WZCW Apocalypse Pre-Show

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Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.





Copeland: Welcome all to a brand new era in sports entertainment! I'm your host Sebastian Copeland and along with my colleagues Jack Cohen and Cat Connor we are preparing for the juggernaut of a spectacle, Apocalypse! Good evening to our friends here in the Maracanã Stadium of Rios de Janeiro, Brazil.

Cohen: Yeah, yeah that's all well and good, but there seems to be one extra chair out here. What mook forgot it was just us three? Does Jack need to kick a bitch?

Connor: Or we could just be waiting on somebody...

Cohen: If so, who? I wasn't notified.

Copeland: To be fair, neither was I. Anyways, we're also expecting former World Champion and Number 1 Contender Theron Daggershield to make an appearance. The Zeus/Theron situation has reached a boiling point and now there will be a fire fight inside Hell In A Cell!

Connor: There's no greater way to cap off this behemoth of a feud but inside Satan's Structure. But that's not all. We also have the ever-popular Mikey Stormrage acting captain for Team KickAss as they get ready to take on Team Constantine in a warzone of an 8-Man Tag Team Match. I've got goosebumps just thinking about it.

Cohen: Shut up! We're getting live feed...

Cameras catch a white limousine pulling up into the parking lot. A chauffeur exits the driver's seat and opens a passenger's door. We only catch a glimpse of the person as their back is turned. The man cracks his neck, adjusts his tie, and starts walking towards the arena.

Cohen: Oh come on. Who is it??

Copeland: Must be somebody major. I'm getting excited.

Connor: That clean cut...that frame. I know who it is!

Cohen: WHO?!?







Everest waves to the jam packed stadium spectators. They let out a resounding cheer as he casually strolls over to the WZCW Panel's table.

Connor: The first man ever to be inducted into our Hall of Fame. Two time WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. Mayhem Champion. He talent scouted some of the most promising rookies in our federation, including Cerberus. Let's all welcome Everest!

Everest: Pleasure being here with you all this evening. Can't wait to see what we have for our Kick Off Show!

Copeland: We've received word that it'll be a doozy. A 6-Man Tag Team contest to determine who will face off against the tag team champions later on down the road. Men Of Mayhem...Bearded Ants...Cooper & Keaton...all men look raring to go.

Cohen: A doozy, SeaBass?

Everest: Hell of a Pre-Show Match to get this year going in style. That's for sure.


Kensworth: Leon Kensworth standing by with the number one contender, Theron Daggershield. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Theron.

Theron: Pleasure is all mine, Leonardo.

Kensworth: Kingdom Come saw you and Dr. Zeus fight in what some would call a world shattering endeavor. You lost to The Good Doctor and therefore your world title. What strategy do you have for your Apocalypse rematch here tonight?

Theron: The Day of Lavos...this has always been a grim event. Davkas Diamonddeath thinks this is his night. But the day is mine, for I will smite this darkness before it grows any larger! Friendly bard, I am a changed man. I know who I face in that ring. I know at what lengths he and his cronies will stoop to keep the belt on a poetry spewing madman. The Warblade of Mystra is here to purify the corrupted. This is my solemn vow as a knight. As Theron Daggershield!

Is that so, my holy friend?
I think this is the bitter end.

Dr. Zeus stands next to Theron Daggershield. The two stare each other down. Kensworth goes silent.

Like night and day, we are so polar
A rhyming physician and a heroic dice roller
But answer me this, Theron "The Warblade"
How will you topple this Trinity I made?
I have an army; you a toy sword
How can you be a savior if I am the Lord?
There's no escape when you face Hell-

Theron: I'm not facing you inside Doom In A Dungeon, Davkas- you're facing me! Good will always triumph over evil, and The Day of Lavos has come. You have plagued our federation for far too long! This is the end of your reign. Bards will speak of this night. Tales will be told. So please, rhyme to your heart's content. The only poetry that will matter will be from the minstrels who sing of my victory!

Zeus falls silent. Kensworth collects his thoughts, but is too late. Theron Daggershield walks off. The camera pans up to the Doctor's face. His eyes were like coals on the brink of burning. His grimace was all that was left as the feed ended.


We go backstage where Gino Galucci is seen handing out pizza to various backstage workers.

Gino: Okay guys, I'll have another fresh hot pizza coming right up!

Gino walks to a nearby cart and retrieves a pizza. As he turns around, he turns right into Steven Holmes, splattering him with hot sauce and knocking him down.

