders in the ring so with out further ado, let’s post the results on the Titantron and find out who is facing Austin Reynolds.

Blade 16%
Phoenix 36 %
Chris Beckford 48%

The crowd roars upon seeing the results. Beckford holds his arms up as Blade and Phoenix are furiously arguing in the ring. Both men finally settle down and start to leave the ring.

Myles: Phoenix? Blade? Where do you think you guys are going?

Phoenix and Blade stop leaving and stare up the ramp at Myles and Bateman.

Bateman: This Pay Per View is called Unscripted, don’t you know. So we are allowed a few surprises.

Myles: The board of directors have decided that the two losers of the Elite X vote would face each other in the second place stipulation, so you two are competiting tonight in a First Blood match.

The crowd cheers as Phoenix and Blade both turn to face each other.

Bateman: And since we’ll need some time to set up the ring for the Inferno match, this match will start... now.

“Falling On” hits again as Bateman and Myles leave. Beckford exits the ring as a ref comes down the ramp as the scene fades to black.

The game is unwritten

Shots of Hell in a Cell

The stage is not set

Shots of Vengeance, Ty Burna, Showtime Cougar and Steven Kurtesy

The outcome is unknown

Shots of Titus and Big Dave

Their destiny beyond their control

Shots of Austin Reynolds, Phoenix, Blade and Chris Beckford

Their fates shared by a common destiny

Shots of Pride of Toyota, Hancock/Fox and Reckless Youth

So much is at stake

Shots of Baez, Steven Holmes and the Mayhem Championship

And the future remains unknown

Shots of Constantine, Everest, Scott Hammond, Gordito, Doug Crashin and Wilhelm Wunderbar

For tonight will be...Unscripted

Final shot of the Hell in a Cell before fading into black

And now, Meltdown and Ascension present

*Pryos go off*

Copeland: We are here live from St. Louis, Missouri for Unscripted. And what a night is expected, we got the World Title on the line in a Hell in a Cell match for the first time ever, and Titus' career is at stake in a move for the EurAsian Championship. Hello again everybody, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen and Cat Connors, we're here at ringside and we're going to cut straight to the action!

The ring has Phoenix, Blade and the referee standing in the middle of the ring, waiting to get underway.

Harrys: The following contest is a First Blood match! Introducing first, from Heliopolis, weighing in at 213 lbs, Phoenix! And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 lbs, Blade!

Copeland: An impromptu match to begin Unscripted here tonight.

Cohen: Both these men are hungry to move up the WZCW ladder. A First Blood match is a prefect match for them to scratch and claw their way up.

Both men circle each other in the ring, unsure about how to start. Phoenix starts in and quickly gets behind Blade. He locks his arms around Blades waist and takes him down to the mat face first. Phoenix floats over and around and is holding Blades head to the mat. With his free arm, Phoenix is feeding shots to the side of Blades head. Blade works his way up to his feet. He jabs at Phoenix’s gut until he is free and then takes Phoenix down with a headlock takedown. Blade is on top of Phoenix in a mounted position. Blade starts to deliver punches to the face of Phoenix. Phoenix pulls both his arms up and absorbs most of the blows with them. Blade grabs Phoenix’s leg and pulls him to centre. Blade tries to lock in a Texas Cloverleaf. Phoenix kicks and pushes Blade back with his feet. Phoenix rolls up onto his feet and runs at Blade. Blade quickly recovers and hits Phoenix with an uppercut, stunning him in his tracks. Blade hits another one which pushes him back to the ropes. Blade Irish Whips Phoenix across the ring. Blade bends down to flip Phoenix over. Phoenix stops and kicks Blade right in the face, causing him stand vertically. Phoenix runs and bounces back off the ropes. Blade is ready though and charges with a huge clothesline, dropping both men and flipping Phoenix in mid air. Phoenix rolls outside the ring to catch his breath. Blade rolls out as well and follows. Blade grabs Phoenix from behind and walks him over to the stairs. Blade grabs Phoenix’s head and drives it into the stairs. Phoenix gets his arms down and stops himself. He elbows Blade and smashes his head into the stairs. Blade stumbles away and Phoenix grabs him from behind and smashes his face against the ring barrier. Blade has his back against the barrier as Phoenix mudhole stomps the midsection of Blade. Blade is on his butt as Phoenix presses his foot against the side of Blades face. With a slight move, Phoenix pushes his foot into Blades check and scraps it across his face and nose.

Copeland: Phoenix with a take no prisioners attitude.

Cohen: That’s how you make them bleed; disfigure and maim.

Connor: But he’s his tag partner.

Cohen: Not in this match.

Phoenix walks along the ring barrier. The crowd is booing him quite loudly. Phoenix turns and runs at Blade. He goes to kick Blade in the side of the head. Blade rolls forward and narrowly misses getting his brain kicked in. Phoenix turns around, Blade lifts him up and drops him with a flap jack face first on the barrier. Blade smashes the back of Phoenix’s head repeatedly with his fists until Phoenix lies motionless slumped over the barrier. Blade walks over to the announce table and pushes the ring announcer away. He grabs a steel chair and walks over to where Phoenix is slumped over. Blade slowly raises the chair over his head. As he drops it down, Phoenix rolls off the guard rail and slowly stumbles away. Blade begins to chase Phoenix and again takes another swing at him. Phoenix narrowly avoids it by dropping to the floor. The chair clangs off the corner turnbuckle, causing Blade to drop it. Phoenix is up on his feet and charges at Blade, connecting with a Step Up Enziguiri. Blade falls and slumps over the stairs. Phoenix smirks and slowly walks up the stairs. When he gets to the top, he jumps straight up and drops his foot on the back of Blades head, smashing it aginst the stairs. Blade grabs his face as Phoenix hops off the stairs. He pulls Blade off the stairs. Phoenix has Blade locked into a Full Nelson. Phoenix taunts hitting The Incinerator into the steel stairs. Phoenix begins to run with Blade to the stairs. With a burst of energy, Blade flips Phoenix over, who lands on his back on the steps.

Connor: Whoops, Phoenix went and had a crash landing.

Copeland: We’ll see how The Prodgical Son takes advantage of the situation.

Blade reaches under the ring and produces a two by four wrapped lightly in barbed wire. He teases stricking the back of Phoenix. Blade drops the board beside the steps He turns Phoenix over and puts his head in a DDT position. He moves him so only his feet are on the stairs and drops a DDT on him onto the two by four. Blade wraps his legs around Phoenix and locks in a Guillotine, rubbing the face of Phoenix into the wire. Blade lets go after thirty seconds, thinking he’s won. The camera zooms onto Phoenix, who is wearing red face paint. It is unclear if he is bleeding, but he quickly rubs his face before the ref checks on him.

Cohen: Very smart strategy by Phoenix here tonight. Wearing red face paint to camloflague if he’s bleeding.

Connor: I call it cheating.

The ref deems that Phoenix is not bleeding and the match continues. Blade meanwhile has taken the camera from one of the men and stands ready to strike. As soon as the ref moves, Blade runs at Phoenix. Phoenix ducks under the camera and hits a reverse shoulder neckbreaker, the camera falling from Blades hand and bounceing off his face as they fall. Phoenix stands over Blade as he waits for him to stand. Blade slowly gets to his feet. Phoenix from behind hits the Incinerator, landing on and smashing the camera with Blades face. Phoenix smirks, thinking he’s done it. He turns Blade over, who is not bleeding. Phoenix lifts Blade up and throws him into the ring. With both hands, he gouges at the face and eyes of Blade. The ref counts to 5 and Phoenix lets go. Phoenix slides into the ring and paces around. He stands at the opposite corner and waits for Blade to stand. Blade struggles to his feet. As Blade stands, Phoenix charges at him. Phoenix rolls and connects with a Liger Kick. Blade crumples to the floor. The ref rolls Blade over, but he’s still not bleeding. Phoenix stands over Blades face and double stomps him. Phoenix straddles out of the ring and grabs the steel chair. He slides back in and stands over Blade. He raises the chair up and swings it down, just missing. Blade kicks his feets and drives the chair into the face of Phoenix. Phoenix stummbles back for a bit. He regains his balance and walks over to Blade. Blade trips him at the legs and Phoenix falls face first into the bottom corner. Phoenix again wipes his face as he slowly stands up. He turns and runs at a now standing Blade. Blade ducks and lifts Phoenix up, hitting a huge Spinebuster. Blade grabs the chair lying beside him and climbs onto the top rope. He looks down at Phoenix and flys with a Frog Splash, landing the chair on Phoenix’s face. Blade moves the chair, but Phoenix is not bleeding.

Copeland: What more could these two possible do to each other.

Cohen: A lot, you’ll see.

Blade rolls out of the ring and looks around underneath it. He finally spots something he likes and pulls out a bag. He slides into the ring and puts his hand in the bag. He pulls out many shiny thumb tacks and starts to litter a section of the ring with them. He throws the empty bag away and stands over Phoenix. Phoenix is on his knees and slowly gets up onto his feet. As he turns around Blade grabs him by the neck. Blade is going for a Chockslam. Phoenix kicks the midsection and pushes Blade into the corner. The ref is trapped and gets bumped hard and falls to the floor. Blade looks behind at the ref. He turns around. Phoenix hits a Rebirth out of nowhere. He turns around and looks at Blade’s face, no blood. Phoenix looks to the corner and rolls outside the ring. He reaches under and produces a block with a bed of nails of it.

Connor: Oh my God. Phoenix isn’t thinking if using that on him.

Cohen: There are no rules CC. This one may get ugly.

Phoenix walks into the ring and positions Blade. He climbs up onto the turnbuckle facing the audience. He holds the block out in front of his chest, needles away. The crowd screams at him and Phoenix taunts what he’s about to do. Blade out of nowhere strickes the back of Phoenix causing him to drop the block. The block lands standing up on the corner. Blade strikes the back of Phoenix some more times and turns him around. Blade climbs onto the second rope and looks back at the thumb tacks in the ring. He punches Phoenx again and gets onto the third rope.

Copeland: Blade looks to suplex Phoenix onto those thumb tacks. This one might just about be over.

Cohen: Come on Blade, destiny awaits you.

Blade has Phoenix positioned for a Superplex. Phoenix starts punching the gut, trying to block it. He kicks Blade once in the side. He kicks Blade in knee and jumps back. Both men drop onto the corner, overtop the small bed of nails. Phoenix crashes to the outside and holds his side. Blade falls back into the ring and immediately holds his face. The ref has recovered now and looks over Blade. The camera zooms in and Blade moves his hands, revealing several cuts and gashes on his hands, face and forehead. The ref calls for the bell.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Phoenix!

