WZ University Faculty - Let's Figure Things Out


Excellence of Execution
I love the idea of WZ University. I'm not sure how much traffic it will drive, but if there's a few people who read different topics and learn, then it will be worth it. Plus I think it will be fun to have a repository of information which can be easily sourced, rather than having to constantly re-post the same thing over and over each time it comes up in a topic.

With that said, I'd like to hear some of your suggestions for how this place will run. Right now, I have a few categories (in the US, we'd call them Majors in college, I don't know how the rest of the world refers to them) under which we can come up with various topics. But I'll talk about those in another thread.

What I want to do in this thread is discuss some logistics. How in-depth and how far are some of you wanting to take this? Is anyone interested in working up Powerpoint presentations? I've already reserved a YouTube account for this, will anyone want to create video presentations? Obviously, these would not be required, I'm just seeing if anyone is interested.

I really want WZ University to be similar to online courses for a college. I'm even interested in (very short) quizzes after each lesson. I'd like to see people come up with a few short questions (and provide answers in spoilers) after each lesson, as a way to summarize the lesson. Would this be too much to ask?

Also, are we wanting to keep WZ University contained solely on WZ or do we want to extend to a website? There are benefits and drawbacks to both, but I think we'll need to decide how in-depth we want to get with this before we decide. Right now, I'm thinking we stay on WZ Forums and then extend if we have to. However, there would be some advantages if we move to a website or even a forum/website hybrid (for example, a website would give much greater flexibility when it comes to creating quizzes and stuff).

Those are just some questions I have right now. I'll post some general categories in another thread in just a moment, but outside of that, are there any questions? Any suggestions? I love the idea, but I'm not completely sold on how well it will work so I'm looking for suggestions. As always, suggestions are appreciated but not guaranteed to be implemented.
I love the idea of WZ University. I'm not sure how much traffic it will drive, but if there's a few people who read different topics and learn, then it will be worth it. Plus I think it will be fun to have a repository of information which can be easily sourced, rather than having to constantly re-post the same thing over and over each time it comes up in a topic.

With that said, I'd like to hear some of your suggestions for how this place will run. Right now, I have a few categories (in the US, we'd call them Majors in college, I don't know how the rest of the world refers to them) under which we can come up with various topics. But I'll talk about those in another thread.

What I want to do in this thread is discuss some logistics. How in-depth and how far are some of you wanting to take this? Is anyone interested in working up Powerpoint presentations? I've already reserved a YouTube account for this, will anyone want to create video presentations? Obviously, these would not be required, I'm just seeing if anyone is interested.

I really want WZ University to be similar to online courses for a college. I'm even interested in (very short) quizzes after each lesson. I'd like to see people come up with a few short questions (and provide answers in spoilers) after each lesson, as a way to summarize the lesson. Would this be too much to ask?

Also, are we wanting to keep WZ University contained solely on WZ or do we want to extend to a website? There are benefits and drawbacks to both, but I think we'll need to decide how in-depth we want to get with this before we decide. Right now, I'm thinking we stay on WZ Forums and then extend if we have to. However, there would be some advantages if we move to a website or even a forum/website hybrid (for example, a website would give much greater flexibility when it comes to creating quizzes and stuff).

Those are just some questions I have right now. I'll post some general categories in another thread in just a moment, but outside of that, are there any questions? Any suggestions? I love the idea, but I'm not completely sold on how well it will work so I'm looking for suggestions. As always, suggestions are appreciated but not guaranteed to be implemented.

In terms of how far we want to go, I guess it depends on how well we get through things. This place is going to be something that grows and grows if we execute it right. I would assume that this place will evolve as we put more into it. Right now, my vote would be getting the basics down and then expanding where applicable.

I can mock up graphics for it, no problem at all. But Powerpoint might be a little time consuming given that I am about to have a baby and such...

And, finally, I would vote for keeping it here. The traffic is better here than any website we could create, I would assume. Plus, everything we need is here and we can control it. Youtube might be handy in the future though.
In terms of how far we want to go, I guess it depends on how well we get through things. This place is going to be something that grows and grows if we execute it right. I would assume that this place will evolve as we put more into it. Right now, my vote would be getting the basics down and then expanding where applicable.
Opinion noted. Let's see what some others think.

