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WZCW Presents: Redemption

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
We see a figure sitting in complete darkness with only a strip of light shining across its face.


A quick flash of Alex Bowen attacking Steamboat Ricky followed by the reciprocal, returning to the dark figure.

It is known as the act of saving from evil and sin.

Another quick flash Reynolds and Runn brawling.

An apt name for the battlegrounds where those who still believe in the good fight ready themselves for war.

Constantine and Holmes.

But when everything that they've ever known has turned to darkness...

Rush and Black Dragon, Celeste & SHIT, Drake Callahan speaking of conspiracy, Overlast blasting the fans... multiple more people are shown before the film stops at the black figure once again.

How will one victory be enough to undo the damage...

We see a shot of Chris K.O. and the Apostles banding together before the screen transitions to the figure who lifts his head up where the one strip of light shows who that person really is: Ty Burna.

...from total Chaos?

It ends with a shot of Ty Burna standing tall over Chris K.O.​


The pyro goes off, showcasing a huge display of fireworks around the stage area before a big bang goes off from around the ring. The camera pans around the arena, catching a glimpse of the cage for later that evening as well as the many fans in attendance tonight who are cheering their heads off.

Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentleman to the most superstar stacked PPV in the history of WZCW, Redemption 2012! I'm Sebastion Copeland and I am alongside Jack Cohen and Catherine Connors. We've got so much to showcase that we are going to kick-start this PPV right now!
Harrys: The following contest is the Mayhem Championship Scramble Match!


Introducing first, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Sydney, Australia....Justin Cooper!

Justin Cooper slowly makes his way onto the stage as the crowd boos his entrance. He can only smile a little as he makes his way down, keeping his eyes focused forward on the ring as he walks. He shrugs his shoulders a bit and loosens, apparently unaffected by the idea that he's one of the unfotunate men having to start this match. He steps over the top rope thanks to his height, as if meaning to remind everyone he's the tallest man in the match. Once in, he crouches in a corner like a tiger, ready to pounce.

Copeland: We welcome you to this match folks as our first competitor makes his entrance. We'd like to recap the rules before we get underway. There'll be a 25 minute time limit on this match, with two wrestlers starting in the ring, and every five minutes a new wrestler will enter.

Connor: A wrestler scoring a pinfall or a submission over any superstar becomes the current champion, and the man who is champion at the end of the time limit gets to walk away with the belt.

Cohen: And you mean to tell me that every single one of the men that gets a pinfall gets counted as an official champion? It's nonsense! A champion for a few minutes might as well have never been champion at all.

Connor: That's as may be, Jack, but we would be remiss if we didn't discuss Cooper making has way down.

Copeland: After a failed attempt at a tag team, Justin is trying to get himself back into contention for the Mayhem title here, and he is likely to thrive in this environment.


Harrys: And from "The Dawn of a New Era", weighing in at 240 pounds, Connor Reese!

Looking every bit the perfect young athlete and not lacking for confidence, Reese makes his way out to the entrance ramp to the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd. He takes his time posing on the ramp before making his way to the ring smiling and is there quickly, mounting a turnbuckle and clapping along with the music before leaping off the top and facing Cooper with a grin on his face.

Copeland: An exciting new talent here in WZCW, Reese looks to be one of WZCW's rising stars. But can he become a champion tonight?

Cohen: He's too green! Book smart! Been trained in 'facilities' and done his reading, I don't doubt. Call me when he has some hair on his chest and knows what it's like to sleep in the gym.

Connor: I think you may be being a bit unfair to Connor, Jack. He acquitted himself well on Aftershock and looks to be a potential dark horse in this one.

The ref doesn't bother to check anyone, given the Mayhem nature of this match. He merely separates the opponents to corners and signals for the bell, and we are underway. Cooper leaps to the center of the ring and challenges Reese to come close, while Reese eyes him warily from the corner. Reese comes forward a bit and Cooper stalks him further, and Reese retreats to the other corner. Cooper grins, knowing full well that he could pursue to the corner, but backs away anyway. Reese moves forward and the two lock up in the center of the ring. Cooper pushes Reese to the ropes and pushes him into them, sending him hurling to the other side. On the rebound, Cooper takes him down with a big shoulder block. Reese struggles to his feet and Cooper follows him with strikes into the corner. He presses a violent assault into the corner, striking Reese furiously. Cooper whips Reese to the opposite corner and charges after him, but Cooper blocks him with an elbow to the face that sends him staggering out. Reese follows with a kick to the face as he assumes control. He lands several punches and kicks as he forces Cooper back into the corner. He tries to whip Cooper across the ring, but Cooper reverses, tosses him into the corner himself instead. Reese lunges out but Cooper catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He goes for a pinfall, getting one, but only one. Cooper stands up and considers before retreating to the outside and rooting underneath the ring, coming up with a steel chair. He slides it into the ring and follows it inside. Reese is just struggling to his feet and Cooper jabs it into Reese's gut before dropping the chair and grabbing Reese's head. He whips Reese into the ropes and on the rebound, Reese reverses and puts a sleeper hold on Cooper. Cooper snakes his way out of it after a minute of struggle and drops to his knees, finishing with a blatant low blow. Tapping his head at the crowd boos, Cooper grins widely. Reese struggles valiantly to his feet but he's obviously in pain and Cooper takes his knee out from behind before grabbing hold of the chair. He places Reese's knee inside the chair and then smashes it violently, Reese screaming in pain as his knee is twisted up inside. Cooper takes the chair aside and throws it into the corner and then locks in a Boston crab. Reese writhes this way and that struggling...a strange look comes over his face...and he taps!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your interim champion...JUSTIN COOPER!

Copeland: A surprising early submission here, as it didn't seem like Reese was in that bad of a way there.

Cohen: Seabass, you idiot! Don't you see? Reese is smarter than he looks. He taped out so that Cooper would break the hold for him, instead of expending the energy to do it himself. Not a bad trick, if I do say so myself.

Cooper breaks the hold and looks a little puzzled at how easily it was done but backs away as the ref checks on Reese. Reese struggles to his feet and tries to shake out his leg a bit. The ref resumes the contest and Cooper presses the assault, following up with punches to Reese's head. Reese looks angry now and begins trading punches with Cooper, fighting all over the ring until they're near the ropes. Cooper goes for a punch and Reese ducks down and trips him up, then pushes him, Cooper's own momentum sending him out of the ring and crashing to the floor. Reese is unable to follow up quickly as he struggles with his knee, obviously in great pain, but he hobbles out and roots under the ring, coming up with a kendo stick. Cooper struggles to lean against the ring apron and Reese cracks the stick across his back. He smashes Cooper's head into the apron to follow. Cooper staggers away and turns to face Reese and gets the stick whacked across his forehead for the trouble. One more shot across the back breaks the stick and Reese grabs Cooper's head. He levels a couple of punches and then tries to whip him into the stairs, but is reversed and Reese finds himself heading into the stairs instead. Cooper closes to follow up but the clock begins to tick down from 10 and he slides into the ring instead to prepare, grabbing hold of the chair.


Harrys: From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 285 pounds, Derek Jacobs!

Connor: Derek Jacobs makes his way to the ring now, a man who recently fell shot in an attempt to defeat Ace Stevens.

Cohen: And make no mistake, that's given him even more of an edge here. Not only is he the biggest man in the match, he's got experience with Stevens and he's hungry to win after that loss. My choice right here.

Copeland: He'll have a long way to go if he's going to fulfill your dreams, Jack, as there's still twenty minutes to go in this one.

Jacobs enters the ring slowly, ignoring Reese and squaring up with Cooper. Cooper takes a wild swing at the big man with the chair, but Jacobs ducks and Cooper misses big time. He swings around to meet him and gets a huge right hand from Jacobs that sends him sprawling and dropping the chair. Jacobs whips Cooper hard into the corner and follows after him, but Cooper summons his strength and leaps out with a flying shoulder block. Cooper presses the assault and tries to whip Jacobs across the ring, but Jacobs reverses it, sends Cooper flying, and meets him with a big boot on the rebound. He picks up Cooper and drops him with a huge military press slam, showing off his strength. He follows with a leg drop that seems to crush Cooper's throat. He goes for a pin, getting one, but only one as Cooper kicks out. Jacobs considers for a moment before rolling out of the ring and grabbing a table from underneath. He slides it free and tosses a couple of chairs in the ring for good measure before taking the table into the ring as well, though leaving it folded up. Jacobs follows up with a big right hand to Cooper and smashes his face into the turnbuckle. He sets up the table on the far side of the ring now, then leaves it to press the assault in the corner. He puts his back to Cooper and lays into him with elbow shot after elbow shot, leaving only when Cooper is collapsed to a sitting position. He kicks Cooper in the face in the corner as well, then grabs a chair. He sets it up in the other corner, wedging it between the top and second rope, then attempt to whip Cooper into it. Cooper holds up and just steadies himself in the corner, and Jacobs charges. Cooper catches him with a quick elbow and snatches the chair out of the corner. He smashes it against Jacobs' back and then gets another shot into Jacobs' gut. He whips Jacobs into the corner then follows with a corner splash, placing the chair between he and Jacobs for added impact. He drops the chair and considers the table, sliding out to grab one of his own and setting it up leaning in a corner parallel to Jacobs' current position.

Connor: The hardware is really coming out tonight and it is no surprise that the Mayhem rules are being used to full effect by a veteran like Cooper.

Cohen: The steel chair is the great equalizer of our sport. It's really a wonderful thing.

Cooper looks at the table set up standing and tries to whip Jacobs opposite it, maybe hoping for a back body drop. Jacobs reverses it, however, sending Cooper into the ropes himself. As Cooper rebounds, he meets a huge chop from Jacobs then sends him to the mat. Jacobs get an odd gleam in his eye and looks at the top rope, perhaps wondering if he has to do something completely unexpected to win tonight. He apparently decides so, and takes for the top rope! The crowd is on their feet as the big man makes his way up hesitantly...he crouches on the top and Cooper just gets to his feet! Jacobs flies off but Cooper ducks away, leaving Jacobs to land awkwardly and stumbling. He gets around desperately as Cooper is charging him and by sheer force of luck gets a right hand into Cooper's gut. Jacobs takes a long moment to steady himself and shakes his head at what he'd tried to do. He goes back to more reliable methods instead, locking his hand around Cooper's throat and everyone in the building knows what he wants! But Cooper fights off with elbows and manages to save himself. Cooper kicks Jacobs in the gut and locks in a double arm hold and is about to convert it to a DDT when Reese slides back into the ring and nearly takes his head off with the Cataclysm! The charging European uppercut leaves Cooper sprawling and dazed. Jacobs falls to his knees and Reese focuses on Cooper, waiting for him to get up. Reese hits the ropes and tries to hit something off the rebound, but Jacobs gets in his way and locks his hands round his throat! Cooper is up and Jacobs kicks him in the face and sends him sprawling out of the ring. Reese squirms out as a result and hits the ropes, looking to take Jacobs' down, but Jacobs ducks under him and Reese just charges forward. He puts the brakes on and turns to face Jacobs, and for the third time tonight, Jacobs has his hand round a man's throat! There's no missing this time as he elevates Reese, spins him, and sends him crashing through the table with PAYDAY! He goes for the pin and gets one, two, and three!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your interim champion, DEREK JACOBS!

Connor: Nothing short of what we expected out of this match, and so far the story has been Derek Jacobs pressing his massive size and power advantage to become the current champion.

Cohen: You might give me a little credit, you know!

Jacobs back off and takes a moment to brace himself while the ref briefly raises his arm. Cooper slides back into the ring and Jacobs presses the assault, forcing Cooper into the corner and hitting him with right hands. He grabs hold of Cooper and tosses him into the other corner shoulder first, smashing his shoulder into the ring post. The clock is counting down now and Jacobs turns to face the new entrant.


Harrys: From Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 186 pounds, Darren Bull!

Copeland: And a more than interesting match up here, as Darren Bull and Derek Jacobs are plenty well acquainted with each other.

Cohen: I hope Jacobs wipes the floor with this skinny little worm! Look at him! Does he even reach the top rope?

Bull makes his way to the ring calmly but he appears a little intimidated by the big man and current champion facing him down. He slides into the ring and tries to take Jacobs by surprise but Jacobs simply overpowers him with a big right hand. Jacobs hurls Bull into the ropes and Bull rebounds, but Bull counters with a low dropkick that takes Jacobs knee out from under him. Bull hits the ropes again and repeats the move, this time knocking Jacobs to his knees. Bull kicks him round the head hard and goes for a quick pin, getting one, but only one! Jacobs powers to his feet and Bull follows up with the assault on the knees and springboards off the rope, using the leap to kick Jacobs square in the head and send him sprawling all the way to the outside. Bull looks like he's considering a suicide dive but Reese is behind him and hits him in the back of the head. He follows with hard strikes and knocks Bull around the ring. He whips Bull into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Bull ducks under it and rebounds again, leaping for a Thesz press. Jacobs, on the outside, has set a table up out on the announcer's side of the ring and is carefully monitoring the situation. Reese struggles to his feet and Bull hits the ropes again, leaping and taking him down a flying clothesline. Bull gets to his feet and looks like he's thinking about a pin but Jacobs is on the apron. Bull charges and kicks his knee out again, leaving Jacobs kneeling on the apron. Bull hits the ropes and charges, looking to knock Jacobs right off the apron, but Jacobs gets out of the way, stands up, and takes Bull's head off with a clothesline. Jacobs takes a moment to steady himself and gets back into the ring. Jacobs puts Bull into the corner and strikes at him there, but Cooper is back up and pursuing Jacobs. He hits him from behind and follows with a Devil Lock DDT! Cooper sees Reese stirring and has a knee in his face for his troubles. The crowd stirs and sees that Bull has struggled to the top rope. Cooper stares him down but lets it happen. Bull flies off onto Jacobs with a diving elbow! Bull just gets to his feet and Cooper takes him out with a kick to the head, then goes for a cover on Jacobs, getting one, two, but only two!

Copeland: Great awareness there by Cooper who seems to be managing this rather chaotic situation well.

Cohen: I don't expect less from a savvy former champion like him, but remember who still has the title here.

Bull has again struggled to his feet and looks to springboard in on Cooper. Cooper just barely turns when Bull leaps in, going higher than Cooper expected and turning round in the air, rolling him up with a sunset flip! Despite themselves, the crowd can't help but be impressed by that one and Bull gets one, two, but only two. Both men get to their feet and stare each down for a long moment. Reese is up quickly and takes Bull out from behind, then grabs Cooper by the arm and elevates him, smashing him down with Natural Selection! Reese knows it's too chaotic for a pin right now and goes after Bull, repeating Natural Selection on Bull! He goes for the pin on Bull, getting one, two, but only two! Reese gets up quickly and sees Jacobs, who has gotten to his feet on the ropes. Reese kicks Jacobs in the face and sends him to the mat and follows down with an elbow across the throat. He goes after Bull and, taking note of his position in the ring, whips Bull straight across into the corner with the table set up! The table shatters under the force of the blow and Bull looks like he's cracked in half. He goes for a pin, getting one, two, but only two! Reese is shocked and looks to argue with the ref as the count begins to tick down.


Harrys: From Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 282 pounds, Stevenson Marquel!

Stevenson Marquel makes his way to the entrance ramp looking pumped and ready to go and the crowd cheers. He takes a few steps down the ramp, but suddenly...


Marquel stops suddenly, confused, and Ace Stevens charges out of the entrance ramp with his barbed wire wrapped steel chair! The crowd gasps in shock and before Marquel has any chance to ready himself, Stevens SMASHES it into Marquel's face and Marquel is down screaming. Stevenson wastes no time grabbing Marquel and setting him up on the barricade, then takes his head off with the Last Laugh! Marquel goes into the crowd a bloody mess and nearly unconscious. Referees are down to check on him and separate him from Stevens, who is gloating. All action has stopped in the ring to watch this strange scene unfold.

Connor: I just don't understand what we're seeing. Stevens had five minutes before he had to enter this match, but he decided to jump the gun.

Cohen: It's mind games! Do what they don't expect! Always keep them on their toes! That's why he's the champion!

The referee is shouting out at Stevens and his colleagues, and suddenly a five minute timer appears on the screen and counts down.

Copeland: Folks, we've been informed that Stevenson Marquel will be unable to compete here tonight, and as Stevens is already out, he will take his place. As such, five minutes are on the clock and we are counting down to the end here, and we remind you that Derek Jacobs is your champion.

Everyone is brawling now in the ring, Jacobs and Cooper matching up while Bull and Reese fight. Stevens waits for a spot and charges in when he thinks he has an opening, but Cooper meets him with a Your Final Verse! Stevens is KO'd and rolls out of the ring. Cooper takes Jacobs down with a swinging inverted DDT and then knocks down Reese with a big clothesline. He goes for a cover on Reese, getting one, two, but only two! Cooper gets up to argue and Bull kicks his knees from behind. Jacobs is in the ropes and Cooper whips Bull toward him. Bull slips aside and pops up on the apron, catching Jacobs with a stiff strike to the face that sends him sprawling toward Cooper. Cooper takes him down with a jawbreaker! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but Bull breaks it up! Cooper doesn't understand but struggles to his knees while Bull kicks at his legs. He hits the ropes and slides into Reese, still lying underneath the ropes. Bull kicks Cooper in the head and readies for Awesome Punishment, but Cooper stalls it, sets him up for Your Final Verse! But Bull gets some elbows in and breaks it up. Bull hits a leaping knee to Cooper's face and then turns back to Cooper, dragging him out a bit. He slides out a bit and tries to sprinboard, but Cooper charges, clotheslines him, and sends him all the way to the outside of the ring, crashing through the table that Jacobs had set up earlier! Cooper goes after Jacobs but Jacobs gives him a strike to the gut for it. Reese gets to his feet, hits the ropes, leaps with a flying shoulderblock that Cooper ducks but Jacobs gets hit with! Reese pops to his feet and is met by Cooper and a Fisherman suplex! Cooper opts not to bridge and gets to his feet instead. Jacobs is on his feet though, and meets him with punches and forces him into the corner, the big man trying to hang on for the win. Jacobs presses a vicious assault in the corner before elevating and dropping Cooper with a vertical suplex. He picks him back up, elevates him, and drops him into the corner with snake eyes! Jacobs goes for a cover, simply trying to assert his dominance, getting one, two, but only two! He gets up and raises his hand, making it clear he's looking for Payday! Cooper gets up and charges, ducks behind Jacobs, and bulldogs Jacobs! He lifts him up, sets him up in the corner, elevates him, he's going the Remix! He almost gets it, but Jacobs desperately reverses it, sending Cooper sprawling all the way out of the ring with a mighty toss. Jacobs collapses, trying to catch his breath and sitting in the corner. Big time mistake, as Connor Reese is up and in and SMASHES into Jacobs with the Extinction Event! He covers, getting one, two, and three!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your interim champion, Connor Reese!

Copeland: There's only thirty seconds on the clock! Reese could have it!

Cohen: I don't believe it! Not this rookie! Anyone but him!

Reese is up on his feet and has his arm raised briefly and monitors the ring. Only he and Jacobs remain in the ring, and Jacobs is nearly unconscious. Bull makes a last minute sprinboard attempt and Reese catches him in midair, smashing him into the corner with a powerbomb! But with his back turned, ACE STEVENS is in the ring! Jacobs is still out cold and Stevens covers him! He gets one, two, and three!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your interim champion, Ace Stevens!

