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WZCW Presents: Unscripted 2012

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Five Years

We see a clip of different WZCW Unscripted Logos.

Of Glory​

We see Big Dave winning the World Title at Unscripted last year.

Of Elevation

We see clips of Steven Kurtesy, Mr. Baller, and then finally Steven Holmes.

Of Hell

We see the lowering of the Cell at the two different Unscripted events. We then switch between different shots of various superstars in pain while competing in the match.

Tonight is the culmination of all of those things

We see clips of James Howard beating down Saxton.

An event

We see a clip of Rush and Sam Smith holding up their titles.

That is five years

We see a clip of Barbosa and S.H.I.T. trading vicious blows.

In the making.

In image of Drake Callahan flashes on the screen. He fades out and then Steven Holmes appears. Holmes fades out and Titus appears. Finally, Showtime David Cougar appears with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

WZCW proudly presents our fifth anniversary of Unscripted!​



Pyros shoot off as the overhead camera pans over the arena. The crowd is alive and well as we get several shots of signs and fan excitement.

Copeland: Welcome, one and all, to WZCW's oldest Pay-Per-View. We are sure that tonight will be just another fine classic that we can add to our long list of historic events! My name is Sebastian Copeland, alongside my partners Jack Cohen, and the lovely Cat Connors. Let us not hesitate, as we have a full card ready for us tonight!


Camera shows the General Managers office room where Big Dave, Vance Bateman, and Chuck Myles are all standing in the room watching the show. The camera turns to see that Rush is in the room and behind him are the three EurAsian Challengers, Matt Tastic, El Califa Dragon, and Celeste Crimson.

Bateman: Well Dave, hurry up with the results for the EurAsian Title match. Quite hogging up the PPV time with your Meltdown nonsense so we can begin Unscripted with Ascension's Elite X Title match.

Dave: Vance, does WZCW really need another match for control of the company. I don't think you faired out to well the last time that happened.

Vance scoffs at the comment and Myles chuckles.

Dave: Alright, here are the results for the EurAsian Title match.

a) Celeste Crimson - 9 votes 35%
b) El Califa Dragon - 3 votes 11%
c) Matt Tastic - 14 votes 54%

The audience cheers and Tastic swings his arms around excitedly. He shakes hands with El Califa and Celeste as the giant Rush walks over to him.

Rush: I can't wait to crush your spirit when I break your body in that ring.

Rush chuckles and walks out of the room. Tastic, El Califa, and Celeste all leave soon after and the camera turns back to the three GM's who turn to look at the TV screen.
Harrys: The following contest is a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match for the Elite X championship!


Triple X walks on the stage, running to each side of the stage, hyping the crowd up. He then returns to the middle, holding up his arms up making an X symbol. He then walks down, acknowledging fans, and slides into the ring. He mounts the turnbuckle, playing to the crowd again, making the X symbol with his arms once more.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing 220 pounds, Triple X!


Smith walks out, methodically making his way to the ring. Upon reaching the ring, he climbs up the stairs, sarcastically posing in the middle of the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing 235 pounds, he is the Elite X champion, Sam Smith!

The two men stand in the ring as the titantron brings up the stipulations for the TLC. The choices are…

a) Climbing the Ladder to retrieve the Elite X belt - 22 votes 85%
b) Pinfall or Submission - 3 votes 11%
c) Putting your opponent through a Table - 1 vote 4%

The two superstars watch as the first option lights up as the crowd cheers. The referee takes the Exite X title and attaches it to a pulley and hangs it high above the ring. Smith and Triple X look at each other, before glancing up at the belt, and then outside the ring at the ladders that were set up previously. The bell rings as the two competitors begin to circle each other. They lock up and begin to grapple but Smith gets the upper hand and puts Triple X into a headlock. He launches him into the ropes, but Triple X responds by kicking him in the face. He whips Smith into the ropes, but the champion responds with a clothesline knocking the challenger down. Smith picks Triple X up and hits a swinging neckbreaker and exits the ring.

Copeland: It looks like Smith got the better of that little scuffle. Could he be going for the ladder?

Connors: I don’t think Triple X has been put down enough for him to attempt to climb.

Cohen: There’s strategy in these matches Seabass; he’s going for the chairs.

Smith starts to grab one of the ladders, but thinks better of it before reaching under the ring and grabbing a chair. He throws it into the ring and grabs two more; he turns around and runs right into a baseball slide from Triple X which knocks him loopy. Triple X readies himself and nails the champion with an Arabian press which lays Smith out onto the floor. The crowd cheers Triple X on as he grabs a table and sets it up on the outside in front of the ramp. He grabs one of the chairs that Smith dropped and nails the champion in the back as he stands. Smith begins to reel and retreats to the other side of the ring with Triple X in tow.

Copeland: Triple X is relentless! He’s attacking the champion with everything he’s got.

Cohen: Knowing that freak show, giving “everything he’s got” he’s going to take himself out in the process.

Triple X hits Smith again but on the third swing Smith ducks causing him to hit the steel ring post. Smith grabs Triple X, spins him around, and rams him back against the post. Smith grabs Triple X and delivers a snap suplex on the outside. Smith rolls Triple X back into the ring and follows him with the chair in hand. He jabs the chair into his ribs and then slams it across Triple X back driving the smaller man to the mat. Smith grabs two of the chairs and sets them on all fours with the seats adjacent to each other. He grabs Triple X and tries to suplex him on top of the mass of metal but the smaller man black it. Triple X reverses and tries to go for a suplex of his own, but Smith fights him off with elbows to the side of the head. He whips Triple X across the ring, but in an amazing display of athleticism Triple X jumps over the chairs on the rebound and takes Smith down with a hurricanrana.

Copeland: What athleticism by Triple X, avoiding those chairs!

Connors: If either of them goes through that mass of chairs it’s over.

With the crowd behind him Triple X readies himself as Smith crawls to the corner. He drags himself to his feet, but Triple X charges. Smith rolls forward only for Triple X to pivot off the top rope and plant him with a Whisper in the Wind. Triple X looks to finish off Smith by suplexing him through the chairs, but Smith retaliates with a low blow. In a flash he picks the smaller man up and drives him through the two chairs with a spinebuster. Smith exists the ring and grabs one the ladder on the outside and brings it into the ring. He sets it up in the center of the ring below the Elite X title and starts climbing. He gets about three quarters of the way to the top when Triple X recovers and quickly climbs up the other side.

Copeland: My god! Smith just put Triple X spine first through those chairs!

Connors: That had to hurt…

Cohen: That a boy Smith! Go for the ladder kid!

The two superstars begin to slug it out on the top with Smith gaining the upper hand. He tries to push the smaller man off but Triple X counters and drives Smith’s head into the top of the ladder. He repeats the move again, and again, until Smith lets go and drops down a rung. Instead of trying to reach the championship Triplex X flips over the top and drives Smith to the match with a sunset flip powerbomb. Both competitors are down as the crowd goes nuts. Both men are back on their feet as they continue to slug away at each other. Smith cuts Triple X off with a knee to the gut and delivers a sidewalk slam. He begins to wrench away at Triple X’s neck trying to wear the smaller man down. He gets to his feet and counters and hits the Adrenaline Rush backbreaker.

Copeland: Both men crashed and burned off the ladder, but they’re still going!

Connors: There’s back and forth action everywhere; neither one of them is backing down!

Cohen: Come on Smith, don’t take that – you’re the champion!

Triple X sizes Smith up and tries to go for the X-Rated early but he catches his foot, spins him around, and drives the smaller man backward against the corner with a sick looking tiger suplex that folds Triplex X up like an accordion. Smith picks the smaller man up onto his shoulder and tries to dump him out of the ring, but Triplex X counters and sends Smith out of the ring with another hurricanrana. Smith manages to hold on and hoists himself back up but Triple X tries to knock him off again. He charges forward but Smith grabs him and hotshots him off the top rope. He slides back into the ring and maneuvers Triple X over to the table that was set up earlier outside the ring. He picks the smaller man up and dumps him over the top rope with a suplex that sends both men crashing straight through the table.

Copeland: Smith sacrificing his own body and now both men are down again!

Connors: What an awkward fall that was; look at all the twisted limbs!

Cohen: That’s what you need to do son, now get to your feet!

Both men are down, but Smith gets to his feet first. Without wasting any time he darts for the ladder, sets it up, and begins to climb. His pace is much shorter this time and by the time he gets to the top Triple X has recovered on the outside. With no time left to lose Triple X slingshots himself to the top rope and leaps across the ring and kicks both the ladder and Smith over with an unbelievable drop kick. The champion crashes to the mat as Triple X takes control. Triple X picks up the other chair that hadn’t been bent earlier and places it beside the over turned ladder. He picks up Smith and tries to drive him down onto it, but the larger man counters and pushes Triple X backwards against the ropes. He rushes forward and Smith tries for another spinebuster but Triple X’s momentum carries him forward and he plants Smith back first on top of the chair with a Yoshi Tonic. Triple X rolls Smith over and places the chair on top of him; he rears back and hits a standing shooting star press. Smith grabs his chest and rolls over to the corner as Triple X begins to climb the ladder. He gets about halfway up when Smith reaches up and grabs him from behind and tries to pull him off.

Copeland: Triple X won’t die! Every time Smith knocks him down he retaliates with something bigger and bolder. First a dropkick off the ladder and now a Yoshi Tonic onto a chair!

Cohen: And that audacity is going to cost him, mark my words.

Triple X kicks him away and continues to climb; he steps up another rung when Smith grabs the chair and smacks him in the back. Smith climbs the ladder behind him and grabs his arms. Triple X tries to struggle free but Smith smiles sadistically and tosses him backwards with a huge tiger suplex off the ladder. Both men crash into the mat as Smith looks to have taken himself out in the process. The audience looks on as Smith staggers to his feet, wobbles to the ropes, and slides outside. He reaches underneath the ring apron and pulls out another table and slides it into the ring. He sets it up and turns his attention to Triple X, who is just getting to his feet.

Copeland: And look at that by Smith a huge tiger suplex off the ladder! Triple X is down, and Smith brings a table into the ring.

Connors: I doubt either one of these guys can keep up this intensity for much longer; something’s got to give.

He hits the smaller man a few times and then floors him with a short arm lariat, trying to soften him up. Smith motions to the table and drags Triple X towards it. He lifts him up and tries to drive him through it with a suplex, but the smaller man floats over and hits a DDT. He tries to do his kip up but in a sign of fatigue he ends up falling against the ropes. Triple X grabs Smith and hits the Black Out into the middle turnbuckle. He measures Smith and hits the X-Rated! Smith falls to the mat but with no referee to go for a pinfall, Triple X measures Smith yet again. He looks for the X-Rated for a second time, the crowd rallying around him as Smith gets to his feet; he lungs forward but Smith counters and hoists the smaller man onto his shoulders. As quick as a cat Smith nails Nightfall, as both superstars are down once more. Smith gets to his feet and drags the table closer to him instead of wasting energy moving his opponent.

Connors: Both men are throwing everything that they have at each other; what is it going to take for either of these guys to win this match?

Cohen: If this had been a normal match, that Nightfall would have the nail in the coffin. This match won’t end until someone can no longer move.

He hoists the smaller man to his feet and tries to use a falcon arrow to drive Triple X through it, but he counters, floats over and twists Smith’s arm into a hammerlock. With a burst of strength he floors the larger man with a short arm lariat. He tries to whip Smith into the ropes, but he counters and gets flung instead. Smith tries to knock him down but Triple X ducks, bounces off the opposite ropes, and charges back with a flying forearm smash. He hits Smith with the Adrenaline Rush, and floors the champion again with the X-Rated. Smith’s body goes limp but instead of trying to climb the ladder Triple X drags the larger man over to the table and drapes his body over the top. Triple X starts to climb the ladder and when he reaches the top, instead of reaching up to grab the title he looks down at the fallen Sam Smith. The daredevil motions to the crowd and balances himself on top of the ladder. He signals for the end and leaps off the top going for the Firefly. At the last second Smith rolls off the table as Triple X crashes and burns! Smith drags himself over to the ladder and starts crawling up to the top, each step bringing him closer and closer to victory. He looks down at Triple X, who is still unresponsive, and looks up at the Elite X title; amidst a chorus of boos he reaches up and unhooks the title and clutches it to his chest.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still Elite X champion, Sam Smith!

Copeland: Triple X went for everything and got nothing! Smith moved at the last second and he went right through the table!

Connors: Oh my God!

Cohen: I knew that daredevil would take himself out, Smith was playing possum! He’s way too smart for Triple X!

Smith falls back to the canvas and celebrates as the referees check on Triple X. Smith holds the title above his head and smirks as he heads up the ramp.


We are directed to a huge fuss backstage. EMT's rush to attend to a fallen superstar and agents prevent a clear view of what has gone on.

EMT #1: "I think he's been choked out."

EMT #2: "He's got severe bruising as well."

Agent: "Where's Big Dave? Or Bateman and Myles?"

We see Dave and Chuck Myles rush in followed by Becky Serra.

Myles: "What's happening? Who is it?"

Agent: "It's El Califa Dragon."

Dave: "God damnit."

Agent: You need to see this boss."

Dave scans the message and a camera catches the words.
A soulless angel, devoid of mind,
skin as cold as ice,
it bathes in darkness, shuns the light,
still ascends sublime

The price of fate is still too high,
call your maker down
fail forgiveness, keep your pride,
write your own goodbye

It was a dream of unmaking this viewless confine,
and to defy all predictions and end this design

Forever the ones who will claim this day
The age of creation will fade as we turn from grace

We'd place the light of our sentience within the machine
and we would send it to heaven to end God's regime

Forever the ones who will claim this day
The age of creation will fade as we turn from grace
There's no fate but that which we make for ourselves
But we are a breath, just a moment in time and space

Dave: "We need to talk to talk to Vance immediately."

Chuck: "Absolutely."
Harrys: It is now time for the Chris K.O. OPEN INVITATIONAL!

The crowd rejoices; though boos linger in the background. This reaction intensifies further as “The White Knight’s” music hits:


Harrys: Introducing first, the host of this open challenge; from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and weighing 212 pounds, he is the White Knight of WZCW; CHRIS K.O.!

K.O. enters, the crowd mostly offering cheers, but there is a loud minority offering a more negative reaction. This does not seem to affect K.O. who dramatically removes his helmet before storming down to the ring.

Copeland: This Open Invitational has been the subject of much controversy by many within the WZCW locker room.

Cohen: And rightfully so Seabass. I mean let’s face facts, what has K.O. done since banishing Ty Burna? The answer; lose. He suffered defeat at the hands of Steven Holmes, failed to get it done in the Battle Royal and lost to Steamboat Ricky. That’s hardly validation for him to throw down the gauntlet to the locker room.

Connor: True, but perhaps this Open Challenge will mark a change of fortunes for K.O.

Now inside the ring, Chris K.O. is pacing back and forth, excited for his challenger, whoever they may be. We turn our attention to the titantron now as we see the speckled face of Leon Kensworth:

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, Chris K.O. is in the ring ready for action, but who did you vote to face him? With me are the top five candidates from the voting, so who did you choose to face Chris K.O.? Was it Jacoby Capone?

Capone is behind Kensworth and he nods, showing he wants to face K.O. tonight? The fans offer a negative reaction.

Leon: How about the gigantic Benjamin Hoss?

Moving along, the camera finds a deadpan Benjamin Hoss who receives further, louder boos. With Hoss is Wilhelm Wunderbar who sneers and nods at the same time, much as Capone did.

Leon: Maybe you picked the ever vocal Justin Cooper?

The camera pans to Cooper who smiles for a second before shoving his sign into the camera to a mixed reception.



We cut to the ring for a second as K.O. looks on disapprovingly, shaking his head.

Copeland: Cooper was extremely vocal about this challenge over social media and the rest of the internet.

Returning to Leon and the rest of the challengers backstage, the camera moves past Cooper and his sign, progressing to the only female candidate. Cheers come from the crowd.

Leon: Perhaps you wanted to witness Sandy Deserts make her WZCW in-ring debut?

Sandy looks focused, determined and ready for the challenge should she be chosen.

Leon: Or maybe you wanted to see the Knight collide with the King in Constan--

Copeland: Where did Constantine slither off to?

As the camera moves to where Constantine should be stood, we see nobody. The “King” has slipped out of everyone’s sights, including Leon’s. The backstage reporter looks around in search of the final potential winner. Again we cut to the arena to see a confused Chris K.O. Then the audience, Sebastian, K.O. and Leon all learn just where Constantine has gone:


As the crowd turns on the music immediately, Constantine saunters into the arena. In one hand he holds his King for a Day briefcase, in the other is a microphone.

Constantine: If I could have utter silence please, your King wishes to address you.

This arrogant statement leads to more hatred from the crowd to which Constantine shakes his head, disgusted by such lack of respect. He continues talking regardless.

Constantine: It was obvious by the enormity of my campaigning that I would be chosen and as such I did not need to listen to any “official” declaration. So, referee, if you would please take out the strap I gave to earlier, we can set ourselves up for a four corners match.

Constantine begins to move to the ring as he drops his microphone, though there is little movement from the referee who is trying to communicate with Constantine.

Cohen: Why does the referee not bring out the strap?

Gesturing to the referee to get the strap ready, Constantine is growing agitated. He enters the ring and grabs the ref by the collar. This forces K.O. into action as he frees the referee and stands between the official and Constantine. Then the camera returns backstage as we see Leon opening the envelope with the official poll winner.

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a tie!

The crowd whispers and talks amongst itself, unsure of what’s going on. Constantine sharply looks at the tron, anger clear on his face and the word “what?” visible upon his lips. K.O. is also somewhat puzzled.

a) Benjamin Hoss - 4 votes 15%
b) Constantine - 9 votes 35%
c) Jacoby Capone - 1 vote 4%
d) Justin Cooper - 9 votes 35%
e) Sandy Deserts - 3 votes 11%

Leon: According to the official polling results, John Constantine and Justin Cooper have a shared number of votes and as such, both win! Therefore in the event of a tie, the Open Challenge is now a triple threat!

Delighted, Justin Cooper grins; throwing his sign aside and quickly makes his way out of shot in order to join his opponents for the match. The crowd is pleased with this unexpected twist while Constantine is furious. He barks at the referee as Chris K.O., still shielding the match official, contemplates his tactics.

Connor: So now we will witness a completely different match with the addition of Cooper meaning we have a triple threat.

Cohen: Thank you for repeating what that imbecile Kensworth just told us. This is madness.


Madness perhaps, but Cooper doesn’t care as he sprints to the ring, sliding in and taking down K.O. immediately. Cooper lays in with fists furiously, a warped smile stick fixated on his face. Constantine isn’t sure of what to do and at first leaves Cooper to his assault, but then decides this is his match to dominate and control. He rips Cooper off of K.O. The joints poll winners stare into one another’s eyes for a moment; Cooper somehow still smiling, Constantine with hatred in his eyes. Naturally Constantine is the first to throw a punch, but Cooper expects this. Blocking the fist, the Australian responds with one of his own, before hitting another, and another. Staggering backwards, Constantine finds the ropes just in the nick of time. Cooper loads up a massive punch, but Constantine ducks down, pulling the top rope and sending Cooper to the outside with a thud. Suddenly, Chris enters the picture and hooks Constantine for a German suplex. As the crowd pops partially, Constantine blocks the suplex. K.O. tries again, but once more it is blocked. The King for a Day batters two vicious elbow shots off the side of K.O.’s skull in order to escape the predicament. He then shoves K.O. away in order to get enough distance so that he can come off the ropes for a lariat. As he prepares to do this however, Cooper holds the top rope down in an act of revenge, sending Constantine tumbling to the outside.

Copeland: Both these men were extremely outspoken concerning this contest and it seems like the end result is this collision.

Laughing at Constantine’s fall, Cooper re-enters in hopes of continuing his earlier assault on K.O., but he walks right into a dropkick. Stunned for a moment, Cooper starts to get to his feet, but waiting for him is K.O. who quickly hoists the former Elite X Champion up for a scoop slam. K.O. goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Forcing K.O. off him, Cooper tries to crawl to a corner for some air, but K.O. is relentless following Cooper’s verbal assaults online. The “White Knight” grabs a waistlock on Cooper and goes for the same move he attempted on Constantine; a German suplex. With great power, K.O. tosses Cooper overhead. However, K.O.’s own strength may have gotten the better of him there as Cooper actually manages to fly a full 360 degrees back into a standing position. After a moment of shooting pain in his legs, Cooper is prepared to take an oblivious K.O. by surprise. Before he can do that though, a recuperated Constantine grabs Cooper’s leg from the outside and pulls him out of the ring. As K.O. turns around he is surprised to see no one behind him either on the floor or standing. Then he moves over to the outside where he sees Constantine attacking Cooper. The tyrannical monarch nails a sickening lariat to Cooper, sending him to the mat below. Constantine turns his head to K.O. and through his body movement he tells his rival that it is time for them to resume business.