I can mock up graphics for it, no problem at all. But Powerpoint might be a little time consuming given that I am about to have a baby and such...
I didn't even know you were pregnant. Congratulations. ;)

And as far as the Powerpoint stuff goes, I don't think I was clear what I meant (because I feel like others have been unsure too). I meant a Powerpoint type thing to accompany lessons. No one has to do them, I was just wondering if anyone wanted to.

And, finally, I would vote for keeping it here. The traffic is better here than any website we could create, I would assume. Plus, everything we need is here and we can control it. Youtube might be handy in the future though.
Sounds like you and I are pretty much thinking the same. And it's not like we can't expand in the future if more features are necessary. I'm not worried about the traffic part of it (it will always be a WZ thing), I just know there are some potential features a forum prevents us from having.

Anyways, good to hear some perspective. Hopefully we'll get a few more.
Im a powerpoint beast, so if we want to roll that direction we can.

Also, obviously, I have the podcast. I can record audio lessons and give them to you as MP3's to be uploaded to Youtube, and someone who is savvy with doing youtube videos can overlay visual examples of what im talking about(in the audio)
I think we can split between a written run down with a summation at the end (in the form of your questions or major points with answers in spoilers) and then imbed Youtube audio with the picture examples in the posts as well, if we want to just keep it on here (which I think would be the best place to start)
Another question I have:

Where do we put the WZ University on the forums? The people who need the help the most are the least likely to travel down to the Interactive section. But, without that said, I don't want to clutter up the main forums either. Any ideas or suggestions?
Why not make it it's own section above the eFed? Or failing that, under the General Wrestling Forum. It is interactive but you are right when you say that people won't scroll down.
People enjoy clicking links, right? I wonder if it might be of some minor benefit to include links in some of our posts that pertain to subjects contained in the WZ University section, such as:

........In the 1960's WWWF, Bruno Sammartino was the champion (See:WZ University). His first title reign lasted from 1963 to 1971 and he..........

Of course, very few of us 'All-star Beautiful People' post in non-spam, although the links to the University section could be worked into Spam whenever possible, too.

Over time, wouldn't it be terrific if regular members of the board (who are not as Beautiful as us) included links to the section in some of their posts, too? That would be a clear sign that the project is reaching those whom we want to reach.
Keep the ideas coming, I love it.
People enjoy clicking links, right? I wonder if it might be of some minor benefit to include links in some of our posts that pertain to subjects contained in the WZ University section, such as:

........In the 1960's WWWF, Bruno Sammartino was the champion (See:WZ University). His first title reign lasted from 1963 to 1971 and he..........

Of course, very few of us 'All-star Beautiful People' post in non-spam, although the links to the University section could be worked into Spam whenever possible, too.

Over time, wouldn't it be terrific if regular members of the board (who are not as Beautiful as us) included links to the section in some of their posts, too? That would be a clear sign that the project is reaching those whom we want to reach.
I love this idea. This is the type of thing I was talking about when I mentioned we could use this place as a source in a post. Great idea.
I would think beneath the main wrestling sections and above the non-wrestling sections. As important and big as this is going to be, I don't like the idea of anything being permanently above the main section.
I would almost put it under the very top administrative section.

This was kinda my vote, since it is something that should be read before posting, but we all know that the people who need it are also the laziest, as Sly said.

I'm with Sally's idea of referencing it in our posts. Although she did say we were all beautiful, and I feel a little excluded now.
I'm thinking about starting a weekly series of threads that cover the misconceptions of many aspects of the wrestling business and trying to clear them up as best as possible. Today, I want to talk to you guys about the term "put over". This has become a famous term amongst the IWC. It's seen on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on internet forums, just about anywhere on the internet where wrestling is mentioned, and even is talked about in person by various people amongst each other.

What the hell? What the blithering fuck?

This guy's stealing the WZ University idea! (http://www.forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=304491)

A weekly series of OUR stuff?