Reese only has time to turn and stare in dismay as Stevens' hand is raised and the bell rings!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and STILL WZCW Mayhem Champion, Ace Stevens!

Reese can hardly contain himself while screaming at the referee. He collapses on his knees in dismay and the belt is handed to Stevens who raises it in glory. He laughs uproariously while Reese is on his knees. He slips out of the ring while Reese is slamming his fists against the mat in rage as he can't believe how he lost this one.

Copeland: The ultimate in deception, Ace Stevens has won this match by doing - quite literally - nothing.

Cohen: Nothing? He had a gameplan! The best game plan! Do nothing, and still win? He deserves a medal! Hell, I'll buy him a beer!

Connor: Young Connor Reese was robbed of a prize he had won by surviving all twenty minutes of this match and prevailing at the end. This is going to make for some interesting situations on Aftershock.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is a qualifying match for the Six-Pack Challenge later tonight. The winner of the fall will continue and have a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!

Titus appears on the stage, his face a mix of emotions. Determined but happy to be at the event and in the mix, he moves down the ramp. He allows a few fans to slap his hands as he continues down towards the ring. He gives a wide smile to the fans as he runs his hand along the barricade. Soon enough, he is at the ring, the fans allowing themselves to give a mammoth cheer for their hero.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 225 pounds... Titus!

Copeland: This is the first qualifying match for the six-pack challenge later on tonight. Titus looks amped up here. To get through James King, he's going to have to be.

Cohen: Ty Burna still puts a lot of stock in James King. He obviously thinks that he has what it takes to, not only, beat Titus here tonight, but obviously win the Heavyweight Championship and take it back to the clutches of The Apostles.

Copeland: And what a scenario that would be. But standing in his way, a two-time World Champion who looks determined to win this match and make it three Championships later on.

Titus continues on his merry way, climbing the steps and into the ring. He looks out into the crowd before mounting the turnbuckle. He points one finger out into the masses and continues this for a second. He drops down onto the canvas one more time as the lights go out once more.

James King's music begins to play as the strobe lights of the arena continue to flash. After around a minute of his entrance music has played. King finally makes his appearance to a flurry of boos from the crowd. Titus waits for the Apostle in the ring as King keeps his eyes focussed on his opponent. King continues down the ramp, some of the more eager fans hurling abuse in his direction. But King is focussed and reaches the ring without incident.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 250 pounds... Apostle Of Chaos, James King!

Copeland: James King has learned a lot from Ty Burna. And Ty Burna, I'll bet, has a huge textbook of lessons in that category. Ty Burna and Titus have had storied match throughout the years.

Cohen: James King is going to have to be on top of his game tonight. If he plans to get past Titus, then he needs to keep the goal in mind. This is his chance to take a spot in a Heavyweight Championship match on PPV. That would be enough for me.

King slides under the bottom rope before immediately sizing up Titus in the middle of the ring. Both men stand nose to nose and chest to chest for a second. After a moment, the referee intervenes and splits the two men up. King doesn't take his eyes off of Titus as he is pushed away from the man who was formerly Red Mask. The referee makes his final checks and then signals for the bell. Immediately we are under way in this contest. Titus and King lock up in the middle of the ring, both men looking for the early advantage. King uses his extra weight to push Titus away. However, Titus has never been one to back away from a challenge and immediately ties things up again. King struggles against a rejuvinated Titus but eventually drops to one knee before landing a stiff uppercut to the jaw of his opponent. Titus recoils in pain as King gets back to his feet. Without any hesitation, King is all over Titus, seizing the opportunity to take Titus to task early on in the match. He encroaches Titus, landing a few stiff shots to the torso and head of Titus as he drives WZCW's fan's favourite back into the corner. King takes a moment to gloat as Titus struggles to take to the pace of the match. King smiles out towards the fans whilst grabbing Titus by the hair. The smug look on the face of King seems to rub Titus the wrong way, however, as Titus begins to mount a come back. The fans cheer with great effect as Titus lands some stiff shots of his own, driving the heavier man backwards. As King stumbles backwards under the attack, Titus nails him with a beautiful spinning heel kick. King hits the canvas for the first time in the match as Titus rolls him over and covers him. 1... 2... Kick out!

Copeland: The first pinfall of the match for Titus. But King is still too strong for Titus to possibly think about putting away.

Cohen: You said it, Seabass.

King powers out and back onto his feet. Titus does the same as King tries to nail him with a heavy clothesline. Titus immediately ducks under his arm, causing him to turn all the way around. As he returns, Titus follows up with a few chops to the chest. Continually he beats King's chest with the back of his hand, driving him backwards all of the time. With King recoiling in pain, Titus takes the time to nail him with a few hefty punches to the face. King is in trouble as Titus grabs his arm and uses that momentum to perform an Irish whip to King. King returns as Titus nails him with a high knee. King hits the canvas again for the second time in the match as Titus ponders his next move. King tries to get back to his feet but Titus is not willing to allow him to his feet again. He locks in the sleeper hold as King struggles against the hold. The referee checks on King as he slowly begins to lose life in his body. Titus does not relent though, he powers more leverage onto the hold as King finally comes to rest on the canvas. The referee grabs the arm of King before holding it up into the air. The fans get excited as King's hand plummets back to the canvas. The referee hoists it back into the air and, one more, it drops to the white canvas. On the third occasion, the fans' tension becomes palpable. King's hand falls again. But before it can hit the canvas for the third time, some life begins to emerge in King again. He begins to squirm as Titus struggles to hold onto the hold.

Cohen: Such a close call there.

Connors: I thought King was done for in that moment. But he seems to have found some courage and some life from somewhere. That's the kind of desire you need to win the Heavyweight Championship.

King continues to struggle against the hold until, finally, he is back on his feet. He nails Titus with a nice elbow to the gut that loosens the hold. He hits Titus one more time until the hold is finally broken. With Titus bent over double, King runs off of the ropes. On his return, he nails Titus with a beautiful elbow to the jaw. Titus is the one who hits the canvas this time as King struggles to regain his breath. Titus is not on the canvas for long though as the effects of the match begin to take their toll on King. Titus slowly gets to his feet, suffering from the effects of the jaw-smashing elbow that came only seconds before. King stands against the ropes as Titus finally makes it back to his feet with rage in his eyes. Titus runs at King but King has his opponent well scouted on this occasion. He steps off of the ropes and takes Titus down with a glorious spear. Titus buckles on the canvas, holding his gut in pain. King covers Titus but Titus is still too fresh, He manages to get a 2 count on Titus before the super hero of WZCW manages to roll a shoulder out. King gets to his feet as a huge ovation comes from the crowd. Titus may have kicked out but he is not ready to get to his feet. He holds his gut as King falls against the turnbuckle. In the corner, King ponders his next move. The Apostle waits for Titus to get to his vertical basis before running at him. From nowhere, Titus nails King with a drop toe hold. King hits the canvas face-first, The fans going wild for the sudden turn of events.

Connors: King has really dominated this match but, just like that, Titus is back in the match.

Copeland: King will be fuming that he hasn't been able to put Titus away right now. He'll just have to wait for another chance to come up, if it does.

Titus is struggling to follow up on his opponent, the effects of the match becoming very apparent now. King rolls over onto his back and then begins to get back to his feet. Titus does the same and it results in both men getting up at the same time. King is furious that he has let his momentum slip away and staggers towards Titus, hoping that the fist he throws will catch his opponent on the chin. Titus throws an arm up, stopping the punch from connecting. He nails King with a shot of his own before King tries once again. Again, Titus throws an arm up that stops the punch from connecting. Titus then takes some time to follow up on the punch, nailing King with a beautiful uppercut. King stumbles backwards, the European Uppercut startling him. King steadies himself, looking at Titus. Titus sees the attack coming and manages to move out of the way of a charging king. As King turns back around, Titus nails him with a low kick to the gut, following up with the Tit Drop! King hits the canvas, Titus rolls over the Apostle for the 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and qualifier for the sic pack challenge later tonight... Titus!

The crowd explodes as Titus slowly gets to his feet. The sudden and unexpected ending to the match has many people stunned. But Titus is uncaring. He knows that he has been in a match and that he still has another match to go.

Copeland: A very sudden ending to the match but that is what both men would have wanted coming into the match. You really have to give King some credit. He took Titus all the way and should have perhaps did a little better.

Cohen: Expereince, Seabass. That's what it comes down to. Titus has been in this situation before. He knows what it is like to hold onto this championship. He will do anything to get it back.

Harrys: The following contest is a Six Pack Challenge qualifier, scheduled for one fall!


The fans are on their feet as the submission queen walks out, looking throughout the stadium at the amount of fans in attendance. She stands on stage for a moment, takes a deep breath and continues down the ramp whilst focusing on the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing in at 165 pounds; Celeste Crimson!

Connor: Celeste looks to be in top shape tonight. She probably spent more time training than usual due to the possible two-for-one match deal.

Cohen: That's the exact opposite of what I would have done: you need all the energy and rest you can get.

Celeste slingshots herself over the top rope from the apron and into the ring. She goes to the nearest corner and gets to the second turnbuckle, looking out into the crowd once more (as they cheer her) before getting down and waiting for her opponent.


The crowd gives off a mixed reaction for S.H.I.T as he walks out, half remembering his actions from Ascension where he stood up against the tyrant owner of WZCW and the other half still not convinced that this one good deed is enough to warrant their support. The robot is slightly confused at the mixed noises, slowly walking down the ramp to try and process the data.

Harrys: And her opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing in at 230 pounds; S.H.I.T!

Copeland: Not only will this match be an indicator of what SHIT's true colours are but also a way for these two to end this rivalry of theirs, as well as competing in a World title match for the first time in their careers. Kind of hard to imagine that Celeste has waited this long for this moment.

SHIT enters the ring and stands in the middle, staring at Celeste who looks directly at the robot before bowing her head and sighing. She mutters a few words to the robot but SHIT is unresponsive. The referee asks Celeste if she is ready to compete and she hesitates to say yes whilst SHIT just nods. The bell sounds to start the match.

The crowd is electric to start this match, most of them supporting Celeste with a few random pockets cheering for SHIT. Celeste looks around the arena for a moment before she looks at the robot and extends her hand. Again, she mutters a few words but the robot only slaps her hand away. Celeste steps back and looks to the side as the audience boos at the sign of disrespect. Celeste turns around and goes to reason with the robot one more time but SHIT shoves Celeste back; the crowd getting more vocal.

Cohen: I don't know what Celeste is getting at here; you can't install a new program in old robots.

Celeste does not take too kindly to the shove as she stands on her side, contemplating her next move. SHIT goes to advance as she calculates but she takes the robot by surprise with her patent and deadly shuffle side kick, knocking SHIT on his back. Celeste goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out at the last second.

Connor: Crimson almost advanced without breaking a sweat!

SHIT tries to sit up but the force of that kick has dazed the robot, allowing Celeste to get behind SHIT and put him in a headlock. It takes SHIT a moment to recover from the first shot, shaking his head to regain his bearings and allowing him to slowly get to his feet. As SHIT tries escaping the hold with elbow shots, Celeste quickly switches her arm positioning from around the neck area to the waistline, popping the hips to nail a release German suplex on the robot. The impact of the throw and landing causes SHIT to hit the turnbuckles as Celeste gets to her feet. She waits for SHIT to get to a vertical base before running at the robot and hitting a flip kick in the corner, followed by a back handspring to allow SHIT to groggily walk out. This sets up SHIT perfectly for Celeste to hit her jumping enzuigiri kick, taking him down once more. Another cover... 1... 2... kick-out by SHIT once more. Instead of continuing the assault, Celeste picks up the head of SHIT and looks into his eyes asking him to give up. The robot simply refuses with a shake of the head where Celeste responds by putting SHIT in a bodyscissor-headlock combination, keeping the robot grounded. The fans cheer for the female competitor as she tightens the grip of the lock but SHIT does not show any sign of submitting. SHIT does not even look to be fighting the hold nor does he look to be finding a means of escape. Celeste squeezes tighter but SHIT does not budge, causing Crimson to let go of the hold. Celeste gets to her feet and looks down at the robot, slightly confused at his defiance. The crowd does not seem to understand this caring that Celeste has for SHIT.

Copeland: It isn't often that Celeste allows someone to walk free from one of her submission holds...

Cohen: What I'm wondering is why doesn't Celeste finish off the robot right now and advance as quick as possible instead of playing the mother role?

Celeste paces slowly near the body of SHIT as he too slowly gets up to his feet with Crimson shaking her head. She grabs the head of SHIT.

Stay down. There is no reason for me to cause you pain: you are a good robot.

That comment from Celeste sparked something inside SHIT who stands on both his feet almost immediately and wraps the arms of Celeste around his own, quickly hitting a belly to belly suplex on Celeste. She holds her back but manages to get up as fast as SHIT although she turns around into SHIT who picks her up for a scoop slam and follows it up with a running splash. The robot covers... 1... kick-out by Celeste. The robot returns the favour from earlier and locks in a bodyscissors-headlock variation of his own, looking to choke the life out of the Russian. Celeste, an expert of submissions, tries using her available striking options to get out of the hold but it seems to prove ineffective. She next tries escaping or going for the ropes but the lock is on too tight for Celeste to do anything. The crowd is getting behind Celeste as she slowly loses the strength to fight back with the referee keeping an eye out for Celeste to see if she is still able to compete. As Celeste begins to fade, she mutters more to SHIT.

It doesn't have to be like this forever SHIT... there is no purpose to be the tool of Armageddon... its all a lie.

For a brief moment, SHIT loosens the grip a little as he tries processing the meaning behind Celeste's words that allows Crimson to quickly slip out of the hold and mount the robot, delivering a few elbow smashes to the face of SHIT. She rolls herself off and begins getting up slowly as she catches her breath. SHIT shakes his head, recovering from the shots and processing the deception of Celeste.

Cohen: I'm now starting to see why Celeste is utilising her voice; she's attempting to confuse the robot and manipulate it for her own benefit.

Connor: That or we are missing something. Words like those aren't just blurted out during a competition to psyche out the opponent, even it if is a "robot"

Celeste waits for SHIT as he gets up, giving her the prime position for Celeste to hit the Spirit Crusher... but at a time when Celeste would normally go for the kill, she does not go for the final blow and instead kicks SHIT in the stomach: Evenflow DDT into a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by the robot. Celeste slams the mat, showing her frustration in not knowing what to do. Some fans are beginning to be really confused at this sight but are intrigued to continue watching the drama unfold. Celeste gets to her feet and thinks about her next move, deciding to measure up the robot for a standing moonsault. However, SHIT moves out of the way in time and Celeste eats nothing but canvas. SHIT gets up slightly quicker than Celeste, keeping her down with a few random kicks that are very similar to those of Celeste. SHIT continues to kick Celeste until she gets to her feet where SHIT chooses to stomp on an ankle of Celeste, using this opportunity for SHIT to hit a leg cradle suplex... 1... 2... kick-out by Celeste. SHIT manages to get to his feet and he decides to head to the corner, ascending to the top. However, Celeste is up and does not fit the criteria for SHIT to hit his finisher... but remains on the top. He waits for Celeste to get up and turn around where SHIT hits a flying trust kick from the top, knocking Celeste in a groggy state on her knees. SHIT takes his time to get to his feet as Celeste gets on one knee, trying to recover. SHIT walks up to her and stands above her with Celeste looking up at the robot. SHIT smacks her across the face with his patent head chop but amazingly, Celeste does not fall to the ground like most opponents do. Everyone is shocked at this display of endurance, mostly SHIT who stands still trying to calculate what happened. Celeste is quite dazed from the shot but is still on one knee.

Copeland: Celeste has got some willpower to stay in this thing. A chance at the World title is not going to slip through her hands that easily.

SHIT remains standing there, looking down at Celeste who has managed to recover enough to look up at the robot and mutter more words, inaudible for the camera to pick up. There is a look of concern on the face of Celeste as SHIT stalls for a moment before shaking her head and hitting another head chop. Again, Celeste does not get knocked out but rather falls down on her hands and knees. SHIT is highly confused this time as Celeste does her best to withstand the onslaught. The crowd is confused as well with some people still cheering for her to continue. Celeste turns her head at SHIT and says something else in a muttered manner again and tries pushing herself up using SHIT's legs as a support. SHIT moves back and measures up Celeste, using his version of the Spirit Crusher. This blow finally knocks Celeste down, causing her to fall on the mat. Although Celeste looks out, SHIT isn't convinced and goes to the turnbuckles once more. SHIT analyses the situation to see if Celeste is still out before jumping off to hit a frog splash.... 1... 2... 3!

The referee signals for the bell as SHIT pushes himself up from the body of Celeste who is lying there almost motionless.

Harrys: Here is your winner and who will advance to the Six Pack Challenge; SHIT!

SHIT takes a while to get to his feet as he stares at body of Celeste whilst the referee raises his hand and the crowd boos. The robot slowly backs off and goes to exit the ring, taking one more look at Celeste before leaving.

Connor: That was an interesting contest to say the least but SHIT managed to get the victory over Celeste, qualifying for its first World title match.

Copeland: That ending was brutal to watch though: it was almost as if Celeste was begging SHIT to change his ways but it looks like SHIT may just remain the same.

Cohen: Personally, I wouldn't have done something like this during such an important match but the strategy did work for a while.

Copeland: It wasn't a strategy Jack. I think something else happened here tonight.

As SHIT walks up the ramp, the robot catches a glimpse of Celeste recovering and getting to her knees through the titantron feed and turns around. Celeste is staring back at him once more with a concerned look on her face, shaking her head before trying to get to her feet. The robot turns around slowly, still trying to process everything as the referee helps Celeste to her feet.

The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Elite X Championship!!

“This could be a show-stealer!”


On his way to the ring the challenger from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 235lbs, Mick Overlast.

“It’s time to fulfil your destiny Mick!!”

“You have an awful lot of confidence in someone who has lost to Triple X before.”

Overlast pays no heed to the jeering crowd and slowly approaches the ring. He enters through the ropes and awaits the arrival of his opponent.


“Third time is a charm!”

Anderson: And his opponent, from Phoenix Arizona, he weighs 220 lbs, the Elite X Champion, Triple X!!!


“You massively underestimate this young man. He’s been a superb Elite X Champion!”

The crowd erupts as Triple X runs out with the Elite X Title around his waist. He points at the belt and then the audience before doing his signature taunt. He then runs down to the ring, offering high fives all the way. X slides into the ring before taking off his title belt. He gives it to the ref who offers it up to Overlast before showing the crowd and taking it out of the ring.

“I gotta believe his run is going to continue. Overlast doesn’t have it for me.”

Triple X goes to tie up with Overlast but the taller man buries a knee in X’s gut and that immediately hands the advantage to the challenger. Overlast aims a jab at X’s face before whipping him into the ropes and Overlast dives at him, dropping the challenger with a clothesline. X grabs his neck and tries to roll away but Overlast grabs him, dragging him back. Mick drops an elbow across X’s chest, he goes for a cover but barely gets a one count. Overlast picks him up and tightens a headlock but X elbows out of it. Overlast pulls him closer but X fires some more elbows into his gut and that forces Overlast to release the headlock.

