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The Enforcer

The Heel John Cena!

The official theme of "All or Nothing" is "Breaking the Habit" By Linkin park

(The 30 second parantel advisory is aired, agitating the excited fans who are in total anticipation for the show they're about to witness. When the video ends, the screen fades to black, building up more suspense for the start of the first pay-per-view event of 2008 in WZCW history-- 'All or Nothing.' Suddenly, the screen lights back up with the cool-blue WZCW logo gliding across the screen, this connects to the official video package for tonight's extravagant event. "Breaking the Habit" by 'Linkin Park,' the theme song for 'All or Nothing,' plays throughout the impressive video package that features the many feuds that have built up in recent weeks. The video package comes to an end, and the familiar evil grin of WZCW Owner Chuck Myles is shown on the screen, prompting many pre-taped boos to sound through the audio. Suddenly, we hear/see the official welcome message, telling us that WZCW presents the First pay-per-view of the year 'All or Nothing.' With this much anticipation built, we're finally taken to the Ford Center, with thousands of fans jam-packed into the arena. Without much wait, green and blue pyro shoot down from the ceiling, eventually coming to contact with the special 'All or Nothing' titantron, igniting a myriad of differently coloured fireworks to be set off on the stage. More pyro shoot up all the way from the bottom of the rampway to the top, as well as a few fireworks going off around the ring. The fans cheer in amazement, perhaps in disbelief that the show they waited so long for is finally happening in front of their very eyes. Once the pyro have all stopped going off, the arena lights begin scrolling all over the arena as the theme song continues to play loudly, and the cameras pan throughout the thousands of fans in attendance. A graphic appears on the top right corner of the screen, telling us we're live from Oklahoma city Oklahoma. The cameras continue to pan the crowd as Commentators Sebastian Copeland and Jack “The Enforcment” Cohen speak.)

Copeland: Welcome, WZCW fans, to the first pay-per-view of 2008!. Welcome to 'All or Nothing'! I'm Sebastian Copeland along side Jack “The Enforcment“ Cohen! We're live from the Ford Center in Oklahoma city Oklahoma. And what a crowd we got here tonight; they're so full of energy, Cohen, and they should be! This is the First event of the year!

Cohen: You got that right, Cope. And they have reason to be excited, just take a look at tonight's extraordinary card. We got everything from Singles Matches to Tag Team Matches, hell we even have a Team vs. Team Match tonight!

(The view is switched to ringside where we see Copeland and Cohen dressed in their suit and ties, both looking more fashionable than usual.)

Copeland: Speaking of Singles Matches, we're starting off the show with one! We are going to witness the debut of Grand Mystique vs. Jesse.

Cohen: That's sure to be good. But after that we got to step down the quality. After all, we don't want too much quality in one show, right? I'm talking about the crown of new tag team champions with Devilspawns vs. The WVC. Which team will walk out of 'All or Nothing' the winners. I hope it not those spot monkeys.

(Copeland sighs at Cohen`s earlier insult to the WVC but he rolls his eyes, perhaps fed up with defending it at this point.)

Copeland: Oh, but here's the match I'm looking forward to see. The Match between Gus and “The One” Big Will for the WZCW Elite X Championship. The champion Gus will put his recently won title on the line against Will! These two men have been sending each other messages all month long that they will be the champion when the night is over. Oh Wait Cohen this seem to something going on in the back can we please get someone back there!

We then see a shadow covering Chuck. Without even looking to see who it is, he knows who it is. He closes his eyes and lets out a huge sigh. The camera pans out and we see Rajeem, in a neck brace, and Hasheem, in a turban and his wrestling gear. Rajeem looks at Hasheem, as Hasheem stares at Chuck in anger and breathes very loudly through his nose. Chuck’s eyes are still closed.

Chuck: What?

As Chuck asks “what” he turns his head to stare at Hasheem. As he turned, he is startled by Rajeem because Rajeem is in a neck brace.

Hasheem: Don’t you dare talk to me with attitude. You have no right talking to me in such disrespect!!

Chuck: Excuse me?

Hasheem: Yea, you heard me. What the hell was that last week? Huh? I’m talking to you here. What the hell, man? How the hell could you let that piece of crap do what he did to me?

Chuck: I’m guessing you are talking about Joseph.

Hasheem: You’re damn(Censored) right, I’m talking about Rios. That piece of crap laid his filthy hands on me!! Who in the hell gave him a right?!? What the hell is his problem?!? I demand some justice to be brought against this behemoth!!

Chuck: Look, Mohammad. Calm down. It’s all fine. Don’t worry, he was –

Hasheem: NO!! Don’t you dare make up excuses for him!! If he wants to go then by all means. Get a ring official in the ring, right now!! If that mother (Censored) wants a piece of me, then he’s got it!! Come on!! Bring him!!

Chuck: Now Mohammad, I will not have that! Not while I’m around. Listen, what happened was all just a matter of miscommunication.

Hasheem: Miscommunication? Miscommunication?!? What in the hell are you talking about?!?

Chuck: Yes, miscommunication. Look, the 2 of you were not on the same page last week. Okay? The two of you lost and

Hasheem: No, no, no!! Not the 2 of us, HIM!! HE LOST!! HIM!!

Chuck: Okay, him. Whatever. The fact of the matter is you guys lost the match and the 2 of you guys went head to head last week. And he beat you.

Hasheem: HEY!! He didn’t beat me. He just got lucky!!

Chuck: Fine. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is, the 2 of you almost ripped each other’s heads off, and tonight you guys need to be teammates!!

Hasheem: Absolutely not!! I will not stand for it!!

Chuck: Look, I will talk to him later on tonight, okay? If you can just stand him for one night, and I’m only asking for this one night, I promise you that a world title opportunity will be heading in your directions, I can promise you that.

Hasheem let’s out a big sigh.

Hasheem: Only tonight?

Chuck: Just this one night.

Hasheem: Really? A title opportunity?

Chuck: I haven’t let you down, Mohammad.

Hasheem: I don’t know about this.

Chuck: Come, you and Rajeem, come inside my office, and we’ll talk more about this. Come.

The 3 of them head into the office as the door closes and we fade out.

Grand Mystique vs. Jesse

Copeland: What do you think is going on between those two Cohen?

Cohen: I dont know and I dont care. im Just ready for some WZCW action

Copeland: Speaking of action lets take it to Kyle Harrys for our first match.

Trapt Headstrong plays to a pitch black arena. Still dark (before the vocals start) the music stops. It starts again shortly after, the lights come up and Grand Mystique is kneeling in the centre of the ring. He nips up and goes to pose in the corner.

Harrys: Standing in the ring from The deepest, darkest part of the universe, weighing in at 277lbs he is the voice of the cosmos, THE GRAND MYSTIQUE! And making his way to the ring….

Copeland: This is gonna be a technical exhibition here, how does the rookie Jesse prepare for the un-prep arable Grand Mystique?

ACDC – Who need who starts to playing, the lights are changing all different types of colors, Jesse comes out, raises his fists, The fans approve of him, he walks down the ramp, with the rock hand symbol (index finger and pinky raised) he slides into the ring, gets up, raises the rock symbol, Jesse stares back at GM with an arrogant look like he is dirt under his feet

Cohen: Jesse needs to take care of that masked midget before he makes a mockery out of him

Copeland: Do you listen to yourself?

Cohen: Yes I tape myself all of the time; it’s the only thing that I would tolerate listening to

Copeland: (Rolls his eyes) lets go to harry’s at ringside

Cohen: Looks like an arrogant little turd if you ask me

Copeland: Mystique is an enigma in sports entertainment, a technical phenom that has never been seen in WZCW till this day

Cohen: If I see a title around his waist, then I’ll take notice!

Harrys: Weighing in at 220lbs, From Fresno California he is the headliner Jesse Walters

Copeland: Jesse is trying to intimidate our new arrival

Cohen: You call that intimidation, slap Mystique in the face then he’ll be intimidated

The referee calls for the bell Jesse and Mystique circle round each other, they lock up as Jesse tries to maneuver GM to the right turnbuckle, GM reverses and forces Jesse into the turnbuckle, he chops Jesse straight in the chest as the crowd cheers

Copeland: Ouch that’s got to hurt!

Cohen: My grandmother can do better!

Jesse holds his chest and laughs at GM, he raises his right arm and signals GM to lock up again GM moves in but suddenly Jesse counters with a boot to the stomach, Jesse picks GM up for a power bomb but GM counters into an arm drag Jesse counters and locks GM’s arm, GM tries to fight out but Jesse holds on Jesse boots GM straight in the gut for a second straight time and places his left arm around GM’s head he lifts GM up for a suplex but stalls

Cohen: Im starting to like this new aggressive Jesse

Copeland: the power he is using on Mystique it’s something new from the headliner

Jesse brings GM down for the brain buster Jesse moves in to secure the STO but Mystique counters locking Jesse in an arm bar he moves over and locks Jesse’s waist he brings him up to perform the Big Bang (Rolling German Suplex), Jesse counters into a cross body as the referee counts….1…2…kcikout by GM!

Copeland: This match is a technical showcase from out two up an coming stars of WZCW

Jesse is up again kicking GM’s gut, GM suddenly grabs Jesse’s leg and and spins him around to lock in another German Suplex into Rear Naked Choke, Jesse is teetering as GM locks the chock, Jesse tries to go for the rope as the crowd chants Jesse, Jesse, Jesse

Copeland: this could mean the end of a quality match if Jesse doesn’t make it to the top rope

Jesse is down on one knee as GM is still holding the Rear naked Choke, Jesse places his left leg on the top rope as the ref starts to count, GM breaks the lock

Cohen: Jesse needs to keep working on GM’s gut he cant play fancy with this up and comer

Copeland: Mystique cant let up, Jesse has been given some breathing space here

Jesse still holding his neck tries to gain footing as GM strikes him with a dropkick, Jesse is down as GM looks down and signals for a Suicide Cannonball, Jesse suddenly moves out of the way as GM lands, GM is holding his gut as Jesse proceeds to run to the left rope and boots GM straight in the gut Jesse waits for GM to stand as he makes his way back up, Jesse spears GM in the gut

Copeland: My god what a spear to the gut!

Cohen: That’s the aggression I want to see from Jesse!

Jesse jumps to the top rope and moves in for the frog splash he hits it and covers GM for the pin as the referee counts…1…2….kcik out
Cohen: My god, what does it take to keep Mystique down!
Copeland: Jesse has been dominant through this entire match but some how just somehow Mystique keeps coming back!
Jesse brings GM back to his feet and grabs his throat, he brings him up for his finisher Back in Black, but suddenly GM counters into a head scissors, Jesse gets back to his feet and is standing by the ropes, GM runs the ropes and lock another head scissors throwing Jesse over the top rope

Copeland: Mystique is relentless

Cohen: Jesse needs to get back in that ring and work the gut!

GM makes his way back to the ring as Jesse makes his way back to his feet, GM jumps to the top rope and hits the suicide cannonball on Jesse to the outside, tne ref starts to count both men out of the match…1…2…..3…4…5

Cohen: That Midget ruined the match!

