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WZCW Presents: Apocalypse

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"Original Blade"

Darkness has fallen...

Shots of Vengeance and Ty Burna

Where light fades, hope remains

Shots of Titus and Showtime

Where dominance reigns, strength arises

Shots of Big Dave and Blade

When blood is shed, one will stand

Shots of Phoenix and Garth Black

Where confidence seems through, so does doubt

Shots of Austin Reynolds and Chris Beckford

Where Mayhem controls chaos, a victor will ascend

Shots of ladders and the Mayhem Championship

Where the greatest battles must stand and the heroes stand tested and willed, there can be only one place where courage is the only thing you have to survive...




And now, Meltdown and Ascension present
*Pryos go off*​

Copeland: Apocalypse has dawned on the WZCW but will it be the beginning of the end or will we start anew much like young couple who just got married on a fine weekend! Hello again everybody, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen and Cat Connor, we're at ringside and live in the Fargodome, Fargo, North Dakota*for Apocalypse and it's going to be one explosive night. All titles are on the line, not to mention we have a Last Man Standing Match and a Ladder Match in the mix!

Cohen: And the latter is going to open the show! I can't wait!

Harrys: The following contest is a six man ladder match and it is for the Mayhem championship!

Roll Deep hits and the crowd let out a pop as Scott Hammond emerges.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, Scott Hammond!

Connor: Hammond was unsuccessful in getting an Elite X title shot, but one of the best Mayhem champions in recent memory will try to reclaim his throne tonight!

End on 9 hits next and Gordito makes his way out. He motions to the crowd then makes his way down to the ring.

Harrys: From San Francisco, CA, Gordito!

For the Love of the Game comes on and Alexander Steele comes out and looks apprehensively at the ladders before slapping the hands of some fans on the way to the ring

Harrys: From Boston, MA, Alexander Steele!

Ode to Joy comes on and Steven Holmes makes his way out and he slowly makes his way down to the ring.

Harrys: From London, England, Steven Holmes!

Cohen: Arguably the most impressive rookie so far this year, Steven Holmes shouldn’t have to take part in such barbaric matches such as this!

Amaranth hits next and smoke starts to rise on the entrance ramp before Jones appears and walks down to the ring.

Harrys: From Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Chris Jones!

Finally, Goodbye hits and the crowd lets out another pop as Baez makes his way out, sans Mayhem Championship. He climbs the ladder at the top of the entrance ramp and looks out into the crowd. He points at his belt, hovering above the ring. Baez climbs down the ladder and goes quickly down the ramp and into the ring with his 5 opponents. The bell rings and all 6 men just look at each other, no man wanting to make the first move. Suddenly, Scott Hammond hits Steven Holmes with a vicious right hand and they start brawling. Gordito quickly gets out of the ring but Chris Jones goes right after him and they start brawling on the outside. Baez goes outside for a ladder on the entrance ramp and he’s closely followed by Alexander Steele. Baez grabs the ladder and goes to fold it up, but Steele dropkicks him right into the ladder. Baez falls forward with the ladder, causing a crash on the entrance ramp. Steele pushes Baez off the ladder and picks it up for himself before sliding it into the ring, where Hammond has gained the advantage over Holmes with a T-Bone suplex as, ringside, Gordito Irish Whips Chris Jones into the crowd barricade. Hammond turns around in the ring and gets the ladder thrown at him by Steele. Hammond catches it and Steele tries to dropkick the ladder into Hammond’s face, but Hammond throws it back at Steele, catching him in midair right in the face. Steele crashes to the mat with the ladder landing on top of him. Hammond pushes the ladder off him, before kicking Steele out of the ring. Hammond sets up the ladder and starts to climb up. Gordito slides into the ring quickly and rips Hammond off the ladder. Hammond lands on his feet and goes to hit Gordito with a right hand, but Gordito ducks under it and gets Hammond in Russian Leg Sweep position. Gordito pulls Hammond backwards and both men crash into the upright ladder, with Hammond taking most of the impact. Hammond rolls out of the ring, red marks on his back from the ladder rungs as Gordito gets up.

Copeland: Just minutes into this match and already there’s pure chaos around the ring!

Cohen: There’s a reason it’s called the Mayhem Division, Seabass!

Steven Holmes comes out of nowhere and clotheslines Gordito. He folds the ladder and places it on the mat before picking up Gordito. He gets Gordito in a Front Facelock and drags him over to the ladder. Holmes takes a deep breath and DDT’s Gordito, with Gordito’s face smashing into the ladder and Holmes wincing in pain as he falls back on the ladder. Holmes gets back up and looks at Gordito, who is now bleeding profusely, and an evil look appears on his face. Holmes places Gordito’s head on the edge of the ladder and raises his foot. His mouth twists into a sick smile before curb stomping Gordito’s head into the ladder. Holmes pulls the unconscious Gordito off the ladder and pushes him out of the ring. On the outside, Baez and Steele have started brawling again as Holmes sets up the ladder and starts to climb. Chris Jones gets into the ring and quickly climbs up the other side of the ladder. Holmes gets a hand on the belt, but Jones punches him in the stomach. The two men exchange right hands for a few moment but Jones gains the advantage, slamming Holmes’ head into the top of the ladder. Jones leaps over the top of the ladder and hits Holmes with a big Leg Lariat, taking both men crashing to the mat. On the outside, Steele sets up a table at ringside. Steele and Hammond start to double team Baez and go to double Suplex him through the table but Baez fights back against both of them, hitting Steele with right hands and taking Hammond down with a clothesline. He quickly goes under the ring apron and whips out a Kendo stick, smashing it over Steele’s head then smashing it over Hammond’s head. With every other man down, Baez slides into the ring and sets up the ladder. He begins to climb the ladder, but Chris Jones is back up now and begins to climb the other side. Both men reach the top of the ladder but Baez hits Jones with the Kendo stick, causing Jones to fall off. Baez reaches for the belt, but he’s again interrupted, this time by a bloodied Gordito. Baez quickly hits him with a Kendo stick shot too, causing Gordito to plummet to the mat too. Now Steele and Hammond both slide into the ring.

Copeland: Baez is getting attacked by opponents from every angle!

Cohen: Except Holmes, who’s biding his time. Smart, huh?

Connor: Actually, I’m pretty sure Holmes has a dislocated spine...

Hammond and Steele push the ladder and Baez falls into the ropes, getting tangled up in them. Steele turns around and kicks Hammond in the gut and hits him with Twisted Steele. Steele picks up the ladder and places it on top of Hammond. Steele climbs up to the top rope and stands up straight. He hesitates for a moment, allowing Hammond to push the ladder off him, into the ropes, causing Steele to crotch himself on the top rope. Hammond slowly gets to his feet and climbs up onto the top rope too. He gets Steele ready for a top rope Belly to Belly Suplex. Holmes is up inside the ring, he quickly picks up the ladder and throws at Steele and Hammond on the top rope. The ladder crashes into them, and both men fly off the top rope and through the table on the outside. Holmes slowly starts to set up the ladder. On the outside, Chris Jones goes under the ring and pulls out a huge 25 foot ladder, causing the whole crowd to let out a collective gasp. He slides it into the ring and sets up the big ladder. He starts to climb up, with Holmes climbing up the smaller ladder. Holmes sees Jones climbing up the bigger ladder and jumps off his ladder to the big one and starts climbing up it. Jones gets to the top first and reaches for the title, but Holmes hits him with a right hand. Holmes tries to grab the title, but Jones hits him back. Both men start to exchange right hands as, below, Baez and Gordito slide into the ring. The two men start to push over the huge ladder as Holmes and Jones fight above until they realize what’s happening. They plead with Gordito and Baez not to push them over, but the ladder starts tilting, sticking out so far that the two men are almost over the crowd. The fans below start to scream and run away from under the two men at the top of the ladder. With one last push the ladder tips over and falls against the rope, causing Jones and Holmes to fall behind the crowd barricade, crashing into all the abandoned chairs. Almost instantly, the EMT’s rush down to ringside to try and pull Jones and Holmes out of the wreckage. Inside the ring, the ladder is set up again with Baez climbing up one side and Gordito climbing up the other side. Suddenly, the lights go out!

Copeland: What’s going on?!

Cohen: I have a feeling this is more than some kind of technical difficulty...

After a few moments, the lights come back on. Gordito is on the mat, unconscious and the Mayhem belt is gone from above the ring, replaced by a piece of paper hanging down. Baez looks totally bemused for a minute. He takes off the piece of paper in front of him and unfolds it, reading the note. Suddenly, he looks furious and he jumps down off the ladder. He screams for a microphone, which is handed to him and he reads the note out loud.

Baez: ....... “How.... Does that make you feel?”

The crowd let out a big pop as Baez drops the mic, rolls out of the ring and quickly makes his way up the ramp as more EMT’s come down to check on the others.

Connor: Well, we are speechless here at ringside... The belt disappeared, replaced with a note. And I think everyone, including Baez, knows who did it.