“This has started a thousand miles an hour!”

“Overlast needs to ground Triple X to have any hope to pinning this high-flying champion.”

X reaches the ropes and grabs his breath back. He runs to the ropes and jumps off the middle rope; he flies off and hits Overlast with a kick to the face. X sprints across the ring and hits a X –Press shooting star press to the challenger on the canvas. X hooks a leg, 1.....2, Overlast kicks out easily. X climbs to the second rope and waits for Mick to get up, he gets to his knees and X flies off the ropes, hitting Overlast with the Yoshi Tonic!! Cover for X, 1.....2 Overlast gets his shoulders up! X lifts him up to his feet and tries to hit a neckbreaker but Overlast shoves him off to the ropes. X tries to counter and he tries to hit the Flying Chuck but Overlast ducks. X crashes and burns, Overlast immediately pounces with stomps to the lower back of the champion.

“This could be the key. Overlast is targeting the lower spine of Triple X and that is going to reduce his spring and his speed.”

Overlast viciously pounds away at the exposed spine of X. He even steps on the spine of the high flying youngster. X tries to crawl away but Overlast drags him into the centre of the ring and locks in a grounded bearhug that he wrenches on like a shark with a good meal. X tries to elbow him but Overlast keeps him floored so he cannot get any power to his strikes. Overlast transitions to a half crab and grabs the limb pulling it backwards. X’s ankle is almost touching his shoulder and Overlast is almost back to back with the champion. Overlast is off balance and X is making slow headway towards the ropes.

“This is really good strategy by Overlast. He has come in with a really solid gameplan.”

“He really is a prodigy of Blade.”

“Don’t mention that prick to me! Overlast is going to surpass that guy and become the master of his own destiny.”

Triple X nearly makes the ropes but Overlast releases the submission and pulls him away. Overlast goes to lift X up but X grabs his head and cradles him by surprise, 1......2......Overlast kicks out. The challenger is up quickly while the champion is struggling to move at his normal speed. Overlast is angry and hits a spinebuster with such authority that X is temporarily stunned. Mick grabs X by the neck again and this time he goes to a lifting reverse DDT but X stalls it, becoming dead weight and falling to the mat. Overlast bends to pick him but X nails him in the top of his head with a brutal instinctive kick! Overlast falls to the mat and now both men have been stunned. They crawl to opposite sides of the ring and use the ropes to climb up.

“Triple X has finally escaped the torture that Overlast was trying to inflict on him.”

“He has gotten to his feet and is near the ropes. That is his environment!”

X is first to his feet and rushes across the ring. He tries to hit the X Rated kick but Overlast ducks underneath his flailing leg, as X hits the ropes Overlast is ready and nails a violent powerslam in the centre of the ring! Overlast goes to the outside of the ring and climbs to the top rope while X is lying on the mat; Overlast prepares himself to hit the Steel City Statement but as he balances himself on the ropes, Triple X shows remarkable agility and lunges to the top rope. Overlast loses his balance. X takes his time and climbs the turnbuckle to meet the crotched challenger. When there, he sets for a hurracanrana but Overlast punches him and hits some forearms to the head. A stiff headbutt from Overlast dislodges X from the ropes and Mick takes the initiative quickly and hits a crossbody to X! 1.....2.....Triple X just beats the count!!

“That’s brilliant from Overlast.”

“That brute strength from Overlast nearly got him his first championship.”

“Triple X will have think twice before going to the ropes again.”

Overlast is gutted and pounds the mat. X tries to regain his bearings and in his anger, Overlast allows him to get to his feet. The champion reaches the ropes and uses them for stability as he fires off some kicks but they lack power as Overlast can shrug them off. He sends X to the ropes with an Irish whip, diving forearm by Triple X and he kips up to a roar! The champ is feeling the crowd support now and he tries to set up for another attempt at the X Rated and he hits it!!!! Triple X goes for the cover, 1......2.......Overlast kicks out! X is gutted but he doesn’t stop moving. Despite the disappointment, Triple X immediately goes to the corner and climbs to the top rope. Overlast hasn’t moved and X dives, hitting the Skyfall swan dive forward flip leg drop but Overlast rolls out of the way!! X gets nothing but mat and he yells in agony as his spine is compressed on the canvas.

“He did it! He went back to the corner and paid the price!”

“I hate to say it but he didn’t learn his lesson!!”

“That’s going to be costly, I can just feel it.”

Overlast moves quickly now, he grabs X’s leg, lifts him up before dropping him with the Overlasting Impression! The challenger crawls across to make the cover, 1......2.......3!!! Mick Overlast gets the win!!


Your winner by pinfall and NEW Elite X Champion, Mick Overlast!!!

“He did it. Mick Overlast has seized his destiny and is the new Elite X Champion.”

“Triple X had a great run but the Elite X division is about to get a shake up.”

“That was one title change, Will we see more changes in our two main event matches tonight?”

“Six will compete for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship and Ty Burna gambles the control of the entire company against his former protégé Chris KO!”


Celeste Crimson walks through the backstage area with a towel across the back of her shoulders and a water bottle in hand, slowly walking through the corridors. She passes some equipment where Steven Kurtesy is leaning against, who watches her as she walks. Before she moves too far away, he pipes up.

Tough luck out there tonight.

Celeste turns around to see Steven looking at her as he stands up properly and walks off.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is a qualifying match for the Six-Pack Challenge later tonight. The winner of the fall will continue and have a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!


Drake makes his way out to the top of the entrance stage, the crowd booing him loudly as he stares out towards them. As he walks down the ramp he yells at a few fans at ringside before sliding into the ring, lifting his arms up high into the air to more boos from the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 lbs, Drake Callahan!

Drake slides onto the apron and lifts him arms up. He straddles through the ropes and turns to see his opponent walk out.


Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 225 lbs, Matt Tastic!

Walks out with a focuses look on Drake in the ring. Tastic raise his arms into the air and the crowd cheers as he runs down the ramp and slides into the ring.

Copeland: Both these wrestlers have been on a roll of late and one of them will get to compete in their first WZCW World Title match here later tonight.

Cohen: My money is on Callahan.

Connor: Well I think Tastic is due.

Callahan and Tastic circle the ring. Tastic turns to the fans and starts clapping to get them louder as the bell ring. The volume continues to grow as Drake and Tastic move closer towards each other. Drake is hunched over looking ready to go low. Tastic reaches for Drake and Callahan kicks him low in the gut. Drake lifts Matt's face up and jabs him between the eyes. Drake starts to kick Matt in the leg and continues till Tastic is lowered to his knees. Drake hits a couple forearm shots to the back and then starts to wrench at Tastic’s arm. Matt lifts himself to his feet. He slowly works his way out of Tastic's hold and then has him in a Hammerlock. Tastic then spins Drake out of it and knocks him to the mat with a Clothesline. Drake gets up and runs at Tastic. Matt lifts him up and hits a Flapjack. Drake crawls to a corner. Tastic lifts Drake to his feet and then starts to kicks him in the corner. Matt grabs Drake and Irish Whips him across the ring. Drake reaches out and grabs the top rope and stops himself. A smile curls on Drake’s face and he points to head, but Tastic isn’t charging at Drake as he waits at centre for him to turn back to him. Callahan turns around slowly and walks into Spinning Wheel Kick. Tastic goes for the pin and gets only a 1 count. Matt goes to grab Drake, but he gets away and rolls out of the ring.

Copeland: Smart move by Drake to get out of the ring and escape further damage.

Cohen: Drake knows he’ll have to pace himself if he wants to win the next match.

Connor: But he first has to ensure he wins here right now, and Matt Tastic will not make that easy for him.

Tastic slides out of the ring behind Drake and grabs him by the head, He walks him to the arena barrier and slams his head into the wall. Tastic turns Drake around and starts to boot the midsection of Drake. He picks up Callahan and Irish Whips him towards the stairs. Drake reverses it and send Tastic knee first into the stairs. Tastic flips over and lands on his back, immediately clutching his knee. Drake hops onto the stairs and looks down at Tastic. A sick smile curls on Drake's face as he leaps up and slams his foot into Tastic's knee. Tastic rolls in pain and Drake grabs onto the leg and locks in a Single Leg Boston Crab. The move continues to apply pressure on Tastic's leg. The ref has been counting up to 10 and is now on 7. Drake lets go of the leg on 8 and rolls in and out of the ring to break the count. Drake bends down and stomps on the back of Tastic's leg. He then lifts Matt up and rolls him into the ring. Drake grabs the foot of Tastic and pulls it closer to the corner before swinging it right into the steel pole.

Copeland: Drake has turned up the aggression here tonight and has made it his mission to injure the leg of Tastic.

Cohen: this is brilliant strategy by Drake. Take out the leg and Tastic will be unable to defend himself.

Drake slides into the ring and once again goes to work on Tastic's leg. He places the foot on the bottom rope and starts stomping at the leg. Drake presses his foot into Matt's leg on the ropes and the ref counts up to 4 and Drake takes his foot off. He starts to walk away, then turns back and steps onto the second rope, leaping up into the air before dropping a knee on the leg. Tastic is holding his leg in pain as Drake slowly brings Tastic to his feet. Callahan boots the midsection of Tastic and then Irish Whips him across the ring. Matt doesn't make it to the corner and his leg collapses underneath him. Matt slowly rises to his feet, but Drakes hits a low block chop from behind, sending Tastic back to the mat again.

Connor: Drake continues to assault the leg of Tastic. Matt will have to regroup soon or he may wind up with a serious injury.

Drake grabs onto the leg of Tastic and wraps his legs around it. He then falls to the mat and starts twisting the leg with his arms, trapping Tastic in a Leg Lock. Matt tries to pull himself closer to the ropes. The crowd claps and cheers for Tastic and he uses their support to inch closer until he just gets a hand on the rope. Drake lets go of the hold at the count of 4 and stand straight up over Tastic. Matt is struggling to pull himself up to his feet and Drake starts taunting at him. Drake slowly helps Matt to his feet. Matt swings with a right hand at Drake, but misses and crashes to the mat, clutching his leg again. Drake laughs at Matt’s mistake and again slowly picks him up to his feet. Drake has Tastic on his feet and just lets him stand there. He goes to grab Matt, but Tastic is able to land a Spinning Back Fist. Matt hobbles but remains on his feet as Drake stumbles back. Callahan rubs his face and then charges at his opponent. Tastic counters with a Snap Powerslam. Drake lies flat on the mat as Tastic rolls the other way and has his hand on the corner rope trying to pull himself to his feet.

Copeland: Nice counter hit by Tastic. Let’s see if he can take advantage of it.

Matt as slowly pulled himself to his feet. He kicks his leg a bit and feels like he can walk on it. He turns back to Drake who is up on his feet. Callahan runs at the former Killjoy and hits a Dropkick. Tastic crumbles to the mat and Drake goes for the pin. 1... 2... Matt kicks out! Drake puts his foot on top of Tastic’s head and curb stomps him on the mat. The ref scolds Drake for that shot, but Callahan ignores it and places Tastic’s foot on the ropes again. Drake climbs onto the top rope and points down at his opponent. Elbow Drop lands on the back of Tastic’s leg. Tastic again holds his leg in pain as Drake stands in the middle of the ring and poses.

Connor: We are seeing a very different Drake Callahan here tonight.

Cohen: Focused, confident, aggressive, I think he has all the makings of a champion here tonight.

Drake proudly walks over and pins Tastic. 1... 2... Matt kicks out. Drake again pins Tastic, this time hooking the leg. 1... 2.... Matt kicks out. Drake does not look pleased by the kick outs, but calmly grabs onto one of Matt’s legs. He spins around and has Tastic in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Tastic screams out in pain as the ref quickly checks to see if Tastic’s give up. Matt shakes his head no and tries desperately to turn over.

Copeland: The damage done to Tastic’s leg has been more than most wrestlers could withstand. He needs to get out of this submission or the match will be over right now.

Tastic too senses the end may be near and tries desperately to swing his body side to side. Drake tries to block this counter, but Tastic is able to turn over both men. The pressure is not being applied to Callahan, who quickly breaks the hold. Drake stumbles to his feet and then lifts Tastic to his feet. Drake kicks Matt is the gut and goes for an Enziguri. Tastic ducks the kick. Drake lands on his feet and Tastic grabs him by the neck. Chocking Russian Leg Sweep. Both men are down on the mat. The ref begins a 10 count. Drake is not down for very long and is already up by 5 while Matt is on his knees. Drake lifts Matt to his feet and kicks him in the gut. Drake goes for the Hangover Brainbuster. Matt flips over and lands on his feet behind Drake. Drake turns around and Tastic lifts him up for a Spinebuster. Tastic rolls over top of Drake into a Jackknife Pin. 1... 2... Drake kicks out. Tastic and Callahan both get up at the same time. Drake runs at Tastic. Matt lifts him up and hits a Samoan Drop.

Connor: Matt is doing it. He has Drake against the ropes and may just steal this one.

Tastic gets to his feet first and signals for the Headache Driver. Drake is to his feet and Tastic lifts him onto his shoulder. Tastic goes to set him up for the move, but the weight of Callahan is too much for Tastic’s injured knee. His leg buckles and Drake slides off the back side. Tastic turns around and Drake quickly grabs him. Hangover Brainbuster! Drake goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Drake Callahan!

Drake raises his hands and seems very excited about the match. He climbs onto the corner as the fans start to boo him. He puts his hands across his waist to signal that he will win later tonight.

Cohen: He did it! He did it! Bring on the conspiracy.

Copeland: Drake does advance and is the final entrant in the 6 Pac Challenge happening later on tonight.

Connor: A very impressive performance by Drake and unfortunately it’s back to the drawing board for Matt Tastic again.

Drake slides out of the ring and posses up the stage ramp, yelling to everyone that he will win later tonight.


We see Showtime walking down the corridor in his ring gear and the World title across his shoulder. However, he gets stopped by Leon Kensworth.

Hey Show. I just wanted to get your thoughts on your upcoming match this evening now that all the opponents have been established with Drake winning his match moments ago.

Showtime adjusts his belt and looks at Leon.

Not to sound narcissistic but it doesn't matter to me: I won this World Championship from a man who has broke through the glass ceiling multiple times to get hold and keep this title and I defended it against the most powerful man in WZCW in my very next wrestling match. This belt is not leaving my side for a very long time and I'm going to make sure that happens tonight when I stare through the eyes of 5 other hungry competitors who want the title just as bad as each other.

Show smiles.

There is a reason why they call me Showtime, Leon... and its about to begin.

Show walks off camera, leaving Leon behind.

Ominous music begins playing through the arena along with the lights dimming as the cage hanging above the ring lowers down to ground level. The crowd cheers loudly as they realise what match is coming up next.

Connor: Prepare yourselves ladies and gentlemen, this next match is going to get really ugly.

Copeland: The father of Mayhem will be taking on the King of Mayhem to decide who is the ultimate Mayhem competitor. The only way to win this match is grab the sceptre that hangs above the cage.

Cohen: I hope both men have done some balancing practice because its a long way down for the fall.

The cage has finally made it down to the floor as a few ringside assistants make sure that the cage is securely locked in position. The camera takes a look around the cage, showing how thick the steel bars are compared to most cage matches. All four corners of the cage have a kendo stick hanging down whilst the cage roof features an elimination chamber chain-link "X" with a small island in the middle where the Mayhem sceptre wrapped in barbed wire hangs above.

Harrys: The following contest is the Stairway to Mayhem deathmatch. There are no pinfalls, no submissions, no count-out's and no disqualifications: the only way to win is to climb to the top of the cage and retrieve the sceptre.


The crowd roars for the legendary competitor as he walks out, raising his hand in the air. He seems pumped as he heads down the ramp, clapping the hands of fans as he reaches the ringside area. He takes one look at the structure and he begins nodding with a smile on his face. Ricky enters the cage through the door and gets on the nearest corner, looking out into the audience.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Tortuga, weighing in at 260 pounds, he is the Father of Mayhem; Steamboat Ricky!

Copeland: There are only a handful of men who could step inside this environment and be extremely happy about the prospect.

Cohen: If it wasn't for Ricky, Mayhem would not have existed. I'd be happy too if my creation became successful as this.


The crowd mainly boos for the arrival for Alex Bowen with some people cheering. He slowly walks out onto the stage, not breaking eye contact with the legend who stares right back at him. Bowen slowly walks down the ramp, focused on his opponent who taunts him to hurry up.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing in at 247 pounds, he is the King of Mayhem; Alex Bowen!

Cohen: You could cut this tension with a knife. Man, my hands are shaking from just watching Bowen enter.

Connor: For those of you who are of the feint of heart, I suggest that this is the time that you stop watching. Blood will be spilled.

Bowen stops at ringside, looking around the cage and observing its structure. Ricky gets so anxious of waiting for his opponent that he goes over to the cage door, swings it open and exits the cage, jumping off the stairs with a diving headbutt that takes out a distracted Bowen who was previously staring at the sceptre. The crowd cheers for Ricky as he mounts on top of Bowen and throws multiple fists to the face. Bowen manages to push Ricky off and create some distance, getting to his feet. However, Ricky is up as well and runs at Bowen with a shoulder block, driving Bowen into the corner barricade. Ricky grabs the head of Bowen and throws him into the corner of the thick cage. The crowd "ooo's" as the cage sounds different than normal; solid and merciless to human contact. Ricky holds onto the head of the now dazed Bowen and drags him around to the cage door, taking him up the steps and awkwardly throwing him into the ring. Ricky enters and closes the cage door with the bell ringing.

Copeland: And the match is officially under way... although I don't think these guys care.

Cohen: Well considering there is no referee in charge of officiating this contest, ringing the bell wasn't even necessary.

Connor: For their sakes, lets hope the medics and personnel on standby at ringside is enough.

Ricky has Bowen in the corner, pummelling him with closed fists... one after the other, almost relentlessly. Ricky stops and quickly moves back, creating enough distance to allow Ricky to run at Bowen and hit a clothesline into the corner. Ricky isn't satisfied with the amount of damage done and quickly grabs the head of Bowen and throws it back into the corner of the cage, causing a whiplash effect for Bowen. Alex drops to one knee, giving Ricky the opportunity to hit a double-arm DDT on Bowen. Ricky gets up and smiles, looking at one of the hanging kendo sticks on the side of the cage. He goes over to one of them and unhooks it, swinging it around in his hands. The crowd is screams for blood and pain for Bowen as Ricky stalks the longest reigning Mayhem champion, waiting for him to get up. As soon as Bowen gets to his feet, Ricky whacks Bowen with a shot of bamboo to the exposed ribs. Bowen sneers at the shot and tries to hide his pain. Ricky gives him another shot in the same area but Bowen refuses to acknowledge that Ricky is doing any damage. Bowen even yells at Ricky for another shot. Ricky hits a third shot, this one splitting the bamboo reeds to cause maximum damage and bruising but Bowen does not feel any affects. A semi-confused Ricky hesitates to make another shot as Bowen pleads for another. Ricky swings but is blocked by Bowen who snatches the stick from Ricky and ramming the tip of the kendo stick into the stomach of Ricky. The force causes Ricky to bend over a little and clutch his gut for a moment, allowing enough time for Bowen to deliver a shot across the back on Ricky. The hit had so much power behind it that it stuck in Ricky's back, forcing Bowen to manually pull it out. Blood begins slowly oozing from several points across the line on Ricky's back as Bowen discards the kendo stick, hitting a belly to back suplex to maximise the pain to Ricky's back.

