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WZCW Presents: All or Nothing

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
What once was a moment of sanity, a moment where order finally was restored. The unstoppable Ty Burna finally stopped by Big Dave.

A shot of Ty Burna being pinned by Big Dave at Unscripted is shown.​

Yet the order was short lived. As Chaos reestablished its status as the dominating presence in WZCW,

A shot of the Apostles of Chaos is shown, standing over the carnage from Meltdown 66 is shown.​

an unlikely trio has joined forces to combat the darkness.

Steven Kurtesy, Action Saxton, and Saboteur are shown, not looking towards one another.​

Yet when the odds are against you,

Shots of Ty Burna, Everest, Matt Tastic, Brad Bomb, Mr. Baller, and Alexander Steele alternate on the screen.​

what will you do to combat your greatest foes?

Shots alternate between Sam Smith, Constantine, and Steven Holmes.​

For two men tonight, it truly is All or Nothing.

A shot of Showtime Cougar staring down Stan Rogers is shown.​

Rising from the ashes of the burnt structure, insanity soon takes hold of its denizens, and soon a new champion is crowned.

A picture of Barbosa holding up the WZCW World Heavyweight Title high into the air flashes across the screen.​

Yet three heroes stand in defiance of the champion's manic methods, yet their motives are not entirely altruistic.

Pictures of Big Dave, Titus, and Gordito alternate on the screen.​

The path to Kingdom Come soon begins, the bets are placed, and the die is cast. Who will walk out with it All? And who will leave with Nothing as WZCW presents, All or Nothing!

The chaos symbol flashes on the screen momentarily until the screen shatters into the WZCW logo and the theme song begins.​


Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to All or Nothing!

Cohen: I'm excited Seabass, can't you tell?

Copeland: You ought to be Jack. We have one hell of a show ready for you tonight!

Connor: After the shocking KFAD cash in from Barbosa, we now have a four way elimination match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship tonight!

Copeland: Not to mention the other great matches tonight! But first we must thank Bomb LA for providing the theme song to All or Nothing this evening!

Cohen: I'm sick of this rock crap Seabass. When can we have BB King provide music for us?

Connor: You might have to ask Stan Rogers in regards to that Jack. But coming up now we have the Mayhem Title on the line as Alex Bowen defends against Sean Cruz and Armando Paradyse!
The crowd is electric for the start of the PPV.

Harrys: The opening contest for All or Nothing is a Triple Threat match scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!


The crowd boos heavily as Bowen walks out from behind the curtain showcasing his title up high. He puts the strap over his shoulder and continues down the ramp slowly, not a care in the world.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing in at 247 pounds, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion; ALEX BOWEN!

Connor: Another day, another title defense for the longest reigning Mayhem champion. He is looking very confident coming down to this match.

Cohen: And why shouldn't he be? The King of Mayhem will not be dethroned by the peasants tonight and will continue to rule the lands.

Bowen is perched on the turnbuckles showing his belt once more before giving it to the referee and sitting in one of the corners, waiting for his opponents.


The crowd cheers with Bowen cringing at the music as Sean jumps out from excitement, trying to get the fans pumped up. A few screaming girls can be heard from the audience as Sean stands looking around on the stage at how big the crowd is.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 236 pounds... SEAN CRUZ!

Copeland: This kid finally has his chance at regaining the Mayhem title that he won at Unscripted yet Bowen cunningly took off Sean by... wait, what the...

Just as Sean is about to walk down the ramp, Armando Paradyse comes from out of nowhere and takes out the back of Sean's knee with a metal pipe. The music instantly cuts with the crowd booing intensely at Paradyse's blindside attack.

Copeland: What's Paradyse doing?

Cohen: Something he should of done a long time ago.

Cruz clutches his knee but Paradyse smacks him in the chest a couple of times, giving Sean something else to cry about. Paradyse drags Sean back up to the stage and sets him up, hitting the Paradyse Plunge on Sean. Armando stands over the unconscious body of Sean for a couple of seconds before raising his hands in the air to a flurry of boos from the crowd. Medical staff and trainers come out to check on Cruz, telling Paradyse to back off. Everyone looks around in wait, hoping that Sean is okay. One of the staff holds up an "X" sign to signal he is down and a stretcher is wheeled out. The staff give Sean a brace for his neck and his knee before carefully putting him on the stretcher.

Cohen: Now that's how you take care of any pests.

Copeland: Pests? If anything, Armando has been the pest in Cruz's life ever since he returned. That's not important though, that attack has sidelined Cruz indefinitely. If Chuck and Vance can reprimand Cruz for his actions, surely they can suspend Armando for this?

Cohen: Don't get ahead of yourself Seabass. This match is for the Mayhem title... there aren't any rules here, you should know this. Armando did what he needed to do completely within the limits. Now this is going to be a much more interesting contest.

They finally get Sean strapped in securely on the stretcher and wheel him out of the arena with Armando taunting him from the stage: the crowd showing their distaste by booing.

Connor: We hope for a speedy recovery for Sean.

Armando smiles back at the audience and at Bowen, who seems dis-interested by the entire ordeal. Paradyse picks up the pipe from the ramp and is about to walk down before he switches direction to head over to the sound guy hidden from normal view. Armando orders him to play his new music and he returns back to the ramp. Waiting for the sound guy...


Armando dances to the beat of the music with the metal pipe in hand, showing off to some of the better looking women of the crowd who don't seem to be impressed. He doesn't care as he continues down the ramp and enters the ring. He still moves to the beat with a smile as he heads over to Truman Harrys to order his introduction.

Harrys: ... And... finally, from Puerto Rico, weighing in at 268 pounds... ARMANDO PARADYSE!

Armando continues to move to the beat, walking closer to Bowen who finally gets up from his seated position to snatch the metal pipe from Armando's grasp and smack him in the stomach. The music cuts again as the crowd half cheers for Bowen's attack on Paradyse who holds the hit area. The referee signals for the bell.

Bowen sets up Paradyse and quickly hits Ride The Lightning. He flips Paradyse over and goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out at the last second. Bowen is a little disappointed that he is going to have to break a sweat but proceeds to exit the ring, looking under it and tossing in varies weapons as he allows Paradyse to recover.

Copeland: That would have been the fastest title defense in WZCW history had Armando not kicked out.

Connor: I don't think Bowen cares really. This just means he gets to torture Paradyse more.

Bowen has already thrown gathered a trash can full of goodies such as kendo sticks, fluorescent lights, a stop sign and trash lids, along with four more trash cans that he chucks into the ring, one smacking Paradyse in the head as he tries getting up from his all fours. Bowen grabs the full can and carefully aids it into the ring without letting any of the other objects topple out. He places it into the center of the ring with Paradyse using the ropes to get up on his feet with the metal pipe in his hand. Bowen walks up to Paradyse and whacks the pipe out of his hand before taking jabs at different points to Armando's body before twisting Paradyse to face him, pulling him towards himself to deliver a short clothesline. Bowen mounts Paradyse and takes his time as he measures up and punches Paradyse's face. After a few punches, Bowen goes for a pin attempt... 1... 2... kick-out. Bowen shakes his head at Paradyse and tells him to stay down before he loses his pretty face. He pulls out a trash can lid and waits for Paradyse to get up, allowing him to get to his knees. Bowen smacks the lid across Paradyse's back a couple of times before hitting him on the head, knocking Paradyse back down. He turns over Paradyse for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out again. Bowen smirks as he grabs another trash lid, waiting for Paradyse to get up again. He unleashes a flurry of shots on Paradyse with the lids, one after another until Paradyse is back onto the canvas. He again goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Bowen laughs and says he will step the pain up a notch.

Connor: I think Bowen is enjoying this a little too much.

Cohen: There is no such thing as too much enjoyment, CC. I'm just anxious to see what the King has in store next.

Bowen tosses the lids out of the ring and grabs out a kendo stick, flicking it around as if he were a swordsman expert. He uses the end of the stick to lift up Paradyse's head to look at him as he smiles. He takes it away and smacks Paradyse hard across the back. Paradyse sits up and sticks out his chest, showing that his back is stinging. Bowen swings again across the back in the same spot with Paradyse stumbling around to try and get away. Bowen grabs the leg of Paradyse and drags him back, swinging a third time to the back of Paradyse. He then goes on a rampage and whacks Paradyse in the back multiple times until blood begins spilling from his back due to the splinters. He goes for another cover on Paradyse... 1... 2... kick-out again. Bowen looks out to the crowd and shrugs as he puts down the kendo stick and switches it out for a fluorescent lightbulb that garners a little interest from the crowd. Paradyse again tries getting up as Bowen lines him up. Paradyse takes his time, using the ropes to get up. Bowen grows very impatient of Paradyse and whacks the lightbulb across the dissected back of Paradyse, causing the glass to shatter on impact. As those in the front rows cover their eyes from the flying glass, the face of Armando shows just exactly how much it hurt. His back begins bleeding faster from the shot yet Paradyse still hangs on the ropes. Bowen delivers a few backhand chops to Paradyse's back before pulling him off the ropes to hit a belly to back suplex onto the trash can full of weapons, smashing the remaining lightbulbs. He goes for another cover on Paradyse... 1... 2... kick-out. Bowen is starting to get a little frustrated with Paradyse not staying down.

Copeland: Some resilience being shown from Armando here. He must want the championship something fierce.

Cohen: Resilience? More like rebellious... and you know historically what happens to rebels who try and usurp a King's throne, right?

Bowen leaves Paradyse on top of the mess as he grabs the random four trash cans and slowly tucks them securely in each of the four corners of the ring. He goes over to Paradyse who is still down and slowly picks him up to bring him to his feet. Bowen points to the first corner and drags Paradyse to throw him into the first corner but Paradyse reverses and manages to chuck Bowen over the ropes. Bowen lands awkwardly on the apron but manages to hang on. Before he can steady himself, Paradyse hits a shuffle side kick on Bowen. He falls to the floor and Paradyse falls to his knees to catch his breath. Bowen is surprised at the comeback by Paradyse as he recovers on the floor. Paradyse gets on his feet barely and goes over to the crushed trash can and gets out the stop sign before he runs off the ropes to hit a suicide dive on Bowen, using the sign as the battering ram. Both men are sent straight into the barricades to crash and burn, with Bowen getting whiplash from his head bouncing off the top of the barricades. Despite the shot, Bowen is up first and kicks Paradyse in the hand to disarm him of his stop sign and picks him up. Paradyse plays possum and surprises Bowen with a well-placed knee shot to the ribs. Paradyse quickly snapmares Bowen and follows up with a dropkick to the back of his head. It hurts Paradyse as he lands on his scarred back but he manages to create some distance from Bowen as he gets up. Paradyse quickly gets up and runs at Bowen, hitting a running knee to Bowen and transitioning it into a neckbreaker onto the stop sign. It jars Bowen's neck and he clutches the back of his head as Paradyse recovers. He goes around to another side of the ring and looks underneath.

Cohen: Aha... more weapons. Just how I like it: a good ol' fashioned brawl.

Copeland: What could Paradyse possibly want that's not already accessible?

Paradyse pulls out a longer version of the metal pipe he brought out earlier, with the crowd booing at its resemblance.

Connor: Does that answer your question?

Paradyse begins moving to an inaudible beat as he goes over to Bowen and swings the pipe across the back of Bowen, who cringes at the hit but doesn't not let out a scream... but a smirk does cross his face. Paradyse is a little confused at the facial expression and smacks him harder this time. Bowen can be heard laughing a little as the smirk grows bigger. A frustrated Paradyse swings it a few more times until Bowen is unable to respond with a laugh. Paradyse shares a laugh of his own before he picks up the limp body of Bowen and tosses him into the ring. He finally gets into the ring and taunts, prompting the crowd to boo. However, halfway through their boos it turns to loud cheers, confusing Paradyse. He first embraces the cheers but turns to the ramp to see a limping and bandaged Sean Cruz making his way down to the ring with personnel trying to stop him but Cruz waves them off although he has trouble walking. Paradyse cannot believe his eyes.

Copeland: Cruz is coming down to compete!

Cohen: How is this possible?! Paradyse took care of that insolent creature... he shouldn't be walking!

Connor: Well Jack, he is... and is doing it with a purpose.

Cruz is halfway down the ramp as Paradyse exits the ring with the longer pipe and runs up to him. He takes a huge swing but Cruz ducks under the shot and hits Paradyse with a kick to the arm, forcing Paradyse to let go of the pipe. Cruz then hits his signature kicking combination before hitting a Crescent kick, knocking Paradyse down. Cruz feels the pain from the shot but manages to get up and proceed to the ring where a recovering Bowen is using the ropes to get up. The crowd cheers on Cruz immensely as goes around the ring and grabs the Mayhem title before using the stairs to get into the ring. Cruz measures up Bowen as he gets up and hits Bowen across the face. The crowd cheers loudly as both men drop. Cruz crawls to the cover............... 1.................. 2........................ Paradyse breaks up the count as Bowen gets the shoulder up. Paradyse unleashes a flurry of attacks on Cruz, hitting him with everything he's got as Cruz covers up. Paradyse picks him up and sets up for the Paradyse Plunge again but Cruz flips Paradyse over him. Paradyse immediately gets up and runs at Cruz but he moves back and takes down Paradyse with a superkick! The crowd goes wild as Paradyse rolls out of the ring. Cruz tries shaking the cobwebs from his knee as he turns his attention to Bowen who is still lying on the canvas. Cruz looks to the turnbuckles and signals to the fans for the big finish. He limps over to the corner and begins to ascend very slowly.

