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WZCW Presents: Apocalypse

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

A cloaked figure stands watching over some scrolls as it cuts between this and shots of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.


Shots of Austin Reynolds in pain

My ally. Your nemesis. Only one outcome is absolute.

Shots of Ty Burna holding the World Heavyweight Championship.


Shots of Big Dave, Barbosa and Wasabi Toyota

He watches you starve yourselves for no greater glory than eternal damnation.

Shots of the KFAD Contract and Elimination Chamber from Kingdom Come.


Shots of Blade, The Forgotten Powers, Sam Smith and Alex Bowen.

He watches over your false pretences, making you all fools.

Shots of Scott Hammond, Stantime, Constantine and Action Saxton.


We return to the Cloaked Individual watching over the scrolls.

Watches over and awaits those who seek me.

The individual removes his hood to reveal it's Ty Burna, who eyes glow red as the scene fades to black, with the eyes still clear as daylight before eventually fading into darkness.



And now, Meltdown and Ascension present

The pyros scream off as the ecstatic fans of Anaheim, California are cheering and celebrating the arrival of Apocalypses. Signs can be see all the way from the nose bleeds to the front row.

Copeland: Anaheim is witness to some dark days as Apocalypse has arrived and will Austin Reynolds survive the final trial against Ty Burna and become the World Heavyweight Champion? Hello again everybody, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen and Cat Connor here at ringside and Apocalypse has arrived!

Copeland: Wait a minute. What is this?

Cohen: This isn't an episode of Meltdown or Ascension you know!

Out from behind the curtain steps out none other than Gordito, who receives a warm welcome from the crowd. He walks a bit down the ramp and turns back to the stage and signals someone else to come down.

The crowd gets excited and then roars at the sight of Chris Beckford who's appears to have recovered from his broken leg in quick timing. Both men shake hands and head down towards the ring.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Chris Beckford and Gordito!

Copeland: Well this is a nice surprise!

Connor: Wonder what they're here to talk about?
Gordito and Beckford both grab respective mikes and cut into the music straight away.

Gordito: Now we apologise for having to interrupt the programme this early, but we thought we'd get a few things out of the way. We're here to quickly discuss our exciting Main Event with the World Heavyweight Championship on the line...Ty Burna

The crowd boos heavily.

Against Austin Reynolds!

The cheers in heavy applause.

Beckford: Now we got asked to give our feelings about this match, given that I have faced off against Reynolds numerous times in the past and Gordito here has faced off against Ty Burna before. Now Gordito, what is Ty like? Do you think he's going to be similar to his previous matches or different since his true colours would be revealed?

Gordito: I would say, either way, Reynolds has got a tough time going for him. But...ah tell you what, let's not bore these people with theories and predictions, let's give them something exciting to talk about! Firstly...we are officially back in your living rooms and I can safely say it is good to be in this ring once again!

The crowd cheers approvingly.

Beckford: Not to mention, we have something exciting to announce in regards to the next Pay Per View, Unscripted. We will be competing in...

Meltdown's theme hits as Chuck Myles comes out onto the stage with an annoyed expression.

Myles: Guys. I didn't ask you to start spoiling my plans for the future when it comes to Unscripted, I will reveal all in my own time. And given you strayed from the intentions of what I sent you out for, I am going to have to ask you to leave, but not before I make thing clear. While you two maybe part of this announcement, I revealing right now that the Battle Royal Winner that we find out merely thirty minutes ago will be involved in this too. For those of you who were not in attendance, and those who were not paying attention to WZCW.com, I am here to present you with that winner.

Out walks Black Dragon who receives a warm round of applauds from the crowd.

Myles: Congratulations Black Dragon, you will be joining Beckford and Gordito in this plan once I announce it on Meltdown. But for now, get out my ring and let's watch a pay per view called Apocalypse!

All four men start to leave the arena as an Unscripted advertisement appears on the screen and eventually returns back to the Pay Per View itself, with the ring now empty except for Selena Anderson.
The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW Elite X Championship!


Harrys: On his way to the ring, the challenger, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 265lbs, he is the Power Trip, John Constantine!

“This is the man who should be the true Elite X champion!”

“But at the moment he is just a place holder for Smith who was brutally assaulted by the Power Trip.”

Constantine tosses his arms up in the air as a shot of fireworks shoots up behind him. He continues down the ramp, looking very focused but enjoying the negative crowd reaction towards him. As he reaches the ring, he climbs the steps and goes through the ropes before posing again, this time he raises the stolen Elite X title above his head.

Harrys: And his opponent, he is from Washington DC and weighs 235lbs, he is the Elite X Champion....SAM SMITH!

“I don’t think Smith is in the mood for Constantine’s antics.”

Smith walks out with an intense look on his face. He doesn’t pause for the fans and heads straight to the ring, where Constantine is parading with the title that is not his. Smith gets into the ring and gestures to Constantine angrily.

“Sam Smith is in no fit state to compete and by showing up he is making a joke for the championship. He should drop the title and let Constantine build it back up to the level it should be.”

“Nonsense! Constantine doesn’t deserve this title!”

Smith goes to grapple with Constantine but gets overpowered. Constantine drags him over to the near corner and knees him in the ribs. Smith is doubled over and stumbles away. Constantine follows and attacks again, this time with a sledgehammer blow to the back.

“What a dominant start by Constantine!”

Smith falls but crawls away to the corner. Constantine stomps him on him some more. He goes to pull Smith up and then he whips him across the ring. Smith collapses in pain as the impact stings like a bullet. As he falls away from the corner, Constantine charges as he goes to hit a clothesline but Smith fires back with a picture perfect dropkick which fells Constantine like a giant oak. Smith hooks the leg, 1...2...Constantine fights out.

“What a lovely dropkick that was!”

“It was a desperate move by a desperate man!”

Smith grabs Constantine’s arm and controls him with a arm wringer and that he tries to transition into an arm-drag but Constantine demonstrates his awesome power by lifting up Smith and dropping him with a huge fallaway slam! Constantine covers, 1...2....Sam Smith kicks out again!!

“Constantine is going to end it!”

Constantine gets ready to finish it and he stalks Smith from behind. He lifts him up but can’t drop him with the Collateral Damage. Smith drops behind him and catches him with a crucifix, Constantine’s shoulders fall to the mat, 1....2....3!!

“Great move by Smith!”

The winner and STILL Elite X Champion, Sam Smith!

“He did it! Smith rolled up Constantine and won the match!!”

“That’s a crock! And I think the Power Trip agrees!”

Constantine is visibly devastated by how Smith caught him unaware! Smith crawls away but Constantine grabs him and shoves him shoulder first into the ring post. Smith rolls away and out of the ring in agony. Constantine follows and grabs a chair from ringside. He goes to whack Smith but Sam dropkicks him in the knee. The Power Trip collapses on the floor. Sam Smith picks him up and whips him into the ringside steel post.

“Sam Smith has had enough!”

“The Power Trip is being picked apart!”

Constantine is busted open at the nose from the impact and Smith doesn’t stop there. He picks up the chair and wields it high over his head before smashing it over Constantine’s head. The blood begins to flow steadily as he falls to the floor.

“What a reaction by Smith!”

EMT’s run down and begin to tend to the unconscious Power Trip. Smith is handed his title and he raises it up proudly. The crowd greet him warmly for his actions but their cheers are interrupted by music that doesn’t belong to Smith.

“What on earth is Steven Holmes doing here!”

Holmes walks to the top of the ramp.

“Sam Smith, you are going to ask why I am out here. You have plenty to be thankful for, not least the fortunate nature at which you have just retained that title.”

Smith appears confused by what Holmes is saying and is visibly questioning his timing.

“You don’t deserve that title. In fact, I would suggest that the Elite X title is more suitable for someone is the elite of society and of this company. That someone is me Mr Smith. When I end the career of Steven Kurtesy, you will know the definition of elite and I will teach it to you by taking that title from you.”

“So I will br-”

“Kurtesy’s here!”

“Hey, why is the kooky shrink here?”

His speech is ended prematurely by Steven Kurtesy who has charged down the ramp and battered Steven Holmes with an elbow to the back of the head.
Holmes is crawling on his knees, trying to get away from Kurtesy as the bell is signalled, Kurtesy stands behind him, stalking slowly, taking his time. Holmes reaches the ring edge and has a worried look in his eyes, the feeling of being unprepared, the fear of not knowing of what his former partner will do as Kurtesy looms closer and Holmes spots an instant opening and goes for a low blow with a kick but Kurtesy catches it and turns it into a modified ankle lock and starts pulling Holmes away from the ring as he grips hold of the apron but is pulled away, hoping on one leg. He turns to face Kurtesy, trying to ease off the pain of the hold and uses a modified dropkick to shove Kurtesy off as both men are on the floor up the entrance ramp. Holmes checks his ankle and seems to have got out of the early submission attempt unscathed as he slowly hobbles back onto his feet and takes a deep breath as he turns to find Kurtesy is back up again and goes for the right but Holmes grabs him and drops him throat first onto the ring barrier, leaving Kurtesy holding onto his throat. Holmes uses the time to look under the ring for some weaponry and pulls out a strap and a steel chair.

Holmes drops the strap and slams the chair down on Kurtesy to keep him down for a while longer as he grabs the strap and starts to tie it around Kurtesy’s neck, using this as means to weaken his neck so his lethal Aristocracy Reigns will be hard to resist submitting to. Once complete he takes a few paces back and holds the strap tensely as he watches on his former ally to get back up, only to be dragged forward by the sudden tug, dragging Kurtesy forward and down to the mat to his knees. Holmes starts to pull at Kurtesy like he’s a dog and the doctor can’t do much to fight against it. Holmes has him around the side of the ring, near some steps, so he turns to dislodge it with one hand on the strap, but he turns back and kicks Kurtesy in the face before taking the stairs as he finds Kurtesy’s dazed state to be enough to bring them over and hold over head with a possessed look in his eyes. He stares at Kurtesy who looks helpless and Kurtesy suddenly rolls away, dragging the loose strap that was caught around Holmes’ leg to drop him on his back, with the stairs just a few inches from his head.

Cohen: How dare Kurtesy do that, Holmes could have suffered a concussion!

Copeland: Jack, are you not forgetting the strap around Kurtesy’s neck?

Cohen: It’s no disqualification.

Connor: Which rightly states anything goes. I can only hope Kurtesy’s neck is ok.

Kurtesy catches his breath again and unravels the strap from around his neck and stays over Holmes who is one knee with his back to him, Kurtesy raises the strap and the crowd cheer to this, which sparks Kurtesy to slap the strap hard on Holmes’ back as he screams out in agony, Kurtesy does it again and Holmes falls onto his knees. Kurtesy wastes no time and wraps the strap around his leg and puts a loop around Holmes’ head and applies a modified headscissors submission, using the strap as additional means of preventing Holmes’ escape from the Holmes as he wrenches in pain but then rolls himself in a pencil fashion to get him up and starts pulling on the strap that’s attached to Kurtesy’s leg. He loops the strap around the ring post and pulls it so Kurtesy’s foot is caught in the pressure of the strap and the ring post, causing intense pain on the doctor’s foot. Holmes then makes the mistake of easing off the tension so not to waste his strength, this allows Kurtesy to do a forward roll and it sends Holmes face first into the ring post, knocking him down to the floor once again.