Constantine slides into the ring and meets K.O. in the middle as Chris allows him to do so. Mimicking the closing stages of the Battle Royal, Constantine slaps K.O. with an uppercut before K.O. retorts with the same. Surprised by the ferocity of Chris’ uppercut, Constantine takes a step back before kicking at K.O.’s knee, sending him down onto the canvas. Quick to capitalise, Constantine lays into his foe with a number of stomps making sure he stays down. Constantine now drops to K.O. and lays in several closed-fists to the face. After a few fists, Constantine backs off to catch his breath and to also come off the ropes as he delivers a knee drop. He goes for a cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Not to surprised, Constantine continues his assault and returns to drilling his fist into K.O.’s face. Each shot has more power behind it than the last. Eventually the “Powertrip” decides on using a different manoeuvre and lifts K.O. from the mat. He hooks K.O. up and hoists him high with a vertical suplex. Arrogant as always though, Constantine is in the mood to display his strength and keeps K.O. in the standing vertical position for a few seconds. The crowd, despite their distaste for the King for a Day lets out a small round of applause in appreciation. This applause quickly changes to a slight cheer as Constantine turns around to see a flying shoulder block coming right at him courtesy of Justin Cooper! Constantine drops K.O. with the suplex and also falls to the mat himself.

Connor: Cooper’s shoulder block affecting both his opponents tonight, a clever move on his part.

Cohen: Perhaps, or maybe it was purely luck, eh CC?

Getting to his feet, Constantine is dazed and confused for a split second, but that’s all Cooper needs as he hits a hip toss. Once more in a state of bewilderment, Constantine climbs to his feet quickly only to be slammed straight back down as Cooper comes off the ropes from behind with a big bulldog. Quick into the pin: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Using his supreme strength, Constantine forces his enemy off. He shakes his head in order to clear any cobwebs, but Cooper is relentless and returns, grabbing Constantine’s head, seeking a DDT. The variety of the move changes as Cooper tries to hook Constantine’s arms, but some slick footwork on the King’s behalf allows him to deliver a drop toe hold, sending Cooper down. Instinct takes over and Constantine sees the opening for an STF, jumping onto Cooper in order to apply the painful submission hold. He’s just about got it locked in when from behind, K.O. comes in! He grabs a waistlock and unleashes a devastating German suplex, but he refuses to let go of the waistlock and brings Constantine back to his feet as he unleashes yet another German suplex. Constantine is dead on his feet at the moment, as K.O., rises once more, seeking a trifecta of German suplexes. Before he can hit that third, all important suplex, Cooper comes running in, but K.O. sees it. Ducking both himself and Constantine, K.O. manages to nail Cooper with a super big back body drop which sends him sky high before crashing to the mat below. Now K.O. executes his third suplex, achieving a hat-trick.

Building momentum off of those suplexes, K.O. signals that the end could be near here for John Constantine. Slowly regaining his bearings, Constantine tries to push himself off of the mat and climbs to his feet. As soon as Constantine returns to his feet, Chris latches himself onto the King and tries to apply Burning Crusade. Constantine struggles to fight him off but after shoving the palm of his face into K.O.’s face, he finally escapes. He does some further escaping by dropping to the mat and rolling out onto the floor. At first he does so to catch a breath, but then thinks of a “better” idea. He goes over to the ring announcer and timekeeper’s location and snatches his briefcase. He storms off, both irritated and dissatisfied. K.O. yells for him to come back, but Constantine turns around and shakes his head. He declares that he has ”better things to do tonight...” With that ominous statement left in the air, Constantine continues to make his way up the entrance ramp, but before a new player enters; Alex Bowen. The former Mayhem Champion is dressed in street clothes and is clearly not here to compete. He steps onto the ramp and gives Constantine a harsh look before continuing to move down to the ring. K.O. looks surprised, but is determined to defeat Cooper so looks to resume the contest.

Copeland: Well Constantine just ran away--

Cohen: I think you’ll find he walked quite calmly.

Copeland: Well regardless he appears to have been replaced here in some form or another by Alex Bowen.

K.O. wants to end this now and as such lifts Cooper into position. With an air of confidence about him, K.O. wants to show off as he tries to put this thorn in his side away with the Butterfly Effect. As he seeks to show off to Bowen though, Cooper surprises everyone, including K.O. by popping out of the move and hitting his own finisher; Your Final Verse! He goes into the cover: 1...2...3! The crowd lets out a mixed, surprised reaction. Almost as soon as the ref counts three, Bowen enters the ring and raises Cooper’s hand.

Harrys: Here is your winner, JUSTIN COOPER!

Connor: What exactly is Bowen here for?

Unsure of the answer to that question, Cooper blasts K.O. with a stomp before Bowen puts his hand on Cooper’s chest and shakes his head. Bowen now takes a step forward and lifts K.O. to his feet. He screams in K.O.’s face before kicking him in the midsection and delivering the End of Days, laying K.O. out. Again, the mixed reaction occurs. Bowen and Cooper begin to take their leave

Copeland: What did we just witness?

Cohen: I’m not sure, but I think I liked it.

Cooper and Bowen head up the ramp together, smiling, smirking and perhaps plotting. K.O. lays in the ring, devastated by Bowen’s finisher.


Backstage we see Triple X in the locker room with his head hung low. A few faceless wrestlers walk past him and offer their condolences. X smiles and thanks each who tells him what a great match he had. The room is silent when Leon Kensworth steps into the room.

Kensworth: Triple X, do you have time for a quick interview for WZCW.com?

Triple X lets out a big sigh and then stands up and forces out a smile.

X: Sure Leon, absolutely.

Kensworth: First off, outstanding performance you had out there in the TLC match. Not many superstars have ever competed in that type of contest and you were able to provide a few highlight reel moments in the match. Unfortunately though, you were not able to pick up the victory against rival Sam Smith. Your thoughts on the match?

X: Well first thank you Leon for the kind words. I went out there and put forth a tremendous effort not only to showcase all of my abilities, but to also win the match, and while people have praised the former, it is the latter that I let myself down at. Sam proved tonight that he was the better man, and I offer him my congratulations on a hard fought match.

Kensworth: What does the future hold for Triple X now?

X: Well Leon... I think 2013 is going to be a big year for...

???: Hold on, hold up a minute here Leon. You’re interviewing this repugnant loser?

The camera turns and sees Steven Holmes has entered the picture.

Holmes: I mean this man is a loser, as witnessed out there, and you could instead be interviewing the future WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

X: Holmes it’s nice to see you here in the locker room. Normally the only time I see you near here is with a 10 foot poll, so there must be some reason why you’ve blessed our little hole here with your disgusting elitism.

Holmes: Some men are born elite Triple X, others just get lucky sometimes. I know that I was born elite, and you... well, you’re just lucky to still be in here. Now run along so Leon can interview a real winner. I promise I’ll let you watch after.

Triple X looks ready to start a fight, but instead grabs his bag and storms out of the room.

Holmes: Well there we are, the problem has now been solved. You can thank me after the interview for this. Now where were we?

Kensworth: I had just asked Triple X what the future held for him.

Holmes: Ah yes the future, a perfect question to ask the most elite wrestler in this company. Leon the future of Steven Holmes begins today and it begins with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Showtime has fought the likes of Callahan and Titus, but he has never fought someone as elite as me. Showtime talks about setting the bar here tonight. I’m going to take that bar away from him, and smash it over him. Inside the Cell there can only be one winner, and that winner will be the most elite wrestler in this company. That winner will be Steven Holmes of course and 2013 will be the dawn of The Elite years in WZCW. No one will ever mention the name Showtime, or Ty Burna, ever again after my reign is over. Leon, you can begin thanking me now.

Kensworth: ... Thank you Steven Holmes for the interview. Now I’m going to track down Triple X to finish his.

Leon steps out of the locker room and Holmes smiles. Holmes then looks around the room and starts to clean his arms off as he heads out as well.
The following match is scheduled for one fall.


Introducing first from Portland, Oregon. He is Jacoby Capone!

Capone’s theme plays out for awhile before he walks out as the song picks up. Capone slowly prances from the curtain with a smirk on his face and hood from his jacket up. He inaudibly begins yelling at groups of fans. He spins on his heel in a show-off fashion followed by a brisk jog to the ring. Capone then climbs a single turnbuckle where he unzips his jacket, gestures to the band on his shirt, then removes the shirt and tosses it to the ground. Lightshow consists of flashing and alternating red and white lights throughout the arena, while a main spotlight is focused on him.

Connors: Well, we have ourselves an impromptu tag match in our hands.

Cohen: I want to see a beat down.

Copeland: Well The New Church get their chance to make their mark on Unscripted!

And his tag team partner. He weighs in at 178 lbs. This is Mister Alhazred!


Alhazred slowly walks through the curtains with his right fist raised high, his manger Mister is by his side clapping. He continues to walk down the ramp with his fist up while Mister mouths off to the fans. When climbing the stairs into the ring he adjusts his powerglove. Once in the ring he steps on the second rope raising his power power glove once again, Mister stands in the middle pointing at him and cheering him on. He then goes into the corner with his back turned and makes his final adjustments to the glove while talking to Mister.

Cohen: This is a weird pairing here.

Copeland: I want someone to explain to me how a veteran like Alhazred is forced to team with this rookie.

Connors: Maybe management feel like Alhazred can help Capone out learn the ropes.

Copeland: Just like the mentorship program? Please tell me how that turned out for most of the people involved in it.

And their opponents...


Accompanied by Steamboat Ricky, they are the team of Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff, The New Church!

The arena goes black for the intro. After a few seconds, a spotlight shines on the stage, revealing Mason Westhoff on his knees, arms outstretched and wearing something similar to a Catholic priest’s vestments. Derek Jacobs, arms raised in the air, stands behind him and Ricky follows applauding his charges. Once the lyrics start, they begin walking toward the ring, ignoring the crowd. They climb in the ring and perform the same pose in the center of the ring before Mason removes the robe to prepare for the match.

Copeland: This match is unfair to both of these men. They should be in the Tag Team Title Match tonight.

Connors: I for one think they need to prove just a bit more of their dominance here in WZCW.

Cohen: That is plain stupid. Do us all a favor and go to sleep.

Connors: Hey at least that would be better than hearing you.

Before the match begins both teams walk up to one another and have a stare down within one another. They then head over to their perspective side of the ring. The New Church decides to have Derek Jacobs start the match off. Meanwhile, the other team is arguing over who starts the match. After a bit, Jacoby Capone pushes Mister Alhazred to the turnbuckles. However, Alhazred is unable to do anything because Jacobs comes from behind and nails Capone from the back. Once Capone goes down, Alhazred steps out of the ring.

Cohen: Jacobs is one righteous man.

Copeland: Yes he is.

Connors: Does he even care about this match?

Copeland: He better because with a win here tonight it might be a right direction of The New Church being number one contenders to the World Tag Team Titles.

The ref waits for Capone and then begins to signal for the bell. As soon as the bell is rung Jacobs hits a big boot to the face of Capone. Derek quickly goes for a pin, but only gets a 1 count. Jacobs picks Capone up by the throat and Irish whips him to TNC's corner. Jacobs goes on full force and tries to hit a huge splash on Capone, but he moves out of the way.

Connors: That had to hurt the big man.

Copeland: Well, he isn't crying is he?

Before, Capone get make any sudden movements, Mason tags himself in and quickly hits Capone with a boot to the face. Instead of going for a pin attempt, Mason goes over and mocks Alhazred a bit. Just then Capone gets up and goes for a quick roll-up. 1... 2.... Kickout!

Connors: That would have been an upset victory right there.

Copeland: And a huge step down for New Church for their quest.

Being backed by the words of Steamboat Ricky, Mason gets up quickly and doesn't allow for Capone to do the same. He starts to deliver some heavy elbow shots to the back of Jacoby's head. Mason quickly drags Capone to his corner and tags in his partner. Jacobs makes sure Capone is laying flat on his belly. Once he does insure that, Derek hits a huge elbow drop to the back of Capone. He then goes for a cover. 1... 2..... Kickout!

Connors: This Capone kid is showing guts right now.

Cohen: Don't forget about resistance.

Jacobs is in fact a bit shocked that Capone kicked-out. Jacobs slowly picks up Capone and puts him on his right shoulder. Jacobs tries to hit snake eyes, but Capone wiggles his way out and cause Jacobs to hit himself on the turnbuckles. Derek turns around and quickly goes for Jacoby, but is caught in a Samoan Drop.

Copeland: Oh my!

Cohen: That truly was a brilliant counter.

Capone quickly manoeuvres his way and tags in his fired up partner. Alhazred quickly gets in the ring and goes right to work on Jacobs by hitting some wild shots. Alhazred picks up Jacobs slowly by the head and delivers a picture perfect DDT.

Connors: He might do it here.

Just as Alhazred is getting fired up, he is turned and hit with a Side Effect by his own partner. Once Alhazred is on the floor, Capone runs over and gets on the top turnbuckle. Ricky climbs onto the apron and distracts him. Capone kicks him away before he leaps off with The Vinyl Splash. Alhazred rolls out of the way! Both men get up slowly and within a few seconds, Alhazred gets up and hits the Level 5 spinning back fist to Capone!

Copeland: I knew he couldn't be trusted.

Connors: What did Capone do to him?

Cohen: Maybe not helping him out in this match? Alhazred is a tag team veteran, Capone is a rookie!

After Alhazred connects, he exits out and starts walking away. Not knowing what happened, Jacobs gets up and grabs viciously on the throat of Capone. He then hits The Payday. Westhoff rolls into the ring and starts to stalk Alhazred from the corner, waiting for him to get up. Once Capone does stand up slowly he gets nailed by Mason who connects with Divine Intervention. As if to further exacerbate Capone’s isolation, Mason gets on the top turnbuckle while Derek gets Capone up in the air for a powerbomb and finishes Capone with The Final Judgement. Derek then goes for the cover, 1.... 2..... 3!!!!!

Harry: Here are your winners, The New Church!

Cohen: What a display by these two.

Connors: This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for that no good Mister Alhazred.

Cohen: Wrong. Mason and Derek finished off Capone in some style by hitting their respective finishers and then one big combination move sealed the inevitable victory.

Copeland: It doesn't matter anyways because now they are one step close to being #1 Contenders.

Mason and Derek being to celebrate and Ricky gets into the ring and congratulates them both on their efforts. As soon as the referee raises their hands in the air, the lights cut out.


Copeland: What does he want?

Cohen: Well clearly he wants to make an impact on this event!

When the lights come back up, the Grand Mystique is in the ring, facing The New Church trio but focussing on Steamboat Ricky. From nowhere, the Grand Mystique smashes a crystal ball over the head of Steamboat Ricky! The legend crashes to the mat, where his disciples Jacobs and Westhoff turn on him like a pack of wolves! GM stands back as Jacobs and Westhoff hit the Final Judgement on Ricky!

Connors: Jacobs and Westhoff have left Steamboat Ricky lying in a pool of his own blood thanks to the Grand Mystique!

Copeland: You have to ask if this was the plan all along?

GM nods, impressed at the demolition job that has taken place in front of him. Jacobs passes him a mic from ringside.

GM: “This is what is left of the false prophet.” He picks up Ricky by his bloodstained hair as the crowd chant his name. “The New Church are empowered with the faith of our destinies. Consider this the first strike because your heroes are doomed.”

Connors: So The New Church look to have a renewed energy as they continue to be on the fringes of the championship picture

Cohen: But if they really are led by the Grand Mystique, this could be what puts them over the likes of Strikeforce and the current champions, Saxton and Saboteur.

The trio exit the ring, boos ring around the arena.

Copeland: We may have seen the formation of an extremely dangerous group here tonight.


Scene shows inside the arena parking lot. John Constantine emerges from the inside doors and walks across the parking lot towards an awaiting limo. The door opens and he is about to climb in when Becky Serra runs into the picture.

Serra: Constantine, where are you going and why did you walk out of the K.O. Invitational.

Constantine: I walked out on the match because Chris K.O. was not dignified nor honourable by not accepting my one on one challenge. Putting it to a vote and allowing that ruffian Justin Cooper to spoil our match. I must say though that him and that fellow Alex Bowen made nice work of Chris K.O. after the match. A very proper ending for the White Knight.

Serra: And why are you leaving right now?

Constantine: Because I have bigger matters to attend to, but don’t worry, I’m sure that the main event tonight will have a very exciting ending. Now if you don’t mind, I have some paper work to fill out.

Constantine steps into the limo and it drives as leaving Becky in the parking lot.

Harrys: The following tag-team match is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd roars with cheers as the ever-lovable bearded big man, The Beard, comes out from behind the stage. He spins around once before slapping his chest. He takes a moment to take in the crowd as he stands at the top of the ramp.

The crowd pops once again as Le Gentleman Masqué makes his way onto the ramp. He gives his white walking cane a twirl before bowing and tipping his hat to his adoring fans. He and The Beard nod to each other and make their way down the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, at the combined weight of 460 pounds, they are the tag team of The Beard and Le Gentleman Masque!

Copeland: Well folks, we say it every year: you never know what to expect at Unscripted, and this year is no different! We’re just finding out about this unscheduled tag team match at the same time as you! You never know what type of surprises you’re going to get when you tune into Unscripted, wouldn’t you agree Jack?

Cohen: Seabass, I haven’t been surprised since 1973 when my mother told me there’s no such thing as the Tooth Fairy.

Connors: That explains a lot about you, Jack.

The Beard and Masqué are at the ring now. The Beard gives the steel steps a loud slap before making his way into the ring where Masqué is handing his top hat, cane, and mask off to the referee. Masqué heads to his corner where he inspects the turnbuckle for any imperfections as The Beard bounces up and down on the ropes much to the crowd’s delight.

The crowd barely has time to rest as they once again cheer one of their favorites as Celeste Crimson slowly walks onto the entrance ramp. Instead of acknowledging the crowd like her opponents, Celeste seems deadly focused and makes her way down to the ring without so much as looking away from the battle that awaits her.

Harrys: And their opponent, first, weighing in at 165 pounds, Celeste Crimson!

Connors: Earlier tonight Celeste told our very own Becky Serra that she was very much looking forward to locking up with Rush tonight for a chance at the Eurasian Championship, but it looks like she won’t be getting her wish tonight. That has to be weighing in on the mind of the WZCW veteran.

Celeste catapults herself into the ring over the top rope drawing another pop from the crowd. She doesn’t play to them, though, as she simply heads to her corner and sends a competitive glare towards her opponents.

Harrys: And her partner…

The arena lights fade into a dark blue with light blue waves rippling throughout. Seconds that feel like minutes pass as the audience waits in anticipation of who could be coming out from backstage to this unfamiliar music. The crowd starts to grow boisterous as they wait, but they are finely rewarded as a dark figure with long flowing hair twirls out from behind the curtain. Finally, a spotlight finds her face revealing her to be…

Harrys: The Sandman, Sandy Deserts!

The crowd roars with excitement as the fabled Sandman makes her way to the ring, the first time she’s wrestled for WrestleZone Championship Wrestling.

Copeland: Sandy Deserts? As in Steven Kurtesy’s Sandy Deserts?

Cohen: Do I have to explain everything to you, Copeland? Sandy Deserts is a world famous professional wrestler making a name for herself in Mexico and Japan before going going cuckoo and retiring. Looks like she’s ready to lace up the boots again. This is a HUGE acquisition for WZCW!

Sandy twirls around in the ring for a few seconds before pointing to the sky and flashing the audience with a big smile. She then joins Celeste in her corner as The Beard and Masqué look on at their opponents with a look of discomfort on their faces. Sandy doesn’t even give Celeste a chance to be the first woman in as she quickly makes her way to the center of the ring where the referee is waiting. The Beard and Masqué seem to be having some sort of worrisome conversation before Masqué hesitantly walks to the center of the ring. With both teams ready, the referee calls for the bell.

Deserts and Masqué seem to have a similar idea as both wrestlers immediately take a few steps back and start to move in circles in the ring. Occasionally one will feign stepping forward causing the other one to step back, a move that will be reciprocated by the other party.

A few boos trickle in throughout the arena as the match is nearly a minute in and Masqué and Deserts still haven’t locked up. Both seem concerned by this, and they immediately approach each other and lock up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up, which prompts the crowd to cheer. Both combatants try to gain control, but the hold is broken by Le Gentleman Masqué who walks away from his opponent shaking his head. The crowd is confused, and the same malcontents that booed earlier in the match decide to make themselves heard again. Masqué once again walks back to Sandy and the two enter another collar-and-elbow tie-up. This time, Deserts manages to gain the upperhand on Masqué, locking him a headlock. Masqué retaliated by pushing her off, sending her rebounding off the ropes. As Sandy approaches Masqué she does an evasive roll away from her opponent and pops up with a beaming smile towards the crowd, again getting them to pop for her.

Cohen: Evasive maneuvering is one of the signatures of Sandy Desert’s repertoire and she showed her prowess here.