Connor: The fight is still alive in Sean Cruz.

Cohen: This can't be possible! This is not happening!

Sean takes quite a while to get to the top but Bowen is still out of it. He adjusts himself on the top rope and taunts to the crowd before jumping off for the top rope leg drop.... but at the last second, Bowen rolls out of the way as Sean hits nothing but canvas. Bowen easily gets to his feet and shows he wasn't knocked out at all. He grabs Cruz and hits the End of Days onto the Mayhem title, knocking him out. Bowen makes the cover...

........................... 1

........................... 2

........................... thr......

Cohen: He has do...

Paradyse comes again from out of nowhere with his metal pipe and hauls Bowen off of Cruz, choking him with the pipe. He tries to escape but Paradyse has the leverage and Bowen cannot break the hold. Bowen pleads with the ref to help him but he said the match isn't over and can't do anything. Paradyse continues the pressure as Bowen is fading faster and faster. He is about to slip into unconsciousness with the ref ready to ring the bell until Paradyse lets go of the hold and drops the pipe, smirking as he looks over to the fallen Cruz. He goes over to him and slowly locks in the Nightmare Clutch, wrenching with all his strength. Since Cruz is already out, the ref has no choice but to ring the bell.

Paradyse keeps the hold on for a few more seconds before getting up to his feet, picking up the Mayhem Championship off the ground and raising it high into the air with the crowd booing as his music plays in the background.

Harrys: Here is your winner via submission and the NEW WZCW Mayhem Champion; ARMANDO PARADYSE!

Cohen: What? Bowen had this match won! The ref hit the mat to count the three!

Copeland: I believe the referee saw Paradyse break up the pin first before he made the count, thus continuing the match.

Cohen: What shoddy officiating! We need new referee's out here, immediately.

Connor: Whether we replace them or not, Paradyse has won the Mayhem title. From someone who started off as the butt of all jokes for 2012 to sneak his way into this match and become the champ, defeating the longest reigning champion to get to this point: he definitely deserves the praise.

EMT's come down to the ring to check on Cruz's status whilst Bowen has just come back to consciousness and is slowly realizing what is happening. Paradyse decides to exit the ring before Bowen understands and leaves up the ramp with the belt, showing it off one more time before he exits the arena.

Copeland: If Sean Cruz recovers, Armando Paradyse won't be seeing the last of his former partner... but the real question remains: what now for Alex Bowen?
The camera shot opens up to Leon Kensworth in a Santa suit. He is in a parking lot, where several fans are behind him. They are contained by a rope fence as they hold up various signs and cheer.

Leon: Merry Christmas WZCW! I have behind me some of WZCW’s greatest fans.

The fans behind Leon cheer wildly at his comment.

Leon: I have a bag with me here that contains several items from the WZCW online shop.

Leon turns around to the crowd of fans.

Leon: Who wants free stuff?

The fans cheer loudly as they jump up and down and hold out there hands. Leon reaches in the bag of goodies, but he is stopped by someone grabbing his forearm. Leon looks up and it is revealed to be Mr. Baller. The fans begin to boo.

Baller: Now, now Leon. I think the WZCW is forgetting to be politically correct. We are hearing all this stuff about Christmas, but what about the people who don’t celebrate Christmas, like me. How come you don’t wish me a happy Hanukkah Leon?

Leon raises his microphone up to his mouth, but Baller slaps it out of his hand.

Baller: If I didn’t have a match right now, I would be calling my new lawyer to draw up a lawsuit against your holiday bias. But I have the last spot in the Lethal Lottery to win. So, whether it’s Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Holidays; I’m going to get myself a gift tonight and beat all of those clowns.

Baller smirks and pulls off Leon’s fake beard. The crowd boos Baller as he walks out of the scene.

Cohen: I’m glad that someone sticks up for the traditions of Hanukkah.

Copeland: Oh, please. Coming up next we got the last spot in the Lethal Lottery on the line in a six-man match. Don’t go away!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! The winner will be the final entrant in the Lethal Lottery match. The person who is pinned or submits will receive the number 1 spot.

The crowd pop as Everest walks out on stage and looks out the crowd, a confident smile on his face. He heads for the ring, slapping hands of some fans on the way.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

Connor: Everest comes into this match with experience as his advantage.

Copeland: He knows how important it would be to get the number 20 spot for Lethal Lottery!

He gets in the ring and poses for the crowd for a moment before walking to the corner and looking out at the ramp.

Brad Bomb walks out with his hood up as he gets himself psyched up for the match ahead.

Harrys: Next, weighing in at 261 pounds, Brad Bomb!

He throws his hoodie into the crowd and slides into the ring before going up on the second turnbuckle and raises his arms.

Copeland: The size difference between Bomb and the rest of the competitors could be a huge deciding factor here!

Alex Steele emerges and doesn’t waste any time heading down the ramp. He throws his hood back and slides into the ring.

Harrys: Next, weighing in at 249 pounds, Alexander Steele!

Connor: Somewhat of a wild card in this match.

Cohen: Please, who wants to see this boring idiot in this match, let alone the main event of Kingdom Come?

Steele sizes up the competition for a moment before climbing to the second rope and pointing out at the crowd.

The crowd boo loudly as Baller emerges with his basketball and a cocky smirk on his face. He takes a few steps down the ramp and spins the basketball on his finger. He pretends he’s going to throw the ball at once particularly vocal crowd member before going to the ring.

Harrys: Next, weighing in at 220 pounds, Mr. Baller!

Baller doesn’t get into the ring straight away, instead choosing to walk around it, checking out his opponents.


The crowd pops as Matt Tastic emerges. He looks at the crowd for a moment before storming down to the ring.

Harrys: Next, weighing in at 225 pounds, Matt Tastic!

Tastic is about to go into the ring when he’s attacked from the side by Baller! Tastic goes down and Baller quickly picks him up and throws him into the steel steps. Steele slides out of the ring and starts exchanging right hands with Baller. Baller gives him a to the eye and starts stomping on him. In the ring, Bomb has started to lay into Everest inside the ring, hitting a series of right hands.


Suddenly, everyone stops fighting. There’s a huge, mostly negative, reaction for Ty Burna who, for once, walks out a fast pace, looking angry that the mayhem has started without him. He goes down the ramp and Baller quickly slides into the ring and stands alongside Everest and Bomb. Tastic is still slumped over the steel steps and Steele is getting up, looking dazed. Steele doesn’t see Ty coming until it’s too late and he gets a Consecrated Banishment to the face! The men inside the ring look on in horror as Steele crumbles to the floor. Ty looks from Everest to Bomb to Baller as he slowly pulls himself onto the apron and gets into the ring. Bomb goes for him, attempting a clothesline but Burna ducks under it and launches him over the top rope to the ground. Everest and Ty stare at each other until Baller pushes Everest towards Burna! Ty lifts Everest up for a Shoulder Breaker but Everest pushes himself off Ty and lands behind him before dropkicking him in the back. This sends Ty towards Baller and Baller jumps up to Ty’s shoulders for a Hurricanrana but Ty holds Baller up so he can’t do the move before throwing him outside the ring to the floor. Ty turns around and again locks eyes with Everest.

Cohen: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how good Ty Burna is.

Copeland: But he hasn’t been able to take out Everest yet!

Ty knows he can’t outwrestle Everest, so he goes for a right hand but Everest ducks under it and hits a loud chop to Ty’s chest. The crowd let out a ‘Woo!’ as Everest follows up with a second and third. Ty is in pain as Everest goes for a Russian Leg Sweep, but Tastic comes from behind and dropkicks both men. Everest collides with the turnbuckles while Ty goes through the ropes in the corner, hitting the steel ring post shoulder-first. As Everest stumbles backwards, Tastic hits a Rolling Back Suplex and goes for the first pin of the night, 1... 2... Kick out by Everest. Tastic picks him up and tries to Irish Whip Everest, but it’s reversed, sending Tastic into the ropes. As he returns, Everest grabs him for a Belly to Belly Suplex but Alex Steele comes from behind and grabs Everest around the waist. Steele delivers a German Suplex to Everest as Everest hits Tastic with a Belly to Belly Suplex! Steele goes for a pin on Everest, 1... 2... Kick out. He then crawls over to Tastic, 1... 2... Kick out! Steele gets up and turns around and gets caught with a Crossbody from the top rope by Bomb! Bomb pins Steele, 1... 2... Kick out! Bomb picks Steele up and goes for an Alabama Slam but Steele flips over Bomb and manages to roll him up, 1... 2... Kick out by Bomb!

Connor: This is chaos! Everyone wants to make the pin and no one wants that dreaded number 1 spot!

Both men get up quickly and Bomb runs forward but he’s caught with and Armdrag, which Steele transitions into an Armbar. Bomb uses his strength to get up, lifting Steele up with his arm and slams him down to the mat. Baller climbs up onto the apron now and Springboards off the top rope into Bomb, who catches him! Steele gets up and runs off the ropes and dropkicks Baller’s back, sending Baller and Bomb to the mat. Baller quickly gets up and runs at Steele, but Steele catches him with a T-Bone Suplex! Steele picks Baller up and Irish Whips him into the turnbuckle and runs after him, but Baller hits a Whisper in the Wind and covers Steele, 1... 2... Kick out! Baller gets up and turns around, finding himself face to face with Ty Burna, who starts hitting Baller with punches, but Baller blocks one and starts fighting back with punches of his own. Baller runs off the ropes and launches himself at Ty but Ty catches and plants him with a Spinebuster. He goes for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Baller. Ty picks him up and leans him against the ropes as he measures Baller up for Consecrated Banishment but he’s hit from behind with a steel chair by Alex Steele! Ty goes down to his knees and Steele smashes him again! Ty goes down to the mat face first and Steele throws the chair away, with fire in his eyes.

Cohen: DQ! Disqualify that man!

Connor: This is a multi-man match, technically there are no DQ’s!

Copeland: We’ve never seen this side of Steele before! Clearly he did not like that Consecrated Banishment from Burna!

Steele gets down on the mat and locks in a Triangle Arm submission on Ty, who grits his teeth in pain. It doesn’t last long though, as Baller hits a Standing Moonsault on both men, breaking up the submission. He notices the chair and picks it up, but he turns around into Everest, who hits the chair into Baller’s face with an Enziguiri! Everest picks Baller back up and goes for the Rock Slide but Bomb hits him with a big boot to the face! Bomb goes for the Explosion on Baller, but he’s hit with a top rope Clothesline by Matt Tastic! Now Tastic is going for the Hells Rolling on Baller! This time it’s Steele who breaks it up, hitting Tastic with a German Suplex. Steele notices Bomb getting up and rushes towards him, hitting a Crossbody that sends both men over the top rope. They slowly use the apron to get up when suddenly Everest launches himself over the top rope and takes both men out. Baller is up in the ring, amazed he managed to avoid all those finishing moves until he turns around into the Consecrated Banishment! Ty’s neck and back are obviously still causing him pain but he goes for the pin, 1.... 2... Broken up by Matt Tastic with a Legdrop!

Connor: Baller got very, very lucky there!

Cohen: Tastic is an idiot! If someone else is getting pinned, he’s not getting pinned! It’s not like he’ll win, just go home and save yourself getting the number 1 spot!

All three men are recovering in the ring. On the outside, Steele kicks Everest in the gut and lifts him up for a Pumphandle Death Valley Driver, but Everest punches his way out of it and lands on his feet before catching Steele with a Rock Slide on the floor! Everest gets back up and turns his attention to Bomb who just got up. He hits a Spinning Wheel kick on the big man before turning his attention to the Spanish announce table. Everest points at Bomb and then to the table and the crowd go nuts. Everest clears everything off the table and tells the Spanish announcers to move before picking up Bomb but Bomb pushes him into the crowd barricade. Both men are recovering, with Bomb leaning on the announce table. Everest runs at Bomb but Bomb picks him up and hits an Alabama Slam through the Spanish Announce table! Both men are down and the referee calls for the medics to come down. Inside the ring, Tastic has picked up Burna and hits the Twisted-T! He doesn’t go for the pin, instead rolling out onto the apron and going for the Treble Boost! He flies off the top rope but Ty catches his arm and locks in the Final Séance! Tastic yells out in pain and reaches for the ropes, but they are just an inch out of reach. After several moments, Tastic starts to fade and is very nearly unconscious. Ty yells at the ref to call for the bell but the ref refuses. Ty releases the hold and lifts Tastic up. He steps back and immediately connects with Consecrated Banishment! Ty drops down and covers him, 1.......2..........................

Cohen: What the hell is this referee doing? Count the pin!

Copeland: The ref is refusing to count the three!