Kurtesy stays on the ground as he removes the strap from around his leg and feels his foot to see how bad the pain is, the referee asks him if he wants to continue and Kurtesy says yes before standing up and trying walk despite hobbling somewhat from the pain in his foot. He walks along the barrier and gently paces towards Holmes who’s nearly back on his feet, he looks up at his adversary and he immediately charges him and Kurtesy is ready with a back body drop over the barrier as they now take this into the crowd. Kurtesy follows suit as Holmes sluggishly gets back to his feet and is met with a right from Kurtesy, making the aristocrat stumble forward, away from Kurtesy who’s in pursuit. Holmes heads towards some stairs that lead to entrance way and spots Kurtesy getting near so kicks his bad foot followed by a jab to the throat, which wins Kurtesy as Holmes walks up the stairs and through the entrance way into a less crowded part of the arena.

Connor: Looks like the fight is being taken further away from the ring.

Copeland: And given the conditions here, this is more dangerous for both of them.

Cohen: One of them!

Holmes looks around and sees a merchandise stand nearby as some fans are purchasing some t-shirts, he grabs a t-shirt and a cap and quickly puts them on, but struggles with the shirt because he’s too sweaty, leaving him somewhat trapped as his head is then slammed into the table as Kurtesy has caught up with him. Kurtesy then grabs Holmes’ head and slams him backwards into the floor, adding further pain to his head as Kurtesy does the honour of pulling the shirt off of Holmes and throwing it to the fans nearby. Kurtesy pulls Holmes back up and looks around to find something useful to aid him, but he takes too long and is met with a low blow. Holmes uses the opportunity and places Kurtesy’s head between his legs and tries to lift him up to give the Imperial Impaler, but Kurtesy keeps struggling against it. Holmes slaps his back a few times to let Kurtesy give way but he still refuses, Holmes becomes frustrated and then forces Kurtesy up and slams him backwards into a nearby popcorn stand and then successfully hits the Imperial Impaler on Kurtesy, right on the concrete floor, there’s some silence around the fans as Kurtesy looks still in pain.

Holmes is down on his side, worn down but willing as he looks happy with what he just did to his former partner who looks completely out of it. Holmes eventually makes it back up and starts taunting Kurtesy who’s still down before going back to the merchandise stand and Holmes grabs a Kurtesy T-Shirt, intended as a final insult and lifts up a deadweight Kurtesy and puts the t-shirt around his throat and uses it to apply a modified Aristocracy Reigns. Kurtesy barely gives a reaction aside from weak arm flailing as Holmes looks ready to complete the final insult on the doctor as the referee grabs his hand and raises it up and drops it for the one. He repeats the process for a two. He lifts up for a third time and suddenly Holmes is splattered in diet pepsi as a fan accidentally tripped and soaked the aristocrat, making him release Kurtesy in frustration as he gets up in the fan’s face and starts an argument.

Copeland: Holmes is forgetting his professional manner as he insults the fan here.

Cohen: Security needs to escort the fan out, he just spilt diet soda on Holmes! That’s an offence with jail time there!

Connor : Either way, Holmes just found himself at square one as the victory was within his grasp.

Security eventually separates Holmes and the fan as Kurtesy is slowly struggling and stirring on his hands and knees as he crawls near the popcorn stand. He releases the catch on one of the wheels and gives a gentle shove, which causes the stand to move forwards toward Holmes who turns and is met head on with a face full of popcorn, knocking him down. This allows Kurtesy to get up onto one knee and then fully standing as he staggers slightly, but the crowd applauds his valiant efforts during this hard fought match. He walks towards Holmes but then falls back to his knees and hold his head, still feeling pain from the result of the earlier Impaler by Holmes. Kurtesy remains on the floor, holding his head as Holmes pulls himself up, trying to look as honourable as possible despite having a popcorn stand being slammed into his face. He then kicks over the stand and spits on it in frustration, he grabs his hair and looks further possessed as he looks around grabs a replica Tag Team Championship belt and heads over to Kurtesy, he gets down on one knee and says “It all ends here, Steven” as he raises the belt high and slams it on his head.

Holmes rolls Kurtesy to his front and is ready to finish this off as he tries to apply the Aristocracy Reigns once again, but Kurtesy is virtually out of it and Holmes find it hard to lift him up. He rolls Kurtesy back over and states to let it happy and make it all go away, to which Kurtesy’s eyes open and then grabs Holmes into the Kommon Kurtesy and he’s got it locked in tight as Holmes screams in pain and tries to indicate his head is not ok. The referee asks him if he wants to quit, but Holmes isn’t sure what to answer, the pain is in there and there’s no way to get Kurtesy off of him. With no ropes in sight, no aid in the form of a weapon or an individual, Holmes reluctantly taps.

Harrys: Here is your winner, as a result of a submission, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: These two went to war and look how it turned out, the arena is in a mess and we got two injured men most likely. Get some EMTs out there.

Cohen: I thought the Kommon Kurtesy was banned?

Connor: It was not, this was a hard fought victory for Kurtesy, but he looks the worse for wear out of the two of them.

Kurtesy hasn’t moved since the match has ended as he’s gone after all the assault. Holmes is gently pulled up first but is at least active. He looks deflated in defeat but knows he didn’t go down without a fight as the EMTs check on Kurtesy who’s still down.

Copeland: Hopefully Kurtesy is ok and will make a speedy recovery soon. We hope to have progress on his condition before the night out.

James King is stretching off in the locker room.

“Hey Raz.....Al.....get with the game, we are up next!”

Dr Alhazred pops his head from behind his Nintendo 3DS.

“Yeah Ok, just a sec.....damn I died! Damn Water Temple.....OK one more go.”

King snatches the handheld off his friend and shoves it into his training bag.

“Al......this is the biggest threat to our titles. The company has created this team, just for us. We can end the hype of one of the companys’ biggest showmen as well as derail one of the biggest new prospects.”

“I wouldn’t call the guy who thinks he has been wrestling for 1000 years a prospect.”

“Exactly why we shouldn’t disregard Rogers either.”

Dr Alhazred begins to casually stretch his arms.

“Look, we have more cohesion than them. I’m convinced we can do this and then what is going to happen? They aren’t going to pull another main eventer and put him in a random team are they?”

“We can retire these belts and go on to dominate this company like we want to.”

King & Alhazred shake hands and begin to work out in preparation for their match.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Baez makes his way out from the back and the crowd begins booing him immediately. He stands at the top of the ramp and stares out at the crowd for a moment before hastily walking down to the ring. He slides in and climbs to the second turnbuckle, staring out at the crowd before adjusting his match and hopping off the turnbuckle.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Rat's Ass, America, Baez!

Copeland: This feud certainly has had an interesting way of coming about. Baez initially had no interest in battling with Titus, but due to Myles and Bateman putting pressure on him to increase his mask sales and the constant comparisons to Red Mask, I think Baez finally got fed up with it.

Cohen: Do you blame him Seabass? Here is a man just trying to do his own thing, yet somehow expected to mimic someone he has nothing in common with. I think Baez will take out his frustration on Titus tonight.

Connor: It's not Titus, it's Red Mask!

Cohen: Who cares who it is? We all know who's under that mask.


The crowd pops loudly as Red Mask makes his way out. He points to the left side of the crowd and then the right as the fans begin chanting his name. He walks down the aisle giving high fives to the fans at ringside before doing a full lap around the ring. He walks up the steps and climbs the turnbuckle, giving a thumbs up to the crowd.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Keystone City, Kansas, Red Mask!

Connor: Red Mask has made a long awaited return to the ring tonight, and the crowd shows their appreciation.

Cohen: It's Titus! Why do we insist on calling him Red Mask?

Copeland: A hero to the masses, he's labeled Baez as a villain, and Red Mask looks to put him away quickly tonight.

The ref signals for the bell and Red Mask turns towards the crowd and poses, the crowd popping loudly. Baez, not to be outdone, climbs to the second turnbuckle and poses as well, the crowd booing him loudly. He hops off the turnbuckle and looks agitated from the response. Red Mask poses again but Baez attacks him from behind, striking with lefts and rights before Red Mask covers up and the ref begins the five count. Baez backs off at four but immediately hits a knee to the midsection as the crowd boos loudly. He whips Red Mask into the ropes and goes for a back body drop but Red Mask counters with a swinging neckbreaker. The crowd cheers as Red Mask goes for the ankle lock but Baez rolls through and sends him into the ropes. Baez gets up and goes for a cross body block, sending both him and Red Mask over the ropes and to the outside. Both men are slow to their feet as the ref begins the ten count. Baez is to his feet first but Red Mask hits a drop toe hold, sending Baez face first into the steel steps. Baez holds his face as Red Mask is up and climbs onto the ring apron. He motions for Baez to get up and as Baez gets to his feet, Red Mask comes flying off and connects with a head scissors, sending Baez back first into the barrier. Red Mask rolls into the ring and then back out to break up the ten count as Baez tries to recover against the ring barrier.

Copeland: Baez got the upper hand at the start but Red Mask has shown his own high flying ability, punishing Baez on the outside with that head scissors.

Cohen: Baez needs to get it together. He's letting these idiot fans get into his head. You know Myles and Bateman are watching this match closely.

Red Mask pulls Baez up to his feet and rams him back first into the ring apron and connects with a right hand. He slides Baez into the ring and climbs up to the ring apron. Baez slowly gets to his feet and Red Mask springs off the top rope and goes for a bulldog but Baez spins around and hooks Red Mask's arm, sending him over with a hip toss. Red Mask gets to his feet but meets a dropkick from Baez knocking him to the ground. Baez goes for the cover, 1....2....Red Mask kicks out. Baez quickly applies a rear chinlock and grounds Red Mask. The ref check on him as the crowd begins roaring loudly for Red Mask to get back up. Red Mask is to his knees and hits a few elbows to the midsection before getting up and hitting a back elbow. Baez releases the hold but grabs hold of Red Mask by the mask and pulls him down, connecting with a backbreaker. He covers Red Mask again, 1......2......Red Mask kicks out! Baez looks a bit frustrated as he gets to his feet, dragging Red Mask along with him. He whips him into the ropes and lifts him up for Hells Rolling but Red Mask counters with a swinging DDT! The crowd pops loudly for the counter and both men are down as the ref begins the ten count.

Connor: Incredible back and forth action, neither man seems to have a full advantage in this match.

Copeland: Red Mask's reversal there has left both men down, already both have taken serious punishment in this match.

Cohen: Come on Baez! Just end this charade already.

Both men are slow to their feet, Red Mask is up first at the count of eight. He quickly connects with a Kesagiri Chop, sending Baez into the ropes. He sends Baez across the ring, connecting with a spinning heel kick off the rebound. Red Mask quickly jumps to his feet and looks fired up as the crowd cheers loudly. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits on Baez. Baez gets to his feet and turns around towards Red Mask, only to get hit with a flying clothesline! Red Mask hooks the leg, 1.....2.......Baez kicks out! Red Mask now shows some agitation, unable to put Baez away. He pulls Baez up and quickly flips him over with a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges it, 1.....2......Baez kicks out again. Red Mask sits up and looks out to the crowd who cheers their hero loudly. He motions to the top turnbuckle and the crowd grows louder as he begins climbing to the top. Baez has still not moved off the mat. Red Mask raises his arms up before flying off the top rope with The Red Comet! He misses the mark however as Baez rolls out of the way at the last second, and Red Mask crashes to the mat. Baez slowly gets up and sees Red Mask down on the mat. He slowly moves his way towards him and locks in the Cross Buster!