Copeland: Mystique is showing aggression the same thing you saw in Jesse

The ref continues to count…6…7…8 GM is back in the ring…9…Jesse makes his way into the ring before the ten count, GM runs the ropes and moves in to hit another head scissors on Jesse, Jesse reverses GM into a power bomb, Jesse makes the cover …1…2 kick out by GM Jesse picks GM up and locks in The Razor's Edge, GM reverse into a dragon suplex pin, Jesse kick’s GM runs the ropes as Jesse makes his way to his feet he attempts the big boot as Jesse counters into an the ankle lock, GM rolls over and kicks Jesse off Jesse hits the ropes and runs at GM who nips up and leap frogs Jesse

Copeland: Mystique is using his speed to counter Jesse

Cohen: well durr!

Jesse runs the ropes as GM catches him and hits the Michinoku Driver, Jesse is down as GM makes the cover..1..2 kickout again by Jesse

Cohen: Jesse wants this, he can taste it, he doesn’t want to be known as the man who has been beaten by a midget!

Copeland: Yeah, that’s what hes afraid of

Jesse makes his way back to his feet as GM tries to hit the leg lariat, but Jesse catches him and reverses into the spinner, GM is out for the count as Jesee picks him up for another powerbomb, GM counters into the big bang, Jesse’s head hits the bottom turnbuckle and is knocked out, GM makes the cover as the ref counts…1…2…3

Harrys: here is your winner, the grand Mystique!!!

Cohen: Is it over now?

GM stands in the ring as the ref raises his hand, he is still left holding his gut, as Jesse recovers, GM moves over and helps him up, GM holds out his hand, as Jesse stares directly at him

Cohen: Don’t shake his hand Jesse, You’re a humiliation to the entire locker room

Jesse is reluctant at first and as the crowd starts to boo, but Jesse suddenly grabs GM’s hand and raises it as the crowd goes wild!

Copeland: That’s sportsmanship at its best Cohen What a great match! Now that's the way to open a show!

Cohen: You're not lying there. Everyone pulled out their A-game for that match tonight. It's just a shame to see a talented superstar lose the match. But nonetheless, a huge win for Grand Mysticgue! Perhaps this is a sign of bigger and better things to come for GM.
Copeland: Coming up is the triple threat “Stairway to hardcore” match for the Mayhem Title. Between Ben Legend, The Maxx and the Mayhem champion Steamboat Ricky. this is a sinister structure design by Steamboat Ricky. the only way to win the match. Is to climb in the middle X and grab the title.


Cohen: This match may very well be the bloodiest match in WZCW history. Those three men live can change forever.

Copeland: Let’s take you back to see how all this take place.

(A video runs showing the recent happening leading up to the “Stairway to Hardcore” match. You see the brawl between all four wrestlers)

Copeland: Uhhh Tom Mcbrady was supposed to be in this match but an undisclosed injury having taken him out. We at WZCW wish Mcbrady the best and a speedy recovery

Cohen: It’s a shame Mcbrady is out he was a damn good wrestler.


"Stairway to Hardcore"

The lights go out and spotlights start to flicker as the Stairway to Hardcore steel cage lowers onto the ring and once the cage is settled the lights come back to life to show that ring is now surrounded by every imaginable weapon you could think of ranging from tables, ladders, and chairs to barbwire bats, garbage cans, and kendo sticks. Unlike normal steel cages, this one has 2 giant chains which for an “X” over the ring with the Hardcore Mayhem Championship wrapped around the middle of the chains about 15 feet above the ring.


“Welcome to the Jungle” hits the speakers and boos start to reign down from all sides as The Maxx makes his way down the ramp, up the stairs, and steps into the foreboding structure. Once inside he gets on the near side second turnbuckle and raises his hands in the air.


“Typical” hits next and Ben Legend walks out from the curtain to good sized pop from the fans. He taunts and high-fives the fans on the way down to the ring, but his eyes never leave the daunting structure. He climbs into the rings walks past Harrys who is standing in the middle of the ring to his corner.


The crowd erupts as “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” hits the speakers. Steamboat Ricky comes running through the curtains. Polly and Ricky run to each side of the stage taunting the crowd and pointing to the ring and the massive structure on it in amazement. With Steam O’ Grogs in hand he runs to the ring and runs around it flapping his cape in the air. He sets his “beer” next to the timekeeper’s table, takes two out, gives one to the timekeeper, shares a toast with the same timekeeper, drinks the Steam O’ Grog and then tosses the can to a lucky fan. The crowd goes crazy. He gets into the ring with another Steam O’ Grog and hands it to Harrys. Harrys thanks him and to the crowds pleasure downs the beverage like a pro. After things settle down a bit Harrys takes out his microphone and begins the introductions.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen!!! This next match is a Stairway to Hardcore match for the WZCW Hardcore Mayhem Title!!! Introducing first the man to my left. He currently resides in London, England, stands 5 feet 10 inches tall, and weighs in at 295 pounds. He is the King of the Outback, he is The Maxx.

Boos once again fill arena and The Maxx eats it up and bathes in them. He raises his fists and beats his chest a time or two and then goes back to his corner.

Harrys: Introducing next, this man hails from Atlanta, Georgia, stands 6 foot 2 inches and weighs in at 265 pounds. He is Benn Legend!!!

Benn shows his intense side and jumps onto the middle rope and plays to the fans and the fans return the favor by giving him a big pop. However, once he gets back to his corner a “Steamboat, Steamboat, Steamboat” chant breaks out.

Harrys: Finally, this man comes to us from the treacherous “Isle of Tortuga”! He stands 6 foot 5 inches and weighs in at 260 pounds!! He is your REIGNING WZCW HARDCORE MAYHEM CHAMPION!! HE IS STEAMBOAT…RICKY!!!!!!!!

Ricky raises his arm quickly, launching Polly into the air where he circles around while the crowd pops huge for the champ. Harrys waits for the referee to step into the ring and holds the microphone to the ref’s mouth.

Referee: Gentlemen this is a Stairway to Hardcore match. There are no holds barred, no count out, pin falls, or submissions. I will only stop the match in the event that all three men are physically unable to perform. The first man to get the belt out of the cage either by climbing over or by escaping through the door will be the winner. Once I leave the ring the door will shut, the bell will ring, and the match will begin. Good luck to you all.

The referee leaves the ring, the door shuts, the bell rings, and the match begins with Maxx charging Legend but Maxx gets a taste of the cage as Benn sidesteps Maxx and launches him into the cage head first. [FONT=&quot][/FONT]

Ricky takes advantage of the distraction by synching in a sleeper hold on Legend and then drops sending Legend to the ground neck first, but doesn’t let go and just keeps the sleeper locked in while both men are on the ground. While Ricky is attempting to have Legend pass out early in the match, The Maxx recovers and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He leaps off and performs a double top rope leg drop which connects on both Ricky and Legend. Ricky seems out early as Maxx starts to work on the right arm of Ricky with a couple of kicks aimed directly at the elbow. After softening up Ricky’s elbow he locks in a seated armbar and pulls back making Steamboat scream in pain. Maxx just keeps pulling and putting more torque on the elbow until he catches a running boot to the mouth delivered from Benn Legend! Maxx kind of clumsily gets up trying to shake the cob webs and then Benn rushes him with a flurry of punches, chops, and kicks. Maxx out of desperation throws a punch and misses as Ben lifts him and tosses him with a belly to belly suplex. Legend mounts Maxx and starts unloading with rights and lefts. Ricky climbs the turnbuckles and then the cage until he reaches the chains. He then starts to moves down one of the chains until Benn Legend sees him, grabs Ricky’s leg and pulls him down with Ricky coming down hard on the back of his head. Ben climbs to the second turnbuckle and drops a fist onto the head of Ricky. He then hits a couple of angry kicks to the face of Ricky. He grabs Ricky by the head and gets him to his feet. He hits a belly to belly throw on Ricky and then climbs the turnbuckles to the top. He launches off attempting a leg drop, but Steamboat moves out of the way at the last minute and Legend comes up empty. While Ricky and Legend are going at it Maxx crawled over to the cage door and it was opened for him. He got out and picked up a chair and a ladder. He drug the ladder to the door, but decided to throw the chair into the ring first. He then went to slide the ladder into the ring. However, as he was doing so Ricky hit a basement dropkick against the ladder which was thrust into the chest of Maxx sending Maxx to the crowd barrier. Legend comes from behind and smashes the chair against the back Steamboat Ricky as he was dragging the ladder the rest of the way into the ring. Ricky falls into the kneeling position and then Legend lands a stiff chair shot to the back of Ricky’s head. The force of the shot sends Ricky face first into a ladder rung and busts him open. Legend sensing the end starts to repeatedly hit Ricky in the back with the chair. Ricky’s head now lying on the ladder gives Legend and idea as he goes for a chair to ladder con-chair-to. He raises the chair above his head, hoping to put all of his power into the would-be final shot when Legend himself takes a stiff kendo stick to the head from Maxx. Maxx holds the stick high into the air as boos come from the crowd. Maxx points to his head and then crawls over the bodies of Ricky and Legend. He moves the two lifeless bodies and starts to set up the ladder in the middle of the ring. He starts to climbs, but suffers a chair shot to the back from a newly awaken Steamboat Ricky. Ricky drops the chair a little in front of the ladder. He then gets under Maxx and hits the DECKSWABBER bouncing Maxx’s head off of the chair. However, Ricky is worn out so he is unable to capitalize. Benn Legend is the first of the combatants to his feet and he is met by Ricky and the two exchange punches and chops in front of the ladder. [FONT=&quot][/FONT]
Ricky goes for a haymaker, but Legend side steps and hits a high impact clothesline. Legend goes over to Maxx and drags him a short way to the door of the cage and pushes him out. Legend picks up the kendo stick that was just recently used against him by Maxx and uses it to land a knockout shot to the head of Steamboat Ricky who is already wearing a crimson mask. Legend climbs out after Maxx, picks up a near by garbage can, and slams it against the head of Maxx. Benn pushes Maxx over to an already setup table and rolls him onto it. Legend then grabs another chair and hits Maxx across the chest with it a couple of times. Ricky is just laid out in the middle of the ring when Legend hurries back in. Legend starts to climb the cage, and after not to short of a time is at the top. He looks at Ricky, then at Maxx, and finally at the title. He then turns towards Maxx jumps off of the cage!! He hits a splash from off of the cage onto Maxx destroying the table and both of them in the process. The crowd starts a loud “Holy Shit” chant. Once again all three fighters are laid out. After about 5 minutes there is noticeable movement, but this time it is Ricky, who is up first. Ricky starts to climb the ladder reaches the title and unwraps it. He starts to climb down, but then Maxx who barely knows where he is stumbles into the ladder which tips over sending Ricky into the side of the cage. The title slips from Ricky’s hand and lands on the ring apron. Maxx seeing the title realizes what just happened. He walks slowly to the title and grabs it. He turns to the cage door and goes to exit when Legend slams the door literally into the face of Maxx. Maxx holds onto the belt as he falls backward close to the middle of the ring. Ricky gets up and sees Legend entering the cage once more. They are about equal length from the belt and they stare each other down. The crowd gets on their feet and start battling chats of “Let’s go Steamboat” and “Let’s go Legend”. Legend and Ricky smile at each other and then simultaneously rush each other. Ricky lands a running shoulder block. Bounces of the ropes and hits another on Legend as he was getting up. Legend struggles to get up as Ricky locks in a butterfly headlock and then drops Legend on his head with a beautiful butterfly ddt. Ricky gets up and turns around only to turn right into a very pissed off Maxx. Maxx starts unloading on Ricky with punches from the non-belt holding hand. He then hits a discuss clothesline with the belt. Maxx sees Legend trying to get up and rushes him, belt in hand. He hits another clothesline with the belt but this time on Legend. Maxx poses to the crowd thinking he has the match in the bag he slowly walks to the door. However, in a last ditch effort Ricky executes a drop toe hold onto Maxx who is just a foot from the ropes. The belt hangs from the top rope right in front of the door which is closed. Ricky gets to his feet as quickly as he can to try to get the belt. He and Maxx get to it at the same time and start tugging it back and forth. Ricky lets go, hits a haymaker to the jaw of Maxx, which forces the title from his hands into the hands of Ricky. Then just as Ricky grabs the title Legend hits a spear at full force which connects with Ricky. Legend speared Ricky with such force that Ricky, who was standing right inside the ropes, was pushed through the ropes and breaking the closed door so that it swung open on its own. Ricky laid half in and half out of the cage. He was barely conscious, but pushed himself the rest of the way out with one push just before Maxx could grab Ricky’s leg. Ricky fell to the floor as the crowd erupts and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” blasts through the speakers again.