The ref calls down some EMT’s to check on Blade. Phoenix rolls into the ring. He at first looks concerned for Blade, but then slowly smiles, making the crowd boo. The ref raises his hand, revealing a huge gash on his forearm. Phoenix holds his arm in pain, covering the gash, but then continues to smile as he slowly leaves the ring. Phoenix walks backwards starring into the ring as EMT’s continue to work on Blade.

Copeland: So Phoenix’s devestating weapon was the advantage, ending the match and wounding both men.

Cohen: Phoenix was blood thirsty enough to have prepared that for Reyolds. We would’ve been looking at a new Elite X champion had he won the vote.

Connor: Hey, there is still a good chance that will happen tonight. Neither man has the advantage in this match, but Beckford’s determination could be the diference.

We cut to the back and see the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Hunter Kravinoff and Wasabi Toyota, standing and discussing strategy.

Kravinoff: Hey, I forgot my belt, can you go back in the locker room and get it for me?

Toyota nods and heads around the corner. Hunter continues to read over the papers sitting in front of him, until out of the silence, a voice yells


Out of the view of the camera, the three members of the Crashin Movement charge at Kravinoff. Crashin with a chair, Holmes with a leather strap, and Dr. Steven Kurtesy with a kendo stick. They lay into Kravinoff with the weapons until he is lying in a pool of blood, unconscious. Doug Crashin calls them off, before speaking to his partners and the camera.

Crashin: They say I am the leader in name only. They call us a joke. Well, who is laughing now, WZCW? That, (pointing at Kravinoff), that right now was destruction at the hands of the Crashin Movement. I orchestrated that. And tonight, we will show the true power of the Crashin Movement. Steven Holmes will drive the final nail into the coffin of the Mayhem Division when he defeats that masked idiot Baez. Dr. Steven Kurtesy will defeat three other men in the Hell in a Cell to become WZCW Champion. And I will end the undefeated streak of the smug nonbeliever Constantine. Tonight begins the era of Doug Crashin and the Crashin Movement.

The Crashin Movement heads off camera as trainers tend to Hunter Kravinoff. Wasabi Toyota comes around the corner, and a look of concern and shock come across his face as he sees his partner.
Harrys: The following match is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships! And as chosen by you on WZCW.com, it will be an Elimination Match where both partners must be eliminated for a team to lose. Whichever team has the last man standing will be the champions!

"Reckless Youth" by Pillar plays through the speakers as the crowd cheers. Tucker Graham runs out quickly and stops at the top of the ramp as Alexander Steele quickly walks out to join him. They raise their arms before starting down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 434 pounds, Reckless Youth!

Graham goes down one side of the aisle high fiving fans while Steele does the same on the other side. They meet at the back side of the ring and slide under the bottom rope. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms to the cheers of the crowd. “Rooster” by Alice in Chains hits and Mark Hancock and Matthew Fox come out onto the stage.

Harrys: Next, at a combined weight of 555 pounds, the team of Matthew Fox and Mark Hancock!

Fox and Hancock enter the ring and stare angrily at Reckless Youth. An uneasiness sets in over the arena as “Teeth” begins to play. Wasabi Toyota walks out onto the stage with there being no sign of Hunter Kravinoff. He is carrying both of the Tag Titles, and seems calm despite the circumstances.

Harrys: Finally, from Matsumoto, Japan and weighing in at 550 pounds, he is one-half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Wasabi Toyota!

Toyota enters the ring. The referee seems ready to ring the bell, but Toyota stops him and grabs Harrys in order to whisper something in his ear.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, Wasabi Toyota has found a replacement partner!

The bass of Roll Deep's “When I'm Ere” can be heard around the arena as Toyota’s partner appears from behind the curtain.

Harrys: From London, England and weighing in at 275 pounds, “The English Enigma” Scott Hammond!

Copeland: Wow, Wasabi Toyota with a huge surprise here. We were expecting him to defend the titles by himself after the Crashin Movement took out Hunter Kravinoff earlier. And what a huge opportunity for Hammond. Unscripted is living up to its name here tonight!

The bell rings to start the match with Scott Hammond and Tucker Graham in the ring and the other for men spread out across the apron. Graham and Hammond go to lock up, when all of a sudden, Matt Fox jumps off the apron. Hammond takes Graham down with a headlock takeover as Fox grabs a chair. Fox cracks Alexander Steele across the back, followed by Wasabi Toyota. The referee signals that Fox has been disqualified, but that doesn’t stop him. He slides into the ring and connects with chair shots to the skulls of both Tucker Graham and Scott Hammond. Finally he goes to his partner Mark Hancock, and crushes him in the skull with the chair as well.

Harrys: Matthew Fox has been eliminated!

All 5 remaining men in the match are hurting from the chair shots. Graham is able to get his arm over Hammond, who is flat on his back, for the first cover of the match, 1…2..and a kick-out by Hammond. Graham slowly makes his way back to his feet, followed by Hammond soon after. They trade right hands for a moment, before Graham ducks one and connects with a hip toss followed by a leg drop to the chest of Hammond. Graham goes for the cover, 1…2…and Hammond rolls the shoulder out. Steele calls out to his partner and Graham picks up Hammond and drags him toward the Reckless Youth’s corner. Steele tags Graham and enters the ring as Graham DDTs Hammond. Steele picks up his partner and powerbombs him right onto the midsection of Hammond. Steele, rather than going for the pin, grabs Hammond’s legs and turns him over for a Boston crab. Hammond screams out in pain, and slowly starts trying to crawl to the ropes. He reaches out for the ropes, but before he can grab them, Mark Hancock tags himself in. Steele doesn’t realize it and refuses to release the hold. Hancock comes in and connects with a running knee attack to the back of Steele’s skull. Steele collapses in a heap as Hancock goes for the cover, 1…2…and Steele gets his shoulder up at the last possible moment. Hancock glares at the referee in disbelief before mounting Steele and driving lefts, rights, and elbows into him. Steele tries to cover up, but there are still quite a few strikes getting through. Hancock finally ends the assault and goes for another cover, 1…2…and, once again, Steele just barely escapes.

Connor: Fast and furious action thus far, however, no eliminations besides the disqualification of Matthew Fox. And we are yet to see the only man in this match who was a tag team champion before it, Wasabi Toyota.

Cohen: The longer we go without seeing that fat buffoon, the better if you ask me.

Copeland: Judging by some of the signs in the crowd, Jack, I’d say you are in the minority with that opinion.

Hancock goes to argue with the ref as Steele crawls to the ropes and begins pulling himself to his feet. Hancock sees Steele against the ropes, holding himself up, and charges at him. Steele drops down at the last moment, however, avoiding the clothesline and taking the top rope with him, sending Hancock sprawling to the floor. Steele stumbles across the ring toward his partner, but on the way, Wasabi Toyota reaches out and tags himself in. Hancock climbs back the apron, just in time to be met with a headbutt from Toyota. Hancock nearly falls off, but is able to hold on to the ropes. Toyota grabs him, and returns him to the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Hancock lies in the middle of the ring as Toyota gets a head of steam off the ropes and drops a massive leg across the upper chest and throat area of Mark Hancock. Toyota stays down and signals for the ref to count, 1…2…and Hancock lifts the leg off his chest just in time. Hancock crawls toward the ropes, but is stomped by Toyota before he can get there. Hancock gets back to his knees, but Toyota locks in a shoulder clawhold. Hancock grabs on to Toyota’s arm, trying to figure out a way to escape the hold, but more pressure from the big man ends the fight from Hancock. He is finally able to pull himself forward with his legs and get into the ropes. The referee steps in to make sure Toyota breaks the hold, but Hancock reaches over the ref and puts a thumb into Toyota’s eye. Wasabi stumbles backward and accidentally slaps Tucker Graham on the chest, tagging him in. Graham flies into the ring, connecting with a leg lariat to the jaw of Mark Hancock. Hancock drops to the mat just before he is hit with a springboard senton back splash from Graham. The cover, 1…2…and a kick out by Hancock. Graham signals to Alexander Steele, and tags him in. Graham climbs to the top as Steele puts Hancock in the electric chair. Graham comes off the top and they connect with the Twisted Metal. Steele goes for the pin, 1…2…3!

Harrys: Mark Hancock has been eliminated! The team of Matthew Fox and Mark Hancock has been eliminated from the match!

Hammond comes rushing in and stomps away at Steele. Steele rolls to his back, which allows Hammond to lock in a dragon sleeper. Steele fights to his feet, and is able to turn himself around, hook an arm, and take Hammond over with a rolling armbar. Hammond screams out in pain as Steele wrenches back on the arm. Hammond reaches over with his free arm to swing at the face of Steele, but Steele wrenches back harder to end the strikes. Hammond has his arm out, ready to tap, but instead connects with a hard shot to the temple of Steele, stunning him enough to let Hammond out of the hold. Hammond shakes out his arm and both he and Steele get back to their feet. Hammond ducks a right hand from Steele and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Hammond climbs to the top rope, tagging in Toyota first, and nails a diving headbutt. Steele clutches his shoulder/neck region in pain, crawling to a neutral corner. He doesn’t see Toyota running at him, however, and is smashed into the turnbuckle by a running hip attack. Toyota doesn’t go for the cover, instead choosing to climb up onto the bottom rope and pose for the crowd. The crowd cheers as Toyota begins bouncing on the rope, preparing for the Bonzai Drop. Toyota comes off the rope, but Steele rolls out of the way just before he is crushed.

Copeland: Great move there by Steele to save himself from elimination. These 4 men will stop at nothing to win this match.

Cohen: Hopefully tubby up there didn’t break the ring. We have more matches to get to tonight.