Cohen: Titus is screwed! Baez has the Cross Buster locked in tight!

Copeland: Red Mask's only option is to reach the ropes with his feet, both of his arms are trapped behind him by Baez.

The ref asks Red Mask if he wants to quit but he shakes his head no. He uses his legs and tries to shift towards the ropes as Baez continues to keep the hold locked in. Red Mask lowers his head as the ref continues checking on him. The crowd buzzes loudly as Red Mask uses all his leg strength and kicks over to the ropes, getting the tip of his foot on the ropes! The ref begins the five count and Baez is forced to release the hold. Baez kneels next to Red Mask, wondering what else he has to do. He gets to his feet and drags Red Mask with him. He backs him into the corner and hits a shoulder thrust to the midsection. He turns and walks away before rushing towards Red Mask. Red Mask gets a knee up to the midsection, forcing Baez back and doubled over. Red Mask hops up to the second turnbuckle and comes off with the Thundera! The crowd pops loudly as both men are down again. Red Mask slowly rolls Baez over and covers him, 1......2.........Baez kicks out at the last second!

Copeland: Unbelievable! Red Mask hit the Thundera but Baez kicked out somehow.

Cohen: Look at the resiliency of Baez here. He's taken everything Red Mask has to give and is still in this fight.

Red Mask slowly pulls himself up again, still feeling the effects of the Cross Buster. He grabs hold of Baez's leg and locks in the Ankle lock once again! Baez yells out in pain as Red Mask applies more pressure to Baez's ankle. He desperately tries to reach for the ropes but Red Mask pulls him to the center of the ring. Baez lifts his hand but shakes his head. Suddenly he rolls through the hold again and sends Red Mask forward. Red Mask turns and rushes towards Baez but gets caught with the Hells Rolling! Instead of a jacknife pin Baez quickly rolls over Red Mask and springboards off the top turnbuckle and connects with the Treble Boost! The crowd goes silent as Baez covers him, 1......2.......3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Baez!

Cohen: He did it! Baez has defeated Titus!

Connor: You mean Red Mask.

Cohen: CC, I will tell you this one last time, shut up!

Baez sits up slowly and the ref raises his hand in victory. Baez snaps at the ref and pulls his arm away before getting to his feet and climbing to the second turnbuckle, raising his arm in victory as Red Mask remains lying on the mat. Baez looks towards him and shakes his head before exiting the ring as the crowd boos him loudly.

Copeland: You might not like Baez's attitude, but you have to respect his skills. He defeated Red Mask straight up tonight and didn't use any shortcuts in doing so. An excellent match here at Apocalypse.

Cohen: I think he should have poked the eyes once or twice, he may have been able to get the victory sooner.

Connor: I don't know if it will help his mask sales, but it certainly must be vindication in Baez's mind after this victory.

Red Mask slowly stands in the ring and stares up at the entrance ramp as Baez stops and turns towards him. He points towards Red Mask before exiting to the back. Red Mask rolls under the ropes and the crowd chants his name as he high fives a few fans on his way out to the back.
We see Ty in the shadows of the backstage area. He has Serafina with him and between them they are holding Hayley, the fiancée of The Ratings Winner Austin Reynolds.

“Where are you taking me?!”

“Somewhere cold and damp where you can stew in your emotions over the many ways I can torture your precious Austin.”

“Please let me go.....I can make Austin leave. He will never challenge you again.”

“Oh Hayley, I plan on leaving Austin in such a state that he will not be fit to challenge me again.”

“Just let me go!”

“Only when the time is right.”

“We have one last game for Austin to star in first.”

The dark couple cackle a little before dragging Hayley off.
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships!

The lights dim down in the arena as the crowd gets riled up for the upcoming match.


James King and Dr. Alhazred walk out together with the championships around their shoulders and simultaneously raise the belts into the air, being greeted with a booing crowd. They slowly make their way down the ramp and do not acknowledge the fans.

Introducing first, at combined weight of 428 pounds, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions... The Forgotten POWERS!

Connor: This will be the first title defense that the Powers have had since winning the titles.

Cohen: They should be fine CC. I can't remember a time when these two weren't teaming up together.

Copeland: Last week?

Cohen: Seabass... don't make me ask you to shut up too.

The two men stand on the turnbuckles and raise their championships one more before hopping down to discuss strategy with each other. The lights brighten back up as:


The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Showtime walks out with his arms stretched out to the side, turning around in a circle on the stage to showcase himself. At that point, Rogers comes out and walks past Showtime to head towards the ring.

Harrys: And the challengers, at a combined weight of 473 pounds... STANTIME!

Copeland: If Showtime wins here tonight, he'll be one World Title away from becoming WZCW's first ever Grand Slam Champion.

Connor: And considering that only three teams who've held the tag titles have defend their titles successfully, he may be that one step closer.

Cohen: Unlike the two of you, I have faith in the Power. An experienced team such as them should be able to take the win tonight.

All four men are in the ring with Showtime opting for Rogers to go first and the referee taking the belts from the Powers to show them to the crowd. King decides to go first as the referee signals for the bell.

King goes to circle the ring but Rogers just walks up to King and goes for the collar-elbow tie-up. He pushes King into the turnbuckle and the referee forces Rogers to break the hold. Rogers moves back and stands in the center of the ring, calling King to come to the middle. King obliges and he goes for the tie-up but Rogers picks King up and body slams him to the mat. King clutches his back as he gets up. Rogers grabs King and whips him across the ring, with King trying to shoulder block Rogers but he just stumbles back and delivers his own to King, knocking him down. King gets back up and rushes at Rogers but he picks him up for another body slam. Members of the crowd yell "2" as King hits the ground. Rogers goes for the cover... 1... kick-out by King. Rogers gets up and drags King to their corner. Rogers tags Showtime and picks up King for a third body slam with the crowd yelling "3." Showtime gets on the top rope and delivers a elbow drop to King as Rogers exits the ring. Showtime goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by King. King tries his best to get to his corner to tag Alhazred but Showtime stops him and picks him up. He delivers a harsh knife-edge chop to King who defends his chest from the blow. Showtime moves King's arms and hits another one in the same spot. King falls to his knees and tries reaching out for his partner. Showtime gets in front of King and tries for an enzugiri but King ducks the attempt and hooks Showtime's leg. He drags him to his corner and locks his legs to tag Alhazred. Showtime tries to fight out of King's grip but Alhazred pummels Showtime with repeated elbow strikes to the back of his head. The ref counts to four before King lets go and exits the ring. Alhazred gets Showtime into a sleeper hold immediately.

Cohen: That's how you utilize your resources.

Alhazred keeps the pressure on for a moment but Showtime isn't worn down enough to keep him grounded. He delivers a series of elbows to Alhazred before he lets go. Showtime tries for a chop but Alhazred avoids the contact to get behind Showtime who turns around to be met with a dropkick to the knees. Alhazred follows it up with a double knee drop to the face of Showtime, knocking him back. He goes for the cover... 1... kick-out by Showtime. Alhazred tags in King and the two stomp everywhere on Showtime before the ref's four count. King delivers a couple more stomps followed by kicks to the head of Showtime. He finishes it up with a leg drop and a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Showtime. King allows Showtime to get up as he goes to the second turnbuckle. He waits for Showtime to get into position before diving at him with a flying clothesline, which Showtime evades and tags in Rogers quickly. Rogers gets into the ring as quick as he can and goes on the attack but King counters into a German suplex. King smiles at his disruption of a momentum shift and begins stomping on various parts of Rogers as he tries getting up. King gets behind him and hits a clothesline to the back of the head, knocking him down. He does his best to pull Rogers to their half of the ring and tags in Alhazred. He quickly jumps in and delivers a series of fist drops to the back of Rogers head. He climbs to the second rope and hits a diving fist drop to Rogers, following up with a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Rogers.

Copeland: The FP really seem to be in focus tonight.

Connor: They've keep Stantime from doing anything funny thus far.

Alhazred does his best to pick up Rogers but only gets him to his knees. Alhazred delivers a couple of pendulum elbows to the face of Rogers before setting up for his infamous strong punch. He goes to make the hit but Rogers catches the hand of Alhazred, preventing him from punching. Alhazred tries using his free hand but Rogers catches that too. He gets up to his feet and picks up Alhazred into the air, with the crowd cheering for Rogers. He delivers a Gorilla Press Drop to Alhazred who hits the canvas hard. Rogers goes down to one knee and catches his breath before going after Alhazred who tries for a tag. He grabs the hand of Alhazred and delivers a heart punch to Alhazred, who at first seems unphased by the move. He goes to attack Rogers but completely freezes and falls onto Rogers unable to move. Rogers picks up Alhazred and hits a body slam ("4"). He picks up Alhazred and tags in Showtime who comes in to the Backstage to Alhazred along with the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Alhazred. As Rogers just gets on the apron, Showtime tags him back in and hooks both of Alhazred's arms behind his back. Rogers slowly gets into the ring, allowing time for Alhazred to escape Showtime's grasp and pushing him into Rogers into the corner. He tags in King who gets in quick and hits his signature splash on both members of Stantime. Showtime falls out of the corner and out of the ring as King hits a European uppercut to Rogers. King moves out of the corner and waits for Rogers to follow, then proceeds to run off the ropes to deliver a running neckbreaker to Rogers. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Rogers.

Connor: Make one mishap and it opens up an opportunity for the other team.

Cohen: Moral of the story: never tag Showtime in unless he calls for it.

King sees that Showtime is out on the floor and signals for the end. As Rogers gets up, King kicks him and sets up for My Mystery. He tries to pick up Rogers but he blocks the attempt. He tries again, only for Rogers to flip King over. Rogers gets his composure as King is up and charges him, only to be met by another body slam ("5"). King gets up again and tries stopping Rogers but he gets a headbutt for his troubles, followed by Roger's airplane spin. As Rogers sets him down, King is dizzy and tries punching Rogers but completely misses his target. Rogers kicks King in the stomach and picks him up for a suplex, delaying King for quite some time. The crowd cheers at the feat but begin booing as Alhazred runs in and dropkicks Rogers in his knees. The impact forces Rogers to drop King back to his feet and get to the ground. The two begin pummeling Rogers in the head with strikes to him down. The ref tries restoring order but the two do not listen. Rogers eventually has the strength to get up and push both members of the FP back, with King unintentionally knocking the referee down hard on his head. Alhazred is up and tries rushing Rogers but he counters with a belly to back suplex, sending Alhazred over the top rope and down to the floor near a recovering Showtime. King is back up and gets behind Rogers to deliver a Reverse DDT. He goes for the cover but there is no count being made. King realises that the ref is incapacitated and tries reviving him. Showtime gets up and sees Alhazred trying to get up, only to notice that the ref is out. Showtime heads over to the timekeeper's desk and grabs one of the belts, smacking Alhazred in the face to knock him out.

Copeland: Showtime just took out Alhazred with the belt! What's he think he's doing?