Cohen: That looks like its going to leave a mark.

Connor: And it's only been a few minutes in. How's Ricky going to compete with that?

As Ricky gets off the canvas, you can see a small red line where the blood has spilled. Bowen stalks the legend, hitting a high knee strike as Ricky gets near his feet before delivering a slap across the back of Ricky. The stinging sensations causes Ricky to clutch his back and expose his chest, allowing a few chops on Ricky by Bowen. Alex follows up with a few jabs and then a discus clothesline for good measure, dropping Ricky. Bowen looks up to the ceiling and sees the sceptre, almost mesmerised by it. He goes over to the cage walls and begins climbing up. Ricky, however, is not out just yet and goes after Bowen, preventing him from heading up. Bowen kicks Ricky back, turns around and hits the derby shot on Ricky, making him fall to his knees. Bowen follows up with a bionic elbow, knocking down the legend. Bowen goes to attempt another climb but sees that Ricky is nowhere near out and cancels his actions, looking to lock in an abdominal stretch. He manages to get Ricky in the hold, stretching Ricky as far as he can, causing the cut to bleed for extra time. Ricky asks for Bowen to continue stretching him and he obliges the legend but the Steamboat isn't fazed in the slightest. Suddenly, Ricky manages to switch around behind Bowen and lock in his own stretch but this time, Ricky claws his free hand into the ribcage where he targeted earlier and digs his nails in, twisting the skin and apply pressure with his knuckles to the ribs. This irritates Bowen who does his best to escape and stop the pressure but Ricky is one step ahead, transitioning the stretch into a pumphandle. Instead of slamming Bowen down, Ricky charges at the thick cage walls and uses Alex's head as a battering ram. Unfortunately for Bowen, his head loses the battle. Ricky moves backwards and rams it into the cage again, this time causing Bowen to have a slight trickle from his head. Ricky finally hits the pumphandle slam, driving Bowen into the ground. Ricky notices the bleeding forehead and smiles sadistically as he bites the wound, doing his best to tear it open and make it bleed more until Bowen pushes Ricky away. Bowen checks his head and sees the blood as Ricky spits out a bit of the skin right back in Bowen's face.

Connor: Ricky just bit some of Bowen's skin off!

Copeland: And spat it back at Bowen.

Enraged, Bowen gets up as fast he can and charges at Ricky but the legend is ready, countering the strike and hitting a full nelson slam. Ricky takes his chance at rising up to the top of the cage and gets further than Bowen, climbing above the ropes but Alex is up and grabs Ricky by the foot, using an Achilles squeeze to drag him back down to ground level. Bowen keeps a hold of the ankle as Steamboat hops around on one leg. Bowen taunts the legend as Ricky tries swinging his arms for a punch but fails. Bowen begins laughing until Ricky jumps and spins, hitting a one-legged spinning dropkick to escape the position. Bowen, who is quite groggy, goes near one of the corners (one near the cage door) and uses the ropes to regain his balance. This doesn't last long though as Ricky runs at Bowen, taking him down with a clothesline that takes them not only over the ropes but pushes open the door, causing both men to fall very, very awkwardly to the outside. The front row section cheers louder than the rest of the audience as they realise they're getting most of the action now although both men are incapacitated for the time being. Both men get checked by the medical personal but both refuse their service, causing the crowd to cheer for the act of bravery. Ricky and Bowen slowly rise to their feet with Ricky being the first there, allowing Ricky to hit a running knee strike on Bowen that spins his face around to meet the barricade. Ricky indicates to the crowd near Bowen to move out of the way as Alex gets to his feet. They do so and Ricky runs up behind Bowen, delivering a bulldog where Ricky launches over the barricade and crashes in the sea of empty chairs whilst Bowen smacks his face/chest area on the top of the barricade. Bowen is leaning over the barricade as Ricky tries to get up after collapsing a bunch of chairs. He apologises for the inconvenience, picks up a folded chair and hits the back of Bowen who slumps into the crowd area. Ricky drops the chair and picks up Bowen, throwing him back into the ringside area.

Cohen: And there is your crowd interaction for the night, folks. Hope you savoured the moment.

Ricky climbs back over the barricade and grabs the head of Bowen, dragging him towards the announcer's tables. He slams Bowen's head into the tables before throwing him back into the steel cage. As Bowen recovers, Ricky goes to the Spanish announce table and clears everything off, turning around to see Bowen give Ricky a bell clap. Bowen shakes off the previous hits and gives another knee strike to Ricky before tossing him onto the table. Bowen climbs up and manages to pick Ricky up, going for the End of Days but Ricky escapes the hold and hits his own finisher: the Blunderbass! Amazingly, the table does not break as Ricky stuns Bowen who seems to be out. Ricky rolls off the table to a cheering audience, noticing that this is the most opportune time to climb. Carefully, Ricky ascends to the top of the cage, taking his time in getting his balance right. He stands on the top, looking around the arena to the audience who cheers for him and finally locking eyes on the sceptre. Ricky takes one more look down at Bowen who is still on the table before looking back at the sceptre. Ricky shakes his head and looks back at Ricky, smiling at the fans and screams with all his might "MAN OVERBOARD!" Ricky dives off the top of the cage, looking for an elbow drop on Bowen. At the last second, Bowen rolls off the table and Ricky goes crashing into the table, breaking it apart and laying in a crumpled heap. The crowd begins chanting "holy shit" after what they've just witnessed.

Copeland: Steamboat virtually sacrificed himself!

Cohen: He was so close! He had the chance to win and he blew it for what, fan service?

Connor: I think the purpose of this match to Ricky was to showcase that he was more violent and the true Mayhem warrior rather than earning a sceptre.

The personnel are checking on Ricky who seems to be somewhat conscious but the medics insist on helping as Bowen slowly rises to his feet and begins climbing the cage slowly. The crowd boos as Bowen ascends to the top, almost reaching all the way before looking down once more. He sees Ricky who is starting to move and telling the medics to go away so he can continue the match. Bowen gets to the top but does not stand, rather crawling across the chain-link roofing that the cage houses. He slowly makes his way to the centre of the roof as Ricky slowly begins crawling towards the cage himself, garnering a huge reaction from the crowd. The personnel watch as Ricky is using only his hands to climb the cage, probably the slowest in history. Bowen, on top of the cage, manages to slowly get to his feet without slipping and sees what Ricky is trying to achieve. Instead of going for the sceptre and ending the match, Bowen watches Ricky climb the cage.

Cohen: He is completely insane. He should have stayed down whilst he had the chance.

Ricky finally manages to get to the top, slowly crawling to the middle position where Bowen stands, still recovering from the damage he took in the match. Ricky gets near Bowen and slowly gets to a standing position, the crowd roaring in admiration for Ricky. He stands very groggily, almost defenseless telling Bowen to come get some. Bowen shakes his head in disgust as he kicks Ricky in the gut and hooks both of Ricky's arms, readying for the End of Days. Bowen looks around the arena as he slowly moves towards the edge of the chain-link where the drop will cause either man to fall back into the ring and onto the canvas. Bowen lifts up Ricky into the piledriver position and lets Ricky fall down by himself, crashing into the canvas as if he were being brainbustered. The crash is loud and brutal, hard for some to witness... Ricky is completely unconscious and does not move from where he hit the canvas as Bowen looks down with the crowd in complete shock. Whilst this is happening, Bowen looks at the sceptre, reaches for it and unhooks it from its hanging position.

The bell rings for the match to end with Alex Bowen winning the Stairway to Mayhem match but everyone is currently concerned with Ricky who has yet to move. The personnel have made their way into the ring and started tending to Ricky, calling for more help. Bowen stands at the top of the cage, sceptre in hand and looking down at Ricky who is beneath him. The crowd is shocked and worries for Ricky as Bowen slowly walks to the edge of the cage and climbs down.

Connor: Alex Bowen has indeed won this contest folks but we've got a huge situation here: Steamboat Ricky has not only fallen into the Spanish announce table but also partially neck-first into the canvas below thanks to Bowen.

Cohen: I'm not disagreeing with you CC but this was Ricky's choice. He decided to climb the cage and continue fighting in a match where there are no rules. What Bowen did was completely legal but I won't say it was the correct thing to do.

Copeland: Bowen had one thing on his mind: to definitively defeat Ricky. He did that with an exclamation mark... but the fans will not forget the fight Ricky put up. It took two high falls to beat him; the makings of a true legend.

Bowen has finally made it on the ground and has walked up the ramp, allowing the cage to be risen and staff members on the outside have a stretcher ready to wheel Ricky out to safety. The personnel in the ring have already secured Ricky in the harness and slide Ricky onto the stretcher, securing him on there. The fans cheer very loudly and applaud the effort done by both men for the match as the medics help Ricky up the ramp on the stretcher as Bowen exits with the sceptre.

We return to the Redemption set with Truman Harrys ready within the ring, preparing to announce the next contest.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is a GRUDGE MATCH between STUDENT and MENTOR and it is set for one fall!

The crowd explodes knowing what the match will be and what it should entail.

Connor: One of the most hyped matches this evening this should be a personal affair.

Cohen: And that should translate to some good old fashioned violence!

The crowd begins to quieten down as they look to savour their best reactions for the entrances. And then, we hear about a Showstopper:


Before Austin Reynolds can even take a step onto the stage, the boos begin to reign down as the fans unite in their loss of respect for Reynolds. Then he steps out onto the ramp, a blank expression filling his face.

Harrys: Introducing first, from the West End of London, England, weighing 190 pounds; THE RATINGS WINNER; AUSTIN REYNOLDS!

Reynolds chooses not to even acknowledge his name being announced let alone the crowd reception of him as he walks with a purpose, storming to the ring with a stern, fixed look on his face.

Copeland: Not a favourable reaction for veteran Austin Reynolds.

Cohen: No, but a look of determination, and I like that Seabass.

Connor: This situation has been so ugly, and the fans clearly have rallied behind Ricky and I certainly don’t blame them.

Cohen: Feh, who needs fan support to win matches anyway?

Sliding into the ring, Reynolds doesn’t pose for anyone, not even for himself. He wants to get this match underway as swiftly as possible and indicates to the titantron that he wants to face his nemesis right now! As he asks, he also receives.


The crowd erupts as Ricky’s theme hits and his name appears on the huge screen.

Connor: What a reception for Ricky Runn!?!

Harrys: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds; THE SECOND CITY DAREDEVIL; RICKY RUNN!

Ricky, much like his former ally, walks out with purpose and intent. He however waits at the top of the tron at first, choosing to make Reynolds suffer a little more, playing some mind games. As Austin threatens to leave the ring out of frustration, Ricky begins to walk to the ring. Reynolds backs off to allow Ricky, who with a slight grin has high fived some front row WZCW fans, in.

Cohen: I think Ricky’s playing a very dangerous game here. He’s going to suffer at Reynolds’ hands if he keeps up with this arrogance.

Copeland: Where you see arrogance Jack, I see mind games and I think they’re working.

With both competitors now in the ring, the referee calls for the bell and we’re underway. Ricky wants to work with a lock-up to start, and goes in for one, but Austin doesn’t wish to begin that way and outright slaps Ricky. The crowd gasps and “ooooohhhs” at this move, which sends Ricky to the floor. He is up moments after, holding his cheek. Reynolds has a sour look on his face and he backs off into the corner to allow Ricky to “appreciate” the “lesson” he just taught him. Ricky though is filled with rage and charges right at Reynolds in the corner. Austin moves out the way with little effort. Ricky stops just in time, not quite hitting the corner. Reynolds sneaks up behind him and seeks something. Ricky has this scouted though and uses his upper-body strength to lift himself onto the top turnbuckle, using that as a springboard to execute a moonsault! Landing completely on-top of Austin, Ricky hooks a cover; 1...2...KICK-OUT! Austin kicks out with authority. Both men are quick to their feet, but Rick is a tad faster than Reynolds and when he meets his mentor, he offers him a slap to the face; much like Reynolds did to him earlier on. The crowd pops a bit for the move, some even laughing. It’s apparent to all that Reynolds is consumed by rage after this embarrassing moment and as soon as he rises, he charges right into Ricky. The force takes both men through the second rope and to the outside where they land to a sickening thud.

Ricky seems to have borne the brunt of the thud as Austin is to his feet much quicker. He pulls Ricky up and whips him hard into the barricade that separates the fans and the wrestlers. Ricky writhes in pain, clutching his back which Austin is only to kind to help out, unleashing a violent kick right to the spall of it. Once more Austin lifts Ricky up and whips him as hard as can be into the ring post, made of pure, unforgiving steel. A vile crack is heard when spine meets steel and Ricky drops lie he’s been shot. He is in obvious agony and Austin screams at him;

“When will you learn Ricky?”

He slaps his head before offering the same message, only louder;


No response comes, mainly due to the fact that Ricky appears to be incapacitated. Meanwhile in the ring, the referee has reached a count of seven. Austin rolls back in to break the count, only to go straight back to the outside in order to resume the beating. Immediately, Austin knows what his next course of action is and he applies a devastating Liontamer on the outside. With Ricky’s body contorted in a horrific manner in would seem that this one has gotten ugly in a hurry. Ricky screams, but refuses to break and heroically tries to fight out, Reynolds foot on his skull and all. As the referee reaches a count of four, Reynolds breaks the hold, believing he’s broken Ricky too. He enters the ring, looking for a humiliating count-out victory.


Ricky starts to stir a bit more. Austin looks nervous. The crowd’s support grows loud.


Now Ricky is in a crawling position. Austin shakes his head. The support is now almighty.


Realising the severity, Ricky dives into the ring, breaking the count! The pop is extraordinary.

Copeland: Ricky Runn is still alive in this one!

Cohen: Impressive endurance from the youngster, but the damage is done. He’s a wounded animal.

After some momentary disbelief, Austin unloads several stomps to Ricky’s back, looking to keep him down. After a flurry, Reynolds backs off to calm himself, attempting to avoid disqualification. After some deep breathes and facing the opposite side of the ring, Reynolds returns his focus to Ricky. He charges, looking to deliver something, but before his plan can come to fruition, Reynolds is cut off by a massive clothesline from Ricky, which takes both men down. Reynolds rises, and so too does Ricky who seems to have adrenaline pumping throughout his body, fuelling him. He lands a dropkick right in Austin’s face. Again both men get to their feet at the same time. Ricky sneaks behind Austin and goes for his finisher; The Ricky Rundown. But Austin senses danger and counters, seeking to execute an Ego Crusher, but Ricky flips forward, and out of Reynolds grasp. With Runn now in front of Reynolds, the former delivers a facebuster to his former tag team partner. Austin staggering, Ricky delivers Hell Yeah! He goes for the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ricky though is undeterred and feeds from the audience. As Reynolds starts to get to his feet, Ricky bounces off the ropes and delivers a rolling neckbreaker. Ricky points to the top turnbuckle and starts to climb. He reaches the top, the adrenaline flowing, momentum firmly on his side. He takes a moment to adjust and catch his breath as the audience gets it’s camera’s out. He takes a leap of faith looking to deliver R & R. He rotates fully in midair, but his spine eats the knees of Reynolds!

Ricky rolls around in agony as Reynolds begins to realise that he now has the advantage. Austin pushes Ricky down into a covering position. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Frustration is apparent as Reynolds clearly thought that was the moment of victory. Reynolds now gets to his feet, and allows Ricky to do the same. Now, with Ricky too up, Austin runs forward and executes a leg-lariat. He goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Reynolds though is only just beginning and had anticipated a kick-out. Austin decides now is the time to go for one of his signature moves; Five Star. Kicking Ricky several times as he lifts him, Reynolds is attempting to actually knock Ricky into a more malleable state, thus making the execution of his signature move easier. Sure enough Reynolds plan work and he delivers Five Star, inflicting severe pain to Ricky as he does so. He goes for the cover; 1...2...KICK-OUT! Reynolds is a little more annoyed this time, but again isn’t too disappointed to see Ricky kick-out. Austin decides he’s going to add a little insult to injury and hoists Ricky up for a lungblower, which shares a number of similarities to Ricky’s own finisher. Ricky pulls himself up using the ring ropes as Reynolds gets in position. Being a tad impatient, Reynolds goes for the move a few moments earlier than perhaps he should and Ricky holds onto the ropes as Reynolds falls backwards. With Reynolds surprised, Ricky sees an opening a delivers the Ricky Rundown!

Copeland: Out of nowhere; The Ricky Rundown!

Connor: This could be it!

1...2...KICK-OUT! Reynolds is not done yet and fires his arm out with gusto. Ricky cannot believe it and clutches his back in pain from the severe beating it has taken. Ricky though looks for another rush of adrenaline and shakes his fist to get the crowd fired up. With the pain numbed, Ricky looks to deliver his swinging neckbreaker for a second time in the match. Austin is to his feet and Ricky comes at him full force. He swings round, but he swings back again as Reynolds counters; EGO CRUSHER! The crowd has the life sucked right out of it as the finishing move comes from nowhere. With Reynolds still groggy, he cannot capitalise on the finisher immediately, buying Ricky a precious few moments to recover....but will they ultimately mean anything? The referee begins to count both men, but Reynolds crawls into a cover. He hooks the nearest leg. 1...2...FOOT-ON-THE-ROPES! The crowd roars with approval.

Cohen: What does it take to keep this brat down?

Connor: I’m not sure Jack, but those extra few seconds of recovery time probably helped.

Staring at the referee, Reynolds insists that was three, but the official points the foot out to him. Dropping to his knees, Reynolds is close to breaking down. Ricky now stirs also. Both men begin to get to their feet. Austin is to his feet first, but remains highly frustrated with Ricky’s refusal to stay down. He glares at the referee as Ricky begins to crawl to try and get away. Austin shakes his head, stomps on Ricky and then stands over him, getting ready for the grand finale to this match; Ratings Killer! Reynolds implores Ricky to rise into position so he can perform this coup de grâce. Now fully irritated and agitated, Reynolds decides to hurry the process up and shoves Ricky into position for his finishing move. Reynolds signals to the audience what he’s about to do, but this momentary distraction, combined with the crowd’s reaction has woken Ricky from his daze. Just as Austin prepares to execute the final move of the match, Ricky starts to struggle. Austin shakes his head out, refusing to go down. But it is all for nothing for Austin as Ricky trips the veteran onto his back and flips forward, creating a bridging pin. 1...2...3! The crowd goes wild, and Reynolds pops out just a second after the three count. He shakes his head, denying this is the result. Whatever false security he had installed is destroyed when the referee raises his former ally’s arm.

Harrys: Here is your winner; RICKY RUNN!

Cohen: Wait...WHAT?

Copeland: Ricky Runn wins with a roll-up out of nowhere!

Connor: Austin Reynolds was on the precipice of victory but Ricky Runn snatched his win from the jaws of defeat.

Reynolds sits on his knee, his head in his hands, and a flurry of emotions thriving within him. Ricky gets to his feet, still groggy from the match, Reynolds also gets to his feet, fresher than his protégé, but far more emotional drained. He stares right into Ricky’s eyes, the latter unable to move too much out of pain.

Connor: Come on Austin you lost fair and square, accept it.

