WZCW presents Meltdown 18

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Meltdown takes place in the Verizion centre Washington DC and is an almost sell out crowd, a few seats dotted around empty. Cohen and Copeland come out to the ring and welcome the fans as Meltdown is underway.

'The Great' Milenko: by The Insane Clown Posse hits the sound system as Milenko walks down to the ring with a microphone in his hand and his Mayhem Championship over his shoulder. He gets in the ring and waits for the boos to die down. When they die down enough he starts running down both Joseph Rios and Ben Legend saying that they were nothing and he was what made Dynasty great. He holds up his Mayhem title and calls himself The one man Dynasty and says he will win the Battle Royal and the Elite-X title at Apocalypse.

Famous kicks into the arena as the crowd gives a huge pop. Harrys gets on the mic and announces that this is Battle Royale to determine who will go forth for the Elite X title at Apocalypse, Harrys also explains that the timing of superstars to the ring will be completely random as he introduces Will first. The crowd are rather into this straight off as Will climbs himself into the ring. The bell goes as both men grapple back and forth, with Will clearly having the advantage in the tussle.

Hail Mary hits as James Baker makes his way down to the ring, he goes straight for Milenko as Milenko gets him to the ground. Will picks both men up as a three way brawl opens out the national anthem hits as USA makes his way to the ring, going immediately for James Baker. Both men are going really physical at it, with USA having the advantage. Baker manages to deliver an Irish whip to USA as USA is in the corner of the turnbuckle. Baker runs at USA as USA manages to scoop Baker up and throw him out of the ring.

Suppose you were to die tonight is heard around the arena as Phoenix makes his way out taking his time on his entrance. He starts walking down the ramp as Ladies and Gentleman by Saliva is heard, Drake Callahan runs on down giving Phoenix a shoulder barge as he climbs into the ring. Milenko and Will are still going at it with Milenko now having the advantage. USA goes straight for Phoenix as Drake Callahan goes and sits in the corner and takes a drink from a hidden hip flask.

Next we hear an unknown music as Leon makes his way slowly to the ring he stands outside the ring, refsing to get in. O Fortuna hits as Vengeance makes his way out. He grabs Leon and pushes him in the ring. Vengeance climbs in and delivers the Trial and Retribution to Leon as he throws him out of the ring. Phoenix and Callahan are at it as this goes back and forth. Phoenix manages to throw Callahan out, but Callahan rolls back into the ring, without his feet touching the ground. Whilst that is going on USA runs and hits the back of Phoenix as Phoenix goes flying out of the ring and is eliminated.

Next out is Garth Black who just looks rather bemused by this whole situation. He and USA go at it whilst Vengeance and Will are going for each other, Milenko is lay out in the ring and Callahan is once again in the corner. The Russian powerhouse Carmen Bratchny who looks hungry for gold, makes his way out next he gets into the ring and goes for USA as he gives USA a chokeslam out of the ring and is thus eliminated. Land down under hits and Dan Stokes comes sprinting down, to the ring. Whilst this is going on Bratchny manages to get Garth Black out of the match by yet another chokeslam.

Anthony Michaels is out next as he goes straight for Dan Stokes, he gets into a brief brawl with him and ends up with both men in the corner of the ring, against the ropes. Vengeance comes running as he knocks both men out. Red Masks music hits as he comes running down, there are six men left in the ring, vengeance and Bratchny are tussling in the corner, Callahan is once again sat down in the corner whilst Will and Milenko are still going at it. Red Mask grabs Wills shoulders as Will turns around looking at Red Mask for about 5 seconds, then Red Mask offers his hand out as Will shakes. They turn aroud and go for a double suplex on Milenko over the top rope to eliminate him from the battle royale.

Will goes for Bratchny in the corner as he grabs him and lifts him up at the corner of the ring, red Mask comes over to help as Vengeance and Callahan are fighting in the other corner. Out of no where a man comes running out of the crowd and into the ring. It's Downward Spiral he grabs Will and delivers the Dead End as he runs out of the ring, back the way he came.

Bratchny has managed to throw Red Mask off him and given him the Petrov Driver as Callahan breaks free from Vengeance and picks Will up and throws him out of the ring. Red Mask is out cold as Vengeance gives Callahan the Trial and Retribution. The bell has already gone but Vengeance then makes his way to Bratchny, both men tussle as Vengeance manages to give Bratchny the Judge, Jury and Executioner. All three men are out cold as Vengeance looks to the heavens and nods his head. Vengeance's music hits as Harrys announces the four men who have progressed to the Elite X championship match; Red Mask, Carmen Bratchny, Drake Callahan and Vengeance.
Anthony Michaels is shown backstage talking to Johnny Klamor.

Michaels: I cannot believe what that outback idiot Daniel Stokes just did out there! He totally cost me the match. I should be in the match for the Elite X Title at Apocalypse!!!

*Daniel Stokes approaches*

Stokes: Ey Mate, maybe you should really be focusing on your I Quit Match wit NorCal. That seems like it's going to a big challenge.

Michaels: Why don't you go lose to Vengeance another time? Are you even ON the ppv card?