Copeland: We’ll keep you updated, ladies and gentlemen.
Harrys: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW Tag Team Championship!

“Teeth” by Lady Gaga plays and Hunter Kravinoff walks in the lead with a bear skin over his shoulders, giving the audience a murderous stare. Wasabi Toyota follows him in his black jumpsuit, waving at the audience and smiling infectiously.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 795 pounds, the Pride of Toyota!

Both men take off their entrance attire as a chorus of “We fly high, No Lie ,You know this (BALLIN!)” rings out through the arena and Mr. Baller enters the arena. Hail Mary" by 2Pac hits with the crowd going insane as James Baker and Malik Jones comes out as black and white lights flicker.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 452 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, the Ghetto Stars!

The champs slide in under the bottom rope and pose for the crowd. After a few moments, they unhook their belts and hand them to the ref. The Ghetto Stars go to their corner to talk last minute strategy while the referee shows the belts to the Pride of Toyota and then the crowd. They get passed to a ringside attendant as the bell sounds to start the match.

Mr. Baller and Hunter Kravinoff will start the match for their respective teams. They lock up and Kravinoff uses his power advantage to gain an advantage and club Baller across his back multiple times. Baller is able to finally roll away and into the ropes to stop the assault. He slowly makes his way back to his feet and sizes up Kravinoff once again. Baller goes to lock up with Kravinoff again, but this time Baller goes behind and clubs Kravinoff across the back. The Ugandan Wild Man looks furious and runs at Baller. He is able to toss Kravinoff across the ring with an arm drag. Hunter jumps back to his feet and goes at Baller again, but receives a dropkick to the face for his efforts. Kravinoff tries to get back to his feet only to be dropped with a bulldog by Baller. Baller goes for a cover and only gets 1. He transfers it right into a reverse chinlock. Toyota is clapping and yelling encouragement to his partner as he tries to fight out of the hold applied by Baller. Kravinoff gets back to his feet, but receives a knee to the gut. Baller then whips him into his corner where James Baker is waiting. Baller drives his shoulder into the midsection of Kravinoff and stays there. Baker tags his partner’s back and nails Kravinoff with a forearm to the face. Baker backs up and runs in with a clothesline and follows it up with a bulldog. Baker rolls Kravinoff over and goes into the pin 1…2..and a kick-out.

Copeland: The champs using the tried-and-tested strategy of wearing down one opponent, and doing it very well so far.

Cohen: The longer they keep that behemoth Toyota out of there, the better their chances of winning.

Baker makes his way to the top rope in a neutral corner, and waits for Kravinoff to get up. As soon as he reaches his feet, Baker comes off with a diving crossbody. Instead of covering Kravinoff, Baker goes to his corner and tags in Baller before going to the top. He hits with a diving elbow drop, followed by Baller with a diving leg drop. Baller with a pin, 1…2…and Kravinoff rolls the shoulder out. Baller looks a bit frustrated as he picks up Kravinoff and tags in Baker once again. They set up and hit the Traumatizing Sweep and Baker goes for the pin, 1…2…and Kravinoff escapes before 3. Baller starts screaming at his partner from the apron, furious that the match isn’t over. Baker gets up and starts yelling back, meanwhile Kravinoff is crawling toward his corner. Baller sees this a points it out to Baker who sprints across the ring. Kravinoff is able to sweep Baker’s legs. He begins getting up, but Kravinoff is already to his feet and connects with a straight kick to Baker’s head. His eyes are rolling back into his head as Kravinoff tags in Toyota to a huge pop from the crowd. Toyota waits in the center of the ring for Kravinoff to pick up Baker. He finally does and whips him into a Samoan Drop from Toyota. Wasabi gets out of the way just before Kravinoff smashes Baker with a splash from the top and Kravinoff moves just before Toyota shows good agility for his size with a running leg drop. And the pin, 1…2…Baller breaks it up.

Connor: Momentum has swung quickly here as….who’s that?
Copeland: It looks like…Yes it is! It’s Jordan Lights. He beat Mr. Baller a couple weeks ago, who just chalked it up to luck.
Cohen: Of course it was luck. One of the guys is in a title match on the pay-per-view, the other wasn’t even on the card. There’s no way Lights could beat Baller without luck.

Lights is making his way down the ramp, his eyes glued to Baller still standing in the middle of the ring. Baller sees Lights and walks over to the ropes and starts yelling at him from inside the ring. The ref goes over to try and get Lights to return backstage and get Baller back into his corner. Kravinoff sees this and gets back into the ring and is telling Toyota that it is time to end it. Toyota nods in agreement. They pick up Baker and Toyota connects with a headbutt. Baker stumbles back and is dropped by a double-underhook DDT by Kravinoff! He tosses Baller out of the ring and leaves just as the ref turns around to see Toyota pinning Baker, 1…2…3!

Harrys: The winners, and new WZCW Tag Team Champions, Hunter Kravinoff and Wasabi Toyota, The Pride of Toyota!

The new champs hug in the center of the ring as the referee hands them their belts. They leave the ring, however, as Baller comes running in furiously. He is screaming a throwing his arms around, until his glare finally locks on James Baker struggling to get back to his feet. Baller picks up his partner and grabs him by the face and begins screaming at him. Baker shoves him away, but Baller runs back at him and hits the already injured Baker with a jumping DDT. James is out, but Baller isn’t satisfied yet and locks in the Gamerchanger. Baker is being bent in grotesque fashion, but can’t escape as he is completely knocked out. Suddenly, Jordan Lights runs in and breaks up the submission. He picks up Baller and hits him with a knee to the chin. Baller is stunned and is dropped with the C.Y.A. Baller is out and Lights does his slamming down the gavel taunt as his music begins to play before he exits the arena.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The Star-Spangled Banner hits and USA comes out onto the entrance ramp. He salutes the flag on the titantron then makes his way down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 257 pounds, USA!

The crowd cheer loudly as USA gets into the ring and salutes them.

Connor: These two men have been chomping at the bit for this match!

Copeland: Well the rivalry has become personal lately. This won’t be pretty!

Supernova Goes Pop now comes on and the crowd let out a swarm of boos for Everest. Orange lights flicker around the arena as he makes his way down the ramp.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 205 pounds, The Pinnacle of Perfection, Everest!

He gets into the ring and looks in disgust at his opponent. USA motions for Everest to come get him and Everest walks forward slowly, not saying a word. USA bursts out of the corner and both men viciously lock up, starting a power struggle. USA uses his superior strength to push Everest back into the corner. The referee starts a 5 count and USA breaks it up, backing off for a moment before Everest slaps him. The impact echoes around the arena with the crowd letting out a cheer of surprise. USA is taken aback by the slap and checks his lips for blood. Everest walks out of the corner and angrily pushes USA. USA snaps and runs at Everest, taking him down and unleashing a flurry of punches from both hands. Everest covers his head, trying to block the punches, but to no avail. He manages to roll USA over and starts to throw his own punches from the dominant position. USA pushes Everest off him and both men get to their feet. USA runs at Everest and ducks under Everest’s attempted punch before running off the ropes. He returns and hits Everest with a huge clothesline. Everest quickly gets back up and runs at USA, but USA hits a back body drop, sending Everest crashing to the mat. He picks Everest up and lifts him up for a Powerslam but Everest powers out of it and hits USA with a Spinning Heel Kick out of nowhere. Everest sits up on the mat and tries to catch his breath after the onslaught from USA.

Copeland: Everest caught off guard perhaps by USA at the start of this match?

Cohen: Caught off guard, maybe. But it didn’t take him long to regain control!

Connor: Now it’s just a question of if he can keep the control.

Everest gets to his feet and picks up USA. He grabs USA’s arm and hits a Short Arm Clothesline. But Everest holds on to USA’s arm as he crashes to the mat and pulls USA back to his feet before hitting another Clothesline. Everest stands over USA with confidence and delivers a series of stomps to his head. USA slowly pushes himself to his knees, but he’s instantly taken down by Everest, who hits a huge Enziguiri. Everest goes for the first pin of the match, 1... 2... USA kicks out. Everest makes USA sit up before slapping on a Sleeper Hold. USA quickly starts to fade, with his arms going limp. Everest pulls USA fully to the mat and locks in a leg scissors around USA’s body while keeping the Sleeper Hold locked in. USA stops moving and the ref goes down to check on him. He lifts up USA’s arm, and it falls once. Everest wrenches USA’s head backwards as USA’s arm falls to the mat for a second time. The referee lifts up USA’s arm for the last time, but USA manages to keep it up. The crowd starts to get behind USA as he uses the ropes to get to his feet, with Everest on his back refusing to let go of the Sleeper Hold. USA quickly backs into the nearest corner, crushing Everest against the turnbuckles, making him finally let go of the Sleeper. USA turns around, but he gets caught with a kick to the face from Everest. USA stumbles backwards as Everest quickly climbs to the top rope. He jumps off, attempting a Cross Body, but USA catches him. The crowd cheers loudly as USA waits for a moment before throwing Everest across the ring with a Fall Away Slam. USA goes for the pin, 1... 2... Everest kicks out. USA quickly gets up and goes over to the corner and climbs to the second rope before waiting for Everest to get to his feet. Everest starts to push himself to his feet, looking slightly dazed. Everest finally gets to his feet and USA launches himself off the ropes, but Everest blocks the clothesline, goes under USA’s arm and catches him off guard with the Mountain Climber!