Steele runs at Toyota and snaps his neck. A cover, 1…and Toyota tosses Steele across the ring with a strong kick out. Steele and Toyota both get back to their feet. Steele runs at Toyota, and drops down, pulling Toyota’s legs out from under him. Steele grabs Toyota’s massive legs and locks in a Boston crab. Steele is struggling with the mass of Toyota’s legs, but still has the hold locked in enough to cause Wasabi extreme pain. Hammond is yelling out to his partner, trying to encourage him to escape the hold and reach the corner. Steele wrenches back harder yet, and this causes Hammond to come in and punch Steele, causing him to break the hold. The referee takes Hammond back to his corner as Steele stomps away at the knees of Toyota. Steele waits for Toyota to roll over and goes for a cover, 1…2..and a kick out by Toyota, but much weaker this time. Both men get back to their feet. Toyota gets back to his feet, but his right leg is clearly compromised. Steele runs at Toyota once more, but this time Toyota is able to get Steele up and nails him with a Samoan drop. Both men are down and in need of a tag. They reach out, and Steele makes the tag immediately before Toyota makes a tag of his own. Graham and Hammond run at each other, with Graham using a swinging neckbreaker to take Hammond down. Graham waits for Hammond to get back up, and once he does, connects with a Pele Kick. He signals to the crowd that it’s over and picks up Hammond and connects with the Party Foul, 1…2…3!

Harrys: Scott Hammond has been eliminated!

Wasabi Toyota slowly makes his way back into the ring, still hobbled by his injured right leg. Graham goes charging at Toyota, but is met with a throat thrust. Toyota bounces off the ropes, and hobbles toward Graham’s prone body, bounces off the bottom rope, and connects with a Bonzai Drop! Toyota stays seated on Graham for a cover, 1…2…3!

Harrys: Tucker Graham has been eliminated!

Alexander Steele makes his way into the ring just as Toyota gets back to his feet. Steele comes in and connects with a few shots to Toyota, and goes for a T-Bone suplex, but is unable to get the big man over. Toyota turns around and hits Steele with a couple headbutts before trying for a belly to belly, but his knee gives out halfway. Steele runs at Toyota, but Wasabi locks in a bearhug. Steele screams out in pain, and tries to get himself out of the clutches of the Matsumoto Mauler. Steele starts to fade, and the ref checks him to see if he is unconscious. Steele’s arm drops once, twice, but he keeps it up the third time. Steele tries fighting again for a moment, but the he begins kicking away at the injured knee of Toyota. Wasabi releases the hold and turns away from Steele. Steele kicks at the back of Toyota’s leg again, grabs an inverted facelock, and hits the Twisted Steele! He rolls into the cover, 1…2…3!

Harrys: Wasabi Toyota has been eliminated! The winners and NEW WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Reckless Youth!

Steele slowly gets back to his feet to get his hand raised. Tucker Graham, clutching his chest, comes out from backstage to celebrate with his partner. Graham crawls into the ring and receives a belt along with his partner. The two men hug before climbing separate turnbuckles to pose with their new titles for the crowd.

We cut backstage to Titus who's arrived at his locker room, he's wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses as he looks around his locker room before he heads into the shower area and looks straight into the mirror, taking his sunglasses off and staring intently.

Copeland: I dread to think what's going through his mind...

We cut to another area of backstage where Big Dave is doing some last minute training with his head trainer and a punch bag.

Copeland: You can feel the tension building, this EurAsian Championship match has a lot at stake! It's happening later tonight and I don't want to hazard a guess on the victor at this time.
Harrys: The following match is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship! And as chosen by you on WZCW.com, it will be a Strap Match where both opponents will be tied together. Whoever makes the first pinfall will be declared the winner.

“Goodbye” by SR 71 hits as BAez walks frantically out onto the stage. Tied to Baez’s lefts arm is the strap. The rest of which is wrapped around his shoulder. Baez marches down to the ring with a purpose, slapping a few hands along the way.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Rat’s Ass, America, weighing in at 225 lbs, he is the Mayhem Champion The KillJoy, Baaaaaaeeezzzz!

Baez walks up to and slides into the ring. He goes over to farthest turnbuckle and posses to the fans. “Hells Bells” by Bruce Faulconer interrupts as Steven Holmes emerges from behind the curtain, Mayhem Championship around his shoulder. Steven walks slowly down to the ring with a dignified strut, seemingly taunting Baez by taking his time.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 240 lbs, The Elitist, Steven Holmes!

Copeland: Steven Holmes has been in possession of the Mayhem title since Apocalypse. Baez will look to reclaim his gold from him here tonight.

Cohen: Baez can’t claim to be a champion for misplacing his belt. Baez is going to get what he wants, and that’s to be tied to Mr Holmes, and Baez is going to find that to be a big mistake.

Steven Holmes slowly climbs up the stairs and enters the ring. Baez starts to march towards him, but the ref quickly gets in between. Baez and Holmes trash talk as Holmes clings to the belt. The ref tries to get Holmes tied to the strap to start the match. Holmes slowly hands the ref the belt, and then slaps Baez. Baez tries to strike back, but again the ref stops him. Holmes holds his right arm out and the ref ties the strap to Holmes. As son as the ref raises the belt over his head, Baez starts punching Holmes and the match begins. Baez knocks Holmes against the ropes. Baez Irish Whips him across the ring. Holmes bounces off the ropes and Baez charges at him. Holmes with a clothesline, Baez ducks under it. Baez run and slides under the ropes. Baez turns and yanks on the strap. Holmes is pulled back just before hitting the ropes and lands hard on the mat. Baez slides into the ring. Holmes slowly stands to his feet. Baez grabs some of the strap and pulls on it. Holmes stumbles right into a Dropkick by Baez. Holmes is knocked to a corner. Baez slides under the ring and then back over the bottom rope, tying Holmes to the rope. Baez reaches under the ring and produces a chair. He slides into the ring and stands over Holmes. Holmes studies the strap and realizes he’s on a short leash with the ropes. Holmes is trapped. He tries to negotiate with Baez. Baez lifts the chair and starts dropping repeated shots on Holmes, to the delight of the crowd. After making the chair completely unusable, Baez discards it over the ropes. He frees up Holmes and pulls him out of the ring and onto the concrete. Baez stands over Holmes on his arms and knees and wraps the strap around his neck. He pulls back until Holmes is almost a shade blue and lets go. Holmes struggles to his feet against the announce table. Baez approaches him. Holmes stuns him with a punch to the gut. Holmes slaps right against the edge of Baez’s mask, causing it to move. Baez turns to adjust the mask. As he does, Holmes stumbles to the time keeper’s table. Baez walks over to get Holmes, but is met with a face full of Mayhem belt. Holmes stands over Baez and starts stomping on him. Baez crawls towards the ring steps. Holmes slides in and out on the ring to the other side of the ring post. As Baez stands up, Holmes yanks hard on the strap, pulling the chest and shoulder into the ring post. Holmes reaches under the ring and produces a Kendo stick. Holmes looks at Baez’s left arm wrapped around the corner and strikes it with the Kendo stick.

Copeland: Sound strategy by Holmes, attacking the arm.

Cohen: Without his arm power, Baez will not be able to pull Holmes around like he was.

Connor: But you forget Jack, Mayhem is Baez’s specialty. He can handle this kind of pain.

Baez stumbles away from the stairs, holding his arm. Holmes walks around the turnbuckle and under Baez’s strap. He runs past Baez, which pulls him again into the post. Holmes turns to Baez’s exposed shoulder and strikes it three times, breaking the stick. Baez falls to the concrete, leaning against the stairs. Holmes walks slowly away from Baez. He turns and runs at Baez, delivering a running knee to the backside of Baez, driving him into the stairs. Holmes goes for the first cover in the match. 1... 2... Baez kicks out. Holmes again marches back to the same spot. He waits for Baez is get to his knees and charges at him again. Baez ducks under and Holmes drives his knee into the stairs and flys over. Baez takes a few moments to recover and then slides in and out of the ring and untangles him and Holmes. He grabs as much of the strap as he can and stands over Holmes. Holmes turns and Baez throws the strap at Holmes face. Using the ring barrier for support, Baez begins to stomp the pile of strap into the face of Holmes. The crowd cheers and counts as Baez stomps twelve times on the face of Holmes. Baez moves the pile of strap off of Holmes and wraps it three times around the neck and arm of Holmes. Baez climbs onto the apron an jumps over the top rope. He turns and pulls the rope up. Holmes is pulled to and off his feet and into a hangman’s position. The crowd cheers as Baez holds for five seconds before his arm gives out. Baez slides out of the ring and looks underneath it. He pulls out a garbage can, two lids, and a table and puts them into the ring. Baez slides back into the ring and then reaches over the ropes to pull Holmes in. Holmes grabs on the strap and pulls down on it, snapping Baez’s arm into the ropes. Baez falls to the mat. Holmes enters the ring through the middle rope. He walks over to Baez and jumps up high, dropping a knee on the back of his head. Holmes stands over Baez and grabs his shoulders. Holmes puts his hands around his neck and locks in Aristocracy Reigns.

Cohen: Aristocracy Reigns, we have a new champion.

Connor: Come on Baez, fight out of it.

Baez reaches out, but is far away from the ropes. He manages to grab onto the strap and begins pulling himself closer to the ropes. Before he can reach, Holmes lets go and knocks Baez to the mat. Holmes untangles him and Baez from the ropes and positions the trash can on the mat. Baez stands up, but Holmes pulls him towards him. Scoop Powerslam on the trash can. The cover, 1... 2... Baez kicks out. Holmes looks on in fury. He grabs the table and stands it up against the corner. Baez is helping himself up against the opposite corner. Holmes walks over to Baez and strikes him with the strap. He wraps his arm around the rope and kicks at it. Holmes turns to look at the table and smiles. He grabs Baez and Irish Whips him. Baez reverses it. As Holmes is about to hit the table, Baez pulls on the rope and stops him. Holmes turns around and is met with the Smashmouth, driving both into the table.

Copeland: Smashmouth! This one could be over.

Cohen: Holmes get up, now!

The crowd explodes as both me lie motionless in the corner. The ref slowly removes pieces of the table off both men. Baez rolls out of the ring and stumbles around confused. The crowd is cheering Baez’s name and in an instant we regains his composure and posses to the fans. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a ladder. The crowd cheers as Baez slides it into the ring. Baez slides in and picks up the ladder. He waits for Holmes to stand. Holmes stands and Baez hits him in the face with the ladder. Baez walks towards the turnbuckle. He tries to position the ladder between the second and third ropes. He does this while Holmes recovers. Baez has the ladder in place. Holmes walks up behind and tries to lock in the Elite Sleeper. He does and starts to lower Baez to the mat. Baez reaches out frantically and manages to grab both trash can lids. He smashes them each into the face of Holmes until he lets go. Baez stands and pushes Holmes into the opposite corner. Baez goes for an Irish Whip, Holmes reverses. Baez runs and slides under the ring, the momentum pulling Holmes face first into the ladder. Holmes is knocked out. Baez slides in and lifts him face down onto the ladder. Baez begins to walk under the ladder and then climbs over it. He does this a few times until Holmes is tied to the top of the ladder. Holmes wakes up and sees what Baez has done to him. He yells for him to release him. Baez pulls the ladder out of the corner and stands it vertically against it. Holmes has his back to the ring. Baez climbs up onto the turnbuckle. He holds the ladder on the opposite side of Holmes, Holmes yelling at him not to do it. Baez holds onto the ladder and pushes it forward, dropping himself, the ladder, and Holmes to the mat. Baez lies on top of the ladder trapping Holmes as the ref slides to make the count, 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still Mayhem champion, The Killjoy, Baaaaaeeezzzz!