Ricky can barely stand and raises the belt once and then stumbles to back up the ramp and through the curtain.
Copeland: That was the most Brutal match I have ever seen. Cohen we have witness maybe 2008 match of the year and it still only January.

Cohen: Look at the Ring Copeland it look like a plane crash. i am amaze that these men are still alive.


(Copeland is talking but you can’t hear him. Then suddenly the light starts flashing. Cohen is looking around confused then the lights just go out. It totally dark all you hear are the fans screaming then on the titantron We
see a man sitting on a bench in front of a rundown carnival under a spotlight and a speaker. We can't see his face because he is wearing a hoody and hs head is bowed. All of a sudden we hear a voice coming from the loud speaker.)

Be warned, before the coming of Shangri-La a Dark Carnival will sweep across WZCW. This wretched nightmare is led by one man. He emerges now. He walks among you, powered by your own darkness and wickedry. A horrid reflection of your deepest and darkest desires, cast and reflected back on yourself. Ladies and Gentleman the time has come for the NecroMaster to reveal himself. The time has come for the arrival of the Great Milenko.

As the voice fades the man looks up and we can see his face. He has black and white clown type make up on. But what is most unnerving is the dark fire that seems to be burning in his eyes.

Cohen: What the hell! Who the hell was that? I must admit we let anybody in here.

Copeland: That more than I can handle. there is weird thing going around here.well let take you to Becky Serra with one of our newest wrestler Alex Bowen, take it away Becky

Becky: Thank Copeland. Hey this is Becky Serra and I am with……..

(Becky jumps at all the racket behind her. She turns around and sees Johnny Klamor with a mic in his hand he walks up to her and move her out of the way. Klamor looks straight into the camera)

Listen up America I’m WZCW newest face. Instead of showing T-n-A I get to the fact. (turns to Becky) Listen sweetheart take a break let your boobs air out. Now I’m here with Alex Bow…..

(Alex takes the mic he is Standing with a grey beard and a cane. He starts breathing heavy on the mic. He looks at Klamor and looks away)

Alex: ehhhhy Johnny getting kind of old now aint been in a match for how long seems like forever...

* rips off beard and stands up then snaps the cane in 2 with one quick jolt of strength*

Alex: See this ? this is what im going to do if i dont get that match? seems like you didnt here me the first time im going to rip that punk in 2 if and when i get in a god damn match with him, and this broken cane isnt just all for him. im going to flip a fucking wig if i dont get in a ring soon it dosent matter with who or what im not worried... i can and will beat anyone anytime any place hell ill take on 2 or 3 men and wont back down.i am the hardcore fucker that i claim to be nothing bothers me. now im done dammit someone get me another fucking cane and a beer would be nice to

Washoe Valley Crew vs. Devilspawns

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for 1 fall and is for the WZCW Tag Team Championship. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 515 pounds, The DevilSpawns, Disasterpiece and Reaper!!!

The arena goes black, as “For whom the bell tolls fills the arena, white strobes flash and thick white fog seeps up from the grates on the stage. The DevilSpawns stand with the fog and smoke around their legs the crowd erputs with cheers. Spotlight shines on them as they looks around and works the crowd, Reaper lifts out his arms, DP tilts his head back and sprays a mist of blood from his mouth (like how Triple H does it). lights in the arena flicker back on as they start to walk down the ramp. They slide in the ring and each climb a turnbuckle to a huge pop. blood dripping down from DPs mouth he continues to interact with the audience as he raises his arms. looks around the arena, climbs down, Reaper has his arms extended, and wait for their opponents.

Copeland - Hopefully the Devilspawns have read up on some Aristotle and Socrates and learned some ethics since their last match!

Cohen - Oh shut up, Copeland! Still with the cheating!? You know full well that the Devilspawns are just a superb tag team.

Copeland - Yeah. Superb at breaking the rules!

Cohen - Oh please.

Harrys: And their opponents - Weighing a combined weight of 470 Pounds hailing from Washoe Valley, Nevada, The Demon Joe, The Rocker Kenny, THE Washoe Valley Crew!


Copeland - Joe and Kenny! They will be looking to hit their patented Depths of Hell to become the first WZCW Tag Team Champions of the current era!

Cohen - There used to be some great Tag Team Champions in the past, so this is clearly an elite fraternity of competitors...a fraternity that the Devilspawns will be joining!

*The ref holds up both belts, hands them to the timekeeper, and Kenny and Reaper begin the match with a lockup, which Reaper turns into a side headlock. Kenny manages to push Reaper into the ropes and hits a back body drop on Reaper. Then both retreat to their corners to regain compsure. They begin to stare each other down and meet in the middle of the ring face to face as the crowd really gets into it.*

Copeland - You can feel the electricity flowing through the arena right now, Cohen. No moment has been bigger in either team's careers thus far!

Cohen - Oooh! I'm getting chills!

*Once again the two lock up, with Kenny taking the advantage. Kenny applies a side headlock, then moves around to the back of Reaper and hits him with a series of German Suplexes, then tags in Joe.*

Copeland - Early tag to stay fresh, Cohen.

Cohen - Sea-bass, you smell bad.

*Joe hits Reaper with a series of right hands and knife edge chops in the corner, but Reaper soon gains the advantage. He whips Joe into his corner, hits a scoop slam, then delivers a second rope elbow to the heart of Joe. Cover is made..........1..........2...kick out by Joe. Tag is made to Disasterpiece.*

Cohen - Yeah Sea-bass! Here comes Disasterpiece! Give the Devilspawns the belts now!

Copeland - You make a good point, Cohen. Disasterpiece is a former WZCW Tag Team Champion.

*Disasterpiece immediately starts to slug away at Joe, hitting him with numerous clotheslines, punch combos, and finally a devastating neckbreaker. Cover is made.......1.....2....kick out by Joe. The Devilspawns seem to be in control of the match. Disasterpiece then goes after the right knee of Joe with a chop block. He then begins to stomp, punch, pinch, bite, etc, on the knee. Tag to Reaper. Reaper picks up where Disasterpiece left off. He continues to focus on the knee of Joe, locking in a right leg lock. Joe winces in pain.*

Copeland - Joe's knee might not last much longer. He needs to tag out if he can.

Cohen - Sea-bass, thanks for the obvious.

*Reaper then waits for Joe to get up, and then hits his right knee with another chop block. Stomps and elbows are landed on the knee to further the damage. Reaper then holds up the "hook em horns" gesture, to signal that he is going for the Texas Cloverleaf. He gets it locked in! He is in the middle of the ring, and Kenny tries to come in the ring, but the ref blocks him from entering. Seeing an opportunity for some extracurricular activity, Disasterpiece comes in and stomps a mudhole in Joe while he is still locked in the Cloverleaf. He then exits the ring before the ref notices anything has taken place.*

Copeland - Those cheaters! There they go again!

Cohen - Sea-bass, you must have totally ignored the fact that Kenny was trying to enter the ring without being the legal man.

*The ref goes to check on Joe, and he seems to be flirting with unconsciousness. The ref lifts the hand of Joe in the air.............it drops..........1! Lifts a second time...........it drops.........2!*

Cohen - He's out Sea-bass! Devilspawns win!

*The ref raises it a 3rd time........Joe makes a fist! He begins to fight for dear life, but Reaper still has the Cloverleaf applied. But all of a sudden, Joe uses whatever strength is left in his legs to flip Reaper on the mat and counter the hold into an arm bar! Reaper cringes as Joe begins to work on the arm of Reaper. The ref looks at Reaper to see if he wants to submit, but he refuses. Then with a similar immediate feat of strength, Reaper picks up Joe while in the arm bar and counters it into a powerslam. Both lay motionless on the mat.*

Copeland - What heart from both competitors! This is the kind of match that I was hoping for from the beginning!
Cohen - Shut up, Sea-bass. You were hoping for your mom to fix you some Spaghetti-Os.

*1...........2.................3.................4...............5.................6........both competitors are crawling toward their respective corners........7.......8.............9.........Joe tags Kenny! Reaper tags Disasterpiece! Kenny enters the ring with the momentum, totally cleaning house on both Disasterpiece and Reaper, hitting both with diving clotheslines. Kenny then hits Disasterpiece with a Power Chord piledriver! Cover......1......2......kick out by Disasterpiece! Kenny then signals that it's time for the Last Ride....and hits it on Disasterpiece in the middle of the ring. Cover....1.....2..................save by Reaper!*

Copeland - Oh! Almost a 3 count!

Cohen - Whew, that was close...

*Out walks the former WZCW Elite-X Champion, Big Will. He walks down to the ring and has some words with a slightly dazed Joe outside the ring. Kenny is also clearly distracted inside the ring. The ref goes to talk to Will to tell him to leave the ring area. Meanwhile, Reaper goes to the outside, grabs a steel chair and slides it into a groggy Disasterpiece. He sets it up, grabs Kenny, kick to the gut.......EVENFLOW DDT ON THE CHAIR!*


Cohen - HAHAHAHAHA! Yes!

*Disasterpiece quickly gets rid of the evidence, sliding the chair to Reaper. Meanwhile, the ref sees that a cover has been made, while Joe is still outside the ring being distracted by Will. 1.................2.............3! Ding ding ding!*

Copeland - Those cheaters! They swerved their way to yet ANOTHER win!