Ty gets up and is furious with the referee. He grabs him by the shirt and referee pleads with Ty. Suddenly Vance Bateman appears at the top of the entrance ramp, a smug smirk forming on his face. Ty suddenly releases the referee and looks over his shoulder towards Vance. He immediately exits the ring and storms up the ramp, getting directly in Vance's face. Suddenly inside the ring Mr. Baller comes flying off and connects with the Buzzerbeater on Tastic! He covers him, 1......2......3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Mr. Baller!

Baller quickly rolls out of the ring, looking amazed as anyone that he won. He drops to his knees and raises his arms to loud booing from the crowd. Ty continues staring down Bateman, who continues smiling right in Ty's face. Ty slowly turns his head and his gaze burns a hole right through Baller before turning towards Vance once more and brushing past him to the back. Baller meanwhile slides back into the ring and hops up to the second turnbuckle, continuing his celebration.

Connor: Well, I didn’t see that coming...

Copeland: I don’t think anyone did...

Cohen: That’s what you get for underestimating Mr. Baller, my new favourite to win the Lethal Lottery!

Copeland: With a small assist from Vance Bateman of course. He must have ordered the ref not to give Ty the victory here tonight.

Cohen: I think things are about to get ugly between Ty and Vance. This chess game has gone on for far too long.

We see the closed dressing room door of Tag Championship challengers Runn Reynolds Runn. Inside we hear the loud voices of both Austin and Ricky as they pump themselves up.



They bound out, slapping the wall and shouting loudly.

This is it! We don't care what Mind Over Matter can throw at us. This is our time. We've stood back for too long and let other teams take the spotlight and the tag belts that we deserve to have!

These rules are no obstacle to us, we are going to do what we do best! The fans are going to see the best tag team performance of all time from us right here, right now!

And we will be the new Tag Team Champions!
The crowd is buzzing as we set up for the next match, showing some shots of people holding up some signs before the camera focuses on the announcers.

Copeland: Before we begin the next match, we'd like to make sure that everyone at home understands these obscure rules that are about to be enforced. Basically, the only way to win is via submission or disqualification.

Cohen: Whilst it is an ingenious concept implemented by the defending champs, I would honestly hate to be wrestling in a match where disqualification is an easy victory. Anything that can constitute for a DQ normally in matches are an instant offense and lose of match: eye gouging, illegal shots like closed fists or below the belt hits... even saying the Lord's name in vein could get you in trouble.

Copeland: Definitely not the type of match you'd catch yourself wrestling. Even using aid such as the ring ropes and having both members in the ring at the same time are grounds for disqualification. Speaking about two partners though, if the legal man decides to leave the ring then his partner may enter to become the legal man. So both teams are allowed to switch as well as tag: just as long as only one man is in the ring from each time at a time.

Connor: Despite the harsh rules, there are a couple of things to note: Rope break doesn't exist so any submission locked in must be broken via escape or reversal; as well as all foreign objects must be checked by the appointed referee... there is nothing about usage of the approved weapons in the fine print so we'll have to see how that pans out.

We switch back to Truman Harrys ready in the ring to begin the next match with a piece of parchment in his hands and the WZCW official standing on the outside of the ring. He begins to read the text.

Harrys: The following match will be fought under All England rules for tag team competition as laid down by Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick and it will contest the WZCW Tag Team Championships.


The crowd boos loudly as Susumu walks out first with Takahiro wearing a WZCW referee shirt by his side, stopping on the stage so Susumu can showcase his title. Stark brushes past him and continues down the stage with Susumu and Takahiro following.

Harrys: Introducing first, being accompanied by the certified referee for this match, Takahiro, at a combined weight of 385 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions; Alexander Stark and Hiraku Susumu... MIND OVER MATTER!

MOM enter the ring and stand their ground firmly in the middle as Takahiro examines the enter ring set up, including what is under the ring and around ringside that could be used as weapons. Takahiro pulls out the remaining kendo sticks and trash can lids from the Mayhem match, telling the other official to remove them. He does so and Takahiro gives the nod of approval for foreign objects. He gets into the ring where Hiraku starts giving advice to him, prompting Stark to begin a small argument over the advice.


The crowd cheers loudly as both men explode from behind the curtain and get the crowd riled up. They spread their arms out before both men run down to the ring, sliding underneath the bottom rope... forcing MOM to clear the ring.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 390 pounds; Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn... RUNN REYNOLDS RUNN!

Copeland: This is definitely going to be the fight of their lives tonight. Ricky and Austin are forced to abandoned their signature style of wrestling and compete against under MOM's style.

Connor: And with the main official as a man affiliated with Hiraku, I don't see them winning the titles tonight.

Cohen: That's the spirit, CC.

Reynolds and Runn wait in the ring for MOM on the outside as they discuss strategy. They take off their championship belts and leave them laying across the announcer's table as Susumu gets into the ring with Stark staying on the apron. Takahiro goes over to RRR and forces one of them to leave immediately or suffer disqualification. Reynolds tells Runn he has this and he gets on the apron. Takahiro rings the bell immediately.

Susumu and Reynolds circle each other around the ring before they lock up in the center. Susumu twists the arm of Reynolds and yanks it down into an arm wrench, forcing Reynolds to a knee for a moment. He uses an elbow before another wrench. Reynolds goes to run back and use the ropes to whip Susumu off them but remembers the rules and cancels that idea. He instead untwists the arm of Susumu and puts him in a headlock, followed by a takedown. Reynolds keeps the pressure on as Susumu tries to find a way out of the hold. He evetually gets back to his feet and goes to deliver a back suplex but Reynolds flips behind him. Susumu turns around is met with a dropsault by Reynolds. The crowd cheers at the move as Susumu quickly rolls of the ring, prompting Stark to enter. Takahiro approves the switch as Stark grabs Reynolds before he has a chance to get up and hits a belly to belly suplex, sending Reynolds to the bottom rope. Stark follows Reynolds but at the last second, he slips out of the ring with Runn coming in. The WZCW official recognizes the switch and Runn bolts at a off-guard Stark to hit a flip kick. Stark is a little dazed by this as Runn hits a snapmare on Stark, following up with a dropkick to his face. Runn locks in a simple sleeper hold to try and keep Stark down. It doesn't last long as Stark gets to his feet and hits some elbows to the stomach of Runn, forcing him to let go. Stark hits a European uppercut for good measure before he hits a backbreaker on Runn, keeping Runn on his knee to put pressure on his back as a submission. Runn sees how close he is to the ropes that would normally break the hold but he has to fight his way, using multiple kicks to smack Stark across the head. Stark drops Runn to the ground and shakes off the cobwebs by tagging and leaving the ring as Susumu hops in. Susumu goes over to the kneeling Runn to grab him but Runn responds with a quick spinebuster of his own.

Connor: Both team adhering to the rules thus far and no team establishing any sort of momentum.

Cohen: Ricky and Austin can't keep playing their game for too much longer. Sooner or later they'll make a mistake.

Runn has gotten to his feet and waits for Susumu. He tries to boot him in the chest but Susumu catches Runn's leg, transitioning into an enzuigiri shot. Susumu falls to his knees as Runn gets behind to create some distance before running at Susumu to hit a facebuster. Austin is cheering from the apron as Runn slaps on a front headlock to keep Susumu grounded. Takahiro doesn't bother checking on Susumu to see if he wants to submit despite how long they've been on the ground, forcing the WZCW official on the outside to get in and ask Susumu. He says no and slowly begins to get to his feet. As the ref turns back to get back to the outside, Susumu rakes the eyes of Runn right in front of Takahiro. The crowd boos as Takahiro does nothing about it with Reynolds shouting from the apron. The WZCW official notices the shouting as he gets on the outside and tells Reynolds he will be warned if uses direct language. Whilst this keeps the official busy, Stark quickly enters and the two perform a Samoan drop/swinging neckbreaker combination with Stark quickly exiting afterwards. Susumu locks in a cloverleaf as Reynolds tells the ref to keep his eyes on the action. Takahiro immediately gives Reynolds a warning on the subject who wants to argue but keeps his lips shut.

Copeland: I didn't put it past MOM to assign a crooked official for this match. He just let Stark and Susumu use two illegal moves that can disqualify them immediately yet Reynolds talking gets them a warning?

Cohen: It is up to the discretion of the referee's as to how severe the rule-breaking is and I trust Takahiro's judgment.

Copeland: But they used a tag team move in his vision. They are strictly banned: automatic disqualification.

Runn is still in the cloverleaf but has crawled towards the ropes. Takahiro tells him a rope break doesn't count but Runn continues through the ropes. The angle at which Susumu has to hold Runn is too awkward and drops Runn, who falls to the outside. Reynolds immediately jumps in and Susumu runs at him with a clothesline but Reynolds times it correctly to hit a lungblower. Susumu is out of breath and moves back to catch it with Reynolds hitting a discus lariat on Susumu. He tries rolling to the outside of the ring but Reynolds decides to beat him out. Stark sees this and drops from the apron, trying a sneak attack. He attacks Reynolds from behind with a lariat. Susumu is slow to his feet and goes over to help Stark but Runn is up and prevents Susumu from helping by springboarding off the apron and hitting a corkscrew attack on Susumu. Takahiro goes to call the warning on Runn but the other official waves it off, saying it is completely legal. Runn clutches Stark's stomach and pulls him off Reynolds. Stark runs at Runn and tries for an attack but he catches Stark with a RickyRana, whipping him near Susumu. The two men try getting up as Runn enters the ring, riling up the crowd whilst he moves back as far as he can without touching the ropes. He runs towards the ropes nearest MOM and hits an over the top rope dive, clearing the ropes easily, and hitting MOM. The crowd goes wild as all three men crash. Takahiro goes to make the disqualification but the official enters the ring, explaining to Takahiro that Runn didn't break any of the rules. The two argue in the ring before the official waves it all off and exits the ring, leaving Takahiro frustrated.

Cohen: Why aren't Reynolds and Runn disqualified yet? Runn just used the ropes to gain elevation over their opponents! That's an instant DQ.

Connor: So is double-teaming but that wasn't called. Besides, all I saw was Runn diving high into the air to land on MOM. I didn't see any ropes being used.

Reynolds is finally on his feet and goes over to the bodies to pick up Runn, asking each other if they are okay. He tells Runn to keep an eye on the two men as he goes over to the official, asking if everything around ringside has been cleared for use as a weapon. The official responds with a yes as Reynolds tears off the refs belt, who is very confused and shocked at Reynolds. He goes back to MOM with the intentions of using the belt but Takahiro exits the ring and stops Reynolds, telling him he will be disqualified for using an illegal object. Takahiro strips Reynolds of the belt and says next time he will disqualify him. As Takahiro gives the ref's belt back, Reynolds goes around ringside and grabs two steel chairs from the time-keeper's area. Takahiro again tries to stop him but Reynolds goes around him, chucking one of the chairs to Runn. The crowd cheers as the two begin hitting Susumu and Stark with the chairs, causing them immense pain. Takahiro goes to call for the match but the official again stops him from making the call. The two argue until Takahiro takes out the other official, leaving him on the floor. Takahiro smiles as the crowd boos at what's happened. He goes over to Reynolds and takes the chair off him, saying that they are illegal now and there is no-one to stop them. Runn and Reynolds stop their attack, allowing the chance for Stark and Susumu to simulatenously low-blow both men. They drop to the ground as Stark and Susumu slowly get to their feet. Takahiro gives Susumu a chair as Stark picks up the other one and begin wailing on Reynolds and Runn.

Copeland: Now this is completely unfair. This match only has one official and he just handed MOM weapons he deemed illegal. How are Reynolds and Runn supposed to win this thing now?

They continue the shots for some time until Reynolds and Runn are almost out from the pain. Susumu and Stark pick up and drag Runn back into the ring, leaving Reynolds on the outside. The two men get into the ring together and put together the Antimatter Lock. Runn is too weak and unable to counter the move from the pressure is goes to make the tap with Takahiro ready to call the submission. Suddenly, another referee begins running down the ramp and slides into the ring. He tells MOM to stop the submission or they risk disqualification. The crowd cheers as they immediately let go of the hold and the new ref gives them a warning about being in the ring together. Stark, being closest to the ropes, quickly exits the ring and the two are irate. The ref goes up to Takahiro and tells him if he is biased again, he has orders that he can disqualify MOM for cheating. The crowd cheers as all three men are completely livid, trying to argue with the new ref. During this time, Reynolds is up on the outside and drags Runn out of the ring so he can enter.

Connor: I didn't think this would last long. You can't expect to hit an official without someone doing something about it. I'm surprised Takahiro hasn't been fined.

