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WZCW: Apocalypse Pre-Show

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
The Apocalypse arena is close to filling up as the last crowd members are getting to their seats, grabbing snacks and beverages for the long haul that awaits them. Nothing interesting has happened except for some promotional advertisements and ring construction but other than that, the crowd has been waiting patiently. Some excitement comes in the form of the three announcers walking down together, making their way to the tables. The crowd cheers for them as they know things are about to get started.

At that moment, Selena Anderson gets into the ring with some cheers and is ready to make an announcement.

Copeland: Hello everyone! Great to see that you've joined us early as tonight we have a special surprise for all of you.

Connor: It has been arranged that live on the Pay-Per-View channels in your country, the Apocalypse pre-show matches will be shown on television for free.

Cohen: However, the rest of the PPV is going to require you to spend some moneys so for all of you cheap people out there, savour this time because this may not happen again!

Copeland: You have less than 30 minutes to order so I suggest you go ahead and buy Apocalypse, live on PPV. For now, however, we are going to kick-start this pre-show with a Mayhem Contenders match... in a Fatal Four Way, happening after a word from our sponsors.
Anderson: The following Four-Way Mayhem Contenders Match is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first, from Beardsville, IL and weighing in at 285 pounds, The Beard!

The Beard slaps hands with fans and poses as he climbs into the ring.

Anderson: Next, from Las Vegas and weighing in at 175 pounds, Vega!

Vega jogs down the ramp and climbs into the ring, tossing his trench coat out.

Anderson: From Detroit, Michigan and weighing in at 201 pounds, “The Shooting Star” Josh Young!

Young sprints to the ring and poses in each of the four corners.

Anderson: And finally, from Portland, Oregon and weighing in at 242 pounds, “The Subculture Savior” Jacoby Capone!

Capone yells at some fans as he heads toward the ring, ditching his jacket and t-shirt before he joins his three opponents inside.

The bell rings and the four men pair off, with Vega going at The Beard to avenge his loss from Aftershock last week, and Capone and Young slugging away at each other. Vega has Beard down to a knee as Young tries a spinning back kick on Capone. Capone ducks, however, picks up Young in a fireman’s carry and drops him over the top to the floor in a variation of a Samoan drop. Capone then runs across the ring and throws Vega to the floor, leaving just Jacoby and the downed Beard in the ring. Capone drops his knee repeatedly on the leg of The Beard before hopping up to the second rope and connecting with a leg drop. He goes for a cover, but is pulled to the outside by Vega, who connects with a kick to the head, dropping Capone. He slides into the ring, but is sent flying by a hurricanrana by Josh Young, who had been waiting on a corner on the other side of the ring. Young gets back to his feet, but is thrown over the top to the floor by a belly-to-belly suplex from The Beard, who grabs at his leg afterward.

Copeland: Fast and furious action here on the Apocalypse pre-show! Who will be become the number one contender to the Mayhem Championship?

Cohen: And not just that, Seabass. We don’t even know who the champion will be. Can Connor Reese dethrone Ace Stevens later tonight?

The Beard goes after Vega, but Vega is able to kick out the bad leg and take the big man down. He goes for knee strikes to the head, but The Beard catches Vega’s leg and is able to roll him over into a variation of a jackknife pin, 1…2. Vega kicks out. Both men scramble to their feet. Vega tried to end it with a flying triangle choke, but The Beard catches him and lifts him in a gorilla press. He turns to the center of the ring, and is met with a spinwheel kick from Capone, dropping Vega across The Beard’s knees in the process, similar to a gutbuster. The Beard rolls to the floor as Capone hits a running senton splash to Vega. Before he can cover, Josh Young comes in with a springboard DDT to Capone. Young covers, 1…2.. Capone kicks out. Young crawls over to Vega for another cover, but Vega rolls him up, 1… Young rolls back, 1… Capone breaks it up. The three men get back to their feet and trade punches, but The Beard comes back in and lands on top of all three with a running crossbody, 1…2… all three kick out just before three.

Connor: What a move by The Beard! Even with a bad leg, he was able to take down all 3 of his opponents.

Cohen: I don’t know if his leg will hold up much longer though, CC. That’s a lot of man and facial hair to carry around on an injury.

Copeland: And don’t forget about the shot Vega’s ribs took earlier. I’m sure that crossbody didn’t help that situation at all.

The three downed men try to start getting to their feet as The Beard climbs to the top. He may be looking for The Flying Beard, but his opponents get to their feet. Vega is sent to the floor courtesy of Capone while Young leaps to the top and brings The Beard crashing down with a sitout facebuster. Young grabs the legs of The Beard and puts him in a figure four leglock. The Beard screams out in pain and lifts his arm, ready to tap. From out of nowhere, however, Capone flies in and hits Young with The Vinyl Splash. Young grabs at his ribs as Capone rolls to the floor, pulling The Beard with him. The Beard eats a right hand before being whipped into the steel ring steps, knees first. Capone takes a moment to smile at his handiwork before rolling back into the ring to finish off Josh Young. Capone picks up young for Cobain’s Shotgun, but Young slips out and connects with a spinning reverse STO. Capone is lying flat on his back and Young sets for Young at Heart. Unbeknownst to him, however Vega pulls Capone to the floor and once Young leaps from the top; Vega catches Young in a triangle choke! Young fights to get to the ropes, but eventually has to tap out!