Connor: USA showed his incredible strength by catching Everest, but now Everest is outwrestling USA!

Cohen: This is a wrestling match, not a strong man contest. The best wrestler will come out on top.

Everest wrenches back on USA’s neck and head as USA struggles desperately to get free. Quickly, USA manages to break Everest’s grip and pulls Everest forward by his arms into a Samoan drop. USA rolls over and puts an arm over Everest for the pin, 1... 2... Everest gets a shoulder up! USA is starting to look frustrated as he uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet before signaling for the Rocket’s Red Glare. Everest gets up and turns around into USA who kicks him in the gut and gets him in the Front Facelock, but Everest instantly reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex. Both men crash to the mat and neither of them move as the referee starts the 10 count. Both men start to stir at 5 and they both make it to their feet just before the referee reaches 10. Everest runs at USA, but USA launches him over the top rope to the outside. USA waits inside the ring, biding his time as he watches Everest slowly get to his feet. Everest finally gets up, and USA runs across the ring and jumps through the ropes at Everest, but Everest moves and USA smashes into the crowd barrier at ringside. Everest lets out a sigh of relief and smirks before picking up USA and throwing him into the ring. Everest stands over an almost unconscious USA before lifting him up and nailing The Rock Slide. Everest covers USA, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the Pinnacle of Perfection, Everest!

Everest leans back into the corner and raises his arm before dropping to the mat and rolling out of the ring. He starts to make his way up the ramp, but stops. He turns around and looks back into the ring at USA, who has yet to move since the match ended. Everest starts to walk back down to the ring. He slowly gets inside and stands over USA. He lifts up USA and shakes his head in disgust and is about to go for another Rock Slide, but the referee tries to break it up. Everest swats away the referee like a fly before delivering another Rock Slide to USA. More referees start to come down to the ring, some trying to push Everest out of the ring and some checking on USA. Everest punches all the referees out of his way to get to USA. He puts one foot on USA’s chest, raises his arms and closes his eyes, soaking in the deafening boos from the crowd before finally leaving.

Copeland: Everest had to ruin a great match by attacking USA once it was over!

Cohen: It’s not Everest’s fault, people should know by now not to cross him!

Connor: Regardless, here's hoping that USA is okay after going head-first into the barricade.

EMT’s run down the ring as Everest stands at the top of the ramp, surveying the carnage he’s left in the ring before finally going through the curtain. As they're getting USA sorted out and bring him to the back, the sound of Black Betty plays throughout the arena.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome “Mr. Incredible”, Doug Crashin!

With a mixed reaction out comes Doug Crashin in a bright orange Tuxedo with Jason in tow. Crashin has a mic in his hand.

Crashin: Truman Harrys, I am glad that you said that introduction like you believe in me. I am glad that you have the foresight to see that the winds of change are blowing through WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. You see people of the WZCW Universe, I am Mr Incredible and I can lead you to salvation. I have seen it all in this business and I know how to take you from your squalor and filth. Put faith in me!

Crashin begins to walk down towards the ring as the fans look questioningly at the man who walks down the aisle, Jason it tow. As he reaches the ring, he walks up the steps and continues talking once more.

Crashin: Yes! Put faith in me! The movement that is Doug Crashin, give it your ear. Give it your could and give it everything you have in you and I promise that we will continue to grow. This movement, like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill, will move faster and get bigger as it continues and soon enough, we-

As the instrumental part of the music plays, a strange silence befalls the crowd as the loud booing of Doug Crashin is overtaken by a sense of mystery. A large picture of the man we know only as John Constantine flashes up on the titantron. As the music gets louder and the drum kicks in, a sharp suited man steps out onto the stage. He has a wide smile plastered all over his face and is giving thumbs up to some of the fans. Constantine holds one hand up to signal for silence and raises the microphone to his mouth.

Constantine: Ladies and gentlemen of WZCW, a false prophet walks amongst us! A prophet by the name of Doug Crashin.

The crowd begin to cheer at the mention of this.

Constantine (Sharply) : Shut up! I didn’t say that any of you people could cheer over me. In fact, I feel positively repulsed by the idea of entertaining you people. The thought of it is enough to turn my stomach.

Crashin: Who the Hell are you?

Doug Crashin! I am positively ashamed to hear you even question me. For you see, you are just like all of these people… You are a liar! You are a phony and most of all, you are a false prophet! You come out here and tell people to “believe in Crashin”. You tell people that you are a leader of men and that they can put faith in you. But I ask you, why would you want to? Why would you want to be a figurehead for the vile, monsters that line these aisles?

Crashin: I wa-

Constantine (Cutting him off): It wasn’t a question, Douglas! It was more of an instruction. You see, for too long these people have needed something to set the heather alight. Look at the respective divisions of WZCW, if you will. We start with The Killjoy, who couldn’t lace up my Armani shoes. Then we continue to Big Dave and Austin Reynolds, who really are not cut out to be leaders of men. Sure, they are Champions for now but do they have what it takes to look at these repulsive people and say “Yes, I will be your hero”? No, of course they don’t. Even Titus Avison, the man who revolutionized the Elite X Championship and the current Heavyweight Champion can’t look at this scum any more, ha was on the verge of quitting only a week ago.

You see Dougie, I have learned through a glittering life, that there are winners and there are losers in all walks of life. On the campaign trail, I had to meet these people and pretend like I gave a crap what they were talking about. In reality, I couldn’t care less but they gravitated towards me because they need someone to show them the way. They need someone to give them hope and they need someone who will make them believe again.

These people need a hero and only one man can do that! That man, Dougie, is John Constantine! You know why? Because I am just plain better than you.

The crowd in the arena go nuts and begin to start booing John Constantine as he gives a sharp salute to the fans and disappears behind the curtain once more.

Doug stands with a stunned look on his face but regains his composure before bringing the mic back to his mouth.

Crashin: This, ladies and gentlemen, is typical of the people who will oppose the Crashin Movement. This, John Constantine, is a member of the public that wont understand what I am trying to achieve. I am trying to start a revolution that will shake the brass of WZCW, right down to the little man on the street. John Constantine has left you tonight and he will have nothing to say when the Crashin Movement takes hold of WZCW and wipes out the unbelievers just like him.

I, Doug Crashin, have put the wheels in motion here tonight and I will fix this situation in the future. I am the richest man in wrestling and a name you can believe in!
Anderson : The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Elite X Championship!!

Enya Stomp by Gammer and Recon plays throughout the arena now as Chris Beckford makes his way out to the stage. Beckford makes his way down the ramp, jumping along to the rhythm of his song and getting the crowd going.

Anderson : Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at 226 lbs , from Leeds, England, Chris Beckford!!

Headstrong by Trapt now plays throughout the arena as Austin Reynolds comes out next. He stops at the top of the ramp and holds up his championship proudly. He then precedes down the ramp and taunts the crowd with the belt.

Anderson : And his opponent, weighing in at 190 lbs, from The West End of London, England, he is your Elite X Champion, " The Ratings Winner " Austin Reynolds!!

Reynolds enters the ring and taunts Beckford who is now on the outside of the ring. Beckford climbs into the ring now as Reynolds hands the championship to the referee who holds it up in the air as the bell rings signifying the start of the match. Beckford and Reynolds lock up in the center of the ring as the match is underway. Both men are jockeying for position with Beckford gaining the upper hand due to his slight weight advantage. He whips Reynolds into the ropes, and Reynolds holds the ropes as Beckford goes up for a dropkick and nobody's home as he hits the mat. Reynolds is quick to pounce on him and pummels him in the back of the head with forearm shots as the referee tries to get him off. Reynolds gets up and so does Beckford as Reynolds taunts Beckford. Reynolds charges at Beckford who ducks to the mat as Reynolds comes off the ropes and he catches him with a dropkick this time. Reynolds is quick to his feet though as he hits Beckford with a forearm shot to the back. He whips Beckford into the corner and splashes him. He then goes over to the corner and charges Beckford as he hits him with a monkey flip.

Cohen : The ratings are skyrocketing the longer Reynolds is on TV and the more he beats up Beckford.

Copeland : This match is far from over Cohen, Beckford can come back.

Connor : You never know what could happen, this could go either way with the back and forth action we've seen thus far.