Sandy heads back towards Masqué and raises her arms preparing for another tie-up. Masqué lunges forward, trying to get an early jump, but Sandy spins out of the way in delivers a kick to the calf of Masqué. Masqué stumbles away as Sandy delivers another kick to the opposite leg of Masqué. She attempts to deliver a third kick but misses as Masqué leaps over her leg. Her momentum causes her to spin around only to see Masqué primed to strike with a fist to the face.

But Masqué steps back and lowers his arm as he shakes his head. Now much of the arena boos and a, clever, albeit hurtful “You won’t wrestle!” chant starts in a small portion of the arena. Masqué walks over to his corner where he tags in his tag team partner which brings the crowd back on his side. The Beard gives his partner a reassuring tap on the shoulder on his way into the ring, but Le Gentleman Masqué seems embarrassed as he buries his face in the turnbuckle from the ring apron.

Copeland: What was that about?

Cohen: I always fingered that Masqué guy for a softie, guess he’s scared of the big bad Sandy Deserts.

But The Beard certainly isn’t as he immediately makes his way to Sandy Deserts. He attempts to grab her for a lock up, but Sandy quickly ducks out of the way realizing she would surely by out-powered by the big man. She attempts to throw an elbow at The Beard, but her arm is caught by The Beard who shakes his head and mouths the word “no.” Sandy attempts to break the hold with kicks to The Beard’s leg, but the big man doesn’t seem to feel them. The Beard uses his strength to push Sandy Deserts backwards, but the WZCW newcomer manages to roll to her feet fairly quickly. She uses the newly created space to run to the ropes, rebound off of them, and hits The Beard with a flying forearm… but The Beard barely moves. She bounces off the ropes again, this time with even more speed, and once again goes for a flying forearm, but The Beard still refuses to budge. Deserts goes for broke and hits the ropes once more with even more ferocity and is speeding towards The Beard when he raises his foot for a big boot. However, the wily veteran has the reaction time to baseball slide under the The Beard to avoid his devastating size 18 boot. She springs up ready to launch an attack of her own but is knocked to the ground as a big swinging elbow connects with her head. The Beard covers her and gets 1… 2… and a kickout.

Sandy gets to her knees, still dazed from the punishing blow, and is yanked up by The Beard. The Beard immediately twists her arm into an arm lock and whips her into a neutral corner. The Beard takes his time following her there and starts throwing multiple elbows to Sandy’s face. Deserts seems out of it, but Beard looks for one more move for good measure. He backs up and takes a running start at the corner before launching himself in the air for a splash. Sandy has just enough in her body to slide down to the bottom turnbuckle as The Beard crashes into the top. Sandy takes advantage of her stunned opponent and uses her legs to pull him down for a pin. The ref only counts to one as The Beard uses his feet to bell clap Sandy’s head, causing Sandy to break the pin and grab her head in pain as she rises to her feet. With one hand on her head, Sandy makes her way over to her corner but is caught in a rear waist lock by The Beard. Sandy attempts to wiggle free and escape, but for all her work she soon finds herself belly to belly with The Beard, allowing the big man to hit a belly to belly suplex. Sandy comes crashing down to the mat face first and rolls to her back in pain. A look of anguish crosses Sandy’s face before her face is crushed by a leg drop from The Beard. He throws a forearm into her face as he hooks her leg for the pin. 1… 2… kickout by Sandy Deserts.

Connors: I’m sure Sandy Deserts wanted her debut to be unforgettable, but that might not be the case with the way The Beard is taking it to her head. In fact, she might not be able to remember anything past last week with all the damage she’s taking!

Cohen: The Beard is a monster of a man, and he’s bullying that little girl in Sandy Deserts. Despicable.

Connors: Sandy Deserts is a legend, Jack. I doubt she’d take kindly to you calling her a little girl.

But things don’t look good for Sandy as The Beard whips the now standing Sandy Deserts off the ropes and drops her with a shoulder block. He goes for another pin and again gets two. The Beard once again drags Sandy to her feet, impatient as he is, but this time decides he’ll be the one bouncing off the ropes. The Beard sends his 285 pounds charging at Sandy Deserts looking for a big clothesline, but Sandy hits a Matrix Dodge! The Beard quickly finds himself heading towards the ropes, but Celeste Crimson has a surprise waiting for him as she pulls down on the top rope, sending The Beard tumbling to the outside. Sandy clumsily makes her way towards her corner where she tags Celeste Crimson in, eliciting another big response from the WZCW faithful.

Celeste steps into the ring as The Beard crawls back into the ring from under the bottom rope. He picks himself upright and meets Celeste in the middle of the ring where the two have a bit of a staring contest. The Beard’s normally pleasant disposition is non-existent at this point, but Celeste is no stranger to stiff competition. The Beard gives Celeste a shove that sends her back a few feet. Celeste pauses for a moment before returning the favor with a stiff fist that lands squarely on The Beard’s hairy jaw, hitting him with so much power that he is actually staggered. The Beard looks back at Celeste with fire in his eyes and throws a fist of his own, but Celeste side steps out of the way and catches The Beard with a jab. The Beard tries to throw a swinging fist at Celeste but the wily veteran hops back before moving back in for a kick to the midsection that doubles The Beard over in pain. Celeste takes advantage of the situation and hits an Evenflow DDT that brings The Beard down to the canvas headfirst! She rolls him over and hooks the leg and gets 1… 2… and a powerful kickout from The Beard.

Copeland: The Beard was able to use his power to dominate Sandy Deserts, but power alone won’t beat a highly skilled veteran like Celeste Crimson.

The Beard quickly gets to his feet as he tries to shake the cobwebs out of his head, but Celeste is waiting for him. The WZCW veteran delivers a series of knees to The Beard’s midsection before finishing the combination off with a jumping enziguri that once again brings The Beard down to the mat. Instead of going for the cover, Celeste twists The Beard’s left arm and locks on a Fujiwara arm bar! Celeste wrenches the arm in an attempt to finish The Beard off, but the big man is too powerful and he rolls his entire body over, forcing Celeste’s shoulders to the mat. The ref counts 1… 2… Celeste breaks the hold and gets her shoulder up.

The Beard is grabbing his left arm as he inelegantly rises to his feet. Fortunately for him, it’s only a few small steps to his corner, where he tags in his partner, Le Gentleman Masqué.

Cohen: Oh geeze, what’s this guy going to do? He’s already shown that he doesn’t have the stones to take on one of these girls?

Copeland: I guess The Beard is just hoping that Masqué can survive while he recovers from Celeste Crimson’s lethal offense.

Le Gentleman Masqué hesitantly climbs in between the ropes, and while much of the arena is cheering him on, there are still some fans that choose to boo him for his earlier display. As soon as he gets into the ring Celeste starts towards him, forcing Masqué to backpedal. Celeste follows him and backs Masqué into a neutral corner where she attempts to corner him, but Masqué does an evasive roll to avoid being caught. Unfortunately, Celeste catches him from behind and attempts a belly to back suplex… but Masqué flips backwards out of it and lands on his feet behind Celeste! He taps his finger on her shoulder and ducks when Celeste spins around and attempts to hit him with a spinning back fist, then dives through Celeste’s spread legs and pops up behind her once more! The crowd begins to laugh and cheer for Masqué’s antics as he grabs Celeste’s arm and attempts to Irish whip her, but the power of Celeste is too much as she twists his arm, seemingly looking to set up an armbar. Masqué is in trouble, but not for long as he leaps into the air and performs a backflip, alleviating the pressure on his shoulder and allowing him to break the hold, and once again the crowd loves it! Masque thanks the crowd for their support with a bow towards them, and then offers a bow to an unamused Celeste Crimson. He even offers a bow to Sandy Deserts who is waiting patiently in her corner. However, as Le Gentleman Masqué raises his head, he is met with a fistful of glitter to his eyes from Sandy Deserts.

Connors: What the hell was that?!

Cohen: That was the Mist of Rheum! Looks like this old girl still has a few tricks yet!

Masqué grabs his eyes in pain as he blindly bumbles around the ring. Celeste takes advantage of his moment of weakness and charges him before hitting him with a belly-to-belly suplex that sends her opponent flying halfway across the ring! Masqué is only down for a second though as he bounces nearly back to his feet from the impact. Celeste shows some support for her partner as she tags Sandy in, giving her a nod of approval on her way out of the ring. Sandy smiles to the audience before realizing that Le Gentleman Masqué is dangerously close to tagging in The Beard, the big man reaching as far into the ring as he can in hopes that his blinded partner may accidentally make contact with his hand. Sandy has none of that as she charges Masqué and pushes him out of the way and gives a yank on The Beard’s beard for good measure. The Beard grabs his chin in pain and his eyes shoot daggers at Sandy Deserts.

Copeland: It seems that Sandy Deserts has no remorse when it comes to using a few cheap tricks to help win her the match.

Cohen: You don’t know what you’re talking about Seabass, that was a love tug! She’s just flirting with the guy!

Sandy has already turned her attention back to Masqué as her opponent has already made his way back to his feet. Sandy takes s skip before running towards the ropes and springing off the second, performing a moonsault in the air and connecting with the standing Le Gentleman Masqué! The impact is so hard that Masqué goes crashing to the ring and Sandy lands on her feet. She could go for the pin, but Sandy seems to have something else in mind. She takes a few steps back from her opponent and puts her hands together and mimes sleeping before spreading her arms and measuring up Masqué.

Cohen: This is Sandy Deserts calling for her signature submission hold, Sweet Dreams!

Masqué has no idea what awaits him as he gets to his knee, he’s soon back on his feet, but that is when Sandy Deserts locks in her sleeper hold submission, Sweet Dreams. Masqué is far away the ropes, but The Beard’s outstretched arm is just a mere five feet away! Masqué takes one long but hard step towards his partner with Sandy on his back closing the distance, but fading fast. He takes another step forward, but this will be his last as he is brought to his knees. The Beard’s hand is inches away now, and it’s not going to get any closer unless Le Gentleman Masqué can find it in himself to move forward just once more. Sandy Deserts senses his desperation and pulls back on her sleeperhold, hoping to use leverage and gravity to prevent The Beard from entering the ring. Masqué stretches his arm as far as he can and he is a fingertip away from his partner. He screams in anguish as he falls forward, his hand connecting with that of his partner, and The Beard is once again the legal man.

Sandy releases her hold but is immediately caught with a kick to the face as The Beard enters the ring like a ball of fire. The big man charges his opponents’ corner and catches Celeste Crimson with a headbutt that knocks her off the ring apron. Sandy is back to her feet but is met with The Beard’s Big Boot right to her face, taking her down once again. The Beard sees an opportunity to complete a combination and charges the ropes, rebounding off of to hit a running seated senton on Sandy Deserts’ midsection! The move sort of wakes Sandy Deserts up as she struggles back to her feet, but The Beard is waiting for her. He turns her around and wraps on of his large arms around her neck before hitting Poetic Justice, slamming her face into the ground. The Beard plants his body on her shoulders for the pin and the ref counts 1… 2… 3!


The Beard pops to his feet with his arms raised in the air as Le Gentleman Masqué gingerly enters the ring, still wiping glitter from his eyes.

Harrys: The winners of this match, Le Gentleman Masqué and The Beard!

Copeland: It seems like the size and strength of The Beard was able to overcome the experience that allowed Celeste Crimson and Sandy Deserts to stay in control for most of this match! The Beard came into the match and finished things off quickly with his signature Poetic Justice spinning cutter to Sandy Deserts, making this new WZCW’s debut something she might not want to remember.

Connors: She might not be able to after the pounding she took tonight, Copeland. The Beard was attacking her head all night long and he finished her with a move that specifically targets the head. With Desert’s history of concussions, she might want to reconsider rejoining the world of wrestling!

Cohen: I can’t believe all these fans are cheering these two bullies, beating up two girls like this. It’s despicable.

And indeed the crowd is cheering as The Beard and Le Gentleman Masqué stand victorious in the middle of the ring, though Masqué isn’t so much standing as leaning on his mountain of a tag team partner for support. Sandy Deserts is clutching her head as she sits in the ring, leaned up against a turnbuckle. Celeste Crimson is still on the outside of the ring and pounds on the mat in frustration after losing the match.


Backstage we see Stacey Madison standing next to Drake Callahan.

Madison: My guest at this moment is one of the four participants in the WZCW Title match inside Hell in a Cell.... Drake Callahan.

The crowd boos loudly as Drake shoots Stacey an upset look.

Callahan: Well don’t get all too excited Stacey. I mean come one, we’re only talking about the former WZCW Champion getting an unfair rematch against two additional opponents inside a career ending structure. This is an absolute disgrace, it’s a conspiracy against me.

Madison: Please Drake, haven’t you said enough about conspiracies already.

Callahan: If you think 2012 was all one big conspiracy, wait till what they come up with for me in 2013. Yes, or course it’s all been one big conspiracy, and the conspiracy is... that Ty Burna is still among us.

Madison: Ty Burna??? So you mean that this actually for once has nothing to do with you.

Callahan: Don’t be ridiculous Stacey, this has everything to do with me. You see what many people forget is that me and Ty Burna have a long history against each other. We both met in the finals of the EurAsian tournament, and he demanded to have that match after I successfully defended my Mayhem Championship in one of the most hard fought matches ever of its kind. I never even had a chance to become WZCW’s first ever double champion. And then at All or Nothing 2009, I once again had a chance to be double champion after I stole a pin for the EurAsian Title. We then competed for the Mayhem Title I once held and Ty Burna almost broke my neck to get it. I turned a bottom rung title into the most sought after title, one that guys like Burna and Showtime fought for, me... I did that. And then, when I returned, the company kept me from doing the same to the WZCW Title. Ty Burna, held me down, and once he finally had too much on his plate, I broke out and won the title, and now... now it’s gone again and low and behold I am fighting for it in the same match where he first won the title, and where he also lost it as well.

Madison: So.....

Callahan: So Stacey, you ditz, Ty Burna has returned. That is the only way I could have lost to that pretty boy Showtime. And this match is a sign. Ty Burna has come back to get me. I’m not sure in what shape or form, but he is amongst us. This match, I refuse to make my end. No... for Showtime though, it will be the end of his show. Titus and Holmes will bear witness to it, and perhaps Ty Burna will decide to leave again once he sees that I am here to stay.

Callahan storms off and Stacey shakes her head as he leaves.
Harrys: The following contest is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!


Harrys: Introducing the first challenger, from the dawn of a new era, weighing in at 234 pounds...Connor Reese!

Connor Reese makes his way onto the stage, looking fierce and ready to compete. He wastes no time in getting to the ring quickly and jumping in, doing a little boxing and staying light on his feet as he prepares for the arrival of his opponents.

Copeland: We welcome you to this Mayhem Championship contest as we introduce our first challenger. A lot of people are expecting big things out of Connor Reese, but he hasn't lived up to his early promise yet.

Connor: And with rumors swirling of tremendous external pressure on Reese, you have to wonder just what will happen if he fails to walk out of here as a champion.

Cohen: To me, this is the night where Connor Reese proves whether or not he is the real deal in WZCW - but that doesn't necessarily mean winning. He can prove a lot by getting his hands dirty in this match.


Harrys: Introducing next, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 225 pounds...Ricky Runn!

Ricky Runn explodes onto the stage to the roars of the crowd. He charges down to the ring, catching a few fans' hands on the way down before sliding into the ring. Reese casually steps out of the way of the manic Runn, settling in a corner while the daredevil takes in the adulation of the crowd.

Connor: It's been a long and strange road for Ricky Runn since losing the tag team championships and his partner, Austin Reynolds, but he has finally found his way to the Mayhem division and could put his name in the record books tonight.

Copeland: And this will be a test of just how good Ricky Runn can be on his own, as this is certainly one of the stiffest solo challenges he's faced yet.

Cohen: Personally, I think he's outmatched by his opponents tonight - but the kid could surprise us. Maybe if he doesn't wrestle like a monkey.


Harrys: And introducing their opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 175 pounds, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion...Vega!

Vega casually makes his way to the entrance ramp, wearing his belt around his waist as he saunters to the ring. He ignores the derision of the crowd before making his way up the steps and moving into the ring. He unstraps his belt with fluid effort before rolling his knuckles once or twice, getting completely loose. His opponents watch him from opposite corners.

Copeland: Vega is a young man who has ascended to the Mayhem Championship rapidly. Tonight is the difference between him becoming a memorable champion or just an asterisk.

Connor: And he knows it better than any of us. He has everything to lose in this match, but there's no telling what his stipulation might be in this match, and if chosen could give him the advantage.

a) Falls Count Anywhere (Runn's choice) - 5 votes 19%
b) Submissions Only (Reese's choice) - 7 votes 27%
c) First Blood (Vega's choice) - 14 votes 54%

The crowd pops loudly for the stipulation chosen.

Cohen: This match is going to get ugly. Folk at home shield your children's eyes, we are about to see two crimson masks here tonight.

The referee doesn't bother enforcing much order, other than to take the belt from Vega and show it to the crowd. He hands it off to a production crew member and signals for the bell as we are underway. The three look at each other briefly before Runn charges at Reese, hitting him with a flurry of strikes and backing him toward a corner. Vega readies to leap, but observes for the moment. Reese is able to shove Runn away and send him sprawling to the other end of the ring, but Vega pounces on him and continues the assault. Reese gets a well placed strike on Vega that sends him sprawling back, just in time for Reese to meet Runn charging at him with a clothesline. Vega charges again and Reese turns it into a quick slam. Reese has a moment to catch his breath before he pursues Runn, standing him up and whipping him to the other side of the ring, catching him with a knee to the gut on the rebound. Vega has rolled out of the ring and grabbed something under the ring, as yet unidentified. Reese goes after Runn again, trying to pull him up, but Vega has come up behind him holding a steel chair! He aims a shot from the chair at the back of Reese's knee and it sends Reese staggering aside. Vega aims another shot at Reese's gut, then slides the chair to a neutral corner. He presses the assault with a series of kicks to Reese; soon, Runn is up and joins him in the striking on Reese. The two bring Reese first to his knees and then to the ground as they hammer him with pounding kicks.

Copeland: As we've seen before in this kind of environment, a brief alliance has formed, but it's unlikely to last.

Cohen: Keep in mind, though, that this is an elimination match, which could mean an alliance might keep up until they both eliminate Reese.

The two continue the ground assault until they've forced Reese out of the ring. Runn takes a moment to survey his work, and Vega takes advantage of the opportunity to level a hard kick in the square of Runn's back that bends him over in pain. Vega grabs Runn by the hair - all legal - and drags him to the center of the ring leisurely. He puts on a headlock that Runn reverses, and he leads Vega toward the ropes. They hit the ropes together and Vega pushes off, sending Runn charging across the ring. He rebounds and catches Vega with a flying shoulder block. He hits the ropes and charges, but Vega rolls under him, Runn hits the opposite side and bounces off, Vega swings a kick toward Runn's midsection, Runn catches it and nails an enzuigiri! Vega is dazed and in an ordinary match Runn might go for a cover, but instead he grabs the chair previously used and contemplates his next action. Runn puts Vega's neck between the chair, making sure that part of it is positioned just above his forehead. He backs up and hits the ropes, charging, looking for something devious, but Reese is on the apron - with a chair! - and Runn leaps over Vega and flies into Reese! Reese is knocked off the apron and into the guardrail while Runn bounces back and takes a moment to collect himself in the ring. Reese staggers to his feet, holding onto the chair, Runn has noticed him and hits the far ropes, charges, flies through with a suicide dive and REESE SMASHES HIS SKULL IN WITH THE STEEL CHAIR! It's a wonder there isn't brain matter scattered throughout the ringside area. Reese points at Runn's carcass and tells the referee to check for any blood. It's unbelievable but Runn is not busted open by that shot. Reese looks angry, sure that had done it, but he picks up Runn and tosses him into the ring all the same. Just as he prepares to follow, Vega is up and catches him with a baseball slide that sends him staggering back to the guardrail. Vega grabs the chair in the ring that gets on the apron, tries to fly off the apron and smash Reese with the chair but Reese times a perfect dropkick and smashes the chair into Vega's face as he crashes and burns!

Connor: High risk and high impact offense has not paid off for Vega or Ricky Runn here, as Connor Reese has had the answer to every aerial assault they could muster.

Cohen: I've always said it - you wrestle the right way, you may not get the adulation of these simpletons in the crowd, but you'll put yourself in a position to win every time.