Cohen: Any man who dominated a match only to be humiliated with a roll-up of all things is going to be irritated. It’s wrestling law y’know.

Austin shoves the match official to one side and stands right up to Ricky, offering a few words to Runn. The crowd is nervous and unsure as to what is coming, but that all washes away when Austin takes a pace or two back, and extends his arm. Ricky looks out to the crowd who implore him to take it, though they themselves don’t know what this could entail. After some hesitation, Ricky takes his hand and they shake briefly, before Ricky pulls Austin in for a full-blown hug. The crowd cheers as loud as possible in recognition of the respect shown. After a few moments, the hug too is broken and Austin raises Ricky’s hand high for all to see. Ricky mouths thank you at Austin before falling onto his back and rolling out of the ring, leaving Reynolds alone in the ring to soak up the atmosphere.

Copeland: I believe we just witnessed one man in Austin Reynolds passing the torch to another man in Ricky Runn tonight.

Cohen: Respect is a hard fought for commodity, and I think Ricky just fought his way to Austin’s.

As Ricky continues to applaud the entire way up the ramp, never taking his eyes off the ring, Austin stays in the ring and nods, applauding the audience. He points to the crowd and mouths thank you many times before he too exits the ring and makes the long walk up the ramp.

Connor: I think Austin Reynolds just showed that deep down; he respects this crowd and all fans too.

”The following match is held under Falls Count Anywhere rules where anything goes and pinfalls or submissions can happen anywhere in the building!”


“On his way to the ring, from Washington DC, he is the current King for a Day, John Constantine!”

“It’s noticeable that there is no King for a Day Briefcase by the side of the Power Trip.”

“He probably doesn’t want Steven Holmes to steal it!”

“Or use it as a weapon like Constantine did at Kingdom Come!”

“What horrible accusations! How dare you!”

Constantine emerges to a roar but as he poses at the top of the ramp, the atmosphere turns to significant booing as Stevens Holmes tears out and clubs Constantine across the back! The King for a Day falls to the floor but it provides no respite as Holmes is quick to start choking out his former ally. Holmes takes off his jacket and wraps it around the neck of the Power Trip. The jacket becomes a leash of sorts as Holmes pulls Constantine down the ramp! As they approach the ramp, Constantine is sent shoulder first into the ring steps!

“Steven Holmes has sneak attacked the King for a Day!”

“And he is obliterating the Power Trip at ringside!”

Holmes glares at the wreckage caused by his first actions of the match and sneers. He drags Constantine around the edge of the ring and then shoves him into the ring. He follows at his own leisure. When he gets there, he finds Constantine ready to fight, he swings wild haymakers from his knees but Holmes fires back with jabs of his own. Holmes backs off but comes off the ropes and hits a running knee strike to the face of the Power Trip! Holmes covers, 1...Constantine kicks out. Holmes picks up Constantine and takes him to the nearby corner. Holmes goes to whip him across the ring but Constantine reverses it and sends Holmes into the corner with a massive whiplash! Constantine follows up with a massive splash!! Holmes stumbles out and Constantine takes the time to hit a fallaway slam that sends Holmes out of the ring via the bottom rope!!

“Constantine has recovered from that brutal initial assault!”

“This is becoming a war and neither man are giving an inch.”

Constantine gets out to the ring eventually and goes for a cover, 1....2....Holmes kicks out on the outside. Holmes crawls away but Constantine is aware of this. He grabs him and whips him into the ringside barrier and Holmes crashes through it, landing on some of the front row! Constantine goes after him but looks satisfied with his handiwork. Holmes is trying a find a way out but is struggling to escape the crowd. Constantine catches up to him but gets a face full of liquid as Holmes has grabbed some beers from the crowd and thrown it at his foe. Holmes seizes back the advantage by hitting a German suplex to Constantine on the buildings’ floor!! Holmes screams for the official as he leans over for a cover, 1....2....Constantine kicks out barely. Holmes’ face is a picture of rage, he sets up for the Imperial Impaler but Holmes can’t lift Constantine. Holmes batters away at the back of his opponent but Constantine drops his to his knees and hits a low blow to Holmes to a great cheer!

"Oh come on!! That's not fair!"

"Are you kidding?"

Constantine takes a second before dragging Holmes around through the crowd. They reach the ringside area on the opposite side of the ring from where Holmes’ back broke the barrier and Constantine has a great smile on his face as he throws his enemy over the ringside barrier. The force of the throw sends him underneath the ring. Constantine eventually gets over the barrier himself. He drags Holmes by his ankles but as he does, Holmes comes out swinging. A big punch catches Constantine square in the face and he has the leg of a chair in the other hand!

“Hey, what was that!”

“Oh no, that couldn’t be!”

“It was!”

As Constantine falls back, it becomes very clear that it was no normal punch. Constantine is bleeding from above the eye! Holmes eventually stands up and with great pride, he shows off the weapon that created the damage, brass knuckles glisten in the lights of the arena before discarding the knucks onto the floor. Holmes crawls over to the incapacitated Constantine and pummels him with punches that target the busted open forehead. With blood over his hands and body he stands, reveling in the attention as the crowd boo loudly but Holmes is satisfied. He leans down to pick up the chair that he brought into the match and as he raises it above his head, he takes the time to revel in his dominance. He yells at Constantine who is trying to move, he raises the chairs’ edge but before he can drive it down, Constantine meets it in mid-air. The two men struggle in a pure battle of physical strength and will. Holmes is putting all his weight into driving the chair but Constantine won’t allow it. Holmes stomps a boot into the midriff of the Power Trip and the resistance ends there. Holmes is frustrated and throws the chair into the ring.

“The brass knuckles hand the advantage back to Steven Holmes!”

“The Power Trip is a wreck, a crimson mask! Holmes is dismantling him”

“Constantine is desperately trying to push through this!”

Constantine moves away but Holmes is on top of him again. This time, Holmes locks in a sleeper hold but Constantine is fighting strongly. Constantine tries to take a step back and forcing Holmes’ back into the ringside apron but Holmes doesn’t break the hold. Eventually he drops down, forcing Holmes to release the hold. Holmes is aggressive again, this time he sets again for the Impaler but Constantine back body drops him out of it! The Power Trip seems revitalised as he sees his foe clutch his back on the ringside flooring. The crowd roar again as the Power Trip pounds the ring from the outside. He can be heard encouraging Holmes to get to his face, daring him to face his wrath. When Holmes does, he is sent head first into the steel ring post! Holmes is busted open and blood pours down his face!

“John Constantine has returned the favour; Steven Holmes is busted open now!”

“The Power Trip has been electrified by the support of this crowd!”

The Elite is then taken down with a huge backbreaker that shows off Constantine’s tremendous power and energy. With Holmes in trouble, he doesn’t go for a cover. Instead Constantine takes off the top of the announce table and gestures towards it. The reception he gets back is encouraging him to continue his plans. He picks up Holmes and throws him onto the top of the table. The Power Trip follows, taking his time to get his footing right. Soon both men are on the tabletop. Constantine is standing and Holmes is on his knees. The King for a Day goes for Collateral Damage but Holmes collapses, burying his arm into Constantine’s groin! Devious low blow by Holmes!

“Haha that crowd noise that has disappeared, just like Constantine’s manhood!”

Holmes tries to immediately go for the Impaler but the match begins to take its toll and he can’t lift Constantine up. Using the same tactic from earlier, he pounds the back of the Power Trip to try and cancel his strength but it doesn’t seem to work as Constantine seems like he is trying to disrupt Holmes by lifting Holmes off of the table but with Constantine still in between his legs, the Elite jumps and forces all of his weight down on Constantine’s head and neck! The Power Trip is stunned and Holmes doesn’t stop there as he uses his knee to land a series of strikes to the side of the head. Blood from both men flies across the table.

“The blood and sweat that these warriors are putting into this match is now finding its way onto our announce table!”

"I'm getting out of here!"

With Holmes looking exhausted, he tries to lift Constantine again. The bigger man has nothing left to give and Holmes can drop the Power Trip with the Imperial Impaler! The table buckles spectacularly as the two bodies crash through it. When the wreckage settles, Holmes can just about crawl across but Constantine is surrounded by monitors and shards of wood and Holmes has to negotiate the debris. When he eventually locates the shattered body of Constantine, he lays an exhausted arm across his torso, 1.....2......Constantine kicks out!

“How the hell!”

“Stunning kickout by John Constantine! Tremendous guts!”

“Piledriver through the table and he still doesn’t quit!!”

“It’s damn remarkable! What does Steven Holmes have to do!?”

Holmes is almost too tired to realise what has happened. He crawls away from Constantine who is barely moving. He heads towards the ring and grabs the chair that he discarded earlier. Slowly he pulls it into his midriff. He turns to see Constantine barely on his feet. He stalks the Power Trip as he recovers and when he is barely vertical, Holmes steams forward with the chair raised above his head. Before Holmes can strike his former partner, Constantine hits the Axis of Evil, landing the Elite superstar on the wreckage that had previously buried the reigning King for a Day. It puts Constantine in prime position to cover his tortured nemesis,

“Spinebuster by Constantine!!”

“Will that do it?!”

1......................2.............................Holmes kicks out!!!

“How on earth did Steven Holmes get the strength to kick out of that!!!”

“He’s Elite, he was born with the strength and will to win!!”

Constantine didn’t hook the leg or use his weight properly so Holmes’ escape was easier than it should have been. Nonetheless Holmes showed a remarkable ring sense in his efforts to escape the pinfall. The Power Trip tries to gather his strength once more with the crowd roaring him on. The exhaustion and blood loss is becoming a massive factor in this match and the victor will be the one best able to deal with those factors. Holmes is still on the floor and Constantine is able to get up. He sees the steel chair and grabs it keenly. He places it on the ringside flooring and grabs Holmes. Constantine sets for Collateral Damage that would land Holmes on the chair but he turns his back and Holmes sends his former associate into the ringside apron. Constantine tries to come back but Holmes sees his charge and dives under his desperate attempt of a clothesline. He manages to pick up the chair in one movement and as they stop and turn, Holmes has the key advantage. He wields it with menace and without any hesitation, he instinctively swings the chair and connects the chair with Constantine’s skull using fierce accuracy! The chair is dented and Constantine is out cold. Holmes collapses on him as he is totally spent, 1.....2.....3! Holmes gets the win!!

“John Constantine took just about everything that Holmes threw at him, low blows, brass knucks and a piledriver through our table!

Your winner by pinfall, The Elite, Steven Holmes!!!

“But in the end, Steven Holmes had to break a steel chair over his skull to get the win!”

“But he did win. Steven Holmes is an Elite talent and he understands better than anyone that you do need to win because winning is all that matters!”

“It was a disgusting tactic but one that works a treat for Steven Holmes!”


Rush is walking through the backstage area, harassing every person he can find and yelling at them if they've seen the Dragon recently. Most are intimidated by his aggressive nature but no-one has the answer that Rush is looking for.

Copeland: Will the Dragon show up to fight for his Eurasian championship?
Harrys: The following contest is an open challenge match for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!


Harrys: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Sam Smith, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 322 lbs, he is the EurAsian Champion, Rush!

Rush walks out from behind the curtain and stares at the crowd. Sam Smith appears next behind Rush and they both slowly walk to the ring. Smith has a smile on his face, but Rush does not appear too pleased as he climbs into the ring. Rush paces around in the ring and raises his arms drawing boos from the live crowd.

Copeland: The controversy surrounding the EurAsian Championship has resulted in the new disputed champion Rush having his belt stolen by the previous EurAsian Champion, Black Dragon.

Cohen: What are you talking about disputed Seabass? Rush easily defeated Matt Tastic at Meltdown 75. Plus he’s the greatest wrestler in this companies history.

Connor: Says Rush and Rush alone. And he didn’t defeat the previous EurAsian Champion, Black Dragon was stripped of the title. Until Rush beats Dragon I won’t consider him EurAsian Champion and others may not either.

The crowd boos as Rush now holds a mic.

Rush: Next week on Meltdown, after I defeat some chump challenger here tonight, I’m going to unveil a new EurAsian Championship belt. One that this company and you mindless fans can appreciate. I am a Champion of wrestling, not of entertainment, and not of criminal activities. If Black Dragon is here tonight, I am ordering him to step into this ring and face his fate and bow down to me as his superior.

Rush pauses as the crowd breaks out into Black Dragon chants. When it’s become apparent that Black Dragon is not coming, Rush speaks.

Rush: Fine then, he is nothing but a coward. Then let’s have some other mindless fool face me. Who is brave and stupid enough to get into the ring with me?

Rush turns and stares down the aisle waiting for his challenger.


The crowd pops at The Masked Gentleman walks out on stage. He points to the audience and then to Rush in the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Paris, France, weighing 175 lbs, Le Gentleman Masqué!

The Masked Gentleman climbs into the ring and Rush shakes his head, clearly not impressed by his challenger. The Gent readies himself in the ring as the bell sounds. The Gent starts hoping around in the ring, stretching his legs in the process. Rush stares at his opponent and does not move, opting for The Gent to come to him. The Gent continues to hop around in the ring, occasionally bouncing towards Rush before moving back before Rush can react. Rush watches Gents feet and at the right moment steps on his foot as he bounces forward, trapping the much smaller opponent. Gent tries to free his foot and then looks at Rush towering over him. Gent takes his hand and Slaps Rush hard against the face. Rush takes his foot off Gent’s, but doesn’t move back. The Gent goes for another Slap. Rush grabs the hand and blocks it. He lifts The Gent over his head into a Military Press position. The Masked Gentleman wiggles free and slides down the back of Rush. Gent leaps onto Rush’s back and has a Sleeperhold locked in. Rush tries reaching back to pull The Gent over and off, but can’t grab the slippery opponent. Rush starts to swing his body around, hopping to throw off The Masked Gentleman. The Gent does go flying off, but rotates in mid air and does a perfect cartwheel in the ring, ending up near a corner. Rush charges at his opponent. The Gent moves out of the way and Rush crashes chest first into the corner. Rush turns around and The Gent hits a Throat Thrust on him. Rush stays against the corner. The Gent leaps onto the second rope nearby and just gets high enough to hit a Springboard Roundhouse Kick. The move still doesn’t take Rush off his feet. The Gent quickly follows with two Knife Edge Chops. Rush grabs him by the head and pushes him backwards. Masked Gentleman rolls backwards and up onto his feel. He runs at Rush going for a Leg Lariat. Rush bring his arms up and catches The Gent and then throws his body back to the mat.

Copeland: A lot of offense hit early on by The Masked Gentleman, but with Rush being almost twice the size of him it’s having very little effect on his opponent.

Cohen: The Gent is putting on a nice show so far, but that’s what he is, an entertainer. Rush is a true wrestler and that is why he will win.

Rush is still against the corner as The Gent gets to his feet. The Gent runs at Rush and is met with a Big Boot. The Masked Gentleman is knocked to the mat and Rush slowly bends down and picks him up. Rush lifts The Gent off his feet and Bodyslams him to the mat. Rush picks him up again and hits a second Bodyslam and then follows that with a third one. The Gent holds his back in pain as Rush leans against the corner and rises to the second rope. Rush jumps off the corner and lands a Fist Drop on his opponent. Rush with the cover. 1... 2.. The Gent kicks out. Sam Smith applauds at ringside as Rush slowly gets to his feet. He grabs The Gent by the back of his mask and lifts him up into a sitting position and hits him in the face, knocking him to his back. Rush lifts The Gent up again and repeats the same attack. Rush then raises his arm and drops an Elbow on the neck of his opponent. The Gent rolls over onto his stomach in pain and Rush plants a foot on his back. Rush stares at the audience and then steps on The Gent, walking over him. The crowd is booing Rush loudly as he stares at the audience. Rush grabs The Masked Gentleman and lifts him to his feet. He squeezes his opponents back and lifts him off the ground and has The Gent trapped in a Bearhug.

Cohen: There is no way the 175 lb Gent is going to escape the clutches of the over 350 lb Rush. Mark it down on the website, Rush is about to retain.

Connor: Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched Jack. The Masked Gentleman always has a trick up his sleeve and it may save him in this match.

The Gent grabs onto Rush’s shoulders trying to squeeze his way out the top. The powerful Rush is not letting go and continues to squeeze harder. The Gent lowers his head in pain. The ref tries to grab his arm to check if he’s out cold, but The Gent shows he’s still alive by continuing to shake off the ref. The Gent tries to pull Rush’s head forward and starts to hit some Elbows to the back of his opponents head. Rush is still not letting go and in a last ditch effort, The Gent grabs at Rush’s face trying to block as much air as possible for Rush to breath in. The giant is now beginning to teeter and lose grip. The Gent senses Rush falling forward and grabs onto his head. DDT hit by The Gent as both bodies go crashing onto the mat. Both opponents lie on the mat as the ref begins to count to 10. At 4 both men are on their knees. At 7 The Gent is to his feet and on 8 Rush has used the ropes to get to his feet. Rush turns and is met with another Slap from The Gent. Before he can grab him, The Gent turns around and runs to the ropes. The Gent bounces back and Rush goes for a Big Boot. The Gent ducks underneath the boot and turns around and hits a Clothesline to the back of Rush’s leg, taking the big man to his knees. Rush tries to get back to his feet and The Gent hits a low Dropkick on the Champion. The move again brings Rush down to his knees. The Gent gets in front of Rush and repeatedly kicks him in the midsection. After enough shots, Rush bends down over with his one arm holding him up. The Masked Gentleman takes a few steps back and then runs and leaps onto Rush’s head, hitting a Running Curb Stomp.

Connor: The Masked Gentleman hit his finisher!

Copeland: Could we be looking at an upset?

The Gent rolls Rush over and lies over him for the pin. 1... 2... Rush throws The Gent off him and onto the mat. The Gent can’t believe Rush kicked out with that much force. The Gent walks over to the corner and climbs up to the top rope. He is standing on the turnbuckle when Sam Smith hops onto the apron. The Gent sees him and is able to kick him off before he can do any damage. He sees Rush is on his feet and leaps at him with a Dragonrana. The Gent swings backwards to flip Rush into a pin, but the stronger opponent does not let The Gent complete the move. He holds The Gent upside down before lifting him onto his shoulders. Rush turns to the middle of the ring and hits a Rushing Powerbomb. Rush goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and still EurAsian Champion, Rush!

Rush gets up with a serious look on his face. The ref raises his arm, but he soon pulls it away from the ref and gets to his feet. He starts kicking and pushing The Masked Gentleman out of the ring and lets him fall to the floor.

Copeland: Rush with a victory here tonight does not seemed satisfied with his win.

Cohen: Because it was no challenge to him. There was no doubt in my mind that Rush would win this match. The size difference was too much for The Gent to overcome.

Rush goes towards the ring announcer and demands for the mic. Harrys Truman hands him the mic and Rush speaks.

Rush: Did you see that? I decimated this so called challenger. This is the best WZCW can provide me. No this is unacceptable. Black Dragon, I know that you are here you coward. Come out now and face me. I will not leave this ring until I get a chance to fight you right here right n...

The lights dim as the drum beat plays from Soul of the Shadow. A spotlight shines on the stage and the crowd pops loudly as Black Dragon appears with the EurAsian Title.

Harrys: Introducing, from the Halfway House, weighing in at 180 lbs, Black Dragon!