Reynolds comes in and shoulder barges Susumu, causing him to stumble towards the ropes. Reynolds quickly whips Susumu across the ring, which he reverses and whips Reynolds. Reynolds comes back and hits a leg lariat on Susumu, building some steam. Reynolds goes for another dropsault on Susumu but he evades the damage. He goes over to Reynolds and tries picking him up but Reynolds kips-up and hits a hurricanrana. Susumu tries to stop Reynolds after he gets up from the move but Reynolds hits the Millions and Millions. Reynolds gets the crowd going who are cheering loudly as Susumu is struggling to get up. Reynolds sets up and is about to hit the Ratings Killer but stares at Stark first, daring him to come save his partner. Stark sees the new ref watching and can't do anything, except he drops down and goes after the recovering Runn, attacking him from behind. Reynolds quickly leaves the ring to defend Runn but Stark gets to Reynolds first with a spinning heel kick that temporarily knocks out Reynolds. Stark quickly rolls Runn into the ring, making him the legal man and pulls out Susumu so he can make himself legal. Stark smiles at how smart he is and taunts the fans who boo him before slowly picking up Runn. He sets him up for the IQ Drop but at the last second, Runn reverses with an arm drag to Stark. He is shocked and tries to shut down Runn but he is up first and evades the attack, going behind Stark to hit the Ricky Runndown. The crowd goes wild as Stark clutches his back. Reynolds yells at Runn from the outside, who has recovered, to use his move. Runn nods and borrows Reynolds Liontamer move, wrenching the back of Stark. Susumu tries to save Stark but Reynolds prevents him on the outside, stopping all he can. Stark can hold on no longer and begins to tap.

Cohen: NO! Don't ring the bell Takahiro!

The referee recognizes the submission and glares over at Takahiro to approve... he hesitates but has no choice to ring the bell.

The crowd goes wild as Runn lets go of the submission hold and drops his knees from exhaustion. Susumu is visibly upset with the loss as Reynolds lets go of him to join Ricky in the ring. Susumu drops to the ground on the outside, not believing what he just saw. The two men are awarded the belts and the referee holds their hands high.

Harrys: Here are your winners and the NEW WZCW Tag Team Champions; RUNN REYNOLDS RUNN!

Copeland: They've done it! Austin and Ricky beat the odds and defeated MOM at their own game. What an achievement.

Cohen: Mind over Matter would have had this match won if it wasn't for that new referee!

Connor: If it wasn't for Takahiro acting out and being so biased, this wouldn't have happened.

Reynolds and Runn exit the ring, hi-fiving the fans and celebrating with their newly-acquired belts as Susumu enters the ring to check on Stark with Takahiro. Susumu becomes very angry at Takahiro's actions, even more so at the new referee. Stark is beginning to come too and has yet to realise what has happened.


The camera shot begins with it following behind Ty Burna, Chris K.O. James King, and Dr. Alhazred. The Apostles of Chaos are making their way to the parking lot as the camera man tries to keep up. Once in the parking lot, Ty turns around to his apostles.

Ty: Tonight is the turning point boys. This company is on its last limb, and I aim to clinch it by the throat. Ton---

Ty notices the camera man and walks over to him. He shoves his hand into the lens and the camera man falls backwards. The impact causes the scene to static out when suddenly a video begins playing on the screen.

Light shines on an empty arena, looking down upon a solitary ring. The light illuminates a single point in the center, while everything else around the outside remains obscured by shadows.

“It was out of the void that man’s hatred was born. Pride led them to arrogance, which led them to greed, which then led to madness,” said a firm voice.

The shadows around the ring begin to thicken into dark clouds, which begin to dance as if being pulled by some strange gravitational force. The clouds begin to rotate faster and faster until they solidify into a swirling mass of darkness which threatens to engulf the ring. The light in the epicenter begins to curve, being slowly devoured by the darkness surrounding it.

“How many of you have forgotten how to love? How many of you have abandoned all hope? How much longer until all of you are suffocated by the weight of your own injustices?”

The WZCW championship drops out of the sky and lands in the ring, its golden surface glistening like a beacon amidst a churning maelstrom of disorder. From out of the corner of the darkness, a giant snake slithers its way up one of the ring posts. Its beady red eyes shine with malevolence, as its forked tongue tastes the air around it, methodically stalking its prey. The snake glides its body into the ring and with a swift motion it opens its horrendous jaws and swallows the championship belt whole.

“How much longer will it be until your fears and insecurities devour all of you? Are none of you willing to stand and fight? Are all of you willing to perish?”

From out of the chaos a figure appears. Clad in armor that appears to cut through the void, the figure climbs into the ring and confronts the serpent. The giant snake hisses in fury, and contorts its body as to lash out and strike its challenger dead with its poison. The figure brandishes a sword, and with one swift motion beheads the serpent, as it lashes out in defiance.

“A hero will return to WZCW and become a torch of conviction so that the matchstick that represents order does not disappear into the void.”

The figure cuts open the belly of the serpent, and hoists the championship belt into the air. The sides of the ring explode as crimson flames erupt around the figure. The fires rages and devours the darkness around it. Out of the ashes of the old, a new regime will be born.

“On the fourteen day of January, I will return to the place where it all began; and claim the prize that was originally mine in the first place.”​
Anderson: The following contest is a Triple Threat Match for the Elite X Championship!


The crowd boos as John Constantine steps through the curtain. He raises his arms to the audience and then proceeds to walk down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Washington D.C., weighing 265 pounds, John Constantine!


The crowd continues to boo loudly as Steven Holmes walks out the stage. He gestures to the fans with a mocking wave. He walks casually down and meets Constantine at ringside. The two shake hands and then together climb into the ring.

Anderson: And his opponents, first from London, England, weighing in at 240 lbs, "The Elite" Steven Holmes!


The crowd cheers massively as Sam Smith walks out onto the stage with his belt draped across his shoulder. He stops and raises his championship up high before proceeding down the ramp at a very methodical pace.

Anderson: And from Washington, D.C., weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion! Sam Smith!

Smith slaps high five with many of the fans along ringside as Holmes and Constantine stand in the ring discussing strategy. Smith slides into the ring and riases the Elite X Title proudly before handing it to the ref.

Copeland: So a very difficult task here tonight for the champion as he faces off against two previous challengers, who have formed some sort of partnership to defeat Sam Smith.

Cohen: You bet Seabass. If I were to pick any match here tonight that would've had a title change it would be this one. Sam Smith is toast here tonight.

The bell rings and Constantine and Holmes start to move in on Smith. Smith tries to bounce away, but soon finds himself surrounded. Smith throws the first few punches, but Holmes and Constantine soon start to over power Smith with strikes. Smith wisely clings onto the ropes behind him and the ref starts counting. Holmes and Constantine stop their attack. Holmes lifts Smith to his feet and Irish Whips him across the ring. Constantine steps in front of Smith’s path and bends over to lift him up high. Smith comes off the ropes and leaps over Constantine. Smith extends his arm out and Clotheslines Holmes upon landing. Constantine turns around and is brought to the mat by a Dropkick from Smith. Smith grabs Holmes and pushes him through the ropes and out of the ring. Constantine charges at Smith, swings with a Lariat. Smith ducks the arm and grabs Constantine around his waist. They bounce into the ropes and Smith rolls Constantine into a pinfall. 1... 2.. Constantine kicks out, pushing Smith forward. Smith runs into Holmes standing on the apron and sends him back to the floor with an elbow. Constantine approaches Smith with caution and kicks him in the gut, stalling his momentum. Constantine Headbutts Smith and leads him to a corner.

Copeland: Some early offense from Smith was separated his two challengers, but now Constantine looks to take control

Constantine kicks Smith repeatedly in abdomen, slowly bringing Smith down to the mat. The ref counts to 5 and Constantine raises his hands and stops. Constantine lifts Smith up and hooks him up for a Suplex. Constantine lifts Smith up vertically and holds him still in the air. Smith kicks his legs in the air. Constantine loses balance and Smith goes forward, landing his feet on the second turnbuckle. Smith holds onto Constantine’s head and jumps off the rope. Spinning DDT off the turnbuckle.

Connor: What a counter!

Smith goes for the pin. 1... 2 Holmes breaks up the count. Holmes repeatedly stomps on the head of Smith. Holmes picks Smith up to his feet. Neckbreaker slams him back to the mat.

Cohen: Holmes is really focused on this match. He wants to hurt Smith as much as he wants to win the Elite X Title, maybe more.

Holmes walks back and slowly bounces off the ropes. Leaps up high with a Knee Drop and smashes his knee on the mat as Smith just avoids it. Holmes rolls on the mat and holds his knee as he gets to his feet. Smith grabs Holmes before he fully stands up and a Snap Suplex throws them both to the mat. Smith maintains the hold and rotates his lower body and brings both competitors to their feet. Smith grabs around the waist this time and lifts Holmes overhead. Northern Lights Suplex into a bridge. The ref makes the count. 1... 2.. Holmes kicks out.

Connor: Smith impressive so far in this contest.

Cohen: So far this match has played out as a singles contest. Smith won’t be be hitting too many moves like that once both these hungry sharks start tearing in at the champion.

Holmes shakes his head after the kickout and reaches to the ropes for aid standing. Smith gets behind Holmes and lifts him to his feet. The two lock up close together by the ropes. Holmes reaches in and pokes the eye of Smith without the ref seeing. Smith backs to centre. Smith removes his hands from his face and moves right into a High Knee from Holmes. Smith spins around on impact and turns into a running Constantine. Lariat from the Powertrip flips Smith in the air as he falls to the mat.

Copeland: Brilliant combination of moves has the champ in a bad situation in this contest right now.

Constantine grabs Smith and lifts him over his head. Holmes knees down on one leg and Constantine drops Smith on Holmes’ knee. Smith rolls on the mat and both opponents start stomping away at him. The ref counts to 5 for both men and Constantine is immediately in the face of the ref. Holmes lowers his knee pad during the ensuing distraction and lands a Knee Drop on the face of Smith. Holmes lifts his knee pad back up as Constantine continues the offense straddling over Smith as he punches at his face. Constantine stops the barrage and lifts Smith to his feet. He throws Smith backwards into Holmes. Holmes catches him and locks in an Abdominal Stretch. Holmes pulls back as Smith cries out in pain. Constantine gets in the face of Smith and slaps him across the face. Constantine starts kicking the midsection. The ref counts up to 4 and Constantine again gets in the face of the ref. Holmes uses the distraction and grabs onto the ropes for added pull.

Copeland: This match has become a handicap match. The champ is utterly defenseless.

Cohen: No rules are being broken Seabass.

Connor: Jack get your eyes checked and your head examined. We’ve seen two blatant rule violations in this match already.

The ref turns and immediately tells Holmes to break the hold. Holmes obeys, but as quick as a hiccup drops Smith with a Reverse Neckbreaker. The cover 1... 2.. Smith kicks out. Holmes gets up, says something to Constantine and points to Smith. Constantine lifts Smith to his feet and grabs him by the waist. He lifts Smith up to a horizontal base and falls to the mat. Backbreaker! Constantine with the cover. 1... 2... Smith kicks out. Constantine gets up and walks towards the corner of Holmes who replaces John’s spot in the ring. Holmes grabs the waist of Smith. German Suplex into a Bridge. 1... 2.... Smith kicks out as Constantine looks on from the ropes with a worried look.

Connor: Why is Constantine just standing there?

Cohen: I think it’s clear CC. These two are taking turns to see who can beat Smith and win the title. Only gentleman of the highest class can coexist towards this common goal.

Copeland: Multiple pinfalls attempts will wear away at the champion, but the suspense will surely eat away at his challengers.

Holmes gets up and lets Constantine takes his turn. Constantine stands and waits for Smith to get to his feet. Constantine from behind with a Chop Block knocks Smith to the mat. Constantine keeps Smith’s knee bent and locks in an STF! Smith’s arms squirm around trying to find the ropes. Holmes paces in the corner and runs his hand through his hair refuseing to look the his two opponents. The ref asks Smith if he gives up. Smith crawls slowly forward hoping to reach the ropes. Smith lunges forward with his arm and just grabs the ropes. Constantine releases almost immediately and slams the mat angrily. Holmes walks in and brushes past Constantine who returns to the corner. Holmes stands over top of Smith. Holmes clasps his hands and signals Aristocracy Reigns! Holmes goes to lock in the Camel Clutch maneuver. Constantine looks on through a half covered face. Holmes locks in the hold, but Smith gets his arms off Holmes knees as he grabs his neck. Smith reaches out for the ropes. Holmes releases the hold and grabs Smith’s waist and stands him up. Belly to Back Suplex! They land near Constantine. Holmes with the cover. 1... 2...... Smith just kicks out. Constantine throws his arms up with a relieved look. Holmes pins Smith again, hooking Smith’s leg and wrapping his other arm tightly around Smith’s neck. 1... 2..... Constantine puts Smiths foot on the bottom rope before 2 and the ref sees the foot and stops the count. Holmes looks back at the foot and questions Constantine.

Copeland: John saves the match for himself and Holmes does not look happy.

Holmes and Constantine argue for a minute before Constantine resumes his turn at Smith. He lifts Smith up and off the ground. Constantine goes for a Fallaway Slam. He connects with it. Constantine slowly gets to his feet as Holmes leaps onto Smith right after he hits the mat. 1... 2... Constantine breaks up the pinfall. Constantine is in the face of Holmes and pushes him back as he stands. Constantine points to himself and then goes after Smith who is along the ring apron. Constantine bends over. Holmes runs and pushes him from behind driving him into the corner.