Cohen: Taking advantage of an odd situation, Seabass. If the ref doesn't see it then it's all legal.

Showtime slithers around the ring as King continues to get the ref back up but he notices that Rogers is recovering and attempts to get up. King rakes the eyes of Rogers and sets him up on the ropes to go for a devastating DDT but Showtime quickly charges the ring. King turns around and is met with a smack to the face with the belt as well. Showtime quickly removes the evidence and drags Rogers to his corner. He does his best to revive the referee who is coming to and goes to his corner, tagging himself in. He gets back in and makes a cover on King with his foot on the ropes for leverage which the ref can't see. The ref makes the count............ 1.............. 2............. 3!

The ref signals for the bell as he still tries and recovers from the knock as the crowd boos at the ending of the match with Showtime's music hitting the speakers. Showtime is in the ring celebrating the win and goes to the outside to grab the belts.

Harrys: Here are your winners and NEW WZCW World Tag Team Champions... STANTIME!

Copeland: What the hell just happened?

Cohen: We've got ourselves new champions, Seabass! Savor the moment.

Connor: Showtime had to resort to underhanded tactics to get the belts tonight. The Powers were dominating this match and would have retained if it were a fair contest.

Showtime goes in the ring and wears both of the belts around his shoulders, posing for the booing audience. He exits the ring and heads up the ramp with the belts and a huge smile on his face. Rogers comes to and sees that the ref and James King are out with Alhazred climbing into the ring to check on his partner. Rogers looks for Showtime who isn't around but sees Alhazred pointing at him. He gets off the apron and walks to the back, confused at to where his partner went.

Cohen: This is going to get interesting.

Backstage we find Vance Bateman standing in in the parking area. He checks his watch while impatiently tapping his foot. Suddenly a black Mercedes comes squealing into the parking lot, stopping just next to Bateman. The driver's door swings open and Big Dave emerges in full ring gear. Dani gets out of the passenger door looking flustered.

Dani: Did you have to run that red light?!?!?

Dave: If I hadn't we wouldn't have made it on time Dani!

Vance: It's about time you show up. Now if you don't mind, the contract?

Dave turns towards Vance and stares at him for a moment before hesitantly reaching inside his bag and withdrawing the KFAD contract. He hands it over to Vince who rolls it up and crosses his arms again.

Vance: Don't expect any support from management tonight Dave. You might have gotten out of the charges but your actions still cast a dark cloud over WZCW. Be thankful I'm giving you the chance to keep this at least.

Dave stares at Vance again until Dani grabs his arm and pulls him towards the arena entrance.

Dani: We don't have time for this Dave! Your match is next.

Dave resists but finally relents before turning and rushing into the arena as Vance unfurls the contracts and looks down at it.
Harrys: The following match is a triple threat match for the King For A Day contract!

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0ltAGuuru7Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0ltAGuuru7Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]​

There&#8217;s a big pop as Wasabi Toyota emerges, smiling from ear to ear at the reception given to him by the capacity crowd. He starts walking down the ramp, looking out into the audience.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 550 pounds, Wasabi Toyota!

He gets into the ring and poses for a few moments before his first opponent&#8217;s music hits.

The crowd boos as Barbosa emerges, looking straight ahead, giving the evil eye to Toyota, who returns it.

Harrys: And his opponents, first, weighing in at 237 pounds, Barbosa!

He stomps down the ramp, his eyes fixed forward. He gets to the ring but doesn&#8217;t get in despite Wasabi beckoning him. He walks around the ring shaking his head, refusing to get in.

Connor: Both Barbosa and Wasabi want to avenge their friend while proving who was the better partner!

Cohen: Barbosa is right, Toyota was carried by Kravinoff when they were a team. And that's saying something considering his size...

Another pop goes through the arena as Big Dave emerges. As the spotlight shines down on him, he throws a few punches into the air before pointing out into the crowd.

Harrys: And their opponent, the current holder of the King For A Day contract, Big Dave!

Copeland: Big Dave may be on thin ice with WZCW management, but he's still loved by the crowd.

Cohen: The sheep, you mean. How can they cheer for this man?! He's sick in the head!

Connor: That's funny coming from a Barbosa supporter...

He slowly walks down the ramp, locking eyes with Toyota, who is still upset about the loss of his friend. Big Dave slides in and poses briefly for the crowd before turning to Toyota. Dave points to the contract, being held by the timekeeper at ringside, then points to himself. He turns to Barbosa, who&#8217;s still circling the ring, and also beckons him into the ring but Barbosa refuses, deciding to remain outside for now. Dave shrugs as the referee calls for the bell and Dave goes straight for Toyota, hitting him with a series of right hands and forearms. This rocks the big man, sending him stumbling backwards into the corner. Dave keeps up the intensity, hitting a number of punches and kicks before hitting a Big Boot. Toyota stumbles forwards and Dave hits a DDT! He goes for the cover, but Barbosa slides into the ring and kicks Dave in the head before going for the pin himself, 1... 2... Kick out by Toyota. Dave gets up and goes for Barbosa, who slides back to the outside.

Cohen: Barbosa is a genius! Why stay in the ring when you can let the other two do all the damage?

Copeland: Some would call that cowardly...

: Some would call you a moron.

Dave shakes his head at Barbosa and turns around, where he&#8217;s hit with a headbutt from Toyota, who&#8217;s now on his feet. Toyota whips Dave across the ring. Dave comes off the ropes and Toyota hits him with a big Side Slam. He hooks the leg, 1... 2... Kick out by Dave. Wasabi picks up Dave and places him in the corner before walking to the opposite corner. He starts clapping his hands and the crowd starts clapping in unison with him before he runs at Dave, going for an Avalanche. Dave rolls out of the way and Toyota collides with the turnbuckles and stumbles backwards. Dave runs off the ropes and hits a Spear, but Toyota doesn&#8217;t go down. Dave goes for another, but Toyota, while dazed, still doesn&#8217;t go down. Dave climbs up to the top ropebut Barbosa pushes him off and Dave falls to the floor. Barbosa quickly gets into the ring and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker on Toyota and goes for the pin, 1... 2.... Kick out by Toyota. Barbosa gets up and suddenly fear washes over his face as he realises he&#8217;s in the ring alone with the monster. He frantically locks in a Front Facelock and tries to knee Toyota, but Toyota picks up and easily throws him off. Barbosa crashes to the mat and Toyota follows up with a Leg Drop before going for a cover, 1... 2... Kick out!

: Bet Barbosa is wishing he&#8217;d stayed out of the match for a little longer.

Cohen: I&#8217;m guessing Big Dave is too.

Toyota picks Barbosa up and lifts him up for a Samoan Drop, but Barbosa elbows his way out and lands on his feet. Big Dave slides back into the ring and he and Barbosa deliver a double Suplex to the big man. Barbosa motions towards Wasabi, saying they should double team him before extending his hand for Dave to shake. Dave hesitates but grabs Barbosa&#8217;s hand and shakes it. Barbosa tries to let go but Dave pulls Barbosa towards him and hits a Northern Lights Suplex, to the delight of the crowd. He picks up Barbosa and drags him over to the corner before placing him on the top rope. Big Dave climbs up after him and goes for the Spider Suplex but Barbosa hits him with an elbow, knocking him off. Barbosa stands up and goes for a Flying Clothesline, but Big Dave ducks under it and Barbosa is caught by Toyota on his shoulder. Dave quickly climbs up to the top rope and leaps off, but Toyota catches him on his other shoulder. He holds up both men for a moment before slamming them both to the mat as the crowd cheer loudly at this feat of strength.

Connor: Well that was impressive to say the least!

Cohen: I didn&#8217;t realise he had some real muscle underneath all the flab...

Copeland: Try saying to his face, Jack.

Toyota pins Barbosa, 1... 2... Kick out! He then goes to pin Big Dave, 1... 2... Another kick out! Toyota signals for the end as he drags Barbosa over to corner before climbing onto the second rope. He bounces on the second rope for a few moments, but Barbosa takes advantage of the triple threat rules and low blows Toyota before he can go for the Banzai Drop. Toyota falls off the second rope and crashes to the mat and Barbosa weakly covers him, 1... 2... Kick out by Toyota. Barbosa gets up and turns around, where he&#8217;s lifted onto Big Dave&#8217;s shoulder, who hits him with the Stamp of Authority!! Big Dave lies on the mat for a few moments, catching his breath before he drapes an arm across Barbosa, 1... 2... Toyota breaks up the pin!! Big Dave gets up and unleashes rights and lefts on Toyota. He hits a dropkick, sending the big man backwards into the ropes. Dave comes off the ropes and goes for a Crossbody, but Toyota catches him in the Bearhug! Dave reaches out for the ropes as all the air is squeezed from his body. He starts to fade, his body going limp. The crowd start to cheer him on and he starts to regain his bearings, elbowing Toyota in the head. Toyota stumbles back into the ropes. Dave gets his feet on the middle rope and manages to get Wasabi in a Front Facelock. He kicks off the rope, hitting a big DDT! He gets an arm over Toyota&#8217;s huge chest, 1... 2... Toyota gets a shoulder up!

Connor: What is Dave supposed to do? There&#8217;s no way he can lift up Wasabi for the Stamp of Authority!

Dave gets up, looking exhausted after fighting out of the Bearhug. Suddenly, his expression changes, as if he has an idea. He slowly manages to drag Wasabi to the corner and uses the help of the ropes to get the rikishi to his feet. Dave takes a deep breath and grabs Toyota by his sumo belt and manages to lift him up for a moment to sit him on the top rope, causing the crowd to collectively gasp. He leans against the top rope, catching his breath before climbing up to the second rope. Again showing his strength, he gets Toyota up and Superplexes him off the second rope! The whole rings shakes violently! Dave goes for the pin, 1... 2... Barbosa breaks it up! The three men lie on the mat for several moments, with the crowd as loud as they&#8217;ve been all night from all the action. Big Dave and Barbosa are up first and start exchanging right hands. Barbosa swings wildly but Big Dave ducks under it and gets Barbosa into position for Checking Out, but Barbosa counters, grabbing Dave&#8217;s head and arm and locking in the Bipolar Disorder submission. Dave doesn&#8217;t have the energy to fight out and quickly starts fading. Suddenly, Toyota drops a Leg Drop on Barbosa, causing him to break the hold. Wasabi goes for the pin, 1... 2... Barbosa kicks out.

Copeland: No one is letting either of the others win! We could be here forever!

Connor: I don&#8217;t think the crowd would mind that, though!

Toyota picks up Barbosa and places him in the corner before backing up. He charges forward, going for an Avalanche, but Barbosa gets out of the way. He goes behind Wasabi and grabs his arms, going for a Straigh Jacket Choke, but Toyota flips Barbosa onto his back, making him hit the mat hard. Big Dave is up now and turns Toyota around. He attempts the Checking Out, but he can&#8217;t get the big man up again. Toyota elbows him away before hitting a side Belly to Belly. Toyota drags Dave to the corner and gets up onto the second rope. As he bounces on the second rope, Barbosa starts crawling towards Dave. Toyota jumps off the second rope and successfully hits the Banzai drop. As he sits on Dave&#8217;s chest for the pin, he doesn&#8217;t notice that Barbosa has hooked Dave&#8217;s leg, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and new holder of the King For A Day contract.... Uhh....