Connor: Black Dragon is here. He has come to accept Rush’s challenge.

Black Dragon walks slowly down the ramp. He stares at Rush in the ring and Rush looks down at Black Dragon and chuckles. Dragon raises his hand and the lights come back on. The fans in the front row have been replaced with men dressed up as Black Dragon. Rush and Smith look around and notice that they are surrounded by Black Dragons.

Copeland: Well it looks like there’s no way out for Rush. There will be a winner here tonight between these two.

Dragon hops onto the apron and straddles through the ropes. Rush gives Dragon no time to enter and hits him with a knee that puts him back through the ropes and onto the apron. Rush lifts Dragon to his feet and starts clubbing him in the back. Rush puts Dragon’s arm over his neck and goes for a Suplex. He has Dragon up vertically and is about to drop backwards. Dragon spins in midair and lands on his feet. He grabs Rush’s waist and goes for a Rollup pin. Rush grabs onto the ropes and stops it. Dragon lets go and grabs onto his opponents neck. Sleeper Drop from Dragon to Rush. Rush crashes to the mat and Dragon rolls him up. 1... 2.... Rush kicks out! Rush gets to his knee and Dragon kicks him square in the chest. Dragon winds back and kicks him again and again and again.

Copeland: The former champ has the new one on the ground. Can he finish him off?

Dragon steps back and then goes to deliver a fourth kick. Rush dodges the kick and Dragon half spins around. Rush stands up and lifts Dragon up from behind. Atomic Drop! Dragon hobbles away and Rush hits him from behind with a clothesline. The crowd boos as Rush starts stomping away on the fallen Dragon. Rush slowly lifts up Dragon to his feet. He grabs Dragon by the neck and Dragon tries to kick at Rush’s let to break the hold. Rush lifts Dragon up and drops him with a Two Handed Chockslam. Rush with the cover 1... 2 Dragon kicks out! Dragon crawls around in the ring and Rush chases after him, stomping on him each chance he can get. Rush grabs Dragon and lifts him off his feet horizontally. Rush walks around the ring carrying Dragon as he elbows at the leg trying to stop Rush. Rush twists his upper body and then spins Dragon. Spinning Sidewalk Slam! Rush with the cover. 1... 2... Dragon kicks out! Rush slowly gets to his feet and Dragon grabs onto Rush’s leg starts jabbing at it. Rush tries to pull Dragon off, but is unable to. He instead starts hitting forearms into the backside of Dragon, the force also going through Dragon and onto Rush’s knee. After 10 strikes Dragon releases his grip and falls to the mat. Rush slowly bends down for the cover. 1... 2..... Dragon kicks out!

Connor: Dragon again kicks out. I don’t think Rush has what it takes to put down the former champ.

Cohen: You got to be kidding CC. Rush has been dominant so far in his second contest.

Copeland: Indeed, his second contest Jack. Rush is a powerful opponent, but his stamina may not be able to handle two contests. Dragon I think is purposefully letting Rush attack him to tire him out.

Cohen: Absurd.

Rush stands up slowly, his knee now showing signs of bothering him. He raises his hands and signals for the end. Rush grabs Dragon by the hand and puts him into a Powerbomb set up. Rush raises his arms and then tries to lift Dragon up. He tries once and can barely get Dragon off the ground. A second time he manages to get Dragon waist high, but then lowers him again. The momentum back down allows Dragon to grab onto Rush’s leg and slowly flip him onto his back. Dragon quickly Stepover-Toeholds the leg of Rush and locks in Shades of Grey.

Connor: Shades of Grey locked in. Rush in the centre of the ring.

Cohen: No this can’t be.

Rush is reaching out for the ropes, but is no where near them. Dragon continues to pull at the arm and Rush is showing signs of passing out. The ref bends over to determine if Rush is unable to continue to compete. That doesn’t happen as Sam Smith slides into the ring and kicks Dragon off Rush. The ref calls for the bell.

Harrys: The winner by disqualification, Black Dragon! However still your EurAsian Champion, Rush!

The crowd boos as Smith continues to stomp on Dragon as Rush slowly crawls out of the ring. Smith continues stomping when all of a sudden the crowd goes silent and Smith looks up to see the ring is surrounded by the mysterious Black Dragons. Smith sees that Rush is slowly escaping up the ramp and he is alone in the ring. Smith calmly tries to tell all the Black Dragon’s that they don’t need to try and attack him. Smith turns to a corner and The Masked Gentleman has returned and is on the top rope. He flies at Smith and hits a Crossbody.

Connor: Sweet revenge for The Gent. Coming to the aid of Dragon.

The Masked Gentleman raises his hands and points to his many masked brothers. Smith stands up bent over and The Gent hits a Running Curb Stomp. Smith bounces off the mat and right back to his feet. Dragon is also to his feet and hits a Northern Lights Driver, Darkness Falls, on Smith. Dragon gets to his feet and looks for Rush who is on the stage ramp watching. Rush finally holds in his hands the EurAsian Title and raises the belt in the air as Dragon stares on from the ring.

Copeland: Dragon won this battle, but I have a feeling the war between these two is far from over.

Cohen: Rush is a true champion, willingly giving Dragon a shot after successfully defending it. Dragon had his rematch, he doesn’t deserve another one.

Connor: Until these two meet one on one again, I don’t think it’s fair to call either of them champion. This title is still under heavy controversy.


We see a victorious Ricky Runn as he walks backstage. He is very content, taking the handshakes of the crew who work behind the scenes. He turns into his dressing room and shuts the door. Suddenly there is a loud crash, a blood-curdling scream and a bang from the door vibrates noisily as it seems something is thrown against it. And there was no noise coming from the room at all.

A large figure clad head to toe in all black rushes from the room. His face is covered and he moves speedily by and no-one sees him as the lights flicker and flash. The camera moves back towards the dressing room and Ricky Runn is laid out on the floor. His nose is streaming with blood and already his eye is tremendously bruised. He tries moving but falls flat. The camera catches some of the destruction in the room as Ricky appears to have been used like some sort of battering.

Out of the blue, a couple of staff come by and raise the alarm. The camera is cut off but not before muffled calls for paramedics are heard.

Harrys: The following contest, is a six pack challenge for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

The crowd pops loudly at the announcement as the fans quickly get to

Drake makes his way out to the top of the entrance stage, the crowd booing him loudly as he stares out towards them. As he walks down the ramp he yells at a few fans at ringside before sliding into the ring, lifting his arms up high into the air to more boos from the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 215 lbs, Drake Callahan!

Copeland: Drake successfully defeated Matt Tastic earlier tonight in impressive fashion. I wonder how much he has in the tank still.

Cohen: Drake is surprisingly one of our most well conditioned wrestlers in WZCW. I don't think he'll have a problem with getting rundown.


S.H.I.T. makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, the crowd boos him as well as he stares down towards the ring, processing everything around him. He walks methodically down to the ring and enters using the steel steps. He stands in one corner as the crowd continues to boo him.

Harrys: And his first opponent, weighing in at 230 lbs, S.H.I.T.

Connor: The former Apostle was victorious yet again over Celeste Crimson earlier tonight. What will it say if a man who believes he's a robot wins the World Title tonight?

Cohen: S.H.I.T. has a great opportunity here. He can adapt to the situation and he'll have five opponents to take maneuvers from if he so wishes to.


Titus makes his way out to a huge pop from the crowd. He points out to the fans before running down the entrance ramp, high fiving fans along the way before sliding into the ring. He hops up onto the second turnbuckle and points out to the fans before lifting his arm up high.

Harrys: Next, weighing in at 225 lbs, this.....is.....Titus!

Copeland: Titus hopes to make history here tonight, by becoming the only man in WZCW history to win the WZCW World Heavyweight Title for the third time.

Cohen: Titus took a hell of a beating against James King though. I don't think he's got it in him to win here tonight.


Barbosa makes his way out to the entrance stage as the crowd erupts in boos for the deranged one. He pays no attention to the fans as he walks slowly down the entrance ramp. A look of determination can be seen across his face as he stares at the men already in the ring. He slides in and leans against the ropes, his eyes moving back and forth between the others.

Harrys: Their next opponent, weighing in at 237 lbs, Barbosa!

Copeland: Barbosa has a dangerous look on his face tonight. He's certainly the wild card in this match as he's prone to violent outbursts from time to time.

Cohen: The problem is when Barbosa snaps like that he's unable to make clear decisions that lead to a victory. It depends if we get the calculating Barbosa or the psychotic Barbosa. Either one is prone to hurt someone however.


Steven Kurtesy walks out slowly to the entrance stage, the crowd meeting him with loud cheers. Kurtesy smiles briefly to the crowd before bowing deeply to them. He makes his way down the entrance ramp, his smile slowly disappearing as he focuses on the task at hand. He slides into the ring and stands in the center of the ring, bowing to the fans one more time.

Harrys: Next, weighing in at 228 lbs, Professor Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: I don't think this is the rematch that Kurtesy had in mind when looking towards reclaiming the World Heavyweight Title.

Cohen: Kurtesy doesn't have a great track record when it comes to multi man World Title matches. Not to mention he's on a bit of a losing streak as well. I don't see it working in his favor tonight.


The crowd immediately erupts as Showtime's music hits. The champion makes his way out slowly to the top of the entrance ramp, the WZCW World Heavyweight Title wrapped around his waist. He nods his head to the crowd before slapping the front of the title. He begins walking down the ramp, his eyes focused on the five other men in the ring. He hops up onto the apron and climbs to the turnbuckle, unclasping the belt and raising it high into the air while he yells out to the fans.

Harrys: And finally, weighing in at 213 lbs, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Showtime's title was in serious jeopardy on the last Meltdown as Ty Burna used his power to challenge for the title, with Big Dave as referee but with his career in the balance! Dave ended up doing the right thing in his mind, delivering the Checking out to Ty before pulling Showtime over him for the victory.

Cohen: Showtime got very lucky last Meltdown. Ty's manipulations had everything in his favor. Now he faces probably an even tougher task tonight. He must go through five others to retain his title. The odds are certainly not in his favor.

Showtime drops down from the turnbuckle and looks at his opponents before looking down at the World Title. He lifts it up and kisses it before handing it to the referee. The ref raises the title high into the air as the crowd buzzes all around them. The ref hands the belt to the ringside assistant before calling for the bell. The six men stare each other down, deciding on their strategy on when to make a move. Barbosa is the first, going right after Titus and the two begin trading punches. Kurtesy and S.H.I.T. square off, with the good Professor throwing kicks to the legs. Showtime and Drake pick up right where they left off a few weeks back, trading chops back and forth in the corner. S.H.I.T. comes back against Kurtesy, sending the former champion over the top rope and to the outside. The robotic man exits to the outside to continue his attack. He lifts Kurtesy up and goes to whip him into the barricade but Kurtesy reverses and sends S.H.I.T. into the barricade himself. Kurtesy runs forward and hits a hard dropkick and S.H.I.T. drops to the ground. Meanwhile in the ring Titus has gained advantage over Barbosa, connecting with a swinging neckbreaker. Showtime has got Drake tied up in the corner, connecting with repeated chops to the chest. He pulls Drake out from the corner and whips him across the ropes. Drake ducks under a Showtime clothesline but Showtime hits a back body drop on the rebound, sending Drake to the outside. Kurtesy slides back into the ring as the fan favorites stand tall in the ring with the crowd cheering. The three turn towards each other and nod before circling around in the center of the ring, deciding on who to lock up with. Suddenly Barbosa gets to his feet and grabs hold of Kurtesy, sending him flying through the ropes to the outside. Showtime and Titus go to double team Barbosa but gets met with a kick to the stomach for Titus and a hard right to the head of Showtime. Barbosa quickly turns Titus around and delivers an overhead sambo suplex. Titus hits the mat hard and quickly rolls out of the ring. Showtime grabs hold of Barbosa and quickly delivers a reverse neckbreaker. He goes for the quick cover, 1................2............Barbosa kicks out! As Barbosa lays on the mat Showtime quickly ascends to the top turnbuckle. As he steadies himself to deliver an elbow drop, S.H.I.T. suddenly climbs up to the turnbuckle and shoves Showtime off. Showtime hits the mat hard and S.H.I.T. now climbs the turnbuckle. He comes flying off with the frog splash but Barbosa is able to get his knees up. S.H.I.T. crashes hard into the knees and rolls over, holding his midsection while Barbosa slowly regains his feet by leaning against the ropes. Drake comes from out of nowhere and pulls Barbosa's head and neck down across the ropes. Barbosa staggers back holding his throat while Drake gets to the apron and springboards off with a picture perfect dropkick. Drake gets up but before he can go for a cover Kurtesy comes in and hits a spinning wheel kick on him. Kurtesy hooks Drake's leg, 1.............2.........Drake kicks out!

Copeland: There is action going on all over the ring. It's hard to keep up with the pace these six are going at.

Cohen: Showtime and Kurtesy have had a couple pinfall attempts but generally no one has gained an advantage here early on.
Connor: You have to have eyes in the back of your head in this type of match. Most six pack challenges have the tagging out stipulation, but we have always done things a bit differently in WZCW and especially with Ty in charge, this is going to be utter chaos.

Kurtesy lifts Drake to his feet as Titus has now entered the ring. Kurtesy and Titus nod to each other and set Drake up for the double suplex. They connect and Kurtesy quickly goes for the cover, 1............2....Titus pulls Kurtesy off of him. Kurtesy looks up at Titus perplexed by Titus quickly hits a kick to the chest, sending Kurtesy to his back. Titus quickly drops a knee across the forehead and goes for the cover, 1............2......Kurtesy kicks out. Titus is back to his feet but so is S.H.I.T. who spins Titus around and suddenly hits a vicious chop to the top of the head. Titus drops to one knee as S.H.I.T. loads up another chop, reminiscent of the match at Kingdom Come. S.H.I.T. hits another chop and Titus is down to both knees but suddenly grabs hold of S.H.I.T.'s arm on the down swing, using it to brace himself as he gets back to his feet. He kicks S.H.I.T. in the midsection before delivering a huge DDT! The crowd roars its approval but the cheers are ended quickly as Drake comes up from behind Titus and delivers a Tiger Suplex! Titus is down now as Drake stands tall in the ring. Showtime gets back to his feet and Drake is quickly all over the champion, forcing him into the corner before hitting multiple chops to the chest. Drake backs up into the opposite corner and with a burst of speed comes flying with a dropkick, hitting Showtime hard in the face. Showtime drops face first to the mat and Drake quickly rolls him over and goes for the cover, 1.............2.......Barbosa suddenly pulls Drake to the outside, delivering the Mood Stabilizer right into the ring post! It's Drake's turn to be down and out as Barbosa quickly gets into the ring, going for a pin on the champ for himself now, 1................2........Showtime kicks out! Barbosa bounces back up to his feet, stalking the world champion, waiting for him to rise up. As Showtime pulls himself back up, Barbosa lifts him up for the Doppleganger but Showtime floats over and catches Kurtesy who had just gotten up to his feet with a reverse DDT while also hitting a neckbreaker on Barbosa! Showtime gets to his feet and poses as the crowd cheers loudly.

Copeland: I don't think it's wise to be posing for the crowd in this type of match. They can barely get to their feet before another opponent comes in with another attack.

Cohen: Showtime may be playing up to these fans but his arrogance is going to cost him all the same.

Connor: He should have gone for the pinfall right away there. He may come to regret that decision.

Showtime pulls Kurtesy back up to his feet and whips him across to the ropes. Showtime goes for a clothesline but Kurtesy ducks under and stops, delivering a rolling Kesagiri chop right to the side of the head. Showtime stumbles backwards and Kurtesy follows up with a rolling Savate kick. It connects and Showtime is sent through the ropes to the outside. S.H.I.T. is back up however and he hits a clothesline on Kurtesy. He does so again and delivers a third for Mechanical Madness. Kurtesy is down and S.H.I.T. climbs to the top turnbuckle, coming off with a high angle moonsault. He connects and hooks the leg, 1.............2..........Kurtesy kicks out! S.H.I.T. gets up not wasting any time and lifts Kurtesy up, hitting a hard backhand chop, backing Kurtesy into the ropes. He whips him across and delivers a Japanese Arm Drag. Kurtesy bounces back to his feet but S.H.I.T. delivers another arm drag. Kurtesy pulls himself back up in the corner which allows the robot to hit a big clothesline, sending Kurtesy to a sitting position. S.H.I.T. begins delivering stomps to the chest, keeping the good Professor down. S.H.I.T. pulls Kurtesy to the center of the ring and goes for another cover, 1............2........Titus springs into the ring and breaks up the pin! Titus rolls out to the apron as S.H.I.T. gets to his feet, trying to find Titus. Titus springboards off the ropes and goes for a bulldog, but as he catches S.H.I.T. around the neck, Barbosa is back to his feet and catches Titus' legs enough to deliver a powerbomb at the same time. With S.H.I.T. and Titus down Barbosa leans against a corner turnbuckle, all of his opponents now down with Showtime and Drake damaged on the outside while the other three lay prone in the center of the ring. Barbosa goes and kicks Titus and S.H.I.T. out of the ring as he decides to focus on Kurtesy. He lifts him up and delivers an inverted atomic drop and tries to hook an STO but Kurtesy resists, suddenly sliding behind Barbosa and locking in Hypnosis! Barbosa struggles mightily against the hold as the crowd is popping loudly for the submission. Barbosa begins to fade dropping down to one knee as Kurtesy keeps the hold locked in as tight as he can. Barbosa drops to both knees now, barely reaching out for the ropes. His arm begins to lower and his eyes close as he fades even more. The ref begins checking on Barbosa, lifting his arm up once and it drops immediately. He lifts it up once more, again dropping immediately. The ref goes to lift it again but before he can Drake suddenly makes his return into the ring. He wraps his arm around Kurtesy's head and drops him down with a reverse DDT. The hold is broken as Barbosa rolls to the outside. Drake gets to his feet and delivers a standing moonsault, crashing right into Kurtesy. He hooks the leg, 1..............2..........Kurtesy kicks out!

Connor: Kurtesy was just mere moments from becoming champion once again only for Drake Callahan to return from that brutal attack on the outside.

Cohen: Callahan is certainly showing his resilience, as is Kurtesy. He's been involved in the action for some time now, yet he keeps kicking out. It goes to show you CC how bad they all want to win the World Title.