Reese wants the referee to check on Vega and the verdict is no blood. Reese again looks a little frustrated but he carries on, trying to decide on who to target. He settles on Ricky Runn and gets into the ring, bringing a chair with him. He dangles it in one hand as he pulls Runn to his feet with the other, whipping him into the far turnbuckle. He trots after him with the chair aimed at his gut and he connects, all the wind leaving Runn's lungs as he gasps to breathe. Reese retreats and sets up the chair in the turnbuckle parallel to Runn; for good measure, he also unties the turnbuckle padding, all legal. Runn is still down and Vega has managed to crawl back into the ring and stand himself up in a corner. Reese sees it and grabs Runn, whipping him across the ring into Vega. Reese allows them both to stagger out of the corner and fall over, beaten and worn down. Reese slides outside and roots under the ring, grabbing some hardware. He tosses two chairs and a trash can into the ring before coming up with what he was after - a kendo stick! He gets back into the ring and Vega has come to his feet. Reese levels a huge swing at him and Vega ducks under it and sweeps Reese's legs out from under him. The kendo stick flies out out of Reese's hands and out of the way. Vega snatches it up and kicks Reese, then suddenly Runn is on his feet, only to be cracked across the head with a kendo stick! The referee signals no blood as Vega takes a moment to survey the field. Reese rolls a bit out of the way and Vega pulls Runn to his feet, but Runn counters with a hard chop to Vega. Runn hits a flurry of quick jabs to Vega, but Vega gathers and counters with a shot to the gut from the stick. Runn staggers and grabs the stray trash can; he turns and Vega is readying a shot from the stick, and Runn smashes the can across Vega's head! Vega is staggered and Runn immediately hits a hurricanrana! Runn is rolling and hits a standing moonsault, much to the delight of the crowd, and Vega tries to roll aside just as Reese comes to. Reese lets Vega roll on by as he stares down Runn.

Copeland: The action is back and forth as no one can claim a sustained advantage here in this three way contest.

Cohen: And everyone has taken a nice strong shot to the skull; everyone is primed and ready to bleed and end their chance at winning gold and glory.

Runn backs up to the ropes and Reese charges; Runn pulls down the ropes and sends Reese flying over the top to the outside. Vega has staggered to his feet on the other side of the ring and charges Runn, aiming for the midsection, but Runn simply ducks out of the way, leaving Vega to charge through the ropes and take out Reese! The advantage is to Runn and he can't help but love the situation in which he finds himself as he quickly slips onto the apron, turns his back to his foes, leaps, springboard, and FLIES WITH AN ASAI MOONSAULT! Everyone is down and the crowd is on their feet for the display of theatrics!

Connor: Ricky Runn brings his signature energy and style to this contest with that incredible move!

Cohen: But a moonsault doesn't get your opponent to bleed - unless he gets a nosebleed.

Runn gets back on his feet first and chooses Vega to roll back into the ring. Ricky gets onto the apron and tries to springboard in, but Vega catches him by the arm and looks to try to parlay it into a submission maneuver! He's got his arm and he's fighting for an armbar! But Runn fights out of it, twists around, grabs Vega by the legs and stands up, falling back and launching him toward the ropes! Reese is up on the apron - and he gets a face full of Vega, sending him falling to the ground! Vega tries to steady himself but Runn is right on him with a snapmare, followed by a brutal dropkick to the face! The ref checks for blood but he is clean as action continues. Runn looks frustrated and ready to win as he drags Vega toward a corner, leaving him in the middle of the ring, and slowly makes his way to the top rope. The crowd knows what's coming and they can't wait to see it! Runn readies himself, and he leaps just as Reese returns to the ring, Runn is twisting with the R&R but Reese pulls Vega out of harm's way, leaving Runn to crash and burn! Runn is clutching his back in pain as Reese pulls him up, hurls him into a corner. He lets his back make contact and Runn stumbles out. Reese sets him up - and nails the NL:E, his signature variation on a Northern Lights suplex! He forgoes the customary bridge for this first blood match but Runn is practically broken in half after all this punishment. Reese pulls Runn to his knees, where Runn can barely stay upright - and nails him in the head with a brutal kick. The ref checks for blood - but he's clean! Reese is all but ready to start a screaming match with the ref, sure that that one had busted him open, but he keeps his composure and presses the assault. Reese lifts Runn up onto his shoulders, maybe looking for a backbreaker, but Runn is struggling, fighting, and UNBELIEVABLY REVERSES IT TO THE RICKY RUNNDOWN! Reese is writhing in torment as he falls on top of Ricky, who is struggling just to get up! Ricky scratches and claws his way to his knees, stumbles on them to a steel chair that he laboriously drags back to Reese. Reese is down, maybe unable to even feel his legs after the devastating shot to his back. Runn jams the chair over Reese's head, getting a big chunk of it right onto his forehead. He clambers his way to the top rope, fighting for every inch against his exhausting and pain, and he's on the top! He raises himself up, stumbles, has to regain his balance! It's a precarious seat - but he flies off just in time, planting a picture perfect elbow RIGHT ONTO THE CHAIR! Reese is howling with pain and the ref checks - yes! There is the stream of blood opened up by the incredible impact of elbow and chair!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, Connor Reese has been eliminated!

Connor: An incredible back and forth contest between Runn and Reese, and a timely reversal has given the better of it to Runn.

Cohen: He got lucky here, and Reese got sloppy - but now Runn still has to take the champion out.

The ref pulls the chair off of Reese's head, who seems barely able to comprehend what has just occurred, possibly concussed after that brutal shot. The ref is trying to get him out of the ring as Runn attempts to recover, shaking out his arm, trying to regain some feeling. Runn is just able to get to his feet - and Vega is in the ring, Vega is FLYING AT HIM! IT'S A FLYING TRIANGLE CHOKE! Choking out Runn won't help - but Vega is stretching out an arm, holding onto the choke with one hand...HE'S GOT THE KENDO STICK! Runn's forehead is exposed while he's being choked out, Vega is smashing the stick across Runn's body until the stick shatters...holding onto a jagged splinter, he rips it across Runn's forehead! There's no need to check this one - BLOOD IS EVERYWHERE! A CRIMSON TIDE IS SPILLING FROM RUNN'S HEAD AS THE REFEREE CALLS A MERCIFUL END TO THE CONTEST!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and STILL THE WZCW MAYHEM CHAMPION...VEGA!

Copeland: Folks, that is just...that is one of the more difficult things I've witnessed in this company. Runn's forehead is a mess, and he'll be lucky if he isn't scarred forever from this one.

Connor: Literally and figuratively, Sebastian.

The ref has called down medical staff to stop the bleeding on Runn's forehead, and they're not doing a great job of it, as he is wearing a crimson mask and then some. Blood is everywhere on Runn and in the ring - this is a difficult scene to witness. Vega, a fair share of Runn's blood on him as well, has retreated to a corner to witness his handiwork after being handed his title belt. He slips out of the ring like a snake and makes his victorious march to the back while medics surround Ricky, desperately trying to staunch the flow of blood.

Copeland: We'll keep you posted on the condition of Ricky Runn after this, and it looks to me like a visit to the hospital will be that next update.

Cohen: This is part of the territory in the Mayhem division, Seabass - you don't get to be the best in this division without a trip or two to the emergency room.


We are backstage with Becky Serra and Steven Kurtesy.

Serra: "Steven you must be absolutely delighted with your mentees progress. Isabel Stone is one match away from winning the Mentorship Program.

Kurtesy: "Isabel is a prodigious talent who worked so hard to get to this point. She is far from perfect and she will need to work twice as hard tonight to even have a chance. But she absolutely has the potential to be an incredible success in WZCW."

Serra: "Thank you giving us your perspective Steven. Up next is Krypto vs Isabel Stone, the final of the WZCW Mentorship Program!"


We see Leon Kensworth backstage with a cameraman following him. Kensworth turns around and walks backwards as he addresses the camera.

Kensworth: Leon Kensworth backstage here. I am hoping to get a quick interview with Barbosa before his match-up tonight.

Kensworth turns away from the camera and makes his way around a corner. The cameraman is forced to stop, because Leon has halted his progress. The cameraman peers over Kensworth's shoulder. He zooms in on a shot of Barbosa. We can only see his back, but he seems like he is vigorously tinkering with something in front of him. Finally, Barbosa turns around and it is revealed that he is angrily pulling apart a toy robot, piece by piece. Barbosa doesn't notice the cameraman and Kensworth from afar. Kensworth looks back at the camera and shakes his head "no". They move on down the hallway, away from Barbosa.

Kensworth begins walking backwards again as he addresses the camera.

Kensworth: Maybe we should interview the other competitor. He might be a bit less hostile. Free of human emotions, right?

The cameraman nods and Kensworth turns away again. They turn a corner once again, and once again they come to a stop. The camera man zooms in over Kensworth's shoulder. We see S.H.I.T. pulling limbs off of a crash test dummy. He then proceeds to jump on its torso and smash it with its claws.

Kensworth looks at the camera. He signals to cut the feed and the camera goes black.
Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the final of the WZCW Mentorship Programme and is scheduled for one fall!

Harrys: Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 152lbs, Isabel Stone!

A focused Isabel Stone makes her out onto stage and after only the briefest survey of the crowd, she marches towards the ring.

Connor: Isabel looking confident tonight.

Cohen: Why wouldn't she be? Not only has she been the stand out performer in the entire competition, all she has between her and ultimate victory is a man... no, a boy in a Halloween costume.

Copeland: I hope for her sake that Isabel is not writing off Krypto as a sci-convention cast off. He has proven himself more than capable in the ring - just a few short days ago, he defeated a former World Heavyweight Champion right in the middle of the ring.

Harrys: And her opponent, from Out of This World; weighing in at 200lbs, Krypto!

Despite the razzamatazz surrounding his entrance, once his feet hit the floor, it is clear that the diminuative alien is every bit as focussed as his opponent. Those young fans who line the aisle are given only the most cursory of glances as Krypto marches towards the ring.

That is until something in his peripheral vision catches his attention - a child in a blue alien mask with red eyes. A flash of recognition spreads across Krypto's face and his concentration is momentarily broken. He mutters a query towards the boy in what sounds like an alien dialect.

Krypto: Mitth'raw'nuruodo?

However, when the child lifts his mask to get a better view of his favourite wrestler, that recognition fades rapidly to be replaced first by disappointment, then embarrassment and finally a return to the focus on the job at hand in the ring.

Copeland: You have to wonder whether either of these competitors is focusing more on proving something to their mentors than they are on their opponent.

Connor: Isabel is clearly determined to prove that she has gotten to this point on her own, with no help from anyone.

Cohen: Especially Kurtsey. That quack has given Miss Stone no help whatsoever. If anything he has been a hindrance.

Connor: I am not sure that that is strictly true…

The referee has done his checks and now having locked eyes, both competitors stand opposite each other ready for the opening bell. After they circle each other a few times, they engage in a collar and elbow tie up. A brief struggle then sees Krypto take full control and drive Isabel back into the corner. The ref taps Krypto on the shoulder, asking for a clean break and before his subsequent count has reached three, the alien releases his opponent and steps backwards into the centre of the ring.

Isabel is somewhat surprised by how easily she was pushed back but seems to shrug it off as a fluke, advancing towards her opponent once more. However, when a second tie-up ends in a similar fashion, the look of shock is not so easily shaken off and Isabel emerges from the corner more cautiously and circles the increasingly confident Krypto.

She finally initiates yet another tie-up which once again ends up with her pinned to the corner, safe in the knowledge that it was neither her technique lacking nor a fluke.

Copeland: It is not too often that Krypto finds himself with the strength advantage but he has used it to good effect so far.

Cohen: Maybe so but Miss Stone must have a plan…

As Krypto retreats to the centre once more, he gestures to Isabel to bring it. Such humiliation causes Isabel's look of shock to slip completely, replaced by angry frustration. With that, she charges out of the corner at Krypto but the alien is ready, launching her high into the air and crashing onto her back with a hiptoss. The quickly rising Stone is then whipped down again with an arm drag - make that two - before a drop toe hold sees her kissing canvas. Krypto then bounces off the ropes and lands a big leg drop to the back of Isabel's head. The alien then stalks his downed opponent in a crouched position, signalling to for the Alienator but as he goes to strike the rising Stone, she ducks out of the way and rolls to the outside.

Connor: That was not a very good plan.

Cohen: Taking a powder was though. Don't let this alien boy build up more momentum.

Isabel walks around the ring attempting to not only regain her breath but also her composure, all the while keeping an eye on both the referee's count and her buoyed opponent. With the count at 7, she slides back into the ring only to slide straight back out again when Krypto looks to advance on her.

After another lap of the ring, Isabel then takes a less direct route into the ring, going up the steps and along the apron and gesturing to the referee to keep Krypto away from her while she is still in the ropes. The young alien obliges and reoccupies his position in the middle of the ring, before reissuing his challenge for Isabel to bring it.

With that, a more measured Isabel slowly enters the ring and moves forward, eventually coming face to face with Krypto. She says something that the cameras do not pick up and then raises her left hand in an apparent challenge to a test of strength.

Copeland: This does not seem like a good plan either. Is she looking to take advantage of her slight height advantage? If so, I doubt whether three inches will make up for a nearly 50lbs weight advantage.

Cohen: She has something else in mind...

Krypto seems to have similar thoughts, clearly suspicious of Isabel's motives and wary that over-trustworthiness has been a problem for him in the past. He looks out towards the crowd, which urges him not to be taken in by whatever ruse Stone has planned. Seeing this, Isabel screams at Krypto loud enough for the cameras to hear her this time.

Stone: Do not listen to them! Listen to me!

She then emphatically reissues her challenge but Krypto is still hesitant, once more looking to the crowd, asking for their opinion, only to then be met with a hard slap across the face. This draws not only a loud "OOOOO" from the crowd and a smirk from Isabel, it sees a slight curled lip of anger from the alien and when the challenge is reissued again, Krypto gladly accepts it.

Unfortunately, the slight difference in height comes into play for as soon as Krypto takes his eyes off Isabel to find her hand, she plants a boot into his gut, doubling him over. This raises the ire of the crowd and sees Isabel's smirk spread into a full on smile.

However, this smile quickly dissolves into a look of painful shock as Isabel and the audience realise that Krypto has ahold of her her left hand and despite being doubled over is squeezing and twisting it. This leads to Isabel dancing about on her tip toes, which draws some laughs from the crowd but not as many as when Krypto stands up straight and mirrors her "dancing."

A desperate right hand to Krypto's jaw staggers the alien somewhat, relieving the pressure on Isabel's hand but serves only as a brief intermission to the tip toe tango as Krypto has not let go and has soon re-established the pressure and the "dancing."

The combination of pain and embarrassment then leads Isabel to grab a handful of Krypto's face. This forces the alien back into a corner, while the referee initiates the 5 count. As the alien has not let go of her hand, Isabel does not let go of his face, even when the ref reaches 5, forcing the official to get physically in between the pair. Izzy finally lets go with a vicious rake across the eyes that also forces Krypto to release her hand, allowing Stone to retire to the far side of the ring all the while furiously shaking her mangled hand to get some feeling back into it and being admonished by the referee and booed by the crowd for her indiscretion.

However, it is Krypto that is in more trouble and as he staggers out of the corner clutching his face, clearly having problems with his vision. Ceasing this opportunity, Isabel charges again but this time lands a big headbutt to the gut, doubling the alien over again. A nasty palm strike uppercut then sends Krypto stumbling back into the corner, Isabel hot on his heels to land a flurry of shoulder blocks to the gut that sees the alien slump into a seated position.

Izzy then retreats to the far corner once more and after goading the crowd about their fallen favourite, breaks out into a sprint to deliver a devastating low drop kick to the face. As the crowd groan at the impact, Isabel quickly makes the cover.

1...2... Krypto kicks out.

Not wasting any time, Stone drags the downed alien to his feet and irish whips him hard to the far turnbuckle, following him in with a spear in the corner. This, combined with the punishment his mid section has already taken leads Krypto to fall straight forward and take his turn in kissing canvas. Izzy then rear mounts Krypto and proceeds to deliver a modified version of the Ear Box, raining down fists on the back and side of her opponent's head. Again she surpasses the referee's 5 count but before he needs to get physically involved, Isabel relents and quickly shoots the half and makes another cover.

1...2... Krypto just gets the shoulder up again.

The ref then admonishes Isabel for not adhering to the 5 count, while Isabel returns with a hard stare and a comment about counting faster.

Copeland: Krypto may have kicked out but this Stone is really starting to roll.

Cohen: I swear if you start talking about moss, I am going to…


Before Cohen can issue his threat, the picture cuts to the back where Steven Kurtsey is watching the unfolding contest intently on one of the screens backstage. Behind him are Krypto's mentors, Action Saxton and Saboteur but true to form, neither are paying any attention to the action, choosing instead to bicker between themselves.

Saboteur: I still think the Action Sabo-Tower does have a nice ring to it.

Saxton: That still does not have my name in it, sucka!

Saboteur: How about the Action Saxton Saboteur Tower then?

Saxton: Not only is it a mouthful, do we really want to have ASS as the acronym?

Saboteur: Hmmm… no. We do not want a mouthful of ASS…


Back in the ring, Isabel continues her offensive, dropping repeated elbows onto the prone Krypto. After landing a standing moonsault, she goes for another cover.

1...2... Krypto rolls his shoulder up again, however, as he does, Isabel uses the momentum of that movement in an attempt to lock on the Scream Lock! However, Krypto struggles against this and eventually is able to counter into a roll up.

1...2... Isabel kicks out!

As both competitors make it to their feet, Isabel grabs Krypto's arm and looks to send him to the buckle. However, Krypto leaps to the second rope and catches the in-rushing Stone with a back kick, staggering her. The alien then leaps off the ropes backwards, twisting in mid air to deck Isabel with a flying forearm smash.

Isabel rolls out of the ring again to escape this growing momentum but this time she is far less alert to her opponent's movements and as she turns around from chastising the crowd, she is flatten by an intergalactic missile in the form of a Krypto suicide dive!

Krypto extricates himself from the resulting tangle of limbs and after feeding from the cheers of the crowd, he drags Isabel back to her feet and rolls her back into the ring. He waits on the apron for her to rise and when she does, he takes to the air and drops the dime with a Springboard Seated Senton! He hooks the leg!

1...2... Isabel somehow gets a shoulder up!

This time it is Krypto's turn to wear a look of shock.

Connor: How did she kick out of that?

Cohen: Because she is as hard as nails!

Tough she may be, but Isabel is now begging off in the corner, pleading with Krypto for some respite. No such luck as the alien looks to whip Isabel across the ring but at the last second reverses it, sending his opponent straight towards the referee, who has moved into the vacated corner. However, Isabel manages not to crush the official, stopping herself with the ropes.

Krypto follows in but gets too close to the action as Isabel throws a back elbow that catches the alien right in the side of the head and after a brief second, he crumbles to the mat in something of a foetal position.

Connor: Oh, Isabel must have caught Krypto flush on the temple there.

Copeland: We need to see a replay of that.

A split screen comes up showing a different angle of that elbow strike, revealing something far more devastating. At the same time that Isabel threw that elbow, she also unleashed a mule kick straight backwards, catching Krypto way south of the border but beyond the vision of the referee.

Connor: That is despicable! She kicked Krypto low!

Cohen: Ha ha! Brilliant move! Krypto left himself completely open with his over-enthusiasm and inexperience and Isabel made him pay.


The camera again cuts to the back with Kurtsey now very conspicuous by his absence but perhaps even more surprising is that Saboteur and Saxton are now paying attention to the screen.

Saboteur: What's happening now? Has he lost yet?

Saxton: No, he is hanging in there; although he just got punted right in his extraterrestrial stones.


Back in the ring, smiling at the hostile reception that the crowd give to having seen that replay on the big screen, Isabel quickly shoos the still oblivious referee out of the way and climbs to the second rope. Without much of a pause, she leaps forth and crushes the downed alien with the Kidney Check!

Cohen: This is it!


Krypto gets a shoulder up!

The shock of the crowd is mirrored in face of Isabel. She almost loses her composure with a tantrum but she manages to collect herself, seeing that despite having kicked out, Krypto is still crumbled in a heap. Quickly, she climbs to the top rope.

Cohen: Krypto is about to receive a Crash Course!

However, just as she is about to take flight, the crowd begins to stir as Steven Kurtsey appears on the stage.

Cohen: What is he doing here? His career is over!

Connor: Maybe he is here to oversee the last moments of his mentorship of Isabel Stone?

Copeland: Or he is here to gain some revenge on Krypto for defeating him on Ascension?

Cohen: He's trying to maintain some releveance by hinching himself to Isabel's rising star!

Isabel sees her erstwhile mentor and points towards him, shouting out for him to "watch this." With that, she leaps towards the stricken alien... At the last second, Krypto moves out the way, leaving Izzy's only course to crash straight into the matt face first before rolling over onto her back.

Seeing an opportunity, Krypto hauls himself up the turnbuckle, the rumble of the crowd growing in anticpation of the what looks to be a match ending Flying Saucer. And that is exactly what Krypto looks to land only to find himself high and dry as Isabel counters by raised foot that catches the airborne alien in the groin, right in front of the referee.

Connor: Another low blow!

Cohen: That was inadvertent! That was inadvertent!