Gino: Sorry about that, let me help you up.

Just as Gino tries to help Holmes to his feet, Abel Hunnicutt steps into the picture and grabs Gino's shoulders.

Holmes: I shan't be held responsible for what he is about to do sunshine.

Abel lifts Gino and throws him into the nearby cart. He then kneels over him and begins to rain down heavy blows. As Gino tries to crawl away, Abel grabs a nearby trashcan and slams it over the back of Gino. He then lifts him and throws him headfirst through the window of Everest's limo, leaving him a bloody mess. Backstage techs rush to him as Abel turns to see Holmes hobbling his way toward the scene.

Holmes: Sorry about that.

Copeland: There is no way Gino will be able to compete tonight after that savage assault. What is Team Kick Ass going to do?


Two videos stream live at the same time. On one end, Men of Mayhem converse with one another in conspiring tones. Some trouble has begun to brew as Logan McAllister leaves before Eddie Romero does.

On the other, the lively duo of Cooper & Keaton are still in celebration over their first win as a team. They talk about how great it is that they could possibly be in title contention after their second match together. In high spirits, they proceed to the arena.

Bearded Ants get ready inside their locker room. The Beard finishes up lacing his boots as elegANT brushes off some dirt from his shoulder. They give each other a mutual nod of approval as they go to leave. But someone blocks the doorway.

???: Ciao.

They exchange quick glances at one another, and the clock on the wall. Their theme song was already starting.

???: I'm Tony Mancini.

Mancini offers them a handshake. elegANT awkwardly takes it, and nudges Mancini to get passed. The Beard follows, but Mancini introduces himself again.

Mancini: Ciao. I'm Tony Mancini.

The Beard, exasperated, pushes the Italian Superstar out of the doorway and rushes to catch up with his tag team partner.

Connor: Up next...the 6 Man Tag Team Match!

Everest: Here we go!


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a Number One Contenders Match for the WZCW Tag Team Championship!


After a delay, elegANT comes out from behind the curtain. He waves good-naturedly at the Brazilian fans, but has to make room as The Beard comes out with a towel over his head. The two glance at one another, shrug, and head down the runway- shaking hands with the front row and getting them hyped for the match. Once in, elegANT takes his hat and coat off and hands them to an official. Beard tosses the towel to a nearby fan.

Harrys: Starting first, at a combined weight of 464 pounds, please welcome The Beard and elegANT, Bearded Ants !!!

Everest: Odd. They seem a little distracted. Like somebody held them up.

Cohen: A little unprofessional of them.

Copeland: What matters is they're here now, and this is a most intimidating team. One is a former World Champion after all, and elegANT is no slouch when it comes to high profile matches.

Connor: Not to take away from the others, but when it comes to acknowledgements, Bearded Ants are the favorites coming in.


The initials "RMK' appear on the screen. Lights dim and a spotlight reveals Mark Keaton. Justin Cooper follows closely behind him and together they head down the aisle. Keaton is up front playing air guitar while Cooper rolls his eyes at his young rookie partner. They slide into the ring in unison but as Cooper goes to climb a turnbuckle, Keaton stops him and gets on it himself. Physically distraught, he complains to the referee. Ref Katie Shepard shrugs.

Harrys: At a combined weight of 435 pounds, I present to you "Remarkable" Mark Keaton and Justin Cooper !!!

Copeland: Don't be so sure about putting all your money on the Bearded Ants, Cat. Keaton & Cooper definitely liven up the place.

Everest: But isn't this only their second match as a team? That'd be an upset if they won tonight with a Contendership above all their heads.

Connor: Agreed. They're enjoying themselves, though and that's what counts.

Cohen: Winning is the only thing that counts. Don't lie to the poor guys.


Lights go dark. Red and white lights flicker. when lyrics begin,Spotlights hit both men, with their manager Brittany O'Shea in front, arms wide showing off the two. The trio walks down the ramp, Logan sliding under the ropes while Armando poses on the outside turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Brittany mouths off at fans as she walks up the steps, where Logan and Armando hold the middle rope down for her. They stand center of the ring with Brittany in front, showing Men of Mayhem off.

Harrys: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 525 pounds, Logan McAllister and Eddie Romero...They...Are...Men Of Mayhem !!!

Cohen: Pound for pound the heaviest duo among the six. And these guys have a pinfall victory over guys like Cerberus. You all squabble about Bearded Ants or Cooper/Keaton winning, but my bet is on MoM.