Copeland: Baez with an unorthodox strategy of tying Holmes to that ladder, picks up the victory.

Cohen: Baez is a clown who thinks he is funny. Baez will pay for embarrassing The Elitist like that.

Connor: I don’t think Baez is afraid of him or The Crashies Jack, and he didn’t show it here tonight.

The ref hands Baez the Mayhem belt as he begins to untie the strap to his arm. Holmes is yelling at the ref to release him first. Baez waves bye bye to Holmes and then leaves the ring. Baez appears to be happy for once as he slaps hands with some fans as he makes his way to the back.

We cut backstage to Chris Beckford who's walking up the hallway in preparation of his match, until he stops and notices Phoenix leaning against a wall with a cigarette in his mouth and a lighter in his hand. Beckford waits for Phoenix to do something, he then ignites the lighter and starts smoking his cigarette.

Phoenix: Good luck...

Beckford walks on and tries not to let himself look nervous.
The ring crew begins working on the ring as soon as the previous match ends. The ropes are removed and the ring is set up in preparation for the Inferno Match.

Harrys: The following match is an Inferno Match! The first man to set his opponent on fire will be the Elite X Champion!

“Gammer And Re-Con” by Enya Stomp hits, and Chris Beckford comes out onto stage. He spreads arms out for a moment and bolts to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from Leeds, England and weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Beckford!

“Headstrong” by Trapt hits as a short burst of gold and silver stars burst up at the top of the ramp. Austin Reynolds emerges, with his arms spread and a confident grin beaming on his face. He points to his Star tattoo and the logos on his ring pants as he struts to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from the West End of London, England and weighing in at 190 pounds, he is the Elite X Champion, “The Ratings Winner” Austin Reynolds!

Reynolds enters the ring and poses for the crowd before handing his belt over to the referee. The ref hands it to the timekeeper. The referee explains the rules to the competitors as the flames jump up around where the ropes would normally be. The ref signals for the bell and the flames jump even higher.

The two men circle each other, keeping one eye on their opponent and the other on the flames. The lock up and break violently, sending both men toward the flames. They both jump toward the center of the ring, showing how unsettling the fire is. They lock up again, with Reynolds getting the advantage via side headlock. Beckford starts pushing Reynolds toward where the ropes would be, mostly out of habit. Reynolds goes with it for a moment, before remembering there are no ropes and instead uses a headlock takeover. Beckford is wiggling around on the mat, trying to escape the hold. He makes it back to his knees, then to his feet, and shows his strength by throwing Reynolds off toward the fire. Reynolds baseball slides to slow his momentum, gets up and charges at Beckford just to eat a huge clothesline. Reynolds stays down for a moment, before getting up. He ducks a clothesline and comes back to connect with a roaring elbow. Reynolds goes for a cover, before remembering that pinfalls mean nothing in this match.

Cohen: Look at that idiot. Trying to pin a guy in a match when you have to set your opponent on fire!

Copeland: It’s instinct, Jack. There have been a few moments in this match where it has been clear that both of these men were unable to do what they wanted in the ring.

Connor: And I really think that’s why we’ve seen this match be so back and forth. The first man to really get his bearings in there will have a huge advantage.

Reynolds shakes his head and hits himself, as if to tell himself that he should know better, before dropping an elbow on Beckford. A rear chinlock in cinched in by the champion, trying to wear down his opponent. Beckford fights to his feet once again, but Reynolds still has the hold locked in. Beckford curls his body up and locks in a headscissor, and takes the champion over with a hurricanrana. Reynolds flies head over heels toward the fire, but scrambles and is able to stop himself before entering the inferno. Reynolds fights back to his feet and misses wildly with a right hand. Beckford catches the champion with an atomic drop, and follows it up with a reverse DDT. He stomps away at Reynolds before locking in a Boston crab. Beckford wrenches away, compromising the back of Austin Reynolds more and more with each second the hold is locked in. Reynolds tries to fight out, but to no avail. He begins crawling, but with there being no ropes, he has no way of breaking the hold. Reynolds keeps fighting, but is unable to escape. Suddenly, Reynolds stops fighting at all and seems to have passed out. Beckford notices and reaches back to use Reynolds’ arms to check and see if he is actually out, and the arm falls. Beckford gets up and picks up the lifeless body. Beckford has Reynolds up on his shoulders and prepares to toss Beckford into the flames. Reynolds wakes up just in time and reverses it into a lungblower. Beckford bounces to his feet, screaming out in pain as Reynolds shoves Beckford toward the fire. Beckford stops himself, however, and turns back to face Reynolds. They begin swinging wild right hands at each other, with each man holding their back in between shots. Reynolds ducks a shot, sets up for the Five Star and connects with it, causing even more damage to Beckford’s back.

Copeland: Both men seem to have the same idea here: Wear down the other man’s back, making it that much easier to force them into the flames.

Reynolds grabs both of Beckford’s legs, trying for the Liontamer. Beckford rolls out of it, however, and both men are back to their feet. Reynolds goes for and connects with the Millions and Millions, sending Beckford flying backwards. He is able to catch himself at the last moment, saving himself from the flames. Beckford is able to get back to his feet and charges at Reynolds, but the champ takes him over with a monkey flip. Beckford is able to land on his feet, though, and goes for the Cross Drop. Reynolds spins out, however, and kicks Beckford in the gut. He picks him up for the Ratings Killer, walks over to the flames, and drips Beckford directly into the fire to win the match.

Harrys: The winner of this match and still Elite X Champion, “The Ratings Winner” Austin Reynolds!

The ring crew rushes in to put out Chris Beckford as Austin Reynolds scrambles to get away from the flames. The fire goes out around the ring as Beckford continues to be attended to. The timekeeper hands the referee the belt who hands it to Reynolds and holds his arm up. Reynolds seems happy to win, but also worried about Beckford. A stretcher comes out to take Chris Beckford away and after a few moments, Reynolds also heads backstage. As soon as Austin leaves the ring area, the crew goes to work on putting the ring ropes back on.

We cut backstage to Baez who's been watching the previous match

Baez: Damn, that was a crazy match, would have loved to been in that sort of match, I...

He looks to his side to notice that his Mayhem Championship isn't next to him.

Where the hell did it go? Not again!

He looks up to see it's hanging up on a hook

Losing my mind again!

He grabs the belt and pulls it down to keep it close as a knock at the door is followed immediately by someone entering, it's Chris Jones.

Jones: I see you finally got your title back, took you long enough! But that's not the point, you see, had it not been for this thing you got going with the Crashin Movement, it would have been me facing you tonight. So I'm making a call out right now, you and me, Mayhem title, next week on Meltdown, or if you want to wait, All or Nothing!

Baez has a ponder

Baez: Hi, you've reached the voicemail of Baez, I'm afraid he's not in right now, but if you leave a message, I'd be sure to get back to you!

He stands there in a dorment state as Jones looks angry and storms off.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one-fall!

Hero by Skillet hits and Constantine emerges, his head down. The crowd can be heard booing loudly before Constantine throws his arm up and pyro goes off behind him.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome John Constantine!

Constantine gets into the ring and demands a microphone.

Constantine: It sickens me to no end that I’m performing in St. Louis tonight. You see, this is the town I was born in and yet none of you peasants ever helped me get to where I am today. You see, I had to be home schooled because the public schools were of such low standards. That was perfectly fine for all those whose highest ambitions are to work in a fast food emporium, which, by the way, is 99% of the population of this town...

The crowd boo viciously at Constantine.

Constantine: Quiet down! You people should know that when someone better than you is talking, you should listen!

The crowd starts booing louder as a cup of beer narrowly misses Constantine’s head.

Constantine: As I was saying, I knew from the time I could speak that I needed to get out of this awful town because it just wasn’t good enough for me. And even when I became the first ever person from this town to make something of themselves, you people still wouldn’t support me. I ran for congress here and the media made up false, ridiculous accusations. I ended up not getting voted into congress, which shows the collective intelligence of this state is roughly on par with that of a brain-dead badger. But luckily, tonight the decision of my opponent was made by the whole WZCW audience and not just you fools, so I’m expecting a worthy opponent tonight.

Constantine drops the microphone as his potential opponents walk out onto the stage.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome: Doug Crashin, Scott Hammond, Gordito and Wilhelm Wunderbar!

The four men walk out onto the stage, followed by Myles and Bateman.

Bateman: Due to Everest not turning up to the arena this evening, we have disqualified him from the voting.

The crowd boo slightly as Constantine smirks inside the ring.

Myles: Can we please have the results of the voting from WZCW.com!

Doug Crashin 30%
Scott Hammond 6.67%
Gordito 20%
Wilhelm Wunderbar 13.33%

The crowd boo more as Doug Crashin raises his arms and Constantine starts laughing within the ring. Black Betty hits and Crashing starts walking down to the ring flexing his arms and looking focused.

Copeland: Well we know Doug Crashin has wanted to take on Constantine after Constantine made his debut at Crashin’s expense at the last Pay per View.

Cohen: This won’t take long. In fact, I’m tempted to go for a quick bathroom break.

The microphone descends from the ceiling and Crashin grabs it. The crowd boo loudly, making Crashin angry as Constantine yawns in the corner. Crashin opens his mouth to speak when he’s suddenly interrupted by Bateman.

Bateman: Wait, hold it right there Crashin. Everest has just arrived at the arena. Can we please add his votes to the results on the titantron?

Doug Crashin 30%
Scott Hammond 6.67%
Gordito 20%
Wilhelm Wunderbar 13.33%
Everest 30%

Connor: Oh my! Looks like the people wanted Everest to shut Constantine up!