Despite the remonstrating of the crowd and of Kurtsey, the ref seems to agree with Cohen, although he momentarily looks as though he was going to disqualify Izzy. Inadvertent or not, Krypto has been stopped dead in his tracks with a second shot below the belt and Stone is quick to slap on the Scream Lock, right in the middle of the ring!

Cohen: This is it!

Copeland: There is nowhere for Krypto to go!

Isabel is screaming for the alien to tap out but her pleas are drowned out by the roar of the crowd who urge Krypto not to give in. Slowly, he drags his and Isabel's body towards the ropes. However, this only makes Izzy crank back more and for a brief moment, when only inches away from the ropes, Krypto's looks to be about to tap out.

Connor: He's going to tap!

However, instead, with one last gargantuan effort, Krypto stretches out and reaches the bottom rope. The ref taps Isabel on the shoulder, calling for the break. Thinking Krypto has given up, she immediately releases the hold and throwing her arms up in celebration heads in the direction of Kurtsey. Locking eyes with her mentor once more, Isabel screams "I told you so! I told you I could do it without your help!" She then steps through the ropes onto the apron, gesturing for Kurtsey to join her in the ring. Instead, the former world champion motions for her to turn around. It is then that the referee informs her that Krypto reached the ropes and that the match is still ongoing. After a brief remonstration, Isabel steadies herself on the apron for one last attack as Krypto drags himself back to his feet.

When the extraterrestrial staggers back towards the centre of the ring, Isabel launches herself with her own springboard attack. However, unfortunately for her, she launches herself straight into an Alienator! As the crowd cheer and wince at the impact, Krypto falls ontop of the unconscious Stone.


Harrys: Here is your winner... KRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYPTO!

Connor: He did it!

Copeland: What a tremendous contest between these two youngsters! WZCW's future is definitely bright with these two around.

Cohen: Isabel had this match won twice only for shoddy officiating and then Kurtsey to cost her this match. He had no business being out here!

Connor: As her mentor, he had every right to be here!

In the ring, as the referee helps the still unconscious Isabel, Krypto slowly makes his way to the corner to salute and celebrate his victory with the fans.


Backstage, Steven Kurtsey approaches the still celebrating Krypto.

Kurtsey: Congratulations on your big victory, Krypto. That was a hell of a match you two put on.

Krypto: Thank you, Mr Kurtsey! That means a lot coming from a former world champion. I had to try everything in order to defeat Isabel. You must have mentored her well!

Kurtsey: I am not sure how much that had to do with it but I do not think that anyone would have survived that Alienator kick. And I should know!

Krypto: Speaking of mentors, have you seen Mr Saxton and Mr Saboteur?

Kurtsey: Yeah, they watched most of your match with me around the corner in locker room.

Krypto: They watched some of my?

With that, Krypto scurries off in search of his mentors, leaving Kurtsey to shake his head and smile.


Kurtsey collapses to his knees after getting hit from behind by a steel chair.

Stone: You ruined it!

Isabel then unleashes another chair shot, this time to the back of Kurtsey's head, which leaves him sprawled flat out on the ground.*

Stone: You had to stick your nose in my business! Steal my spotlight! Well, I am going to make sure that you do not interfere in any of my matches ever again!

Isabel then opens the chair and wraps it around Kurtsey's neck and without thinking jumps on it, leaving the former world champion writhing in pain as he clutches his throat. After briefly surveying her dirty work, Isabel dives on top of Kurtsey synching in the Scream Lock, all the while screaming her myriad problems, real or otherwise, in his face.

It takes numerous backstage personel to force her to let go, leaving Kurtsey clasping his throat and making rather disturbing and unsettling noises as medics swarm around him...
The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Eurasian Championship!

Copeland: “Having won his spot in this match, Matt Tastic is all about becoming the new Eurasian Champion!”

Cohen: “Matt’s going to blow his load too soon as always. He’s got no chance!!”

Matt storms out to the top of the stage where he poses to a great reception, he then runs down to the ring and climbs onto the turnbuckle where he waits for his opponent.

Connors: “I don’t know you can be so dismissive. Rush has really struggled this last few weeks! Matt is absolutely able to capitalise on this.”

Cohen: “This man is a legend in this industry, show some respect!”

Rush walks slowly out to the top of the ramp. He adjusts the belt on his shoulder and seems reluctant to press on. Matt points at Rush and gestures for him to get in the ring but Rush stalls and walks around the ring, choosing to enter the ring on the opposite side. When he gets in the ring, Rush stands opposite his smaller opponent and flexes his shoulders and neck muscles while the Eurasian belt rests across his arms.

Copeland: “Rush doesn’t deserve any respect because he gives none to his opponents!”

This contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing the challenger, he is The Super Saiyan of Pro Wrestling, Matt Tastic!!

The crowd clearly adore Matt but the roar of the crowd doesn’t distract him from staring down the champion.

And his opponent weighing 322lbs, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, he is the Eurasian Champion, RUSH!!!

Connors: “This is Matt’s time but he absolutely can’t fall for Rush’s games.”

The ref comes to take the belt but Rush pushes him out of the way and steps into Matt’s face. He raises the belt in the air to a continued chorus of boos. Matt grabs the belt and pushes Rush away before raising it in the air. The crowd love it and even the champ smirks as if he appreciates the gesture. But that doesn’t last as Rush charges into the corner and begins to drive his shoulder into Tastic’s midsection! The challenger is crushed as the giant champion drives his shoulder into Tastic’s chest. Rush then picks him up and connects with a series of headbutts as the surprise attack has left Tastic reeling and Rush is firmly in control.

Copeland: “See, this is what you meant Cat. Rush has been around so long that -”

Cohen: “- That he knows how to play fools like Matt Tastic.”

The champion steps back to survey his work and is surprised to see Matt get back to his feet so valiantly. Using the ropes, Matt is pulling himself up to a vertical base. Rush chases his target once more but this time Matt’s ready and meets him half way, flying across the ring and hitting a barrage of forearm strikes. The big man is rocked and Matt goes for a running leap and connects with a diving clothesline! Rush crashes to the mat. Matt covers but Rush powers out and Tastic goes flying across the ring! Rush gets up quickly and grabs Matt up, he whips him across the ring. As he comes back, Rush raises his tree trunk left leg but Matt hits a basement dropkick to the right knee!

Copeland: “Matt has bounced back superbly, he is in control of this match.”

Rush is downed to one knee and is forced to limp away. He retreats to a corner but Matt follows him and begins to unleash kick after kick to the champion. Matt stands back as Rush is reeling and he lines up another big move as Rush stumbles away from the corner. Matt charges and Rush back body drops him over the ropes. Tastic somehow lands on his feet and on the apron. Rush sees him and charges but Tastic drops down, dropping Rush throat first across the top rope! Matt seizes his opportunity and grabs Rush’s feet, pulling the big man down to the mat, he falls like a large oak, 1...

Connors: “As sneaky as Rush is, Matt has an answer for it.”

Cohen: “But now they have gone outside of the ring, you have to think this favours Rush!”

Matt pulls him outside and begins to pummel Rush. 2...The big man begins to fight back and is able to whip Matt to the barriers at ringside, 3..... Matt stops himself from colliding with the steel and leaps onto the barrier before diving with a high crossbody dive onto Rush! 4.... Matt stumbles around while the crowd stand and applaud the spectacular flying move 5.... but WZCW’s Super Saiyan doesn’t stand around to take it in, he brings Rush to his feet 6...... and goes to hit the Headache Driver! He struggles to get him in position and then to lift him 7...... Rush fights out of it but Matt hits the Rolling Spinebuster!! 8.....

Connors: “Spinebuster to the champion on the floor!”

Copeland: “Get him back in the ring Matt!!”

Matt squirms, trying to get up. He sees the referee counting both men out! 9...... He tries to get into the ring and instinctively tries to bring Rush with him but the big man slows him down too much by holding onto the ring steps!! 10...... The referee rings the bell!!!

Cohen: “Yes!”

The ref rushes to the timekeeper. Matt senses what is coming and has his head in his hands. Rush is trying to roll away from his adversary. Within seconds the announcement comes.

The referee has decided that as a result of a double count out, this match is a draw. That means still the Eurasian Champion, Rush!!!

Connors: “You are kidding me!”

Copeland: “Oh boy, Matt is not impressed.”

Cohen: “You all know the rules, Rush does too.”

Matt pounds the mat in frustration. He sees Rush attempting to crawl away and goes after the champion. The crowd rise as Matt continues his attack, battering the exhausted champion, who has no answer to the energy that pours through his assault. The referee rushes in between them but Rush lunges forward with a giant boot between the legs of referee and Matt. Both men fall to the floor! Rush grabs his Eurasian title and sets to leave but he turns and puts Matt in his position for the Rushing Powerbomb! As he strides forward with Matt in the air, Tastic slips out! Rush comes back but Matt uses his momentum and trips him up, Matt gets him in the Cross Buster!!!

Connors: “Matt is getting the champion to tap out in the centre of the ring!”

Cohen: “Too bad this is superficial at this point. Matt had his chance and he blew it!”

Copeland: “But he should get a rematch! It’s only fair!!”

Rush tries to resist but he has to tap! Suddenly a group of referees come down and they have to pull Matt off the champion. Tastic yells some obscenities at Rush before champion and challenger are separated further. Tastic is pushed up the ramp but the crowd roars their support in appreciation.

Connors: “Matt Tastic has proved himself a hero to these people!”

Cohen: “The real hero is the man who will leave this arena as champion! That man is Rush!”


Backstage we see Becky Serra getting ready to deliver an interview and steps forward to include Titus in the picture. The crowd cheers loudly.

Serra: I’m here with two time WZCW Champion Titus. How are you feeling tonight heading into your big match?

Titus: Pretty good I must say Becky. The sun rose yesterday and the end of the Mayan calender came and went and Christmas is just days away. There will be a lot to celebrate coming up, regardless of the outcome of this match.

Serra: And what would you say the odds are that Titus becomes WZCW’s first ever 3 time World Heavyweight Champion?

Titus: The statisticians would tell you the odds are 1/4. The real odds in this match are 50/50.

Serra: 50/50? That good huh?

Titus: It really is actually. I look at every match as a 50/50. Either I win, or I lose. Obviously I’ve been more successful in my career at the 50 that wins rather than the 50 that loses, but this 50/50 odds is that the winner of this match will be either me, or the current champion, Showtime David Cougar. The other two, strong players, but they don't have what it takes to compete with the two biggest stars in WZCW.

Serra: You have a lot of respect for the champion.

Titus: Showtime comes off as very cocky and snobbish, but we do respect what we’ve each accomplished in our careers. We’re both 2 time WZCW Champions, we have both won the Lethal Lottery and hence headlined Kingdom Come. The big difference is I won my match at Kingdom Come and he didn’t. Showtime is a big time player in WZCW, trouble is there is a bigger player than Show in this match, and that is the 4 time Oscar winning wrestler, Titus. I beat Chris K.O. and eleven other guys to earn my spot in this match and tonight I plan adding one more accomplishment to my resume.

Titus nods his head at Becky and walks off camera.

Connor: Coming up next, in possibly the grudge match of the year, Barbosa takes on S.H.I.T. in god know what kind of barbaric match.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The lights dim and turn into a very dark, cold shade of blue. The robotic brawler S.H.I.T. emerges from the back and surveys the crowd around him before making his slow decent down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 230 lbs, he is “The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics”, S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T. straddles through the ropes and stands in the middle of the ring, looking to the outside at all the weapons that are at his disposal. Chairs, tables, ladders, trash cans, and of course, barbed wire and C4 explosives.

The crowd gives a surprisingly mixed reaction as the insane monster Barbosa steps out onto the ramp. Barbosa is oddly dressed in a hunters jacket and large gallon hat, holding in one hand wire and a box cutter and a bottle of BBQ sauce in the other.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 237 lbs, he is “The Ultimate Inmate” Barbosa!

Copeland: Two of the most destructive men in WZCW, about to face each other in what could very well be the most violent match in WZCW’s history.

Cohen: There’s a good chance here that the ring could turn into one giant crater by the time these two are done with each other.

Connor: This match could have a lasting effect on their health. Both are too focused on what they’ll do to each other to even consider the risk factors.

Barbosa walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. He and S.H.I.T. stare each other down from opposite ends of the ring. Barbosa’s ring gear makes the whole scene look like it is out of some strange western.

Copeland: Now we get to find out what rules the match will be contested under. Barbed wire, C4, or a Texas Death match. Let’s look at the results.

a) Barbed Wire match - 3 votes 11%
b) Exploding C4 match - 8 votes 30%
c) Texas Deathmatch - 15 votes 59%

A loud cheer erupts from the audience upon seeing the results.

Cohen: Oh boy, CC, Seabass, a good ole fashion Texas Death match. As my old buddy used to say, this one is going to turn into a real slobber knocker.

Connor: For those at home unsure what the rules are regarding a Texas Death match, it works very similar to a Last Man Standing match. To win you have to pin your opponent for 3 seconds and then your opponent has till the count of 10 to get back to his feet or else he loses, and that's how you win.

Upon hearing the results, Barbosa removes his hunters jacket and throws the box cutter off to the side. He stands ready with the BBQ sauce in hand as the bell rings. Barbosa charges at S.H.I.T. and swings the bottle at him. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa by the wrist and the two lock up at centre, engaged in a power struggle for the bottle. S.H.I.T. with a burst of strength pushes Barbosa backwards in the ring, knocking the hat right off him. S.H.I.T. now has possession of the bottle as Barbosa rolls back to his feet. S.H.I.T. holds the bottle in his hand and crushes it, the sauce and glass dropping to the mat. Barbosa looks unimpressed as he charges and tackles S.H.I.T. to the mat. Barbosa straddles over S.H.I.T. and begins to punch wildly at him. S.H.I.T. rolls him over and starts to punch Barbosa. The two roll over on the mat a bit more fighting until they finally separate. Both slowly get to their feet, Barbosa a bit slower as he brushes off shards of glass and bits of sauce from his back. The time spent doing this allows S.H.I.T. to run towards Barbosa, knocking him down with a clothesline. He follows the move up successfully again, and again. Barbosa rises to his feet quickly each time, but after the third clothesline S.H.I.T. picks up the rising Barbosa and slams him down to the mat. He slowly bounces off the ropes follows up with a body splash and a pinfall attempt. 1...

Barbosa kicks out before the count of 2. The look on S.H.I.T.’s face remains the same; cold, lifeless, and drawn on, as he slowly brings Barbosa to his feet. S.H.I.T. tucks his opponents head under his arm and attempts a DDT. Barbosa grabs and spins behind S.H.I.T. He pulls S.H.I.T. around to face him and as he does he drives a knee into S.H.I.T.’s midsection. Barbosa follows by giving S.H.I.T. an Inverted Atomic Drop, that soon leads into an STO attempt. Barbosa slams S.H.I.T. back first into the remnants of the bottle, and rolls over towards the corner rather than going for the pin.

Cohen: I told you all this would be a real slobber knocker. The only thing these two inbred rednecks are missing is some beer.

Barbosa stands up and uncharacteristically climbs onto the top rope. He looks down at his opponent and, taking a page from S.H.I.T.’s book, he leaps off the top rope and lands a Frog Splash and goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Barbosa stands up smiling and the ref starts a 10 count. Almost immediately, S.H.I.T. rocks from side to side and easily rolls over and gets up to his feet before the count of 3. Barbosa wastes little time continuing the attack and runs at him with a clothesline. S.H.I.T. is up near the ropes upon impact, and both men go over the top rope and crash hard on the floor. Ring crew slides into the ring to clean up the mess as the battle continues on the outside. Barbosa tries to keep the robot on the ground, but S.H.I.T. is able to ram his head into the gut of Barbosa. S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and the two start throwing punches at each other. Barbosa grabs S.H.I.T. and attempts an Irish Whip. S.H.I.T. stays in his tracks and reverses it the other way. Barbosa goes flying back first into the steel stairs. S.H.I.T. keeps him in a seated position by stomping on his chest. Realizing that he is doing very little damage, S.H.I.T. grabs a tangled ball of barbed wire lying nearby and throws it at Barbosa. He then starts to stomp and press the barbed wire into Barbosa. After several kicks he pulls Barbosa from the stairs and lies on top of him and the barbed wire for the pin. 1... 2... Barbosa kicks out!

Connor: If this were a barbed wire match, S.H.I.T. would have all the advantage. Just look at how he was able to pin Barbosa while pressing barbed wire into him.

Copeland: Still, Barbosa was able to kick out at 2 and unfortunately CC, this match will probably get a lot more violent before either of these two are unable to answer the 10 count.

Barbosa is heavily tangled in the barbed wire, so the ref calls S.H.I.T. off as he attempts to help him free. S.H.I.T. starts to walk around the ring and comes to a stop once he find a steel chair. S.H.I.T. picks up the chair and stares at it for a long while before he heads turns back to his opponent. Barbosa has freed himself and is up to his feet when S.H.I.T. swings at him with the chair. Barbosa ducks and S.H.I.T. ends up hitting the turnbuckle. S.H.I.T. turns around and raises the chair high up to strike again, but Barbosa kicks him in the gut. S.H.I.T. drops the chair and Barbosa follows with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Barbosa breathes heavily as he wipes away the small amount of blood from his chest wounds. He grabs the chair and wastes little time smashing it across the back of his opponent. S.H.I.T. falls to the floor and tries to get back up, but Barbosa delivers another shot across the back. Barbosa places his foot on S.H.I.T. and, like a golf player, takes a swings with the chair and hits S.H.I.T. in the side of the head. The chair is now badly dented, as is S.H.I.T. head, as Barbosa tosses the chair away and goes for another pin. 1... 2... 3!

Copeland: That’s the second time in this contest that Barbosa has gotten the early pin on his opponents. I wonder if S.H.I.T. is already running low on fluids.

Cohen: Seabass, can’t you see this is brilliant strategy by the man pretending to be a robot. Why waste energy kicking out when you could just lie there for 3 seconds and then slowly get to your feet?

Cohen is correct as S.H.I.T. does the same thing before and gets himself up around the count of 3. Barbosa meanwhile is underneath the ring looking for a weapon. He barely notices that S.H.I.T. is approaching him when he finally finds the weapon he is looking for. He pulls out a fire extinguisher and sees that S.H.I.T. is standing almost right beside him. Having no time to strike him with it, Barbosa lets loose the smoke from it, blinding his opponent. S.H.I.T. brushes the air from his face and Barbosa uses the time to tackle him into the steel stairs, which causes the top set to fall off. Barbosa slowly gets to his feet, showing a slight bit of exhaustion for the first time in this contest. He stands on top of the bottom set of stairs and grabs S.H.I.T., straddling above his head as he prepares to deliver a Piledriver. Barbosa grabs S.H.I.T. waist and attempts to lift, but can't get the cardboard covered machine off his feet. S.H.I.T. then surprises Barbosa by standing straight up, flipping Barbosa over in the air as he comes crashing to the floor outside the ring.

Copeland: Barbosa was moments away from possibly ending this match, but the resilient S.H.I.T. was able send Barbosa flying hard onto the concrete instead.

Connor: Both wrestlers have taken a lot of damage so far here tonight. Broken limps and torn muscles will become strong possibilities the longer this match continues.

S.H.I.T. walks around the ring and grabs a new steel chair and tosses it in the ring, along with a ladder resting near ringside and a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa and throws him against the barricade. He then pulls him off and rolls him into the ring. S.H.I.T. crawls in after him and grabs hold of the steel chair. He allows Barbosa to get back up to his feet and with one shot to the head brings Barbosa to his knees. Barbosa refuses to stay down and tries to get back to his feet, but S.H.I.T. delivers a second chair shot that puts Barbosa to the mat. S.H.I.T. crawls on top for the pin. 1... 2...

Barbosa again kicks out before 3. Barbosa rolls over onto his stomach and crawls towards the ropes. S.H.I.T. rises slowly to his feet and looks for what to use next. S.H.I.T. grabs a ladder and stands holding it horizontally as Barbosa slowly gets to his feet. He does and turns to face S.H.I.T. as he rams the end of the ladder into his gut. Barbosa hunches over it, but stays on his feet by clinging onto the ladder. He tries to pull it from S.H.I.T.’s grip, but the robots clutches are too strong as he starts using the ladder to ram Barbosa into the turnbuckle. The force of the collision is followed by a loud groan from the crowd, as if they too could feel the pain of the blow.

Copeland: The back of Barbosa was rammed into that corner. What more does S.H.I.T. have in store for Barbosa?

S.H.I.T. is able to answer that question almost immediately. He takes the ladder and stands it vertically against Barbosa who has his back against the corner. S.H.I.T. walks across the ring and grabs the 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. He walks over to Barbosa and his face, while still showing the same design, somehow looks happier. He stares directly at Barbosa’s face.

Connor: Oh my God.

Cohen: Close your eyes CC. S.H.I.T.’s about to come down on Barbosa.