Reynolds goes over for a quick pin but Beckford catches him for an inside cradle but is quick to kick out before the referee can even count it. Reynolds looks shocked and points at Beckford and chuckles as he charges him with a clothesline but Beckford ducks and hits him with a kick to the midsection and hits him with a DDT. He goes for the Cross County by as he comes down Reynolds gets his knees up as Beckford hits the mat holding his midsection. Reynolds goes to work now as he gets up and begins to kick Beckford methodically all over his body. He picks him up and drops him again with a Lungblower. Reynolds goes for a cover and gets a 2 count as Beckford kicks out. Reynolds looks at the referee in anger and picks up Beckford and throws him to the outside. Reynolds comes off the ropes and springboards with an Asai Moonsault but no one is home as Beckford gets hung up on the barricade. Beckford charges him and hits him with an uppercut to the face as Reynolds just hangs there. He then charges again with a high knee as Reynolds falls over to ringside. Beckford goes to pick up Reynolds but the referee just misses it as Reynolds low blows Beckford. Reynolds uses the ring apron to slowly get to his feet as he picks up Beckford and goes to whip him into the announce table but Beckford reverses it as Reynolds goes back first into the table. Beckford gets a look in his eyes now as he starts taking things off the announce table before he slams Reynolds onto the table.

Cohen : What does this punk think he is doing?

Copeland : You can't win the match out here kid, trust me you don't want to pull this risk.

Connor : He doesn't care, he wants to punish Reynolds.

Beckford goes to the top turnbuckle and he comes off the top with the Cross County as both men come crashing through the table on impact. Both men are down now as the referee begins the ten count. Both men are slowly crawling to the ring now as the referee counts. He is at 5 and both men are using the ring apron to crawl into the ring. The referee reaches 9 before both men enter the ring as they use the ropes to get up. They begin to trade punches in the center of the ring now as Beckford appears to get the upperhand but Reynolds comes out of nowhere with a spinning heel kick that knocks Beckford tot he mat. He goes to pick up Beckford but he gets caught again with another small package as the referee counts to 2 before Reynolds kicks out. Beckford looks shocked at Reynolds kicking out and charges him in the corner but Reynolds sidesteps him and he crashes into the ring apron shoulder first. Reynolds jumps over him and sits on the top turnbuckle and grabs his legs and sets him up for The Ratings Killer from the second turnbuckle as he hits its and flips Beckford over for the pin but Beckford manages to kick out at 2. Reynolds looks shocked and angry as he heads to the apron. He waves his arm and yells at Beckford to get up. As Beckford does so, Reynolds springboards off the top rope with the Ego Crush and catches Beckford's legs for the pin but Beckford somehow fights out again as Reynolds looks even more frustrated now. He picks up Beckford and whips him into the corner and this time stands up on the top turnbuckle and pulls Beckford up for another Ratings Killer. He hits the move but both men are down. Reynolds slowly crawls over to Beckford and drapes his arm over Beckford as the referee counts...1.....2......3.

Anderson : Here is your winner, and still your Elite X Champion, " The Ratings Winner " Austin Reynolds!!

Reynolds is on his back as the referee hands him the belt as he uses the ropes to get to his feet. Reynolds can hardly stand and falls to his knees holding the championship with a cocky smile on his face.
“The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” hits with Phoenix making his way out to a loud chorus of boos. The lights dim low and flashing lights begin going off around the arena.

Harrys: The following contest is a Last Man Standing Match. Introducing first, from The Great Beyond, weighing in at 213 pounds, Phoenix!

He walks down the ramp and looks around but doesn’t give much acknowledgement to the fans and continues to the ring, heading around it to the otherwise, noticing the chair that Truman Harrys normally sits in, he grabs in and slides into the ring, he folds it out by the entrance side ropes and stands on it leaving against the ropes in waiting.

Copeland: I wonder how Garth Black is going to cope with the fact that his long time friend isn’t going to stop until there’s nothing left!

Cohen: Well he has to man up because this is no field trip that’s for damn sure

Connor: While I’ve had the experiences of seeing some Last Man Standing matches in my time, I don’t think this one is going to be easy to swallow given how personal things have become between Phoenix and Black.

“P.C.P” starts playing as the crowd gets hyped up and excited until they noticed a rather beaten and bruised Garth Black hobbles out from behind the curtain, slowly heading to the ring, Phoenix is confused by the situation as are the fans.

Harrys: His opponent, from Wales, weighing in at 168 pounds, Garth Black!

Connor: Something’s not right here…

Copeland: I’m pretty certain Phoenix wasn’t that harsh on Black during the previous encounters building up to this.

Cohen: Did we have a security breach or something? Black looks awfully hurt. Even though I don’t like the guy, I never like to see moments like this happening to our superstars.

Black continues to hobble down the ramp as Phoenix stands there on the chair looking bemused and suspicious, when suddenly over the railing comes another Garth Black who slides into the ring and knocks Phoenix over the top rope as the bell signals. The hobbling Black drops to his knees and starts hitting on Phoenix until the other one comes outside and gets him to back off before he raises his arm and points to him.

Wait a min, that no good, it’s that look-a-like winner!

I guess Phoenix got a taste of his own medicine after what he did to him earlier this week.

The real Black tells him to get going as he gets Phoenix up to his feet against the ring edge and hits a right on him before grabbing him by the head and slamming into the ring post which dazes his for a second before Garth grabs him to the steel steps, but instead of slamming his head into the he throws Phoenix towards the barricade which gets some fans scared and excited. He gives a few quick kicks to the chest before he jumps onto the apron and makes a leap off of it to get a drop on his chest again but Phoenix rolls out of the way. Clutching his chest, Phoenix crawls to the ring edge to look underneath the ring as Black gets back to his feet from the missed attack, he goes over to Phoenix to throws some flour in his face which blinds Black, giving Phoenix the opportunity to get back to his feet while Black keeps a hand on the steel steps to keep his balance as he tries to clear the flour from his eyes, only for Phoenix to kick him in the back on the knee to drop him down by the side of the steps. He walks to the opposite side, walking past the announce table before he turns and runs to dropkick the steps right into Garth’s face which knocks him to the floor completely, the ref looks over him but Black is still moving causing him not to start the count.

As Black holds his head after that attack with the steps, Phoenix lifts the apron up to look for more weapons to use, he looks around and grabs a roll of duct tape and just tosses it to one side, he sees some nun-chucks but then spots a kendo stick and pulls that out, he slowly paces back to Black who’s on his knees with his head under the apron. Phoenix gets ready to take aim at his former friend but is washed out by a puff of white smoke from a fire extinguisher, blinding him and dropping the stick while Black gets back on his feet. Garth gathers the kendo stick from the floor, he looks at it for a moment before taking it in both hands and swinging hard at Phoenix’s back, stinging him intensely before he comes up and hits another swipe on him upwards to knock him on the chin, causing him to fall back. Garth tells the ref not to count yet as he’s not done with him yet, dropping the stick before jumping up onto the apron, he looks at the empty ring and where Phoenix is lying before he climbs inside and stands at the opposite corner to where his former friend lies. He looks focused, giving quick glances at the crowd before looking straight back at his target, he runs to the other corner, running up the turnbuckle backs and with full momentum leaps in the air to hit Phoenix with the Black Magic while he’s still down on the floor.

Copeland: Good god, that was a high risk offense by Black, but he nailed it!

Connor: Garth is certainly not holding back

Cohen: Still rather unfair given he used a weapon on Phoenix.

Connor: Even though it’s no disqualification…

The referee starts counting as Black sits up on the stairs with Phoenix down, 1, just waiting for Phoenix to stay down long enough, 2, even though he’s stirring slightly, 3, rolling onto his side, 4, reaching out to the top of the apron, 5, trying to pull himself up, 6, he’s up to one knee, 7, and then a second, 8, and he’s standing again and the referee stops the count as Garth turns Phoenix around and gives him a right hand to the face, stumbling him against the ring edge. He rolls him back inside the ring and spots the steel chair that’s been sitting in the ring since the match started, he gets Phoenix up to his feet but it’s countered with a reverse backbreaker onto Garth as Phoenix rolls him over to the chair. He gets to his feet and grabs the chair, he folds it up and looks to take a huge swing, but he hesitates before looking at the top of the turnbuckle, he heads over and places the chair at the top before ascending up, he takes the chair and gets himself into the position that he does before he hits the Final Flight, with a chair in hand, he raises the chair up high and in that moment of feeling the adrenaline pumping, Black gets back up and runs up the turnbuckle, jumping up and grabbing Phoenix with a Headscissor to knock him off with a Hurricanrana to the outside, rolling in the direction of the ramp way whilst holding his back in pain. Black is holding on to the ropes, standing on the apron, surveying the damage done before climbing back inside.