Barbosa quickly rolls out of the ring. He gets to his knees and raises his arms in the air as Toyota celebrates inside the ring. Barbosa gets to his feet and goes straight for the contract and grabs it from the timekeeper&#8217;s hands and tries to league. Toyota realises what&#8217;s happening and cuts him off in front of the ramp. He snatches the contract from Barbosa&#8217;s hand, and raises his arm in the air, causing the crowd to cheer. Barbosa snatches it back and forces the referee to raise his arm, making the crowd boo. Toyota tries to grab the contract, but Barbosa doesn&#8217;t let it go until suddenly a tearing noise is heard and both men are each holding half the contract. They look at the torn pieces of paper in their respective hands and then look at each other, both beginning to look furious. Suddenly a brawl breaks out, both men wildly swinging right hands! Referees start to run down to break it up, but Wasabi easily pushes them out of the way and the two men keep brawling. A few wrestlers run down the ramp and manages to separate Toyota and Barbosa, who both still look enraged.

Connor: We were supposed to settle the contract issue tonight, but now we&#8217;ve got even more issues!

Copeland: Well both men made the pin, technically they both won.

Cohen: No, Barbosa made the pin! The fatty was just sitting there! That shouldn&#8217;t count!

Austin Reynolds is backstage with Leon Kensworth.

&#8220;Austin, on top of everything that has gone on, you are due to face the unbeaten WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna in a No DQ for his title. What are your feelings going into the match?&#8221;

&#8220;Leon I&#8217;m distracted. I&#8217;m in no fit state for this fight, physically or mentally, Ty Burna has taken practically everything, including the one thing he had no right to take. Hayley is my future and I will do anything to get her back. Tonight I have to enter the mouth of the dragon. I figure while I am there, I may as well take the one thing that he has that he cares more about than anything.&#8221;

Austin is fired up tonight but it&#8217;s clear his focus is split between his personal and professional dreams.

&#8220;I am taking Hayley back from Ty tonight and maybe the World Title will be fair game while I am at it. Now that would be good for ratings.&#8221;

Austin walks off, having made his intentions clear.
Harrys: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the EurAsian Championship!

The crowd cheers with anticipation as we await the combatants of the match. The cheers become a roar as Papercut hits and the challenger emerges from behind the curtain.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from London England, weighing 275 pounds; SCOTT HAMMOND!

Connor: Scott Hammond has shown he&#8217;s a worthy opponent for the champion Blade over the last few weeks both in and out of the ring.

Cohen: What are you talking about CC? Blade&#8217;s displayed his superiority at every turn. Hammond&#8217;s got no chance.

Hammond gives some affection to the crowd but remains focused on the opportunity to become a champion once more and slides in the ring just as Bliss by Muse hits to a chorus of boos.

Cohen: These people don&#8217;t seem to understand what a great sport Blade is. He&#8217;s already said he wants to face Hammond one-on-one here tonight, what more do they want?

Copeland: I think they might want Blade to lose that EurAsian Championship Jack.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Dublin Ireland, and weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the EurAsian Champion; BLADE!

Blade strolls to the ring with a smirk and the upmost confidence. He enters the ring where Scott Hammond quickly advances towards him and stands toe-to-toe with him. Hammond&#8217;s face is straight and focused while Blade&#8217;s is cocky yet determined. The referee attempts to separate the two men as Blade holds up his championship, showing what&#8217;s at stake. After a moment&#8217;s pause where Hammond looks from Blade to the belt and back again, the referee finally separates the two men.

Copeland: A tense moment between champion and challenger there.

Cohen: I think the pressure may well be too much for Scott Hammond, after all this isn&#8217;t the Mayhem or Tag Team division he&#8217;s in anymore. He&#8217;s in there with the big boys now!

Connor: While that&#8217;s true, Hammond&#8217;s shown some strong mental resistance against Blade&#8217;s mind games.

The referee signals for the bell and we&#8217;re underway. Blade and Hammond circle one another briefly before Blade goes for something swift only to be met with a quick arm drag from Scott Hammond. Blade is confused and turns around into a solid clothesline and a pinfall attempt. 1...KICK-OUT! Blade is surprised by the pace and manoeuvres Hammond used there as the Londoner grins slightly. Blade is somewhat taken aback by the pace of Hammond&#8217;s offence, but resumes the match with a collar-elbow-tie-up. Blade attempts to push against Hammond but the strength of the challenger is too great and he pushes Blade down, who quickly returns to his feet and tries again, only to be met with the same result. Blade is now obviously enraged. His normal cool outer self is angry at the humiliation he&#8217;s just received at the hands of Hammond and it&#8217;s very apparent to everyone. Hammond meanwhile backs into a corner to relax for a moment.

Connor: It would seem Hammond had the early stages of this one thought out pretty well.

Cohen: Maybe, but it&#8217;s the last stage that counts.

Blade turns to Hammond with fire in his eyes and Hammond returns the look. They once more lock-up in the centre. Blade goes behind Hammond this time though and lifts him up with a German suplex into a bridge. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Hammond escapes the pin and gets up only to be met with a belly-to-belly suplex. Hammond goes flying across the ring. Blade goes for a pin. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Blade grabs Hammond and goes for a suplex, but it&#8217;s blocked. Blade tries it once more, but again it&#8217;s blocked. Hammond strikes Blade hard in the stomach with some fists and nails a suplex of his own into a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Hammond though doesn&#8217;t dismay over the failed attempt at a win and goes for a full-nelson slam. As Hammond lifts Blade up, the champion escapes, flipping over the back of Hammond, lifting him up into a backbreaker. Blade however this time doesn&#8217;t hang around for a cover, instead he picks Hammond up, stuns him with a vicious uppercut, whips him off the ropes and executes a spinebuster. This time he goes for the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Blade however doesn&#8217;t slow his offence down. He delivers several harsh stomps to Hammond&#8217;s spine. He follows that up with a vertical suplex, where he continues to thump Hammond&#8217;s spine during the delay, and goes for a pin. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Hammond clutches his back in pain following the kick-out and Blade notices it. He grins and continues to assault the back of Hammond, including a stiff kick which causes Hammond to writhe in agony and in the process land on his front. Blade then lifts Hammond up, dragging him to the turnbuckle. He puts the former Mayhem champion in position for a powerslam from the top, but Hammond blocks, knocking Blade to the mat. Holding his back for a moment, Hammond looks around and goes for the big diving headbutt...and connects! He struggles with his head and back in pain, but puts an arm over Blade. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The referee checks to see if Hammond is okay from the punishment he&#8217;s received and Hammond indicates that he&#8217;s fine, despite the obvious signs that he&#8217;s suffering from some back trauma. He gets to his feet but is hunched over in pain and goes to pick up Blade but it rolled up in a small-package. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Hammond powers out and both participants get to their feet where Hammond pushes Blade off the ropes. Blade looks to hit a clothesline, but Hammond ducks and on his way back, Blade is hit with a tintawhirl backbreaker. Hammond can&#8217;t quite make the cover though as Blade rolls over to the ropes, using them to help him get up.

Cohen: Ha! Blade has used his superior wrestling ability to inflict spinal damage upon Hammond! He can&#8217;t even capitalise on his own moves now

Copeland: Hammond may have a back problem, but that doesn&#8217;t mean he&#8217;s finished just yet. Blade looks to be in rough shape too.

Blade however is first to his feet and hits a tremendous enzuigiri on Hammond who falls to the mat. Blade signals it&#8217;s all over and grabs both of Hammond&#8217;s arms, looking for the Halo. He hooks him up, but Hammond uses all his might to force Blade over Hammond as the challenger lands squarely on Blade and into a pin. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Hammond grimaces in pain with a look of anguish on his face following the champion&#8217;s kick-out. Hammond is up to his feet and delivers a full-nelson slam....just barely. He looks to deliver a powerbomb to follow up, but as he lifts Blade up, his back suffers from the earlier punishment and he fails to complete the move. Just as Hammond prepares for a second attempt, Blade escapes and goes behind the London native. Blade goes back top using a German suplex to further deliver spinal damage. This time however, he doesn&#8217;t let go and delivers a second and then a third to complete the hat trick! Blade releases Hammond and instead of going for the cover decides to inflict more punishment. He hits knees square into Hammond&#8217;s spine and then prepares to lock in a Cloverleaf, but can&#8217;t quite get Hammond&#8217;s legs. Scott boots the EurAsian champion in the face. Blade backs away, only to sharply returns where he is met with a swift DDT. Both men are down now as the crowd starts to rally behind Hammond once more with a chant of &#8220;Let&#8217;s Go Hammond&#8221;.

The chant seems to breathe new life into Hammond who uses the ropes to return to his feet. He unleashes a T-Bone suplex upon Blade. He isn&#8217;t finished though and nails a neckbreaker on Blade. Hammond then signals that it&#8217;s all over and that London is Calling. Hammond goes for the finishing move, but Blade counters into a DDT. Hammond is face down on the mat and could be done, but Blade can barely make the cover, and only does so after a short delay. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Blade begins to pummel the spine of Hammond once more though with fists, kicks and anything else he can muster. It&#8217;s out of frustration more than vicious intent. Blade gets to his feet, locking in a devastating Texas Cloverleaf in the process. Hammond is in incredible pain. He screams in agony as Blade locks in the hold and shakes his head, saying it&#8217;s all over. He screams at Hammond to submit. He sits on Hammond&#8217;s back as if to increase the pain. Hammond appears to be done for. The referee asks Hammond if he wants to quit. It has to be all over. But, the crowd chant Hammond&#8217;s name to lift his spirits and he responds by refusing to submit. Using incredible power & resilience, Hammond lifts himself up, and crawls to the ropes to break the deadly hold. Blade refuses to relinquish the submission. The referee reaches four before Blade finally lets go of Hammond.

Cohen: H--How is he still in this?

Connor: The crowd have shown their love for Scott Hammond here and it&#8217;s causing him to survive.

Cohen: Oh God...I may throw-up at this schmaltzy rubbish.

Blade checks with the referee just to be sure that it wasn&#8217;t a submission. Blade is covered in sweat and lifts his arms as if to say &#8220;what now?&#8221; Blade walks over to Hammond, preparing to lift him up, but is lifted off his feet! Hammond is looking for London Calling, but Hammond can&#8217;t quite get Blade on his shoulders fully as the champion panics, trying to force his way out of the move. A combination of Blade&#8217;s flailing and Hammond&#8217;s back have delayed the signature move of the challenger. Finally, after some delay, Blade is fully up on Hammond&#8217;s back. Hammond looks around the arena, taking the moment in. It&#8217;s his moment. He takes it all in and initiates the move when Blade escapes at the last second! Blade lands on his feet in front of Hammond. The fans let out a collective gasp. Hammond is stunned as Blade executes the Blade Runner! He slaps his arm over Hammond. 1...2...3! It&#8217;s all over. Bliss hits as the crowd are silenced.

Harrys: Here is your winner and STILL EURASIAN CHAMPION...BLADE!

Connor: Blade managed to use his work earlier in the match to his advantage. If not for that we could well have seen a new champion there.

Copeland: I have to say, at the end, Hammond seemed to truly believe the match was his for the taking, and I can&#8217;t say I didn&#8217;t think the same.