Cohen - Hey, Sea-bass, that's just smart wrestling.

Harrys - Here are your winners........and NEW WZCW Tag Team Champions..........The Devilspawns!

*The ref raises the hands of the champs as they hold their new titles high in the air. Will embraces both Reaper and Disasterpiece in the ring. Meanwhile, Joe and Kenny seem to be arguing as they walk toward the back.*

Copeland: you know what that sound means

Cohen: Our racist dictator has arrived!

Sincade, Everest and DC make there way to the ring, Sincade is holding a Microphone in his hand, he opens the ropes to allow everest and DC to move into the ring as sincade follow

Sincade: Cohen, you fat piece of s**t, don’t ever say nuting about me again or im gonna take you straight to hell ya feel me?


Copeland: Got anything to say partner?

Sincade: Now down to business, Myles you think you can come down here run your mouth like a donkey in a zoo, that’s fine, but you got a match against the best wrestlers in this business and two of them are standing in this very ring playa!

Sincade hands the mic over to Everest

Everest: You see Chucky, I don’t have a problem with you, you built wzcw into something special, but you see, I don’t appreciate the fact that you run with guys like hasheem, rios, people who would step on there own families to stay on top, you don’t do what’s best for talent

DC grabs the mic off Everest

DC: Chucky ive been here for too long, ive been in battle after battle for WZCW put my heart and soul into this f**king place, and what do I get, nothing, just matches with a champion who likes to post pictures of naked fat men!

Everest and sincade laugh as DC continues to speak on the mic

DC: You boys wanna get in the ring with us?, well your gonna be drinking your meals when where done with you, Rios you f***ot, your gonna have all the time in the world to love those fat boys when me., everest and sincade are done with you, your probably got myles to give you a white shower before the match to get you all riled up!

Suddenly Myles music is heard over the PA

Copeland: Chuck Myles is out with a man in a suite?, this doesn’t look good for our resident GM


CM: Listen Sincade, I enjoyed the fun of you boys ripping me, I love a good rip, now im gonna lay a nice joke on you, you see this man here (points to the man in a black suite) hes my lawyer, and hes been looking over our little agreement from civil revolution, and the funny thing is..

Myles stops and starts to laugh

Myles: Tell em stand go on me boy

Stan: (pulls out a document from his pocket) MR.Sincade, the agreement itself stated a no compete claus, which means that you Violated the terms from the day you stepped into the ring with Mr.Rios, you have automatically lost your position as WZCW General Manager and all power reverts back to Mr Myles!

Copeland: Oh My Goood!

Cohen: Yesss, I cant believe it, sincade is out of the position, bye bye racist dictator!
Myles grabs the mic

Myles: By the way everest and Dc, Your matches for the WZCW Title have been cancelled, your deal was with Sincade, not me and is now none in void children!

Copeland: No, this can’t be

Cohen: That’s what those two get for listening to sincade!

Myles: im a fair man, you boys will get your shot if you do me one favour, leave sincade, pack you bags and go home, that’s all you have to do tonight!

Copeland: Sincade will be left on his own!

Myles is laughing his ass off, he points to DC and Everest and tells them again

Myles: You don’t show up for your match you will be handed Rios on a platter, if you do however decide to work the main event, I will make sure you never get a title shot ever again, and that’s the deal boys

Sincade looks over to DC and Everest, they both shake there heads and walk out of the ring, sincade is left on his own

Myles: That’s good children, smart move (looks over at sincade), now to you, you sick twisted little b**tard, you will regret the day you ever locked horns with chuck myles, ever

Sincade makes his way out of the ring as Chuck moves behind his lawyer, sincade tries to grab him as chuck throws his lawyer at him and runs, Sincade proceeds to beat the lving hell out of him ripping his suit up, sincade boots him in the head and takes the contract ripping it to shreds, his music plays as the screen fades
Copeland: coming up is the Elite X championship match between Gus and Will. Thing really heated up between these two at Civil Revolution when Will became the First ever Elite x champion.

Cohen: Ever since then these two have been at each other throats over a girl no less.

Copeland: Let’s take you back to show how this War has developed.



"The One" Big Will vs "The Man" Gus

"Famous" by Puddle of Mudd erupts over the sound system, as the fans rise to their feet. Big Will along with Heidi both walk out through the curtain, hand in hand, as Big Will spins Heidi around, only to kiss her. Will then walks to one side of the staging area, looking out over the fans. As he acknowledges them, he turns & walks across all the way to the opposite side, looking out over them as well. Finally, Will meets Heidi in the middle, as they both begin walking down toward the ring, only to stop again. Heidi drops to her knees, as she clutches Will's left leg, only for Will to raise his arms in the air as pyro shoots off from all over the staging area!! Heidi gets up to her feet, as they both continue walking toward the ring. Heidi jumps up onto the apron, sitting on the middle rope, holding it open for Will as he enters the ring, only to walk directly to the far side corner & climb onto the middle rope, raising his arms to the booing fans in the arena.

Harrys: Coming to the Ring weighting 230 lbs hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada "The One" Big Will and his opponent.

"Holy Driver" by Killswitch Engage interrupts over the speakers, as the fans burst in cheers. Suddenly, pyro explodes with the letters "G.U.S." appearing over the main screen, as Gus walks out from the curtain, with the Elite X Championship around his waist. Instead of the normal smile, & happy look, Gus is intensely focused on the ring, & Big Will. Gus unstraps the Championship from around his waist, as he proceeds to place it over his shoulder, as he continues to walk down toward the ring, not taking his eyes off Big Will who's staring directly back at him. Gus slowly starts walking up the stairs, as he's standing on the apron, directly in front of Will. Both men with intense, cold stares toward the other.

Harrys: Coming to the ring hailing from Reno, NV. one third of the Washoe Valley Crew. "The Man" Gus.

Suddenly, Heidi gets Gus' attention, as he turns to look toward her. In a split second, Big Will charges Gus, spearing him through the ropes as both men fall to the arena floor!!! Will climbs on top of Gus, only to unload with a flurry of fists to Gus' head, punching him repeatedly with lefts. The official is yelling for Will to get off & get Gus in the ring, so the match can officially start. Will refuses to listen, as he continues punching away.

As Will finally gets up, he grabs Gus by the hair, jerking him to his feet. Will attempts to ram Gus' head into the ring post, however Gus reverses, sending Will's head hard into the ring post, causing him to fall to his knees. Gus then begins unloading with right's of his own to the head of Will, who can't block them as fast as they come. Gus picks Will up, only to whip him hard into the steel steps, as it sends Will crashing knees first, flipping him up & over to the other side. Gus quickly stays on pace, as he follows Will around the steps.
Will is on his knees, trying to crawl away, as Gus grabs him by the hair, pulling him up to his feet, only to whip him into the guardrail nearby. Gus follows Will in, as he clotheslines Will over the guardrail, into the fans! The official still trying to plead with both men to take it into the ring, as the match has yet to officially start. Gus ignores the official, as he follows Will over the guardrail.

Will has gotten back to his feet, but is trying to make his way through the fans, in an attempt to get away from Gus. Meanwhile, Gus closes in on Will, as he grabs Will by the hair, spinning him around only to connect with more solid right hands to the face. Gus acts like he's going to whip Will back toward the guardrail, but reverses it & sends Will hard into the back wall of the lower section of the arena. Will crumbles to the ground, leaned up against the busted part of the wall.

Gus still staying on him strong, grabs Will & pulls him up to his feet. Will with a quick poke to the eye, as Gus releases Will's hair, clutching his eyes. Will takes this opening to flapjack Gus up & down across the railing next to the wall. Will then throws his hands toward Gus, who's clutching his throat, as Will proceeds to walk back toward the ring.

As Will gets to the guardrail, hes slowly climbing up & over, as the fans are going crazy. Suddenly, as Will gets over the guardrail, out of nowhere Gus flies through the air, leaping over the guardrail, taking Will down with a body tackle. Gus begins punching Will on the arena floor, at ringside, as a second official comes out trying to seperate the two wrestlers & get them to the ring. Gus gets to his feet, as the two officials come in between Gus & Will, trying to calm Gus down. Meanwhile, Will begins crawling away toward the announcer's table, as he uses that to pick himself up.

Will is leaning against the table, as Gus finally shoves both officials out of the way, only to charge toward Will, who's waiting for him as he punches Gus in the gut, then slams his head against the announcer's table. Will then proceeds to grab a nearby cable cord & wrap it around Gus' neck, choking him out as the two officials start yelling at Will to release him. Will refuses to release the choke, as the officials begin grabbing at Will's arms, trying to pry him away from Gus.

Will finally releases grip on the cable cord, as Gus falls to his knees. The officials are demanding that Will take the match into the ring, so it can officially start, but Will shoves one official down & yells back at the other one to get out of the way. Will grabs Gus, as he drags him around ringside to the opposite side, only to pick him up & shove him against the guardrail. Will then tosses Gus over the guardrail, as he climbs up & over himself, as both men go into the crowd on the other side of the arena.

Will picks Gus up, into a piledriver type position, only for Gus to reverse Will into a back body drop, as Will falls hard onto the cement floor. Gus turns around, seemingly still out of breath from the cable being around his neck, as he picks Will up, only for Will to kick Gus in the gut & begin dragging him up the nearby flight of stairs. The fans in the arena are going crazy over both men being in the crowd. Will grabs a drink from one of the fans, as he takes a sip, only to spit it back out in Gus' face. Will then shoves Gus all the way back down the steps they climbed up.

As Will slowly walks down, he trash talks with some of the more rowdier fans. Upon getting back to ground level, Will goes to pick Gus up, but Gus grabs Will's tights & pulls him, sending him chest first into the guardrail. Will grabs his chest, as he falls against the railing, meanwhile Gus gets to his feet, & punches Will back over the railing. Gus climbs over himself, as Will is slowly getting up off the floor, only for Gus to directly kick Will low, as Willl crumbles to the ground.

Gus grabs Will once again by the hair, dragging him around ringside back to the aisleway leading toward the entrance. Gus places Will into a piledriver position this time, only for Will to counter by sweeping the feet & then Will proceeds to catapult Gus into the ring post. As Gus bounces head first off the post, it appears that he's been slightly busted open. Two more officials rush out from the back, as four of them are now pleading with both men to get in the ring to start the match.

Will turns to one, only to punch him out of nowhere, meanwhile, Gus with blood beginning to run down his face punches another. Will & Gus then turn their attention back to each other, as both men suddenly start firing off left & rights to each other standing in place. The crowd heats up with cheers, as Will gets the upper hand, by delivering a knee to Gus, causing him to double over. Will then proceeds to whip Gus half way down the aisleway, into the railing on the side.

Will slowly walks down the aisleway, as he gets closer to Gus, both men slowly finding their way back to the entrance curtain & staging. As Will closes in on Gus, he doesn't see that Gus has pulled part of the guardrail off, as Will gets close enough, Gus blasts Will with what seems to be a hard, possibly metal board. Will falls to the ground, as Gus then climbs on top & begins unloading with even more rights to Will's face.