Copeland: They may get their wish; we now have Constantine versus Doug Crashin versus Everest!

Cohen: Yeah! Now it’s a match!

The crowd let out a pop as Supernova Goes Pop hits over the PA. Constantine looks pissed off as Crashin has a hissy fit, arguing with the referee as Everest emerges, smirking as the Orange laser lights pulse around the arena. Crashin gets out of ring and goes straight for Everest, who is walking down the ramp. Crashin swings a wild right hand, but Everest ducks under it before grabbing Crashin by the head and throwing into the steel steps at ringside. Everest gets into the ring and stares into the eyes of Crashin, who doesn’t seem intimidated. They walk forward, Everest smirking as Constantine shakes his head, saying words like “Atrocity!” and “Ridiculous!”. Everest hits Constantine with a flurry of right hands, making Constantine stumble backwards into the ropes. Everest Irish whips Constantine into the opposite ropes. Everest bends forward, getting ready to hit a Back Body Drop, but Constantine stops and counters with a kick, but Everest catches his leg. Hopping on one leg, Constantine shakes his head wildly and pleads with Everest. Everest pulls Constantine forward by the leg and hits a massive clothesline. Everest goes for a pin, 1... 2... Constantine kicks out. Everest picks Constantine up and Irish whips him with huge force into the turnbuckle. Constantine bounces off the turnbuckle and stumbles forward into Everest who hits a Belly to Belly Suplex. Crashin rolls back in and runs at Everest, who hits another Belly to Belly suplex. Everest goes to pin Crashin, 1... 2... kick out. Everest lifts up Crashin’s legs to go for a Cloverleaf, but Crashin manages to poke Everest in the eye with his thumb. Everest stumbles backwards into Constantine, who rolls him up, 1... 2... he rolls out of it.

Copeland: It looks like Crashin and Constantine will need to team up to take out the threat of Everest

Connor: Exactly, Everest was dominating both of them until that poke in the eye!

Constantine and Crashin take down Everest with a double clothesline before turning to each other. They exchange a few words while Constantine points at Everest and Crashin nods. They start to stomp at Everest’s head as Everest tries to get up. They quickly pick him up and deliver a double snap suplex. Constantine picks him up again and holds his arms back while Crashin hits him with right hands before Crashin hits a quick DDT. Constantine stands over Everest and shouts at him before raising his arms as the crowd boo heavily. Constantine starts hitting Everest with punches as Crashin circles them. Constantine gets up and signals for the Collateral Damage. He measures up Everest, who is slowly getting to his feet. Everest finally makes it to his feet and Constantine hits Collateral Damage. Crashin grabs Constantine and quickly pushes him out of the ring before going to pin Everest himself, 1... 2.... Everest gets a foot on the rope and Crashin screams out angrily. Constantine gets back in the ring and viciously takes down Crashin, laying into him with right hands. Constantine gets up and Crashin pulls himself to his feet, dazed slightly. He walks into Constantine who hits a sidewalk slam. Everest is back to his feet, but he’s wobbling slightly. Constantine kicks him in the midsection and goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Everest reverses and lands behind Constantine. Everest grabs Constantine around the waist, going for a German Suplex but Constantine blocks and reverses, going behind Everest and locks in a Sleeper Hold. Everest flails his arms wildly before quickly moving forward towards the ropes and leaning forward over them, flipping Constantine over his back and to the outside. Constantine uses the announce table to get to his feet. He turns around and Everest runs, going for a Baseball Slide, but Constantine manages to dodge it. They start exchanging right hands beside the Spanish announce table, with Everest getting the advantage, rolling Constantine onto the table before getting up onto it himself. Both men start exchanging right hands again standing on the table. Inside the ring, Crashin climbs to the top rope and leaps off, delivering a double crossbody to Everest and Constantine, driving all three men through the announce table.

Copeland: Woah! Crashin had enough of being overlooked in this match so he took matters into his own hands!

Cohen: Crashin burn! Heh, see what I did there?

All three men stir on the ground amid the carnage of the destroyed announce table. Everest starts to pull himself up using the crowd barricade as Crashin crawls towards the ring and Constantine rolls onto his back, clutching a gash at the back of his arm. Everest stumbles forward towards the ring and rolls in, with Crashin following him in quickly after. Everest leans back into the turnbuckle, breathing heavily as Crashin starts to get to his feet. Constantine pulls himself up at the apron and quickly rolls in. Everest quickly shakes his head to clear the daze before going for a Superkick on Crashin. Crashin ducks, and Everest catches Constantine with the kick. Constantine falls to the mat, before Crashin quickly rolls up Everest, 1... 2... Everest kicks out. Everest and Crashin slowly get to their feet before Crashin attempts to clothesline Everest. Everest ducks under Crashin’s arm, before catching him with The Rock Slide out of nowhere! Everest lies on the mat for a moment, before crawling over to Crashin and going for the pin, 1.... 2.... Constantine breaks it up. He pushes Everest off Crashin, and goes to pin Crashin himself, 1... 2... Everest breaks it up. Constantine picks Everest up and lay into him with right hands. Everest blocks a right hand and hits a quick Enziguiri. Constantine stumbles backwards into the ropes looking dazed before Everest turns him around and tries to lock in the Mountain Climber but Constantine drops to his knees and quickly hits a low blow to Everest!

Copeland: Dammit! Because of the triple threat rules, there’s no disqualification in this match!

Cohen: That’s the intelligence of a politician!

Constantine quickly hits the Collateral Damage on Everest, but the impact causes Everest to roll out of the ring. Constantine looks outside to where Everest rolled out of the ring, swearing angrily. Suddenly Crashin comes from behind and tries to lock in the Kataha-Jime but Constantine drops to his knees and rolls Crashin forward. Both men quickly get to their feet and Crashin runs at Constantine but Constantine catches him with the Axis of Evil. Constantine goes for the pin, 1... 2.... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, The Power Trip, John Constantine!

Constantine slowly rolls out of the ring and backs up the ramp, his arm raised and the crowd booing loudly with Everest sitting up against the crowd barricade, looking frustrated.

We cut backstage to Big Dave who's walking through the hallway with the EurAsian Championship around his waist, the crowd boo heavily at the sight of him.

Copeland: Well it's crunch time now, here comes the EurAsian Champion.

We cut back to Titus who's in his ring attire and staring at the mirror before he turns around and heads for the door.

Copeland: And the 4 time Oscar winner. With so much at stake, Titus has to win. The time is upon us Jack and CC.

Cohen: The time is now, go big or go home and only one will stand tall after this encounter!
Harrys: The following contest is an Extreme Rules match, career versus Eurasian Title, scheduled for one fall!

Titus makes his way out to an enormous pop from the crowd. He points out to the crowd and makes his way down the ramp smiling and slapping hands with the ringside fans. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle and raises his arm up as the crowd pops once more.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Keystone City, Kansas. He stands 5'11" and weighs 215 lbs, Titus!

Copeland: Titus has gone all in to take care of unfinished business tonight. But will it come back to haunt him?

Cohen: Oh yes. Finally after Big Dave puts him down, we won't have to put up with that forsaken Titus anymore.

Connor: Titus has been here before Jack, he's won the WZCW World Title on the biggest stage of them all. He's fully prepared for this match.

Big Dave makes his way out and a spotlight shines down on him. The crowd boos him mercilessly as he makes his way down the ramp, his eyes never moving off of Titus. He enters the ring slowly and stands in the middle of the ring and holds up the Eurasian title as the boos continue to cascade down on him.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England. He stands 6'1" and weighs 268 lbs, the Eurasian Champion, Big Dave!

Cohen: And here is the greatest WZCW champion of all time, arriving in all his glory! Pay attention Seabass, CC, you're looking at the man who will single handedly end Titus's career.

Copeland: Big Dave has just been on a tear since winning the Eurasian Championship, but defeating Titus and ending his career would be the crown jewel among his accomplishments.

Connor: Dave has been a thorn in Titus' side no doubt, but they've never faced off one on one before. Perhaps Titus will be the cure for Dave's poison.

The ref holds up the Eurasian Championship and then hands it to the ringside assistant before signaling for the bell. Titus bursts forward and tackles Dave and immediately starts throwing punches. Dave covers up and eventually kicks Titus of him and gets up, only for Titus to launch himself at him once more, throwing bombs as Dave backs up into the corner. Titus whips Dave across into the other corner and once again rushes forward, only to get hit by a boot to the face. Dave slowly and confidently walks towards Titus and kicks him in the stomach before lifting him up for a powerslam. He holds Titus in the air for a few moments before dropping him down hard on the mat. Dave stands up and begins slapping Titus multiple times on the head before kicking him again. He puts his foot on Titus' neck and poses as the crowd boos loudly. Dave picks Titus up and whips him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Titus ducks and bounces off the ropes with a spinning heel kick. He connects and sends Dave flying across the ring and under the bottom ropes to the outside. Titus readies for a springboard splash as Dave slowly rises to his feet. Titus springs off the ropes to the outside and lands on top of Dave, knocking both to the ground as the crowd pops.

Copeland: These two are really going at it. Just remember this is an Extreme Rules match, no DQs or count outs.

Cohen: Thank you for reminding us Seabass. We needed to remind the idiots out there just what this match was. Look Dave is just overpowering Titus in there, it's just a matter of time before Titus is too tired to keep jumping around.

Titus gets up and pumps his fist into the air before pulling Dave up. He slams Dave's head down onto the announcer's table multiple times. Titus walks over to the ring steps and pulls them out. He positions them and waits for Dave to rise once more. Titus comes running off the steps and goes for a dropkick but Dave pushes his legs out of the way and Titus crashes hard on the ground. Dave shakes the cobwebs loose for a moment before grabbing Titus and lifting him up for a powerbomb onto the ring steps. Titus counters into a huracanrana and Dave goes head first into the steps. Both men stand up slowly, Dave getting up first. He punches Titus before whipping him hard into the ringpost, and Titus pinballs off of it. Dave walks over to Titus and grabs him, tossing him into the ring. Dave goes under the ring apron and finds a chair, sliding it into the ring as well. He climbs in and grabs the chair and lines up Titus. Titus turns around as Dave goes to swing, but Titus suddenly hits a drop toe hold, causing Dave to crash face first into the chair. Titus gets up quickly and applies the Ankle Lock! Dave screams out in pain as he reaches for the ropes.

Copeland: Titus has got him in the middle of the ring! He's going to win the Eurasian Championship right here!