Connor: The cracks have begun to show. This partnership looks over.

Cohen: Might as well start now. After the beating the champion has taken I don’t think we’ll be seeing anymore of him.

Holmes grabs Constantine by the tights and rolls him backwards into a pin. 1... 2.. Constantine kicks out. Holmes is to his feet first and charges at Constantine. Constantine with a Drop Toe Hold sends Holmes to the mat. Constantine grabs the foot and goes for an STF. Holmes rolls on his back and pushes Constantine. Holmes is still on the mat as Constantine recovers and goes to grab him. Playing possum, Holmes grabs the arm and pulls Constantine to the mat. Armbar! Constantine managed to lock both his hands together. Holmes is prying at them, scratching at his hands with his finger nails. John with his strength brings himself to his feet and has Holmes in a pinning situation. 1... 2... Holmes kicks out. Constantine grabs the foot of Holmes to try another STF. Holmes grabs onto the bottom rope. Constantine lifts Holmes leg up instead and smashes it into the mat. Constantine doesn’t give his opponent much time to recover. He grabs Holmes and lifts him to his feet. Constantine with a Vertical Suplex, holds him high in the air for 5 seconds before falling backwards. Constantine crawls over for the pin. 1... 2... Holmes kicks out. Constantine lifts Holmes up and pushes him into the ropes. Irish Whips him across the ring. Constantine goes for the Axis of Evil as Holmes bounces back. High Knee from Holmes knocks Constantine square in the jaw. Before Constantine can fall backwards, Holmes grabs the neck. Hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Holmes into the cover. 1... 2..... Barely a kickout by Constantine.

Copeland: And another near fall. So close was Holmes to winning there.

Holmes takes advantage of his partner’s disoriented state. Holmes gets on top of Constantine and traps his arms over Holmes knees. Holmes locks his hands under his opponents jaw. Aristocracy Reigns! Constantine shows some life, but is only able to swing his arms meekly out far away still from the ropes.

Cohen: Holmes has Aristocracy Reigns locked in. Holmes is going to be out new Elite X Champion.

Connor: The Elite X Champion is still out. Will John tap out here?

Holmes continues to apply pressure to the back of Constantine. He lifts his lower half up slightly to re-grip his hands. This allows Constantine’s legs to move a little more under him. Constantine starts to slowly push himself towards the ropes. Holmes pulls back trying to keep Constantine's body away from the ropes. Constantine looks to be fading. He pushes out one last time with his legs and reaches vainly with his arm. His finger tips just graze and he grips onto the rope. Holmes is furious and releases by the count of 3. Holmes is shocked and paces around the ring in disbelief. He looks around and still doesn’t see Smith. Holmes grabs his opponent and tucks his head under his legs. Holmes signals for the Imperial Impaler Piledriver.

Cohen: The Elitest is mere seconds away from being Elite X Champion!

Holmes grabs his opponents waist. Constantine drops to the floor, appearing to be heavily exhausted and unable to stand. Holmes lowers his defenses and looks down disgusted with his opponent. He goes to pick him up. Constantine springs up, sliding his head between his opponents arm and body and lifting him up off his feet. Collateral Damage over the top rope, Holmes body dumped outside the ring! Constantine falls back to the mat and crawls to the centre of the ring. Constantine slowly gets back to his feet and then circles back towards Holmes. He turns to the far corner. Smith is on the Top Turnbuckle. Moonsault takes down both men, Smith clinging onto a leg for the cover. 1... 2......

Kickout by Constantine!

Connor: Another kickout!

Copeland: And the will of all three men here tonight to win is outstanding. We may be out here calling this match for another 20 minutes.

Both men are very slow to get up. Holmes is still lying on the outside. Smith and Constantine both are standing now. Constantine goes for a punch. Smith blocks and counters. He fires off three more punches. Smith has his opponent against the ropes and Irish Whips him across the ring. Smith goes for a Clothesline. Constantine also goes for Clothesline. Constantine gets more force behind his and sends the smaller Smith down to the mat. Constantine now has Smith against the ropes and Irish Whips him. Constantine catches Smith running back with a Sidewalk Slam. Smith reverses into a DDT! Smith drapes an arm for the cover. 1... 2.... Holmes breaks up the pinfall. Holmes helps Smith up and goes for a Reverse Neckbreaker. Smith breaks free. Bulldog! Smith is standing and starts clapping his hands. The fans are on their feet cheering loudly.

Connor: Smith is calling for Final Judgement!

Cohen: Holmes... Constantine... somebody object to this immediately!

Smith is ready as Holmes stands up and turns around. Smith kicks him the gut and lifts him up for his Falcon Arrow finisher. Holmes floats over his shoulder and lands on his feet. Holmes goes to grab Smith. Smith quickly turns around and grabs Holmes legs and flips him on his back. Smith tries to lock in Double Jeopardy! Holmes squirms his legs trying to free them. He does and pushes Smith back with both feet. The momentum turns Smith around running. Constantine is right there. Axis of Evil! The boom of the move as both men hit the mat shakes the ring and silences the crowd for a moment. Constantine rolls over onto his back, exhausted from the match and unable to follow up his finisher. Holmes sits on his butt and sees Smith out. Holmes crawls over him for the cover. 1... 2..... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, and the new Elite X Champion, Steven Holmes!

Copeland: What an unbelievable contest here tonight over the Elite X Title.

Connor: That you're right Seabass. All three men were outstanding here tonight in this match. Jack I got to admit, your boy Steven Holmes did put on a clinic and deserved the victory.

Cohen: CC I am not a biased announcer who favours one wrestler over another. I would’ve been just as happy if Constantine or Holmes won the match. I’m just relieved that awful reign of Sam Smith is finally over.

Copeland: Jack Cohen. Completely unbiased for those of you listening at home.

Connor: Hehe.

The ref hands Holmes the Elite X Title. He snatches his from him and hugs the title belt like a long lost child. Constantine is slowly recovering and sees the fallen Smith and the celebrating Holmes. He nods his head and pulls himself to his feet. Holmes is up and celebrates with the Elite X Title to loud boos. He lowers his body and then stands straight up again. He backs up into a standing Constantine. Holmes turns around and the crowd actually pops for Constantine, cheering him on to suddenly attack Holmes. After a bit of a standoff, Constantine extends his hand and they shake. John raises Steven’s arm and the two celebrate in the ring. Holmes gets on the ropes as Constantine continues to stare down at Smith. Holmes goes to exit the ring and Constantine follows him from behind, eyeing the Elite X Title he is carrying.


The shot begins with the spunky WZCW Interviewer, Rebecca Serra.

Becky: I’d like to welcome at this time, that tag team of Blade and Scott Hammond.

The camera zooms out and we get a full shot of Blade, Hammond, and Becky.

Becky: Now Blade, tonight you and Hammond take on Chris Beckford and Black Dragon in a bizarre tag team match that will decide who is the sole WZCW EurAsian Championship. Have you guys strategized who will try to get the win tonight?

Blade: Like I would honestly tell you anything about our strategy Becky. All that matters tonight is that Blade and Scott Hammond walk out with the WZCW EurAsian Championship.

Hammond: Furthermore, we will be getting rid of a thorn in our side by eliminating Black Dragon from not only the EurAsian division, but from the ring all together.

Blade: Now, if you will excuse us. We have a EurAsian Championship to claim.

Blade and Hammond exit from the camera view and Becky gives a smirk and shrug to the camera in response.

Copeland: Don’t look now, but that match is coming up next!

Cohen: I can’t wait Seabass! Blade and Hammond are going to wrestle circles around Dragon and Beckford!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a tag team match for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!


Red lights begin to flicker through out the arena as Blade steps out from the back. The crowd boos him heavily as he opts to remain at the top of the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 lbs, Blade!

He has a serious look on his face as he turns his attention to the entrance.


Scott Hammond appears from the back as the crowd reignites their boos. He raises his arms into the air, and pyros shoot up from behind him. Blade walks over to him and begins to speak into his ear as they make their way to the ring.

Harrys: And his tag team partner, from London, England, weighing in at 275 lbs, Scott Hammond!

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, you heard Truman Harrys right. This match will be a tag team bout for a singles title. That title being the WZCW EurAsian Championship.

Connor: The single person who picks up the victory via pin, submission, or knock out will be awarded the championship.

Cohen: I love this because it increases the odds of Blade and Hammond walking away with the EurAsian Championship tonight. Better yet, they don’t even have to pin Dragon in order to get the belt.

Connor: And don’t forget that Black Dragon could lose the belt despite being on the winning team. All Beckford has to do is pin either Scott Hammond or Blade.


Chris Beckford come out from the back and spreads his arms at the top of the stage. The crowd pops huge as he sprints to the ring.

Harrys: And their opponents, first, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Beckford!

Beckford halts at the ring and decides to wait to enter until his partner comes out. The arena goes dark. The lights flash back on and Soul of the Shadow hits. Black Dragon comes out with a cigarette tucked between his fingers. He throws to the side and swings the WZCW EurAsian Championship over his shoulder. The crowd cheers loudly at this motion.

Harrys: And his tag team partner, from the Halfway House, weighing in at 180 pounds, the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Black Dragon!

Dragon makes his way down to the ring where he stands next to Beckford. They nod at each other and then slide into the ring. Hammond and Blade stay in their respective corner and sneer at the two. Beckford and Hammond exit the ring and leave Blade and Dragon alone inside of it. The referee grabs the WZCW EurAsian Championship and holds it in the air. The crowd cheers loudly.

Copeland: Here we go, a tag team match with a singles title on the line. These four men have been entangled in a long path ever since Unscripted.

Cohen: It looks like Blade will get a little payback against Dragon as we start off this match.

Connor: Yes, we have the current EurAsian Champion and the man he beat for the title in the ring. What a great way to start this bout off.

The bell rings and the two men begin to circle each other in the ring. They finally lock up in the middle but quickly break it apart and step away from each other. Blade shakes his hands as he pumps himself up. He finally goes after Dragon in a full charge. He attempts a clothesline, but Dragon runs under it and bounces off of the ropes. He meets back up with Blade and connects with a forearm! Blade turns around due to the impact and is met with a kick to the back of his right calve. Blade drops to his knees in pain.

Connor: Dragon is quick with the offense here and he already has Blade on his knees.

Cohen: Give it time Cat, give it time.

Blade holds himself up with the ropes and is turned around, on his knees, by Dragon. Dragon steps back and attempts an enziguri kick to the head, but Blade ducks! Dragon is now turned away from Blade as Blade gets up and locks a hold around the waist. He directs the maneuver towards the center of the ring and attempts a German suplex and succeeds.

Cohen: What did I tell you Cat, Blade is a professional in the ring. You can’t tell me that some mask wearing bozo is going to get the best over him.

Blade walks over to Hammond and tags him in. He tells Hammond to finish the job. Hammond gets into the ring and begins stomping on a recovering Dragon. He picks Dragon up with both arms over his head and roars at the crowd, who gives him a collection of boos in response. He drops Dragon behind him in form of a military press. He goes for the cover, 1…2. Kick Out! He stands up in frustration, but then he turns his direction towards Beckford. He points at Beckford and slides his thumb across his neck.

Copeland: Hammond is showing very little class as he taunts Beckford early on in this match.

Cohen: Class? How can he not have class? He is teaming with Blade for goodness sake! Blade is the definition of class.

Hammond turns his attention to Dragon and picks him up. Dragon presses his arms away and shifts by him to execute a neckbreaker! Dragon crawls over to Beckford and makes the tag. Beckford jumps in and quickly assaults the downed Hammond. Kicks are flying left and right. Hammond is now on all fours as he is still taking kicks to all parts of the body. Beckford is not letting up the assault!

Connor: Beckford is going kick crazy!

Copeland: He is leaving Hammond no opportunity to do anything.

Cohen: It’s going to take more than a few kicks to win this match.

Hammond continues to receive kicks as Blade is becoming visibly frustrated in his team’s corner. Blade is slapping the turnbuckle and yelling at Hammond to get up. Beckford finally lets Hammond recover to his feet. Hammond is in a woozy state and is met with a dropsault by Beckford! The dropsault sends Hammond into his team’s turnbuckle and Blade makes the blind tag to the back of Hammond.

Cohen: Did you see that Seabass! Beckford’s move backfired on him. Blade is in the ring now and he is done for!

Beckford runs at the entering Blade, but is met with a 180 degree spinebuster! Blade reaches down and grabs Beckford’s legs. He locks in the Texas cloverleaf! Beckford is screaming and reaching for the ropes in pain. The crowd is on their feet now. They anxiously watch what could be the ending of the match.

Cohen: It’s over! Beckford is going to lose Dragon’s title for him!

Connor: Beckford has got to get to the ropes or he may well be done for!

Copeland: Don’t look know but he is crawling his way to the ropes.

Beckford begins to use his forearms to army crawl to the ropes, but the crowd is surprised that he is not heading towards the ropes, but towards Dragon. Dragon has his arm stretched out as from his team’s corner. The crowd is cheering wildly as Blade struggles to maintain the hold as Beckford painfully crawls toward Dragon. Beckford is almost there, but Blade puts the crawling to a halt.