Phoenix uses the barricade to get himself up after that huge fall, with Garth waiting inside the ring at the opposite end, he runs towards Phoenix’s direction and leaps over the ropes, right as Phoenix turns to receive a crossbody, taking him down as Black rolls off with momentum. The ref stands over to check them and starts the count, 1, neither has moved since that high offensive move, 2, Black’s at least conscience, 3, Phoenix has at least got to one side, 4, Black has rolled onto one knee, 5, Phoenix is slower but trying, 6, Garth is fully up again, 7, Phoenix shoots up with a rush of adrenaline, 8, the ref ceases the count as the two of them take a moment to regain composure. Phoenix advances forward onto Black and hits a hard chop on his chest before grabbing his hair and slamming it to the hard floor, he heads beside the ramp and walks to the tech arena but we lose sight of him. Garth slowly gets back up despite the slam to the floor and he heads in the direction to where Phoenix went along with the referee, he asks where Phoenix went, fans shout different things while the tech crew guy just shrugs his shoulders, Garth stands in front of some high tech equipment when a stacked tech box suddenly moves forwards to wards him, fortunately he sidesteps out of the way as the box falls and sparks fly from it when he rushes to look behind it but finds no-one until Phoenix knocks him back and he heads off again behind the curtain to the side of the stage.

Copeland: This match is certainly getting dangerous amongst the tech area

Cohen: Hopefully they won’t knock the pay per view off the air!

Garth slowly follows behind the curtain as we’re now in the backstage arena, there’s merchandise stands and popcorn sellers at the ready, looking on without realizing what danger they’re in. Black continues to search until he looks round the corner and ducks out of a Phoenix chairshot, the impact knocks it out of his hand, Black kicks him in the gut and then grabs him to throw him into the popcorn stand knocking it over with popcorn spilling everywhere. He then does a judo throw onto the merchandise table which snaps in two before grabbing a Garth Black T-Shirt and throwing it at a passing fan who’s just returning from a bathroom break. Black gets Phoenix up and spots a tech trolley so he drags him over and slams him hard onto the back of it. He gets hold of the handles and starts pushing it with Phoenix on, looking for something good to hit him with. He spots a coffee stand with Johnny Klamor getting himself a cup, Black looks at the camera to address the fans what he plans to do, he starts to run to gain some speed and Klamor spots Black coming so he moves out of the way as Phoenix rolls off the trolley before Black smashes into the coffee stand, knocking the cups and machines over. Phoenix is quite to his feet and Irish whips Black into a nearby Coke Machine which fuses out and knocks Black to the floor. Phoenix then heads over to Klamor and takes his coffee, stating to him and the ref that he’s thirsty, he takes a sip while standing over Black and spits it directly into his face.

Phoenix gets Black up and drags him towards back area of the entrance ramp, going through the corridor, he keeps kicking him in the gut to stop him from getting any offense in. They finally come out onto the stage which the crowd cheers and Phoenix looks around and sees the area off the stage, he makes a somewhat dazed Garth stand by the edge of the set before taking a few steps back and going for the Rebirth, but Black ducks it and tries to shove Phoenix off but he halts it, turns around and is met with a judo throw that makes him roll all the way down the ramp back into the ring. Black follows suit as Phoenix takes a moment to compose himself from the counter that just occurred, he looks under the ring and grabs a chair as Garth drags him back, only he lets go to distance himself from the chair. He jumps up onto the apron as Phoenix gets up to be met by a dropkick to the steel chair into his face, the ref offers to count but Black tells him to back off again.

Connor: Unsure as to why Black stopped the ref from counting here…

Copeland: Could well come back to haunt him here

Cohen: Of course it will!

Black gets Phoenix up again and rolls him into the ring, he picks up the chair from the outside and slides in with it as Phoenix goes to grab the chair from earlier with all the energy he has left in him. Black has him lined up ready to take that final shot that he wants to end this with. Phoenix slowly gets up, Black lies in waiting, his former partner and friend unaware of what’s ahead as he has a chair in hand, only for him to look up at the titantron and see what’s happening. Black has himself ready and goes to run at him with the chair and is met with Phoenix’s chair and they both knock each other out. The referee checks both men are down and starts the count, 1, there’s still no moment from either men, 2, could this possibly end in a double countout? 3, There’s some slight movement from both of them, 4, Phoenix rolls over to Black and starts doing something with his boots, 5, he appears to be tying up his shoe laces, 6, Black has pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, 7, Phoenix has let go of Black’s boots, 8, he goes to roll outside the ring to get himself on his feet, 9, as Black tries to step up but falls flat down as his laces are tied, 10. The referee signals for the bell.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Phoenix!

The crowd boo heavily as Phoenix smiles with “The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” playing once again, he looks worn down and looks towards his friend before he slides back into the ring. Black is up on his knees and looks bemused but nodding in appreciation for Phoenix’s method to be him. Phoenix grabs a chair and they both stare at each other, realizing what Black knows is about to happen he nods again and Phoenix takes him out with one big whack, knocking him completely unconscious. He drops the chair and leaves the ring as the EMTs go to check on Black who’s now been busted after that last chair shot, as Phoenix looks on and just smiles, he knows that he’s finished this chapter with his former friend and will look on to his next journey.

Copeland: Words have really escaped me, they both took each other to quite the limit and in the end, it took Phoenix’s quick thinking to win this one and send the final lasting message to his former partner. It was one tough match to watch but I can’t deny that these two deserve credit for not backing down once!

Cohen: You got that right, Phoenix, as cunning and deadly as he is, wanted to beat Black and he did that. He didn’t have to necessarily incapacitate Black, but he saved the final shot for last to say to Black “I beat you!” and that’s the message sent here.

No doubt Phoenix might be looking to challenge out for one of the midcard titles after this impressive victory. But hopefully Black will be able to come back and fight another day, there was no shame in losing this match.

Cohen: You really don’t understand the concept of pride do you CC?

Copeland: Speaking of the midcard titles, we got the EurAsian Championship up next, if it’s anything like the match we just witnessed, I wouldn’t expect neither Big Dave nor Blade to hold up on giving themselves the right to call themselves Champion.

Cohen: Speaking of titles at all, I just got word that the Mayhem Title cannot be found in the building! Security breach, we have a title stolen!

Connor: And apparently Dr. Steven Kurtesy is missing too...curious...
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the EurAsian Championship!

Bliss by Muss hits, As soon as the guitar riff kicks in, Blade walks out on to the stage to dark red flashing light. He stops on the stage, looks around at the crowd for a few moments, and does his signature taunt. Pyro shoots off behind him as he begins to walk down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 lbs, “The Prodigal Son” Blade!

Blade continues down the ramp and slides into the ring. He climbs onto the nearest turnbuckle and does his signature taunt again. He points and yells at the crowd and then hops off the corner. The music cuts and the lights go out. A single spot light shines down on the stage ramp and Big Dave walks out, EurAsian title around his waist. He stands there, staring down at the ring. He gazes around at the crowd and then starts to walk to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 268 lbs, he is the EurAsian champion, Big Dave!

Cohen: There stands greatest champion in WZCW today. This guy can not be defeated.

Connor: I wouldn’t be saying that Jack. Everytime you do, the opposite seems to occur, and Big Dave would not enjoy that.

Copeland: There is no denying Big Dave’s run of victories over the course of the past several months. For Blade, who’s “destiny” is to be the World Champion, a victory here will certainly direct him along that path.

Big Dave stops short of the ring and stares at Blade. Big Dave climbs onto the apron and into the ring. He stares Blade in the eyes and then takes off his belt and holds it above his head as the lights come on. The ref takes the belt and rings the bell. Dave and Blade circle inside the ring. Dave reaches for Blade, Blade dodges it moving back. He goes to kick Dave, but Dave blocks it. The two stand and then both lock up. Blade turns and locks Dave in a head lock. Dave stumbles and goes to push Blade off. Blade hangs on and pulls Dave to the mat. Blade pulls back on the neck, applying pressure. Dave works his way onto his feet and lifts Blade up. Blade goes with the momentum and flips over Dave. He lands behind him and throws some forearms across the back of Dave. Dave turns around and is greeted with an uppercut. Blade hits a second uppercut and Dave falls back to the ropes. Blade turns and runs off the ropes. Dave turns around and Blade knocks him down with a clothesline. Blade goes for the pin, holding both of Dave’s arms down, but Dave kicks out before 1. Blade still has hold of Dave's left arm and wrenches it before locking in a Dragon sleeper. Dave swings and connects with some rights to the head of Blade and manages to get to his feet. Blades smacks the chest of Dave hard and then hits an Inverted Facelock Backbreaker. Blade goes for the cover and gets a 2 count.

Copeland: Blade has managed to keep the champion off balanced so far.

Cohen: Well Seabass, it’s always been his destiny to be champion, just like I’ve been saying.