Copeland: Not sure I can get behind that. They've seemed out of sorts lately.

Everest: That happens with teams from time to time. I see some promise here.

Connor: Either way, it's game time! Ring the bell!


elegANT of Bearded Ants and Mark Keaton of Cooper & Keaton to start off first. elegANT gives Keaton a cordial bow. Keaton shakes his head, and gives referee Katie Shepard the signal for a Time-Out. Katie looks on dumbfounded. Keaton begins strumming an invisible guitar and asks elegANT to join him. elegANT motions that he is in fact on air guitar, but that doesn't satisfy his opponent. Keaton starts making riff noises. elegANT tries to copy Keaton's motions, but to no avail. Mark goes over to elegANT and "tunes" his air guitar. Now elegANT gets in the spirit of it as they both start jamming. The audience laughs. Justin Cooper and The Beard tell them both to get to fighting. Men Of Mayhem look on perplexed. elegANT instructs Keaton that he wants a test of strength. He obliges and together they grapple.

Cohen: What the hell was that?

Everest: Honestly, I have no clue.

Copeland: Just a little bit of fun. No harm in it.

elegANT whips Keaton into MoM's corner. Neither man look to tag themselves in this early. The gentleman ant goes for a Stinger Splash and it connects. Keaton massages his chest. elegANT lifts him, stalls, and drops him with a Body Slam Splash. The rocker rolls away while holding his chest, and takes ANT down with a full body Dropkick. They both get up at the same time and lock up for a second time. Now Keaton is on the offense with a Scoop Body Slam. elegANT fights to get back up and go for a second Body Slam Splash but Keaton reverses the move into a Side Suplex! Keaton for a quick pin...1 !....ANT breaks free. Mark for another Side Suplex, ANT with the reversal...Collar and Elbow Suplex! Keaton is back up, but elegANT rolls him up for another pin! 1 !...2 !...Keaton gets a shoulder up.

Connor: To be such a contrasting pair, they both share similar moves. Wonder what else they have in their arsenal.

Everest: There's still fight left in them that's for sure.

Remarkable Mark Keaton whips elegANT into the Cooper & Keaton corner. Justin Cooper makes the hot tag and together they grab a leg and apply the Boston Crab on ANT! The Beard steps into the ring to break their hold, kicking Mark in the back of the head. Katie Shepard's attention goes to Beard as she asks him to return to his side of the ring. With that little bit of time, Justin Cooper executes his Triple Elbow Drop onto the beaten gentleman. Justin Cooper pulls him up, elegANT resists, pushing against the veteran...and they move to Men of Mayhem's side of the ring. Eddie Romero slaps Justin Cooper across the back. Cooper is physically pissed, and tells him he wasn't finished. Katie has to send Justin back to the Cooper/Keaton side of the ring. Romero strikes with a vicious knee buster. elegANT reels as Eddie exits the ring and goes to an opposing apron. He jumps and balances from the top rope, and goes for a Springboard Leg Drop but it misses! elegANT slides away from the attack and tags in The Beard.

Copeland: Business is about to pick up!

Cohen: What a horrible cliche. I expect better from you, SeaBass.

Mancini: Ciao. I'm Henry Mancini.

Evereset: Uhh hi...

Connor: Can we please get Security out here?

While Security take Mancini away from the WZCW Panel, The Beard explodes onto the scene- clotheslines Eddie Romero...Logan comes in but is knocked right back out...Justin Cooper for the tactical strike but is stopped with a Jumping High Knee. Eddie Romero is back up. The Beard plants Eddie with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Romero cringes in pain.


High Speed Leg Drop! Beard goes for a cover but is instantly knocked down by an illegal Logan McAllister. Logan places his boot into Beard's neck! The official starts counting down to 5 but McAllister lets go before 3 and exits the ring. The Beard is enraged and demands Eddie Romero to tag Logan McAllister in. Eddie goes to do it, but suckerpunches The Beard instead. He brings Beard down with a snapmare followed by a dropkick to the back of the head. Beard grunts. Eddie doesn't let up- giving Beard a Snap Suplex with a pin!

1 !

2 !

Beard lifts and throws Romero off of him. Panicked, Romero tags in Logan McAllister. The Beard is back on his feet and they stare each other down. The audience approves of the pairing and together they exchange right fists. The Brazilian fans cheer and boo accordingly: Yes ! No ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! No ! No ! YES ! YES ! NO ! NO !!! Logan gains the upperhand and brings the behemoth down with a haymaker.