Several more officials come out, as there are now a total of 8 officials around Gus, trying to pull him off Big Will, as road agents begin coming out from the back as well. Gus gets off Will, as he's surrounded by several officials & road agents. Meanwhile, the officials not holding Gus back, are checking on Will, who's also been busted open by either the fists, or the metal board.
Gus easily pushes past the officials & agents around him, as he grabs Will & proceeds to drag him by the hair, back toward the ring. Along the way, Gus rams Will's head into the railing, then continues to ringside, sending Will into the ring. Gus grabs a nearby fan's canadian flag, as the main official for the match gets in the ring, & awaits Gus to get in. Gus, still with the canadian flag slides into the ring, as the official calls for the bell to finally start this match!!

Gus begins using the canadian flag to choke Big Will around the throat on the mat. As the official starts yelling for Gus to quit, otherwise he'll have to Disqualify him. The official begins counting, as Gus doesn't let up. The official gets to 4 before Gus finally releases the choke, coming to a standing position as he unfolds the flag, only to spit on it & toss it down at ringside. The Oklahoma fans cheer Gus on.

Gus wipes the blood away from his eyes, & off his face, as he grabs Will by the hair picking him up against the ropes. Gus whips Will to the far side as he sets up to deliver a clothesline, however as Will rebounds off the far side ropes, Will ducks underneath the attempted clothesline, bouncing off the opposite side & connecting with a flying forearm to Gus, as both men lay on the mat. Suddenly Will nips up off the mat, as the fans in the arena boo wildly. Will walks over to Gus, only to stomp directly on his face. Will looks out to the fans, as the continue booing him, only for him to seemingly feed of it, as he drags Gus to the nearest corner, setting him up against the bottom turnbuckle.

Will walks away, only to turn & rush in, attempting a baseball slide dropkick, however Gus quickly moves out of the way as Will racks himself against the post!! Gus rolls out of the ring, as Will is slowly pulling away from the post, holding his crotch. Gus quickly grabs Will's feet, pulling him back only to crotch him against the post a second time. This time Gus twists Will's legs against the post, as he then locks in a version of the figure four leg lock, around the ring post!!!! Will yells out in pain, as the official slides out of the ring, demanding that Gus break the hold.

Gus wrenches the hold tighter, as the official begins counting Gus out of the ring. 1... 2.... 3...... Gus continues to wrench the hold, not seemingly caring. 4...... 5......... 6............ Gus finally releases the hold, and breaks the count by sliding back into the ring. Will is grabbing his left knee, as Gus drags him out & goes for a quick cover. The official gets down to make the count.. 1................................ 2........................ Will kicks out.

Gus gets to his feet, only to yell out to the fans, seemingly full of energy, dispite still losing blood from his open wound. Gus picks Will up, then goes for the REALITY BENDER, however in mid-air Will counters into a WILL TO WIN!! Will turns over, as he places an arm over Gus' chest, the official gets down to count.. 1............................... 2............................ Gus kicks out.

Will & Gus both slowly start to get to their feet, as both men begin slugging each other with lefts. Will seemingly wins the slugfest, as he backs Gus up against the ropes. Will goes to whip Gus toward the far side, but quickly brings him back & delivers a hot shot, dropping Gus throat first across the top rope, as it slingshoots him back into the center of the ring. Will takes this opportunity to climb up the turnbuckles to the top rope. As Will stands for a moment on the second turnbuckle, outside the ring, he looks out to the fans, then climbs all the way up, only to leap off delivering an elbow drop to Gus' chest! Will goes for the cover, as the official gets down to make the count.. 1...................................... 2................................. Gus barely gets an arm up, but does so before the three count, allowing the match to continue.

Will glares at the official, questioning the count & almost second guessing himself, as he seems to be getting rattled. Will then looks over toward Heidi, as he motions for her to get something. Heidi, however, doesn't seem to understand, or isn't willing to proceed with the request, as she doesn't move. Will gets to his feet, as he starts to walk over toward the ropes, looking down at Heidi, as he points toward the time keeper, now yelling for her to grab a chair. Heidi shakes her head no, as she tells him he can win without it.

Gus uses this time to slowly get his strength back, as he's picking himself up off the mat. Gus then rushes in behind Will, rolling him up into a cradle pin, as the official gets down to make the count. 1.............................. 2........................... Will kicks out & almost instantly gets to his feet, as he delivers a stiff clothesline to Gus knocking him back down. Will then proceeds back to the ropes, as Heidi is walking toward the time keeper. Will once again yells for Heidi to grab a chair, as this time she does, then holds it up, almost taunting Will.

Once again, Gus is using this time to slowly get back to his feet, as Heidi tosses the chair over Will's head, into the ring. As Will watches the chair fly up & over his head, he turns around, only to be met with a kick to the gut, knocking him into the turnbuckles in the corner. Gus lifts Will up in the corner, crotching him on the top turnbuckle, as he proceeds climbing up himself, only to begin punching Will repeatedly in the head. The official comes over & begins counting to 5, trying to get Gus to stop. Gus then attempts a suplex, however Will counters in mid-air into a cross body block, accidentally kicking the official in the face on the way down, knocking him out. Will is covering Gus, but notices the official out & quickly gets off the cover & goes to the chair.

Will grabs the chair, only to turn his sights back at Gus, who is still laying on the mat. Will positions himself directly over the head of Gus, as he begins raising the chair above his head. Suddenly, as Will attempts smashing the chair down onto Gus' head, Gus counters by kicking the chair back up into Will's head, sending him backwards to the mat.

Gus gets to his feet, as he instead of attempting anything, notices the chair & picks it up himself. At this time, Gus raises the chair for the fans approval, as he walks over toward the ropes, awaiting Will to get to his feet. Suddenly, Heidi gets up onto the apron, reaching in & grabbing the chair from Gus, however Gus won't let go, as both Heidi & Gus play tug-o-war with the chair, allowing Will to get back to his feet.

Will waits patiently for Gus to turn back around, as he then quickly attempts a WILLENNIUM only for Gus to duck out of the way, causing Will to connect on Heidi!!!!!!!! Heidi crumples off the apron in a heap to the floor, as Will turns back around, Gus kicks him then delivers a REALITY BENDER!! Gus goes for the cover, then notices Heidi laid out, outside the ring. Gus quickly slides off the cover & outside the ring to check on Heidi, as he's waving for help from the back.

The official in the ring is slowly starting to get to his feet, as more officials rush out from the back to check on Heidi. Will slowly starts to move, & notices Gus not paying attention. Will then decides to lay back down, as if he was playing possum. The officials begin looking over Heidi, as they urge Gus to back away. Gus slides into the ring, noticing Will still "out" as he then turns his attention back toward the outside of the ring, at Heidi.

Will takes this opening to quickly get to his feet, rush behind Gus & roll him up, laying with his full body weight across Gus' legs & chest, bent together. Will also hooks the tights, as the official in the ring makes the count.. 1......................................... 2................................................. 3!!!!! Gus tries to kick out, but its too late, as Will quickly rolls out of the ring, almost sprinting around ringside to the time keeper, grabbing the Elite X Championship, as the official slides out of the ring to raise Big Will's hand at ringside. The announcer holds up the mic.. "Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the match.. and NEW ELITE X CHAMPION.. 'THE ONE' BIG WILL!!!!" Big Will looks as if he's crying, as he wipes his hair back from his eyes & front of his face, staring intently at the Elite X Championship, then hugging it.

Gus, still in shock is staring at Big Will with fury on his face, but quickly waves it off, as his attention still turns back to Heidi. This time Gus rolls out of the ring, as the officials & medical staff are slowly putting Heidi onto a cart. Will walks around ringside, noticing whats going on, but quickly blows it off, as he walks straight passed all of it, down the aisle to the entrance, turning around one more time, only to hold up the Elite X Championship!!!
We are taken to Chuck Myles’ locker room/office and we see him talking to Mohammad Hasheem and Rajeem. Rajeem is in a suit, where the other 2 guys are in wrestling gear.

Myles: I’m really nervous about tonight.

Hasheem: Listen, Chuck. You have me and 2 others jokes for teammates tonight. But to be honest, you are truly safe with me. I mean Manzo will screw you over for a bucket of chicken, and Rios will –

Suddenly, the WZCW Champion, Joseph Rios barges into the room, also in wrestling gear, he already starts to talk as soon as he gets in the ring.

Rios: Chucky, are you ready for toni –

He sees Hasheem and gets pissed off.

Rios: What in the hell is this thing doing here?

Hasheem: Hey!! You watch your damn mouth!!

Rios and Hasheem get into a stare down

Rios: Go ahead!! Do something! I dare you.

Hasheem: Maybe I’ll –

Rios: Yea just –

They start yelling over each other’s voice, as Chuck gets in between them and pulls them apart.

Myles: Hey!! Come on, now!! We have a huge match soon, get on the same fricken page already!!

Rios: Oh, me and you are, boss. But what about this camel, hash-brown, big-nose duffus?

Hasheem grabs his nose to see if it is as big as Rios said it was.

Rios: I’m the captain of this team, just like I am the leader, I am the World Champion of WZCW, and don’t you forget it!!

He then goes a step forward, but Rajeem pulls him back.

Rajeem: Shee-Shee, Kallah, Maha, Divooneh!!

Hasheem and Rajeem start laughing.

Hasheem: Yea, Dallah, A Khallah Shadah!! Doo eshen!! Haha.

Rios interrupts Hasheem and Rajeem.

Rios: Hey!! English!! What the hell is he saying, Chuck? Tell me what you’re saying, Hash brown!!

Hasheem: Don’t worry about it.

Rios: Don’t tell me to not worry about –

Hasheem extends his hand, as Rios silences. Rios stares at the hand and then at a smiling Hasheem. Rios grabs Hasheem’s hand tightly as the 2 shake hands firmly. Rios goes to leave, but Hasheem pulls him back and they have another stare down. Rios snatches his hand back, as he massages his wrist. Hasheem taps the World Heavyweight Championship title belt on Rios’ shoulder. Rios looks at the title and then looks at Hasheem, eyes bulging out. Hasheem whispers:

Hasheem: I want that title; I’m coming to get it.

Rios whispers back:

Rios: Anytime.

Rios smiles as he exits the locker room, leaving Hasheem squinting, giving Rios a look.

Copeland: I can’t believe it Will is our new champion….Again.

Cohen: Believe it Copeland, Will and Gus are playing hot potato with the title. This battle is far from over.

Copeland: this is the match that everyone is waiting for. Team Sincade vs. Team Myles. Finally it going to happen Sincade and Myles in the same ring

Cohen: This is where the crap stops. This is where all the bantering ends. It goes time Copeland!

Copeland: here a look back at how this match came to happen.


Team Sincade Vs Team Myles

“Ya Leily” blares out and boos erupt across the arena as Mohammed Hasheem comes out from the curtain, dressed in expensive looking white robes, his hands high in the air.