Cohen: And that Seabass, is why I call you things such as Seabass. It&#8217;s also why Scott Hammond is not the EurAsian champion and Blade is.

Blade grabs his championship and slowly slinks out of the ring. Exhaustion is painted on his face as well as an element of surprise. He walks up the ramp, and yet despite his triumph, Blade returns to the ring. The referee looks to stop him, assuming the worst. However, it is far from that, and Blade applauds with genuine meaning behind it. The fans are surprised, as is Hammond, who, using the referee has returned to his feet. Blade even goes so far as to offer his hand. Hammond looks at it for a moment, then back at Blade before slapping it away, walking past Blade and exiting. There is an eerie silence in the arena as the fans are not sure who to root for.

Copeland: I can&#8217;t believe I&#8217;m going to say this, but Blade was showing some real respect there.

Cohen: Indeed, but Scott Hammond, proved that everything I&#8217;ve said about him is true. No class whatsoever.
We go backstage where Alex Bowen is standing in his locker room. He looks down at his Mayhem Championship as well as a spool of barbed wire as Leon Kensworth walks in.

Leon: Alex up next you defend that Mayhem

Bowen: I know Leon. You're here for the big interview with the champion before the match. Let me make it very clear Leon, I have nothing to say other than I'm strolling into that ring and beating the holy hell out of Action Saxtion again and keeping his Mayhem title.

Leon: Ok, well then we have word that you had a very difficult time getting approval to even compete tonight. How are your injuries after facing Ty in that brutal Mayhem match on Meltdown?

Bowen: I always fight hurt Leon, so this is nothing new. Why Saxton played it safe before Apocalypse, I went for broke against the World Heavyweight Champion and almost had him beat. I have all the confidence in the world now knowing I can compete with the best. I'm tore up all over Leon, and after this match I'm going to be torn up again. I'll keep fighting until there's nothing left of me because that's just how I am.

Bowen picks up the Mayhem title and drapes it over his shoulder as he turns and walks out of the locker room.
We return to ringside where the ropes have been wrapped in barbed wire. There&#8217;s also several weapons wrapped up around ringside as the crowd anticipate a bloodbath.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Mayhem Championship!

Tank hits to a pop and Action Saxton emerges onto the stage, his eyes straight ahead at the bladed wire around the ring. He shows no fear as he walks down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at 270 pounds, Action Saxton!

Copeland: Well, if there&#8217;s anyone who won&#8217;t be intimidated by barbed wire, it&#8217;s this man.

Cohen: Judging by all the women he gets, he probably feels barbed wire every times he pees.

He carefully slides under the bottom rope before tearing off his t-shirt. The Hills Have Eyes hits to a big pop and the Mayhem Champion walks through the curtain. He holds his title high in the air on the stage.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 247 pounds, the Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen!

He walks down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans at ringside. He jumps up onto the ring apron and gets up on the second rope, holding up his title again before jumping over the top rope into the ring. He looks around and smirks, feeling in his element as Saxton keeps his poker face on. The referee, wearing some padding, takes the belt and calls for the bell. The two men circle each other, looking sharp and focused. The lock up in the centre of the ring and Saxton uses his strength to back Bowen into the ropes but Bowen fights back and breaks the grapple before hitting a double leg takedown on Saxton. He follows up by throwing a combo of punches but Saxton pushes the champ off him, sending Bowen rolling under the bottom rope to the outside. Bowen is up on the outside and Saxton follows, rolling under the bottom rope to the outside. He runs at Bowen, but Bowen delivers a Drop Toe Hold and Saxton goes face first into the ring steps. With his opponent slumped over the ring steps, Bowen picks up a barbed wire-laden table. He lifts it up high and drops it across Saxton&#8217;s back. The crowd let out a groan at the look of pain on Saxton&#8217;s face. With the table still on his back, Bowen runs at him and hits a dropkick, driving the table into Saxton&#8217;s back again. The table falls to the ground, revealing several cuts on Saxton&#8217;s back.

Connor: And that&#8217;s the damage this match can do! Bowen knows how to use this environment to his advantage.

Bowen goes under the ring and pulls out a barbed wire 2x4. Saxton is back up, ignoring the pain of his back. Bowen swings the 2x4 but Saxton ducks under it and hits a Roundhouse Kick. Bowen goes down and appears to be bleeding from his cheek. Saxton points down at his shoes, showing that they&#8217;re covered in barbed wire too! Saxton smirks, tapping his temple before he starts stomping on Bowen, opening up several more cuts. He goes for the first pin of the match, 1... 2... Kick out by Bowen. He picks up Bowen before delivering a Snapmare and following up with a kick to Bowen&#8217;s chest. Saxton picks up the 2x4 and scrapes it across Bowen&#8217;s forehead, causing a large gash to open up. Bowen clutches his forehead before Saxton pins him again, 1... 2... Kick out by Bowen. Saxton picks up the table and slides it into the ring before rolling his opponent into the ring. He sets up the table in the centre of the ring and picks up Bowen to Scoop Slam him through the table, but Bowen counters and lands behind the challenger before hitting an Atomic Drop. He follows up with a Dropkick and Saxton falls forward into the rope, his arm getting caught on the barbed wire. As the referee tries to help him out, Bowen slowly rolls out of the ring and grabs a barbed wire baseball bat at ringside. He rolls back into the ring and pushes the referee out of the way before hitting Saxton with the Derby Shot. Saxton goes limp with his arm still caught on the barbs. Bowen pulls him off, ripping some of Saxton&#8217;s skin on the back of his arm in the process, and goes for the pin, 1... 2... Saxton gets his good arm up.

Copeland: How much blood have these men lost!?

Cohen: There&#8217;s more red than white on the mat now!

Bowen looks frustrated as he gets up. He pulls the table nearer to himself and picks up Saxton. Saxton is on his feet but looks dazed as Bowen goes for Ride the Lightning but Saxton blocks it and lifts Bowen up, hitting a Spinebuster. Both men are down, dripping blood from both their head as the crowd urges them on. They slowly start to get up and Bowen throws a right hand but Saxton dodges it and hits a shuffle sidekick and Bowen falls back into the corner. Saxton goes for a running Shoulder Thrust but Bowen dodges and Saxton bounces off the turnbuckles. Bowen Irish Whips Saxton towards the ropes but Saxton reverses, sending Bowen towards the barbed wire covered ropes, but Bowen slides under the bottom rope to the outside. Bowen climbs up onto the apron and Saxton goes for him but Bowen grabs him by the head and jumps off the apron. Saxton goes neck first into the ropes and bounces backwards. Bowen quickly slides back into the ring and goes for the pin, 1... 2.... Saxton gets a shoulder up! Bowen puts his head in his hands, his face now a crimson mask. He gets up and slides the bloody hair out of his face before signalling for the end. He rolls out of the ring and looks under the apron. He pulls out a wooden board with a mesh of barbed wire on it and slides it into the ring. He measures up Saxton, who is slowly getting to his feet and grabs him, going for the End of Days onto barbed wire. But Saxton reverses and hits a Back Body Drop on Bowen through the table! Saxton falls back down to the mat but manages to crawl towards the champion and drape an arm over him, 1... 2.... Bowen gets a shoulder up!

Copeland: How do these men have anything left!?

Connor: Neither man wants to give up here!

Saxton gets onto his knees and weakly argues with the referee. He starts to get to his feet and picks Bowen up. Bowen can barely stand and Saxton goes for Black Lightning, but Bowen ducks under it and hits Ride the Lightning out of nowhere! Both men lie on the mat for several moments until Bowen rolls over and drapes an arm across his opponent, 1.... 2.... Saxton gets a shoulder up! Bowen doesn&#8217;t even react as he rolls onto his back. Both men are recovering on the mat before Bowen starts to get up. He gets to his feet and picks Saxton up with him and kicks him in the gut before going for the End of Days but Saxton powers out and hits the Black Lightning out of nowhere! Saxton collapses on top of Bowen for the pin, 1... 2... Bowen barely kicks out! The crowd can&#8217;t believe it, cheering loudly for the spirit of both men. Saxton shakes the cobwebs from his head and gets up quicker than expected. He grabs the barbed wire board and drags towards the corner before dragging Bowen over to the corner and picking him up. He sits Bowen on the top rope and climbs up to the second rope. He tries to Superplex Bowen, but Bowen hits him with a lowblow! Bowen slips off the top turnbuckle and hits Saxton with a series of right hands. With Saxton dazed on the top rope, Bowen climbs up after him and lifts him up. Both men are standing on the top rope and Bowen hits Ride the Lightning onto the barbed wire board! The crowd let out a loud pop as Bowen tears himself off the barbed wire and covers Saxton, 1.... 2..... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and STILL Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen!

The EMT&#8217;s run down the ramp and pull the two men out of the vines of barbed wire and tend to them. Both men are placed on stretchers and pushed up the ramp with the referee following with the Mayhem title in hand, leaving several pools of blood behind in the ring.

Copeland: Never have we seen a match so violent, so gory in the history of WZCW!

Connor: Not to mention making everyone cringe every time barbed wire made contact with skin!

Cohen: No joke, my buttcheeks still haven&#8217;t unclenched after that ending!
We go backstage where Mr. Baller is walking around with a smug look on his face with his custom made Mr. Baller: 3 Ricky: 0 shirt on. He stops by a backstage workers who are conversing by the water jug.

Baller: Anyone seen Ricky around at all?

Worker 1: As a matter of fact we haven't. We were just talking about that.

Worker 2: We were hoping to get a glimpse at the former World Champion.

Baller: Why waste your time talking about him? I mean I'm 3-0 against him, you should spend your time talking about someone worthwhile, someone, like Mr. Baller. Did I mention I'm 3-0 against a former World Heavyweight Champion?

Worker 1: Yes you have, repeatedly.

Baller: And don't you forget it! I'm going out there and Everest will have no choice but to raise my hand and everyone will see Ricky as the chump he is. And you better believe that!

Baller walks off as the workers shake their heads. A certain parrot can be seen perched on a container above the workers and the crowd pops loudly.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Introducing first, the special referee for this contest, he is the former WZCW Champion, EVEREST!!

A massive reception greets the legend as he emerges at the top of the ramp. Wearing a referee shirt that is probably a size too small, he walks down to the ring with a confident stride.

&#8220;Everest is the perfect man to be the official in this match.&#8221;

&#8220;It&#8217;s unfair damnit. Baller is being outnumbered!&#8221;

&#8220;Mr. Baller&#8221; begins and Baller emerges looking pumped. He starts getting cocky in front of the fans.

&#8220;Since the disappointment of Kingdom Come, Baller has been on a tear but it has been at the expense of two WZCW legends.&#8221;

&#8220;He&#8217;s 3-0, that&#8217;s an incredible record and one he is going to improve tonight.&#8221;

Harrys: On his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, weighing 220 pounds, this is MISTER...BALLER!!!!

&#8220;This is Baller&#8217;s chance to go to the next level at the expense of one of the company&#8217;s biggest ever names.&#8221;

He heads down the ramp and grabs the attention of the crowd, by showing off his ball skills on his way to the ring. Baller gets in the ring and poses in the corner

Harrys: And his opponent.......