S.H.I.T. takes the 2x4 and drives it into Barbosa’s face. Barbosa falls to the mat and S.H.I.T. bends down and pushes the end of the 2x4 into the face of Barbosa. Barbosa has his hands up to try and push it off him. S.H.I.T. eventually ceases and throws the 2x4 away. He paces backwards in the ring as Barbosa tries to pull himself to his feet still trapped in the corner with the ladder. S.H.I.T. starts to run and leaps into the corner with a Shoulder Block. Moments before he leaps, Barbosa with all his strength throws the ladder off him and it collides head on with S.H.I.T. who drops to the mat. Barbosa also falls back to the mat still in the corner. He is panting heavily and whipping his face, Barbosa suddenly looks beside the corner and reaches at something.

Cohen: What’s he got in his hands?

Copeland: It’s the box cutter. Barbosa’s got ahold of a blade.

Cohen: Good luck it’ll be against Mr. Cardboard.

Barbosa stands up holding the box cutter. He looks around at the audience, who have been going crazy throughout this contest. Barbosa then grabs the ladder and hold it horizontally across his chest. S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and Barbosa runs right into him, knocking them both down to the mat. Barbosa sits on top of the ladder, which is right across the chest of S.H.I.T. Through one of the openings, Barbosa starts to a cut a line in S.H.I.T.’s chest. The robot tries to attack Barbosa, but can’t get his arms through the ladder. Barbosa reaches over and grabs the 2x4 that was tossed across the ring. He raise the 2x4 high in the air and jabs it through the chest of S.H.I.T. A loud scream is heard like no other one heard by S.H.I.T. Somehow he summons the strength and throws Barbosa and the ladder off him. S.H.I.T. reaches for his chest to try and repair it and Barbosa stands up in the ring and smiles rather than going for the attack.

Cohen: Why isn’t he finishing him off.

Connor: I think Barbosa is simply enjoying making S.H.I.T. feel a little human. Err, what’s wrong with me, all of this is violently sick.

Barbosa grabs the chair in the ring and holds it up. He slams it on the mat and does this repeatedly as S.H.I.T. slowly gets to his feet. S.H.I.T. does and turns around and Barbosa drops the chair on the mat. He then grabs S.H.I.T. by the head and DDT’s him on the chair. He picks S.H.I.T. up a second time and DDT’s him again on the chair. Barbosa stands up with S.H.I.T. a third time and holds him in DDT position. Barbosa looks around the arena and drops a third DDT on S.H.I.T.

Copeland: Multiplicity connects!

Barbosa gets to his feet and waits for S.H.I.T. to stand up. This actually takes longer than Barbosa wants to wait so he helps S.H.I.T. to his feet. Barbosa lifts him up from behind and hits the Doppelganger!! He goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Connor: This one should keep S.H.I.T. down.

Barbosa gets up and rolls out the ring as the ref begins his 10 count.



Barbosa reaches underneath the ring near the turnbuckle and pulls a small box covered in a blanket.



S.H.I.T. actually starts to move as Barbosa rolls into the ring. He removes the blanket and reveals in his hands to be a C4. The crowd naturally explodes with excitement.



S.H.I.T. has rolled over and has his hands underneath him. Barbosa sets up a ladder across two middle ropes in a corner and starts to tape the C4 against it.



S.H.I.T. has lifted himself to his knees while Barbosa still adjusts with the C4.


S.H.I.T. stands up and the ref signals the match to continue. Barbosa turns around and walks over to S.H.I.T., who surprises him with a kick. S.H.I.T. follows with a couple punches that back Barbosa almost into the ladder. S.H.I.T. is about to go for one final push when Barbosa comes alive with punches to the face. He backs S.H.I.T. up to the opposite corner and Irish Whips him towards the ladder. S.H.I.T. reaches with his hands and stops himself from hitting the ladder. Barbosa walks up from behind and S.H.I.T. elbows him in the face. S.H.I.T. turns around a goes for a Head Chop. Barbosa blocks it with his both his hands and tries to power S.H.I.T. backwards. S.H.I.T. with his free hand pushes Barbosa backwards in the ring. Barbosa backpedals a bit and then runs forward and leaps at S.H.I.T. His opponent moves out of the way and the last thing Barbosa is able to do, is turn his body a bit and shield his face.


The C4 goes off on impact and Barbosa’s body is crumpled on the mat near the corner. S.H.I.T. has to slow his body down running away from the corner and turns to see Barbosa down and out. He walks over to Barbosa and pins him. 1... 2... 3!

S.H.I.T. gets up slowly and backs up. The ref first checks Barbosa to make sure he is still breathing and alive. Both things check out and the ref begins the 10 count.


Copeland: Well folks, if you saw what we saw, we are all very hopeful and relieved that Barbosa is still breathing in the ring as the ref begins the 10 count necessary to end this blood bath.



Cohen: What Seabass? I can’t hear anything after that blast. What count is he at?



Connor: I’m shaking over here you guys. I’m relieved that the WZCW universe didn’t pick a C4 match for these two to compete in.


Barbosa’s charred body has moved for the first time drawing a loud response.


An arm grabs hold of the second rope and begins to pull itself up.


Barbosa is on one knee with a hand on top rope as S.H.I.T. has begun to pace inside the ring.


With one last pull upwards, Barbosa gets himself to his feet and manages to stay up on his own. The ref calls for the match to continue as S.H.I.T. has his hands on his head, contemplating his next move. He seems to get an idea and walks over to Barbosa. S.H.I.T. raises his arm and delivers a Head Chop. The force knocks Barbosa over the top rope and onto the floor.

Cohen: Well that ought to finish him.

Except S.H.I.T. doesn’t go for the easy pin. S.H.I.T. rolls out the adjacent side of the ring and grabs two tables and slides them both into the ring. He then grabs two more tables and slides them both into the ring as well. S.H.I.T. climbs into the ring and begins setting the tables up. He quickly sets up two tables right beside each other and then perfectly places two tables on top of them.

Copeland: S.H.I.T. has a plan and like a machine he’s following through with it perfectly so far.

S.H.I.T. stares at his structure and doesn’t look satisfied with it. He looks around outside of the ring and then reaches through the ropes, grabbing a large ward of barbed wire. S.H.I.T. throws it on top of all his tables and looks at his work. S.H.I.T. then rolls out of the ring and grabs the two tallest ladders he could find. He slides them both in the ring and sets one up beside the tables and one beside the ladder.

Connor: S.H.I.T.’s plan has taken shape. I fear this could be Barbosa’s last match ever in WZCW.

S.H.I.T. rolls out of the ring again and sees Barbosa rising to his feet. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa and rolls him into the ring and follows right in after. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa by the throat on the mat and the two struggle. Finally Barbosa fades and S.H.I.T. stands up and starts stomping. S.H.I.T. then grabs Barbosa and begins to climb the ladder and pulls Barbosa up the other with him. Both wrestlers are exhausted from the match as they slowly climb to the top. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa from behind and lifts him up slowly.

Copeland: My God, if S.H.I.T. hits the Doppelganger on Barbosa it will surely end his career.

Barbosa suddenly clutches S.H.I.T. head tightly and with his other arm starts punching the head. Barbosa rolls over S.H.I.T. and lands his feet on the other side of the ladders. The two start to trade slow punches at the top of the ladder, the crowd ‘ooohhhing’ every strike. Barbosa suddenly blocks a punch and connects a second, followed closely by a third. He grabs S.H.I.T.’s head and rams it several times into the top of the ladders. S.H.I.T. slumps into them and kicks one of the ladders away. Barbosa was on that ladder, but steps onto the other ladder just in time as both teeter on the one ladder left standing. Barbosa steps up to the top of the ladder and sits down. He grabs S.H.I.T. and lifts him up to the second last step and grabs his waist.

Copeland: One man will fall onto those tables. Who will it be?

Barbosa goes for a Powerbomb and is able to lift S.H.I.T. to his shoulders. He is unable to hold him long and both fall onto the tables. S.H.I.T. falls onto the tables and barbed wire and Barbosa falls right on top of him. Both crash into a heap of broken tables with Barbosa slumped over S.H.I.T. The ref makes the count. 1... 2... 3.

The ref pulls Barbosa off of S.H.I.T., but neither man can move from the wreckage.




Holy Shit chants echo throughout the arena as several replays are shown of the move.




Connor: Neither man has moved. I wish the ref would count quicker. I think it might be a good hour before either of these two move much.



Cohen: I got to give them credit though, I’ve never seen two people beat the living shit out each other like that. How could anyone stop these guys together?



Harrys: Here is your winner, Barbosa!

Ring crew begin to removes the tables and debris in the ring as EMT’s check on Barbosa and S.H.I.T. in the ring. The crowd is very silent now as they work to remove all the barbed wire and clean up the blood spewing from Barbosa. The crowd begins to clap as Barbosa moves a little. The EMT’s want Barbosa to slide over to the gurney, but Barbosa keeps insisting on standing.


The audience reacts strangely to the music as Cooper and Bowen walk down the ramp dressed like they are from the bomb squad. Both men have clubs in one hand and Cooper has a briefcase in the other.

Copeland: Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen? What are those two doing here?

Bowen runs into the ring and scares off a number of EMT’s. Cooper climbs into the ring and keeps them all at bay as Bowen begins to stomp Barbosa. Security runs down the ramp now to try and stop this. They get the ring, but stop short as Cooper opens up his briefcase and has with him another C4 explosive.

Connor: Oh my God. Please not another. Somebody stop them.

Cohen: Don’t look at me CC. Where’s K.O. or someone?

Cooper sets down the case and helps Bowen beat down Barbosa and S.H.I.T. with their clubs. Cooper fiddles with the C4 while Bowen grabs some barbed wire. Bowen wraps the two men together in barbed wire as Cooper places the C4 in front of them. He puts a detonator on top of it and sets the timer 15 seconds. They both roll out of the ring and swings their clubs wildly to keep everyone at bay as they make their escape.

Copeland: Barbosa and S.H.I.T. are trapped inside the ring. What was the meaning of this attack from Cooper and Bowen.

The seconds count down on the C4 detonator. Barbosa is out cold from the attack while S.H.I.T. appears recovered. He looks to his side and reaches out and grabs a hold of Barbosa’s hunter jacket dangling on the edge of the ring. He throws it over top of him and Barbosa seconds before the C4 sets off. The jacket shields them from the blast and EMT’s quickly get on the scene moments after to help the two men.

Copeland: A statement has been made by two men. Hopefully some light will be shed on why they did this.

Connor: I’m just thankful both men are alright... at least not any worse than they were after their match.

Cohen: I’ll have to agree with you CC, that match may have been the most violent match ever witnessed inside a WZCW ring. Cooper and Bowen picked a perfect time to strike, this won’t be the last time these four men will all be in the same ring together I can assure you of that.

EMT’s roll both men on to separate gurneys and wheel them from the ring to safety. The audience applauds loudly for both men as they are carried to the back.

Backstage we see Sam Smith sitting in the locker room with the Elite X Title. Foot steps are heard and the towing EurAsian Champion Rush enters the room.

Smith: What happened out there, I figured you would’ve had the match taken care of.

Rush: I’m still EurAsian champion aren’t I. And where were you when that punk Tastic attacked me after the match? The piece of scum was hardly worth my time to begin with.

Smith: Well in case you forgot, I was successful in my title defense against Triple X, and was getting some much needed attention after a very physical match.

Rush: Well I must say it’s about time then. Finally, we can be the most dominant team in WZCW and bring this company down to his knees.

Smith and Rush nod when there conversation gets interrupted by Leon Kensworth.

Kensworth: I’m sorry to interrupt you guys, Rush I have a special message to deliver to you from the GM of Meltdown Big Dave.

Rush: Well out with it runt, what's the message.

Kensworth: The message is that Matt Tastic will receive a rematch for the EurAsian Championship in the near future.

The crowd pops and Rush and Smith look pissed off by the announcement, particularily Rush.

Kensworth: He also says to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Leon exits the room as Rush and Smith begin to converse quietly again.


While a clean up crew try to fix the damage Barbosa and SHIT have caused across the arena, the camera follows the two gurneys through the curtain backstage. As the EMTs quickly wheel the fallen pair through the corridors to an awaiting ambulance, they pass the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Action Saxton and Saboteur as they emerge from their dressing room.

Saxton: Damn, those two suckas are smokin'

Saboteur's body language exudes some confusion as he looks first at Saxton, then at the crumbled masses on the passing gurneys and then back to his tag partner.

Saboteur: I thought you liked the ladies?

Saxton: What? Naw, fool, you know I am all about the honeys. I mean they are actually smokin' - barbequed, chargrilled... on fire. You feelin' me?

Saboteur: No, I will not feel you...

Krypto: There you are!

This impending squabble is broken up by the approach of the recently crowned Mentorship Programme winner, Krypto.

Saxton: Little green man... Am I glad to see you...

Krypto: Really?

Saboteur: Yeah, he wants you to feel him...

Saxton: Shut up, fool!

Saboteur raises his hands in something of a mock surrender.

Krypto: So did you watch my match?

Saboteur: Yeah, we did. She had an unnatural attachment to your nether regions.

Saxton: That Izzy is one crazy momma.

Saboteur: A bit of a ball buster, you might say.

Krypto: But I still won. Tell me you saw that bit too?

Saboteur: We sure did. You kicked a little girl as hard as you could in the face...

Krypto's head drops a little at the accusatory tone of Saboteur.

Saboteur: I'm so proud of you.

Saboteur lays a hands on Krypto's shoulder.

Saboteur: You are one of us now.

Saxton: Yeah, you are one tough sucka, sucka.

The little alien looks fit to burst with pride.

Krypto: Thanks, guys. And good luck in your match.

Saxton and Saboteur walk off towards the gorilla position but not before aiming one last retort in the direction of the beaming Krypto.

Saboteur: Luck is for losers.

Saxton: And lottery winners.

Saboteur: Oh yeah... Hey, Sax, what would you buy if you won the lottery?

Saxton: My own Action Saxton Tower.

Saboteur: Not this again...
Harrys: The following contest is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships!


The crowd cheers as Howard and Stormrage walk onto the ramp, pumped and heavily focused on the upcoming match.

Connor: These guys look ready to take on the champs.

Copeland: This isn't going to be your average title defense. We've got some quirky match types that could be selected and any one of them won't be for the light-hearted.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challengers, weighing at a combined weight of 538 pounds; Mikey Stormrage and James Howard, Strikeforce!

As Howard makes his way to the ring stretching and psyching himself up, Stormrage runs down one side of the ramp and up the other high-fiving fans and shadow boxing as he runs. Howard slides into the ring and runs to the far turnbuckle with one arm raised in the air as Stormrage ascends to the middle of the near turnbuckle signalling “Game Over.”


The music hits, and after the initial horns Saxton and Saboteur emerge from the entrance tunnel. Saboteur starts hopping up and down pumping his fists in the air while Saxton rubs his hands together ready for a fight where he appears to be wearing an attire ready to for the Country Whippin' match with a denim vest and a cowboy hat... all whilst flaunting their tag titles around their waists.

Harrys: And their opponents; at a combined weight of Insanely Manly Kilometers, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions; Action Saxton & Saboteur, the City Suckas!

They both look at each other and shake their head on the name.

Cohen: ... interesting.

Copeland: They'll figure it out one day.

Connor: Saxton looks... nice, as a cowboy.

They make their way down the entrance ramp together, with Saboteur jumping in circles around Saxton and hi-5ing fans while Saxton is sparring with the air and making intense eye contact with the ring. Saboteur slides under the bottom ring rope as Saxton makes his way up the stairs and through the top and middle rope. They both climb up the turnbuckles and pose for the audience: Saboteur unsheathes his katanas and makes an X with them, and Saxton dramatically takes off his cowboy hat. They prepre themselves as Leon enters the ring from ringside with a mircophone in hand, ready to announce the match.

Leon: Okay ladies and gentlemen, now that both teams are out here and ready to compete, we will now reveal which match stipulation you chose for these four men.

All four men are eager to find out, especially Saxton who is slapping his personal leather whip across his hand, as the titantron brings up all three options and a drum-roll in the background. The crowd is anxious and are yelling out their options they choose.

What match stipulation will the World Tag Team Titles be fought under?

a) Country Whippin' match - 30%
b) "I Quit" match - 35%
c) No DQ Tornado Elimination match - 35%

Most of the crowd cheers as their option has been selected but they later start conversing between themselves about what happens in the event of a tie. Some of the audience members and Saxton aren't happy with the result.

Cohen: This is awkward...

The referee is a little confused with this vote but calls over Leon as Strikeforce are getting impatient whilst Saboteur tries to calm down Saxton. After a small conversation between the ref and Leon, they have come to an agreement.

Leon: Well then... with the fans voting being split between an "I Quit" match and a No DQ Tornado Elimination match, it looks like we have no choice but to combine the two options.

The crowd begins to cheer pre-emptively at this revelation.

Copeland: Oh boy...

Connor: I like where this is going.

Leon: This tag team contest will be, as voted by the WZCW Universe, a No DQ Tornado Tag "I Quit" Elimination match where the objective of the match will be to make both members of opposing team say the words "I Quit."

All four men look at each, knowing things have just been taken to the next level.

Copeland: Wow... I can't recall ever seeing an "I Quit" tag team bout before, let alone with elimination style rules!

Connor: This is going to be one hell of a fight. Prepare yourselves, guys.

Cohen: Let's start this match already.

As Leon exits the ring and the bell rings, Saxton looks at his leather whip and shrugs, deciding to use it anyway as he lands the first strike of the match across Howard's arm.


The match implodes as Saboteur runs at Stormrage, jumping onto him and landing multiple strikes as Mikey has him held up in a bearhug style position. Saxton whips away at Howard, smacking him across the arms and chest area as he tries to retreat to the outside. Saxton goes after him and the crowd is getting into this contest with a shared chant for both teams. Stormrage pushes Saboteur off him, allowing Saboteur enough room to run at Stormrage who goes for a kitchen sink knee strike. Saboteur evades with a baseball slide and jumps on the big man's back, locking in a sleeper hold with bodyscissors in the early going. Saxton continues to whip Howard and yell out cowboy slang before Howard passes a set of steel steps, quickly turning around and dropkicking the steps to take out Saxton's knees. Saxton leans on the stairs as Howard shakes his arm to recover from the whip shots. Howard runs at Saxton, diving over him and stairs to deliver a sunset flip, forcing Saxton's head to bounce off the thinly-padded mats that cover the concrete floor. Stormrage manages to grab the head of Saboteur and flip him forward, landing on his rear end. Saboteur gets up and clutches his money maker as Stormrage gains momentum off the ropes, hitting Saboteur with a successful Kitchen sink knee strike. Howard is dancing around ready to strike as Saxton gets up. James is able to hit a few boxing punches on Saxton before finishing off with a dropkick that sends Saxton into the barricades on the outside. Howard looks to work Saxton with his signature Muay-Thai knee strikes. Saboteur is now in the corner with Stormrage delivering a series of knife-edge chops before Stormrage moves out of the corner and hits an avalanche. Saboteur staggers out and Stormrage knocks Saboteur off his feet with a short-arm clothesline. Howard hits one more knee strike before stopping for a moment, checking on Stormrage who is looking at him. The two nod as Howard looks under the apron as Stormrage goes to the outside in search of a weapon as well with crowd cheering these combatants.

Connor: The challengers have done well to start off this match with a distinct advantage over the champs, giving them time to get some extra help.

Cohen: They're wasting time looking for a trash can or a stop sign; they need to render Saxton & Saboteur useless before attempting the use of weapons.

Copeland: Would you like to personally stop them then, Jack?

Howard slides into the ring with a steel chair he got near the announcer's table whilst Stormrage has a kendo stick in hand, ready to take on Saxton. Howard waits for Saboteur to recover, banging the canvas with the chair. Saxton is on his feet and Stormrage goes to swing but Saxton detects this early, aiming his whip to wrap around the kendo stick and yanks it out of Stormrage's hand to leave him without a weapon.

Saxton: Not today, sucka!

Saxton whips Stormrage on the nipples, giving him intense pain and possibly a nipple stag. Stormrage clutches his... pectorals as Saxton whips Stormrage across the thigh before dropping the whip and backhanding Stormrage across the face. Howard notices this and takes it as an insult, looking to go after Saxton. He forgets about Saboteur who manages to hit a one-handed bulldog on Howard with the chair landing in front of Howard's face as he lands, causing James' head to collide with the chair. Howard holds his face as Saboteur grabs the chair and drives it into the sternum of Howard. Saxton continues his attacks on Stormrage, finishing off a punching combination where Stormrage gets knocked back onto the ring post. Saxton calls for Saboteur to help who obliges, discarding the chair from the ring on his way. Saxton asks for Saboteur to hold Mikey back as Saxton grabs onto the nipple that Saxton hit before and begins... a nipple cripple? Stormrage is in a copious amount of pain as Saxton asks for the referee to come and ask Mikey.