Harry: … weighing in at 285lbs, hailing from Ramallah City, Mohammed Hasheem!

Hasheem ignores the boos from the fans as he walks down the aisle and onto the apron. He yells at the referee to open the ropes up for him, which he does, before starting to undress for the match.

Harry: Next, weighing in at 585lbs, from Hiroshima Japan, the Pride of Japan, Hatchiyama Manzo!

Manzo walks out from the curtain, “Sumo” playing loudly. Tanaka is not by his side for once, and he is smiling and waving to the fans, which are a mixture of cheers and boos, unsure what to do with the returning Japanese giant. Manzo stops at the ring, staring at Hasheem, who looks back without a shred of emotion showing. Manzo is frowning at Hasheem, and it’s obvious he doesn’t approve of his partner. Before anything can happen, “If It All Ended Tomorrow” plays out and the boos becomes deafening.

Harry: And finally, the World Heavyweight Champion and the Owner of WZCW, Joseph ‘The Main Event’ Rios and Chuck Myles!

The music roars loudly and arrogantly the World Champion and the Boss make their way out, Myles slapping Rios on the back and yelling words of encouragement as they make their way to the ring.

Copeland: I wonder why Myles didn’t come down to his own music Cohen? Could it be that last time he tried that with Sincade in charge, Sincade ridiculed him and made a mockery of the owner?

Cohen: More likely that Myles isn’t stupid and knows that the Sincade wouldn’t be above attacking him backstage just to avoid him in the ring tonight.

Copeland: Are you suggesting that Sincade is afraid of Myles? After what we saw him do to his office?

Cohen: Just watch the match Copeland, I swear the boss isn’t stupid enough to let that no good Sincade get the better of him.

"IIIIIIIT'S SHOWTIME!" comes loud and clear over the tanoid as Nate Thorpe makes his way out to ‘Stronger’. His usual cheery exterior is gone, instead he looks focused and drab, totally devoid of anything

Harry: And their opponents, first, weighing in at 225lbs, from Atlanta, ‘Showtime’ Nate Thorpe!

Copeland:It’s a brave move by Thorpe to come out here tonight and I think I can speak for everyone when I saw we mourn the loss of his uncle this last week.

Thorpe’s entrance is uneventful, as he has not the energy it seems to come alive. The cheers are broken up by ‘Name of the Game’ and the arrival of one of the two Number One contenders, D.C! D.C is smiling and rocking his way to the ring, without Lindsey, sliding in under the bottom rope before climbing the turnbuckle, staring at his opponents across the ring.

Harry: And co-number one contender, weighing 21lbs and hailing from Santa Ana, D.C!

The crowd barely has time to cheer before D.C’s music is cut off and replaced by ‘Supernova Goes Pop’. The crowd cheers get even louder, if that’s possible, and the curtain parts once again.

Harry: And the second co-number one contender, weighing 205bs, he is the Pinnacle of Perfection, he is Everest!

The lights go out for a second and when they kick back on Everest stands in the middle of the ramp soaking up the cheers. He makes his way to the ring rather hastily stopping to tag some of the fans, double taking at a particularly sexy lady near the ring, walking back and leaning on the banister, looking like he’s going to talk to her, before laughing and continuing down the aisle.

The Arena goes dark, all you hear is the Arena Fans screaming. Then a Spotlight shine at the top of the stage ramp. You see the band Deep purple rising from the stage. You hear the crowd roar.


Smoke Start to build up at the entrance ramp. Then when the songs start Sincade walks out with a water bottle. He takes a drink and pours it on his head. He walks to the ring and stares at the front rows of the Crowd his then walk to the side of the Ring and stand on the Apron he then spread his arms quickly (raven) as Pyro goes off Behind him (old Shawn Micheals)

After a brief talk in the corner, D.C stays in the ring looking to start the match off as Sincade, Thorpe and Everest climb onto the apron. Team Myles continues to talk for a few moments later then, much to everyone’s surprise, Chuck Myles himself seems to shun everyone out of the ring.

Copeland: Myles is ready to start this off himself?! Well I have to say this is unexpected!

Cohen: Don’t be so naive Copeland I’ve fought Myles back in the day and he’s one tough son of a bitch.

D.C smiles at having to wrestle Myles, and cautiously advances on the owner of WZCW. Myles is yelling at D.C to bring it on, waving his hands up and challenging D.C to come get him. D.C makes a move towards Myles, who quickly steps back and slaps the hand of Manzo, involuntarily tagging him into the match. D.C stops and shakes his head as Myles smiles deceitfully, climbing out of the ring whilst Manzo steps in with a slowness that expresses his disdain for his position. D.C swiftly charges Manzo before he finishes climbing through the ropes, unloading rights and lefts at the Japanese giant until Manzo pushes out with his right arm, throwing D.C backwards halfway across the ring to the floor. D.C falls backwards, but rolls through back onto his feet and runs at Manzo again, showing no fear as he continues the onslaught of blows, lefts and rights pounding against the big mans chest and head, before running back to the ropes to gain momentum. Manzo tries to catch D.C with a heavy clothesline, but D.C easily ducks underneath, comes off the opposite rope and flies through their air for a hard flying forearm shot to the chest. Manzo stumbles but doesn’t go down, so D.C runs at the ropes again to the cheers of the crowd, but this time Manzo is aware and hits a vicious sidekick to D.C, knocking him down to the ground hard, rolling across the canvas in pain and out of the ring from sheer momentum. As Manzo advances towards the ropes, Nate Thorpe has climbed the turnbuckle and leaps off to axe handle Manzo, but Manzo turns and catches Thorpe in his arms and unleashes a powerful belly-to-belly suplex, sending Thorpe crashing to the ground. As Manzo gets back up, Everest runs in and lands a picture perfect dropkick on Manzo, who again stumbles but doesn’t seem too fazed, not going down. Everest looks to the crowd, before running at Manzo again, ducking another clumsy looking clothesline and jumping up onto his back, locking Manzo in a sleeper hold. The crowd are cheering and Manzo tries to grab Everest, who holds on until his arms become more sluggish, and for the first time Manzo drops down to one knee. The crowd are going ballistic now, until Manzo roars and pulls himself back to his feet, runs backwards and crashes his body back into the corner post, crushing Everest. Everest instantly lets go, slumping down into the corner, whilst Manzo walks, groggily, out into the middle of the ring. Shaking the cobwebs out, he walks to the opposite corner and runs at Everest, turning at the last moment and crashing his hips and behind into Everest’s head. As he rolls out of the ring, Manzo turns to Sincade, the only member of the team still standing, asking him to get in the ring.

Copeland: Oh my god, Manzo has just laid out most of Team Sincade!

Cohen: Manzo said no one stood a chance and he’s just proved it Copeland, he’s just too big, and anyone who gets into the ring with him must be crazy.

Copeland: Well call D.C crazy as he’s back on the apron.

D.C has climbed back on the apron and is poised and ready, and as Manzo turns around he springs up onto the top rope, using it as a slingshot and launches himself high into the air, clearing Manzo’s head and mule-kicking him in the back and his lands. D.C lands and jumps forward, making the tag to Nate Thorpe, who has only just climbed back onto the apron. Manzo stumbles forward from D.C’s kick, but manages to grab the top rope and so doesn’t go down. Nate Thorpe hesitates for a moment, before running forward and hitting a dropsault on Manzo, who again stumbles back but doesn’t go down.

Copeland: I think Team Sincade is running out of options against Manzo here Cohen.

Cohen: To be honest I don’t think they had a lot of options to begin with!

Manzo holds his hand up, challenging Thorpe to a test of strength. Thorpe looks apprehensive and cautiously approaches, his hand up. Just as they get close, Thorpe instead kicks Manzo in the stomach. Manzo stares at Thorpe before throwing a heavy chop to the forehead, taking Thorpe down again. Grabbing him by his dreadlocks, Manzo throws Thorpe to the corner, walks to the opposite side, then charges towards the stunned opponent, jumping up and landing a devastating full body avalanche. Thorpe crumples, but before he can hit the floor, Manzo grabs his massive arms around him, and throws him across the ring with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex.

Copeland: You have to feel for Nate Thorpe, out here wrestling tonight after what happened to his Uncle this past week. You can tell his mind is not in the match.

Cohen: Don’t start making excuses for your team Copeland, he’s getting beat that’s it!

Copeland: My team? I’m unbiased here I just happen to have some idea of what’s actually happening in the ring and not just where the guy that pays our wages is.

Manzo gets up whilst Thorpe barely moves, and begins a slow and deliberate destruction of his opponent. A heavy leg drop from the ropes is followed by another, and Manzo grabs Thorpe up to finally put him away. Reaching down, Thorpe reaches up quickly and rakes Manzo in the eyes, causing the giant to back away. Continuing with the burst of energy, Thorpe gets up and runs to the ropes, and tries to hit a crossbody on Manzo. Manzo counters and catches Thorpe, before yelling in Japanese and hitting him with the Fallout Slam (Worlds Strongest Slam). Thorpe crashes heavy to the floor, and the ref goes down to make the count … 1 … 2 … 3! Nate Thorpe is eliminated by the Pride of Japan, Hatchiyama Manzo!

Cohen: One down and three to go, I don’t think the rest of Team Myles need be anything more than glorified cheerleaders to the man in the ring right now!

Copeland: I wouldn’t sell the rest of Team Sincade short, you have three number one contenders over there waiting to give it their all.

The fans boo as Manzo walks back to his corner, arms raised. Joseph Rios is leaning over the top rope, yelling at Manzo, his hands are making a crushing motion, bringing his hand down onto the other.

Copeland: He’s telling Manzo something I … I think he wants the Hiroshima Bomb!

Cohen: The Champ has the right idea, finish the job now whilst he’s down.

Manzo is shaking his head, telling Rios he won’t do it. Suddenly, Rios climbs into the ring and points at Thorpe, still yelling at Manzo to do it. Manzo turns to climb out onto the apron, but Rios grabs his shoulder and pulls him back round, getting into Manzo’s face for him to attack Thorpe. Manzo again yells at Rios in Japanese. Rios looks away pissed then shoves Manzo, who hardly moves. Manzo’s eyes become wide and angry, and he shoves Rios back so hard that he tumbles down to the floor. With Myles yelling at him, Manzo leaves the ring and walks down away from the match down the aisle. The crowd cheer as everyone in the ring can’t believe what’s happening. The referee comes to, and begins the count on Manzo.

Cohen: No! What are you doing?! You’re in the main event you big Japanese dope!

Copeland: He’s standing up for what’s right, that’s what he’s doing! He’s never liked being apart of Myles’ master plan and he’s showing it now!