As Drake gets to his feet, Kurtesy finally rolls out of the ring having taken enough punishment. Drake turns and sees Titus and S.H.I.T. brawling on the outside. He turns and bounces off the ropes and goes flying through the ropes, crashing into the other two hard. Drake lands on his feet and holds his arms up as the crowd boos loudly. He grabs Titus and rolls him back into the ring. Drake slides in as well and goes for the cover but Titus surprises him and rolls him up with a small package! 1.............2..........Drake kicks out! The crowd nearly goes wild thinking it was a three count but the ref raises his hand up signaling only two. Drake is up, his eyes wide as he realizes he almost lost the match. He turns towards Titus and swings with a wild haymaker but Titus ducks under and delivers a Norther Lights Suplex! He bridges the suplex and goes for the pin, 1...............2..........Drake kicks out again! Titus steadies himself and gets to his feet as Drake gets up to one knee. Titus suddenly runs forward and delivers The Tit Drop! The crowd is cheering loudly as Titus rolls Drake over and goes for the pin, 1..............2..........Showtime suddenly enters the ring and is able to break up the pin. Titus and Showtime bot get to their feet, they look around and realize everyone else is down around them. Titus motions for the belt and Showtime shakes his head. The two immediately lock up and fight for control. Meanwhile on the outside Kurtesy and Barbosa have begun brawling, the deranged one delivering Duplicity to the former champion onto the mat. S.H.I.T. enters the fracas as well, as he and Barbosa begin brawling wildly on the outside. S.H.I.T. goes to slam Barbosa's head into the announcer's table but Barbosa blocks and delivers a slam of his own to S.H.I.T. Kurtesy pulls himself up using the barricade. He breathes heavily but he slowly climbs up onto the barricade. With one final rush he sprints forwards and springs off, hitting both S.H.I.T. and Barbosa with a big spinning heel kick! All three are down on the outside right in front of the announcer's table while Titus has Showtime in the corner, delivering multiple Kesagiri chops to the champion. Showtime looks dazed as he takes the strikes but is able to catch Titus's arm and spin him into the corner. He delivers stiff knife edge chops before backing up. As Titus stumbles forward Showtime comes towards him with a running elbow. Titus ducks under and Showtime hits the corner turnbuckle hard. He turns and stumbles forward, and Titus takes advantage with a huracanrana! He hooks his legs, 1..............2........Showtime kicks out!

Copeland: We've seem to come down to Titus and Showtime for the finale of this matchup. Everyone else is down with S.H.I.T, Barbosa, and Kurtesy all lying prone in front of us right here.

Cohen: Titus and Showtime know each other so well, countering every move into a different one. Barbosa needs to get up and break this up so I can stop praising those two.

Connor: But does anyone have the ability to get back up in time? We've seen all of these men take some damage tonight, there might not be anything left.

Showtime lies prone on the mat as Titus kneels next to him, holding his head as he realizes how close he was to victory. He looks up at the crowd and points towards them first before pointing to the top turnbuckle. The crowd cheers loudly as Titus slowly exits to the apron, climbing up to the top turnbuckle. As he steadies himself, Barbosa suddenly jumps up onto the apron and trips up Titus, causing him to drop down right onto the turnbuckle. As Titus sits prone, Barbosa begins to climb up but Showtime gets to his feet and hits a dropkick, sending Barbosa crashing to the outside once again. The crowd begins buzzing once more as Showtime climbs the turnbuckle with Titus in perfect position for The Final Act! He stands Titus up and drapes his arm over his chest but Titus fights back, hitting Showtime in the midsection multiple times. Showtime staggers and Titus leapfrogs him into the ring. He rushes up and hits a hard forearm to the side of the head before turning Showtime around and sitting him on the turnbuckle. Titus climbs the ropes and sets up for a top rope huracanrana but suddenly Drake comes flying in, shoving Titus off the top rope and to the outside. Titus comes crashing down onto the three others who had just gotten back up in front of the announcer's table! Drake suddenly wraps his arm around Showtime's neck while on the top turnbuckle. Showtime struggles against it and is actually able to counter, lifting Drake up into the air in a suplex position. Drake is able to get a knee to the top of Showtime's head and floats back over onto the top rope. He lifts Showtime up and delivers a top rope Hangover! The back of Showtime's head hits the mat hard as does Drake's! The crowd is stunned at what just happened, but begin booing loudly as Drake crawls over to Showtime, draping an arm over his chest, 1.................2...............3!


Cohen: He did it! Seabass he did it!

Copeland: I can't believe what we just saw! Drake just pinned Showtime after a devastating top rope brainbuster!

Cohen: Drake rose above the conspiracies against him tonight and claimed the World Title! No one can hold him down anymore!

Drake slowly rolls over onto his back as the referee raises his arm up. Drake gingerly gets to his feet, holding his hand to his back until the referee hands him the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Drake holds it high into the air before dropping to his knees, staring at the title that is now his. As bodies are strewn across the outside and Showtime remains motionless yet breathing in the ring, Drake stands tall above them all, lifting his newly won title high into the air as the crowd boos him mercilessly. He ignores the boos as a defiant looks forms on his face.

Copeland: Drake has achieved his goal finally, but at what cost of his personal life and his relationships?

Connor: I don't think he cares about any of that anymore.

Cohen: She said it best Seabass, nothing else matters but the World Title to him, and now he's achieved just that!

Drake drops down and rolls out of the ring, draping the World Title over his shoulder as referee and medical personnel check on the other five men. Drake stops at the top of the entrance stage and turns around, hoisting the World Title high into the air once again and letting out a roar.

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championship!


Harrys: Introducing first, the challengers, weighing in at a combined weight 468 pounds, the team of Action Saxton and Saboteur...Two Angry Wrestlers!

Saxton and Saboteur appear at the top of the stage to a thunderous ovation. Their normal entrance routine is abandoned for a focused and businesslike demeanor, as they all but charge the ring with eyes faced forward. They enter the ring simultaneously and the crowd cheers for them once more. They briefly acknowledge the crowd with small smiles, but they soon have their eyes trained on the entrance ramp, ready and waiting for their opponents.

Copeland: WZCW's favorite dynamic duo definitely seems to have a lot more on their minds this week than just having fun. They want to be champions, and more over, they want to take out a lot of anger on Strikeforce.

Cohen: How anyone can take these morons seriously as a tag team is beyond me. They're liable to fall apart at any moment! Do I need to remind you people that just at Kingdom Come, these two were at each other's throats?

Connor: They're two of the most passionate men in WZCW, Jack. When they turned that passion against one another, it was a classic Kingdom Come match. Now, with that passion turned to anger - and turned outward - I think all of WZCW needs to be on notice.


Harrys: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 538 pounds, the team of James Howard and Mikey Stormrage...Strikeforce!

Howard and Stormrage appear at the top of the stage with their eyes trained forward. The crowd's response is mixed - many boo thanks to Strikeforce's recent comments and actions, but some others hang on to the team that just recently electrified them at Kingdom Come. Strikeforce ignores all of them, walking down the ring as if unaware of the crowd, and equally unaware of each other, as they simply walk stiffly without acknowledging anything. They climb into the ring separately, Howard heading directly in while Stormrage pauses on the apron to stare out, expressionless, at the gathered fans.

Copeland: Certainly a strange turn of events for Strikeforce since becoming champions, as they have seen their personal and professional lives disintegrate quite publicly over the last several weeks.

Cohen: Yeah, yeah, don't give me the sob story, Seabass. What I've seen is these two finally find some attitude since TLC, and I couldn't be more happy about it.

Connor: You just might be the only one, Jack, as all of WZCW is certainly disappointed with what we've seen out of Strikeforce lately.

The referee takes the belts from Strikeforce as they reluctantly unstrap and hand them over. He presents them to the champions first, then to the challengers, and finally once more to the crowd before handing them off to a member of the ring crew. He separates the teams into their corners and checks both sides for anything illegal on their persons. Satisfied, he sees that one of them steps out - Howard chooses to represent Strikeforce to begin, Saboteur for he and Saxton - and signals for the bell. It rings and this contest is underway.

Howard and Saboteur circle each other to begin, both of them cautious. They get into a hesitant lock up before Howard backs up warily. He takes a step too many and seems to bump into his partner, jostling Stormrage off the apron. Stormrage pops back up to the apron and has words for Howard. With Howard distracted, Saboteur simply sets up and waits for him to turn, and when he does he meets him with a big European uppercut that takes him off his feet. He follows him down to the mat and wrenches in a headlock. Howard has enough wherewithal to get to a vertical base quickly and shoves Saboteur into the ropes, using them to leverage breaking out of the hold. He sends Saboteur flying into the ropes and readies himself. On the rebound, Saboteur takes him down with a stiff shoulder block. Saboteur hits the ropes again and Howard rolls over and gets to all fours, but Saboteur simply leaps over and rebounds again. Howard rapidly gets to his feet and Saboteur has an armdrag for him that takes him to the mat, and he hangs on with an arm wrench. He pulls Howard to his feet and tag in Saxton with the arm wrench still on. Saboteur backs up and whips Howard toward Saxton on the apron, and Saxton ducks through and spears Howard through the ropes. Howard staggers away and Saxton comes through the ropes to meet him with a punching combination. He grabs hold of his arm after and then takes him to the corner to tag in Saboteur. Saboteur comes in and grabs the other arm, and the pair double whip Howard into the ropes. They drop to a knee and elbow him in the gut on the rebound. They whip him over to a sitting position, stand, and nail him with the signature double roundhouse kick!

Copeland: Saxton and Saboteur are rolling through the early stages here and look like a well oiled machine.

Cohen: A well oiled machine? These idiots are just as likely to get distracted by a shiny piece of foil or a bright red ribbon as they are to continue wrestling! They're a joke!

Saboteur goes for a pin while Saxton exits the ring, getting one, two, but only two. Saboteur pulls Howard to his feet and brings him in close, and Howard desperately fights out with an improvised jawbreaker, smashing Saboteur's face into his shoulder. Saboteur staggers away and Howard spears him into the corner, motioning to tag in Stormrage. They take a while about it, Stormrage looking reluctant, and Howard has words for him. When they finally tag in, Saboteur has recovered himself and smashes an elbow into Howard's face while using his other to knock Stormrage off the apron. Saboteur gets hung up fighting Howard and Stormrage pulls his legs out from under him on the outside and sends Saboteur crashing to the mat before pulling him out to the outside roughly. Saboteur turns himself around to face Stormrage and Stormrage charges with a huge clothesline that sends Saboteur crashing to the ground outside! Stormrage gloats for a moment before tossing Saboteur back in and tagging in his partner. Saboteur struggles to a sitting position and Howard kicks him in the back. He tags Stormrage back in and holds Saboteur while Stormrage drops a knee into Saboteur's back. Stormrage drops an elbow into Saboteur's neck and continues to beat on him for a bit before lifting him up, elevating him, and dropping him across the ropes, nailing a stun gun T-bone suplex! Stormrage opts not to go for a pin, instead standing and leaping for a knee drop on Saboteur. He does then go for a pin, getting one, two, but only two. He grabs Saboteur by the head and tags Howard back in. Howard uppercuts Saboteur and Stormrage exits the ring. Howard elevates Saboteur with a vertical suplex and goes for a pin, getting one, two, but only two.

Connor: After an early burst of offense from the challengers, it seems like the champions have gotten their head in the game and are doing a masterful job of cutting the ring in half.

Cohen: Two wrestlers with loads of experience and championship belts are beating the rag tag bunch of would be superheroes? Color me surprised, Cat.

Howard stands up and is distracted by jawing with a fan in the front row. It gives Saboteur enough time to level a kick at Howard's knees that staggers him for a moment. Howard retaliates with a fierce stomp to the head. He picks Saboteur up and smashes his face into the turnbuckle before tagging in Stormrage. He backs up and whips Saboteur into the ropes; on the rebound, he drops down and takes Saboteur's feet out from under him, sending him to all fours. Stormrage follows up with a sick kick to the gut that flips Saboteur onto his back. He gloats for a moment, yelling something at the crowd that draws their displeasure. He then drops to his knees and wrenches in a vicious headlock. After a long minute or so Saboteur is able to fight out to a vertical base and breaks the hold with right hands. Stormrage shoves Saboteur into the ropes; on the rebound, Saboteur catches Stormrage with a big left hook. Stormrage responds with a monster clothesline that erases all of Saboteur's momentum. Stormrage drops down and hangs onto Saboteur's arm while tagging in Howard, who drops an elbow while Saboteur is pinned down. Howard lifts Saboteur to a sitting position and drops a knee into his back, then grabs hold of his arms and lays back, tagging Stormrage in as he does so. Stormrage kicks Saboteur hard in the gut and returns to a vicious headlock. It takes longer than before but Saboteur manages to break out with right hands and hits the ropes with Stormrage doubled over. Saboteur charges on the rebound but Stormrage elevates him, looking for a back suplex...but Saboteur refuses to let Stormrage get him down! He forces Stormrage to take a big step toward a neutral corner...and turns it into a huge shiranui! Both men are down and Saxton is practically screaming for a tag! Saboteur lunges...and makes the tag!

Copeland: And the tables may be turning here as Saboteur finally brings his partner into the match!

Cohen: I wouldn't count on it. They've already effectively eliminated on partner - what stops them from taking out the other?

Saxton is in and he's hot, Stormrage is up and all he gets are punches for his trouble. Saxton hits him with a big spin kick, followed by a chop to the head that sends Stormrage to his knees! Saxton yells and the fans yell with him and follows with a big time buzzsaw kick! Stormrage staggers wildly to his feet and Saxton kicks his legs out from under him, sends Stormrage hanging his head on his knees. Saxton places a kick perfectly on his head. He looks like he's going for a pin but Howard charges in, getting only a leaping spin kick for his troubles! Saxton is hopping mad and screams at Howard as he falls out of the ring. Stormrage tries to take advantage with an attack from behind, but Saxton quickly counters with a high kick that flips him over to the ring apron. He takes a moment to steady himself and Howard charges from behind, but once again Saxton hits him in the face with a big kick that sends him staggering. He then grabs the ropes and brings them down, leaving Howard confused for a moment before he sees Saboteur flying over the ropes to crash into him! The crowd is on their feet with that one as both Saboteur and Howard are down on the outside of the ring. Stormrage charges once more but Saxton defends his position with a high kick, though he stumbles off the apron with it. He slides into the ring and positions himself...Stormrage turns to face him, and Saxton unloads with deadly Black Lightning! He goes for the pin, getting one, two, and three!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners and NEW WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Action Saxton and Saboteur!

Saxton pops up yelling with pride and Saboteur slides to the ring, looking a little worse for the wear but he leans on Saxton's shoulder for support. The referee hands them their new won belts. Stormrage is still rolling around on the mat while Howard is out cold on the outside as a referee tends to him. The new champions beam as they extend their belts to the crowd and walk out slowly arm in arm, soaking in the adulation of the fans.

Copeland: A fast paced and hard fought contest but in the end, new champions were crowned thanks to signature high energy offense.

Connor: And the curse of the tag team championship has struck yet again, dethroning Strikeforce before they could successfully defend, but I don't think we've seen anything close to the last of them.

Cohen: We FINALLY get a decent championship team in and we've already turned the belts over to these loons? There's no hope for this division! No hope!


We see Chris K.O. sitting on a chair in front of a white background, keeping his head bowed and shaking his head, rubbing his hands in anticipation.

It's hard to imagine that one year ago, I willingly accepted to change my life and become a man full of rage. So much so that I decided to join the ranks of the most powerful and dominating stable ever known to WZCW alongside the most evil man to ever step foot inside a squared circle. I was here since the inception of the Chaos and because of me, I helped this cancer grow to a point of almost no return and after it was too late, I saw the light.

K.O. lifts his head and looks straight into the camera.

And now, because of my actions, I have to suffer the consequences. I have to take the burdens that I helped inflict upon this company and destroy every last remaining piece to the puzzle. I am no longer a member of that cause, all the other men who lived under the roof of Chaos have left... all that remains is to restore the peace that once flowed through this place and to remove the one man who started it all: Ty Burna.

K.O. picks up his helmet from the ground and puts it over his head.

I am the White Knight of WZCW and I will save everyone from what evil has spawned upon us. Ty Burna: you are the dead man walking.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening and will be contested as a Casket Match. In this match, the winner will gain control of the Ouija Scroll and, more importantly, control of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling!

Copeland: Well, there you have it, folks. This match has only the very highest of stakes.

Cohen: Can you feel the excitement, CC? This is the main event right here!

Connor: I feel it, Jack. But I have to echo what Seabass has already said. Depending on the outcome of this match, we could see huge shock waves sent through the very core of WZCW.

Copeland: You're right, CC. Finally, Chris KO is given the opportunity to wrestle control of this once great company away from the oppressive clutches of Ty Burna. But on the other hand, Ty will only get stronger if he regains control of his beloved scroll. This could be the final chance.

After a moment, Chris appears from behind the very obtrusive Redemption set. There is a look of steely determination in his eyes as they flicker frantically behind his white knight helmet. Clutching the Ouija scroll in one hand, Chris hesitates before pulling the helmet from his features. He hands the helmet off to an official standing close to him before a loud pop begins to circulate the arena. Chris steadies himself before beginning to move down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 212 pounds, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He is the White Knight of WZCW... Chris KO!

A huge pop goes up as Chris makes his way down the ramp. As he reaches the bottom of the structure, his fate awaits him. The large wooden casket, lined with steel frames and handles lies before him. He stands for a moment, looking at what may await him. After a second he goes around the casket and climbs the steps into the ring. He bounces off of the ropes before giving the crowd a small token of thanks as the lights go down in the arena once more.

Connor: Chris KO stands on the verge of taking control of this company from Ty Burna finally. The stakes literally cannot get any higher for Chris. This is, and possibly will be forever, the biggest match of his career.

The mood of the crowd completely changes as the demonic and twisted entrance of Ty begins. After a few moments, he appears on the stage, accompanied by large plumes of smoke and fire to each side of him. The stage lights up under the harsh light of fire as Ty stands in the middle of the stage. After a few more seconds, Ty begins to move down the ramp, not letting his eyes leave Chris KO for a second.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 pounds, from parts unknown. He is the Master Of Chaos and the owner of WZCW... Ty Burna!

Ty continues to move down the ramp as some of the braver fans on the ramp begin to hurl verbal abuse at him. Undeterred by what he is hearing from around him, Ty continues to walk methodically towards his fate. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he places a soft hand on the casket that waits for one of the two men. For a second there seems to be peace between the man and the object as Ty closes his eyes, embracing everything. After a moment, he opens his eyes and moves from the casket, climbs the stairs and enters the ring. The referee gives Ty a talking to before taking the Ouija Scroll from Chris and holding it aloft. He then passes it to a stage hand before signalling for the bell.

Connor: Well, here we go. The future of WZCW rests on the shoulders of Chris KO. Can he wrestle control of the company away from Ty?

Cohen: I'd say he has a better chance of hitting the jackpot on the lottery, CC.

Copeland: Let's not forget that Ty has taught Chris everything he knows, he was the perfect student of the game. Make no mistake, Chris is ready for this match.

A huge roar goes around the arena as both men make their final preparations for the match before taking a moment to stare the other man down. Good meets evil for the ultimate stakes as both men stand across the ring from the other, silently contemplating how they are going to approach this effort. After a further moment, both men begin to circulate the ring, neither man wanting to take his eyes off of the other. Eventually, both men tie up in the middle of the ring. There is a struggle as both men look for the momentum in the very early stages of the match. But after a few seconds, it is Ty who comes away with the victory as he pushes Chris away with great force, causing him to tumble to the canvas. Ty gives a wry smile to Chris as he makes the most of his early advantage. Chris gets to his feet before circulating the ring again. As both men tie up once more, it is Chris who gets the better of the tie up. He pushes Ty away and causes him to hit the turnbuckle in the near corner. Chris allows a small smile to appear in the corner of his mouth as Ty snarls at the aggression shown to him. Ty rushes at Chris, locking up for a third time in the match. The fight in both men's body will not allow them to be defeated this time. But it is Ty who breaks the stalemate with a swift knee to the gut of Chris. With Chris bent over momentarily in pain, Ty takes this time to land a beautifully executed kick to the back of his head. Chris hits the canvas with a thud before rolling onto his back and shooting back to his feet. Ty smiles once again as Chris rushes at him, his inexperience shining through at this point. Ty waits for Chris to make his move, looking for a heavy lariat. But Ty is a veteran and ducks under the arm of his opponent. Chris turns around as Ty nails him with a kick to the midsection and a DDT to follow. With Chris on the canvas, Ty rolls on top of his opponent before unleashing a verbal assault.