Cohen: This is it!

Beckford can’t take it anymore and is prepared to tap. His hand is going to the mat to tap, but Dragon extends his arm further and his finger tips barely hit Beckford’s!

Cohen: That’s it! He tapped! It’s over!

Copeland: No! Dragon was able to extend his hand and touch Beckford’s before it hit the mat. Beckford can’t tap; he is no longer the legal man!

Cohen: This is a joke!

The crowd is absolutely nuts as Dragon jumps in and dropkicks Blade, which causes him to release the hold. Blade stumbles forward and tries to get to his turnbuckle. Dragon grabs his leg, but is met with a boot to the face! This allows Blade to make the tag. Hammond jumps in and is met with a forearm to the face. Dragon delivers a few of these before he is met by a brooding Blade, who comes to the aide of Hammond. Blade and Hammond are able to overpower Dragon and send him to the mat.

Copeland: Blade is clearly not happy at what happened and is going to respond with some dirty handed tricks by double teaming Dragon.

Cohen: Dirty handed? Blade was just cheated out of the EurAsian championship! An eye for an eye, Seabass!

Connor: Well, this leaves Dragon in a scary situation as Beckford is still stirring on the outside after being held into that Texas cloverleaf for so long.

Blade and Hammond take turns stomping on the midsection of Dragon. The referee begins to tell Blade to go to his corner, but Blade refuses to listen. After much difficulty, Blade exits the ring, but does not go to his corner. Instead, he walks over to the announcer’s booth and picks up a steel chair.

Copeland: Don’t do it Blade. It’s not worth it. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you!

Cohen: Blade and Hammond can’t trust the referee anymore in this match. It was fixed from the beginning; Blade is just taking care of business now.

Hammond walks over to the ropes and begins to ask Blade what he is doing. Blade says that he is going to get that son of a bitch. Blade jumps onto the outside apron, and the referee quickly goes over to him in order to stop what is about to occur. Blade, with chair in hand, argues with the ref on the side of the apron. The argument is cut short as Beckford comes from behind and pulls Blade’s legs off of the apron, which causes Blade to land face first on the chair he was holding.

Connor: Beckford may have just saved Dragon’s life there!

Cohen: No fair! Beckford just used the chair as a weapon! Call the DQ ref!

Hammond grips his hair in frustration and turns around, and is met with a roundhouse kick from Dragon! Hammond falls like a ton of bricks and Dragon tucks the toehold and locks in the Shades of Grey! Hammond resists at first, but is quick to tap! Dragon’s music hits as he gets up and celebrates with a cheering crowd.

Harrys: Here are your winners, Chris Beckford and still your WZCW EurAsian Champion, Black Dragon!

Beckford is standing outside as he intercepts the ring official who is carrying the WZCW EurAsian Championship. He takes it and rolls into the ring. Dragon stares at him as the crowd becomes silent. Beckford looks down at the belt and then at Dragon. He walks over to Dragon and holds the belt out. Dragon grabs it as Beckford smirks. The crowd cheers as Beckford raises Dragon’s hand in victory.

Copeland: Well, it looked like Dragon was going to be leaving this match with a broken skull instead of his WZCW EurAsian Championship.

Connor: You are right Sebastian. Beckford performed a selfless act here and put the championship aside in order to help out a man who it seems he has come to respect.

Cohen: Give me a break you two! You know as well as I do that Dragon never made that tag and right now Hammond and Blade should be popping open a bottle of champagne as they celebrate their victory.

Copeland: Whatever you say partner. Don’t shy away WZCW viewers, as we have more action coming up next.

The camera reveals a beaming Gordito as he stares off screen in a happy demeanor.

Gordito: Tonight is a special night. It’s been a long journey and to be honest I thought that I might never come back to the WZCW, but here I am. The same place that I was a year earlier. In a WZCW World Heavyweight Championship match at All or Nothing.

The crowd in the arena cheers at Gordito’s epic words.

Gordito: It’s because of the magnitude of the night, and the journey that I have faced, that I chose you to do my final interview before I go out there and win my first world championship.

The camera zooms out and reveals an unimpressed Johnny Klamor. He holds a microphone up to his mouth.

Klamor: And I’m here for that very reason; because an interview of this magnitude can only be covered by one man. It has nothing to do with you or your journey. It has to do with the current spotlight that surrounds you Gordito. Tonight you will face off against three other men where everything is on the line. How do you feel?

Gordito: I’m ready.

The crowd cheers as Gordito walks out of the scene. He comes back into the camera shot and stares at Klamor.

Gordito: Look, I know that we don’t always see eye to eye, but I still respect you.

Gordito holds out his hand for a handshake, with a cheering crowd to back him up. Klamor does not know what to do, but reluctantly goes in for a handshake. The Dirty One reaches up and pulls Klamor’s head in for a giant smooch to the forehead. Klamor freaks out and acts completely disgusted as the crowd cheers as Gordito laughs his way out of the scene.
We throw to backstage where we are greeted by the sight of a smiling Leon Kensworth. He has a microphone in his hand and is, naturally prepared for an interview.

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce my guest at this time; Professor Steven Kurtesy!

There is a good ovation from the crowd as the camera pans and pulls out to reveal Kurtesy, ready for action tonight.

Leon: Steven, tonight you team with Action Saxton and Saboteur in a bid to gain a measure of re...venge...from...

Kurtesy looks at Leon with confusion as the reporter is distracted by something off camera. Suddenly, three familiar figures walk into frame; The Apostles of Chaos. Leon leaves, realising what is about to happen. Alhazred, King and K.O. form a circle around Kurtesy.

Connor: Oh no! Kurtesy’s in real danger.

Cohen: Now, now CC, he’s a big boy and can look after himself.

The professor looks calm and collected despite his predicament. He even cracks a smile.

King: What’s so funny Kurtesy?

Off Camera Voice: That would be this you jive talkin’ sucka!

Suddenly a huge fist smashes James King right in-between the eyes. He hits the ground immediately. Alhazred looks on, stunned by this twist, only for himself to be taken down a moment later from behind as two arms reach out and grab him off camera. K.O. is now concerned and he has been left with Kurtesy. The former tag team champion smirks and begins laying into K.O. The disciple of disorder attempts to fight back, but continues to back off in the process.

Cohen: Wait, this is unfair. Saboteur and Saxton are obviously assaulting the Apostles of Chaos. Where is security?

Copeland: I think this is only fair after all Jack, the Apostles and their master have been responsible for some complete atrocities in the last month alone.

We swap cameras now and we see a wider shot, showcasing all of the participants in the upcoming six man tag fighting one another. Kurtesy and K.O. are trading blows as they head up from the gorilla position, and towards the curtain that separates the backstage from the arena. Saxton continues to deal out some punishment to King who is bleeding from the nose and finally, Saboteur is up on Alhazred’s back as the latter tries to fling him off. These two stumble off camera towards Kurtesy and K.O. Now we cut to a new camera of the inside of the arena and we see K.O. and Kurtesy trading blows before the fighting of Saboteur and Alhazred clatters into them, causing a pileup of sorts.

Connor: This is absolutely mad and the match hasn’t even gotten underway yet.

A referee now runs out, acknowledging that this match is supposed to be getting underway shortly. He goes to check on the four men on the stage. Chris K.O. shoves the ref down before going to work on Kurtesy. Alhazred has now jumped on top of the down Saboteur and is looking to punch him out when the body of James King comes flying through the curtain. There is a tremendous reaction from the crowd as Action Saxton walks through the curtain with “bad ass” written all over him (metaphorically speaking of course). Alhazred and K.O. stare for a few moments while Saxton cracks his neck. They look at one-another and nod, leaving their previous prey and go after the big man.

Copeland: Action Saxton’s one tough...

Connor: Hush your mouth!

Copeland: What?

Cohen: Words...cannot...idiots.

Alhazerd swings with his Powerglove at Saxton’s head, but the Harlem native blocks and counters with a spin kick. Saxton however isn’t prepared for K.O. who grabs the arm of Saxton and looks to hook him into The Burning Crusade at the top of the ramp. Saxton’s arm is trapped and all that K.O. has to do is link his hands together. Saxton still has his partners however and Saboteur hits the Death Blow on K.O. The apostle falls limp and releases Saxton. Saboteur gives Saxton the thumbs up and offers his hand to the big man which he takes and they shake hands. While this is going on however, Alhazred and King have gotten their hands on Kurtesy and are essentially playing tennis with him all the way down the ramp; each exchanging a right hand upside the professor’s head.

Cohen: Saxton and Saboteur may be macho men, but there still meatheads. They haven’t even noticed their partner is getting his face rearranged.

At that moment, the powerful duo of Saxton and Saboteur notice Kurtesy in trouble and dramatically run down after him. Alhazerd is the first to notice and points out to King what’s coming. As the Forgotten Powers prepare for the enemy, Saboteur stops dead in his tracks. He puts a hand on Saxton’s chest, stopping him too. The kung-fu master is confused at first, but Saboteur whispers something in his ear, raising a smile. King and Alhazerd look at each another with perplexed looks on their faces. Saboteur backs off and Saxton stands slightly to the side. Alhazred shrugs his shoulders and goes to hit Kurtesy again when Saboteur begins to sprint. As he passes Saxton, the mercenary is lifted off his feet and thrown like a cannonball into the enemy.

Copeland: What team work from Saxton and Saboteur. Their chemistry is incredible.

Connor: Saboteur using his own momentum and an extra boost from Saxton has taken out all of the Apostles of Chaos.

Cohen: You’ve got to be joking.

It’s no joke though as Saxton is the lone man standing. He realises that he’s still got his shirt on and nods to the crowd who cheer him wildly. He grabs the shirt and rips it off in dramatic fashion, sending women (and a certain group of men if you catch my drift) into a frenzy. This doesn’t last long though as from behind comes Chris K.O. with a nasty looking German suplex. The crowd boos thunderously as K.O. is now the only man on his feet. This too doesn’t last very long as Kurtesy manages to crawl into the ring. K.O. notes this in his mind and does the same as he catches the referee from earlier running down into the ring, looking to officially get the match underway. K.O. smirks and decides that he will start with the somewhat wounded Kurtesy. He sprints into the ring and the referee rings the bell to start the match.

Connor: Only now has the match officially begun guys.

Cohen: Never mind that, K.O. is like a shark that’s got the scent of blood in the water. Kurtesy is easy prey.

As Kurtesy struggles to his feet, the effects of King and Alhazerd’s beating apparent, K.O. looks to execute the Butterfly Effect. As he stretches out his arms though, Kurtesy sends him backward with a big-back-body-drop. There is still life in the professor yet. K.O. is to his feet quickly and looks to down Kurtesy with a clothesline, but it’s ducked. Kurtesy looks to nail a sevate kick, but K.O. counters, grabbing the leg. He attempts to force Kurtesy to the ground with a Boston crab, but Kurtesy uses a surprising amount of leg strength to throw the unsuspecting K.O. into the corner. Kurtesy now notes that Saboteur is gradually getting up on the apron. He moves with speed to get to the Beastie Boys fan. K.O. has also noted this however and looks to stop him, making a dramatic dive at Kurtesy’s leg. It is too late however and Kurtesy manages to make the tag! K.O. is distraught as the ever exciting Saboteur enters to great fanfare.

Copeland: Something tells me Saboteur, having taken out King and Alhazerd will look to make it a hat trick right here and now.

K.O. backs off from Saboteur who dramatically points at the grounded apostle. The Michigan native however notes the outstretched arm and hooks onto it quickly, hell-bent on locking in The Burning Crusade. Saboteur panics for a moment, before realising that he is near the ropes, and hooks both his legs around the middle rope. What follows is a tug-of-war style pulling match with neither man looking to let go. The referee however points out that K.O. has, in essence, got Saboteur already in an armbar submission and as such begins a five count. Before we even reach two, K.O. breaks in order to stare down the referee and strike fear into his heart. As the official backs away and turns around, K.O. looks to resume his assault on Saboteur, but instead walks into a slyly worked in low blow.

Cohen: WHAT! No, how dare Saboteur do something as disgusting as that.

Connor: I’m sorry, I didn’t see anything there. Did you Sebastian?

Copeland: Not at all Catherine.

Cohen: I hate you both so very much...

K.O. once again goes into a corner, only this time it’s to regain his breath. He uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet, but this only serves to assist Saboteur who is loading up a splash into the corner. Before he can hit it though, he tastes some Powerglove! Alhazred and King have both managed to get up and are now on their apron with the doctor providing some much needed assistance for his team. King also tags in at this point. King stomps on Saboteur a few times before dragging him onto his feet and driving him back into the mat with a reverse DDT. He doesn’t stop their though and delivers a throat crushing leg drop. The first cover of the match. 1...2...KICK-OUT! King repeats the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! King shakes his head and whacks his elbows off of Saboteur’s skull a couple of times before dragging him into the corner of his team. He props Saboteur up and executes the same move Saboteur attempted before the tide was turned; a splash. He then finishes the move off with a European uppercut which sends the 198 pounder’s limp body crashing down into the mat. King tags in Alhazred.