Stokes: Yeah, actually they have me reffing your I Quit match now...but thanks for the pleasant reminder about Vengeance. I'll keep that in mind when you are screaming "I Quit."

*Stokes walks away as Michaels and Klamor look on in astonishment.*

Kyle Christianson v Drake Callahan

Put On by Young Jeezy is heard as Kyle Christianson makes his way out to the ring, there's not much of a reaction for him, a couple of boos dotted around. “Ladies and Gentleman” by Saliva is heard as we get a good pop for Drake Callahan, he swaggers to the ring, showing signs of hurting after his Battle Royale earlier in the night, but that doesn't stop him as he walks round the ring giving out high fives left right and centre.

The match its self has a lot of Kyle Christianson having the advantage with a few near falls, Cohen & Copeland are keen to remind us that it was because of Callahans match earlier in the evening. The match ends when Callahan gives Christianson the big boot to the face and is followed by the ”Pleasure and Pain” causing Christianson to tap out.
Backstage we see the One Big Will in Batemans office. He asks Bateman to confirm the card for Apocalypse. Bateman says it's;
Everest v Manzo for the WZCW world title,
Anthony Michaels v the Mighty Norcal in an I quit match with Daniel Stokes as special guest referee,
DisasterPiece v Steamboat Ricky,
The Elite X title match; Red Mask v Drake Callahan v Vengeance v Carmen Bratchny
GM v Milenko for the Mayhem title.

Will asks if he can fight Downward Spiral, who cost him his place as a three time Elite X title. Bateman says there is one more place on the card so he will make that match. The One Big Will v Downward Spiral is added to Apocalypse.

DisasterPiece, Vengeance & Manzo w/Mangus & Derf v Red Mask, Steamboat Ricky and Everest

O Fortuna hits the arena as Vengeance and Disasterpiece make their way out to the ring, they climb in together to a chorus of boos. Next out is Manzo, who is accompanied by Magnus Maxmillion and Eric Derf. All five men are in the ring now as All by Me is heard and Steamboat Ricky comes out to a great pop. Derf and Magnus leave the ring, as Ricky waits on the ramp, Red Masks theme music is heard to yet another good pop he walks down the ramp and shakes hands with Ricky. Both men wait on the ramp as the crowd gets ready, knowing who's next. 'Supernova goes Pop' by Powerman 5000 is heard as the crowd erupts. Everest joins the three men at the ramp, looks left to Ricky, looks right to Red Mask and points forward. All three men run into the ring as our six competitors go at it with each other.

The referee manages to break the men up as the match goes underway with Vengeance and Red Mask to start in the ring. Red Mask is on the receving end of some blows here as Vengeance just laughs. Vengenace manages to get red Mask into the corner, and tags in DisasterPiece who both double team kicking Red Mask in the mid section. The referee gets Vengeance out the ring as DisasterPiece carries the advantage over Red Mask, giving him a suplex followed by a DDT. DisasterPiece climbs the turnbuckle and goes for the Death from above, Red Mask manages to roll out the way, jumps up and gets the tag on Ricky. The crowd is shit hot for this as both men exchange punches. Ricky manages to get DisasterPiece down with the double arm DDT and gives a huge “ARR” as the crowd joins back with a rather loud “ARR.”

Disaster Piece manages to get himself to the corner and tags in Manzo, Ricky looks at Manzo, then looks at Everest, he points to Everest and the crowd go wild as Ricky goes over and tags Everest in. Everest goes for a spinning heel kick and it barely moves Manzo, he goes for it again as Manzo starts to lose his balance, the third time and he gets Mano on the floor. Everest then goes for the cloverleaf as Manzo very quickly pushes Everest away. Manzo then grabs Everest and gives himm the M-10. This is then followed by a big body splash as Manzo goes for the cover....1...2....KICK OUT the crowd erupts once again as Manzo looks rather annoyed. He looks out the ring and Magnus is telling him to tag Vengenace in.

Manzo tags Vengeance as Everest tags Red Mask in, both men grapple with Vengeance yet again having the advantage. Vengeance picks up Red Mask and goes for the Northern Lights Suplex, but Red Mask manages to worm his way out of it. He gives Vengeance a kick to the mid section and gets the Thundera out of nowhere. The crowd goes wild as both Everest and Ricky shout at red Mask to go for the Red Comet! Red Mask climbs the top of the turnbuckle and gives the thumbs up to the crowd. The crowd go wild once again,. But Eric Derf clambers up the side of the ring and pushes Red Mask off the top rope. Red Mask is out cold in the centre of the ring as Vengeance gets back up on his feet, he then give Red Mask the Judge, Jury and Executioner and goes for the cover 1...2...3. This match is over as the crowd boos, DisasterPiece climbs in the ring and both he and Vengeance start beating down Red Mask. Ricky then climbs on the top rope as he shouts MAN OVERBOARD and does a dive into DisasterPiece. Everest and Manzo start at it, whilst Vengeane is still attacking Red Mask. Then we have the backstage staff come running down to separate the chaos, Everest and Ricky helps Red Mask out the back whilst Vengeance, DisasterPiece, Manzo, Eric Derf and Magnus Maximillion stand in the ring laughing as this ends Meltdown 18.
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