Cohen: Are you seeing this, Seabass? Saxton has got the injured nipple of Stormrage and his twisting it tightly, preventing flow of blood to Mikey's manb...

Copeland: Yes Jack it... uh, definitely is a unique move.

Connor: What a manoeuvre!

The referee continuously asks Stormrage for an answer but he refuses to quit. Saxton looks to deliver a 360 twist variant until Howard exits the ring and does a running takedown to Saxton who let's go of the nipple. As Howard unloads a series of punches on Saxton's abdomen, Stormrage thrusts his arms forward to force Saboteur straight into the ring post. Stormrage is free from restraints and rubs his chest before turning his attention to Saboteur, hoping up onto the apron. Saboteur gets up and Stormrage jumps down with a clothesline, knocking both men down for a brief moment. During this time, Howard has recovered and sees Saxton trying to get up himself. He looks at the announcer's table and takes the top off.

Cohen: Put that back!

He turns around to position himself and he jumps onto the table before performing a modified springboard moonsault onto Saxton... but he catches Howard in mid-air! He holds Howard tight and rams him into the steel post. As Stormrage is getting up, Saxton runs with Howard and runs through Stormrage like a run-away train. Saxton keeps Howard locked-in, walking up the nearest set of steel steps and along the apron. Saxton gets the fans going as he jumps off the apron with Howard drapping across the shoulder. Saxton lands on his feet and delivers a natural gutbuster to Howard who falls off and hits the ground. He clutches his stomach as Saxton calls for the referee to ask Howard... but James refuses despite almost sounding winded. Stormrage is recovering as Saboteur has gotten to his feet, charging at Stormrage to hit the Super Saboteur!, knocking Stormrage into the corner barricade. Saboteur gets up and hits a couple of European uppercuts before calling on Saxton. He lifts up Saboteur and they go for the Fastball Special but Stormrage ducks, causing Saboteur to fly into the audience and land on a few of the members.

Copeland: And it looks like the front row fans literally have the best seats in the house to experience the action because they're in it.

Cohen: If Mikey would've stayed still, this wouldn't have happened. I smell a lawsuit coming out of this if they don't reprimand him soon.

Connor: But Jack, it's a no DQ. Besides, we have warning label on all our live event tickets that caution people to flying Saboteurs.

Saxton looks around awkward and straightens his invisible tie before turning away and looking busy with Howard, getting in a mounted position to hit a couple of strikes. Stormrage apologies to the fans who are more rowdy and excited than ever with a couple of fans jokingly say I Quit and pretending to be knocked out as Mikey pulls Saboteur from the wreckage, finishing off Saboteur with a scoop slam. Stormrage heads over to Saxton and wraps an arm around Saxton's neck, almost like a choke hold to pull him off Howard. After some struggling, Stormrage manages a Russian legsweep on the big man. Stormrage checks on Howard to see if he is okay and responds with a yes. Stormrage leaves Howard with Saxton as he goes towards Saboteur who is nearly to his feet. Stormrage grabs him by the head but Saboteur turns around and hits his signature pele kick.


Stormrage staggers back as Saboteur runs at him, looking to hit another Super Saboteur but Mikey lifts up Saboteur and drops him on the barricade, hitting the Level Up. Saboteur grabs his throat and turns around into Stormrage running... Game Over to Saboteur. Stormrage is on his knees as Saboteur appears to be knocked; no good for Strikeforce to make him utter the magic words. Howard has gotten to his feet and starts hitting a series of kicks to the chest of Saxton before finishing off with one to the head. Stormrage comes over to Howard and informs him of Saboteur's status. Howard tells Stormrage to fetch something as Howard delivers a couple of stomps to Saxton. Stormrage comes back with the kendo stick and the steel chair. Strikeforce pick up Saxton with Howard grabbing the kendo stick and using it to create a sleeper hold submission with the stick apply the pressure. Howard tells Stormrage to use the chair to knock the wind out of him. He is a little hesitant but further encouragement from Howard gives Stormrage the confidence to do whatever necessary, hitting Saxton with the chair in the abdomen/chest region. The crowd reacts to this as Stormrage hits a couple more with him asking the ref to come over. Saxton yells "NO" when the ref asks, causing Howard to clutch the kendo stick closer to Saxton's throat. Howard tells Stormrage to help him up on the apron, doing so to make this sleeper hold become a hangman's chokehold. It doesn't take long for Saxton to go red in the face and for him to be the first...

Saxton: ... I... quit... fool...

The choking sounds as Saxton barely talks into the microphone are a little disturbing to the crowd, as well as Strikeforce who immediately let go and stop the attack on Saxton.

Harrys: Action Saxton has been eliminated!

Copeland: I did not know that Saxton could ever amount to saying those words. That isn't in his vocabulary.

Cohen: It was either submit or lose that voice of his. If Saxton didn't have a voice, all the ladies across the world would be weeping, right CC?

Connor: Let's not mix business and personal lives, please.

Stormrage helps Saxton to a seated position against the barricade whilst Howard walks over to Saboteur who is only just on his knees, realising what has happened. It is now a two-on-one situation for Saboteur who looks to face Howard up first with kendo stick in hand. Howard goes to swing but Saboteur hits the More Cowbell! out of desperation, giving him some space. He runs at Howard and hits a spinning wheel kick to take him down. Stormrage is on the scene and hits a kick to the midsection on Saboteur, going for a back suplex to dispose of Saboteur quickly. Saboteur manages to escape and hit a shirunai as a counter, taking down Stormrage as well. The crowd cheers for the comeback as Saboteur runs over to his partner to check in on him. Saxton tells Saboteur it is now time to use the force fool and Saboteur nods, reaching into his pockets to pull out some brass knuckles with the letters "F.O.R.C.E" on each of the knuckles. He puts them on and conceals his hand. He sees Stormrage recover and delivers some quick body blows with the knuckles before slapping him across the face. Before Saboteur can follow up, Howard comes at Saboteur with a running DDT, planting him into the ground. Instinctively, he removes the brass knuckles and discards them under the ring, switching it out for another kendo stick. He wraps the kendo stick around the neck of Saboteur and plans to eliminate him the same way as he did Saxton. Saboteur kicks and moves much more than Saxton did, forcing Howard to move with him to keep the hold on. Stormrage gets up, still clutching his stomach and tries to go over and help his partner. However, a hand on his shoulder prevents him from moving and spins him around. It's Saxton and he hits Stormrage with a Karate chop, following up with the Kung Fu kick. Saxton holds onto his throat as he manages to make his way towards Howard, Saboteur & and the referee who is focused on a possible elimination.

Cohen: I thought Saxton was eliminated? He shouldn't be interfering.

Connor: Again Jack... no DQ.

Saxton heads over to Howard and from behind, pulls the kendo stick away from Saboteur's neck and across the neck of Howard, choking him out this time. The referee sees this and informs Saxton that he is eliminated and shouldn't be interfering.

Saxton: It's no DQ!

The referee sighs and says that Saboteur must be the one to make Howard say the words so Saxton cannot be involved in any decision. Saxton isn't too pleased but he drops the kendo stick, allowing Howard some breathing room. Saxton puts his arms into the air and lets Saboteur do the dirty work as he recovers. Saboteur tells Saxton to hold Howard back and measures him up. Saboteur delivers a low blow to Howard, who is in a lot of pain from the shot and tries to breath but the kendo stick did do some damage to his windpipe. Saboteur doesn't stop there though and hits another low blow. The crowd gasps as the look on Howard's face tells the story. He goes to wind-up the last shot and a 3rd low-blow connects, causing Howard to scream out:

Howard: I quit... I quit...

The pitch is a little higher than normal as Saxton let's go of Howard and tells Saboteur to go after Stormrage.

Harrys: James Howard has been eliminated!

Copeland: I felt that from here.

Cohen: I know you gotta do what you gotta do but...

Connor: Why doesn't any male wear a cup these days?

Saboteur helps Stormrage to his feet and does his best to roll him into the ring. Saboteur calls for help from his partner whilst Howard is down. As Stormrage gets up, Saboteur rests in the corner as Saxton goes to work by hitting a Mongolian chop, followed by a spin kick and then a shuffle side kick. Stormrage hits the mat and the tag team champions look at each other and call for this to end quickly. They measure Stormrage as he slowly gets to his feet with Saxoteur looking for a Double Roundhouse Kick combo. As Stormrage finally reaches his feet, they both go for the kick and Mikey evades the attack just barely with both men connecting feet. They stumble back, allowing Stormrage to get rid of Saxton with the Gank. As Stormrage gets up, Saboteur hits him with the Death Blow. Saboteur catches his breath but he isn't done, looking to go onto the top rope. Slowly, he starts climbing. On the outside, Saxton is getting to his feet and looks towards Saboteur, giving him support. Little does Saxton know that Howard is up and gets the surprise on Saxton, delivering the TKO! Saxton is out as Howard looks at taking him out, clutching his groin area. He turns around and sees Saboteur from the second rope dive at Howard to take him down. Saboteur slowly gets to his feet and begins climbing the top rope again to finish off the match. As he gets to the top, he dives off for the Airbourne Assassin but Stormrage evades, causing Saboteur to hit the canvas. Stormrage shakes off and recovers, looking to gain some momentum by rebounding off the ropes and hitting a mini-Stormrage Splash on Saboteur. The force crushes Saboteur but Stormrage is determined and isn't done yet. Clutching his stomach, Stormrage goes for another splash. He gets up slower but manages to hit for a third time. Saboteur and Stormrage's guts are hurting but Mikey is determined. He looks for the turnbuckles and begins to climb. Saxton is up and he tries to prevent Stormrage but Howard is there to hold Saxton back, distraction him.

Copeland: This might be Stormrage's only chance to win.

Cohen: C'mon... jump!

Stormrage flies through the air and hits his Stormrage Splash; completely on target. Stormrage lays on Saboteur, cutting off the air circulation as the referee approaches to find out...

Saboteur: ... I ... quit.


After a long and gruelling match, the bell finally rings and the fans are on their feet for the competitors in this match for a courageous performance by both teams. Howard let's go of Saxton on the outside as the both realise the result. Strikeforce's music hits as the referee raises the hand of Stormrage to declare him the victor.

Harrys: Here are your winners and the NEW WZCW World Tag Team Champions; STRIKEFORCE!

Connor: Wow... they did it! They finally recaptured the titles.

Cohen: If these guys weren't so exhausted, they'd be jumping and parading around. Great effort by these two teams.

Copeland: It was certainly a great match but the moves that these two teams created just to win this match were quite scary; a part of their minds will be left with this match from this night on.

Howard slides into the ring and helps Stormrage up to his feet, almost in tears as the referee hands them the tag team championships. Howard is very excited to hold onto these belts and hugs his partner as Saxton slowly pulls Saboteur out of the ring. Saxton and Howard catch eyes and both men nod to each other as a sign of respect. The crowd continues clapping and cheers for both teams as Saxton heads up with the ramp with a limp Saboteur whilst Howard helps Stormrage to his feet. Saxton and Saboteur thank the fans for the support as the head up the ramp and through the curtain. Howard and Stormrage hold up the tag team titles in victory and a smile on their face... but Howard's face turns from a smile into concern as he pushes Stormrage out of the way as two attackers slide into the ring and double-team Howard. It is Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff of the New Church leading the assault.

Copeland: What the hell is this? Can't they just leave everyone alone for once?

The attackers are teaming up on Howard with shot after shot without anything he can do. Stormrage tries to help but from another point in the crowd, The Grand Mystique appears and holds him back! Westhoff taunts him from inside the ring. The dastardly duo continue the beatdown on Howard before lifting him up and whipping him across the ring; Westhoff hits a spear on Howard with great impact. GM is forcing Mikey to watch. Jacobs immediately grabs Howard by the throat and hits Payday, slamming him into the ground. Westhoff signals for Jacobs to end this, setting up a powerbomb. Westhoff goes to the top rope; the Final Judgement connects on Howard who lands very, very awkwardly on his neck, bouncing off the canvas. Howard is not moving from that shot. The New Church look over to see what they have done as the crowd boos heavily with their faces telling that they took care of Howard too well. The Grand Mystique launches Mikey into the ring steps just as Saboteur and Saxton re-emerge from the ramp, sprinting as fast as they can to help out Howard. the New Church trio flee the ring through the crowd whence they came as Saboteur, Saxton and later Stormrage enters the ring. Mikey looks over Howard and things aren't looking too well. Saboteur and Saxton look to help but Stormrage doesn't want their help as trainers and medical personnel look over the fallen Howard. One of them holds up an X sign and a stretcher comes down the ramp.

Connor: This isn't looking good at all...

Copeland: I think James might be in a serious condition here. It looked like he landed very badly on his neck.

Cohen: I hope James isn't too hurt because landings like that could be career-ending injuries.

Copeland: And all because the New Church, seemingly now led by the crazy Grand Mystique, just want to make their presence felt. They'll get their comeuppance for this but for now, let's hope Howard is okay.

Medical personnel have strapped up Howard's neck and put him on the stretcher, carefully wheeling him out with Stormrage helping the team and telling Howard everything is going to be alright. Saboteur and Saxton follow closely behind, looking out for another New Church attack.

Copeland: ... damnit...

Connor: It's absolutely disgusting.

The camera catch up with The New Church at the back of the arena as they are surrounded by the company security who protects them from the baying crowd. The Grand Mystique ignores the bloodhungry masses and speaks.

GM: "James Howard is the next casualty of our vision but he is not the second and Steamboat Ricky was not the first. You all wanted evidence of who terrorised you at Apocalypse? You wanted a videotape?"

Copeland: Are we going to get an answer, an explanation about these events?

Cohen: Why should anyone have to explain anything to us Seabass!?

GM: "Well I've been the true driving force behind the New Church since Apocalypse. You were all so desperate to pin the blame on my brothers here but they were simply the distractions that we needed. The New Church are proud to claim responsibility for these attacks but who took Mikey Stormrage out at Apocalypse? It was ME!"

GM can barely make himself audible over the boos of the crowd but his words do carry to Saboteur and Saxton. Although the former champs are physically and mentally exhausted, it only takes one silent look between the friends for them to make chase through the crowd who instantly split for their heroes.

Connors: Saboteur and Saxton are giving chase to the New Church who have made their presence known with some authority!

Copeland: That's an understatement! They left James Howard in a broken mess and The Grand Mystique made Mikey watch! It's like the torturous events at Apocalypse are being repeated and now The New Church aren't shy of telling the world that they were behind it all!


Backstage we see a close up of Johnny Klamour. Johnny is chewing on something and then suddenly spits it to the side.

Klamour: Are we ready for this?

The camera zooms out and we see Klamour is standing with Showtime David Cougar. The crowd pops loudly as Showtime adjusts the WZCW title on his shoulder and speaks.

Showtime: Yea Johnny, I think we’re ready for this. That bit of curd in your mouth has finally passed.

Klamour: It’s medicated chewing tobacco. Okay here we go. Showtime, you walk into Unscripted as champion, but... you are about to face three of the toughest opponents you’ll ever face, inside the chaotic structure known as Hell in a Cell. The last time you were in a multi-man match, you folded like a cheap house of cards. What makes you think this time will be any more successful for you.

Showtime adjusts his sunglasses before speaking.

Showtime: The year was 2010. The event... Unscripted. Showtime David Cougar was set to compete in his first ever advertised main event against the old warrior and WZCW Champion Vengeance, the wild card final entrant Steven Kurtesy, and a man known simply as Ty Burna. The match could’ve gone in any direction. I said it would be the beginning of my destiny as the greatest WZCW Champion ever. And it was the greatest for someone in that match, but it wasn’t me. Ty Burna ran with that goal I had and it took me almost 2 years to finally win the World Title. At Redemption, the last event before the 2 year anniversary of that match, I lost the title. My reign ended before it could ever really begin.

Klamour: Okay, cue sadness and tears, but that doesn’t answer my question.

Showtime: The question can’t be answered. I plan on defying the odds and winning, just like they do in the movies if you’re looking for an answer. The time for strategy and talk is over. What I know is that I’ve been given a second chance as champion and a second opportunity to rewrite what happened at Unscripted 2010. I’m not going to let either slip through my fingers. I escaped defeat at Meltdown 81 on a fluke. Tonight it’s about the show, and it’s about proving to the world that I am the star of this show. Tonight Showtime ends 2012 as a winner, and begins 2013 as champion. Thanks Johnny.

Showtime pats Johnny on the back and walks away.

Copeland: Fatal Four Way Hell in a Cell. Showtime, Holmes, Callahan, Titus. One will emerge from the cage victorious. Stay tuned to find out because our main event is next!
The lights go out in the arena. A buzz is sent through the crowd as spot lights hit the cell hanging above the ring. After a few seconds, it begins to lower and the crowd welcomes its arrival.

Copeland: It is over 20 feet tall. It weighs over 5 tons in steel. It is described as the pinnacle match in terms of boiling points. All things can be settled within the metal prison that awaits our competitors tonight.

Cohen: This is the fourth installment of the Hell in a Cell match and its third consecutive appearance at the fifth anniversary of Unscripted.

Connor: I don’t know about you two, but I have the chills. This structure is dangerous to say the least, and tonight it will play as the arena for what is sure to be a war between four men. Four men that are hungry for gold.

Finally, the cell plants its self over the ring. We see a ring official open up the cell door.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is Four-Man Hell In A Cell Match and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!


Titus sprints out of the gorilla position, but he quickly slows himself down at the top of the entrance ramp. He shakes his arms in preparation for the match and the crowd just adores him. In a zig-zag like fashion, Titus proceeds to hit several hands of the fans lining the entrance ramp. He belts out a few “woos” as the crowd respond with “woos” of their own.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, Titus!

Copeland: The variable, the legend, the icon: Titus is here!

Connor: Not only is he here, but he seems to be more than psyched at what lies ahead of him. At the end of this match, we could have our first three-time World Heavyweight Champion.

Cohen: Look, I have been here a long time, so I know what Titus is capable of, but time is just not on his side. He is up against three young superstars tonight. Heck, I would even put Showtime Cougar above him. The old dog has had his day.

Connor: Speaking of animals. Titus depicted tonight’s match up as a war between caged animals in his recent interview with Rebecca Serra.

Cohen: Oh, it will be a war.

We return to Titus, who is perched on top of a turnbuckle inside of the cell. He takes a moment to survey the steel structure around him.


The opening of Holmes’ theme quickly sends the crowd into an attitude of disgust. Holmes adjusts his silk robe as he pays no attention to the crowd. His walk to the ring is slow and cold, with the crowd booing him vehemently.

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Buckingham, England, weighing 235 pounds, he is The Elite, Steven Holmes!

Cohen: All hail The Elite One! Despite faulty management, Steven Holmes has finally made it to the crossroads of his destiny!

Connor: One cannot deny that Holmes has finally reached the very moment he has clawed towards since his arrival here. Now that he is within arm reach of the World Title, can he do it?

Cohen: He can and he will.

Copeland: He is certainly capable, and this cell tonight plays right into the recent brutal mentality of Steven Holmes.

We see Holmes in the ring for a short moment, but his music abruptly cuts.


The crowd begins booing heavily as Drake Callahan emerges from the back. He stops at the entrance ramp and pans his eyes around the arena. He doesn’t flinch at the heated crowd and begins to make his way down the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Coming to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, Drake Callahan!

A rain of boos come down on Callahan as he passed through the cell door, hops up onto the side apron of the ring and then steps through the ropes into it.

Connor: Drake Callahan has a chip on his shoulder tonight, guys. Make no mistake about it, Callahan is a man on the edge.

Cohen: You are right CC. The people have pushed the most disrespected superstar to his breaking point. Holmes is my favorite in all of this, but I would be more than happy to see Callahan walk away with gold tonight.

We get a camera shot of all three men in the ring. One corner remains open. All three of them look towards the empty corner in unison. With that, a familiar tune chimes into the arena.


The camera cuts to a white screen set up at the entrance ramp. We see a silhouette figure walking behind it. Pyros begin shooting off and then finally we see that the silhouette belongs to the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!

A single spot light shines down from the rafters as Showtime emerges with the World Title strapped around his waist. The crowd pops big time for him.

Harrys: And the defending champion, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 219 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!

The crowd erupts!

Copeland: It is deafening in this arena, ladies and gentlemen! No man has ever successfully defended the World Title in the Hell in a Cell Match. Not even Ty Burna.

Connor: All of the ingredients are in place. The pot has been boiling for weeks. Tonight we have four men, and only one World Championship.

Cohen: Any man could take the prize, but they will have to go through hell to do it.

“Showtime Cougar” chants break out and overpower the commentary. Suddenly, a rival “Let’s Go Titus” chant breaks out. All of this is happening as Showtime hands over the WZCW World Championship to the referee inside of the ring. The referee takes it and walks to the epicenter of the ring and cell. He lunges it up into the air as we get a shot of all four men looking at it. The crowd pops over the raising of the belt.

After that, the referee takes the belt and hands it off to a ringside official. The ringside official proceeds to exit the cell, and another official locks the door behind him.