Copeland: The Apostles of Chaos have regained control of this match-up through excellent tag team strategy.

Cohen: Ah yes, that’s much better Seabass. I prefer it when you call the match the way you’re supposed too. Take notes CC.

With Saboteur prone in the corner, Alhazred launches at him with a flying fist which connects with authority. He drags Saboteur out of the corner and covers his opponent. 1...2...KICK-OUT! He then unleashes a torrid of elbow strikes on Saboteur. Speaking of Saboteur, he’s barely moved aside from the kick-outs, suggesting that he’s suffering from the head shots he’s repeatedly taken here. Alhazred drops the fist one more time and goes to make a tag. In comes James King, but Alhazred doesn’t leave. Instead he signals for FINISH HIM! King lifts the deflated Saboteur up and grabs a wastelock, preparing for Alhazred’s strike. Just as the Powerglove is about to make contact with it’s target though, the hand is stopped by the partially recovered Action Saxton.

Cohen: When did he get in the ring?

Copeland: When did he recover?

Connor: Who knows, but he saved Saboteur, that’s for sure.

Alhazred looks a Saxton with a look of confusion and worry. Saxton counters with one of smugness and pulls Alhazred into a vicious clothesline. Chris K.O. looks to intervene, but is cut off by Steven Kurtesy who tackles him to the ground, on the outside. James King relinquishes his wastelock on Saboteur in order to fight with his most personal of foes from the group; Saxton. There is a standoff for a few moments before King nails a knee to the gut. He looks to execute the Alpha Bomb, but out of sight comes Kurtesy with a springboard seated senton. With his foe down of the moment, Saxton takes the opportunity to resurrect Saboteur. He does so by slapping him with the back of his hand, allowing the hitman to unleash a GOOOOOOAAAALLL! on King. Saxton then finishes the Forgotten Power off with his finisher; Black Dynamite. Saboteur lunges onto a cover. 1...2...3!

Connor: They’ve done it!

Cohen: No, dammit. NO!


As Saxton hoists his partners arms into the air, the crowd erupts in a wave of pure joy. All three men are happy with their work this evening. Alhazred and K.O. have begun to stir whilst King is still down.

Copeland: It’s been one rough night for Ty Burna and the Apostles of Chaos for sure. Perhaps their grip on WZCW isn’t as tight as we once feared.

Just as Copeland finishes uttering the word feared, the lights are extinguished. Only darkness can be seen, but the boos are deafening. As the lights return to normality, the referee has vanished and in his place, a new figure stands; Ty Burna. Burna lunges forward with Concentrated Banishment on Saxton, who has turned into the devastating finisher.

Both Kurtesy and Saboteur are stunned by Burna’s arrival, but look to fight him off. Ample time however has been given for the Apostles to recover and King drives his arm up into a low blow on Saboteur. He falls as K.O. grabs Kurtesy’s leg and drags him to the outside. There, Alhazred blasts with the Powerglove. Ty head swiftly turns to King who bows his head in recognition of his master’s wishes and places Saboteur in position for the Alpha Bomb which is delivered with authority.

Cohen: What was that about a lack of control in WZCW Seabass?

Ty now turns his attention to his other two apostles. K.O. has moved the steel steps that allow access to the ring into the centre of the gap between the ring and the fans. He then hoists Kurtesy up and has Alhazred come into the slam him down with the Taste of Chaos on the steel steps. The crowd is greatly displeased and lets these four hell bringers know. Burna finally turns his attention to the man he brought down, Action Saxton. He drops to his knees and wraps his hand around Saxton’s throat.

He begins to choke the downed action man and begins speaking to him in some ancient tongue. Despite his best efforts to struggle out, Saxton cannot break the grip and soon falls unconscious. Burna releases the choke shortly afterwards. He whips his hair backwards, remaining kneeled. He raises his arms upward and the lights die once more. They are out for a few more moments before returning with Ty and his Apostles nowhere to be seen.
A sweaty Steven Holmes, with the newly acquired WZCW Elite X Championship, and Constantine appear on camera backstage.

Holmes: It is good to finally achieve my rightful status as the WZCW Elite X Champion. I say that we celebrate in style.

Constantine: Yeah, tonight is your night Holmes. You have taken everything that Sam Smith had to offer at the last few Pay Per Views, and now you are tonight’s ultimate comeback story.

Holmes puts his arm up to stop Constantine.

Holmes: You are right John. Tonight is my night. I am the ultimate comeback story, and I can not let anyone steal that moment away from me. And I mean no one.

Holmes stares at Constantine for a moment and then exits the camera shot. Constantine is confused by what he means and follows him.
“The following match is the Loser Leaves WZCW match and the man who loses will be forced to leave the company!”

“On his way to the ring from St Louis, Missouri, he weighs 260 lbs, he is the Strongman, Stan Rogers!”

Rogers pounds the ramp as he makes his way down to the ring. The crowd respond well to his entrance but he doesn’t smile. He has a fierce look of determination on his face.

“This is the man who will no longer be in WZCW after tonight!”

“How can you be so sure?!”

“And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, he weighs 213lbs, Showtime David Cougar!!”

“Because this man is a company legend and he is not going anywhere!”

The crowd boo the roof off the building as Cougar makes his way to the ring. He smirks and poses at the top of the ramp. Showtime is very cautious as he heads into the ring. Rogers steps towards him and Cougar ducks down to avoid him. Cougar rolls underneath the bottom rope as the Strongman is held off by the official. Cougar poses on the turnbuckle but as he gets down, Rogers is ready and waiting. The bell ring and he picks up Showtime in a military press high above his head. The crowd reacts well as Cougar flails around. Rogers drops him with a crash!

“Great start by Stan Rogers!”

Cougar rolls away but the Strongman chases him. Cougar gets to the ropes but Rogers pulls him back, grabs a front facelock then drops him back with a hard vertical suplex, cover, 1...2....Cougar fights out. Rogers picks him up and whips him to the corner, Cougar rebounds out and Rogers picks him up, puts him on his shoulders and hits the Airplane Spin. Cougar crashes to the floor.

“This is abhorrent! Cougar isn’t ready!”

“The Strongman is just doing what comes naturally!”

“Rogers is fighting for his career! If Cougar wasn’t prepared then that’s his fault!”

Rogers shouts loud as he stalks Cougar. As Showtime turns, Rogers kicks him in the gut, he goes for the powerbomb but Cougar hits Rogers hard in the knee! Rogers limps away. Cougar follows and kicks Rogers in the leg. The Strongman falls to the mat and Showtime pounces. Cougar twists the leg and slams the knee to the mat. He then drapes it across the bottom rope and hits a leg drop onto the knee.

“If that powerbomb had hit, it would all be over!”

“As it is, Cougar has isolated a body part and is working it over!”

Cougar slides outside of the ring and absorbs the hate of the crowd. Rogers tries to move away from the rope but Cougar grabs his boot and pulls him out of the ring. He still holds the boot and Rogers is forced to stand on one leg before Cougar hits a stiff, fast leg whip that torques the knee and drops Rogers to the floor! The Strongman screams and clutches his knee. Cougar smiles; he picks up Rogers and hits the Backstage reverse DDT but he lifts Rogers up and drops his legs on the steel steps! The ref admonishes him in between counting but Cougar picks Rogers up yet again. He glances at the referee whose count is up to five. He then goes to whip Rogers into the ring steps but Rogers reverses it and hits a desperation short-arm clothesline!

“This could be a massive point in the match!”

“Rogers’ knee has been wrecked but his tremendously powerful arms may have saved his leg from further damage.”

Realising that they both could be counted out, Roger and Cougar both make their way toward the ring on hands and knees. At nine, they are both on the ring apron and they break the count. Cougar gets up using the ropes and goes to lock in the Commercial Break but Rogers rolls him up!!! 1.....2.... Cougar barely kicks out at the last second!

“So far, Rogers has an answer for everything.”

“It’s been a very clever performance.”

“I love how you all discount young David. Keep it up”

Rogers drags Cougar back up and he locks in the abdominal stretch in the centre of the ring! Cougar screams but Rogers wrenches it hard. The ref is in Cougar’s face, asking him if he wants to quit. He shakes his head and screams out again. He tries to reach out but Rogers traps his arm. Cougar breaks his arm and starts to pound away at the injured knee. Rogers breaks his submission and limps away. He turns around and Cougar hits the Final Act! He covers him slowly, 1....2....Rogers kicks out!! Showtime has his head in his hands, he seems absolutely devastated!

“Rogers kicked out of the Final Act!”

“Cougar didn’t get all of it.”

“But it’s damn impressive to kick out of that move!”

He stands above Rogers and grabs his injured knee and goes to lock in the Commercial Break but Rogers kicks him off! Showtime is forced back into the turnbuckle, he comes back and tries to go for the submission again but Rogers blocks it again. The Strongman stands up and gets in Cougar’s face! Showtime punches Rogers but he no sells it! Showtime is stunned but punches again, Rogers disregards it again and kicks Cougar in the gut! He whips Cougar but he reverses it, Rogers comes back and hits a clothesline! The crowd roar as they see Rogers come back into the match. Rogers hits a big body slam that gets a two and then a big boot that gets another near fall! Rogers whips Cougar into the corner.

“So far Rogers has been dominant! This has been a remarkable performance.”

“I’ll tell you what’s truly remarkable, that Showtime has used all of his expertise to drag an entertaining match out of this relic.”

Rogers sets up Cougar on the top rope for a superplex, Cougar tries hard to fight it but Rogers dazes him with a headbutt, Rogers then slams him off the top rope! Cougar lands in the middle of the ring, Rogers crawls over to cover him, 1...2... no! Cougar barely gets a shoulder up!

“Amazing kick out by David Cougar!”

“What does Stan Rogers have left? Surely, if he hits the powerbomb, then it’s all over.”

Rogers signals for the powerbomb again. The crowd respond in kind. He slowly drags Cougar, lifts him up for the powerbomb but Showtime is able to hook a backslide and his feet are on the ropes!! 1.....2.....3!!!!

“Your winner by pinfall, Showtime David Cougar!!”

“He’s done it! Rogers is gone!”

“Cougar is staying! Once again he has won a match with his WZCW career on the line!”

Cougar bolts up the ramp with his hands raised. Rogers looks dejected as he sits in the ring, comprehending what has happened! As he stands, the crowd give him a standing ovation.

“Stan Rogers has been a breath of fresh air.”

“But ultimately, his time in WZCW has been short thanks to the greatness that is David Cougar.”

“But thank you Stan Rogers!”


The camera treats us to a four-way split screen shot of all of tonight’s main event competitors. Gordito is on the far left, Titus next to him, Barbosa next to Titus, and Big Dave on the far right. All four of the men are walking down hallways. As they walk, Gordito does arm stretches, Titus rubs his hands together, Big Dave keeps a determined demeanor, and Barbosa grips the World Heavyweight Title closely to his chest as the arena roars with applause in anticipation of the upcoming event.

Cohen: The end is near!

Connor: Who will leave with the "all," and who will get the "nothing?"

Copeland: Gordito, Titus, Big Dave, and Barbosa. The elimination match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship starts now!
Harrys: The following contest is a four way elimination match, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Gordito makes his way out as the crowd pops loudly for The Dirty One. He sticks his tongue out and points out to the crowd as their cheering continues. He walks down the ramp slapping hands with the fans before sliding into the ring. He hops up onto the second turnbuckle and pounds his chest twice before pointing out to the crowd once more.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 257 lbs, The Dirty One, Gordito!

Copeland: Gordito won this opportunity at the world title back at Unscripted, although I don't think he expected to be a fatal fourway.

Cohen: Who cares? He would have lost one on one anyways, just like like last year.

Titus emerges from the back, a very serious look on his face as he stares down to the ring. The crowd suddenly pops wildly for him, forcing Titus to lose concentration as he looks out at the crowd, a huge smile forming on his face. He points out to the crowd and claps his hands before running down the ramp and sliding into the ring. He hops up onto the second turnbuckle and smiles once more as the crowd cheers loudly.

Harrys: And his first opponent, weighing in at 215 lbs, Titus!

Copeland: A huge reaction for the only Academy Award winning WZCW star here tonight!

Cohen: When was the last time Titus was relevant Seabass? How about when Big Dave sent him to the bricks? He's got nothing left.

Connor: Titus has been on a roll lately. He's infuriated and frustrated the World Champion, and with a stroke of luck has found himself in the world title match!

Big Dave makes his way out from the back, a serious tone across his face. The crowd cheers loudly as Big Dave stares out at the crowd before nodding his head towards them. He begins walking down the ramp but suddenly the cheers turn to boos as Steven Holmes and John Constantine attack Big Dave from behind! Dave is sent sprawling down the ramp as Holmes and Constantine pounce on their prey. Constantine positions Dave, lifting him up and with assistance from Holmes, delivers a spiked piledriver, dropping Dave neck first onto the entrance ramp! Gordito and Titus are already out of the ring and go to fend off Constantine and Holmes but it's too late as the damage has been done. The crowd showers boos down around the Elite X Champion and his ally as they walk back up the ramp with smug looks on their faces as Dave remains motionless on the ramp.