Cohen: No! Dave don't you dare tap out. We'll never hear the end of this if Titus wins.

Titus cinches in the hold more, cranking on Dave's ankle. Dave somehow gets to his back and kicks Titus off of him. Titus gets up quickly and hits a neckbreaker on the standing Dave. Titus goes for the cover 1.....2... Dave kicks out. Titus pulls Dave up and hits a few chops and then an European Uppercut before whipping Dave into the ropes. Titus goes for another spinning heel kick but Dave dodges and hits a huge spear on Titus off the rebound right onto the chair! Dave covers Titus 1...2....Titus kicks out at the last second. Dave gets up and drags Titus along with him. He tosses him into the corner and begins stomping away at him, Titus falling down into the corner. Dave walks over and picks up the chair, as Titus pulls himself up Dave slams the top of the chair hard into Titus' midsection. Titus crumbles to the ground in pain as Dave stands over him with the chair. He raises it high into the air as another round of boos come from the crowd.

Cohen: Why isn't he pinning him? Pin him and end his career once and for all Dave!

Connor: Why do that when he can soak in what he's done? Clearly this is more than ending a career, this is ending a man's pride.

Cohen: You take the fun out of everything CC.

Dave steps away from Titus and lines the chair up once more, slamming the chair down hard but Titus rolls out of the way at the last second, dropping down to the outside. Dave gets frustrated and quickly follows behind him. He grabs Titus and looks to throw him into the barricade. Titus counters and knees Dave in the midsection and throws him head first into the barricade. Both men collapse on the outside, Titus holding his stomach and Dave his head. Titus gets to his feet and kicks away at Dave before going under the ring himself and pulling a table out. He slides it into the ring and goes back to Dave, punching and kicking him a few more times before tossing him back into the ring. Titus slides under the bottom ropes and goes to the table, setting it up close to the corner. He goes to pick up Dave but Dave pulls Titus forward, causing him to hit the ropes neck first. Dave gets up and drags Titus up. He whips him into the ropes and connects with a big boot. He drops down over Titus for a pin 1....2.....Titus kicks out. Both men struggle to their feet and Dave goes to lift Titus up for a chokeslam, but Titus kicks him in the stomach again and out of nowhere hits the Tit Drop!

Copeland: Titus has got it! He's hit the Tit Drop!

Cohen: Get up you idiot, don't let Titus steal another title!

Titus slowly crawls towards Dave and gets an arm over him. 1...2....Dave kicks out! The crowd boos as Titus has a shocked look on his face and looks towards the ref to confirm the two count. Titus grimaces and gets to his feet, and slowly drags Dave up as well. Titus pulls Dave over towards the table and puts him on top of it, hitting a few punches for good measure. Titus begins climbing to the top turnbuckle, taking a good while to get there. He readies himself but Dave gets up off the table and kicks Titus square in the head. Titus hangs dangerously on the top turnbuckle and Dave positions Titus back first to the ring. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and hooks his legs on the top rope and suplexes Titus backwards right through the table!

Cohen: Yes! Yes! Pin him Dave!

Connor:This can't be how it ends for Titus. He deserves a better end to a career then this.

Dave climbs down and drags Titus from the wreckage right into the middle of the ring and goes for the pin. 1....2.......Titus kicks out! It's Dave's turn to now have a look of shock on his face and gets up and into the ref's face. Dave grabs a handful of the ref's shirt when out of nowhere Titus goes for a rollup! 1...2.....Dave kicks out. Both men get up and rush each other, hitting a clothesline on one another. They both struggle to rise to their feet. Titus gets to his feet first and chops away at Dave, backing him into the corner. Dave tries to cover up but Titus quickly hits a Northern Lights Suplex! He points to the turnbuckle and the crowd roars as Titus begins climbing the turnbuckles.

Connor: This is it! Titus is going for the Red Comet!

Copeland: Are we about to see a new Eurasian Champion?

Cohen: Not if Big Dave would listen to me and GET OFF THE MAT!

Titus steadies himself on the top turnbuckle as he looks out at the cheering fans. He looks down at Big Dave and takes a deep breath before flying off the top rope, making the flip in mid air. Suddenly Dave gets up and catches Titus in mid flight, and drops him down with the Stamp of Authority! Dave hooks the leg. 1....2.....3.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still Eurasian Champion, Big Dave!

Copeland: Oh my God....Titus' career is all over.

Cohen: Oh yes it is Seabass! Finally the whole world will now know who is truly the best in this company, and it's not that spotlight stealing Titus.

Connor: I can't believe it, from WZCW World Heavyweight Champion to being forced to retire in a matter of weeks. This just seems unfair.

Big Dave sits up and the ref hands him the Eurasian Title. Dave suddenly as a sick grin form on his face as he gets up and walks over to Titus, standing over him and holding the title in his face. Titus looks to be out as Big Dave stands over him for a bit longer before exiting the ring. He walks backwards up the ramp holding his Eurasian title to a silent crowd, shocked at what just happened. Titus slowly begins to come to in the middle of the ring and gets to his knees, his head pressed down on the mat. He breathes deeply when suddenly the crowd starts chanting his name.

Titus slowly gets to his feet and looks out at the crowd, and they pop loudly for him and continue to chant his name. He manages a smile as he walks around the ring, listening to the fans. He slowly exits the ring and walks up the ramp slowly, fans can be heard telling Titus to not go. He stops to see a child crying in the audience and walks over, patting the child on the head and mouths that it will be ok. He makes it to the top of the stage and turns around, looking at the fans once more. He waves to them and they pop loudly for him once more before turning back and walking into the back.

We cut backstage to the Crashin Movement's locker room where Doug and Holmes are looking down as Kurtesy paces back and forth.

Kurtesy: K, guys. It's 0-2 against us, we failed to get the Mayhem Title and we didn't get to shut Constantine up, now come's the time to win us the World Heavyweight Championship. This is for me, this is for us. Who's able to win in his first go? Who's going to win the first Hell in a Cell?

Crashin: Steve, I believe in you! You defeated the majority of the locker room to get here, but I know that if there's anyone who can do the ultimate tonight, it's you! Even if you don't get the victory, you will no doubt give a performance that will make the Crashin Movement proud!

Holmes: This will prove that we are a force to be reckoned with! Make the Cell your own! We'll be watching and supporting!

Kurtesy: Means a lot guys, now comes the time for shot! It's time to get people talking and wonder how does it make them feel to underrate me.

Kurtesy walks off as Crashin and Holmes look on in high hope.
The camera pans around the arena as the lights start flashing with dramatic music as the Cell is being lowered from the ceiling.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, on the second anniversary of our debut Pay Per View, we are about to witness our first ever Hell in a Cell match here in WZCW.

Cohen: It’s coming down, Seabass…I can’t believe it’s actually happening.

Connor: This show hasn’t held back so far in terms of being extreme, now I feel it’s going to go up another level.


Copeland: Let’s take you back to show you how this match came about.

Cut back to Apocalypse

Vengeance grabs Titus with the Judge, Jury and Executioner straight onto the title belt that’s still in the ring, he goes for the cover 1……2……3.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, it appears a dark day has come for the WZCW…Vengeance…is the World Heavyweight Champion!

The referee picks up the belt to hand it to Vengeance but Tarja grabs it from him, she walks in front of Vengeance, gets down on her knees and presents the belt to him. Despite the blood pouring from his face, he takes the belt and raises it in the air with a sick smile. He sets himself in a trance as the arena goes dark and lightning flashes around the arena.

Vengeance: I now stand before you as the most feared man on the roster.

Cut to Vengeance coming out on Ascension 17 with the World Heavyweight Championship and Vance Bateman in the ring

But the fact that you would rather see me lose this belt as soon as possible just shows how much you fear me Bateman. No-one wants to face me, I dare you to find the fools who would dare to challenge me!

Bateman: That's all said and done Vengeance, the fact is that while I made a mistake before, I have made an comprimise now. There is a match that WZCW has never had but it is highly renowned amongst the industry for being the most feared match that even the likes of you could not comprehend…at Unscripted, the World Heavyweight Championship will be defended for the first time in...A HELL IN A CELL MATCH!

Cohen: WHAT?!

The crowd works up into a uproaring delight as the hood of Vengeance looks around in sharp motion, seemingly in digust with the reaction to the decision. Cut to shots of the Cell.

Bateman: And the only thing that is currently Unscripted is who your opponent will be.

Cut forward to Meltdown 43

Showtime going for some running offence, which Everest ducks under and lifts Showtime up, landing on the turnbuckle in an uncomfortable position. Everest follows suit to climb up and look for the super backdrop to the floor, he gets Showtime up and goes with the move but somehow during midair, Showtime counters it into a modified Final Act, making Everest land head first. Both men are out of it but Showtime slowly rolls closer to Everest and pushes him onto his back, getting the arm over 1……2……3!

Showtime is up to his feet right as Vengeance emerges in the ring and starts unloading on the victory tonight, he hits the Judge, Jury and Executioner in the mix, taking down the showman, Tarja appears at ringside, grabbing Showtime’s wrist and handcuffing it to the ropes, followed by the other.

Copeland: No Vengeance, come on, he can’t defend himself!

Just as Vengeance turns to face Showtime with a chair in hand and paces slowly over, the lights go out which gets the crowd excited, they come back on and between Showtime and Vengeance stands Ty Burna.

Copeland: Ty Burna is back!

Ty heads over to Showtime, he lifts his head up as Showtime looks angrily at his foe, Ty stands tall and takes a few paces back with a smile, with Vengeance watching. Ty takes a few paces and then hits Vengeance with the Consecrated Banishment which gets the crowd in a frenzy

Ty who looks at Showtime but the sick looking smile remains, he takes a few paces and stands dominantly over Showtime who stands waiting for the attack to happen, only for Ty to drop down to a knee and use the key to unlock Showtime from the cuffs.

Vengeance looks angry from the ring.

Copeland: Has the light starting to crack through the Dark Alliance?

Cut to Ascension 18

Ty: While I have not atoned for my previous sins. I must rid WZCW of Vengeance, and I will go through anyone in my way. What does matter is that Vengeance is stopped.

Titus turns around. Ty is up and hits Titus with the Consecrated Banishment. Ty goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3. Ty rolls onto his knees and the ref raises his hands. Ty climbs onto the turnbuckle and stares at the crowd.

Connor: Ty has won his spot in the four way Hell in a Cell Match.