Blade gets to his feet and stomps on Dave. Dave is slow to his feet and Blade has him against the ropes. He goes for an Irish Whip, Dave reverses. Blade bounces off the ropes and runs into a Big Boot from Dave. Blade holds his head as Dave slowly bounces off the ropes. He stands over Blade and then jumps up, nailing a huge Leg Drop. Dave picks Blade up and goes for an Irish Whip. He instead tucks his head under Blades arm and hits a Northern Lights Suplex into a pin. The ref goes to make the count. 1... 2... Blade kicks out. Blade starts crawling to the bottom rope. Dave grabs both of Blades arms. He puts his foot on Blades neck and pushes it into the ropes. The ref begins a 5 count and Dave's lets go just before 5, Blade gasping for air. Dave picks Blade up and throws him into the corner. He lifts Blade onto the turnbuckle and looks to hit a Superplex. Blade swings some low forearms trying to break loose. Dave hangs on tightly. He looks to the side and he and Blade both leap off. Their head’s bounce off the rope. Blade bounces off the ropes and falls violently hard to the floor. Dave stumbles around inside the ring, a little chocked from the impact. He sees Blade down and goes to continue the attack.

Copeland: The champion is know on cruise control at the moment.

Cohen: I smell another victory for Dave in about 10 seconds.

Dave grabs Blade and throws him into the steel stairs. Dave starts stomping away at Blade’s prone body. The ref yells at Dave to stop. Dave casually stops and begins to back up. He waits for Blade to stand and charges at him. Blade dodges the kick and grabs Dave. Blade Runner connects! Both men out on the floor. The ref begins to make a 10 count. At 5 both men are on their knees. Blade is standing at 7 and rolls into the ring at 8. Dave slides in just after 9 is counted. Blade with a quick elbow keeps Dave down. Blade picks up Dave and goes for an Irish Whip. Dave reverses. Blades runs off the ropes. Powerslam by Dave. He goes for the cover. 1... 2... Blade just kicks out. Dave glares at the ref and grabs the hair of Blade. He pulls him up to his feet. Dave goes for the Checking Out, Blade elbows out of it. Dave stumbles away, Blade goes for a kick to the gut. Dave grabs the leg. He takes his other arm and grabs Blade by the throat and hits a Chockslam. Dave goes for the cover. 1... 2..... Blade just gets an arm up. Dave looks enraged at the moment. Dave pulls Blade to his feet and throws him into the corner. He starts driving shoulders into the gut of Blade. The ref counts to 5 and Dave stops. He gets in the face of the ref, who warns him. Dave turns around. Blade with a quick kick to the sack of Dave, the ref completely unaware. Blade hops onto the second rope and grabs Dave by the neck. He picks him up and falls forward. Chockslam! Both men are out on the mat. The ref starts to make a 10 count. At 8 both men are standing. Dave goes for a punch, Blade blocks it and delivers an uppercut. Blade charges at Dave and knocks him down with a clothesline. He waits for Dave to get up and hits him with another clothesline. Blade picks Dave up and Irish Whips him, Dave reverses. Dave ducks down looking to flip Blade over. Blade leaps over Dave and rolls him up with a Sunset flip. 1... 2... Dave kicks out. Dave is quick to his feet. He goes for a clothesline. Blade ducks hit. Dave turns and Blade hits him with a step up Enzuiguri. Dave falls to his knees. Blade quickly grabs his head. DDT connects. Blade locks in the Guillotine Chock.

Cohen: Blade has a chock hold locked in, that’s illegal.

Connor: Surprised you haven’t switched to cheering for Blade Jack, cause Blade may have this match now.

Dave swings his arms but to no avail as he is no where near the ropes. Blade begins to rock back, applying more pressure to the hold. Dave struggles to get on his feet, but does and is able to push Blades shoulders to the mat. 1... 2... Blade lets go of the hold. Blade swings his arms around in the ring. The crowd is beginning to come alive and is backing Blade. Dave uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Blade from behind, looks to hit a German Suplex. Dave blocks it twice. He starts to elbow the side of Blades head. He takes a big swing, but misses. Dave gets turned around and Blade uses the momentum to hit a Belly to Belly suplex. Blade with the cover. 1... 2..... Dave just kicks out. Blade claps his hands and goes to the turnbuckle. Dave has rolled over onto his stomach. Blade gets to the top rope and points down at Dave. He is signaling for a Frog Splash. Blade leaps into the air. Dave has slowly gotten to his feet and catches Blade on his shoulders in mid air. Blade tries to wiggle free. Dave wastes no time and hits the Stamp of Authority on Blade. Dave leans against the ropes, barely able to stand after that move. He stumbles away from the ropes towards Blade. He stands over him and is about to pin him, but Blade suddenly rolls over. He grabs at Dave's legs and begins to pull himself up. Dave can not believe it. He helps Blade onto his feet and stares him in the eye. Blade flips Dave off and spits one in his eye. Dave wipes the loogie off his face and and lifts Blade onto his shoulders. Stamp of Authority for a second time. The cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still EurAsian champion, Big Dave!

Dave stands over Blade as the ref raise his arm. He looks down at Blade then goes to get his EurAsian title belt. He holds it up for the audience. Dave quickly exits out of the ring. The ref checks on Blade, who begins to roll over and struggle to his feet. Dave gets to the top of the ramp and looks back at the ring. Blade has crawled to the ropes and uses them to barely get onto his feet. He looks up at Dave, who can not believe that Blade is even standing.

Cohen: I didn’t doubt him for a second. The greatest champion in WZCW has once again picked up the much expected win.

Copeland: Well that may be true Jack, but Blade did give the champ a hard fought fight for his title and one day soon Dave will lose that EurAsian Championship.

Connor: It could even be to Blade one day.

Cohen: That’s ridiculous, who thought Blade was going to win.

Conner: You at one point.

Copeland: Well folks there is still more to come tonight, including our main event, Champion Titus taking on rival Vengeance, should be a classic. But next we have a clash of Titans, Showtime David Cougar faces off against Ty Burna. This one will be physical.
“Blackened The Sun” by Tech N9ne hits the arena as the crowd join together in an eerie, ominous silence. As the chanting continues, The lights begin to flicker and then eventually die out completely, plunging the arena into darkness. As white lights begin to flicker, Ty Burna comes out onto the ramp. His head dipped and his chin on his chest, Ty begins to make his way down to the ring. Stopping on the ramp, Ty pulls out his scroll and, holding it outstretched, he continues down the ramp once more.

Harrys: Ladies and gentleman, this match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Parts Unknown, Ty Burna!

Connor: Ty Burna is one of the most imposing people in WZCW, Jack. How do you think Showtime will be able to compete with him?

Cohen: That has never been a problem for him in the past, CC. Ty Burna is a very frightening character and this will be very competitive.

Copeland: You got that right, Jack. Ty Burna is one of the most decorated wrestlers in all of WZCW and this match is one of a series of great matches between these two.

Ty continues down the ramp and upon reaching the ring, climbs in and drops to his knees. He sets the scroll down on the canvas and removes his hood. Getting to his feet once more, Ty picks up the scroll and puts it in the corner. Removing his entrance attire, Ty looks up the ramp as his music cuts out.

“Ladies and Gentlemen” by Saliva hits and the crowd begin to cheer loudly. As the music plays, the titantron shows a one figure walking towards the foreground. A couple of shots of pyro shoot up into the air as Showtime comes out onto the ramp. Another shot of pyro comes out as he makes his appearance and raises both arms to take in the cheers of the fans. Showtime does his signature taunt and then moves down the ring as a spotlight follows him down.

Harrys: Now introducing, his opponent… Weighing in at 213 pounds, from Winnipeg, Canada… “Showtime” David Cougar!

Copeland: Wow! What an ovation for Showtime here tonight as we get ready for one of the most promising matches of the night.

Connor: Both of these guys will give it everything they have tonight as their fabled pasts once again catch up with them

Showtime continues down the ramp and as he gets to the ring, he climbs up onto the edge of the ring and goes through the ropes. He walks past Ty and mounts the second rope. He does his signature taunt and drops down onto the canvas. He walks across the ring and looks at Ty Burna. The referee does his final checks and then signals for the bell.

Both men start the match off slowly as they circle the ring, looking deep into the other man’s eyes. Suddenly, both men launch into a grapple as they both try to get the better of the other in the early going. Ty gets the better of the opening grapple and takes Showtime to the ground, imposing himself onto the smaller man. Ty applies a choke on Shows throat and the referee begins his count to 5. Ty utilizes a 4 count and then releases the hold. Both men spring to their feet and Ty lets a wry smile appear on his features. Show holds his neck and begins to circle the ring once more. After a second, both men tie up again and this time Show takes Ty down. After some grappling on the canvas, Show gets up and Ty looks furious. As the men go to tie up a third time, Ty lands a knee to the gut that bends Showtime over. Ty continues the assault by landing a few forearms to the back of his opponent before hitting him with a spinebuster that takes him to the canvas. Ty immediately covers his opponent but Showtime quickly kicks out. Ty doesn’t let his opponent breath though and as both men get to their feet, Ty drives Showtime into the corner before landing a couple of knees to the gut of his opponent, Showtime grimacing with pain with every shot.

Copeland: Ty has started this match very quickly tonight.

Cohen: Then Showtime needs to match him because Ty is too dangerous to rest on your laurels. This is especially true when he looks like he does right now.