&#8220;From Tortouga, weighing 260 lbs, he is The Scurvy One, STEAMBOAT RICKY!!!!&#8221;

&#8220;He&#8217;s here!&#8221;

Alestorm&#8217;s Over the Seas begins to an absolute roar and Ricky comes out to pose at the top of the ramp. He locks eyes with Baller who is going mental in the ring as Ricky gets closer. Everest is watching with a slight grin.

&#8220;God damn!&#8221;

&#8220;The legend has returned and Baller is apoplectic!&#8221;

Ricky takes his time getting into the ring but as soon as Ricky takes his place in the centre of the ring Baller pushes him away. He points to himself, indicating he is a bigger star than Ricky and Everest. The referee brushes it off and the cheery pirate grins but as Baller goes to push him away again, Ricky doesn&#8217;t budge and then levels Baller with a right hand. Baller gets back up but is floored with another strike to the face. Baller tries to escape but Ricky grabs him in the ropes and drags him back into the ring, Ricky goes to piledrive him in the centre of the ring but Baller backdrops him out of it! Baller goes for a cover but only gets one from Everest.

&#8220;Baller is being battered!&#8221;

&#8220;I don&#8217;t think he can believe it.&#8221;

&#8220;But he nearly tried to steal it right there!&#8221;

Baller stomps on Ricky and hits his standing leg drop. He then picks up the legend and whips him off the ropes. As he comes back he hits a stylish hurracanrana but Ricky no sells it and gets straight back up to a massive roar. Baller poses for a second, not realising the former World Champion is standing behind him. Ricky locks in a full nelson before lifting up Baller and slamming him hard to the mat. Cover, 1.....2....Baller manages to get a shoulder up.

&#8220;Ricky has size and weight in his favour.&#8221;

&#8220;And so far Baller is struggling to use his athleticism.&#8221;

&#8220;Baller is an athlete in the prime of his life. Ricky is a slob!&#8221;

Ricky picks Baller up again and hits clubbing blows across his face. Baller reels away and tries to escape the assault. He rolls underneath the bottom rope and Ricky follows. Baller kicks Ricky low but Everest allows the strike despite it looking suspiciously below the belt. Baller whips him into the ringside barrier. Ricky takes the impact with a grunt. Baller sprints towards him and splashes himself against Ricky. Everest urges them to get inside the ring but Baller shoves the referee away.

&#8220;Everest should DQ Baller right there.&#8221;

&#8220;If he doesn&#8217;t then he deserves all the credit in the world for not reacting to the cocky so & so.&#8221;

Baller drags Ricky over to the ring steps. He backs off and charges again but Ricky sidesteps out of the way and Baller crashes into the ring steps!! Baller backs away again but Ricky flapjacks him onto the ring steps!!!

&#8220;Baller may have made his first mistake. Taking Ricky to the outside will suit someone who was the innovator of the Mayhem division.&#8221;

Ricky tries to deadlift Baller&#8217;s carcas from the steps. He eventually rolls him into the ring, Ricky hooks the leg, 1.....2......Baller gets his foot on the bottom rope!! Everest notices just before he brings down the hand for the three count. He points it out to Ricky who is gutted.

&#8220;Baller nearly paid the price for that.&#8221;

&#8220;He was lucky that the decrepid old Everest could spot it.&#8221;

Steamboat gestures to the crowd and goes for the Deck Swabber but as he is lifted into the air, Baller counters this into a spinning DDT! Cover...1...2...Ricky kicks out!

&#8220;Great counter by Baller!&#8221;

&#8220;That was a three count!!&#8221;

Baller is furious and gets in Everests&#8217; face. He pushes the official away and Everest pushes him back, hard and he lands in the turnbuckle. Everest tells him to stop him and get on with it. Baller backs away hesitantly. He goes to Ricky and tries to lock in the Game-Changer but Ricky counters it into a roll up!! 1....2.....3!!

&#8220;What the -&#8221;

&#8220;He did it!!&#8221;

Your winner, STEAMBOAT RICKY!!!!

&#8220;Ricky taught the young stud a lesson!&#8221;

&#8220;Baller is a top star but it was an experienced move by the seasoned campaigner that caught him out!&#8221;

Ricky celebrates as his hand is raised by Everest in the centre of the ring as Baller rolls out of the ring holding his head in disbelief. Ricky raises his arms up, his right hand forming a one, and his second hand a zero as Baller retreats up the entrance ramp.
We go backstage where Ty is seen walking alongside Serafina and Hayley. Hayley seems to have been brainwashed yet again as she walks with a confidence. An evil smirk forms on Ty's face as the lights go out. We cut to another area of the arena where Dominic and Austin Reynolds are seen discussing strategy as they walk towards the entrance.

Dominic: Go out and do what you do Austin. Bring Hayley back to us and if you can, bring that World Title home too.

Reynolds: You got it Dom. As soon as Hayley is safe get her the hell out of here. I don't want any slip ups tonight. I'm not losing her again damn it!

The two friends shake hands and hug before Reynolds makes his way to the gorilla position.

Copeland: Will Austin Reynolds gain revenge on Ty? Or does Ty truly have Hayley under his control? We'll find out as the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line, next!

Austin makes his way out on to the stage. Dominic is close behind him clapping his hands. Austin looks very serious, but still posses to the crowd as pyro shoots off on the stage. Dominic pats Austin's shoulders. Austin turns around and the 2 shake hands and speak briefly before Dominic goes back behind the curtain and Austin makes his way down to the ring.

Copeland: For the Rating Winner Austin Reynolds. This is without question the biggest match of his career going one on one with the WZCW Champion Ty Burna.

Cohen: You mean the WZCW Champion who has not lost a match in over a year Ty Burna. Rating may go up for this match, but not as much as Austin&#8217;s medical bills after.

Connor: Throw in the fact that Austin&#8217;s fiance Hayley is still possessed by the demonic Ty, Austin must win or else him and his true love my never live their happy ending together.

Austin climbs into the ring. He takes off his hoodie and starts bouncing around in the ring before the lights go off.


Ty Burna comes out in a long hooded robe. It&#8217;s open down the middle so his WZCW Championship can be shown around his waist. Behind him holding up the long dragging end of his robe is Hayley with Serafina close behind. Hayley is still possessed by Ty, but upon seeing Austin in the ring, she blinks and her eyes water up. Ty Burna smiles and turns around and places a hand on her head. He laughs and turns back around, Hayley&#8217;s eyes are now red and show no expression.

Cohen: The soon to be Mrs Reynolds, looking quite comfortable I must say with our World Champion. Chicks dig the titles I say.

Connor: Jack are you crazy or possessed as well. Hayley clearly has no will of her own as Ty continues his influence on her.

Copeland :The WZCW Champion is waving a red flag in front of Austin by bringing Hayley out. Will it inspire our challenger or will it be a distraction to his downfall?

Ty makes his way to the stairs. Hayley removes the hooded robe off Ty. Ty turns and nods to Serafina who grabs Hayley by the arms and guides her to the corner. Ty climbs into the ring and raises his title belt to a loud amount of boos.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Introducing the first, the challenger, from London, England, weighing in at 190 lbs, he is the Ratings Winner, Austin Reynolds!

And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is the longest reigning champion in WZCW history, Ty Burna!

Ty hands the belt over to the ref. He holds it up in the middle of the ring and then hands it off to the ring announcer. The ref gets both men to their corners and checks them for any weapons or foreign objects. He deems them both clean and calls for the bell. Ty stands in the corner, clearly waiting for Austin to come at him. Austin bounces around the ring, not ready to advance. Ty bends down and reaches and hand through the ropes. Hayley moves his hand to reach Ty who grabs it and plants a kiss on it. Austin quickly charges at Ty, who moves around it and stands in the centre of the ring as Austin is in the corner. Ty laughs at the mind advantage he has over Austin as the 2 finally lock up. Ty overpowers Austin and throws him into the corner. Ty then quickly rains jabs and hooks into the midsection of Austin. The ref counts to 4 and Ty slowly backs off from Austin. Austin turns to look at Hayley whose eyes are fixed on Ty. Ty waits for Austin to come to him. The 2 lock up again. Ty goes to throw Austin into the corner. Austin pulls himself down and uses Ty&#8217;s force to pull him to the mat as well. Austin in above Ty and throws wild haymakers at Ty on the mat. The ref begins to count and Ty pushes Austin off him and to the centre of the ring as the ref gets to 4. Austin is quick to recover as Ty gets to his feet and runs at him, forcing his elbow into Ty&#8217;s neck as he pushes him into the corner. Austin continues with vicious elbow shots as the ref quickly counts to 5 and pulls Austin off of Ty. Ty grabs at his neck, appearing to have trouble breathing. He then looks up and starts laughing and smiles at the aggression Austin has shown.

The 2 lock up again at centre. Austin quickly works around Ty holding his arm. Ty tries swinging back at Austin, but misses. Ty uses his strength and counters Austin, twisting his arm at a high angle, forcing Austin to the mat. Austin rolls on the mat and flips to his feet, dragging Ty to the mat. Ty is on his knee quickly. Austin with a low Leg Lariat takes Ty back to the mat. Austin stays on top and starts punching the head of Ty. The ref gets to 4 and Austin gets up and roars to the crowd. Ty is to his feet, Austin with a Dropsault backs him into the corner. Austin bounces around at centre and then runs at Ty. Austin leaps and goes for a Monkey Flip. Ty with his strength holds onto Austin and then slowly lifts him up and over the ropes. Austin grabs onto the ropes and manages to stay on the apron. Ty goes for a punch, Austin blocks it and kicks him in the head. Ty stumbles back to centre. Austin leaps onto the ropes and goes for Ego Crush! Ty grabs Austin in midair and slams him to the mat with a Spinebuster. The crowd ooos on impact as Ty goes for the first cover, getting a 2 count. Ty grabs Austin by head and lifts it up and then punches him to the mat. He does this 2 more times. Austin sits up on his own by Ty quickly from behind with a kick to the back of the head. Ty bounces off the ropes near him and then leaps above Austin, dropping a knee on the side of his head. Austin rolls onto his stomach, allowing Ty to put a foot on the back of Austin. Ty grabs Austin&#8217;s arms and crosses them around his neck and pulls back. Austin is being chocked out by Ty who lets go after 5. Ty takes a rare moment of break inside the ring, taunting his challenger and shouting to the crowd and Hayley that this is the best WZCW can give him. Austin is one his hands and knees getting to his feet as Ty returns his focus. Austin waits till Ty is near and turns around quickly with a Roaring Elbow. The blow causes Ty to take 2 steps back. As Ty goes back towards Austin, Austin rolls forward hitting Millions and Millions. Ty is now back against the ropes. Ty shakes his head and starts to charge at Austin as he turns and jumps onto the 2nd rope opposite of Ty. Austin does a perfect backflip over Ty. Ty comes off the ropes back at Austin. Austin drops on his back and with his legs Monkey Flips Ty over him and out of the ring under the bottom rope.

Copeland: Austin has managed to avoid an early scare and has kept the champion off balance.

Cohen; Power game always beats speed. Ty Burna will no doubt hit another big move and more likely 10 of them and that&#8217;s be the end for Mr. Reynolds.

Connor: Austin has the fighting heart of a champion. Question is can he defeat Ty&#8217;s year long undefeated streak to become World Champion for the first time?