Connor: It is almost time!

Copeland: You can feel the energy in the air!

“SHOWTIME COUGAR!” *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“LET’S GO TITUS! *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“SHOWTIME COUGAR!” *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“LET’S GO TITUS! *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“SHOWTIME COUGAR!” *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“LET’S GO TITUS! *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

We get a shot of Holmes' face in the ring as he snarls at the crowds admiration for two of his opponents. Callahan just swipes his nose while Titus and Showtime both pay acknowledgement to the crowd. The referee in the ring looks at all four men and gets a signal from each of them. The camera changes to a shot from the outside of the cage. With that and the crowd buzzing, the referee sounds for the bell!


Holmes whips himself out of his corner and he lunges at Titus, who is opposite of him. Titus tries to block the assault with his forearm, but Holmes sends him staggering back into the turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Callahan and Showtime meet up in the middle of the ring as they lock arms. Showtime quickly breaks the lock and sends a kick to the gut of Callahan. Callahan backs away from the assault, and Showtime follows up with a club to the back of Callahan.

Back to Holmes to Titus. Holmes is punching the chest of Titus. He eats a few, but then has enough! Titus blocks an incoming punch and then proceeds to grab the head of Holmes. In a whirling fashion, Titus steps out of the turnbuckle and throws Holmes into it. The crowd pops at this as Titus begins delivering his own punches. Each punch sends Holmes tucking his head down in order to avoid the damage, but this is poor strategy by him! Titus takes advantage of his position and sends a stiff European uppercut into the upper chest of Holmes. Holmes whips back into the turnbuckle.

Back to Showtime and Callahan. Showtime has Callahan against the ropes and is sending knife-edge chops into the chest of him. Each one is receiving a “woo” from the crowd. Finally, Showtime lets up on the chops and grabs the arm of Callahan. He whips him to the other side of the ropes. Callahan bounces off and returns to a ducking Showtime, who is hoping to execute a maneuver. Callahan is able to halt, and then administers a stiff enzuigiri kick to the side of the face of Showtime! The crowd gasps as Showtime spins and falls to his knees. Callahan pounces after him and grabs the leg of Showtime. It looks like he is going for a single-leg Boston crab, but Showtime resists the move! Showtime twist and turns, and is finally able to turn onto his back. Callahan still has a hold on Showtime’s ankle, but he is pushed away by Showtime via a foot into his chest. Callahan staggers backwards as Showtime puts his palms behind his head and flips off of his back and onto his feet in a form of amazing athleticism. The crowd pops at this as Showtime runs at Callahan with an elbow aimed at his chest. Callahan dodges the attack and then responds with his own puncturing elbow to the chest of Showtime. Showtime drops hard and then Callahan takes this small opportunity to execute a standing moonsault onto the stomach of Showtime! Callahan makes a quick cover, 1....Kick Out!

Copeland: Quick action by the two amazing athletes.

Connor: Their history is so thick that it is literally perspiring into this match.

We see that Titus was prepared to break up the pin count, as he has his back turned from Holmes, who is still in the corner turnbuckle. Titus is relieved to see that it is a quick count and he returns his attention to Holmes. Bad move as he catches the Elite one charging at him with a high knee to his gut. Titus flips over the knee and falls onto his back on the mat. Out of reflex, Titus lifts his upper-body up after falling, but as he grips his mid-section, Holmes comes from behind with a chin-lock submission! With a knee pressed against the back of Titus, Holmes pulls back on the chin of WZCW’s Living Legend. Titus groans in pain as Holmes grits his teeth and applies more pressure.

Cohen: Never turn your back on Steven Holmes. Especially if you are an old dog like Titus!

Titus reaches out for some ropes, but none can be found. He decides to try gripping the hands of Holmes and removing them from around his head. He has no luck, but an unlikely savior steps into the picture. Holmes feels an arm around his own heck. His face is stuffed into the armpit of Callahan, as Callahan falls back and hits a reverse DDT on the unsuspecting Holmes! Titus is released and gasps for air as Holmes grabs the back of his head in pain. We see that Showtime is off to the side as Callahan rises to his feet. He is the lone stander. He beats his chest and gesture the belt around his waist. The crowd boos his haughty taunts.

Cohen: Impressive, no?

Copeland: No.

Callahan proceeds to pick up Titus by his hair and into a standing position. It looks like he is pulling him into the middle of the ring, but he takes a sudden u-turn and launches Titus over the top ropes and crashing into the cell wall on the outside! Titus’s side hits the cell and he falls to the outside mat. Callahan walks over to Holmes and delivers a couple boot stomps to him before making his way over to Showtime. By now, Showtime has made his way up to his feet. Just as Callahan goes to grab him, Showtime responds with a chop to the mid-section of Callahan. He eats it and flails his arm backwards. Showtime jumps at him, but Callahan acts on the fly and whips Showtime’s arm and body towards the ropes on the other side. Callahan is surprised to find Showtime returning with great poise. He plants his feet and leaps into the air for a dropkick! Callahan eats it on his shoulder and falls to the mat. They both stir back to their feet, but Showtime has the momentum. Showtime greets Callahan and tucks his head underneath the arm. He quickly lifts Callahan for a snap suplex! Callahan hits the mat hard, but he hazily climbs back up to his feet. Showtime is there to meet him again. Showtime gets in the same position for the suplex and pulls him up for it. This time, Showtime delays the vertical position. He adjusts his arm and executes The Ratings Crash! The crowd pops huge!

Copeland: What the hell! Showtime turns a suplex into The Ratings Crash!

Connor: How is that even possible!?

Showtime makes the cover as the crowd is absolutely livid! The referee slides in for the count.


Holmes throws himself onto the pin attempt and breaks it up. The crowd is still buzzing over what they just witnessed.

Connor: Incredible! What innovation by the World Champion!

We return to the ring and see Holmes picking up Showtime by the hair. Showtime resists with a few punches, but Holmes silences him with a stiff knee to the gut. Showtime bends over to gasp for air, leaving the prime opportunity for Holmes to hook the arms of Showtime over his back. He looks like he is in a pedigree position, but Holmes clinches his teeth as he lifts Showtime up and flips him for an underhook suplex! Showtime’s back hits the mat as Holmes rises from the ground into a sitting position. He snarls in triumph as he gets up to his feet. He walks over to some ropes nearby Showtime. Holmes crosses through the middle of them and exits to the outside. Meanwhile, we see that Titus is rising to his feet on the outside of the ring on the other side. Back to Holmes and Showtime. We see Holmes reach inside the ring and grab Showtime by the legs and pull him to the outside. Showtime comes out of the ring and finds himself on his feet. Holmes grabs the back of his head and rams it into the cell’s wall! The crowd gasps!

Copeland: We all knew it would happen. We all knew that Holmes would use whatever he could as a weapon in order to gain the gold. Even if it meant using the cell!

Cohen: Yes!

Showtime’s head bounces off of the cell as he falls back and leans on the outside apron. Holmes hardly gives him a rest as he grabs the back of his head again and sends it into the cell wall once more! Showtime drops to his knees, but Holmes is not amused! Holmes picks him up again, and this time he presses Showtime’s forehead against the cell and begins grinding it like a block of cheese! This lasts a few seconds until Holmes releases the hold on the back of Showtime’s head. However, he doesn’t allow Showtime to fall, because he grabs the arm of him and whips him into the steel steps on the nearby corner of the ring! Showtime’s eats it in the shoulder! We see Showtime slumped over with blood beginning to escape from his forehead. Holmes snorts out hot fumes from his nostrils as he slowly raises his arms in praise for himself. He is completely shocked to not hear boos, but cheers! Something is off, and he knows it. He quickly turns around and sees that Titus has ascended the turnbuckle on the other side. Holmes has no time to escape, and Titus leaps from the top to the outside! He connects with Holmes using a flying clothesline! The crowd pops at the move!

Connor: Titus from nowhere!

Copeland: How is that for an old dog?

Cohen: The match isn’t over yet!

Now, we have Holmes and Showtime lying on the outside in pain, Callahan is still stirring on the ground inside of the ring, and Titus is the only one who seems to be capable of making his way to his feet. He uses the cell wall to hoist himself up to his feet. He looks down at the two men on the outside, and then looks inside at Callahan, who is still on the ground. Titus gingerly waves off the two men, and slides into the ring underneath the ropes. He gets to his feet and walks over to Callahan. QUICK ROLL UP!


Titus breaks the roll up and Callahan rolls away from Titus.

Cohen: It was almost over! In a blink of an eye!

Connor: He was playing possum.

Titus gets to his feet as he looks over at Callahan. Callahan is still on his knees, but as he rises to his feet he gives a very small self-satisfying smirk. Titus shakes his head “no”. The two of them then approach each other in the center of the ring. They begin circling the center, until they finally step forward in a war of grapples. They are both locked in arms, until Callahan spins out of it and grapples Titus on his back. Callahan looks to execute a belly-to-back suplex, but Titus grabs one of the arms of Callahan and breaks from the hold. He keeps hold of the arm, though, and puts Callahan into a standing armbar. Titus wrenches the arm and Callahan grunts in discomfort. This goes on for a few seconds, but then Callahan is somehow able to grab the arm of Titus with his other hand and reverse the armbar. Now, Titus is caught in the maneuver.

Copeland: Great back and forth here between these two.

Cohen: This is an interesting match-up here Seabass.

Callahan continues to wrench the arm, until he finally releases after kicking Titus in the side. Titus staggers away from Callahan in pain. Callahan wipes sweat off of his face and then pursues his opponent. However, Titus is in prime position to lunge from his feet and connect a spinning wheel kick into the upper-chest of Callahan. Callahan falls on his back with a crashing sound. Titus grips his arm in pain, but then proceeds to pick up Callahan. He stands him up and then, SMACK! A slicing kesagiri chop goes right into the chest of Callahan. The crowd gives an “oo” over the sound, and Callahan seems to be in a state of shock after the chop. Titus takes this opportunity and sticks his head underneath the arm of Callahan. He gets into position and executes a northern lights suplex on him!

The referee slides in as Titus makes the cover,

Kick Out!

Callahan is able to just barely kick out. However, he has little time to relish in any type of small victory, because Titus pounces on his ankle like a hungry dog! The Ankle Lock is put on Callahan!

Connor: The Ankle Lock by Titus! No one can wrench the ankle better than he can! This could be it!

Cohen: No, No!

Callahan screams out in pain as Titus roars in triumph! Callahan shakes his head no, but the crowd just gets louder! We get a shot on the outside of the cell and literally everyone is on their feet. Callahan grabs his hair in stress as he bites his lip in pain! He extends out an arm as he holds his head with the other! This could be it!


London Titus is falling down! A chair shot goes into the back of Titus, and it sends him toppling down off of Callahan’s ankle. The culprit? None other than Holmes.

Copeland: Holmes, you bastard!

Cohen: All is fair Seabass! There are no disqualifications.

Holmes proceeds to send several more chair shots to the grounded Titus! One, two, three! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Holmes then turns his eyes to Callahan. Three for him as well. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! However, Holmes next opposing victim is not lying on the ground. We see Showtime come through the ropes behind Holmes, but Holmes quickly turns around and notices him coming. The element of surprise is lost, and Holmes sends the top of the chair into the midsection of Showtime. Then, Holmes swings the chair and hits the back of the bent over Showtime. The collision is loud and Holmes seems pleased. The crowd boos as Holmes discards the chair from his hands. He picks up the fallen Showtime and pulls him into a prime formation for a German suplex! Holmes executes it perfectly! Showtime lays lifeless on the mat as Holmes gingerly makes his way back to his feet. He shakes the cobwebs out and begins to survey his handiwork. He takes a good look at each of them. Titus being the last. Then, after he realizes that no one can steal his moment, he raises his arms in self praise. Boos rain down on him from the crowd.

Cohen: Perfect, this image is going to be on WZCW.com. Mark my word guys!

Holmes decides to take the chair and positions it in the center of the ring. After that, he goes over to Showtime and grabs him by the hair.

Connor: Something big is coming. I can feel it.

Holmes pulls Showtime up to his feet. He slowly walks the dazed Showtime over to the chair. He looks at Showtime and then down at the chair. However, he decides to look at one more place. He looks over at the turnbuckle. Holmes nods to himself and carries Showtime over to the turnbuckle. We cut to a shot of both Callahan and Titus still lying on the mat on the sides of the ring. Holmes has the floor. With much difficulty, Holmes slowly props Showtime up on the top turnbuckle in a sitting position. Holmes grabs both ropes as he remains on the mat. He licks his lips and then ascends the turnbuckle. As he steps up, we see Holmes carefully pick Showtime up into a standing position. Now, both men are standing on the top ropes, but Showtime’s head is tucked underneath Holmes' arm. The crowd begins buzzing at what is about to unfold. The camera once again shows the downed Titus and Callahan. We then get a shot of the chair in the middle of the ring.

Connor: I think Holmes is going big here! He is going to use the Superplex onto the steel chair!

Cohen: Showtime will be finished! Wrap this thing up folks! Start the limo and open the champagne!

Holmes and Showtime stand on top of the turnbuckle. We see the camera get a close-up through the mesh of the cage on Holmes’ face. He shouts, “this is my time!” With that, he licks his lips and grits his teeth. He bends his knees and prepares to propel himself off of the top rope! We see his legs extend, but nothing happens.

Cohen: What?

The camera catches sight of Showtime’s leg stalling the maneuver on the top ropes!

Copeland: I don’t believe it!

We see Holmes’ face again. He looks a little panicked now. He attempts the move again, but to no avail. Showtime keeps stalling it with his leg. In an incredible moment, Showtime gains control of the maneuver. He bends his knees and twist his body as he executes a Superplex off of the top turnbuckle and sends himself and Holmes crashing into the cell wall on the outside! It gives in and the two men now find themselves on the outside and on top of the broken wall! The arena explodes!

Copeland: Oh my god!

You can barely hear Copeland over the cheering of the crowd.

Connor: That may be the moment of the year, right there! It may not only cost Holmes the title, but also Showtime!

The camera shows Holmes and Showtime lying lifeless on the broken cell wall. We cut to the inside of the ring and see Titus and Callahan both lying down as well.

Cohen: All four men are down. Two may be down for the count. Come on Callahan! You need to capitalize!

We see EMT’s rush down the entrance ramp in order to check on Showtime and Holmes.

Connor: Wow, let’s look at that again.

Replay Video said:
In an incredible moment, Showtime gains control of the maneuver. He bends his knees and twist his body as he executes a Superplex off of the top ropes. The video goes into slow motion as we see them crashing into the cell wall on the outside! It gives in and we go back to normal speed. Two men now find themselves on the outside and on top of the broken wall! The arena explodes!

We return to see that Showtime seems to be at least moving his arms now. Both men are breathing at least. We go back to the ring and Callahan and Titus are now both gingerly pulling themselves up via the ropes. Callahan rises to his feet first and begins walking over to Titus. Titus just barely gets to his feet and lunges himself off of the ropes at Callahan. Callahan catches him with a kick to the gut and then hits a snap DDT! Callahan makes the quick cover,


Callahan can’t believe it as he argues with the referee. He holds up three fingers, but the referee holds up two. After much debate, Callahan concedes that it was not three, but one. He flips off the referee and then proceeds to pick up Titus. He pulls him over to where the chair is in the middle of the ring. He tucks the head of Titus as they both stand over the chair.

Meanwhile, it seems that the ring officials have been able to get Showtime to his feet. He still seems dazed, but he is holding himself with one hand on the cell and by the hands of the ring officials. Blood has now made its way down his head and onto his neck. We see him shove them off and tell them that he is fine. We go back to Callahan in the ring. Callahan still has Titus tucked underneath his arm. He has his other hand gripped on the tights of Titus. Callahan shakes the cobwebs out and spits off to the side.

Cohen: Why is he not executing the Hangover?!

Copeland: It looks like he is just physically exhausted.

Right after that bit of commentary, we see Callahan try to pick up Titus, but he is unable to and Titus drops back down to his feet. Callahan groans in pain from body ache. He mutters to himself, “come on!” With that, he grabs the tights of Titus again and attempts to execute the Hangover! BUT NO! He can’t pick Titus up for it and Titus gets out of the maneuver and lands to the side of Callahan. Callahan has to bend over from the muscle strains, and this allows Titus to execute The Tit Drop on Callahan and sends his face into the chair! Titus goes for the cover!


Showtime from nowhere lunges on the pinfall and breaks up the count. Titus rolls away from the breakup and tries to get to his feet. In unison, both Showtime and Titus rise to their feet. Meanwhile, Callahan rolls out of the center and over to the side. Both men are covered in sweat, and Showtime has blood on his face and chest. Showtime grabs his neck in pain, while Titus grabs his arm. The crowd perks up.

“SHOWTIME COUGAR!” *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“LET’S GO TITUS! *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“SHOWTIME COUGAR!” *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“LET’S GO TITUS! *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“SHOWTIME COUGAR!” *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

“LET’S GO TITUS! *clap* *clap* *clap clap clap*

With that, Titus decides to be the first man to strike. He runs at Showtime, but Showtime ducks an incoming clothesline. Titus proceeds to bounce off the ropes on the other side and returns to Showtime, who also tries a feeble clothesline attempt. Titus ducks it and bounces off of the other ropes and finally returns to Showtime with a spinning wheel kick! Showtime ducks! Titus is able to land on his feet, though! Showtime reaches out and grabs the arm of Titus. The new angle that the two men have put themselves in only allows Showtime to throw Titus into one place; the turnbuckle! Titus gets launched into it, but he acts on a whim and climbs it. By the time he reaches the top and turns around, Showtime is on the prowl! Showtime greets him at the top and roars in pain as he hooks his arm around Titus and pulls him with him for the ride! The Final Act is executed and the two of them land on the ring mat just a few feet away from the steel chair! Showtime lands a little off to the side of Titus, but the move works perfectly for him! Showtime took minimal damage from the fall. The crowd is hyped again as Showtime slowly crawls over to the grounded Titus. He makes the cover as the referee slides in for the count,


Connor: Amazing!

Copeland: He’s not human!

Cohen: That old dog!

Showtime sits up from the pin attempt. He cannot believe it and the crowd is going absolutely nuts. Showtime looks at the referee, but the referee assures him that it was only two. Showtime gingerly makes his way to his feet. Somehow, Callahan has got to his feet in a daze. This daze leads him right to Showtime, who flips his legs out from underneath them. Showtime proceeds to grab the legs of Callahan and flip him over onto his stomach. He locks in the Commercial Break! The crowd’s reaction from the Titus kick out carries over to Showtime’s submission on Callahan! The camera shows that Titus is out and although Holmes is stirring on the outside, he is nowhere near capable of intervening.

Callahan taps!

Callahan taps!

Callahan taps!


Showtime releases the hold and throws his arm into the air! The crowd elevates his spirit with thunderous applause!


Connor: Unbelievable!

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner by submission, and still WZCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, “SHOWTIME” DAVID COUGAR!

We see the ring official deliver the belt to the referee inside the ring. He then hands it over to Showtime. Showtime grabs it and hugs it as he falls to his knees in a motion of pure exhaustion and bliss.


The crowd pops, not for the heel Constantine, but they know what he holds. They know of the possible historic moment that is about to unfold!

Cohen: The King for a Day contract holder is here!

Constantine emerges from the back with his KFAD briefcase in-hand. Next to him is a referee. Constantine seems to be feeding him instructions as they both begin to go down the ramp, but then something strange happens. Constantine holds out his arm and stops the referee. The referee looks at Constantine and sees a small smile on his face. We cut to a shot of Showtime in the ring, as he holds the title close to his chest. He is slightly hunched over from exhaustion and blood drips from his face. Constantine and Showtime are in locked eyesight as Constantine slowly backs up the ramp. Constantine smiles and then hugs the KFAD briefcase to his chest.

Copeland: I have no idea what is happening here, but we are running out of time. It looks as though Constantine is not going to capitalize on this moment! Perhaps we fill find out the meaning of this on the next Meltdown! Thank you all for joining us for a wild night! Happy Holidays to all of the WZCW Universe! Good night!

The last shot we get is of Constantine and Showtime looking intently at each other. We see the copyright information at the bottom and then we go black.
Who wrote what

Kermit - Hell in a Cell; Opening; Segments
Fapplejack - Tag Team Title Match; Segments
Showtime - Barbosa/S.H.I.T.; Segments;
Numbers - EurAsian Title Match; Segments; Editing
Barbosa -Mentorship Final; Segments
Harthan - Mayhem Title Match
Funkay - K.O. Invitational Match
Echelon - Elite X Title Match
JGlass - Bearded Gent vs Celeste/Deserts
Awesome_Miz - The New Church vs Alhazred/Capone

Thank you to our guest writers for helping us out and everyone on creative for all the work done on it. It's on time in my time zone at least. Everyone have a Merry Christmas and wonderful holidays and we'll see you all back here in 2013!
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