Anderson: The winner of the match, and new number one contender to the Mayhem Championship, Vega!

This was a great showing by all four men here tonight on the pre-show. Any of the participants in this match could be a Mayhem Champion in the future, but Vega will get the next shot.

Cohen: I love seeing a wrestler take advantage of an opportunity like that. Young turned his back, so Vega made him pay.

Connor: An excellent bit of scouting by Vega. I wouldn't be surprised to see him again later to do some more scouting during the Mayhem Title match.

Vega poses in the ring, holding his ribs as The Beard and Josh Young are helped to the back and Jacoby Capone walks up the ramp, shaking his head.

Copeland: Well, as we press on with the pre-show we are strongly recommending that you book the PPV right now because we are less than 15 minutes away from starting. In the meantime, we're going to talk about our predictions for the matches and what is going to...

Copeland pauses for a moment as he receives something via headset.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen... you are in for a treat. We won't be doing predictions as we are starting another match very shortly.

Connor: Another match? We only have one pre-show match scheduled for tonight?

Copeland: Exactly! I've been told that the 6 Man Tag Team Exhibition match will be starting in a moment!

Cohen: Wow... they really are pandering to the bludgers out there that won't book Apocalypse.

Copeland: Tag Team action... right now!
Anderson: The following contest is the 6 Man Tag Team Exhibition match, scheduled for one fall!


The crowd get on their feet as the trio of Triple X, Steven Kurtesy and Titus all make their way out onto the stage. X is hyped for the match and is getting he crowd hyped out as well, running everywhere as Kurtesy takes a bow with Titus looking around the arena. Triple X holds up an "X" sign before the three men walk down together, discussing about the match. All three men slide in the ring and pose for the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, the team of Steven Kurtesy, Titus & Triple X!

Connor: It's a nice notion to see that they allowed Triple X's theme to be played. A sign of respect from the veterans in some regard.

Cohen: You've always got to prepare for the future and whether you like it or not, X is one of them will be there.


Copeland: Just like this young man here.

The crowd continues cheering as the other 3 competitors walk out; Runn comes out and wipes his eyes, looking ready to go as Celeste and Ricky follow after him. Runn leads the team as they make their way down the ramp with Ricky pandering to the crowd as well as Celeste hi-fiving a couple of fans.

Anderson: And their opponents; the team of Celeste Crimson, Steamboat Ricky & Ricky Runn!

Before the second team enters the ring, they decide for Ricky Runn to start off this match as Celeste/Steamboat stay on the apron. Ricky begins chatting to Celeste who looks towards him, giving a small laugh (assuming Steamboat is chatting up Celeste) whilst Kurtesy and Titus agree to let Triple X start the encounter. The referee calls for the bell.

The two men circle around the ring with everyone in the crowd loving this possible dream match-making of two hi-fliers competing against each other. They lock-up but Runn quickly arm drags Triple X. X is up quickly and Runn hits another arm drag. X is up once more and Runn switches to a quick snapmare, following up with a quick dropkick to the face. He goes to cover but X kicks out at 1. Runn grabs the head of X and goes to put him into his corner for a tag but X grabs Runn's arm; Hammerlock followed by a twisting motion into a short-armed lariat. Runn shakes off the contact and goes to get up however he is met by a running forearm smash by X, who kips-up after. He goes to his corner and tags in Titus, who gets a cheer as X leaves. Titus goes to Runn and hits a kesagiri chop as he gets up, transitioning into a European uppercut. Runn staggers back and lands in his corner, allowing Celeste to tag in. She doesn't take her time and goes straight for Titus who tries for a standing spinning heel kick but Celeste evades the contact, following up with an evenflow DDT. She measures up Titus and hits a standing moonsault.... 1... 2... kick-out by Titus.

Connor: Back-and-forth action here between these two teams. Looks like this is going to be a competitive match.

Copeland: Unfortunately though ladies and gentleman, for those of you who have yet to book, we are going to cut things short here as we are going straight to PPV section of the event. This match will continue off-camera for a moment but when we come back, we'll update you on the match.

Cohen: There is still time to book!

The camera fades as the match continues to be in progress with Celeste picking up Titus from the ground...


To Be Continued

Order WZCW Apocalypse 2012 right now to watch the rest of the Pay-Per-View event. Contact your television provider now to order: there is only a few minutes left (of promotional commercials) before the live session closes, so hurry and get your bookings down now!
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