Seeing the two compete one another in their own mini feud, Remarkable Mark Keaton leaps from the apron and goes to the WZCW Panel. He slaps a headset on.

Keaton: Sup guys? You guys rockin' out over here or what?

Cohen: The hell is with people coming over here?!

Connor: Might as well make the best of it. Mark, can I call you Mark?

Keaton: Eh I answer to both. Mark or Remarkable.

Everest: Sorry to cut ya short but your tag team partner is in dire straights over there...

True to word, Justin Cooper appears livid. He hops off and demands Keaton to get back in the ring, and questions why he's even over there. Inside, The Beard tags in elegANT and together they deliver a double clothesline to Logan. Mark Keaton gets up from the Panel. Instead of helping his partner, Eddie Romero spots Cooper & Keaton arguing and takes them both out with a fluid Suicide Dive! Keaton hits his head on the corner of the table and is clearly knocked out! Back in the ring, elegANT climbs the top rope with Logan spread out in the center of the ring. He leaps...Good Day, Sir! connects! The Frog Splash has Logan down for the 1 !........2 !........3 -

Romero is on the save with not a second to spare! He is physically injured with the Suicide Dive and breaking the pin. Seeing that Keaton shows no signs of getting up, Cooper becomes defiant; heads back to the apron with a determined look. Logan pushes elegANT off of him. ANT staggers and Cooper is there for the tag. He powers through, knocking Logan down with a European Uppercut! elegANT doesn't catch his wind and falls to the outside trying to catch his breath. Cooper knocks The Beard from the apron using Logan McAllister and hits Your Final Verse!!! Logan is out cold. Cooper leaves the ring to check on his partner once more. Keaton seems to be moving and gesturing for Justin to go make the pin...Cooper scrambles back in...he hooks the leg and Katie's there for the 1 !.............2 !.....................3 -

Nobody is there to make the save. Eddie rests against the turnbuckle and watches as his partner is pinned.

Harrys: Here are your winners....Remarkable Mark Keaton and Justin Cooper....they are...well....Cooper & Keaton !!!

Everest: Cooper changed gears there at the end. Looks like he's forming quite a bond with Remarkable Mark Keaton. Now they're in contention for the belts.

Connor: They were the underdogs coming in, but now they'll get to fight against either John Doe or Phantoms of Chaos soon enough. These guys deserve a chance.

Copeland: I don't know, Cat. They all deserve a shot to be fair. The tag division is booming with such talent like Bearded Ants and Men of Mayhem.

Cohen: Ha. I wouldn't say that just yet. Look what's going on in the ring, boys and girls...

As Justin Cooper picks Mark Keaton off the ground, and The Beard does the same for elegANT respectively, Eddie Romero enters the ring and helps Logan McAllister up. He proceeds to knock him right the back down! Brittany slides into the ring to break the two apart, but Eddie grabs her by her hair and slams her into the mat. Logan sees this, roars, and tackles Romero. He jerks him back up and grabs him for The Provider! The audience bellows in approval as Eddie tastes his own blood. Logan checks on Brittany, sees that she is alright, and then steps out and checks for something underneath the ring. He pulls out a shovel. He climbs back in with the spade and smacks Eddie in the face! The sound is heard all over the arena. Eddie dons the crimson mask as Logan continues to way-lay into the Armando Paradyse in denial. EMTS are on the scene and pull Logan off of him. The fans start chanting:

THANK YOU LOGAN! *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

THANK YOU LOGAN! *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

THANK YOU LOGAN! *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

Logan McAllister looks at the audience in confusion, and drops the shovel. He vacates the premise without a word.

Copeland: Wow. Men of Mayhem are no more.

Everest: In his shoes, I would have done the same. Sure, I can take an aggressive bump here and there, but to attack a woman that's not a wrestler is a bit horrible.

Cohen: The writing was on the wall. Eddie was waiting for this moment, but I don't think it went to plan. I don't know when we'll see him again. He's busted up quite a bit.

Connor: Whether it's next week, next month, or next year, one thing is certain. Eddie Romero has shown his true colors. Wonder what the future holds for Logan McAllister now. Anyways, it was a pleasure having you here with us, Everest.

Everest: Pleasure is all mine. Quite a way to start up Apocalypse, eh? I will see you guys later.

Copeland: Up Next: Our PPV Apocalypse! Here we go!
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