Copeland: What in the blue hell was that all about? They had no business in this match Cohen!

Cohen: They wanted to finish what they started Seabass. Meltdown 66 they didn't completely eliminate Dave. Tonight however, they have taken out the former World Champion, and I love it!

Gordito and Titus check on Dave as referees and trainers rush out to check on him as well. Constantine and the Elite X Champion look on at their dirty work, a sense of satisfaction on both their faces.

Barbosa suddenly comes storming out from the back, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship hanging from his grasp as he brushes past Holmes and Constantine. The diabolical duo exit to the back as Barbosa stomps his way down the ramp. He stops as he looks down at Big Dave, the World Title dangling right above Dave's face. Barbosa cracks a sick grin as he suddenly delivers a heavy stomp to Big Dave's chest before quickly rushing to the ring and sliding in. Gordito and Titus follow, entering the ring as well. A referee checking on Dave runs over to Harrys and whispers something to him. Meanwhile medics have places Dave on a stretcher, gently securing a neck brace on Big Dave before rolling him up the ramp. The crowd claps as Big Dave remains motionless on the ramp, his eyes open however. Attention turns back to Harrys as he speaks:

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, due to injury Big Dave will not be able to compete tonight. There fore it will be a three way elimination match between Gordito, Titus, and your new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, BARBOSA!!!!!!!!

Copeland: I can't believe what we've just seen. Big Dave motionless on a stretcher, not even afforded an opportunity to regain his title!

Cohen: And now the competition has been cut by twenty five percent Seabass. Barbosa has this match in the bag now!

Gordito and Titus look towards each other and nod as Barbosa hands the WZCW World Heavyweight Title to the referee. The ref holds the belt up before handing it to the ringside assistant and calls for the bell. Titus and Gordito rush towards Barbosa, but Barbosa was prepared for the attack, tripping Gordito and sending him face first into the turnbuckle. Titus however gains advantage, hitting strikes to the back before whipping Barbosa into the ropes. Titus quickly hits a Kesagari chop, sending Barbosa stumbling backwards grasping his chest. Titus quickly follows up with a flying forearm which sends the champion crashing through the ropes to the outside. Gordito is now back to his feet and Titus backs up into him. Titus quickly turns, a fist prepared which Gordito readies one of his own. The two stare each other down as the crowd begins cheering loudly as the two men nod to each to each other. Both begin to strike one another repeatedly, Titus gaining the advantage. Titus goes for a Norther Lights suplex but Gordito grips hold around Titus' head, turning and dropping Titus with a Russian legsweep! Gordito quickly goes for the cover, 1.......2..Titus kicks out quickly. Both men are to their feet quickly and stare each other down, however this gives the advantageous Barbosa time to sneak into the ring. Gordito and Titus turn towards him but not in time as Barbosa takes them both down with a double clothesline! He turns towards Titus, lifting him up and tossing him to the outside. Barbosa turns towards Gordito, nearly stalking him with his arms up ready to strike.

Copeland: Gordito is in a bad position. Barbosa knows him all too well and he looks to put Gordito down early in this match.

Cohen: Doesn't it say something when Barbosa is the smartest man in the match right now? I mean the guy's not exactly the greatest example of sanity, yet clearly he's outsmarted both Titus and Gordito already.

Gordito slowly gets to his feet and Barbosa immediately grabs him, however Gordito slaps the champ's hands away and connects with a backhand chop. Barbosa backs up as Gordito hits repeated backhand chops, forcing Barbosa into the corner. Gordito hits a hard right, before licking his finger tips and delivering one final backhand chop, causing a sick slap to echo throughout the arena. Barbosa crumbles to the ground holding his chest as The Dirty One holds his arm up which elicits a pop from the crowd. He lifts Barbosa back up to his feet before thrusting his shoulder into the midsection. Titus meanwhile has gotten back to his feet on the outside and rolls back into the ring. Gordito doesn't notice and goes to whip Barbosa across the ring. Barbosa suddenly hits a clothesline on Titus, dropping him to the mat. He turns back towards Gordito who has rushed towards him. Barbosa drops his shoulder at the last second, sending Gordito over with a back body drop. Gordito lands directly on Titus and the two men grimace in pain as Barbosa drops to his knees, a psychotic smile forming on his face. He covers Gordito, 1.....2....Gordito kicks out!

Copeland: It's been mostly Barbosa controlling this match. With such high stakes on the line in this match, Gordito and Titus need to get out of the starting gate.

Cohen: Just look at the carnage already Seabass. He's got Gordito and Titus on the ropes already!

Connor: Don't count them out yet Jack. Titus has risen to the occasion in big matches before and Gordito has shown to be Barbosa's foil.

Barbosa floats over and hooks Titus' leg, 1.....2..Titus kicks out as well. Barbosa lifts Titus to his feet and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a running knee to the midsection but Titus rolls to the side and out of the way. Barbosa turns around and Titus drops him down with a swinging neckbreaker! Titus hooks the leg, 1.....2.....Barbosa kicks out! Titus is back to his feet but Gordito hits a double axe handle, dropping Titus to one knee. Titus gets lifted up onto Gordito's shoulders and dropped down with a Samoan drop! Gordito is to his feet and turns towards Barbosa, lifting him up and whipping him into the ropes. Gordito repays the favor, back body dropping Barbosa and sending him back first into the mat. He quickly follows by climbing to the top turnbuckle, motioning for his opponents to get up. Barbosa and Titus stumble to their feet as Gordito comes flying off the top rope with a crossbody! Gordito crashes into the two men, knocking them to the ground. Gordito hooks Titus' leg 1.....2.....Titus kicks out! Gordito is to his feet immediately, pointing to the top rope once more as the crowd gets behind him.

Cohen: What's this idiot doing? He's pandering to these fools in the crowd again instead of getting the job done.

Connor: I think he's looking to put away Titus here. He's got him lined up for the top rope elbow drop!

Copeland: Indeed he does CC!

Gordito has climbed to the top turnbuckle and stands atop it. He holds his arms up into the air before slapping his elbow. He comes flying off with the big elbow but Titus rolls out of the way. Gordito crashes to the mat hard, as Titus is suddenly to his feet now! The crowd is cheering loudly as Titus now walks over to the corner. He begins climbing to the top turnbuckle but slips as Barbosa gets up to one knee. Titus gets to the top turnbuckle and steadies himself but Barbosa has gotten up and lifted Gordito up. He sets him up and tosses him into the corner Titus is in with the Mood Stabilizer! Titus drops down and hangs on the top turnbuckle as Gordito stumbles forward. Barbosa lifts him up and drops him with the Doppelgänger! He covers Gordito, 1.......2.......3!

Harrys: Gordito has been eliminated!

Copeland: Unbelievable! Gordito's mistake opened the door for Titus, but Barbosa's attack left Titus hanging out to dry and Gordito in prime position for the Doppelgänger!

Cohen: And with Titus still crotched on the top rope, Barbosa now has him right where he wants him too!

Connor: Crotched? Really Jack?

Cohen: It's a figure of speech CC.

Connor: I don't even want to ask.

Gordito rolls out of the ring as Barbosa gets up to one knee as he stares up at Titus still hung on the top turnbuckle. He licks his lips before stomping over to the corner and climbing to the top. He sets Titus up and drops him over with a thunderous superplex! Titus arches in pain as Barbosa lies on his back as well from the impact. The ref checks on both before beginning the ten count. 1............2............3..............4.................5..........Barbosa slowly gets to his feet. 6......................Titus grabs hold of the rope and pulls himself up to one knee. Barbosa doesn't give Titus time to rest however as he is all over him, delivering hard rights to stun the former world champion. He wraps his arm around Titus' neck and drops him down with a DDT. He holds on and gets up again, delivering yet another DDT. He holds on yet again, standing up and dropping him down with a third DDT! Titus looks to be out as Barbosa rolls him over and covers him 1........2........Titus kicks out!! The crowd goes wild as Titus holds his arm up in the air as Barbosa sits up, a shocked look on his face. He looks at the ref and begins yelling at him, which the ref replies it was a two count. He stands and corners the ref and continues berating him. Titus slowly rolls over onto his stomach, suddenly springing forward and rolls up Barbosa, 1.......2.......Barbosa kicks out! Titus tries to get up to follow up but Barbosa again is on the attack, stomping away on Titus to keep him grounded. Barbosa steps away and leans on the ropes, staring straight forward as the crowd boos him loudly.

Cohen: It's music to my ears Seabass!

Copeland: Barbosa has Titus stuck to the mat. I don't think he can recover from this brutality.

Barbosa turns towards the rising Titus and goes for his running knee strike but Titus stands up at the last second, avoiding the knee. Barbosa turns around and Titus suddenly hooks him with a huracanrana! He sends Barbosa flying across the ring and Titus is suddenly fired up as the crowd pops loudly. Titus quickly grabs hold of Barbosa's foot and applies the Ankle Lock! Titus yells out as Barbosa yells out in pain. He tries to reach for the ropes and gets a finger tip on it but Titus pulls him to the center of the ring and wrenches on the champion's ankle more! The crowd begins chanting for Barbosa to tap!

Cohen: No! This can't be happening!

Copeland: It is! Titus has Barbosa locked into the Ankle Lock in the center of the ring!

Connor: We could see a new champion right now!

Barbosa slowly raises his hand into the air but he forms a fist and shakes his head no, slowly turning himself around onto his back. He kicks Titus away but Titus quickly recovers and hits The Tit Drop! He covers Barbosa, 1......2......Barbosa kicks out! The crowd groans as Titus sits up, clutching his hands in fists as he realizes how close he was to victory. He gets to his feet and stands in the corner, his head against the turnbuckle. The crowd begins chanting his name and Titus suddenly looks up and out at the crowd. He gazes at the hopeful faces of the fans and begins pumping his fist, slamming it into the turnbuckle. He yells out to the crowd as the fans pop in response. He turns towards Barbosa but gets caught with an inverted drop and quickly dropped with an STO! The crowd's roar suddenly dies as Barbosa rolls over for the cover, 1.........2........Titus kicks out! The crowd reinvigorates as Titus rolls over onto his stomach and the chants begin again. Barbosa gets to his feet and drags Titus up with him. He holds Titus by his hair and a look of anger flashes across Barbosa's face. He tosses Titus into the corner and connects with a hard right. Titus slumps in the corner but Barbosa qiuckly lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. He climbs up after him and slowly pulls Titus onto his shoulders. He sets him up for a top rope Doppelgänger! Titus comes to however and begins elbowing Barbosa in the side of the head, sliding off of his shoulders. He punches away at Barbosa, finally sending him off the top rope! Barbosa lands back first on the mat as Titus slips down to the second turnbuckle. He climbs up to the top turnbuckle as the crowd begins going wild. Titus points out to the crowd before flying off the top rope, connecting with the Red Comet! He hits it square and slumps over Barbosa for the cover, 1........2........3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and the NEEEEEEWWWWWWWW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, TITUS!

Cohen: NOOOOOOO! This can't be right! That was a fast count! Titus cheated! That was illegal!

Copeland: Titus has done it! He's climbed the mountain once more and is now the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion once again!

Connor: I can't believe it! Titus has once again claimed the grand prize in WZCW!

Titus rolls over onto his back as the referee retrieves the World Title from the ringside assistant. He kneels down to check on Titus who nods he's ok. Titus sits up and the ref hands him the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship as the crowd goes wild. Titus stares down at the title as the people chant his name once more. He slowly gets to his feet as he continues staring down at the title. He suddenly hoists the title high into the air as the crowd pops loudly once more.

Copeland: What a way to finish off the year here in WZCW! Titus is once again your new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! What will we have in store when we head into the New Year? For Jack Cohen and Cat Connor, I'm Sebastian Copeland, goodnight!

The camera pans out as Titus climbs to the second turnbuckle, holding the WZCW World Heavyweight Championshp before we go off the air.
Who wrote what:

Falkon: Mind Over Matter vs. Runn Reynolds Runn, Alex Bowen vs. Sean Cruz vs. Armando Paradyse
Blade: Everest vs. Mr. Baller vs. Brad Bomb vs. Matt Tastic vs. Alexander Steele vs. Ty Burna
Showtime: Sam Smith vs. Steven Holmes vs. Constantine
Funkay: Apostles of Chaos vs. Steven Kurtesy, Action Saxton, and Saboteur
Numbers: Stan Rogers vs. Showtime, Backstage
Kermit: Blade and Scott Hammond vs. Black Dragon and Chris Beckford, Backstage
Ty: Barbosa vs. Big Dave vs. Gordito vs. Titus, Opening, Backstage

Rep these gentlemen as much as you possibly can. This of course is the final show for WZCW this year, and what a show it was. Happy New Years to you all, I shall be heavily intoxicated all day Saturday, potentially Sunday, and recovering Monday. So by all means, make your New Years Resolution to donate your entire paychecks to the alcohol fund. My liver thanks you greatly.
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