We are the tenured professors. We are the shit!

Administrators, I'm not asking you to ban BringThePain834........I'm telling you.


Yeah, I saw that too. The good news for us is that no one is going to listen to BringThePain834...his posting has ensured that.

As far as WZ University goes, does anyone want to contribute any more topic ideas in the other thread?
I think I've got everything set up and moved. Any one have any suggestions on anything which could be better? I just quickly whipped up the forum descriptions, so please feel free to provide better ones.
Something just occurred to me. Each topic we put up has the same 'reply' function as any other post on the forum. Wouldn't it be contrary to what we're trying to do to have people answer our posts, perhaps even trying to engage us in debate, disagreement.....or even agreement?

This is supposed to be a reference section in which folks come to learn about stuff they are interested in, not an area for discussion. Is there a way to disable the 'reply' button......or do we even want to do that?

One more thing: No one but the professors can see the entries in the 'WZ University Faculty' section in which I'm posting this entry, can they? I've already written a couple of smart aleck remarks I wouldn't want the general populace to see.
Something just occurred to me. Each topic we put up has the same 'reply' function as any other post on the forum. Wouldn't it be contrary to what we're trying to do to have people answer our posts, perhaps even trying to engage us in debate, disagreement.....or even agreement?

This is supposed to be a reference section in which folks come to learn about stuff they are interested in, not an area for discussion. Is there a way to disable the 'reply' button......or do we even want to do that?
I've gone back and forth on this. In some ways, I want this to be a reference, but in other ways, it would be good for the "students" to be able to ask questions of their professors.

I'm not sure how I feel about it and if anyone has opinions, feel free to voice them.

One more thing: No one but the professors can see the entries in the 'WZ University Faculty' section in which I'm posting this entry, can they? I've already written a couple of smart aleck remarks I wouldn't want the general populace to see.
It's only us. Kind of like the All-Star forum or Board Room.
I've gone back and forth on this. In some ways, I want this to be a reference, but in other ways, it would be good for the "students" to be able to ask questions of their professors.

Questions could be fine....and intelligent criticism might be useful....but remember the nature of this forum. So many responses come as insults, complete with profanity and comments questioning the legitimacy of the author's birth :disappointed:, that a few 'Crocker' type personalities could turn the University section into a mockery. (I wasn't overly thrilled when Crocker replied to a thread I initiated in WWE section by informing me that: '....you suck Cena's cock, don't you?' Do you want stuff like that showing up in the University section?)

I envisioned this section as an 'encyclopedic' type effort....and encyclopedias don't have space for readers to discuss the contents, so maybe we shouldn't.

Then again, if there's no way for 'students' to reply to one of our entries within the WZ University section, they might start a thread addressing it in one of the regular forum columns. Actually, that could be good because it would serve as an inducement for people who read their post to visit our section and see what it's all about. That's free publicity for our new endeavor.

For that matter, can a 'student' (a non-faculty member) contribute an article to this section if they want? If so, only heaven knows what our 'reference' section might turn into.
Questions could be fine....and intelligent criticism might be useful....but remember the nature of this forum. So many responses come as insults, complete with profanity and comments questioning the legitimacy of the author's birth :disappointed:, that a few 'Crocker' type personalities could turn the University section into a mockery. (I wasn't overly thrilled when Crocker replied to a thread I initiated in WWE section by informing me that: '....you suck Cena's cock, don't you?' Do you want stuff like that showing up in the University section?)

I envisioned this section as an 'encyclopedic' type effort....and encyclopedias don't have space for readers to discuss the contents, so maybe we shouldn't.

Then again, if there's no way for 'students' to reply to one of our entries within the WZ University section, they might start a thread addressing it in one of the regular forum columns. Actually, that could be good because it would serve as an inducement for people who read their post to visit our section and see what it's all about. That's free publicity for our new endeavor.
Great points. I'm kind of curious what others think.

For that matter, can a 'student' (a non-faculty member) contribute an article to this section if they want? If so, only heaven knows what our 'reference' section might turn into.
No, I'll be sure to not allow that.

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