Ty whips Showtime across the ring and the runs after him. At the last second, Showtime moves out of the way and Ty collides with the padding in the corner. As Ty recoils out of the corner, Show immediately hits him with a dropkick that takes him down. Showtime clambers on top of Ty and the referee begins to count the fall. Ty is just too fresh though and Showtime can only manage a 1 count before Ty kicks out. Showtime gets to his feet and pulls Ty to his. Showtime whips Ty off of the opposite ropes and as he come back at Showtime, Show lands a Suplex that takes Ty halfway across the ring. Showtime scuttles on his hands and knees to cover his opponent but Ty forces his shoulder off of the canvas to break the count. Both men struggle to their feet and as Ty gets to his vertical basis, Show tosses him to the outside of the ring. Ty tumbles to the outside of the ring and as he tries to get to his feet, Show whips himself off of the opposite set of ropes. Showtime launches himself through the ropes at Ty who quickly moves out of the way at the last second causing Show to hit the mat with pace.

Connor: Oh! Showtime crashed and burned with that attempted move. He has given control of the match back to Ty with that.

Cohen: That’s the risk you take, CC. He tried a high-risk maneuver and it failed. Had it paid off, we may have been looking at the end of this match.

Ty picks up Showtime quickly and immediately tosses him into the cold, metal steps that surround the ring. The crowd boo as Showtime makes contact and then Show begins to exclaim in agony. A wry smile appears on the face of Ty, who is happy with his work. Grabbing the hair of Showtime, Ty pulls him to his feet and then tosses him into the security barrier. Again, a loud jeer comes from the crowd as Ty begins to go to work. Ty steps away for a second and allows Showtime to get to his knees before landing a swift kick to the back of Showtime’s head. Show again collapses to the ground as Ty begins to take control. Walking around the ring a little, Ty looks as though he is getting his composure back after dominating Showtime. He picks up Show and although Show is dead weight at this point, tosses him back into the ring. Ty rolls in after him and immediately covers him. The referee counts the fall but only get to 2 before realizing that Show’s leg has been placed o the bottom rope and stops counting. The referee taps Ty’s shoulder and points this out to him. Ty looks angry but pulls Show across the ring and into the middle on the canvas. Covering him again, the referee begins the count again. However, Ty has lost too much time and Show kicks out at a count of 2.

Connor: It would have been so easy for Cougar to throw in the towel there but there is no quit in this man lately.

Cohen: It’s only a matter of time, CC. Show has been second best in every facet of this match tonight and Ty is closing the noose around his neck.

Ty gets to his feet and walks across the ring. Looking intense and frustrated, Ty leans against the corner and shakes his head. He begins moving towards Show, who is slowly getting to his feet. Grabbing Show by the hair, Ty helps his opponent to his feet. Driving Show into the corner with a heavy Irish whip, Ty begins to choke out Showtime. The referee urges Ty to stop but Ty seems intent on continuing as the referee begins to count to five. As the referee reaches four, he grabs Ty’s arm to pry him off of Showtime but Ty lashes out in frustration and instinct. He connects with the referee’s face and the referee collapses to the canvas. Ty turns around and shakes the referee in an attempt to stir him into life. As he turns around, Show lands an enziguiri that takes both men to the canvas. Show rolls out of the ring immediately and as he clutches his throat, begins to cough. Ty begins to recover and as he gets to his knees, he notices that his opponent is on the outside of the ring. He slowly climbs to his feet and goes after him. Show is resting on the barricade and as Ty rolls out of the ring, he runs at Showtime. As he is about to make contact with a running lariat, Showtime ducks out of the way and Ty goes flying over the security barricade and into the crowd.

Copeland: It seems this match is going to take the scenic route from here on out, Jacko.

Cohen: These two guys can be very dangerous when rules are lax and that is exactly what we have now. Expect unmanageable carnage.

Show gets to his feet once more and climbs over the barricade as the referee lies motionless in the ring. Show picks up Ty, who lies amongst some fans that he took out with his inaccurate lunge. Landing a stiff shot to the chin of Ty, Show follows it up with a superplex into an empty area of the fans zone. The crowd reach out to touch him as Show passes them. Picking up an empty chair that has recently been vacated, Show folds up the chair and slams it deep into the back of Ty. Ty writhes in pain as Show lets a smile emerge on his face. Show hits him again and the tosses the chair away. Show picks up the injured Ty and throws him over the nearby security barrier and into the commentators who are calling the match. Show climbs over the barricade again and as he picks up Ty, Ty lands a low blow that causes Show to crumble to the floor. Ty loosens some of the wires he has been entangled in and wearily stumbles to the outside of the ring. Ty gets to his feet with the assistance of the ring and walks over to Show on unsteady feet. As he reaches Show, Show tries to mount some offense but Ty hits him with the Consecrated Banishment and the crowd goes quiet. Ty tries to pull Show towards the ring and as he does, picks him up. He rolls him into he ring and quickly follows him. Getting on top of Show, he hooks a leg. The referee is beginning to stir and notices the pinfall. He tries to pull himself across the ring as Ty screams at him to hurry up.

Cohen: Come on, Ref! You are costing Ty the match with your incompetency.

Connor: I don’t think it is that at all, Jack. It seems like an agonizing wait though. This could be the end for Showtime.

It seems like an eternity has passed since the referee began to move and as he gets closer the pinfall, a strange and eerie silence befalls the crowd as they suspect this match is over. Finally, the referee is close enough to count the fall and begins.



Show kicks out!

Copeland: Oh my God! That was a quarter of a second away from being over.

A look of genuine shock emerges on Ty’s face as he looks at the referee and bemoans the decision. Show looks out for the count and Ty tries to get to his feet. Grabbing the hair of Show again, Ty picks him up. Show is barely moving but gets to his vertical basis. Ty whips him into the corner and begins to run at him. Show moves out of the way and as Ty stumbles out of the corner backwards, Showtime hits the Showstopper. The referee gets to his feet and as Show covers Ty, he begins to count the fall. 1…2… Kick out! Show begins to pull Ty into the middle of the ring but the match is beginning to take it’s toll on him. Finally managing to pull his opponent into the middle of the ring, Show looks to lock in the commercial break but Ty is resisting somewhat. Ty is just about to be turned over onto his stomach but at the last second, manages to rotate the other way, causing Showtime to flip over and break the hold.

Cohen: That’s the ticket, Ty!

Copeland: If that move had been locked in, I doubt Ty would have been able to move, nevermind make it to the ropes or break the hold…

Both men are on the canvas and as they lie motionless, the referee begins his count. Both men grab the ropes that are nearest to them and manage to get back to their feet on a count of seven. Both men stumble towards each other and Ty, from nowhere, goes for the Consecrated Banishment. However, Showtime manages to move out of the way and as Ty falls to the canvas after committing to his finishing move, Show grabs his legs and applies the Commercial Break. Ty struggles in his agony as the weary referee asks him if he wants to continue. Ty screams that he does and there doesn’t look to be an ounce of quit in him as he tries to move towards the ropes. Slowly but surely, Ty begins to crawl towards the ropes. He stretches his hand out but he is still a little bit away from his goal. As he tries to crawl forward again, a look of wrenched pain etched upon his features, Show pulls him back into the centre of the ring as a loud cheer from the fans goes around the arena. More pain and pressure is applied into the submission by Showtime, who is giving it everything he has. Ty begins to crawl again but some way across the ring for a second time, Ty stops and with one final pull on the legs of Ty, Ty taps on the canvas.

Harrys: Here is your winner, by way of submission… “Showtime”, David Cougar!

Connor: I don’t believe it! Showtime has defied the odds and has beaten Ty Burna here tonight in a wonderful showing of courage and heart.

Cohen: I am just going to say this, Ty Burna was screwed b a referee who clearly had it out for him.

Copeland: Don’t be so stupid, Jack. This was a hellacious match and someone had to lose. It was Showtime’s night tonight but this is far from over.
Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, and in this contest there will be No Disqualification!

Copeland: What? When was that added?

The sound of thunder rumbles throughout and smoke fills the arena right when a bolt of lightning strikes the stage and a huge beam of light shines out from behind the curtain, it’s bright and blinding that it’s hard to make out the silhouette that forms within the light. “O’ Fortuna” starts playing as the silhouette starts walking towards the stage, getting smaller but in clear focus as the mysterious man gets closer to the stage. Eventually he reaches the stage and we see he is cloaked in a hooded white robe.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 275, the man they call Vengeance!

Vengeance strolls forward in his white hood, with no Tarja by his side as he heads to the ring, flames rise from the ring posts as he walks closer to the ring. He ascends up the stairs as the flames die down but the lightly still flashes throughout the arena as he enters the ring. He drops his hood, followed by his cloak as he prepares for the battle ahead.

Never before have I seen Vengeance with such a desired look in his eyes, after what happened on Meltdown to Tarja, nothing is going to stop Vengeance from holding back, especially with no disqualifications to add, which still surprises me that’s been made!