Vengeance: So that's your great solution Bateman? What other details are there?

Bateman: Just a small one. There will be a fourth person entering the cell, and it very well could be a wild card you weren't expecting as we will have a battle royal for the entire roster. The winner will go on to Unscripted to face you, Showtime, and the winner of tonight's match in the Hell in a Cell.

Vengeance quickly angers and throws the mic down and slams his fist into the turnbuckle once more. He stares down Bateman who doesn't bother to look back at Vengeance.

Cut to Ascension 19

Everest marches down to the ring, with a mad look on his face. He walks around the ring and stares at Vengeance sitting by the Announce table. Standing in the ring is The Crashin Movement, Gordito, Scott Hammond, Chris Jones, Wilhelm Wunderbar, Mark Hancock, Matt Fox, Alex Steele, Tucker Graham, Jordon Lights, Chris Beckford, Phoenix and Blade. Everest marches up the stairs and into the ring.

So Jack, who is your favourite here to win tonight?

Holmes looks at Baez with a scared look on his face. He runs and leaps over the ropes and tries to escape through the crowd. Baez does the same thing, leaping over the ropes and begins chasing Holmes.

Blade has Beckford against the ropes and then falls down and holds both his legs. Beckford is unable to move as Phoenix comes charging at him and knocks him over the ropes with a clothesline. Beckford is eliminated.

Everest lifts Graham over his shoulder and walks over towards the ropes closest to Vengeance. He and Vengeance taunt each other. Graham wiggles and manages to slide in behind Everest. Everest turns and Graham hits a dropkick that sends Everest over the ropes. Everest is eliminated.

Cohen: I don’t believe my eyes. Of all people, Tucker Graham eliminated Everest.

Kurtesy grabs Gordito by the neck and guillotines him off the ropes. Gordito fall back onto the concrete. Gordito is eliminated.

Anderson: Here is your winner..... Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Vengeance is applauding very sarcastically as he climbs up the stair and into the ring. Kurtesy stands up and Vengeance takes him down with a Big Boot. Vengeance picks up Kurtesy and prepares looks to hit Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Ty Burna comes running down the ramp and Vengeance drops Kurtesy. Ty slides into the ring and the two begin to exchange shots. Ty backs Vengeance up to the ropes. Ty goes for an Irish Whip, Vengeance reverses it. Ty comes off the ropes and ducks a Big Boot from Vengeance. Showtime David Cougar runs down the ramps and slides into the ring. Ty bounces off the opposite ropes and goes for Consecrated Banishment. Vengeance quickly maneuvers to the side and rolls out of the ring. Ty instead accidently hits it on Cougar who was behind Vengeance. Cougar had his arms up and managed to block most of the kick, but the force was still enough to knock him on his back. Cougar quickly stands up and gets in the face of Ty, who tells him it was unintentional. They both turn to Vengeance, who is laughing as he walks up the ramp, holding the WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

Connor: There will be no allies when these four men meet inside the cell at Unscripted.

Bateman: If Vengeance fails to defend his title in the Cell, not only does he lose the belt, he loses his job here at WZCW. Vengeance has got himself into this mess, so all it is left for me to show his career highs...

The clips cut inbetween shots of Vengeance, Ty Burna, Showtime and Kurtesy taking shots at each other with the Cell inbetween cuts

Copeland: Who will who will be the World Heavyweight Champion after going through hell?

Connor: There is a three in four chance that a first time World champion will emerge from Unscripted.

We cut back to the arena with the Cell all set in position.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, are we about to see a new champion get crowned or will there be four careers cut short after tonight?


Dr. Steven Kurtesy is first out onto the stage with a set of boos from the crowd, he doesn’t focus on them but rather keeps his eyes on the cell. He stands at the top of the stage staring at the structure before slowly nodding and getting himself motivated, feeling ready for lies ahead and continues down the ramp.

Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is the Hell in A Cell for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first, representing the Crashin Movement, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 235 pounds, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: Kurtesy is the first to come in yet he is the probably the least prepared for this match as he only found out just a few nights ago on Ascension that he would be in this match after winning the Battle Royale, how can he fare in his first attempt at the World Title with the stakes so high?

Cohen: Well the man is a master of psychology, he knows that it’s all about the mind games and if he’s got anything to be sure of, is that the Cell is not going to beat him at his own game!

Connor: Not to mention that prior to tonight, only Vengeance and Showtime have been in a World Championship match, but Showtime’s experience was a blimp on the radar as he was unfairly removed from the match. So this is really a first time attempt for him, Kurtesy and Ty Burna while this remains Vengeance’s first ever defence of a championship, can he survive the odds?


The crowd gives a more positive reaction to Ty Burna who makes his way out with his cloak on and Serafina behind him, he stages at the top of the stage with his arms spread out before moving them behind as Serafina takes his cloak and he paces down the ramp, keeping his eyes on the Cell as Kurtesy stands in the ring, waiting patiently.

Harrys: Weighing in at 235 pounds, Ty Burna!

Ty enters the Cell and climbs up the stairs, getting inside the ring before looking around and keeping his eyes on the Cell and Kurtesy.

Connor: Quite possibly the man who wants this victory more than anybody else. Ty Burna had a strong alliance going with Vengeance and now wants to settle the score with what he hopes to be a last stand.

Cohen: Foolish motive, he’s been taught everything he knows by Vengeance, while Vengeance will still have a surprise or two waiting!


The crowd roars in a frenzy as Showtime heads out onto the stage with the lights flashing around, he gives a positive response to the crowd but keeps his sights about the Cell, giving a slight nervous smile before continuing down the ramp.

Harrys: From Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 213 pounds, Showtime Cougar!

He enters the Cell and slides immediately under the ropes, heading over to the furthest turnbuckle to climb up and pose to the crowd before he drops down and stands in the corner, keeping eyes on both Ty and Kurtesy, expecting either to strike.

Copeland: No doubt a fan favourite here, Showtime has really come into his own since defeating Everest to get here, I think Vengeance must view him as the biggest threat to the belt.

Cohen: Yet you say that with the likes of Kurtesy in there, not to mention how much of a dominant champion Vengeance truly is!

There’s a sound of a gong as the lights go out with all eyes focused on the stage with flames coming out, the crowd give a slight boo in anticipation.


As the sound of O Fortuna blast throughout the arena as the flames continue to rise up and down as within the centre and largest flame, Vengeance ascends from the stage in his red and black cloak and the World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. The flames cease as he takes a few paces forward from where he was standing and then raises his arms in a sudden might as the flames ignite again which has the crowd in silence and his opponents holding their ground as the World Champion heads down the ramp.

Harrys: Weighing 275 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, the man they call Vengeance!

Vengeance enters the Cell with all three of his opponents having left the ring and standing in wait as he ascends the stairs into the ring, stands in the centre as he raises his hands with the lights coming on and the World Heavyweight Title raised high for all to see. He passes the belt to the referee as he removes his cloak and drops it down to one side as Ty, Showtime and Kurtesy re-enter the ring.

Copeland: This is it ladies and gentleman, all that remains is the belt to ring…

Connor: You can cut the tension with a knife.

Cohen: Expect the champion to retain, I can feel it!

The match official raises the belt in the air and presents it to all four competitors and the crowd before passing it to another referee who takes the belt out of the Cell to give to the timekeeper as another ref locks up the Cell with a chain. The crowd are getting excited as everyone waits for the word, the outside ref waves to show the Cell is shut as the official takes a deep breath and signals to ring the bell which has Ty and Vengeance squaring off on one side and Showtime against Kurtesy on the other. Vengeance and Kurtesy have Ty and Showtime against the rope as they unload rights on each other, they go to Irish whip their opponents but Ty and Show reverse it and on the rebound, Ty catches Vengeance with a spinebuster while Showtime uses suplex, both hitting double impact with a good reaction from the crowd. Ty kicks Vengeance to the outside and follows suit as Showtime gets Kurtesy up to his feet and hits out a knife edge chop on the Doctor which gets the crowd chanting “Wooooo!”, he hits another and another before he goes for a gut to be reversed into a dragon screw as he tries to go for the single leg Boston crab in the early going but Show gets to the ropes and Kurtesy lets go and backs away.

On the outside, Ty is choking out Vengeance with a huge boot right on the champion’s throat, who follows by a stomp to the chest, then another, and a third before he paces away for a moment as he turns and is met with a baseball slide from Kurtesy which knocks Ty into the walls of the Cell, Kurtesy slides out and unloads some rights on Ty who’s against the cage wall until Kurtesy slams him head first into the apron. Showtime is back up who proceeds to run and leap over the top rope to land on Kurtesy as all four men are now on the outside with only Ty standing jadedly against the ring edge. Vengeance is up on one knee, as is Showtime while Kurtesy is down for a moment, Showtime is up first and see’s Vengeance going up too, he heads over to his direction and is met with a clothesline from Ty, showing there are no allegiances in the Cell, he turns and is met with a right from Vengeance who then rolls his former ally back into the ring and follows up behind. Ty tries to get back up but Vengeance is quick to run at him with a running kick to take him to the mat, followed by a leg drop to the head, cover attempt, 1…..2…..kickout by Ty. Vengeance gets him up and drags him to the corner before throwing him shoulder first into the ring post. Vengeance paces around as Kurtesy is up and looks at Showtime who’s still on his knees, but opts to go after Vengeance, only for Showtme to grab his dragging leg and pull him back out of the ring, he allows him to get up to get a chance to Irish whip him into the Cell, he follows after with some running offence but Kurtesy moves out of the way and Show’s face meets the steel grid of the Cell.

Cohen: The Cell is starting to feel its victims as Showtime could have busted himself, he should have kept on offence.

Connor: Each men has had a fair amount of attacks on each other, with no obvious allies here so far.

Ty has managed to get himself out of the corner as Vengeace puts his boot on the back of his neck, choking him against the ropes and the ref can’t do anything but Ty refuses to quit and tries to ride the pain until Vengeance lets go with his boot and leaves Ty for a moment as he watches Kurtesy grab a chair from under the ring and immediately smacks Showtime across the forehead with it, Vengeance paces over but Kurtesy stands waiting with the chair which gets Vengeance to keep at some distance only for Ty to be back up and throws Vengeance through the ropes, landing on top of Kurtesy. Showtime is back up and gets Vengeance by the head, he takes him around the opposite side of the Cell and slams his head into the steel steps before ramming him into the side of the Cell as Ty gets to the outside and picks up Kurtesy in a bearhug like move and slams him into the back of the Cell, followed by the ring post and then face slamming him into the Cell once more. Showtime gives Ty a signal as he takes Kurtesy around to the same side and Irish whips him towards Show who takes him down with a clothesline only to turn and walk into a DDT by Vengeance.