The referee continues counting … 7 … 8 … 9 … 10! That’s it! Manzo is counted out of the match! Myles and Rios can’t believe it, and as the crowd cheer, Hasheem takes advantage of the situation and quickly gets into the ring to attack D.C, the now legal man from Team Sincade. Hasheem knocks D.C down with a club to the back of the head, and begins stomping him repeatedly. The boos echo through the arena as Hasheem stops and stands above D.C, arms raised and yelling Arabic into the air. Suddenly, as Hasheem reaches down to pick up his beaten opponent, D.C rolls him up into a mini-package! The ref goes down 1 … 2 … Kick out by Hasheem! Hasheem angrily gets to his feet and goes to hit D.C with a right hand, but it’s blocked and D.C hits Hasheem with a right hand of his own, and then another and another until Hasheem is on the ropes. D.C tries to throw him across the ring, but Hasheem reverses him, throwing D.C to the ropes, who jumps up onto the second rope, springs off and turns in mid air, grabbing Hasheem round the head and landing a shocking tornado DDT. Both men are lying on the ground, barely moving. The crowd are cheering and chanting D’C’s name as he begins to crawl slowly to his corner and the outstretched hand of Everest. The people are clapping and cheering as D.C gets closer, but Hasheem has gotten to his feet and grabs D.C’s foot. Hopping up to a vertical base, D.C rolls forward in a 360 ball, kicking Hasheem in the chest and knocking him back, as D.C jumps forward and makes the tag to Everest. The fans go wild as Everest lays down Hasheem with a right hand, and as Hasheem quickly gets back up, Everest levels him with another. Waving his hands for Hasheem to get up again, he runs off the ropes, but gets a knee in the back courtesy of Rios. Boos echo throughout again as Everest stumbles forward, and Hasheem kicks him in the gut, before levelling him with a DDT. Sitting up, Hasheem pulls Everest up and drags him to Team Myles corner, and tags in the World Champion Joseph Rios. As Hasheem holds his arm up, Rios kicks Everest in the ribs, dropping him back down to the ground.

Cohen: Even with Manzo gone Team Sincade just can’t get the job done here.

Copeland: Team Sincade took an early pounding from Manzo, and Team Myles have taken every shortcut there is to keep that advantage. And this match is a long way from over Cohen.

Rios picks up Everest and berates him, before slapping him across the face. Rios grabs Everest’s arm, picks him up to his feet, and lifts him up and over in a beautiful suplex. Moving behind Everest, Rios locks in a sleeper hold and applied the pressure as the referee checks to make sure Everest isn’t being choked. D.C begins a clapping chant on the apron, trying to invigorate Everest into fighting back out of the hold. Everest’s hands begin to shake and his foot twitches, but even as the crowd roar in approval it slows and stops, and the referee comes to check Everest for consciousness, raising his arm in the air … it drops once … it drops twice … it drops NO! Moments before falling for the third and final time, Everest balls his fist and starts shaking his head. Rios starts yelling for Everest to give it up and he fights his way to his feet, and elbows Rios in the chest once and then twice, causing Rios to let go of the hold. Rios and Everest begin throwing rights at each other, standing toe to toe slugging it out in the middle of the ring, with Everest finally getting the upper hand, throwing right after right, forcing Rios to the ropes. Throwing him across the ring, Everest ducks to back bodydrop Rios, but Rios counters with a jumping knee-lift to the face, sending Everest stumbling backwards. Rios kicks Everest in the stomach and pulls him between his legs, looking to land the Perfect Shot, but Everest counters with the back bodydrop he was looking for earlier, and falls to his knees as Rios goes over his head to the mat. The crowd go wild as both men start to crawl to their corners to make the tag. Hasheem has his hand outstretched and Rios gets to his feet first, shaking his head clear before making the tag. As Hasheem climbs into the ring and runs towards to fallen Everest, Everest manages to leap forward and make the tag to D.C. Hasheem keeps the momentum going and attacks D.C on the apron before he can get into the ring, but D.C ducks low and shoulders Hasheem in the ribs, then sunset flips over the rope for a quick roll up pin! The ref goes down … 1 … 2 … Kick up by Hasheem!

Copeland: D.C seems to have Hasheem’s number in this match, that’s twice now he’s almost got a swift victory over this man.

Cohen: The only number that matters in this match is the number three, and the ref hasn’t given that number to D.C yet Copeland, remember that.

As Hasheem kicks out, he quickly turns to attack D.C, who ducks under a right hand, jumps up behind Hasheem and locks himself around Hasheem’s arms in a crucifix, pulling Hasheem back and making another quick count! … 1 … 2 … Kick out again by Hasheem! Hasheem gets up again, fuming now and turns to attack D.C, but again D.C is quicker off the mark and leaps up high, flipping through the air to hurricanrana Hasheem, but Hasheem manages to hold D.C up in the air and hit a massive powerbomb! Keeping hold of D.C’s legs, he pulls him back up off the mat and powerbombs him again, dropping to his knees as he does so. Hasheem mounts D.C’s chest and starts unloading closed fists into his head before the referee forces Hasheem to get off of D.C, who is now cut open above his eye. Hasheem grabs D.C by the hair and throws him into the corner, throwing more shots to the busted open D.C, and then lifts him onto the top rope, climbing to the second rope himself, looking to superplex D.C. As he tries to lift him however D.C fights back, throwing a couple of shots to Hasheem before pushing him off the top to the canvas.

Copeland: The crowds are screaming here, as this is not where Hasheem wants to be with D.C on the top!

Cohen: How is he doing this? D.C must be dead by now!

Copeland: We’ve seen this guy win a title shot in the WZCW Battle Royal, we’ve seen him battle the monster Strife, we’ve seen him face every challenge head on and I don’t think this man knows the meaning of the word die!

D.C, perched on the top rope, looks towards Rios and motions his hands around his waist, then points to Hasheem before leaping off and hitting the Flat Out! Hasheem is holding his chest in pain, but before D.C can capitalise Rios rushes into the ring and attacks him. Everest jumps over the top rope and attacks Rios, before Hasheem recovers and comes to the World Champions aid. The all out brawl continues, with Rios clotheslining Everest out of the ring, and following him to the outside. Meanwhile, D.C hits a rolling mule kick on Hasheem, sending him into the corner, before running across the ring a leaping over the top rope in a suicide somersault onto both Rios and Everest who are still brawling outside the ring, wiping out all three men! The crowd are chanting “This is Awesome!”, and as Sincade gets into the ring the eruption gets even louder. Myles sees Sincade looking at him, realising all the obstacles in his way were no longer there and jumps off the apron as Sincade charges at the owner, and runs around the ring as Sincade gives hot pursuit. Myles ducks round the first post and slides into the ring, heading across to the other side. Sincade is literally seconds behind him, but as he slides into the ring pursuing Myles, Hasheem intercepts him with a devastating full body pounce, sending Sincade across the ring and down to the mat hard. Hasheem backs off and spits on Sincade, yelling at him in Arabic.

Copeland: There is no need for that Cohen, that’s just disrespectful for the sake of it!

Cohen: Don’t be such a girl Copeland, in this business you need to let everyone know exactly what you think of your opponent.

Myles gets back out of the ring at the referees request, who has been breaking up the fight going on the outside, and finally order is restored to the match. As Everest heads around the outside of the ring back to his corner, D.C takes the initiative in the moment of calm and jumps up onto the apron and catapults himself over the rope onto Hasheem, who in a great show of strength manages to catch D.C, throw him onto his shoulders. As Hasheem turns around, Rios slaps Hasheem’s shoulders, making the tag but Hasheem doesn’t notice, and instead walks into the centre of the ring and hits the Toss Breaker! Even as Hasheem gets up, Rios quickly runs into the ring and makes the cover on D.C … 1 … 2 … 3! D.C is eliminated by Rios off of Hasheem’s Toss Breaker! Hasheem looks outraged as Rios stands up, holding his hands in the air in celebration. Hasheem gets in Rios’ face, pointing at D.C as he rolls out of the ring, yelling at Rios for stealing his pinfall.

Copeland: It looks like Rios really isn’t getting along with anyone in this match, first Manzo and now Hasheem!

Cohen: When you’re the World Champion it’s everyone else’s job to follow your lead Copeland, I don’t know what the problem is here.

As Everest gets into the ring, Hasheem and Rios are still arguing until Rios slaps Hasheem straight across the face! Hasheem spins backwards from the slap, straight into the waiting Everest who takes his chance and hits the Rock Slide! Rock Slide on Hasheem! Everest goes for the pin as Rios looks shocked for a moment and then tries to attack, but D.C, who is now out of the ring, grabs Rios’ leg, stopping him from moving! The referee doesn’t see as he’s too busy making the cover …1 … 2 … 3! Everest pins Hasheem! Rios is fuming as D.C lets go, backing off down the aisle with a smirk on his face, his hands up in protested innocence.

Cohen: Damn that D.C, he’s just screwed Team Myles out for their advantage! They pinned him fair and square!

Copeland: D.C stopped Rios interfering with the pinfall, and it was a pinfall he can blame on his own ego at that. I’d call that justice Cohen.

Cohen: How about you shut the hell up Copeland.

The crowd are cheering loudly as Rios slowly turns around worriedly to face both Sincade and Everest. Looking back to his corner with only Chuck Myles for support, Rios looks back to Everest and Sincade who are both smiling. Rios points at Sincade and shakes his head, before pointing between himself and Everest, then holding up one finger.

Copeland: I Think Rios is saying he wants to go one on one with Everest here.

Cohen: This is why he’s the Champ Copeland; he’s outthinking these guys here and appealing to their integrity to make this match a bit fairer for himself.

Copeland: Fair? When has Rios ever cared about what’s fair? He just wants it easier, fair has nothing to do with it.

Everest nods and offers his hand forward. Rios goes in and takes Everest’s hand, and smirks as he pulls forward to blindside the number one contender, but Everest had him scouted the entire time and ducks the forearm shot, arm wrenches back and around Rios and then lands a snap German suplex, sending Rios down to the mat hard. The crowd are still cheering as Everest sits up, tapping his forehead to show he outsmarted the Champ. Everest then picks the World Champion up and tosses him into the corner, before pointing to Sincade on the apron. The crowd go mental as Everest makes the tag, and Sincade grabs the top rope and in one motion, pulls himself up and runs down the length of the rope itself, before leaping off and landing a front dropkick, both feet first, right into the face of Rios, the impact of which takes him up and over the top rope to the outside!

Copeland: Oh my god that was incredible! What athleticism from Sincade there!

Cohen: Don’t be too impressed Copeland, Everest had to blindside to Champ to get him in that position.

Copeland: Blindside? I think old age is getting to you Cohen; it was Rios who tried to attack Everest first!

Cohen: I’m not too old to stick my boot down your throat Copeland.

Cheers are still echoing as Sincade slides out of the ring and picks the champ up by his shoulders, and slams his head into the steel steps, sending him sprawling to the guardrail. As Sincade advances on Rios again, Myles climbs down off the apron and looks to sneak up on Sincade, but Sincade turns around! The crowd peaks as Sincade advances on Myles, but before he gets to him, Rios grabs Sincades hair, swings him around and throws him shoulder-first into the ring post. Sincade cries out in pain as Rios rolls him back into the ring, and starts kicking him in the shoulder, before dropping down and locking in an armbar. As the referee asks Sincade if he gives it up, Rios leans backs and pulls on the bottom rope for pressure. Sincade yelps, and the referee looks up, just in time to catch Rios letting go. Chastising him, Rios is forced to release the hold, so picks Sincade up again throws him to the ropes and tosses him up in the air, catching him as he comes back down for a Samoan drop. The crowd boos as Rios gets up and holds up a finger, shouting for one more. Picking Sincade up, he throws him off the ropes again, but as Rios tosses him up, Sincade manages to turn himself in midair and front dropkick Rios, knocking him down to the ground. Sincade however from such height falls down and lands on the back of his head.