Ty: You could have had it all! You could have taken your place by my side and all of this would have been yours. But you made the ultimate mistake.

Connor: Ty is still fuming that Chris didn't fall into line with The Apostles Of Chaos.

Cohen: Can you blame him, CC? Ty was in control of this company, top to bottom. As soon as Chris KO left the Apostles, you could see the tears at the seams beginning to show.

Copeland: You may be right, Jack. But living with Ty must not have been easy. When he gets on a rant there really isn't much that can be said other than “frightening”.

Ty begins to beat down Chris, landing heavy shots as Chris tries his best to dodge the attacks from the bottom-mount position. Over and over again, Ty lands punches to the face and gut of his opponent. When all hope seems lost, a resurgence in Chris manages to roll Ty over, swapping the roles of the mounted position. This time it is Chris who is going to work on the Master Of Chaos. Just like Ty did only moments earlier, Chris rains down punches, catching Ty with many stiff hay-makers. Ty struggles to break free of the mount but manages to free himself eventually. Both men shoot to their feet once more, looking to turn the tide in their direction. As Chris runs at Ty once more, Ty swings a leg, looking to catch Chris with an unexpected roundhouse kick. But Chris is wise to the move and manages to duck under his leg. He rebounds off of the ropes and on his return catch Ty with an excellent spinning wheel kick. Ty hits the canvas as a huge ovation rises for The White Knight. Chris seems confident now as he strides over to Ty and grabs him by his long, black hair.

Chris: I didn't make any mistake, Ty. The end is near... The legend must die!

Copeland: A little taste of retribution for Chris KO here. He's letting Ty Burna know exactly what he thinks about his regime.

Cohen: Is he crazy!? Look at the expression on Ty's face. If there is one thing that you don't want to do with Ty Burna, it's make him angry.

The words of Chris seems to strike a nerve with most of the people in the arena as another huge cheer echoes around the arena. All of a sudden, a look of intense and psychotic rage builds on the features of Ty. Chris is wary of allowing Ty to build a head of steam though and uses his hold on Ty's hair to his advantage, slamming the back of Ty's head into the canvas with a sickening thud. Chris takes this opportunity to bounce off of the ropes and, upon his return, nails Ty with a running slide dropkick that sends all of the impact and damage into the ribs of The Master Of Chaos. Ty lets a humanly screech out of his mouth in agony as the move connects. Chris gets to his feet once again, knowing that he has to make sure that all of the momentum he builds counts in the end. With that, he looks down at Ty, who is writhing in agony. He ponders his position for a second before looking out of the ring towards the casket that lies closed at the moment. He gives a slight shake of the head and then focusses himself on dealing out more damage to the man he just to adhere to. With Ty still on the canvas, Chris grabs his leg before flipping him over on to his back. With no hesitation, Chris locks in a single leg crab. Again, the yells of Ty fill the arena as Chris begins to put him to work. Ty struggles in the hold, knowing that he has no way of escaping as Chris levers more impact onto the hold. Chris arches his back as Ty reaches for the ropes, knowing that he could possibly use them to get out of the situation, if only for leverage. Slowly but surely, Ty is managing to drag himself across the ring. Chris doesn't look as though he wants to let the hold go but as Ty reaches the bottom rope, he pulls himself towards them and out of the ring. Ty crashes to the mats below as Chris begins to curse his luck.

Copeland: Obviously, there is no other finish to this match other than to put your opponent in the casket and close it over. But you have to feel as though that move will have put Ty in a world of hurt.

Cohen: But if there is one man who can put that hurt behind him and go to another level, then it is the boss of WZCW.

Chris puts both hands on the top rope as he looks down as the ailing body of Ty Burna. As Ty struggles to get to his vertical basis after such a poor start, Chris runs off of the ropes. Ty uses the barricade to support himself as he finally gets himself to his feet. Danger is very much on it's way though as Chris launches himself through the ropes in the direction of Ty. Ty, however, is ready for the attack and manages to quickly evade the oncoming attack. Chris crashes and burns as his head slams against the solid barricade, leaving the imprint of the shape of his head at the point of impact. The crowd takes a sharp intake of breath as both men lie on the mats once again. Ty is the first man to get back to his feet, knowing that the time for change is upon him. Slowly, he moves over to Chris, his feet are unsteady from the start he has made to the event. As he reaches Chris, he grabs his hair before slowly picking him up to his feet. The fans at the barricade give Ty their two cents but Ty is uncaring, tossing Chris into the steel metal pole that surrounds the ring. Chris' head is the first point of impact as blood begins to slowly pour from the forehead of The White Knight. Ty, for the first time in a while, seems happy with his effort. He puts one hand on the apron and bends over, allowing some blood to begin circulating his body again. After a moment, Ty is ready to begin his attack again. He moves over to Chris, knowing that the tide of the match is turning in his direction. Ty pulls his fierce opponent to his feet, his hands being covered in the red blood of Chris as he carries out the action. Ty drags Chris around the side of the ring before tossing him under the bottom rope, his confidence growing with every second that he is in control. Ty moves Truman Harrys out of the way before picking up the chair that he was sitting on. He folds it into as flat a shape as possible and slides under the bottom rope as Chris begins to stir on the canvas.

Connor: I think we all knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before this match went hardcore. The hatred between these two men can't be settled with fists and moves. It can only be settled with a message and slamming the door shut on a casket forever.

Copeland: After an enterprising start to the match, Chris really seems to be slipping further and further out of the light here. He really needs to get some momentum going here or this match may be over quite soon.

Connor: And with weapons coming into play, you can't help but feel that this will help Ty more than anyone else.

Ty moves away from Chris, choosing instead to force the steel chair into the corner of the ring, wedged between the middle and top ropes. Ty moves back towards Chris now that he has completed the task. Chris in on one knee but Ty sees to it that Chris is put back down with a nicely executed kick to the back of his neck. With Chris lying motionless on the canvas now, it is Ty's turn to celebrate the moment a little. He allows a smile to appear on his face before looking down at the bloody mess that is his opponent. Ty raises both of his arms to the crowd in a triumphant manner. With that, a boo the likes of which have never been heard in WZCW takes hold of the arena. Ty revels in the chaos he has created within the crowd as he moves over to Chris once again. Picking his opponent up by the hair, Ty looks to inflict some further damage on Chris. Ty looks at the eyes of Chris as he scans him for emotion. After a silent moment between the two, Ty allows a snarl of aggression to appear once more before whipping Chris into the steel chair in the corner. A loud thudding sound circulates around the arena as Chris allows a yell of pain to escape from his lungs. Immediately, Chris crumbles in the corner of the ring, his back glowing red from the impact. With Chris out of commission in the corner of the ring, Ty moves to the edge of the ring, looking at the casket that rests beneath him. Ty's eyes flicker with emotion as he moves to the edge of the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. He, once more, runs a slender hand across the top of the casket before tossing it open in an exuberant and sudden fashion.

Connor: There you are, folks. We see the first look at the inside of our casket. This will be the resting place for one of the two men in this match.

Cohen: Is it me or did it just get a hundred times more frightening in here?

Copeland: That casket really does have a presence in this match. Chris KO might not be in the most coherent of moods right no but even he'll know that the casket has been opened.

The purple lining of the casket is seen as Ty stares in as if there is no end to the finite space. He scans it in it's entirety, looking up and down the plush purple insides and running a finger up the wooden side as his eyes seem lost in the moment. Ty shakes his head a little, breaking his trance like state. Inside of the ring, Chris KO is getting back to his feet but Ty is aware of it. He slides under the bottom rope and back into the ring. With both men finally on their feet, Ty goes over to Chris, probably looking to put the match to bed. He lands a few heavy punches before swinging a hand again, looking to put Chris down. However, the White Knight of WZCW is wise to the move and ducks under the arm of Ty. As Ty around, Chris seizes the opportunity and kicks him in the gut. There is a stunned air of expectation in the arena as Chris hits The Butterfly Effect! Both Ty and Chris hit the canvas one more time, both of them completely taken out of the equation by the Butterfly Effect. Ty lies face down on the canvas whilst Chris lies on his back, looking up into the rafters with a vacant look on his face. The referee can do nothing but look on as both men take their time to recuperate.

Copeland: The Butterfly Effect on Ty Burna! This match has really taken a turn with that one move.

Cohen: Who would have thought that Ty Burna would have been the one to be out foxed by an opponent?

Connor: With Ty down and out, and the casket lying waiting for someone, you have to feel as though this is the chance that Chris KO needs to take.

The crowd explode into action again, loudly urging their pick for the match to their feet once again. After a few seconds, both men begin to stir and it is Ty Burna who seems to be the one making more of an effort to get to his feet. Ty grabs the bottom rope closest to him and begins to pull himself towards them. Pulling himself to his feet, he seems very unsteady. By this time, Chris KO is on one knee and just trying to regain a vertical basis. Ty takes a deep breath in and then moves towards Chris on shaky legs. As he gets closer, Chris gets to his feet. With a fire in his heart now, Chris aims to take Ty back to the canvas with a spinning lariat. However, it is Ty's turn to utilize his veteran instincts by ducking under the arm of his opponent. As Chris turns back around, Ty nails him with a glorious kick to the ribs of The White Knight. Chris staggers backwards as Ty begins to unleash a flurry of shots to the chest and abdomen of the former Apostle. As Chris' back meets the ropes, Ty looks to take him over the top and onto the outside. Ty runs off of the opposite ropes and looks to nail Chris with a flying kick. But Chris, with absolutely no time to spare, moves out of the way, causing Ty to get hung up on the top rope. With Ty at his mercy, Chris unleashes a devastating dropkick that sends Ty plummeting out of the ring and onto the floor below. With the casket only a few feet away from Ty, the crowd begin to cheer anxiously, just hoping that Chris has the power to stop the oppressive reign of Ty with one action.

Copeland: Once again, this match takes another turn in momentum. I hazard a guess that the stakes and the emotion of this match would be enough to get to anyone. But both men are finding it hard to keep themselves on the up and up right now.

Cohen: All I know is that Chris KO is in the perfect place to finish off Ty Burna. And I can count how many times I have said that about an opponent of Ty's on one hand and have a couple of fingers to spare.

Connor: Jack, you're right. Chris KO has a great opportunity to put WZCW back in the hands of the people that love it. He needs to take this chance.

Chris drops to one knee again but a resurgence of the crowd fuels him to his feet. With his mouth hanging open, the fatigue of the match is clear as day. He slowly moves over to the ropes above where Ty is lying. He looks down at the motionless body of his opponent and then looks directly at the casket. Dropping onto his back, he rolls out of the ring before looking deep inside the interior of the wooden resting place. Chris shakes his head, silently hoping that it will bring him back into the match and clear out some cobwebs. With Ty on the mats, Chris moves over to him and grabs him by the hair. With some effort from Chris, Ty is back on his feet. However, Chris is not giving him any time to recuperate. He takes Ty and slams him, back first, into the steel metal pole that Chris had slammed into only a few minutes previous. Ty lets out a yell of agony and then crumbles back to the mat. With blood still pouring down his face, Chris is struggling to see. But somehow, he continues his attack. He picks Ty up from the mat before walking him over to the casket. The crowd explodes with sheer anticipation as Chris attempts to lift the lifeless body of his former mentor into the casket. Slowly but surely, Chris is managing the feat. He throws Ty over the wood, hoping that the momentum generated will cause Ty to fall over the edge and into the wooden resting place. Unfortunately, his arms cannot generate enough power to send Ty over the edge. Instead, Ty hangs over the edge of the casket, his legs still touching the mat.

Copeland: This could be it, folks!

Connor: Ty is on the very precipice of losing control of his beloved scroll forever and, more importantly, losing control of the company.

Chris gets down on one knee before trying to hoist Ty into the casket. He struggles as his tired arms try to lift Ty the required amount to dump him inside the casket. Slowly, he makes some progress but not enough. As Chris struggles, Ty slowly regains consciousness. He struggles now against the efforts of his opponent, looking down at the purple satin resting place that awaits him should he fail. Ty kicks his legs, hoping to get Chris off of them and after a moment, he does just that. Ty falls off of the casket, a horrified look donning his pale face. Chris turns back to Ty after taking a swift boot to the face. With Chris charging at him, Ty gets to his feet before nailing Chris with a sudden drop toe hold. The move causes Chris' face to collide with the wooden structure as yet more blood begins to gush from his face. Ty, with the help of the apron, begins to pull himself to his feet once again. Even he knows that this match has been a brutal endeavour and a match that will forever shape him. As Chris lies clutching his broken face on the mats, Ty gets to his feet, summoning whatever is left of his courage and guile. He picks Chris up, pulling him close to his own body in the process. Whispering a final insult in his ear, he looks Chris in the eye before throwing him over the top of the casket and into the resting place. The crowd shrieks in anticipation as Ty staggers backwards, the match now very much taking it's toll on him. As he moves nearer to the casket, he raises one hand and grabs the lid, knowing that one movement will end this match forever.

Connor: This is it, folks. This is the moment where Ty Burna finished off this company forever.

Ty pulls the lid down but a hand shoots up from within the casket, stopping it from reaching it's end and finishing the match. Inside, whatever is left of Chris KO will not quit. Both hands are now stuck to the wooden lid as Ty struggles to force it down. After an immense struggle, Chris manages to get to one knee, using his back to force the casket lid open. Ty allows a look of sheer hatred to cross his features as Chris, again, fights back from the edge of losing. With Chris now on two feet once again, Ty battles with him, both men letting each other have what is left of them with stiff shots to whatever part of the body they land upon. After a moment of sheer brawling, Chris takes the initiative and grabs Ty's head before pulling it down onto the wooden edge of the casket. Ty's head opens up as blood begins to coat his face in the crimson colour. Chris grabs Ty and pulls him over the edge of the casket and inside. With Ty on his back, Chris grabs him by his blood soaked hair. Hoisting him to his feet, Chris knows that the end of the match is night. He positions him accurately, looking for The Butterfly Effect! Ty struggles and eventually wriggles free of the move. Chris recoils and upon charging at Ty once more is nailed with the Consecrated Banishment! Chris hits the inside of the casket hard as Ty begins to pick himself up. He slowly makes his way to his knees, deeply lodged within the mess of limbs and blood that now line the large casket's satin base. He looks down at Chris before slowly hoisting himself over the edge. The crowd boo with intense feeling as Ty begins to pick himself up.

Cohen: Ty Burna is still our boss, folks. Don't get me wrong, Chris KO put up a Hell of a fight but Ty is the Master Of Chaos, he revels in this sort of environment.

Copeland: As sad as it is to say this, I think you're right, Jack. Barring a major miracle from Chris KO, this match is as good as over.

There is a hushed appreciation of the moment as Ty makes his way to his feet, catching a glimpse of the defeated figure inside the casket before him. He raises one hand to the lid and begins to pull it down. He gives a small acknowledgement to a worthy foe as the lid gets progressively closer to closing. With that, the familiar figure of Serafina makes an appearance. Wasting no time, she runs down the ramp before grabbing the lid too. Ty cannot believe what he is seeing as his loyal companion for so long stares at him intently. Surprisingly, Ty freezes. There is a look in his eye that no one has seen before. Inexplicably, he freezes. There is no movement in his body and a vacant look in his eyes. There is no words between the two as both share a silent understanding. In the casket, Chris is beginning to come to. He pulls himself up to his vertical basis, looking at the meeting of two people that stand before him in silence. He cannot quite believe what he is seeing but he is taking nothing for granted as he pulls Ty into the casket. Ty still seems completely petrified by what has happened as Chris pulls him to his feet and nails him with The Butterfly Effect finally! Chris immediately gets to his feet and rolls out of the casket and onto the mats below. With a massive cheer from the crowd, he rises to his feet before looking at a departing Serafina. Serafina gives Chris a nod before Chris raises his hands, grabs the lid and slams it shut!

Harrys: Here is your winner... The White Knight Of WZCW... Chris KO!!

There is a stunned silence around the arena as the fans struggle to comprehend what they are seeing. The oppressive reign of Ty Burna is finally over. Chris himself cannot believe what he is seeing. He staggers backwards, looking at the casket as he does so. His eyes will not be shifted from it's gaze. He slides under the ring ropes and into the middle of the ring. The referee grabs his hand and raises it up. Chris is still stunned, he simply cannot believe what has transpired in the last few minutes. The referee leaves Chris for a second before retrieving the Ouija Scroll. Placing the scroll in Chris' hand, the referee leave shim in the ring. Chris looks down at the scroll in his hand before a determined look begins to crawl across his face. He immediately rolls out of the ring before asking the fans at ringside for something. The fans search their pockets before presenting Chris with a lighter. Chris grabs it and slides under the bottom rope. He opens the hatch before setting the lighter ablaze.

Copeland: No way...

Chris raises the scroll to the flame and gives the casket one final glance. With little hesitation, Chris puts the scroll into the flame. It immediately engulfs the paper, glowing with a beautiful and frightening green glow. Chris allows a look of sheer relief to cross his face as the paper continues to burn. As the flame approaches his hand, Chris tosses the flaming document onto the casket before rolling out of the ring. The fans go wild and chant his name as he begins to head up the ramp.

Copeland: Well, there you have it! Chris KO has wrestled control of WZCW away from the oppressive clutches of Ty Burna. And in scintillating fashion no less.

Cohen: I never thought I would see the day that Ty Burna was defeated in a casket match. What the Hell was Serafina doing out. Ty is going to be utterly pissed at her wh-


There is a sudden explosion as the casket is struck by a huge bolt of light. Immediately, the casket and resting place of Ty Burna is engulfed in flames. Chris stumbles back before falling onto his knees in sheer shock. There is a silence now as fear for Ty's safety becomes paramount. Chris expression tells a story of worry as flames flicker off of his face. Without hesitation, some paramedics and fire wardens appear, each holding a fire extinguisher. The immediately begin dousing the casket as flames build and build.

Connor: What we are witnessing is a sheer tragedy. The safety of our wrestlers is paramount in this company. And in that vain, we will have to cut from this sight.

Cohen: This is frightening.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we leave you now as Redemption comes to a close. I've been Sebastian Coepland, alongside Jack Cohen and Cat Connor. Good night.

Flames continue to bellow from the casket as the screen goes black.
Who Wrote What:

FalKon - Opening, Segments, SHIT/Celeste, Bowen/Ricky
FunKay - Reynolds/Runn
Ty Burna - Six Pack Challenge
Showtime - Tastic/Callahan, Open Challenge
Harthan - Mayhem Scramble, Tag Team Titles
Dave - Casket Main Event, King/Titus
Numbers - Holmes/Constantine, Overlast/Triple X

I apologise again for the lateness for the shows but this was a pretty big show and we all had real life stuff that got in the way. Next cycle, we are going to try really hard to do our best in making sure everything is completed on time... until we finish All Stars 2 of course!
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