Ty gets Kurtesy back up and drags him to the other side but he wriggles out of and shoves Ty into the Cell and then hits drop toe hold to make him fall and land face first into the Cell which gets Ty slightly busted on his forehead as Kurtesy tries to lock a sleeper hold variation with Ty’s face against the metal. Vengeance has Showtime near the door of the Cell, but throws him back into the ring while he looks under for a weapon, he drags out some bolt cutters, followed by another chair, some handcuffs and a large glass plate. He takes the chair and the plate into the ring and places the plate in the turnbuckle between the second and third rope before taking the handcuffs and tries to lock Showtime’s hand on the ropes but Showtime is quick to wriggle out and Vengeance somehow ends up locking himself against the ropes. Showtime grabs a chair and with a smile on his face to the crowd he lets them know what he plans to do, he looks at Vengeance and raises the chair high before swinging it with full might into the face of the champion, he pulls Vengeance from the ropes and goes for a cover attempt, 1……2….. Showtime drops the attempt as Kurtesy climbs in and tries to run at Showtime, going for a spear, but Showtime dodges and Kurtesy ends up hitting the glass plate head first, busting him open.

Copeland: Ouch! How does that make you feel?!

Cohen: Gimmick infringement!

Connor: Kurtesy just went head first into that glass plate and is now bleeding badly!

All men, except Showtime, are down as the wreckage is spreading inside the Cell, Showtime goes around and tries to drag Kurtesy into the ring off the edge but Kurtesy rolls quickly to the outside, holding his face after that situation with the plate. He considers Ty, who’s sitting in the corner of the Cell but chooses to go after Vengeance who kicks out at him. The crowd’s attention turns to the stage as Tarja comes out, holding out some keys, the referee on the outside tries to get her away but she explains that it’s the key for the handcuffs, the official inside the Cell goes over to grab them and paces over to try and release Vengeance as soon as possible while Tarja watches on in concern. What people fail to notice is that Kurtesy has taken the bolt cutters and he’s cut the chain on the door, he gets up to his feet as Vengeance is being released from the cuffs with Showtime waiting, Kurtesy tries to catch his breath for a second or two before he suddenly kicks out at the door, slamming it open and taking out the outside official and Tarja who’s knocked to the floor. Vengeance notices this and has evil intentions in his eyes as Kurtesy realises what he’s just done and turns to see Vengeance who’s just had the cuffs released looking extremely aggressive as he gets up to his feet and goes straight for Kurtesy like a hawk after its prey. Showtime just lets Vengeance go as he goes over to Ty who meets him with a clothesline and takes more to compose. Kurtesy has bolted out of the door as Vengeance follows pursuit, Kurtesy heads around the Cell to the opposite side as he tries to get away but can’t find a way out of the crowd, he grabs the title belt from the title keeper and stands waiting and then runs at Vengeance to knock him down with the belt, only for Vengeance to sit up and Kurtesy looks around in panic, and then looks up and decided to climb the Cell.

Vengeance gets up to his feet and follows the Doctor as the crowd start cheering heavily at the possibility of something about to happen, Ty Burna who’s still busted leaves the Cell and looks at the two men who have reached the roof. He takes a moment to decide but chooses to go after them as Showtime rushes out and knocks his footing to stop him from climbing and tries to go after them but Ty is back up and both men slam each other’s faces against the Cell until Ty takes Showtime’s head and then slams it into the Cell and then drags it against the mesh grating, ripping into his skin and bust him open as well before using a high knee to knock Showtime down. On top of the Cell, Vengeance stands tall as Kurtesy is trying to back away on his back, begging Vengeance to listen to him saying “It was an accident”, Vengeance won’t listen to him and gets him up to his feet with Kurtesy begging for him to let go as Vengeance takes him to the edge of the Cell roof with the crowd getting excited at what’s unfolding, Vengeance then grabs Kurtesy by the throat and then lifts him over his head in a military press and is ready to drop Kurtesy, only that Ty is now reached the top and low blows Vengeance who falls back and Kurtesy gets through unharmed. Ty Burna stands tall, looking at Vengeance and Kurtesy, deciding which to go after, he decides on Kurtesy, he grabs him by the head and takes him down with a solid right before turning towards Vengeance who’s still in pain from the low blow, he gets Vengeance up and drops him with a Russian legsweep before he looks towards the edge that he’s nearest to and makes a signal to the crowd that something is going to happen, during which Showtime Cougar has ascended to the top of the Cell behind Ty’s back while he gets Vengeance back onto his feet, he knocks a right hand which makes Vengenace stagger near the edge as Ty looks primed and ready, he goes for the Consecrated Banishment but Vengeance drops out of the way, Ty turns and Showtime is there and locks him ready for the Final Act off of the Cell!

Copeland: Shades of Apocalypse right here! Don’t do it Showtime!

But Ty elbows the bloodied Showtime out of it and hits the Consecrated Banishment to knock out Showtime on top of the Cell, Ty drops to his knee and knows that he can’t win the match on the roof begins to descend from the top as Vengeance gets back up to his feet. He looks to go after Ty but notices Kurtesy is getting up from the knock he got from Ty earlier. Vengeance immediately heads over to Kurtesy and grabs him by the throat and then locks him ready for the Judge, Jury and Executioner, he tries to lift Kurtesy but he dead-weights it, and for a second time, Vengeance tries for a third time but Kurtesy shoves himself out of it, Vengeance comes at it with pace and Kurtesy uses an armdrag to take Vengeance with momentum over his body and over the beam and onto the roof which breaks and Vengeance falls all the way through to the floor which has the whole crowd in shock as well as Ty who’s watching from the floor below. Kurtesy looks exhausted on top of the Cell and shocked that he just took Vengeance from the roof to the floor, who has yet to move from the drop.

Cohen: I never thought Kurtesy had it in him!

Copeland: My god, I can’t believe it, Vengeance just got literally thrown under that momentum to fall through the roof to the floor, someone get some EMTs!

Connor: I hope he is alright!

Cohen: Vengeance can’t lose the title this way!

Ty Burna walks with a pace to the Cell door and gets inside the ring, he walks over to Vengeance and the referee is telling him to back off from him but Ty goes for the cover and tells him to “Count it!”, 1…..2……kickout by Vengeance. Ty is in shock that Vengeance just kicked out after that fall. He holds his head in his heads and gets up to his feet, worn down, covered in blood, what can he do to defeat his former ally? Suddenly Vengeance sits up and the crowd is in shock, but he is slow up to his feet, using the ropes to get him full vertical as both Ty and Vengeance stand toe to toe, eyes staring intently, knowing this is where things must end as they both exchange rights with Vengeance coming off slightly weaker due to the fall. Ty connects with a couple of rights and then follows with a shuffle side kick to take down Vengeance. He grabs the chair from earlier and slams it a couple of times on Vengeance to weaken him further, he gets his Vengeance up to his feet and leans him into the corner. Ty stands at the opposite corner and looks ready to strike with the Consecrated Banishment, he runs at Vengeance who comes out of the corner and is met with Ty’s finisher, Ty goes for the cover 1……..2…….shoulder up! Ty can’t believe that his finisher wasn’t enough. On top of the Cell, Showtime goes over to Kurtesy who tries to sluggishly get an attack is but is met with a Ratings Crash and both men are laid out flat on the roof as Ty thinks what he needs to do with his former partner. He gets up very slowly as does Vengeance and as Ty turns to face Vengeance who hits a sudden Judge, Jury and Executioner, but he isn’t able to get the cover due to the exhaustion. He eventually rolls over to get an arm over but Ty counters it into the Finale Séance, locking Vengeance tight who refuses to scream but grit his teeth tightly, the exhaustion wears in on his face and reaching out to the ropes doesn’t bring him closer as he’s in the centre of the ring. Vengeance looks exhausted, looking around at where to grab but he eventually turns to look at Ty, who holds the move tight and he lets out a faint smile before he slams his hand to the mat and submits to Ty with the referee signalling for the bell.

Harrys: The winner of this match, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty relinquishes the hold and looks in disbelief as he just made Vengeance tap out for the first time in his life as the referee goes to grab the belt from outside the Cell. The arena looks ransacked as there are weapons and glass all over the place, the Cell broke, Kurtesy and Showtime flat out on top of the Cell and Vengeance with Ty Burna still in the ring.

Copeland: Ty Burna has just done something I never though I’d see do, he’s made Vengeance tap out to become the World Champion. But the look on Vengeance’s face look like he accepted the defeat to his former ally.

Cohen: First Titus, now Vengeance. Last month, these two were fighting over the belt, now they leave on the same night, such a noble defence in a hellacious match.

Connor: This is a match that nobody is going to forget for a long time.

The referee passes Ty the belt as he staggers to his feet and has his hand raised with the title raised high, he can’t believe what’s happened. He spots Vengeance getting slowly up to his feet who stands in front of Ty, slowly nodding his head as a silence airs amongst the crowd until Vengeance drops to his knee and raises his hand towards Ty in an act of respect as Ty goes over to the turnbuckle and celebrates with the belt. Showtime and Kurtesy are slowly rolling towards to roof edge so they can get down but the main focus is on Ty and Vengeance. Both men stand opposite each, knowing what they have been through as the former champion raises his head where the lights go out and sounds of lightning can be heard. The lights come back on and Ty stands alone in the ring with his championship belt with nothing but a smile on his face as Serafina comes out to congratulate her master, he raises the belt one last time in the air before he heads out of the Cell.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, Unscripted has been a night of drama, emotion and the sight of two legendary careers end. Something tells me though that I doubt we’ll see the last of them. But on a night that has been nothing but unscripted and we have you the fans to thank you for that. A new era will dawn come Meltdown, it will be strange, but let’s see where WZCW will go…
Who wrote what:
World Title Hell in a Cell, Backstage - Phoenix
EurAsian Championship - Ty
Elite X Championship, Tag Team Championship - Thriller
Blade vs. Phoenix, Mayhem Championship, Opening - Showtime
Constantine vs. Everest vs. Doug Crashin - Blade

Rep them and provide feedback please

Hope you enjoyed Unscripted!
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