Copeland: Both men need to make the tag here and get to their partner!

Cohen: Partner? The Champ has Myles for support, who is he looking to tag?

Copeland: You’re the one who’s been saying Myles can handle his own Cohen.

Cohen: Shut up Copleand.

Rios is up first as both men head to their corners, but Myles shakes his head and hands and climbs off from the post! Rios has nowhere to turn as he helps himself with the use of the turnbuckle as Sincade makes the tag to Everest! Everest gets through and launches at Rios, hitting right and lefts and then a spinning wheel kick, taking Rios down. Everest has a look of pure determination on his face as he picks up the Champion and grabs his head back, yelling that he’s going to take his title, before locking in the Mountain Climber! The referee is checking Rios to make sure he doesn’t tap out when Myles runs into the ring and kicks him square in the back. Sincade quickly jumps into the ring and goes to attack Myles, but the referee stops him, holding him back. Everest gets up and grabs Myles by the collar, but before he can strike him, Rios low blows Everest hard, taking him down to his knees. Quickly, Rios grabs Everest’s head and lands the Perfect Shot! Rios quickly goes for the pin and although Sincade tries to get into the ring he can’t be the count of 1 … 2 … 3! Rios pins Everest! It’s now two on one, as Sincade has to go against the Boss and the World Heavyweight Champion. Rios turns and faces Sincade and waves him on. Sincade points to Myles, but Rios shakes his head and tells him to come through him first. Myles smiles and waves for the two of them to get to it, before walking down the steps and taking at seat at the announce table!

Cohen: Well this is what I like to see Copeland, finally I have someone worth talking to here on the announce table! Welcome Mr Myles!

Copeland: Myles, you know you’re in a match here right?

Myles: Thanks for the warm welcome Cohen, and Copeland I don’t need to worry about the match, the World Champion is in the ring with a two-bit brawler who has just gotten lucky up until now. Rios is going to show him why he’s ‘The Main event’ tonight in that ring.

Copeland: You better hope so Myles or …

Myles: Or what? Or what Copeland? You wanna think long and hard before you finish that sentence. I don’t fear that wasted piece of crap, I’m the boss here and after tonight everyone is going to realise that.

Rios and Sincade lock up, jostling for position before Sincade turns him into a headlock. Wrenching hard, Sincade drops and tosses Rios over in a headlock takeover and goes for a quick cover … 1 … 2 … Kick out by Rios! Rios is as quick to his feet as Sincade, but is hip tossed back down as he goes to rush his opponent. Rios quickly slides under the bottom rope to get his thoughts back. He looks tired and is obviously breathing heavy. Sincade too is bracing his hands on his knees and breathing fully.

Copeland: The Champion is struggling, he’s been carrying his team for the last twenty-five minutes and he’s feeling the heat now.

Cohen: I don’t see Sincade following him out to the floor Copeland, and remember Rios has Myles out here for support, isn’t that right?

Myles: That’s right, and if I have to get into that ring I’m going to beat Sincade within an inch of his life, and then enjoy taking that last inch!

Rios climbs back up the steps and slowly gets into the ring. Sincade tries to go after him, but the referee stops him until Rios is in the ring. They go to lock up again, but Rios kicks Sincade deep in the chest, doubling Sincade over. Rios throws a couple of shots to Sincades head before landing a running knee lift, taking Sincade down. Quickly Rios goes for Sincades legs, looking to lock in the Picture Perfect, but Sincade kicks him off into the corner. Getting up, Sincade runs and Rios, who moves and runs to the opposite rope as Sincade hits the turnbuckle hard. Rios comes back off the ropes and lands a stinger splash on Sincade, taking him stumbling out of the corner, only for Rios to grabs him round the waist and hit a heavy spinebuster, before going for the pinfall … 1 … 2 … Kick out by Sincade! Rios sits up, shaking his head in disbelief, before picking Sincade up again. Rios tries for a back breaker, but Sincades manages to fight free and hit a Russian leg sweep, taking both men down for the referee to begin the ten-count … 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 …

Copeland: Both men could fail to make the count here, we saw three weeks ago how far they took it with each other!

Cohen: And if that happens Mr Myles here takes the win for his team, not a bad night I’d say Copeland!

7 … 8 … Sincade manages to pull himself up on the ropes, staggering over to Sincade who is still lying on the floor, but as he bends down to pick him up, Sincade rolls Rios up in a mini-package! 1 … 2 … 3!! Sincade pins Rios to make it one-on-one!

Copeland: Sincade did it! He just pinned the World Heavyweight Champion! Sincade just pinned Joseph Rios!

Cohen: Stick a pipe in it Copeland, the Champ just had to go it against two men single handed, this pinfall means nothing!

Sincade gets up on his knees now, his head thrown back, looking straight up the aisle as Rios slowly makes his way up, and the sweat is pouring down Sincades face is obvious for all to see. Chuck Myles, who is currently behind Sincade, begins to slowly make his way off of the announce table and looks to climb over the barricade.

Copeland: That cowardly son of a bitch is trying to make a run for it!

Cohen: Hey, that’s the boss you’re talking about, I’m sure he has a plan.

Copeland: Yeah, flee for his life before …

Sincade suddenly turns his head down and around, looking straight at Myles smiling. He gets up to his feet and makes a ‘bring it on’ motion, telling Myles to get into the ring. The referee walks over to the ropes and starts counting out Myles, who now looks terrified and is shaking his head.

1 … 2 … 3 …

Copeland: Is Myles really that much of a snake that he’ll weasel himself out of this by countout?!

4 … 5 …

Cohen: Why should he get in the ring Copeland, Sincade is an animal, you saw what he did to Myles’ office!

6 … 7 … 8 …

Suddenly, Rios rushes back up the aisle into the ring and crashes into the back of Sincade, causing him to fall forward into the referee, sending him topple to the outside. Both men are on the ground as Rios starts throwing shots at the back of Sincade, until Sincade manages to roll the Champ over and starts brawling across the floor. Myles takes the chance to run into the ring and kicks Sincade in the head, knocking him off the World Champion. Waving his hand towards the Aisle, the curtains part and the rest of Dynasty suddenly rush down towards the ring!

Copeland: No! Goddamn it no, it can’t end like this! Dynasty screwing Sincade from the win!

Cohen: Like I kept on saying Copeland, the Champ and the Boss always have their bases covered!

The Devilspawns, Championship gold around their waist, start kicking Sincade on the floor whilst Rios gets up. Myles directs them to pick up Sincade, who can barely stand, and Will, who was waiting by the side, delivers a thunderous Willennium to Sincade, knocking him straight back down. Myles slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair as Rios mounts Sincade’s prone body and starts throwing rights into his head, when suddenly the crowd cheers as the curtain opens up again.

Copeland: It’s Manzo! The Japanese giant is back!

Cohen: What the hell is he doing back out here, he left, he’s out of the match!

Copeland: How can you even consider this still a match right now!

Cohen: I haven’t heard a bell yet Copeland.

Manzo runs steadily down the aisle and all of Dynasty bar the World Champion, who is still attacking Sincade, bail from the ring. Manzo climbs into the ring just as Rios gets up and turns around just in time to receive a huge throat thrust o Rios, sending him down to the floor and causing him to roll out of the ring clutching his throat, where the rest of Dynasty grab their leader. They are all yelling at Manzo as he turns to shout them to leave the arena, but whilst he yells Myles, chair still in hand, sneaks up behind Manzo and swings it over his head, hard onto Manzo’s back. The crowd boo for but a second, cheering again as Manzo stops yelling, and turns around slowly.

Copeland: That didn’t even faze the man! That was a steel chair and he didn’t even budge!

Cohen: Myles, get out of the damn ring right now!

Myles backs off, falling backwards and moving into the corner as Manzo advances towards him, eyes wide open and anger evident in his eyes. Manzo looks down to the floor and sees the steel chair that Myles drops, and picks it up himself. The crowd cheer even louder, threatening to blow the roof off the building, as Myles starts to beg Manzo. Sincade has finally got back to his feet, his face already bruised and battered.

Copeland: Things don’t look good for the boss here!

Sincade smiles and comes up behind Manzo, placing his hand on his shoulder to move past him. However, Manzo reacts to an unknown touch from behind him, turns on the spot and smashes Sincade over the head with the steel chair! The chair crumples on impact, and Sincade falls straight to the floor, his head busted wide open and blood gushing down his face. He isn’t moving as Manzo looks horrified at his actions. He looks to Myles and then Sincade again, before dropping the chair and leaving the ring, his head looking straight at the floor, his eyes still wide. Myles looks quickly from Manzo to Sincade, before yelling at Rios for something.

Copeland: What does Myles … Oh no I don’t believe this!

Rios has picked the referee back up and is slapping him round the face to bring him round. Rolling back into the ring, the referee crawls over as Myles runs and covers Sincade. The referee makes the pinfall … 1 … 2 … 3! It’s over! Myles pins Sincade to win the match for Team Myles!

Copeland: NO! NO! I don’t believe it, not like this you son of a bitch!

Cohen: He’s a genius! The Boss just pinned his enemy clean in the middle of the ring!

Copeland: Manzo just accidently smashed Sincade wide open, the man is barely twitching!

The referee is checking on Sincade, whose face is a crimson mask, before throwing up the ‘X’ symbol to get a medical team out. However, before they can make their way out, the Devilspawns simply kick Sincade in the ribs and out of the ring to the outside. The referee tries to chastise them, but from no-where Will delivers another Willennium to the referee, sending him down and out.

Copeland: This is a dark day for WZCW, Myles and Dynasty just screwed Sincade from his moment of victory, and the worst news is that they can get away with it!

Cohen: That’s bull Copeland, it wasn’t any of them with a steel chair braining Sincade, it was that man at the top of the ramp!

Copeland: You know as well as me Manzo didn’t know it was Sincade, he came out here to help fight what he saw as wrong!

Cohen: Right and wrong don’t matter here tonight Copeland, all that matters is that image right there!

The Devilspawns, Big Will, Joseph Rios and Chuck Myles have cleaned the ring and, with Myles in the centre, Dynasty proceeds to raise their Championships into the air. The World Championship. The Tag Team Championships. The Elite X Championship. All the official Titles of WZCW held high by the dominating team of Dynasty, now apparently supported by the Boss Chuck Myles. The crowd boos are so loud that Dynasty’s theme can barely be heard over the noise as Manzo looks back, still in shock, before passing through the curtain, leaving Dynasty tall and proud in the centre of the ring, Champions of the World.

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