Cohen: Clearly the Board of Directors saw the personal view of the situation and felt it was justified so Titus would get his dues!

Connor: But only Myles or Bateman would have immediately authority to make this call, you have to wonder why they did this. But you might be right Jack, with the history Titus and Vengeance have, you wouldn’t expect anything to hold them back, let alone the rules.


Titus makes his way out onto the stage to a huge ovation, he stops to soak in the crowd’s reaction and responds by pointing in a panning motion back to them before heading down the ramp.

Harrys: His opponent. From Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Titus!

Titus high fives a few fans before he reaches to the outside of the ring to watch the waiting Vengeance who has a fire burning in his eyes, and Titus looks back with intensity to show that he’s not afraid of his long time rival. He asks the ref to get Vengeance to back off as he climbs into the ring and up onto the turnbuckle to do the same panning motion to the fans. He drops down and Vengeance makes his advances with the referee stops and is shoved out of the way as Titus is quick with a clothesline on Vengeance to take him down with an ovation as the bell rings and this match is under way. Titus quickly leaps in the air to drop a knee but Vengeance rolls out of the way, Titus holds his knee but drops to avoid stiff kick from his opponent and both get up to their feet and don’t hesitate to lock up in the middle of the ring. Vengeance manages to over power Titus and shoves him into the corner and goes for a clothesline to follow but Titus dodges and then kicks Vengeance in the back, which only angers him and makes me stare down Titus aggressively.

Vengeance looks like he’s about to explode as Titus can try and think on the spot and kicks him in the leg which makes Vengeance go for a right which is dodged, followed by another kick to the leg and another missed right hand as Titus then uses momentum to bounce off the ropes and knock Vengeance down with a flying forearm. He’s quick up and grabs Vengeance by the head and unloads some rights onto him but Vengeance powers him off and sits up immediately as Titus tries to unload some more quick offense with another running attack, only Vengeance scouts him early and drops him with a sitout spinebuster, he runs off at the ropes and goes for a leg drop on the head but Titus rolls out of it. Titus is quick up to his feet and waits for Vengeance to get up to push up the ropes so he can run and clothesline him off out of the ring to the outside which gets the fans cheering.

Cohen: How can they support this?

Copeland: He’s the champion, that’s why!

Vengeance is down on one knee and seems to be looking under the ring as Titus stands waiting and heads to leap through the ropes but is met with a devastating chairshot from Vengeance which takes Titus down completely as Vengeance looks on grudgingly. He gets Titus up and drops him immediately onto the back of his head again, he gets him up once more and rolls him into the ring but dragging him head first under the ropes to the nearest corner, his head exposed and his shoulder is pressed against the ring post as Vengeance applied a modified triangle choke on the champion. The referee can’t do a five count as there’s no disqualification so he asks Titus if he wants to quit but all the response he gets is “No!”. The pain of the ring post against his shoulder and his neck feeling the weight of his near two hundred and eighty pound opponent weighs down as Titus tries to free himself from the hold, using a free arm he tries to pull his shoulder from being locked from the post and eventually he’s successful which makes him and Vengeance drop to the floor.

Titus takes a moment to recover as does Vengeance for taking a slight knock on the floor, he is the first to get up to his feet as Titus is still down on the floor holding onto his neck. Vengeance spots the camera man and shoves him over as he tries grabbing the cable from him and bringing it over to Titus, wrapping it around his neck, trying to choke him out, the referee isn’t sure what to do as is the fallen camera match. The fans scream and shout against Vengeance’s actions, disapproving of his methods against the champion, which gets his attention, releasing the hold and getting square up in a fan’s face, giving Titus a moment to get some breath back and crawl under the ring while Vengeance is distracted. Vengeance turns around to find Titus is gone, bemused at first he then looks under the ring and finds nothing, he shouts “Face me! Face me like a man!” He keeps looking as Titus appears from one of the other sides with a steel chair, he heads round and slams it hard into Vengeance’s back which gets his attention and is met with another chair directly into Vengeance’s face. The energy used takes a lot out of Titus who slides back into the ring to give some distance as he waits for his rival to get back up onto his feet.

Connor: How Titus has managed to survive this onslaught is simply amazing!

Cohen: He’s the “champion” after all! What about poor Vengeance?

Vengeance is slowly back up to his feet and it’s clear to the fans that he’s been busted wide open, the blood pouring down his forehead and he begins to realize what Titus has done to him as his rage builds up again and he screams out loud, grabbing the chair immediately and sliding into the ring, looking ready to take out Titus, he takes the chair in both hands, and immediately takes out the referee with it which shocks Titus as much as the rest of the crowd. Vengeance tries to follow up with a chair to Titus but he dodges and hits a drop toe hold and uses it to lock in the British Figure Four Leglock which has Vengeance screaming in agony, he’s never tapped out before, but with the referee out it makes no difference. Suddenly out of nowhere comes Ty Burna who breaks the hold, during the moment where both contenders take a moment to compose themselves, he grabs the belt and gets inside the ring, he stands ready in waiting and bashes Titus over the head with it, looking happy with himself as the crowd boos heavily. He raises his hands as Vengeance interrupts him, giving some instructions to double team as they both pick him up and drop him with a double chokeslam like move. He instructs him to leave as he says he’ll make the pin, but as Ty heads out he stops for a moment, looks at Vengeance and then immediately hits the Consecrated Banishment, taking his partner down. Ty he looks on disgustingly and begins to leave, though as he’s heading up the ramp he’s intercepted by Showtime Cougar who begins to unload rights on him and slams him back first into the ring edge.

They continue brawling up the ramp as Titus and Vengeance are still laid out, they exchange rights and lefts up the ramp as the referees try to separate them but the brawling continues on the stage, moving dangerously to the end. Ty shoves Showtime away and then tries to kick him off with the Consecrated Banishment but Showtime dodges it and grabs him with the Final Act, taking them both off the stage onto electrical equipment with sparks flying as the fans look on in shock, the referees calling for EMTs to come out and help. Back in the ring, Titus has slowly regained consciousness and puts an arm over Vengeance, the referee in the ring is still out from the chairshot. One of the other refs who is watching over the situation with Showtime and Ty spots the pin attempt and runs down the ramp to call the pin 1……..2…..kickout by Vengeance. Titus is shocked as he’s been busted from Ty’s earlier shot.

Copeland: I thought Titus would have that after what Ty did to Vengeance.

Connor: But even so, there’s so much going on, do we keep watch on the match or the situation at the stage

Cohen: The match of course!

Titus is slow to get back up as Vengeance is still down, he signals to the fans that it’s time to end this one as he ascends to the top rope to look for The Red Comet, only Vengeance sits up suddenly and Titus is unsure what to do until his opponent gets up and hits a dropkick to take him down. He signals for the Tit Drop which gets the fans excited, as Vengeance is slowly getting to his feet, Titus runs at the ropes and is suddenly stopped by the sudden appearance of Tarja who’s grabbed him by the leg, he stops to turn and raises his hands in an act of innocence so he doesn’t harm her, the referee tries to get her away as Titus turns and Vengeance tries to go for the Sacrilegious Desecration but it’s countered and Titus hits the Tit Drop, he goes for the cover 1…….2……Tarja grabs the referee’s leg. Titus looks annoyed at this and rolls to the outside, pursuing after her, pointing at her and telling her to get out, she gets into the ring as he does and she dodges past Vengeance who grabs Titus with the Judge, Jury and Executioner straight onto the title belt that’s still in the ring, he goes for the cover 1……2……3.

Harrys: The winner of this match, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Vengeance!

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, it appears a dark day has come for the WZCW…Vengeance…is the World Heavyweight Champion!

Cohen: I said it would happen, but I can’t believe it myself! It’s finally come!

Connor: And it took that extra effort to help, but the Dark Alliance won the belt when Vengeance couldn’t get it done.

Cohen: And the justice has come from Titus harming Tarja, for vengeance has been received and a new champion has been crowned!

The referee picks up the belt to hand it to Vengeance but Tarja grabs it from him, she walks in front of Vengeance, gets down on her knees and presents the belt to him. Despite the blood pouring from his face, he takes the belt and raises it in the air with a sick smile. He sets himself in a trance as the arena goes dark and lightning flashes around the arena.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, I don’t know what this means but we surely are about to wonder what it’s like to leave in shadow as Vengeance is now the champion, a sight I will never get use to…

The pay per view fades out as Vengeance and Tarja have a dark spiritual connection with the championship belt as Titus lays out in a bloody mess.
Who wrote what:

Titus vs. Vengeance/Garth Black vs. Phoenix - Phoenix
Ty Burna vs. Showtime/Constantine debut - Dave
Everest vs. USA/Mayhem Ladder Match - Blade
Big Dave vs. Blade - Showtime
Austin Reynolds vs. Chris Beckford - SC
Ghetto Stars vs. Pride of Toyota - Thriller

Rep them for their hard work in putting Apocalypse together

Don't forget to feedback the PPV on this thread


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