Austin goes to the ropes near Ty and waits for him to stand. Ty turns and Austin leaps over with a corkscrew making perfect contact. Austin is pumped and begins taking apart the announcers table. He takes the top off and throws it on top of Ty. He then takes the Ty monitors off and chucks them down on the board on top of Ty. Ty crawls out as Austin climbs onto the table and waits. Ty Burna is up and Austin leaps with a flying shoulder. The impact sends both men into the stairs, Ty&#8217;s back making contact first as the top stairs go flying off. Austin gets up and kicks Ty sharply in the chest, making Ty fall flat against the bottom stairs. Austin looks around at the crowd cheering him loudly. He signals for the Ratings Killer and turns Ty over and stands him on his feet. The 2 stand on opposite sides of the stairs, Austin looking to hit the big move on top of the stairs. Austin grabs Ty&#8217;s waist, only to let go when a loud scream is heard across the ring. Hayley is screaming loudly for some reason causing Austin to lose focus. Ty is quick to recover and hits Consecrated Banishment!. The blow sends Austin back, landing into the top stairs. Ty nods his head approvingly in Serafina and Hayley&#8217;s direction as he grabs Austin and rolls him into the ring. He waists little time to follow him in and quickly hooks Austin's leg. 1... 2.... Austin kicks out.

Connor: Unbelievable... Austin kicked out.

Cohen: It&#8217;s early CC. Austin may have used his last bit left in him to kick out of that pinfall.

Ty wastes little time putting Cohen&#8217;s word to the test. He grabs Austin and lifts him to his foot, underhooking his arms in the process. Ty lifts Austin up and hits a Double Underhook Backbreaker. Ty goes for the cover. 1... 2... Austin with the kick out. Ty rolls Austin over and places his knee over Austin&#8217;s shoulder, trapping him. Ty then grabs the arm and lifts Austin up to his feet. Ty stands beside Austin and hits a Russian Legsweep. Ty then goes for the cover, hooking both legs. 1... 2..... Austin kicks out. Ty appears angry at Austin&#8217;s willingness to continue, but then smiles as he gets to inflict more pain upon Austin. Ty grabs Austin by the arm and Irish Whips him into the corner. Austin hits the corner hard and stumbles forward. Ty grabs him and lifts him onto his shoulders. Ty circles the ring slowly, Austin&#8217;s body looking like a dead corpse as Ty is debating when to drop a Shoulderbreaker on him. Austin springs to life and quickly turns 45 degrees, grabbing both Ty&#8217;s arms and rolling him back into a Crucifix Pin. The ref barely gets up to a 2 count. Both men to their feet, Austin is unable to defend himself as Ty quickly hits him with a kick to the gut. Ty hooks the head of Austin. He calls out &#8220;Mo&#8217; Murda&#8221; and laughs. Austin again shows life and lifts Ty up and over for a Northernlights Suplex into a pin. The ref goes to count. 1... 2.. Ty kicks out. Austin is to his feet first, but Ty wastes no time this time, charging at Austin with a running High Knee. The blow causes Austin to fall back and through the ropes, staying on the apron. Ty walks over to Austin and reaches over the ropes and pulls him to his feet. Ty hooks Austin&#8217;s arm and looks to his a Brainbuster back inside the ring. He lifts Austin up to a vertical base. He holds him there as Austin kicks his legs wildly. Austin then falls forward instead of backwards. Austin is dropped to the floor outside the ring as Ty is guillotined by the ropes.

Copeland: Our champion dumps the challenger outside the ring, but got caught up on the ropes for his troubles.

Cohen: I&#8217;m sure Austin thinks he got the better of that exchange.

Ty regains his composure quickly and goes to the outside to inflict further pain upon Austin. He grabs Austin and slams his face onto the announce table. He rolls Austin onto the table and then climbs up. Ty grabs Austin and lifts him onto his shoulders. Ty prepares to slam Austin through the table. Serafina from the far corner shouts out encouragement to Ty as Hayley remains silent. Ty goes to slam Austin through the table. Austin manages to slide down the backside. Ty turns around and Austin grabs his legs and flips him onto his back. Austin tries to turn Ty around into a Liontamer submission. Ty is refusing to turn over. Austin readjusts and puts Ty&#8217;s legs onto of Austin&#8217;s shoulders. Austin stands straight up and has Ty in position for the Ratings Killer. Austin moves one leg in front on Ty&#8217;s arm. Ty struggles to try and block Austin&#8217;s second leg, but Austin gets it in front of Ty&#8217;s arm and drops forward hitting Ratings Killer and putting both men through the table. Serafina screams at the wreck and suddenly leaves her post to check on Ty. At that moment Hayley has regained consciousness and looks around wondering where she is. Dominic comes racing to the ring with some EMT&#8217;s and grabs Hayley and takes her to the back. Serafina at last notices what&#8217;s happened and runs back to stop them, but she is too late. The EMT&#8217;s get to the 2 men. Both appear alright and Austin is almost to his feet.

Copeland: Our announce table is a wreck after a match turning move Austin has performed here on Ty.

Connor: The momentum is back in the Rating Winners way. Will he be able to maintain it to pick up the win?

Austin rolls back into the ring and then back out. Ty is onto his feet back turned to Austin. Austin jumps up behind Ty and hits a reverse Lungblower on the floor. Both men lie in pain from that maneuver. Austin gets up first and lifts Ty up and rolls him into the ring. Austin crawls in a goes for the pinfall. 1... 2... Ty kicks out. Both men are slow to their feet. Austin with a knee to the midsection pushes Ty to the ropes. Austin goes for an Irish Whip, Ty Burna reverses it. Ty goes for a right hook, Austin slides down under it. Ty bends over to grab Austin, Austin kicks him in the face. Austin then lifts both his legs into the air and flips Ty overtop of him with a Kip Up Frankensteiner. Ty rolls into the corner and slowly pulls himself up to his feet. He turns around and Austin connects with Millions and Millions. Ty manages to stay on his feet. Austin gets the crowd worked up and walks over towards Ty. He jumps up and goes for a Lungblower. Ty grabs onto the ropes with one hand and Austin falls on his back alone. Ty limps along the ropes away from Austin. He gets to the next turnbuckle and then turns around and runs at Austin. Consecrated Banishment connects again. Austin falls into the ropes near the corner, but doesn't roll out of this ring. Ty limps over to Austin and grabs his leg and slowly drags him towards the centre of the ring. Ty then falls onto of Austin not hooking the leg. The ref makes the count. 1... 2...... Austin barely gets a shoulder up.

Copeland: Austin kicked out of a second Consecrated Banishment!

Connor: He is unbelievable here tonight.

Cohen: Make him tap Ty. Make him tap!

Ty really begins to show his frustration with Austin. He limps around the ring a little and then signals of The Final Séance. He calls for Serafina to bring Hayley present. Serafina stalls and Ty realizes what has now happened. He walks over to Serafina and scolds her demanding to know how Hayley got away from them. Serafina is scared and at a loss for words. Ty throws his arms to the side and as he does Austin crawls up behind him and rolls Ty up for a pin. Ty shakes his legs struggling to kick out. 1... 2..... Ty barely kicks out. Ty and Austin both get up slowly. Ty goes for a clothesline, Austin ducks it and then flips Ty on his back. Austin grabs the legs and manages to turn over Ty, locking in the Liontamer. Ty cries out in pain as Austin places his foot on the back of Ty&#8217;s head. Serafina is banging the mat yelling at Ty to not kick out. Austin continues to apply more pressure to the hold. Ty reaches out to the ropes, but there are out of range. Austin leans back, he&#8217;s had Ty locked in the move for almost 2 minutes. Ty reaches and pulls his body forward. He reaches again and then inches closer and is just able to grab the ropes. Austin lets go after a 4 count and bends over exhausted from the match. He wills himself up and appears ready to hit another Ratings Killer. He helps Ty up and sets him up for the move. He lifts Ty to his shoulders and then lets him fall back. Ty grabs onto one of Austin&#8217;s arms and is preventing him from setting up the move. Austin struggles to try and maintain a vertical balance. Ty continues to pull down on the arm of Austin. Austin teeters and Ty finally gets him to the mat and wraps his legs around Austin&#8217;s arm and neck. Ty has The Final Séance fully locked in.

Cohen: Final Séance. It&#8217;s lock in. This match is over.

Austin is so far refusing to tap as Ty continues to pull at the arm. Austin is dead centre in the ring and nowhere near the ropes. The crowd loudly chants his name and encourages him to fight it out. Austin tries to rock his body and roll Ty over, but Ty is overpowering Austin. Austin tries to start pulling his body towards the rope with his legs. Ty slides his body around on the mat and turns Austin so he can see how far the ropes are. Austin grabs at Ty&#8217;s legs with his spare hand but is unable to move them. He then starts reaching out to the ropes and is slowly pulling himself closer. The crowd is getting louder as Austin gets closer.

Copeland: CC, Jack, it is incredible how long Austin has been in The Final Séance and has not tapped. Will he get to the ropes in time?

Austin continues to pull himself closer slowly. He is about a foot away from the ropes. He pulls himself once more and is inches away. Ty rears back farther than before on the arm and pulls Austin&#8217;s body further from the ropes. The pain is too unbearable and Austin has no choice but to tapout. Ding ding ding.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Both men lie motionless on the mat exhausted from the match. Serafina grabs the WZCW Championship from the timekeeper and lays it by Ty&#8217;s side and then makes her way to the back. The ref continues to check on both men making sure they are breathing and not injured. The lights go out in the arena and when they come back on Austin is alone in the ring. He slowly starts to move, very noticeably hurt in his arm and shoulder. Hayley and Dominic both appear on the entrance ramp. Hayley looks so sad upon seeing her fallen Austin but is also relieved to see he is moving. They both start calling out to Austin. He hears them but is too disoriented to know where its coming from. They continue to call him till at last he spots them. He slowly rolls out of the ring. Hayley breaks free of Dominic and runs down the ramp towards Austin. Austin walks slowly up the ramp holding his arm. They meet on the ramp and Hayley wraps her arms around Austin. Dominic follows and greets his friend. Fire erupts around the three people and the lights dim. A spotlight shines on top of the Titantron and a lightening bolt strikes the spot and Ty Burna appears. He holds the WZCW Championship and stares down at the 3 individual. He appears to nod his head with an evil look on his face before the lights go out again and he is gone.

Copeland: What an outstanding and brutal main event. Austin gave all he could tonight, but it was just a little short in the end.

Connor: The hero may have lost but Austin at least has Hayley back safely.

Cohen: Yes but the question now is &#8220;is there anyone in WZCW who can stop Ty Burna?&#8221;

Copeland: And that question will have to be saved for another date. From all of us here in WZCW, this is Jack, CC, and Seabass saying goodnight. Thank you for watching WZCW&#8217;s Apocalypse.
Who wrote what:
Ty vs. Reynolds - Showtime
Ricky vs. Baller, Smith vs. Constantine, Backstage - Numbers
Blade vs. Hammond - Funkay
Bowen vs. Saxton, KFAD Triple Threat - Blade
Baez vs. Red Mask, Backstage - Ty
FP vs. Stantime - Falkon
Holmes vs. Kurtesy, Opening - Phoenix

Rep them, love them and give feedback please. We hope you enjoyed Apocalypse.
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